HomeMy WebLinkAboutGeneral Election-1994 Winter Springs So far, four people have either. been approached or said they ,west attracts want the job. They include: city chair- man and zoning board planning man David McLeod, planning 4 candidates board member David Hopkins, former city employee Jeanine Martin, and financial consultant By Will Welton* and former Seminole County sher- or THE SENTINEL STAFF iff candidate Larry Conniff. Commissioners are keeping WINTER SPRINGS — Two mum on who their favorites are. Most say they will make up their planning and zoning board mem- minds Monday.However,McLeod hers,a former city employee and a appears to have the lull track former sheriff candidate want to for the job because he eon a be the newest city commissioner. critical adviKory boanitnd . no City commissionera Monday potential conflicts. - likely will name a replacement for Mayor Jahn Bush,who vote Cindy Koehler, who resigned ear- only to a 'e, will cite.. her this month after moving out public de ush sale fa- of her district The new member looking for a 'salon*famil- will fill the seat until the Novem- iar with city government,adtive in her election, the community a long time and Immediately following with a following in the epaw,. Raehler's departure, commission- He does not expect - Will en asked for nominations of real- cast a deciding vote. dents who live in the district. I'm interested in lin commission that can work. er,' Bush said. "I want W commia$ton:eltree." ,. Pleesek;NOMINEEAr R {` Commission to choose replacement NOMINEES from K-1 tenders. sight.Martin is mar to finance Hopkins is married to Margo dr"I don't see ow Martin'a McLeod,executive 47, is the owner.and Hopkins, a take city if out He "I ra don't see how that would be k chief executive otGcer of Air-Pak said he may take himself out of hindrance 'she said."I would ask Products & Services Inc., a con- the running if he feels being on him questions like any other corn- tracting and air conditioning busi- the commission would create missioner." nese that employs 128 people. He problems for his wife. ra a nine-year Winter Springs real- Conniff, 51, is a former Lake dent Several residents have ap- dame a ttutrg I want er do • County deputy aheree and presi- pmeChed him about filling the job, 8 my wife's career," he dent of the Sugar Tree homeown- he said. McLeod believes he has said. aria association, which has about the'leadership and decision-mak- Earning a seat on the commis- 40 members. ing ability to be a good commie- soon has been Hopkins' longtime Conniff, an 11-year resident, sioner. goal.Twice he has run unsuccess- regularly attends commission Hopkins, 41, a 13-year resident, fully for office meetings. He lobbied for the city . said he,too,has been approached Martin, 37, a one-year Winter maim/Zees job when John Coven about the job.A coordinator of the Springs resident, worked for the rrink was named. state's work-release program, city in the planning department "I could bring fresh ideas to the Hopkins is a five-year veteran of for a year before losing her job in system,"Conniff said. the planning board. He said' his a reorganization. Commissioners do not receive a planning background would give She said her knowledge of City him an advantage over other can- Hall would give her needed in- ceives 8350 a meson commissioner expeA 91/0 A • Winter Springs More questions for commission hopefuls compiled by Darrell Johnson I want to avoid another Hwy 436 or Lake Mary Blvd.in Lake Mary. another Hwy 17-92. Widening should be 4.Does the imminent closingofLake LAWRENCEJ.CONNIFF-Candi- donewithmediansandlandscapingto main- Howell High School for remodeling pose a date for Winter Springs Commission Seat min ow residential atmosphere, similar to Continued on page 3 District i 1.What are your feelings about the proposed Duda Connector, and what would be your solution to the controversy? I feel Tuscawilla wasdesigned asa low density high value area and the residents want to maintain that design.The safety of our neighborhoods and the value of our property must alwaysbe considered.I would be willing to listen to alternative routes and solutions the Duda developer may have. 2.Do you feel Winter Springs will be able to maintain its low tax rates?How? I would encourage commercial devel- opment along the 419 corridor of the city to increase our taxbas°and providejobs for our residents. This would help maintain low property tax rates. 3.What is your overall view of the SR 434 widening and the Tuskawilla Rd. widening,including sign and business reg ulation,bicyclefacilities,curbingandturn lanes,and whatever else you feel is impor- tant? November 3, 1994 The Voice Commission candidates continued from page 1 of service.There are city codes that pressway and not through already a problem for Winter Springs need to be enforced concerning established neighborhoods. and,if so,what is the best way to signs.I support wide bicycle paths. 2. Do you feel Winter deal with it? I support the city's comprehensive Springs will be able to maintain The School Board recently plantoimprovethecollector roads. its low tax rates?How? addressed this issue at a forum and 4.Does the imminent clos- D will always be a challenge the use of Winter Springs High ing of Lake Howell High School to keep government bureaucracy School for one year by the Lake for remodeling pose a pro b- under control if we are to have low Howell High School students is Icm for Winter Springs and,ifso, taxes. Winter Springs should not their jurisdiction. what is the best way to deal with take ownership of the Tuscawilla 5.Ask yourself a pertinent it? Maintenance District or the Oak question which has not beenposed In the spirit of cooperating Forest Maintenance District or a here,and answer it. communities,I hope we can work maintenance district anywhere in "Would you be interested in out a plan to assist Lake Howell the city.Why should the taxpayers inter-city meetings?" High with their student population anywhere else in Winter Springs Yes, on projects such as the at the new Winter Springs High fund the upkeep for non-mandato- Duda Connector all interested par- School. Perhaps Oviedo High can ry areas such as Tuscawilla, Oak ties would be able to share concerns help as well. Forest and many others?Those cit- and ideas to head off a problem 5.Ask yourself a pertinent izens have voted to pay for the before it would manifest itself. question which hasnot been posed upkeep of their respectivecornmon here,and answer it, areas by overwhelming margins. ELIZABETH HARROW- IthinktheRanchlands should Why should for Winter Springs remain unpaved if the citizens pre- ing ownership of our responsibili- Cnmmission Seat District I fer it. ties? I. What are your feelings The ambulance service is about the proposed Duda Con- another example of government nector, and what would be your MOTIICHEMLANI-Can- waste. It win cost the taxpayers solution to the controversy? didate for Winter Springs Com- $300,000 the first year with six Winter Springs is opposed to mission Seat District 3 additional employees.Knowing the the Duda Connector.Experts from I. What are your feelings record of government services,this SCI-IA and DOT need to be con- about the proposed Duda Con- will only increase and cost the tax- suIted if the proposed mall site nector, and what would be your payers year.ear. We don't Y ers more each a reality. solution to the controvers y? need such services.Our seniors are 2. Do you feel Winter The original project was already covered by Medicare. Our Springs will be able to maintain merchandised as a showroom/of- employed citizens get their cover- its low tax rates?How? fire park. It was scrutinized for age through their insurance pro- We've been able to offer a regional impact and County Com- gram.Theonlyoneswhomayben- low tax structure with little depen- missioners made special note that efit from this will be the unem- dence on commercial taxes. Al- it was not going to be a mall and ployed and those who don't live in though we need to encourage some made assurances onrecordto never Winter Springs. It will bite the development,it must be regulated have a connector road to Winter seniors and others in long term to ensure that we maintain the res. Springs Blvd.The proposed mall is costs more than they think. My idential atmosphere ofthecommu- a significant variance and the traf- opponent is merchandising this Wiry fie impact will be of much greater service as a panacea. I ant dead 3.What is your overall view magnitude.Keeping it in unincor- against such government waste! of the SR 434 widening and the notated Seminole County provides . I will keep the bureaucracy Tuskawilla Rd.widening,includ- residents equitable representation. down and pursue grants that are ing sign and business regulation, Annexation by Oviedo is not a so- available in many of the areas. bicycle facilities, curbing and lution.Nor is the Duda Connector. 3.What isyauroverallview turn lanes, and whatever else It will only result in a lawsuit and of the SR 434 widening and the you feel is important? delay the project. Winter Springs SR 434 will be widened in and Oviedo have a joint stake and 1996.The main concern with 434 should pool their resources to work is to keep the main artery open out common traffic concerns by N II 0 3 while maintaining the same level finding solutions through the ex- Tuskawilla Rd.widening,includ- aged.We have had accidents with ing sign and business regulation, cars going over the right of way bicycle facilities, curbing and toward people's bedrooms on turn lanes, and whatever else Tuskawilla Road.Curbing may not you feel is important? stop this,but it will sure lessen the SR434 widening shouldtake impact of reckless drivers. place as soon as possible—before 4. Does the imminent dos- the widening of Tuskawilla Road. ing of Lake Howell High School It's the natural progression.It will for remodeling pose a p rob- Candidates help generate the expressway traf- Iem for Winter Springs and,if so, ned from page 3 tic as well as avoid putting unnec- what is the best way to deal with essaryoulside conlWskawiR Manager Conti last year. Many highly a it? alifiedprofessionalsappkedfiom Road.The 434 corridor along the School Board officials and across the country.Unfortunately, end has great potential. We the residents are currently engaged the process was abandoned end need to engage the resources of in meetings to find appropriate so- Mt process s was abandoned who didn't ad UCF,thedeveloperswhohavebeen lutions and are so far making Mt have Go oruhk, wh submit- and willing to help out,area residents, progress.Iwillbe monitoring these even dwho has never served in and professional planners to guide negotiations on behalf of the local led us through the process.We must residents. this capacity,was made City Man- set the stage before we're forced 5.Ask yourself a pertinent ager. It was a step backward. Mr. into a reactionary mode building question which has not been posed Govomhk was a police chief and more hot dog stands andunatimo- here,and answer it has no credentials fora city manag- tive strip centers. Leadership, professionalism er. The city badly needs a new Unlike my opponent,lamin and educational expertise is key to image,professional expertise and favor of bicycle lanes.We already a growing city's planning process. stability tocany out the planforthe have bikers on 434 as well as Winter Springsneedsa highly qual- future.Mr.Gosoruhk'sassignment Tuskawilla Road.With the Winter ified, educated and high poor- is temporary.He should be encour- Springs High School opening,this mance CityManager.And we don't aged to step down to make room for activity is bound to increase. We have one. a permanent replacement. can't stop it,but we can minimize The city went all outinadver- the dangers. tising the position for a new City Curbing should be enceur- 9 y// 0 3 3.What is youroverall view JOHN LANGELLOTTI- of the SR 434 widening and the Candidate for Winter Springs Tuskawilla Rd.widening,includ- Commission Seat District 3 ing sign and business regulation, 1. What are your feelings bicycle facilities, curbing and about the proposed Duda Con- turn lanes, and whatever else truthful,AL honest and above board nectar,and what would be your important? ofWnLLtprins.IhavodtdiCity y you feel Iurpoon h s yea of s service to i ALL of inter solution to the controversy? This question hasbeenpretry Although the president ofthe well broached in various commis- years Springs semce m Aon tf Windt Tuskawilla Homeowners Associa- sion meetings and widely empha- nce b Enforcement Board, Pn tni Cand lion opted for two out of three o - niBa Board and,four as P seed in news as on the. SR 434 Zoning Board and one years p- lionshepublishedinhismailer,we seen final plans on the SR 434 op- of the City Commission knew that your City no o public s service eo My ap- his lack of knowledge of traffic project and have on the Novem- kin and he c n s of re ate to g of Tuskawilla oad. Our concern kind and if he can not relate to control and impact on the east end of Tuskawilla Road. Our concern of Winter Springs Blvd. had not here is mainly the buffering of the the homeowners procedures as president r,of been considered. Having studied Oak Forest subdivision since they th ancial responsibilities ilities as is the various options, we still felt will bear the brunt of the widening financial rs association as his other alternatives could and should impact and also the turn lanes into statemwnwsacv+waGonfmanagl be addressed, and voted against various schools, businesses and to obtain what ARE proposed options. to obtain one),what ARE his qual- proposed is no immediate solu- tion to the controversy on behalf of churches.Until we haveactual con- - Winter Springswiththetotal project ceptual plans showing the full ex- ifications? being addressed only by the city of tent of the widening, we cannot Ihavecompleteawarenessof Oviedo. The proposed mall, how- address at this moment he beauti- needs and plans for all the city,not ever, could be beneficial to both fication of this project. just one residential area,which he cities and with the majority of the 4.Does the imminent etas- osdycomesaboutfmmseeoddband citizens in favor of the shopping ing of Lake Howell High School information.He has never initiated center we must work with Oviedo for remodeling pose a rob- an to prevent a lengthy and costly p -any proposal his homeow erswhen Y lem for Winter and,ifso, addressing his homeowners also- legal procedure, what is the best way to deal with elation's territory much less abid- 2. Do you feel Winter it? ing by the deed restrictions, etc, Springs will be able to maintain The closing of Lake Howell that the homeowners'charter calls its low tax rates?How? High School will have an immedi- forasanassociationresponsibility. We should be able to main- ate effect upon not only the new This alone is a bad future aspect Lain our low tax structure due to the Winter Springs High School, but and outlook of his service to the financial base we presently enjoy. also Oviedo High School. It is my entire city. Future growth along what we con- understanding from a discussion ceive as an inner city core,SR 434, with a board member that a hill should be self sustaining by closely complement of Winter Springs stu- controlling the type and structure dents wills penthe h school and m the future business growth.Our in- remain throughout the e renovation creased base of sales tax oriented oflakeHowell.The overflow from businesses isa plus to our city and the Lake Howell closing will place although requiring additional ser- a burden on Oviedo and Winter vices, they can be offset with this Springs,but will allow the Winter tax.The present residential growth Springs students to open and re- is not a burden on our service area main in their new school. All of since it is well within established this is subject to the timing of the boundaries and that too allows for opening ofWinter Springsand ren- increases of tax revenues and fran- ovation of Lake Howell. chile fees. 5.Ask yourself a pertinent question which has not been posed ,�/ here,and answer it. 9 7 /1 o 3 Question: What are the dis- tinguishing quality differences be- tween myself and my opponent? Answer: I have always been Winter Springs commissioner chosen By Will Welions /- ,7 S- 9 What looked like a four-person race was cut in half before the commission meeting even began. OF THE SENTINEL STAFF Planning board member David Hopkins, thought to be McLeod's toughest competition,withdrew from con- WINTER SPRINGS — The chairman of the city's sideration because he did not want to hurt his wife's planning and zoning board accepted a promotion career. Margo Hopkins is Winter Springs' deputy city Monday night. clerk and the city clerk is planning to retire. David McLeod was named to the district 5 City Former Seminole sheriff candidate Larry Conniff Commission post, filling a spot left by the resigna- was also eliminated because city staff discovered tion of Cindy Kaehler. Conniff lived just outside the district,which general- Commissioners praised McLeod, 47, a long-term ly covers the southwest section of the city. Commis- member of the planning board for his work with the sioners must live within the district they represent. city. Mcleod is a nine-year resident who owns and Kaehler vacated the post because she moved out of runs an Orlando contracting and air conditioning the district. business employing 128 people — nearly the same The final candidate Jeanine Martin has been a city number of workers as the city. resident for one year and is married to finance direc- McLeod thanked the commission for the support tor Harry Martin. and said, "I hope to serve the general public and the McLeod's term ends in December. Commissioners city with honor." He will take office at the Feb. 14 do not get a salary, but each receives $350 a month meeting. for expenses. 90' / , .5- Candidates make ini . 1 pitch for office il K-6 The Orlando Sentinel,Sunday,October 23, 1994 Politics vary with 2 candidates throw barbs, Commission Seats 2 others toss compliments COMMISSION from K-1 By Will We llons code enforcement and to lower property taxes as ex- OF THE SENTINEL STAFF amples of how he helps serve everyone. "We may live in a district," Langellotti said, "but WINTER SPRINGS— we represent the whole city." Larry Conniff and Elizabeth Langellotti likes the way the city is running and Harrow sit at the candidates' table listening to Moti recently gave City Manager John Govoruhk a vote of the Khemlani and John Langellotti answer most of the confidence. questions. Khemlani said the city is closed to the people. He That is the way it has gone this year in the two wants to unlock the doors to City Hall and bring in a races for City Commission seats. Langellotti's fight for Seat 3 is attracting the atten `professional city manager. tion at candidates' forums. At neighborhood forums each candidate for Seat 3 Overshadowed is a low-key race for Seat 1 to re has firmly rejected issues important to the other. place retiring Commissioner John Torcaso. Langellotti, 65, who runs his own insurance busi- ness, is promoting free ambulance service for resi- Conniff, who ran unsuccessfully for Seminole dents. He said the program can be supported County sheriff in 1992, is facing Harrow, an educa- through grants. tion consultant and political newcomer. These candi- The ambulance issue will be on the ballot as a dates admit they have similar stances on many is- straw poll. sues.Both have pledged to listen to the people. But Khemlani, 53, a retired Westinghouse Corp. "It's an issueless campaign," Conniff said of his manager, said city ambulance service is an example race. go to the polls on Nov. 8. Commissioners of"government waste." He points to the fire chiefs serve three-year terms and earn$4,200 annually. reports that said the ambulance service would cost Langellotti, a four-year commission veteran, and $300,000 to start and would require adding about six Khemlani agree on little. people to the city's payroll. Khemlani also said the service would benefit only Khemlani has been the president of the Tuscawilla the unemployed or people who don't live in the city. Homeowners Association for seven years. He often However, Langellotti said the service would benefit has loaded the commission chambers with people who have wanted to pressure city leaders. everyone because insurance does not always cover Now he wants to be a commissioner and fight for the cost of an ambulance trip. the whole city,he said. Khemlani wants to establish a special taxing dis "What I have done for Tuscawilla, I want to do for trict for Tuscawilla which could mean residents in the rest of the city,"Khemlani said. the community would be assessed a small fee to up Langellotti touts that he is a man for the people in grade the community's entrances and medians. Langellotti calls that idea waste. He says the city's this diverse city of 24,000, not just one exclusive new landscaper is doing a good job maintaining the neighborhood. He points to his efforts to improve city. Please see COMMISSION, K-6 "Why should the people be taxed twice?" Langel- lotti asked. In contrast, Harrow and Conniff don't throw barbs. They toss compliments so freely, you would think they were voting for each other. "I cannot say enough nice things about Ms. Har- row. She is a terrific lady,very intelligent," said Con- niff, 52, who runs his own insurance and consulting business. -_ qz-oe, .2 3 Harrow,39, responds: "Larry seems like a nice per- son. I think he would make a good commissioner." However, each candidate is not canvassing Winter Springs on the other's behalf. Conniff is stressing his 12 years of watching the commission and his knowl- edge of the city. Conniff wants to work to bring balanced develop- ment to the city when State Road 434 is widened from two to four lanes starting next year. He wants to increase the commercial development but still have a beautiful roadway. He also hopes to bring peace to the commission. "What the commission needs now is a good media- tor," Conniff said, referring to the personal battles that often dot commission meetings. Harrow, a five-year resident, is also stressing that she is a consensus builder who would study the is- sues and make up her own mind. Harrow wants to keep Winter Springs a quiet resi- dential community. She supports developing a small commercial core around City Hall on State Road 434. But she does not want the roadway to be a parking lot after it is widened. "S.R. 434 is our main road," she said. "We cannot clog it up. We cannot have a bunch of driveways. That is my main concern." Winter Springs Commission Seat 3 candidates Moti Khemlanl 1 Seat 1 candidates Party: Nonpartisan. , Residence:Winter Springs. Larry Conniff Occupation: Quality sys- Party: Nonpartisan. tems consultant. , Residence: Winter Springs. !� Education: Bachelor's de- ". Occupation: Owner of a gree in electrical engineering t consulting and insurance corn- from University of Oklahoma; pany. master's degree in business Education: Bachelor's de- administration from University gree from Wayne State Univer- �`of Pennsylvania. sity; master's degree from =4~ 3 Professional experience: Central Michigan University. Conniff Retired in April after 25 years Khemlani Professional experience: with Westinghouse Corp. Former deputy, Lake County Community Involvement: President, Tuscawilla Sheriff's Office. Homeowners Association; member, American Asso- Community involvement: Member, board of di- ciation of Retired Persons; chairman, northeast rectors, Children's Rights Foundation; former home- commerce and industry, Orange County United owners association president; member, board of di- Way. rectors, Seminole Work Opportunity Program. John Langellotti Elizabeth Harrow Party: Nonpartisan. Party: Nonpartisan. Residence: Winter Springs. Residence: Winter Springs. Occupation: Insurance . Occupation: Area manager, sales, Jostens Learning. Education: Attended Iona Education: Bachelor's de- , College, New Rochelle, N.Y. ( at-4'1 ' gree in vocational education z . Professional experience: 4 1 ''�- from Florida State University; ,, years, city commissioner; Flor- -. master's degree in English ida Independent Insurance education from Nova Universi- ' � broker. Community involvement: ty Professional experience: r Winter Springs Civic Associ- Langellotti American Society for Training Harrow ation; former member of the Code Enforcement and Development; National Association for Execu- Board. tive Women. i gq /0a- 3 ;;P ‘ t " 1- . , t \, 0 .. 0 1 z 021 0 tIl ItIlt k ' t ? I ' t ' $ro v k-i r , 44 el zi og Ilitill g 0 e.,‹ 1 o< ,? ,t ; ° ••1 I., CI)smi o N m lid m � I b, tt.. 1� 9, 0.4 110 0 ow Xi \\ \ \A V49s X t21 < 1 33 ,,,,N I, -‘t- tt. t vs 0 0 vm 3 .< kl‘, k 4- \ 't - ca) Iv FA' n co g'.. 0 k ‘‘ v\ tk r• m 2 - V 0 1 <<� \ t, L,1 Opr=. !. onri /silt; 1:,„1. ,,,v ttl to, 4\ two Afr.-w, iflip I, Aith" ' : 4 ' k 0 &I . 1, $ 1 - a . _ . _ Profiles of Winter Springs candidates Compiled by Darrell Johnson I am active in our community and stay 3. What would you do to improve This is the first of two features the involved as a pnvate citizen and through that communication? Voice will present on candidates for Winter business associations. I have served on the Staying in touch with homeowners Springs' City Commission. board of directors for SWOP, The Missing associations and attending their meetings This week we will look at each candi- Children's Centerand The Children's Rights when possible will provide me with public date personally and let them comment on Foundation. input and concerns. Obtaining copies of what they think is most important to the city I have served as president of our association newsletters will keep me ap- this year. Next week,just before the Nov. 8 homeowners association, Sugar Tree Sta- praised oftheir neighborhoodcvents,projects election, the candidates will answer qucs- tion. As a homeowner I understand neigh- and opinions. tions about some of the hottest issues in this borhood safety and property value concerns. 4. What would you anticipate to be race. As a professional businessman I understand your top priority as a commissioner? District 1 business. Listening to the concerns of people in Larry Conniff, his wife Shirley and 2. What do you feel is the main the community and voting for the best inter- their sons have been residents of Winter obstacle to communication between elect- est of our city.Priority must be to be respon- Springs for eleven years in the Alton Creek ed officials and the ublic? subdivision. He is self employed,running a p siblc to the people. Obtaining and knowing concerns of 5.What,in your opinion,is the hot- consulting agency featuring financial and residents is the main obstacle of elected test issue in Winter Springs right now? insurance services. officials. Meetings are held evenings and Why? 1.What do you feel qualifies you to frequently residents can not attend because be a City Commissioner? of other commitments. .__________..__jiLsik._H' ,t. e 1,. y OW • 0 4. ; ,,- ",,'1: ''''1::4; rillill I*.AL I i tlik.4‘,„, Ischik-i. 1' Conniff Harrow Khemlani Langelotti Ry io a7 It's Conniff vs. Harrow; Khemlani vs. Langelotti continued from page 1 - • - — — The hottest issue is our area's District 3 population growth. This is result- - - ing in subdivision expansions,in- 2. What do you feel is the Moti Khemlani has been main obstacle to communication married to Celeste Khemlani for creased school needs and is placing twenty years. He has a Bachelors demands on our highways.I would between elected officials and the n'Y public? Degree in electrical engineering love to sit down with Oviedo and Elected officials pub- hammer from the University of Oklahoma hammer out some agreement on lie have a responsibility to listen to and a Masters Degree in business the Duda Connector. We have to each other and to support mutual administration from Widener Uni- work for a common goal,use com- endeavors. mon sense. versity in Pennsylvania. 3. What would you do to Khemlani worked for District 1 improve that communication? Westinghouse Electric Corporation Elizabeth Harrow has one I would attend homeowners for 25 years, 13 years in Philadel- daughter,Harmony Jasmann,and association meetings and write for phia and 12 in Orlando. He was a a grand daughter,Cassidy nn. the local papers. control systems engineer,aregion- She is engaged to Jerome R. 4. What would you antici- al sales manager, and traveled all O'Connell and has three cats,Ti- pate to be your top priority as a over the world working with elec- ger,Dobie and Jethro. ? tric utilities. For the past 14 years She is an educational con- commissioner? r Y My goal is to serve the city he was the manager for quality sultant and area manager with and to execute strong, informed systems. He retired from Jostens Learning Corporation,is a Westinghouse earlier this certified teacher, has led educa- decisions on the issues. g year. 5.What,in your opinion,is 1. What do you feel quali- tional programs in the use of technical the hottest issue in Winter Springs lies you to be a City Commission- the and has written technical right now?Why? Cr? ntation for acco accounting soft- For the past seven years I The hottest issue is the pro- ware. ware. Elizabeth Harrow received posed mall in Oviedo. If the pro- have been the community leader of her Bachelor of Science degree in posal is accepted, development in one of the largest developments in vocational education from Florida north Orlando will change signifi- Central Florida.I've been actively State University and her Masters involved in all the issues that im- Degree in English education from candy. pact this part of Seminole County. Nova University. I have the vision,the professional She enjoys running,reading, skills and the proven record of pre- freelance writing,theater,politics, serving our communities. housekeeping and gardening. 2. What do you feel is the 1. What do you feel quali- main obstacle to communication flea you to be a City Commission- between elected officials and the er? public? I am a self starter and a hard The main obstacle has been worker. My experience as an edu- that many citizens don't see the city cator,consultant and manager will treat them as customers and feel assist me in leadership,team build- shut out from the decision making ing and getting things done. process. General frustration and lack of public attendance at City Hall meetings is indicative of this. 3. What would you do to improve that communication? The role of government is to serve and not to dictate to its cus- q [{ ,e 2 7 tomers. I have a proven record of motivating citizens to participate John Langellotti Age: 65 Occupation:Insurance and the Duda people,regardless of how this project Cliji:14414 sales:city commissioner is pursued. Education:Attended Iona TUSCAWILLA:The first sentence must have been College,New Rochelle, taken from[homeowners association president] +- N.Y. Moti Khemlani's newsletter.There is no need to tax L '.5, experience: people for something that is being done now at no = Florida Independent additional cost to the residents of Tuscawilla,as it Insurance broker. is within 57 other areas of the city.The acquisition r Community involvement: of a common area by the homeowners'president, Winter Springs Civic with no vote ever taken by its membership,has Association. made this property deemed private in a legal sense. A tax,therefore,cannot be thrust upon the GROWTH:The new corridor of State Road 434 Tuscawilla residents, since it is a non-mandatory should be one that would be architecturally homeowners'association.The so-called survey/poll compatible with surrounding urban areas. It should was a one-sided presentation by the homeowners' blend in with the designs of existing surrounding president.The entire truth was never made known buildings and areas such as schools,City Hall, . to the voting residents.Had residents known of parks,etc. Strong adherence to building codes potential liability and tax liens,the survey would regulating light retail structures and signs must have had an entirely different outcome. enhance and not detract from adjacent residential areas.The commission will work diligently with the staff and boards for perfection of this project. CITY MANAGER:The city manager should be encouraged to stay until he seeks total retirement. WINTER SPRINGS His short tenure has so far brought into place a SPRINGS more methodically oriented city government. ---- Departments and their staff now function independently,answering directly to the city Winter Springs city commissioners are elected city manager and the elected commission. His long- wide. The nonpartisan board members serve three-year term vision and departmental responsibility is well terms and are paid $4,200 a year planned for future growth,enabling the city GROWTH: A new high school is being built, and the government to flow into the future. If and when the main artery through town is scheduled to be widened in time comes when he retires,a public,systematic, a few years. What would be your game plan for guiding in-depth search will be made for a replacement. the development along State Road 434? MALL:At this point,the commission has met its CITY MANAGER: The city manager's two-year con- tract to the residents bordering the tract is scheduled to expire next October He has talked proposed development.Although the majority of about retirement How should the city fill its top ncour- the city may disagree with the loss of the mall and agedive positions Should the city manager be encour aged to stay on? potential tax income base,the commission has MALL: What role do you think the City Commission acted on estimated traffic studies and the mall's impact.The city,however,has no control over the should play, if any, in the proposed development of a development of the mall and its annexation into 1.2 million-square-foot mall just south of Tuscawilla? Oviedo.The feasibility and in-depth study of cost of Would you oppose neighboring Oviedo annexing the a legal battle over the 10-foot easement must be mall site, which is now in unincorporated Seminole carefully brought into play as to the time element County? and extensive legal fees. However,we must TUSCAWILLA: Tuscawilla is the city's largest and eliminate any animosity with the county,Oviedo perhaps most powerful residential community. Should the city set up a taxing district to provide landscaping services for this community? 94 7 // NARROW from K 14 one,I think the final decisi n should be the result of a referendum. If the peo le vote "yes,"then the homeowners associations, a city's beautification board and the City Commi sion should work together to determine how he services are employed. MALL:The original project was merchandized as a showroom-office park.It was scrutinized for SEAT 3 regional impact with assurances of no connector road to Winter Springs Boulevard.The proposed mall is a significant variance and the traffic impact MOti will be of much greater magnitude.Keeping it in Khemlani unincorporated Seminole County provides residents equitable representation.Annexation by Age: 53 Oviedo is not a solution.Nor is the connector road. Occupation:Quality It will only result in a lawsuit and delay the project. systems consultant Winter Springs and Oviedo have a joint stake and Education: Bachelor's should pool their resources to work out common 1110 • degree in electrical traffic concerns by finding a solution through the engineering,University expressway. of Oklahoma;master's ler degree in business TUSCAWILLA:Unlike The Highlands,Hacienda administration from Village and other communities in our city, University of Tuscawilla and Oak Forest do not have overall Pennsylvania. mandatory homeowners associations.Tuscawilla Professional experience:Retired in April after 25 years voted 5-to-1 in favor of establishing a maintenance with Westinghouse. district to be paid for by its residents.Oak Forest Community involvement:President,Tuscawilla also voted 3-to-1 in favor of a similar arrangement. Homeowners Association;member,American A citywide ordinance would have allowed any Association of Retired Persons;chairman, community to establish a self-financed northeast commerce and industry, Orange County maintenance district to improve its neighborhood. United Way. Such maintenance districts are common in Florida and across the nation.These arrangements will GROWTH:The Winter Springs Golf Course owners improve our communities and thereby our city's have been investigating ideas for a new entrance image.They're the right thing to do. realigned with Belle Avenue and improving the frontage along State Road 434.This will serve as an attractive western gateway and enhance the area around The Highlands.Tree-lining along S.R.434 will go a long way to make a positive statement for our city. e S.R.434 corridor along the east end has great potential.We need to engage the resource of the University of Central Florida, develope ,residents and professional planners to guide us hrough the procdss.We must set the stage bef re we're forced i to a reactionary mode. CITY M GER:The city went all out in advertising the posit' n of city manger last year.Many highly qualified rofessionals applied from across the country. nfortunately,the process was abandoned and John Govoruhk,who didn't even apply for the job,was ade city manager.It was a step backward. Mr.Govo hk was a police chief and has no credenti s for a city manager.The city badly needs a new im ge,professional expertise and stability to carry out the plan for the future.Mr.Govoruhk's assignment is temporary.He should be encouraged to step down to make room for a permanent • replacement. t/ /1 d SEAT 1 Elizabeth Larry Conniff x', ,';,, �` Harrow ,0.„ 4_". Age:52 ,=f,,t 1 �. Age:40, , Occupation:Owner of Occupation:Area manager; consulting and insurance Jostens Learning. company Education:Bachelor's ,, Education: Bachelor's yr degree in vocational ` degree from Wayne State education,Florida State s' University;master's x. University;master's s1 ,„�. ;.` degree from Central 's degree in English Michigan University. : r - I education,Nova Professional experience: ,.' „ University. � " Former deputy,Lake Professional experience: `' County Sheriff's Office. ., American Society for Training and Developmen Community involvement: National Association for Executive Women. member,board of directors,Children's Rights GROWTH:Naturally the artery has to be widen Foundation; former homeowners association Winter Springs is overly dependent on that road president;member,board of directors Seminole under the present circumstances.The long-range Work Opportunity Program. goal is to implement the city's plan for a more GROWTH:With the development of State Road 434 logical collector road system while maintaining the in conjunction with our new high school, I would exigencies of the environment. In the meantime, like to see a balance of businesses and developmen$ guide development along State Road 434 in such a, along the lines of Lake Mary Boulevard instead of way that the artery is open.Control the access and having another State Road 436 or U.S.Highway 17, at the same time maintain the equivalent level of 92.I believe if we can minimize the curb cuts traffic service. will flow more smoothly.We also should put in bike CITY MANAGER:John Govoruhk,the former police. paths for the safety of our children around the chief,works hard as city manager.However,no one school and park area is irreplaceable,and if he wishes to retire,that is his CITY MANAGER:The city manager is being prerogative.If such an event does occur,the evaluated by the present commission for a one-year position of city manager should be advertised in extension.At the end of the new year,the new business journals and newspapers. commissioners will have had the opportunity to A panel should be appointed to review resumes, work with him and have some knowledge of his screen job applicants and make recommendations competency. If John Govoruhk wants to retire,I to the public and to the commission. would not hold him to the length of the contract ; and would be in favor of at least a statewide search MALL:The new beltway connects Winter Springs for a professional city manager for his replacement. with metropolitan Orlando without altering our MALL:I would not oppose Oviedo annexing the status as a residential community. I prefer new mall;the old commission voted 5-0 against developing a small downtown district in Winter putting in the mall,and I will abide with the Springs rather than a huge neighboring mall.As a decision made by them. I am not in favor of city commissioner,my role would entail collecting dumping all the extra traffic into that subdivision.I data about the impact of the mall and executing will follow the development of this program closely. • solutions. TUSCAWILLA:If the taxing district is not ruled The land for the proposed mall site is owned by a illegal,and the people want to impose a tax on private company and separated from Oviedo by an themselves to maintain common grounds,I would' enclave. If the mall proposal goes through,Oviedo"' not oppose it. If the privet homeowners and Winter Springs will need to communicate with associations that comprise Tuscawilla(about 16 each other and the county about traffic,safety and right now)want to main ' their own common environmental concerns. grounds and upgrade, I d 't believe the city TUSCAWILLA:Although the project is a popular should stand in the way of their constitutional right to do so. Please see HARROW, K-15 qi/ //o ff Oviedo annexation passes It may have been the smallest election in the state this year,but to the movers and shakers of Oviedo and environs,it may also have been one of the most important. Nineteen voters in an 86-acre area north of Red Bug Lake Rd. and east of the GreeneWay were given the option of being annexed into the city.Fifteen of them made it to the polls on Tuesday,and by a vote of 13 to 2 they said"We accept." What makes this acquisition so important is that the parcel could have been the greatest obstacle to future annexation of the land on which Oviedo Crossing Mall is slated to be built. Westgate, as the sector is known, will hopefully become a thriving commercial center in its own right.In addition,it creates an even border along the western city limits,allowing the mall property to be added without isolating a piece of county land.Such a geographi- cal glitch would almost definitely have led to legal challenges in the event of an annexation effort later on. Conniff, Langelotti win W.S. comission seats Watching the candidates for encourages citizens to let him know Winter Springs Commission seats their concerns. this year was like watching Star It took until the wee hours of Fleet crew members argue among Wednesday morning,however,for themselves, and then letting the the last votes to be tallied giving Klingons take over. Langellotti a slim victory over WINTER SPRINGS COMMISSION In the District 1 race Eliza- Khemlani. The gap was 1.2 per- #. bethHarrowandLawrenceConniff cent, or a meager 83 votes, every District 1 complimented each other and one of which Langellotti credited Elizabeth Harrow 2,289(33%) seemed to agree on most points.In to his supporters. Larry Conniff 4,603 (67%) District 3,on the other hand,Moti His platform was highlighted District s Moti Khemlani 3,555(49%) Khemlani and John Langellotti by a concern for future growth in John Langelotti 3,638(51%) engaged in mortal verbal combat. the city,especially with widening The results were just as di- projects just around the corner for verse. Tuskawilla Rd. and SR 434. Conniff roundly defeated Conniff will assume his Com- g Harrow,taking a fraction over two mission seat in December. John thirds of the vote.His victory mes- Lan gellotti and David McLeod, sage to the community stated that who was unopposed, are both in- he wants to be a voice for all the cumbent Commission members. people of Winter Springs, and he 9y// /a Conniff takes office in Winter Springs WINTER SPRINGS—Larry Conniff was sworn in Monday as the newest city commissioner. Conniff replaces John Torcaso, who is retiring from politics after nearly two decades. Conniff,a longtime law enforcement officer who now owns an insurance and finance consulting company, has pledged to listen to residents and keep an open mind about the issues that the city faces. John Langellotti was also svvorn in for his second full term in office. Both of the commissioners will serve through 1997. .-;' ,1‘4 ":::tititO.tA'4'''''VW - • 0 ,° ' :i.. pie:4141t,'''t '4;igi:C? Khemlani, Conniff best to serve Winter Springs ith the zeal of a re- former, Moti Khem- lani has led the huge Tuscawilla Homeowners Asso- ciation from a social club to,ar- ,*- guably, the most effective neighborhood group in Central Florida. Now he wants to put that energy and commitment to work for all of Winter `" `. Springs as city commissioner, Seat 3. Khemlani Conniff Voters ought to take him up But it is the race for Seat 3 on his offer. that has the attention of Win- ter Springs voters. In the race for Seat 1, the Mr. Khemlani faces John Sentinel endorses Larry Con- niff, a former deputy sheriff Langelletti, a lackluster incum- and 11-year resident of Winter bent. Because he is highly con- Springs. Mr. Conniff has main- troversial, Mr. Khemlani will . twined an interest in city gov- have an uphill battle. 4104 ernment and is conversant on Many in Winter Springs the larger city issues and how view him as an elitist. That they affect residents. comes from his en- thusiasm and drive He more clearly to make Tuscawilla defines the direc- TOT ,94 a premier commu- tion he would pre- VOTE L nity, which, thanks fer for his city — * in part to his lead- more commercial ership, it is. Voters, development with- - though, should put out detracting from personalities aside community appear- and consider his re- ance — and how it a cord. should get there. ENDORSEMENT With 3,500 homes Mr. Conniff's op- and a population of ponent, Elizabeth Winter Springs about 10,000, Harrow, would Tuscawilla itself have to start from makes a good-size city; not all absolute zero. The good news of it is in Winter Springs. Be- about her, however, is that she ing president of the homeown- seems to have the makings of ers group is much like being a a good commissioner; she is in- mayor. telligent, well-spoken and has The Sentinel believes the poise. She needs to be in- election of Larry Conniff and volved, say on a city board, and Moti Khemlani would take learn more before striking out Winter Springs another step j for a commission post. toward its potential. / 9 •o ee WIC/AL•ALLOT ODETIM.IlECT1ON CITY Of WWT111 PA RORIOA IgVUm[11 L 11104 Stub NO.1 St No.2 • PRAISE, NOT A PLUG . " THE WEEKEND before the election, both Winter Springs TOP Commission candidates John Lan- gellotti and Moti Khemlani had OFFICIAL BALLOT glowing statements in their cam- paign material from Mayor John GENERAL ELECTION Bush. The quotes seemed to be CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA endorsements in the Seat 3 race. NOVEMBER 8, 1994 Not so, Bush said. The kind comments about the candidates' service were given because "peo- ple who run deserve a pat on the back,"he said. (THIS STUB TO BE REMOVED BY ELECTION BOARD) wWI R•PR••O1 611•[1?*&t1.1CT10 4 11W COMMISSIONER,SEATIDISTRICT 1 •;•:• (3 YEAR TERM) (Vote tot One) ••••••: J ••••; > • . LAWRENCE J.CONNIFF ee ELIZABETH HARROW > + •••••. COMMISSIONER,SEAT/DISTRICT 3 •''� 4.1"..: (3 YEAR TERM) N ote for One) MOTI KHEMLANI > I + 01•'ek.. JOHN LANGELLOTTI > + •••• NON-BINDING ADVISORY REFERENDUM '•'! QUESTION :•:•:; Should the City of Water Springs,Florida, •;;e: provide for a City owned and operated ambulance ;;• service the cost of which would be borne by the •�••!� citizens of the City of Winter Springs,Florida, :+ through the de,.ication of a portion of the City's !•!: tax revenues? •,.•; • ..•.• 11.11:0: YES FOR APPROVAL > + ••••• NO FOR REJECTION > + •••; •;•••• ; ••••• ••;.• ••••••• ; ••••• o,•.' eV•; Winter Springs, Seat 1 , 11 of 11 precincts ' Lawrence J.Conniff. 4,603(67%) Elizabeth Harrow 2,289(33%) Seat 3 ' John Langellotti 3,638(51%) Moti Khemlani...... . 3.555(49%) Y//I