HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017 09 18 Public Hearings 405 Conditional Use Accessory Dwelling Unit at 340 Shore Road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¶VHOGHUO\SDUHQWV 7KHUHTXHVWLVFRQVLVWHQWZLWKWKHFRQGLWLRQDOXVHFULWHULDRI6HFWLRQRIWKH&LW\ &RGHDQGZLWKDOODSSOLFDEOHUHTXLUHPHQWVEHORZ 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ATGHER'S iLACL 2LAT 18NIK GS , PAGE 2l CITY OE WIASTEIL SiRI1JG5, SEMWaLE mWY . FLORID* TOONEY RESI ➢EN[E eaRCa� ro Ol- 71, }D •S11- 0000. OOZO 34o smRE ROOD hUTER SMUS. FL. 317b5 DESIGN TEL HOMES TAV . `5v,t& S jr, is ATTACHME Proposed F Plans 14 LAW 116t YLODK FLAU Sck,1:_ - 141-- 10 SQUARE FOOTAGE KAMA LPJIMf. ATWA /A.C. jq6 WS 1113a.I ONE CAR GARKA 35L 7 EMTRY IPARCR 62. x 44 r GARAGE ,F SLAB )AL i, THICK, cK, m w psi pm m M u"A z O cbMFE-m UAB KT" , W1 V-Mt, raccn CDIkFK 7oW5E TREATV6 FILL bRT •(TY91C& SVE) VcA ciwmwx 9FAwa CJ61TA FCUAbATV1 IRLm SME ATTACHMENT D: Proposed Elevation FR6NT SIDE CASITA ELEVA710M [mss uw wu[ �wwc us} ABLE: VA "+ i I �a mi'll I mi'll C — w ea evwew.w) 4 -�- RIUM SI E ELEVATIUS r—.1 —. —, YALE - VA' VO � �TYPY II y rm. n REAR SK It LEFT 9DE ELEVATOM (�ws seeac m.� SrAlf V4' • I*6' SALE VT= VO - ATTACHMENT E: City of Winter Springs Code of Ordinances Section 6 -85 Sec. 6 -85. - Accessory dwelling units. An accessory dwelling unit (ADU) is an ancillary or secondary dwelling unit that is clearly subordinate to the principal dwelling, which has a separate egress /ingress independent from the principal dwelling, and which provides complete independent living facilities for one (1) or more persons and which includes provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation. It is located on the same parcel or lot as the principal dwelling and shall be subject to the required setbacks of the principal structure and may be either attached to or detached from the principal dwelling. Accessory dwelling units (ADUs) must conform to the following standards: (a) Zoning district. A property owner may request a conditional use approval to allow one (1) accessory dwelling unit in any of the following zoning districts: R -IAAA Single - Family Dwelling District R -CI Single- Family Dwelling District R -IAA and R -IA One - Family Dwelling District R -1 One - Family Dwelling District Planned Unit Development District (b) Existing development on lot. A single - family dwelling shall exist on the lot or will be constructed in conjunction with the ADU. (c) Location. The ADU may be attached to or detached from the principal dwelling. (d) Owner occupancy required; declaration of restrictions. The property owner shall occupy either the principal structure or the ADU. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for construction of an ADU, an applicant shall record in the public records of Seminole County a declaration of restrictions containing a reference to the legal description of the property and the deed under which the property was conveyed to the present owner stating that: (1) The ADU shall not be sold or conveyed separate from the principal residence; (2) The ADU is restricted to the approved size; (3) The use permit for the ADU shall be in effect only so long as either the principal residence or the ADU is occupied by the owner of record as their principal residence; (4) The declarations shall run with the land, shall be binding upon any successor in ownership of the property and that noncompliance shall be cause for code enforcement and /or revocation of the conditional use permit; (5) The deed restrictions shall only be removed with the express, written approval of the city, but shall lapse upon removal of the accessory unit; and (6) The ADU shall not be used for commercial purposes other than being leased for residential purposes. (e) Number ofADUs per lot or parcel. Only one (1) ADU shall be allowed for each lot or parcel. Page 1 (fl Setbacks. The ADU shall meet the front, side and rear yard regulations for the zoning district in which it is located. (g) Building height and stories. The ADU shall meet the building height regulations for the zoning district in which it is located. (h) Lot coverage. The sum of the principal dwelling and the ADU shall meet the lot coverage regulations for the zoning district in which they are located. (i) Parking and access. A minimum of one (1) parking space shall be provided on -site for the ADU in addition to the required off - street parking spaces required for the principal residence. The ADU shall be served by the same driveway as the principal dwelling. Q) Water and wastewater services. An ADU is required to connect to the central water and sewer system where available. An ADU may be separately metered for utilities subject to all applicable ordinances and utility policies. Where central water and sewer service is not available, the septic system and well shall meet the capacity requirements. (k) Other code requirements. The ADU shall comply with all applicable building codes. (1) Lot size, minimum; principal residence minimum. A minimum lot size of six thousand six hundred (6,600) square feet is required and the principal residence shall be a minimum of one thousand three hundred fifty (1,350) square feet of air conditioned area. (m) Unit size. The living area of the ADU shall be a maximum of thirty (30) percent of the air conditioned area of the principal residence or eight hundred (800) square feet, whichever is less. However, the ADU shall contain no less than four hundred (400) square feet of air conditioned area. ADUs that utilize alternative green construction methods that cause the exterior wall thickness to be greater than normal shall have the unit square footage size measured similar to the interior square footage of a traditional frame house. (n) Design. The ADU shall replicate the design of the principal dwelling by use of similar exterior wall materials, window types, door and window trims, roofing materials and roof pitch. The design is subject to the minimum community appearance and aesthetic review standards to ensure residential compatibility and harmony (see section 9 -600 et. seq.). (o) Privacy. Privacy and screening of adjacent properties is of utmost importance in the orientation of the ADU. Entrance and windows of the ADU shall face the interior of the lot and /or public street as much as possible. Windows which do face the adjoining property shall be designed to protect the privacy of neighbors. Landscaping shall be used to further provide for the privacy and screening of adjacent properties. (p) Expiration. As with all conditional use approvals, if a building permit has not been issued within two (2) years for the ADU, the approval becomes null and void (see section 20 -36). (q) Approval process. The conditional use /aesthetic review approval of an ADU is subject to a public hearing. A notice will be sent to all property owners within one hundred fifty (150) feet of the subject property. An ADU will not be approved if prohibited by the declarations, covenants, conditions and restrictions of a homeowners' association. The city commission may impose reasonable conditions of approval to the extent deemed necessary and relevant to ensure compliance with applicable criteria and other applicable provisions of the city code and comprehensive plan (see section 20 -27 and section 20 -33). (Ord. No. 2010 -08, § 2, 10- 25 -10; Ord. No. 2012 -15, § 2, 10 -8 -12) Page 2 Sec. 20 -33. - Conditional uses. (a) Any real property owner may file a conditional use application requesting a conditional use of their real property providing the conditional use is listed in the applicable zoning district category. (b) The planning and zoning board shall be required to review all conditional use applications and make a written recommendation to the city commission. Such recommendation shall include the reasons for the board's recommendation and show the board has considered the applicable conditional use criteria set forth in this section. (c) Upon receipt of the planning and zoning board's recommendation, the city commission shall make a final decision on the application. If the city commission determines that the planning and zoning board has not made a recommendation on an application within a reasonable period of time, the city commission may, at its discretion, consider an application without the planning and zoning board's recommendation. (d) All conditional use recommendations and final decisions shall be based on the following criteria to the extent applicable: (1)Whether the applicant has demonstrated the conditional use, including its proposed scale and intensity, traffic - generating characteristics, and offsite impacts, is compatible and harmonious with adjacent land uses, and will not adversely impact land use activities in the immediate vicinity. (2)Whether the applicant has demonstrated the size and shape of the site, the proposed access and internal circulation, and the design enhancements to be adequate to accommodate the proposed scale and intensity of the conditional use requested. The site shall be of sufficient size to accommodate design amenities such as screening, buffers, landscaping, open space, offstreet parking, and other similar site plan improvements needed to mitigate against potential adverse impacts of the proposed use. (3)Whether the proposed use will have an adverse impact on the local economy, including governmental fiscal impact, employment, and property values. (4)Whether the proposed use will have an adverse impact on the natural environment, including air, water, and noise pollution, vegetation and wildlife, open space, noxious and desirable vegetation, and flood hazards. (5))Whether the proposed use will have an adverse impact on historic, scenic, and cultural resources, including views and vistas, and loss or degradation of cultural and historic resources. (6))Whether the proposed use will have an adverse impact on public services, including water, sewer, surface water management, police, fire, parks and recreation, streets, public transportation, marina and waterways, and bicycle and pedestrian facilities. (7)Whether the proposed use will have an adverse impact on housing and social conditions, including variety of housing unit types and prices, and neighborhood quality. Page 3