HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018 01 08 Consent 301 NSSLIA Streetlight Agreement for Integra 360 DevelopmentCOMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 301 REQUEST: Informational Consent X Public Hearings Regular January 08, 2018 KS BF Regular Meeting City Manager Department The Community Development Department is requesting that the City Commission approve a Neighborhood Street Sign and Light Improvement Agreement ( NSSLIA) with the Integra 360 developer, CIP 2014/Winter Springs 360 Owner, LLC. SYNOPSIS: The Integra 360 Apartments project includes a total of 20 decorative streetlights in the public right -of -way sections of the new streets. The NSSLIA is the City's standard agreement for establishing terms for the City's reimbursement of the base streetlight rate. CONSIDERATIONS: . The ICI / Integra 360 PUD Ordinance, Master Plan, and Developer's Agreement was approved by the City Commission on January 25, 2016. The Developer's Agreement requires the installation of decorative streetlights along the public right -of -way sections of the access roads, as defined on the recorded plat. . A total of 20 decorative streetlights are located on public streets. The public streets will be used for access to Integra 360, the undeveloped front commercial parcels in front of Integra 360, and the GID properties east of the ICI /Integra site. The decorative streetlights are described as follows: o (20) 60W LED Biscayne Fixtures - Q206 o (20) 16 -foot Washington Single Poles - PLBCI6W The Neighborhood Street Sign and Light Improvement Agreement ( NSSLIA, see Attachment A) is the City's standard agreement for establishing the terms for the Consent 301 PAGE 1 OF 2 - January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¶V:HEVLWH/DVHU)LFKHDQG WKH&LW\¶V6HUYHU$GGLWLRQDOO\SRUWLRQVRIWKLV$JHQGD,WHPDUHW\SHGYHUEDWLPRQWKH UHVSHFWLYH0HHWLQJ$JHQGDZKLFKKDVDOVREHHQHOHFWURQLFDOO\IRUZDUGHGWRWKHLQGLYLGXDOV QRWHGDERYHDQGZKLFKLVDOVRDYDLODEOHRQWKH&LW\¶V:HEVLWH/DVHU)LFKHDQGWKH&LW\¶V 6HUYHUKDVEHHQVHQWWRDSSOLFDEOH&LW\6WDII0HGLD3UHVV5HSUHVHQWDWLYHVZKRKDYH UHTXHVWHG$JHQGDV$JHQGD,WHPLQIRUPDWLRQ+RPHRZQHU¶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ŽŶƐĞŶƚϯϬϭW'ϮK&ϮͲ:ĂŶƵĂƌLJϬϴ͕ϮϬϭϴ NEIGHBORHOOD STREET LIGHT IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT This Neighborhood Street Light Improvement Agreement ( "Agreement ") is made and entered into this day of , 20, by and between the City of Winter Springs, a Florida municipal corporation ( "City "), and CIP 2014/Winter Springs 360 Owner LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ( "Developer"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Developer is the developer of City of Winter Springs, Florida ( "Development "); and Integra 360 located within the WHEREAS, the City generally provides standard street lights located on City streets that traverse through the real property which constitutes the Development; and WHEREAS, Developer and the City desire to provide enhanced decorative street lights at the Developer's expense under the terms and conditions herein; and WHEREAS, the parties acknowledge that this Agreement will improve the aesthetic appearance of the City's streets primarily for benefit and enjoyment of Developer, the property owners in the Development, and incidentally to the rest of the citizens of Winter Springs. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises set forth hereunder, and other good and valuable consideration, which the parties acknowledge has been exchanged, the parties agree as follows: Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are hereby incorporated herein as a material part of this Agreement. Section 2. Definitions. The following words and phrases used herein shall have the following meaning unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: 2.1 "Duke Energy" shall mean Duke Energy and any successor and assign to the City's electric franchise. 2.2 Intentionally Deleted. 2.3 "Street Light Base Rate" shall mean the actual cost charged by Duke Energy to maintain and operate a standard concrete pole and cobra fixture. Said costs include electric, equipment rental, maintenance, gross receipts tax and other associated charges imposed by Duke Energy in accordance with law. At the effective date of this Agreement, the Street Light Base Rate is equal to $ 13.36 . The parties acknowledge that said base rate is subject to periodic adjustments by Duke Energy and the City of Winter Springs. Section 3. Scope of Proiect. The City and Developer agree that this Agreement shall cover only decorative street lights as set forth in Exhibit "1 ". The City and Developer agree that Developer desires to purchase, install, maintain and operate the decorative street lights depicted Neighborhood Street Light Improvement Agreement City of Winter Springs Page 1 of 6 ORLDOCS 15793974 2 23877.0029 and itemized in Exhibit "I ", which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (the "Project "). The parties acknowledge that when decorative street lights are installed, they must be provided by Duke Energy and approved by the City of Winter Springs. Section 4. Developer's Obligations. Developer agrees to perform the following obligations: 4.1 Intentionally Deleted 4.2 Decorative Street Lights. Developer agrees to fully cooperate with the City to acquire, install, maintain, and operate 20 decorative street lights required by the Project as follows: (A) Developer shall assume the full responsibility of maintaining the Duke Energy invoice for all of the street lights covered by the Project, including having the account placed in the name of Developer and making prompt and timely payments on said account. Upon turn -over to the Homeowners' or Community Association consistent with Section 7 of this Agreement, said Association shall assume responsibility for the street lights and have the account placed in its name. (B) Developer shall be responsible for promptly reporting all broken or damaged street lights directly to Duke Energy. The City reserves the right to do the same in the event that Developer fails in said reporting responsibilities. Section 5. City's Obligations. Subject to Developer's compliance with its payment responsibilities set forth under this Agreement, the City agrees to perform the following obligations: 5.1 Intentionally deleted. 5.2 The City will assist Developer in coordinating with Duke Energy to acquire and install the decorative street lights. Conditioned upon completion of each of the following: (i) installation and the establishment of an account with Duke Energy, and (ii) all common areas being built to 100% completion, the City agrees to reimburse the Developer for the maintenance and operation of the decorative street lights in an amount equal and strictly limited to the Street Light Base Rate. The City shall not be obligated to reimburse Developer until each of the preceding conditions is met. The City shall make the reimbursement on a quarterly basis. However, with respect to any increase in the number of street lights above the number that were actually installed for Developer at the effective date of this Agreement, the City shall not be responsible for the Street Light Base Rate for the additional street lights unless the City agrees, in its discretion, that the additional light(s) were required to bring Developer's street light plan into conformance with Duke Energy's standard photometric requirements. Further, reimbursement shall only be made for those street lights that are operational and only where Developer has provided to the City proof of payment. Section 6. Title to Street Lights. The right, title and interest of the decorative street lights shall be vested in Duke Energy. Developer shall have no property interest in the decorative street lights. Neighborhood Street Sign and Light Improvement Agreement City of Winter Springs Page 2 of 6 ORLDOCS 15793974 2 23877.0029 Section 7. Assignment of Agreement. Upon the sale of the Development by Developer, Developer shall assign this Agreement to the buyer thereof and such buyer shall be responsible for the Developer's obligations and commitments contained herein. Section 8. Applicable Law; Venue. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida and the Winter Springs Code. The parties agree that venue shall be exclusively within Seminole County, Florida, for all state disputes or actions which arise out of or are based upon this Agreement, and in Orlando, Florida, for all such federal disputes or actions. Section 9. Amendments. This Agreement shall not be modified or amended except by written agreement executed by all parties hereto and approved by the City Commission or City Manager of the City of Winter Springs. Section 10. Entire Agreement; Headings. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties as to the subject matter hereof. The Agreement may only bind the City if executed by the City Manager or Mayor of Winter Springs. Paragraph headings are for convenience of the parties only and are not to be construed as part of this Agreement. All references to whole paragraph numbers (e.g. 2) shall include all subparagraphs thereunder (e.g., 2.1). Section 11. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable to any extent by a court of competent jurisdiction, the City shall have the unconditional right to terminate this Agreement, modify this Agreement with the Association's consent, or remain in the Agreement as modified by the court. Section 12. Sovereign Immunity. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as a waiver of the City's right to sovereign immunity under Section 768.28, Florida Statues, or any other limitation on the City's potential liability under state or federal law. Said rights and limitations shall be deemed fully incorporated herein by this reference. Section 13. Notice. All notices and correspondence in connection with this Agreement must be in writing. Notice and correspondence shall be sent by first class mail or hand delivered at the addresses set forth below or at such other addresses as the parties hereto shall designate to each other in writing. (a) If to the City: City Manager City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 -2799 407 - 327 -5976 (Phone) 407 - 327 -6695 (Fax) Neighborhood Street Sign and Light Improvement Agreement City of Winter Springs Page 3 of 6 ORLDOCS 15793974 2 23877.0029 (b) If to Developer: c/o Integra 360 Development, Inc. Attention: David G. McDaniel 1525 International Drive, Suite 2001 Lake Mary, FL 32746 407 - 833 -3927 (Phone) Section 14. Waiver. Any forbearance by the City in exercising any right or remedy under this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. Section 15. City's Right to Seek Equitable Relief and Special Assessment. Developer agrees, acknowledges and recognizes that any breach of this Agreement by Developer may result in irreparable harm to the City. Developer agrees that in addition to and not in lieu of all legal and equitable remedies available to City by reason of such breach, City shall be entitled to equitable relief (including, without limitation, specific performance and injunctive relief) to enjoin the occurrence and condition of the breach. Further, in the event Developer fails to make any payments that are required herein, Developer acknowledges and agrees that the decorative street lights provide a special benefit to the Association and its members and that said special benefit is shared proportionately by all property owners within the Development. In the event that the City determines that Developer has not made the payments required by this Agreement, the City reserves the unconditional right to assess Developer and the Development's individual property owners for Developer's costs for the decorative street lights. In the event the City is required to initiate an assessment, Developer agrees to fully support the assessment and Developer shall not contest, challenge or intervene in the assessment process. Further, in the event that Developer defaults on any street light account with Duke Energy which is covered by this Agreement, the City shall also, at its sole discretion, have the right to transfer said accounts into the City's name and thereby assume all the rights afforded an account holder. Section 16. Attorneys Fees. The prevailing party in any litigation arising under this Agreement shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys' and paralegal fees and costs, whether incurred at trial or appeal. [Signature pages to follow] Neighborhood Street Sign and Light Improvement Agreement City of Winter Springs Page 4 of 6 ORLDOCS 15793974 2 23877.0029 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above. Witnesses: Print Name Print Name STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE DEVELOPER CIP 2014/Winter Springs 360 Owner LLC, a Delaware limited liability company By: CIP 2014/Winter Springs 360 Holdings LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, its sole member By: Winter Springs 360 Operator LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, its Administrative Manager By: Integra 360 Development, Inc., a Florida corporation, Manager IM David G. McDaniel, President The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 20 , by David G. McDaniel, as President of Integra 360 Development, Inc., a Florida corporation, manager of Winter Springs 360 Operator, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, administrative manager of CIP 2014/Winter Springs 360 Holdings LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, sole member of CIP 2014/Winter Springs Owner LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, and who is personally known to me or who has produced a Florida Driver's License as identification and who did not take an oath. (NOTARY SEAL) Notary Public Signature Typed or Printed Notary Name Neighborhood Street Sign and Light Improvement Agreement City of Winter Springs Page 5 of 6 ORLDOCS 15793974 2 23877.0029 Witnesses: Print Name Print Name STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, a Florida Municipal Corporation: IM Kevin L. Smith, City Manager The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 20 , by Kevin L. Smith, City Manager of Winter Springs, Florida, who is personally known to me. (NOTARY SEAL) Notary Public Signature Typed or Printed Notary Name Neighborhood Street Sign and Light Improvement Agreement City of Winter Springs Page 6 of 6 ORLDOCS 15793974 2 23877.0029 Duke Energy St. Petersburg, FL 10/31/2017 EXHIBIT 1 INVOICE Reprint Please mail remittance and signed copy of Invoice to: Duke Energy CIAC (BAY 72) PO Box 14042 St. Petersburg, FL 33733 Service Address: Customer Number: E STATE - ROAD -434 6167202133 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 WMIS WR Number: 1632620 Work Description: INTEGRA 360 APARTMENTS -ADDING AND RELOCATING SL Total CIAC Due: $ 5,982.39 This invoice reflects Contribution in Aid of (CIAC) Construction for the above referenced work. Agreement: The customer acknowledges receipt of invoice cover letter and further understands Customer is responsible for removing all obstructions from the route along which the Company's facilities are to be installed. Company shall not be responsible for any damage to shrubs, trees, grass, sod or any other foliage or property cause by the Company's equipment during installation of the Company's facilities. In addition, the Company shall not be responsible for the repair or replacement of underground facilities on the Customer's property damaged during the installation of the Company facilities, unless, prior to the Company's construction, the owner of the facilities clearly identified and marked the location of such facilities pursuant to any applicable statutory requirements concerning underground facility damage prevention. The undersigned hereby authorizes Duke Energy to perform this work with necessary labor, facilities and equipment and acknowledges the invoice amount becomes invalid if the signed agreement is not received by Duke Energy on o before 30 days. Customer Signature Date: //-/—/7 Name (please print or type) 122 -CIAC Invoice DUKE ENERGY: DE Contact: Ed Stevens Address: 3250 Bonnett Creek Rd. Lake Buena Vista, 171 32830 Phone: 352 - 978 -8802 Details Customer: INTEGRA 360 LLC Account: 6167202133 Site: 000 ESTATE ROAD 434 Contact: AUSTIN MCDANIEL Phone: 407- 833 -3927 Lighting Proposal WR 1632620 October 31, 2017 of THIS WORK REQUEST WILL RELOCATE 5 STREETLIGHT POLES AND FIXTURES AND INSTALL 3 STREET LIGHTS POLES AND FIXTURES TO SERVE INTEGRA 360 APARTMENTS Estimated Monthly Rental excludes any applicable taxes, franchise fees or customer charge. Deposit -The required deposit (applied separately to your lighting bill) will equal approximately two months of the monthly rental bill, but no less than $25.00 and subject to change upon review of the accounts existing deposit. CIAC - The invoice for the Contribution in Aid of Construction will be mailed to you separately upon approval of this proposal and payment is due before the work can be released to scheduling of construction. In order for us to Proceed with the above proposed liahtina design we will need an authorized sianature on this proposal and any other required documents enclosed. Do not remit any Payment with this form and do not fax. Return these sianed documents to the mailina address above or email the color scanned PDF if instructed. The CIAC charge is subject to change after 30 days or in the event you request or cause any changes to this proposal. Duke Energy will call for locate of all public facilities. Any customer owned utilites would need to be located and marked at your expense. If any or all of these lighting facilities will eventually be submitted to a governmental agency for inclusion into a taxing distnct, MSTU or MSBU special assessment program, please verify that these facilities meet the requirements within that jurisdiction. Should the agency not accept these facilities into their program, the entity who signs the Lighting Service Contract will remain responsible for payment. Thank you for your lighting request. We look forward to working with you on this project. Authorized Signature Date (Please sign and date to approve this proposal and return via email or the mailing address above) Per Unit Sub -Total Quantity Required Product Description Fixtures and Poles Rental Maint. Fuel & Energy Unit Total 3 60W LED Biscayne Q206 $19.11 $1.39 $1.30 $21.80 $65.40 3 16' WASHINGTON SNGL PLBC16W $21.77 $0.00 $0.00 $21.77 $65.31 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.001 $0.00 $0.001 $0.00 $0.001 $0.00 Rental, Maintenance, F &E Totals: Estimates valid for 30 days and subject to change. $122.64 $4.17 1 $3.90 Project Summary Totals Estimated Monthly Rental $130.71 Deposit $261.00 ¢ CIAC $5,982.39 Estimated Monthly Rental excludes any applicable taxes, franchise fees or customer charge. Deposit -The required deposit (applied separately to your lighting bill) will equal approximately two months of the monthly rental bill, but no less than $25.00 and subject to change upon review of the accounts existing deposit. CIAC - The invoice for the Contribution in Aid of Construction will be mailed to you separately upon approval of this proposal and payment is due before the work can be released to scheduling of construction. In order for us to Proceed with the above proposed liahtina design we will need an authorized sianature on this proposal and any other required documents enclosed. Do not remit any Payment with this form and do not fax. Return these sianed documents to the mailina address above or email the color scanned PDF if instructed. The CIAC charge is subject to change after 30 days or in the event you request or cause any changes to this proposal. Duke Energy will call for locate of all public facilities. Any customer owned utilites would need to be located and marked at your expense. If any or all of these lighting facilities will eventually be submitted to a governmental agency for inclusion into a taxing distnct, MSTU or MSBU special assessment program, please verify that these facilities meet the requirements within that jurisdiction. Should the agency not accept these facilities into their program, the entity who signs the Lighting Service Contract will remain responsible for payment. Thank you for your lighting request. We look forward to working with you on this project. Authorized Signature Date (Please sign and date to approve this proposal and return via email or the mailing address above) DUKE ENERGY, SECTION NO. VII SIXTH REVISED SHEET NO. 7.110 CANCELS FIFTH REVISED SHEET NO. 7.110 Page 1 of 4 LIGHTING SERVICE CONTRACT ACCOUNT NUMBER 6167202133 WORK ORDER NUMBER 1632620 DEF CONTACT Ed Stevens CUSTOMER NAME: INTEGRA 360 LLC SERVICE LOCATION(S) 000 ESTATE ROAD 434 (Street address, city /county, Company account number if established) This Lighting Service Contract (OContract0) is hereby entered into October 31, 2017 between Duke Energy Florida, LLC (hereinafter called the Company) and INTEGRA 360 LLC (hereinafter referred to as the OCustomerg) for lighting service at the above location(s). The Customer agrees to receive and pay for lighting service from the Company in accordance with the rates, terms and provisions of the Companyt Rate Schedule LS -1, or its successor, as the same is on file with the Florida Public Service Commission (FPSC) and as may be amended and subsequently filed with the FPSC. To the extent there is any conflict between this Contract and the Lighting Service Rate Schedule, the Lighting Rate Schedule shall control. The Customer further understands that service under this rate shall be for an initial term of ten (10) years and shall continue hereafter until terminated by either party upon written notice sixty (60) days prior to termination. The Company shall install the following facilities (hereinafter called the Facilities): Fixture / Pole Types and Number Installed: 60W LED Biscayne Q206 QTY 3 16' WASHINGTON SNGL PLBC16W QTY 3 QTY QTY QTY QTY QTY QTY Additional facilities: (Continued In Next Page) ISSUED BY: Javier J. Portuondo, Manager, Director, Rates & Regulatory Strategy - FL Form LS -1 EFFECTIVE: April 29, 2013 ce� DUKE ENERGY. SECTION NO. VII SIXTH REVISED SHEET NO. 7.111 CANCELS FIFTH REVISED SHEET NO. 7.111 Page 2 of 4 Rate per Month: The monthly charges consist of the items below. These charges may be adjusted subject to review and approval by the Florida Public Service Commission. Customer Charge Pole Charge Light Fixture Charge Light Fixture Maintenance Charge Energy and Demand Charge : Non -fuel Energy Charge Plus the Cost Recovery Factors listed in Rate Schedule BA -1, Billing Adjustments —, except the Fuel Cost Recovery Factor and Asset Securitization Charge Factor: Fuel Cost Recovery Factor * *: Asset Securitization Charge Factor: * *Charges are normally revised on an annual basis. Additional Charges: Certain additional charges may also apply to the installation. Gross Receipts Tax Factor: Right -of -Way Utilization Fees: Municipal Tax: Sales Tax: THE CUSTOMER AGREES: See Sheet No. 6.105 and 6.106 See Sheet No. 6.105 See Sheet No. 6.105 See Sheet No. 6.106 See Sheet No. 6.106 See Sheet No. 6.106 See Sheet No. 6.106 1. To purchase from the Company all of the electric energy used for the operation of the Lighting System. 2. To be responsible for paying, when due, all bills rendered by the Company pursuant to the Company0s currently effective Lighting Rate Schedule LS -1, or its successor, for facilities and service provided in accordance with this Contract. 3. To be responsible for trimming trees that may either obstruct the light output from fixture(s) or that obstruct maintenance access to the facilities. IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED THAT: 4. Requests for exchanging facilities, upgrades, relocations, etc. are subject to Section III, paragraph 3.05, of the Companylls General Rules and Regulations Governing Electric Service. 5. The Company does not guarantee continuous lighting service and will not be liable for damages for any interruption, deficiency or failure of service, and reserves the right to interrupt service at any time for necessary repairs to lines or equipment. Nothing in this Contract is intended to benefit any third party or to impose any obligation on the Company to any such third party. 6. Installation shall be made only when, in the judgment of the Company, the location and the type of the facilities are, and will continue to be, easily and economically accessible to the CompanyQs equipment and personnel for both construction and maintenance. In the event the Customer or its contractor, subcontractor or other agent changes the grading, which requires the Company to move its facilities or otherwise incur costs to ensure compliance with applicable code requirements, Customer shall compensate the Company for all such costs incurred by the Company to comply with any applicable code requirements. In the event Customer fails to pay the Company within 30 days of the completion of such work, Customer shall pay the Company any amounts owing the Company, including interest and any attorneys and other fees and costs the Company incurs to collect any amounts owed to the Company. 7. Modification of the facilities provided by the Company under this Contract may only be made through the execution of a written amendment to this Contract. (Continued in Next Page) ISSUED BY: Javier J. Portuondo, Manager, Director, Rates & Regulatory Strategy - FL Form LS -1 EFFECTIVE: April 19, 2016 t � DUKE ENERGY SECTION NO. VII FOURTH REVISED SHEET NO. 7.112 CANCELS THIRD REVISED SHEET NO. 7.112 Page 3 of 4 8. The Company will, at the request of the Customer, relocate the lighting facilities covered by this Agreement, if provided sufficient rights -of -way or easements to do so. The Customer shall be responsible for the payment of all costs associated with any such Customer - requested relocation of the Compano lighting facilities. 9. The Company may, at any time, substitute for any luminaire /lamp installed hereunder another luminaire /lamp which shall be of at least equal illuminating capacity and efficiency. 10. The Customer agrees to take responsibility for the cost incurred to repair or replace any fixture or pole which has been willfully damaged. The Company shall not be required to make such repair or replacement prior to payment by the Customer for damage. 11. The Company will repair or replace malfunctioning lighting fixtures maintained by the Company in accordance with Section 768.1382, Florida Statutes (2005). 12. This Contract shall be for a term of ten (10) years from the date of initiation of service. The date of initiation of service shall be defined as the date the first lights are energized. At the end of the term of service, a new Contract will be required. 13. Should the Customer fail to pay any bills due and rendered pursuant to this Contract or otherwise fail to perform the obligations contained in this Contract, said obligations being material and going to the essence of this Contract, the Company may cease to supply electric energy or service until the Customer has paid the bills due and rendered or has fully cured such other breach of this Contract. Service charges associated with the reconnection of service after disconnection for nonpayment or violation of Company or Commission Rules may be assessed for each lighting installation on an account. Any failure of the Company to exercise its rights hereunder shall not be a waiver of its rights. It is understood, however, that such discontinuance of the supplying of electric energy or service shall not constitute a breach of this Contract by the Company, nor shall it relieve the Customer of the obligation to perform any of the terms and conditions of this Contract. 14. If the Customer no longer wishes to receive service under this schedule, the Customer may terminate the Contract by giving the Company at least sixty (60) days advance written notice to the Company. Upon early termination of service, the Customer shall pay an amount equal to the remaining monthly customer charges and remaining pole and fixture lease amounts for the term of the contract. The Customer will be responsible for the cost of removing the facilities. 15. In the event of the sale of the real property upon which the facilities are installed, or if the CustomerDs obligations under this Contract are to be assigned to a third party, upon the written consent of the Company , this Contract may be assigned by the Customer to the Purchaser or to the third party. No assignment shall relieve the Customer from its obligations hereunder until such obligations have been assumed by the Purchaser or third party and agreed to by the Company. 16. This Contract supersedes all previous contracts or representations, either written, oral or otherwise between the Customer and the Company with respect to the facilities referenced herein and constitutes the entire Contract between the parties. This Contract does not create any rights or provide any remedies to third parties or create any additional duty, obligation or undertakings by the Company to third parties. 17. This Contract shall inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon the successors and assigns of the Customer and the Company. 18. This Contract is subject to the Companylls Tariff for Retail Service, or as they may be hereafter revised, amended or supplemented. In the event of any conflict between the terms of this Contract and the provisions of the Company0s Tariff for Retail Services, the provisions of the Company0s Tariff for Retail Service and FPSC Rules shall control, or as they may be hereafter revised, amended or supplemented. (Continued in Next Page) ISSUED BY: Javier J. Portuondo, Manager, Director, Rates & Regulatory Strategy - FL Form LS -1 EFFECTIVE: April 29, 2013 DUKE W" ENERGY, SECTION NO. VII SIXTH REVISED SHEET NO. 7.113 CANCELS FIFTH REVISED SHEET NO. 7.113 Page 4 of 4 19. The obligation to furnish or purchase service shall be excused at any time that either party is prevented from complying with this Contract by strikes, lockouts, fires, riots, acts of God, the public enemy, governmental or court actions, lightning, hurricanes, storms, floods, inclement weather that necessitates extraordinary measures and expense to construct facilities and /or maintain operations, or by any other cause or causes not under the control of the party thus prevented from compliance, and the Company shall not have the obligation to furnish service if it is prevented from complying with this Contract by reason of any partial, temporary or entire shut -down of service which, in the sole opinion of the Company, is reasonably necessary for the purpose of repairing or making more efficient all or any part of its generating, transmission, distribution or other electrical equipment. 20. In no event shall the Company, its parent corporation, affiliate corporations, officers, directors, employees, agents, and contractors or subcontractors be liable to the Customer, its employees, agents or representatives, for any incidental, indirect, special, consequential, exemplary, punitive or multiple damages resulting from any claim or cause of action, whether brought in contract, tort (including, but not limited to, negligence or strict liability), or any other legal theory. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereby caused this Contract to be executed in triplicate by their duly authorized representatives to be effective as of the day and year first written above. Charges and Terms Accepted: INTEGRA 360 LLC Customer (Print or type name of Organization) (Signature) j&4 �(G. ktjaar�,. (Print or Type Name) Title: Ctta DUKE ENERGY FLORIDA, LLC By. Edl St"e4u (Signature) Ed Stevens (Print or Type Name) Title: Duke Energy Representative ISSUED BY: Javier J. Portuondo, Manager, Director, Rates & Regulatory Strategy - FL Form LS -1 EFFECTIVE: April 29, 2013 DUKE ENERGY. DE Contact: Ed Stevens Address: 3250 Bonnett Creek Rd. Lake Buena Vista, FI 32830 Phone: 407 - 938 -6695 Lighting Proposal WR 1453823 June 13, 2017 Scope of Request INSTALL 17 CONCRETE POLES AND 17 BISCAYNE FIXTURES TO PROVIDE LIGHTING SERVICES TO INTEGRA 360 APTS ENTRANCES Project Details Customer: INTEGRA 360, LLC Account: 9513989028 Site: 000 E STATE ROAD 434 Unit Total *LITE, INTEGRA 360 SL2 WINTER SPRINGS FL, 32708 Contact: JEFF RYAN Phone: 904- 273 -6004 Lighting Proposal WR 1453823 June 13, 2017 Scope of Request INSTALL 17 CONCRETE POLES AND 17 BISCAYNE FIXTURES TO PROVIDE LIGHTING SERVICES TO INTEGRA 360 APTS ENTRANCES Estimated Monthly Rental excludes any applicable taxes, franchise fees or customer charge. t Deposit - The required deposit (applied separately to your lighting bill) will equal approximately two months of the monthly rental bill, but no less than $25.00 and subject to change upon review of the account's existing deposit. O CIAC - The invoice for the Contribution in Aid of Construction will be mailed to you separately upon approval of this proposal and payment is due before the work can be released to scheduling of construction. In order for us to proceed with the above proposed lighting design we will need an authorized signature on this proposal and any other reauired documents enclosed. Do not remit any payment with this form and do not fax. Return these signed documents to the mailing address above or email the color scanned PDF if instructed. The CIAC charge is subject to change after 30 days or in the event you request or cause any changes to this proposal. Duke Energy will call for locate of all public facilities. Any customer owned utilites would need to be located and marked at your expense. If any or all of these lighting facilities will eventually be submitted to a governmental agency for inclusion into a taxing district, MSTU or MSBU special assessment program, please verify that these facilities meet the requirements within that jurisdiction. Should the agency not accept these facilities into their program, the entity who signs the Lighting Service Contract will remain responsible for payment. Thank you for your lighting request. We look forward to working with you on this project DocuSigned by: Authorized Signature Flommi P -awa Date 6/20/2017 (Please iy—iP hd',4f5r bAapprove this proposal and return via email or the mailing address above) Per Unit Sub -Total Quantity Required Product Description Fixtures and Poles Rental Maint. Fuel & Energy Unit Total 17 60W LED Biscayne Q206 $19.11 $1.39 $1.30 $21.80 $370.60 17 16' WASHINGTON SNGL PLBC16W $21.77 $0.00 $0.00 $21.77 $370.09 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Rental, Maintenance, F &E Totals: Estimates valid for 30 days and subject to change. 1 $694.96 1 $23.63 1 $22.10 Project Summary Totals Estimated Monthly Rental $740.69 t Deposit $1,481.00 O CIAO $8,962.45 Estimated Monthly Rental excludes any applicable taxes, franchise fees or customer charge. t Deposit - The required deposit (applied separately to your lighting bill) will equal approximately two months of the monthly rental bill, but no less than $25.00 and subject to change upon review of the account's existing deposit. O CIAC - The invoice for the Contribution in Aid of Construction will be mailed to you separately upon approval of this proposal and payment is due before the work can be released to scheduling of construction. In order for us to proceed with the above proposed lighting design we will need an authorized signature on this proposal and any other reauired documents enclosed. Do not remit any payment with this form and do not fax. Return these signed documents to the mailing address above or email the color scanned PDF if instructed. The CIAC charge is subject to change after 30 days or in the event you request or cause any changes to this proposal. Duke Energy will call for locate of all public facilities. Any customer owned utilites would need to be located and marked at your expense. If any or all of these lighting facilities will eventually be submitted to a governmental agency for inclusion into a taxing district, MSTU or MSBU special assessment program, please verify that these facilities meet the requirements within that jurisdiction. Should the agency not accept these facilities into their program, the entity who signs the Lighting Service Contract will remain responsible for payment. Thank you for your lighting request. We look forward to working with you on this project DocuSigned by: Authorized Signature Flommi P -awa Date 6/20/2017 (Please iy—iP hd',4f5r bAapprove this proposal and return via email or the mailing address above) ('DUKE �' ENERGY.. CUSTOMER NAME: SERVICE LOCATION(S) SECTION NO. VII SIXTH REVISED SHEET NO. 7.110 CANCELS FIFTH REVISED SHEET NO. 7.110 Page 1 of 4 LIGHTING SERVICE CONTRACT ACCOUNT NUMBER 9513989028 WORK ORDER NUMBER 1453823 DEF CONTACT Ed Stevens INTEGRA 360. LLC 000 E STATE ROAD 434 'LITE, INTEGRA 360 SL2 WINTER SPRINGS FL, 32708 (Street address, city /county, Company account number if established) This Lighting Service Contract ( "Contract ") is hereby entered into June 13, 2017 between Duke Energy Florida, LLC (hereinafter called the Company) and INTEGRA 360, LLC (hereinafter referred to as the "Customer ") for lighting service at the above location(s). The Customer agrees to receive and pay for lighting service from the Company in accordance with the rates, terms and provisions of the Company's Rate Schedule LS -1, or its successor, as the same is on file with the Florida Public Service Commission (FPSC) and as may be amended and subsequently filed with the FPSC. To the extent there is any conflict between this Contract and the Lighting Service Rate Schedule, the Lighting Rate Schedule shall control. The Customer further understands that service under this rate shall be for an initial term of ten (10) years and shall continue hereafter until terminated by either party upon written notice sixty (60) days prior to termination. The Company shall install the following facilities (hereinafter called the Facilities) Fixture / Pole TVDeS and Number Installed: 60W LED Biscayne Q206 QTY 17 16' WASHINGTON SNGL PLBC16W QTY 17 QTY QTY QTY QTY QTY QTY Additional facilities: (Continued in Next Page) ISSUED BY: Javier J. Portuondo, Manager, Director, Rates & Regulatory Strategy - FL Form LS -1 EFFECTIVE: April 29, 2013 ('DUKE ENERGY.. SECTION NO. VII SIXTH REVISED SHEET NO. 7.111 CANCELS FIFTH REVISED SHEET NO. 7.111 Page 2 of 4 Rate per Month: The monthly charges consist of the items below. These charges may be adjusted subject to review and approval by the Florida Public Service Commission. Customer Charge Pole Charge Light Fixture Charge Light Fixture Maintenance Charge Energy and Demand Charge : Non -fuel Energy Charge Plus the Cost Recovery Factors listed in Rate Schedule BA -1, Billing Adjustments ", except the Fuel Cost Recovery Factor and Asset Securitization Charge Factor: Fuel Cost Recovery Factor **: Asset Securitization Charge Factor: — Charges are normally revised on an annual basis. Additional Charges: Certain additional charges may also apply to the installation. Gross Receipts Tax Factor: Right -of -Way Utilization Fees: Municipal Tax: Sales Tax: THE CUSTOMER AGREES: See Sheet No. 6.105 and 6.106 See Sheet No. 6.105 See Sheet No. 6.105 See Sheet No. 6.106 See Sheet No. 6.106 See Sheet No. 6.106 See Sheet No. 6.106 1. To purchase from the Company all of the electric energy used for the operation of the Lighting System. 2. To be responsible for paying, when due, all bills rendered by the Company pursuant to the Company's currently effective Lighting Rate Schedule LS -1, or its successor, for facilities and service provided in accordance with this Contract. 3. To be responsible for trimming trees that may either obstruct the light output from fixture(s) or that obstruct maintenance access to the facilities. IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED THAT: 4. Requests for exchanging facilities, upgrades, relocations, etc. are subject to Section III, paragraph 3.05, of the Company's General Rules and Regulations Governing Electric Service. 5. The Company does not guarantee continuous lighting service and will not be liable for damages for any interruption, deficiency or failure of service, and reserves the right to interrupt service at any time for necessary repairs to lines or equipment. Nothing in this Contract is intended to benefit any third party or to impose any obligation on the Company to any such third party. 6. Installation shall be made only when, in the judgment of the Company, the location and the type of the facilities are, and will continue to be, easily and economically accessible to the Company's equipment and personnel for both construction and maintenance. In the event the Customer or its contractor, subcontractor or other agent changes the grading, which requires the Company to move its facilities or otherwise incur costs to ensure compliance with applicable code requirements, Customer shall compensate the Company for all such costs incurred by the Company to comply with any applicable code requirements. In the event Customer fails to pay the Company within 30 days of the completion of such work, Customer shall pay the Company any amounts owing the Company, including interest and any attorneys and other fees and costs the Company incurs to collect any amounts owed to the Company. 7. Modification of the facilities provided by the Company under this Contract may only be made through the execution of a written amendment to this Contract. (Continued in Next Page) ISSUED BY: Javier J. Portuondo, Manager, Director, Rates & Regulatory Strategy - FL Form LS -1 EFFECTIVE: April 19, 2016 (' DUKE �7 ENERGY SECTION NO. VII FOURTH REVISED SHEET NO. 7.112 CANCELS THIRD REVISED SHEET NO. 7.112 Page 3 of 4 S. The Company will, at the request of the Customer, relocate the lighting facilities covered by this Agreement, if provided sufficient rights -of -way or easements to do so. The Customer shall be responsible for the payment of all costs associated with any such Customer - requested relocation of the Company's lighting facilities. 9. The Company may, at any time, substitute for any luminaire /lamp installed hereunder another luminaire /lamp which shall be of at least equal illuminating capacity and efficiency. 10. The Customer agrees to take responsibility for the cost incurred to repair or replace any fixture or pole which has been willfully damaged. The Company shall not be required to make such repair or replacement prior to payment by the Customer for damage. 11. The Company will repair or replace malfunctioning lighting fixtures maintained by the Company in accordance with Section 768.1382, Florida Statutes (2005). 12. This Contract shall be for a term of ten (10) years from the date of initiation of service. The date of initiation of service shall be defined as the date the first lights are energized. At the end of the term of service, a new Contract will be required. 13. Should the Customer fail to pay any bills due and rendered pursuant to this Contract or otherwise fail to perform the obligations contained in this Contract, said obligations being material and going to the essence of this Contract, the Company may cease to supply electric energy or service until the Customer has paid the bills due and rendered or has fully cured such other breach of this Contract. Service charges associated with the reconnection of service after disconnection for nonpayment or violation of Company or Commission Rules may be assessed for each lighting installation on an account. Any failure of the Company to exercise its rights hereunder shall not be a waiver of its rights. It is understood, however, that such discontinuance of the supplying of electric energy or service shall not constitute a breach of this Contract by the Company, nor shall it relieve the Customer of the obligation to perform any of the terms and conditions of this Contract. 14. If the Customer no longer wishes to receive service under this schedule, the Customer may terminate the Contract by giving the Company at least sixty (60) days advance written notice to the Company. Upon early termination of service, the Customer shall pay an amount equal to the remaining monthly customer charges and remaining pole and fixture lease amounts for the term of the contract. The Customer will be responsible for the cost of removing the facilities. 15. In the event of the sale of the real property upon which the facilities are installed, or if the Customer's obligations under this Contract are to be assigned to a third party, upon the written consent of the Company , this Contract may be assigned by the Customer to the Purchaser or to the third party. No assignment shall relieve the Customer from its obligations hereunder until such obligations have been assumed by the Purchaser or third party and agreed to by the Company. 16. This Contract supersedes all previous contracts or representations, either written, oral or otherwise between the Customer and the Company with respect to the facilities referenced herein and constitutes the entire Contract between the parties. This Contract does not create any rights or provide any remedies to third parties or create any additional duty, obligation or undertakings by the Company to third parties. 17. This Contract shall inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon the successors and assigns of the Customer and the Company. 18. This Contract is subject to the Company's Tariff for Retail Service, or as they may be hereafter revised, amended or supplemented. In the event of any conflict between the terms of this Contract and the provisions of the Company's Tariff for Retail Services, the provisions of the Company's Tariff for Retail Service and FPSC Rules shall control, or as they may be hereafter revised, amended or supplemented. (Continued in Next Page) ISSUED BY: Javier J. Portuondo, Manager, Director, Rates & Regulatory Strategy - FL Form LS -1 EFFECTIVE: April 29, 2013 DUKE ENERGY. SECTION NO. VII SIXTH REVISED SHEET NO. 7.113 CANCELS FIFTH REVISED SHEET NO. 7.113 Page 4 of 4 19. The obligation to furnish or purchase service shall be excused at any time that either party is prevented from complying with this Contract by strikes, lockouts, fires, riots, acts of God, the public enemy, governmental or court actions, lightning, hurricanes, storms, floods, inclement weather that necessitates extraordinary measures and expense to construct facilities and /or maintain operations, or by any other cause or causes not under the control of the party thus prevented from compliance, and the Company shall not have the obligation to furnish service if it is prevented from complying with this Contract by reason of any partial, temporary or entire shut -down of service which, in the sole opinion of the Company, is reasonably necessary for the purpose of repairing or making more efficient all or any part of its generating, transmission, distribution or other electrical equipment. 20. In no event shall the Company, its parent corporation, affiliate corporations, officers, directors, employees, agents, and contractors or subcontractors be liable to the Customer, its employees, agents or representatives, for any incidental, indirect, special, consequential, exemplary, punitive or multiple damages resulting from any claim or cause of action, whether brought in contract, tort (including, but not limited to, negligence or strict liability), or any other legal theory. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereby caused this Contract to be executed in triplicate by their duly authorized representatives to be effective as of the day and year first written above. Charges and Terms Accepted: INTEGRA 360, LLC Customer (Print or type name of Organization) DocuSiigne��d,,by: By: I pm Y�'�Gvawit By: 30E8 5nWrre) David McDaniel (Print or Type Name) President Blain DUKE ENERGY FLORIDA, LLC (Signature) Ed Stevens (Print or Type Name) Title: Duke Energy Representative ISSUED BY: Javier J. Portuondo, Manager, Director, Rates & Regulatory Strategy - FL Form LS -1 EFFECTIVE: April 29, 2013 208Y/120 3621 r` I I~ -J L - -- - -1 i -- - P1 6333631 P2 8333632 S- 9X14 PEDESTAL II II I I I J I I I I I 0 �I 530- 7" A --b9 AL gi P13 8397389' %14 PEDESTALI CONSTRUCTION NOTES: 1.THIS WORK REQUEST WILL RELOCATE 5 STREET LIGHT POLES AND FIXTURES AND INSTALL 3 STREET LIGHT POLES AND FIXTURES TO SERVE INTEGRA 360 APARTMENTS 2. PROPOSED UNDERGROUND ROAD CROSSING CONDUIT TO BE INSTALLED BY DEVELOPER DUKE ENERGY CONTACT ED STEVENS 407 - 938 -6695 DEVELOPER JEFF RYAN 904 - 273 -6004 S25 A #6 AL 1 SIt6 AL I I I I io l i P3 0683970 .. c i 1 4 S41- 1/0 -3 - all I 206 -1 P4 •-I 115' 1- #6AL�' 8350711 P14 x P22 16 I • P15 �• X P23 =S26 H I I / I A• #6ALI o SJ2. 100'1 I I S42 -1Qf� I r 206 -1 P6 I l I I P 35 1 I I sP5 �iiv _P7 6 —I � P77 • X X 'I • P61G� i ' �I 43 1ISzb p1 A. 1 1 #6 1 S33-1001 v I P7 1- #6 AL ,Q I 206 -1 P8 I 1P37� 8350715 . v I V 4lfi PP4 X • I 578 I o 1 A #6 AL I o I I ao If 206"1 1I — I I S44 +60 I 11 -#6 L ST- f --T00' 1 1 I 8362061 • —4#6 AL 1 16 1 s%y I j 1 P39 I I A #6 AL I P40 i I P20 x i P21 •, • #, P71 I i 206 1 P12 , S45 -32' 18 Lights 8350717 •% -#ea 16 /rJV I1 &IM AL (AB_2------------ - - - nuo �n m°a. - -- - - -J 1 -4.01 B42859 45 • ,0 -1214 218 182984 216 B28M%3 0 40 50 240/120 C 25 240/120 C 1442370 1442570 0683970 .. c i 0683980 i 1/0 -3 - all STATE ROAD 434 911 ADDRESS: 222 LITTLE CREEK �FNL WINTER SPRINGS, 32708 B289502 40 1 45 CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. JOB SAFETY BRIEFING TO BE HELD BEFORE JOB BEGINS. 2. THIS WORK ORDER WILL PROVIDE FOR 120 1 PH UNDERGROUND SERVICE TOANEW 360 UNIT APARTMENTS, INTEGRA 360 APARTMENTS ENTRANCE j U U U IJ U STREETLIGHTS. SUBDIVISION NAME - INTEGRA 360 ( 1 SUBDIVISION DENSITY= 22.68 DWELLINGS UNTI PER ACRE y'.f'33615 'F TOTAL NET ACRES =1587 I 833363 3WTHR2 BULLION A/C UNITSIES DESIGNED FOR AVG 1250 SO FT APARTMENTS '� IY - y\ 4 OPOSSED UNDERGROUND LIGHT CABLE = 6-2 ALIN2 PVCWNDUITAS NEEDED 1 O O �°�- S. SECONDARY PEDESTALS =10 "X10" FLUSH, UNLESS OTHERWI SE NOTED. o II � Twv P � � o I -- 6. WORKAUIHORISAI ION AND SERVITE PROPOSAL AGREEMENI ARE / a -a AI REQUIRED. BEA11x1u fM rrUFrru . 10 EASEMENT ALOO GRICUT OF WAY 8 \ / CONTACrs a +�' - - L �I DUKE ENERGY ED STEVENS 40/ -938 bb9S �� 4 DEVELOPER JEFF RYAN 9042736004 LOCATION SKETCH 7B C J inKEJESUP uL�JESUP i� ,o ' �3:. IIII � 1 06� _ J I I /l WHITES NHINR o I I, 434 411 STR WA I CREEKS RUN WAV E I e TUSCORA DR 3 � HO WELLCREE PL� SYMBOLS \ ----- - - - - -- MESS FLU51 MOUNT PEDESTAL (ENSUING) UPRIDHT PEDESTAL STATE ROAD 434 CeNONDUIT / — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — CRETE POLE STREET LICIT 202 206 210 214 218 222 DUKE ENERGY CLEARANCE REQUI REMELTS. 200 204 208 212 216 220 A CLEAR SPACE AT LEAST 48" FROM THE FRONT OF ALL MET ER ENCLOSURES SHALL BE MAINTAINED FROM 200 Ui GREEK LN GRADE TO 6' 7" HEIGHT OR TOP OF EQUIPMENT, ER SPRINGS, FL 32106 WHICHEVER IS GREATER, MINIMUM OF 36" WIDE (18" ON NT EACH SIDE OF CENTER LINE OF METER ENCLOSURE) TO ALLOW EASY AND SAFE ACCESS FOR READING AND TESTING LITTLE CREEK LANE ALL SECONDARY SPANS TO PEDESTALS TO BE DONE BY DUKE VIA DIRECT BURY. DUKE TO TRENCH AND DIRECT BURY / - AS NOTED ON PRINT. DUKE TO INSTALL CONDUIT WHEN / NOTED ON PRINT. WORK IHIS JOB IN TONJU- I ION VN I H US VW 1216/31. 2a1 205 209 213 21] 221 ALL WORKS PERFORMED WITHIN THE FOOT RIGHT -OF -WAY 203 20� 211 215 219 SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST EDITIONS OF FD OT DESIGN STANDARDS, SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION AND UTILITY ACCOMMODATION. REFERENCE ALL MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC PLAN PER FOOT DUKE ENERGY - FLORIDA REGION PRE -JOB SAFETY BRIEFING REQUIRED BEFORE STARTING WORK INDEX605 . DRAWN BY WORK SHEET SHEET INTEGRA 360 ALFREDO MERIDA REQUEST: 1453823 INSTALL- POLES/ FIXTURES STREET LIGHT INFORMATION RELATED WR'S E STATE ROAD 434 OPERATION CENTER: TA: uNTI: e DATE: UPSTREAM PROTECTION DEVICE JAMES TOWN JT3s uG 1216731 WINTER SPRINGS , FL 32708 4no/2o17 of r. v cu. PLm 6wALDLF DESC ,s waswNCTON LIT e MISE#. E SIT 1453823 (FIELD CHECK FOR ACCURACY) LAT: 28.68999 LNG:- 81.24493 r 17 CU L47LED ECBLMF DESC sew LED BISCAYNE TRUCKACCESS aMME "'. ON 1304674 JOB TYPE: LIGHT OPEN: ❑X CLOSED: El TP 8315695 TP 8315696 TAXING SPRINGS