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2016 06 13 Public Hearing 404 Integra 360 Preliminary/Final Engineering Plan, Aesthetic Review, Final Plat
COMMISSION AGENDA Informational Consent ITEM 404 Public Hearin s X g Regular June 13, 2016 KS RS Regular Meeting City Manager Department REQUEST: The Community Development Department — Planning Division requests the City Commission consider: 1) Preliminary/Final Engineering Plan, 2) Aesthetic Review for a 29.81 acre portion of property, and 3) Final Plat for a three lot subdivision totaling 39.81 acres in size, located on the north side of SR 434 across from the Creeks Run subdivision. SYNOPSIS: The applicant is requesting approval of a Preliminary/Final Engineering Plan and Aesthetic Review for the first phase of a Mixed Use development which, upon buildout, will consist of ten (10) acres of commercial/office uses containing a minimum of 100,000 square feet of commercial/office space, and approximately 29.81 acres of multi-family residential development consisting of a maximum of 340 apartment units and 20, two (2) story carriage units. In addition to the Preliminary/Final Engineering Plan and Aesthetic Review for the first phase of the development, the applicant is requesting approval of a Final Plat for a three lot subdivision consisting of 39.81 acres. The City Commission approved a PUD rezoning, Development Agreement and Master Plan detailing the proposed development program on January 25, 2016. CONSIDERATIONS: APPLICANT AND PROPERTY INFORMATION: . Applicant name and address and authorized representative: David G. McDaniel, applicant. 1525 International Parkway, Suite 2001, Lake Mary, FL 32746. David G. McDaniel, authorized representative. Public Hearings 404 PAGE 1 OF 8-June 13,2016 . Property owner's name(s): WS Property Holdings, LLC. . Propertv addresses: No address issued . Propertv Parcel ID number: 31-20-31-SBB-0000-0190 . Current FLUM Desi�nations: Mixed Use and Conservation Overlay . Current Zonin�Desi�nations: PUD (Planned Unit Development) . Previouslv A�roved Development permits such as conditional use, waiver, or variance (if any): None . Development A�reements (if anx): PUD Developer's Agreement by and between WS Property Holdings, LLC and the City of Winter Springs, Book 8627, Pages 950-980, January 25, 2016 . Pendin� Code Enforcement Actions (if any): No known pending Code Enforcement actions . City Liens (if any�: No known liens APPLICABLE LAW, PUBLIC POLICY, AND EVENTS Home Rule Powers Florida Statutes City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan -Future Land Use Element Policy 1.6.1: Cross Access Easements. Require shared driveways and cross access easements between adjacent properties where feasible to support efficiency in travel and to reduce demand on arterial and collector streets. Development projects over ten (10) acres shall have more than one point of access unless determined infeasible. (Cross Reference: See Multimodal Transportation Element, Policy 1.2.2) (Ord. 2010-18; 10-25-10) Policy 1.6.4: High Traffic Count Uses. Encourage land uses that generate high traffic counts to locate adjacent to arterial roads and mass transit systems. Policy 1.6.5: On Site Traffic Flow. Require development to provide safe and convenient on site motorized and nonmotorized traffic flow, adequate pedestrian facilities and connections, and sufficient parking for both motorized and nonmotorized vehicles. Policy 1.6.6: Connectivity. Encourage travel between uses and access to transit without requiring the use of arterial roads by ensuring that existing, new, and future development is connected by roadways, bikeways, and sidewalks, (Cross Reference: See Multimodal Transportation Element, Policy 1.3.3 and Recreation and Open Space Element, Policy 1.6.4) (Ord. 2010-18; 10-25-10) GOAL 4: Mixed tlse. The City seeks to promote a Mixed Use category, which provides for a variety of land uses and intensities within a development site to preserve conservation areas, reduce public investment in service provision, encourage flexible and creative site design, and provide public amenities with area-wide benefits. Objective 4.1: Location. The Mixed Use category shall be located proximate to major Public Hearings 404 PAGE 2 OF 8-June 13,2016 transportation corridors as depicted on the City's Future Land Use Map -2030. Objective 4.2: General tlses and Intensities. Through the enactment of creative and flexible land development regulations and master planning design standards, permit a variety of mixed uses consistent, compatible and in harmony with the Mixed Use Goal, including low, medium and high density residential; commercial (retail and office); light industrial; educational facilities; recreational facilities; and compatible public facilities. Policy 4.2.1: Percentage of T�arious Uses. Require as part of the master planning process, an appropriate set of uses and distribution of uses to be established unique to each development that will allow no more than seventy-five percent (75%) of any one type of land use to dominate the Mixed Use category. Policy 4.2.2: Minimum Acreage. Require a minimum of ten (10) acres for development in the Mixed Use category. Policy 4.2.4: Master Plan and Development Agr�eement. Require a Master Plan, Development Agreement, and Planned Unit Development Zoning unique to each development, to ensure that tracts of land are developed as a whole throughout the Mixed Use category, to provide continuity among the various land uses, and to create a compact and walkable environment. Policy 4.2.5: Transition to Adjacent Uses. Require transitional uses and stepped down building heights to protect adjacent lower intensity and density uses. Policy 4.2.6: Connectivity. Ensure that existing, new, and future development is connected by roadways, bikeways, and/or pedestrian ways that encourage travel between uses and access to transit without requiring the use of the arterial road. City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan -Housing Element GOAL 1: PROVISION OF HOUSING. To ensure an adequate supply of a wide range of housing types, at various levels of affordability, to accommodate the needs of the residents of Winter Springs. Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, Chapter 9, Article XII - Minimum Community Appearance and Aesthetic Review Standards Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, Chapter 9, Article II - Procedure for Securing Approval of Plans and Plats - Division 3 -Final Development Plan, Final Plat Winter Springs City Code of Ordinances - Chapter 20, Article IV - Planned Unit Developments PUD Developer's Agreement by and between WS Property Holdings, LLC and the City of Winter Springs, Book 8627, Pages 950-980, January 25, 2016 Chapter 177 -Florida Statutes Chapter 197 -Florida Statutes DISCUS SION: Preliminary/Final Engineering Plan On January 25, 2016 the City Commission approved a PUD rezoning ordinance, Development Agreement and Master Plan detailing the future development of a 39.81 acre property consisting of 29.81 acres of multi-family residential development with a maximum of 340 apartment units and 20, two (2) story carriage home units, and ten (10) Public Hearings 404 PAGE 3 OF 8-June 13,2016 acres of commercial/office development with a minimum of 100,000 square feet of commercial/office uses. The approved Master Plan and Development Agreement contemplate the development of the multi-family portion of the development as the first phase and the commercial component as the second phase of the proposed development. No time frame has been provided by the developer as to when Final Engineering Plans for the commercial portion of the development will be submitted. The applicant is requesting approval of a Preliminary/Final Engineering Plan detailing the construction of the multi-family portion of the development which consists of 340 apartment units and 20, two (2) story carriage home units in a mix of six, four (4) story apartment buildings and, ten two (2) story attached carriage home units on 29.81 acres of the property. A 5.12 acre conservation/wetland area will remain in the northwest corner of the site. The apartment units and carriage home units will be constructed in the upland portion of the property, and no development will occur in the wetland area in accordance with the requirements of the Comprehensive Plan. The main point of vehicular access to the site and project entrance will be via State Road 434 from an existing full access median opening at Creek's Run Way which will be signalized when warranted. A right turn deceleration lane from westbound SR 434 turning into the development will be constructed with the initial phase of the project. The main entry road will lead into the commercial/office portion of the site which will transition into a roundabout that will be constructed to allow safe traffic flow leading into the multi-family portion of the site. The entry road will terminate at the parking area for the clubhouse. Four carriage home buildings will line the portion of the entry road leading into the multi-family portion of the development. Access to the remainder of the carriage home units and the apartment units will be via the project entrance. A secondary access road will be provided from SR 434, along the eastern boundary of the subject property, which will be a right-in/right-out driveway connection. A right-turn deceleration lane is planned on westbound SR 434 at the secondary entrance road. This right-turn deceleration lane requires the acquisition of a small area of land from the adjacent property owner. Staff is currently in discussions with the adjacent property owner and the applicant regarding this acquisition. Surface parking is provided on site for both the commercial tract and the multi-family tract. Two wet detention ponds are proposed in the middle portion of the multi-family tract that will serve the both the commercial and multi-family developments. These ponds will be utilized as an amenity with two fountains. Benches and a walking/jogging trail are provided around the perimeter of the ponds. The trail will be connected into the commercial/office portion of the site. In accordance with the Mixed Use provisions of the Comprehensive Plan, the site will be fully integrated with interconnectivity being provided between the commercial/office and multi-family residential areas of the site. Pursuant to the Comprehensive Plan and the PUD code requirements, the multi-family portion of the site will not be gated. The applicant is proposing exterior amenities such as a swimming pool, and a clubhouse building that is located at the northern terminus of the entry road leading into the development. The clubhouse will overlook the proposed wet detention area. Additional amenities will be provided within the clubhouse. The Preliminary/Final Engineering Plan has been designed in accordance with the approved Master Plan and Development Agreement. The applicant's design engineer is currently working with Staff on the resolution of a number of open engineering comments. Therefore, the requested approval of the final Public Hearings 404 PAGE 4 OF 8-June 13,2016 engineering plans is recommended to be subject to satisfying all open engineering comments as determined by the City Engineer. The final engineering plans currently indicate the over-sizing of the off-site force main to provide additional capacity for future development. Staff is in discussions with the developer regarding the methodology for reimbursement of this over sizing. Staff is requesting that the Commission authorize the City Manager and City Attorney to negotiate the terms of a reimbursement agreement. Aesthetic Review The attached Aesthetic Review package includes all of the submittal requirements for aesthetic review as set forth in Section 9-600 through 9-607 and include the following (a) a site plan; (b) elevations illustrating all sides of structures facing public streets or spaces; (c) illustrations of all walls, fences, and other accessory structures and the indication of height and their associated materials; (d) elevation of proposed exterior permanent signs or other constructed elements other than habitable space, if any, (e) illustrations of materials, texture, and colors to be used on all buildings, accessory structures, exterior signs; and (f) other architectural and engineering data as may be required. The procedures for review and approval are set forth in Section 9-603. The City Commission may approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove the application only after consideration of whether the following criteria have been satisfied: (1) The plans and specifications of the proposed proj ect indicate that the setting, landscaping, proportions, materials, colors, textures, scale, unity, balance, rhythm, contrast, and simplicity are coordinated in a harmonious manner relevant to the particular proposal, surrounding area and cultural character of the community. Exhibits C and D of the approved Development Agreement contains elevations of the proposed four story units and carriage units. The design of the proposed units are consistent with the architectural elevations that were included as an exhibit to the approved Development Agreement. Architectural design elements such as fiber cement siding, aluminum windows, and stone veneer systems are provided. Expression lines are provided to demonstrate a separation from lower and upper floors on both the apartment buildings and the carriage units to help break up blank expanses on the fa�ades. The architecture is complementary to the diverse styles of architecture that have been constructed in the City. (2) The plans for the proposed proj ect are in harmony with any future development which has been formally approved by the City within the surrounding area. The design of the proposed units are characteristic of the architecture that is provided citywide and is in harmony with the surrounding residential and commercial developments. Additionally, the elevations are consistent with the elevations that were included as an exhibit to the approved Development Agreement. (3) The plans for the proposed project are not excessively similar or dissimilar to any other building, structure or sign which is either fully constructed, permitted but not fully constructed, or included on the same permit application, and facing upon the same or intersecting street within five hundred (500) feet of the proposed site, with respect to one or more of the following features of exterior design and appearance: Public Hearings 404 PAGE 5 OF 8-June 13,2016 A. Front or side elevations, B. Size and arrangement of elevation facing the street, including reverse arrangement, C. Other significant features of design such as, but not limited to: materials, roof line, hardscape improvements, and height or design elements. The proposed units are designed to contribute to the quality architectural styles that are typical of the City of Winter Springs. This project represents a positive addition to the City of Winter Springs. Significant design features include fiber cement siding, aluminum windows, and stone veneer systems. Expression lines are provided to demonstrate a separation from lower and upper floors on both the apartment buildings and the carriage units to help break up blank expanses on the fa�ades. The architecture is consistent with the architectural elevations that were included as an exhibit to the approved Development Agreement. (4) The plans for the proposed proj ect are in harmony with, or significantly enhance, the established character of other buildings, structures or signs in the surrounding area with respect to architectural specifications and design features deemed significant based upon commonly accepted architectural principles of the local community. The proposed project enhances the character and overall aesthetics of the surrounding area. The City of Winter Springs is comprised of diverse architectural styles and, therefore, the proposed project represents a positive addition to the City. This project represents the initial construction in the surrounding area and as such begins to set the standard for additional construction. Future development of the commercial area will be reviewed for aesthetic appropriateness and quality. (5) The proposed project is consistent and compatible with the intent and purpose of this Article, the Comprehensive Plan for Winter Springs, design criteria adopted by the city (e.g. Town Center guidelines, SR 434 design specifications) and other applicable federal state or local laws. The proposed project is consistent and compatible with the Comprehensive Plan and with the architectural elevations that were included as an exhibit to the approved Development Agreement. The final architectural plans will be reviewed for compliance with all building code criteria. (6) The proposed project has incorporated significant architectural enhancements such as concrete masonry units with stucco, marble, termite-resistant wood, wrought iron, brick, columns and piers, porches, arches, fountains, planting areas, display windows, and other distinctive design detailing and promoting the character of the community. The design of the proposed units is consistent with the architectural elevations that were included as an exhibit to the approved Development Agreement. Architectural design elements such as fiber cement siding, aluminum windows, and stone veneer systems are provided. Expression lines are provided to demonstrate a separation from lower and upper floors on both the apartment buildings and the carriage units to help break up blank expanses on the fa�ades. The architecture is consistent with the architectural elevations that were included as an exhibit to the approved Development Agreement. The project provides distinctive design details that promote the character of the City of Winter Springs. Public Hearings 404 PAGE 6 OF 8-June 13,2016 Final Plat Section 3 of the approved Development Agreement requires the approval of a Final Plat concurrent with the Preliminary/Final Engineering Plan for the multi-family phase of the project. As specified in the Development Agreement, the plat creates a three lot subdivision which contains one lot for the multi-family phase of the proj ect, two lots for the commercial phase of the proj ect, two public streets, and a tract for the construction of a future traffic control signal and mast arm at the intersection of SR 434 and Creeks Run Way. Approval of a final subdivision plat is regulated by Chapter 9 of the City Code (various sections) and Chapter 177, Florida Statutes. Chapter 177, Florida Statutes require that the plat be fully executed by the owner(s) of record, by all mortgagees having an interest in the land to be subdivided, by the professional surveyor and mapper of record, and by the independent professional surveyor and mapper who reviews the plat for consistency with Chapter 177, Florida Statutes. City Staff including the City's independent surveyor, Southeastern Surveying and Mapping Corporation, have reviewed the plat and have no outstanding review comments. FISCAL IMPACT: Development of the property will provide an increase in taxable value to the City. A fiscal analysis report is attached. COMMUNICATION EFFORTS: This Agenda Item has been electronically forwarded to the Mayor and City Commission, City Manager, City Attorney/Staff, and is available on the City's Website, LaserFiche, and the City's Server. Additionally, portions of this Agenda Item are typed verbatim on the respective Meeting Agenda which has also been electronically forwarded to the individuals noted above, and which is also available on the City's Website, LaserFiche, and the City's Server; has been sent to applicable City Staff, Media/Press Representatives who have requested Agendas/Agenda Item information, Homeowner's Associations/Representatives on file with the City, and all individuals who have requested such information. This information has also been posted outside City Hall, posted inside City Hall with additional copies available for the General Public, and posted at six (6) different locations around the City. Furthermore, this information is also available to any individual requestors. City Staff is always willing to discuss this Agenda Item or any Agenda Item with any interested individuals. RECOMMENDATION: Staff and the Planning & Zoning Board recommend approval of: 1) Preliminary/Final Engineering Plan (subject to satisfying all open engineering comments), 2) Aesthetic Review for 29.81 acre portion of property located on the north side of SR 434, across from the Creeks Run subdivision, and 3)Final Plat for a three lot subdivision totaling 39.81 acres in size, located on the north side of SR 434 across from the Creeks Run subdivision, and authorize the City Manager and City Attorney to prepare and execute any and all applicable documents. ATTACHMENTS: Public Hearings 404 PAGE 7 OF 8-June 13,2016 A. Preliminary/Final En ineerin Plan B. Aesthetic Review C. Final Plat D. Ordinance 2015-08, Development A�reement, PUD Master Plan E. Fiscal Impact Analysis F. Minutes, April 13, 2016 Plannin�& Zonin�Board meetinu� Public Hearings 404 PAGE 8 OF 8-June 13,2016 CONSULTANTS CIVIL ENGINEER & LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT LITTLEJOHN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. 1615 EDGEWATER DRIVE, SUITE 180 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32804 P: (407) 975 -1273; F. (407) 975 -1278 SURVEYORS ASSOCIATED LAND SURVEYING & MAPPING, INC. 101WYMORE ROAD, SUITE 111 ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32714 P: (407) 869 -5002; F. (407) 869 -8393 LITTLEJOHN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. 1615 EDGEWATER DRIVE, SUITE 180 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32804 P: (407) 975 -1273; F; (407) 975 -1278 ARCHITECT ACI ARCHITECTS 966 N PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE WINTER PARK, FLORIDA 32789 P: (407) 740 -8405 CONTACT: E -MAIL: SWEBBER @ACIARCH.COM ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT BREEDLOVE, DENNIS & ASSOCIATES, INC. 330 W. CANTON AVENUE WINTER PARK, FLORIDA 32789 P: (407) 677 -1882 INTEGRA 360 LOCATED AT: WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 PRELIMINARY / FINAL ENGINEERING PLAN FEBRUARY 18, 2016 JUNE 1, 2016 a �4 VICINITY MAP Attachment "A" OWNER WS HOLDINGS 2379 BEVILLE ROAD DAYTONA BEACH, FLORIDA 32119 P: (386) 236 -4113 CONTACT: DAVID HAAS APPLICANT/ DEVELOPER INTEGRA LAND COMPANY 1525 INTERNATIONAL PARKWAY, SUITE 2001 LAKE MARY, FLORIDA 32746 P. (407) 833 -3927 EXT 307 CONTACT: DAVID G. McDANIEL PARCEL ID NUMBER • 31- 20- 31 -5BB -0000 -0190 " •A LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE WEST 1080 FEET OF LOT 14 AND THE WEST 1080 FEET OF 3. € THAT PART OF LOT 21 LYING NORTH OF THE SANFORD - OVIEDO ROAD (NOW DESIGNATED AS S.R. 434, FORMERLY S.R. 419), ALL A • PART OF PHILLIP R. YOUNG GRANT ON LAKE JESSUP IN SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 21 SOUTH, RANGE 31 EAST ACCORDING TO PLAT L1 BOOK 1, PAGE 35,36 AND 37, PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE Q COUNTY, FLORIDA. 4 ° s CONTAINING 1,734,132 SQUARE FEET OR 39.810 ACRES MORE OR O LESS. REFERENCED STANDARDS • FDOT DESIGN STANDARDS, FY 2016 • CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CODES • SJRWNID REGULATIONS UTILITY PROVIDERS m ELECTRIC z INDEX OF SHEETS CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS DUKE ENERGY BRIGHTHOUSE 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 ci 3767 ALL AMERICAN BOULEVARD C0.0 COVER SHEET WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 OVIEDO, FLORIDA 32765 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32810 C1.0 - C1.3 EXISTING CONDITIONS P: (407) 327 -7597 ATTN: MITCHELL BOGLE e C2.0 a �4 VICINITY MAP Attachment "A" OWNER WS HOLDINGS 2379 BEVILLE ROAD DAYTONA BEACH, FLORIDA 32119 P: (386) 236 -4113 CONTACT: DAVID HAAS APPLICANT/ DEVELOPER INTEGRA LAND COMPANY 1525 INTERNATIONAL PARKWAY, SUITE 2001 LAKE MARY, FLORIDA 32746 P. (407) 833 -3927 EXT 307 CONTACT: DAVID G. McDANIEL PARCEL ID NUMBER • 31- 20- 31 -5BB -0000 -0190 " •A LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE WEST 1080 FEET OF LOT 14 AND THE WEST 1080 FEET OF 3. € THAT PART OF LOT 21 LYING NORTH OF THE SANFORD - OVIEDO ROAD (NOW DESIGNATED AS S.R. 434, FORMERLY S.R. 419), ALL A • PART OF PHILLIP R. YOUNG GRANT ON LAKE JESSUP IN SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 21 SOUTH, RANGE 31 EAST ACCORDING TO PLAT L1 BOOK 1, PAGE 35,36 AND 37, PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE Q COUNTY, FLORIDA. 4 ° s CONTAINING 1,734,132 SQUARE FEET OR 39.810 ACRES MORE OR O LESS. REFERENCED STANDARDS • FDOT DESIGN STANDARDS, FY 2016 • CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CODES • SJRWNID REGULATIONS UTILITY PROVIDERS WATER ELECTRIC CABLE & INTERNET INDEX OF SHEETS CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS DUKE ENERGY BRIGHTHOUSE 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 2801 WEST S.R. 426 3767 ALL AMERICAN BOULEVARD C0.0 COVER SHEET WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 OVIEDO, FLORIDA 32765 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32810 C1.0 - C1.3 EXISTING CONDITIONS P: (407) 327 -7597 ATTN: MITCHELL BOGLE P: (407) 532 -8509 C2.0 NOTES CONTACT: BRIAN FIELDS EMAIL: MITCHELL.BOGLE @DUKE- ENERGY.COM CONTACT: MARVIN URSY C3.0 EROSION CONTROL PHONE: (407)359 -4895 C3.1 EROSION CONTROL DETAILS FAX: (407)359 -4449 C4.0 - C4.2 SITE LAYOUT SANITARY SEWER GAS AT &T C5.0 - C5.4 GRADING & DRAINAGE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FLORIDA PUBLIC UTILITIES 450 NORTH GOLDENROD ROAD C5.6 - C5.7 ONSITE PUBLIC PLAN & PROFILES 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 450 S DIXIE HWY 17 -92 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32807 C6.0 - C6.3 UTILITY WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 DEBARY, FLORIDA 32713 P: (407) 351 -8180 C7.0 - C7.7 OFFSITE UTILITIES P. (407) 327 -8979 ATTN: JERRY OWENS CONTACT: ALLEN REYNOLDS C8.0 - C8.1 POND AND ROUNDABOUT DETAILS CONTACT: BRYANT SMITH PHONE: 386 - 337 -4990 C9.0 - C9.3 DETAILS o 0 M Q Z VW LU Z � 3 Z INTEGR,A LAND COMPANY ] /1B /16 20191959 C0.0 COVER .p �aa oil yes rt _ N P 2 ba� „uo fl , 121 4 11 221 Le zza �R STATE ROAD 434 SURVEYORS NOTES, rI ��MMOVf eE BOIAWEA1O QOwMt RABm EAL ?ALmIID 0.LRN fwnal D wuNra v,emm a mm� �wrrsv -w% sI Ao aoemBLw 4ounAA%Re EAaWItlfMls lflEEp rRalw. ut>Pr AS SBIIIt O eAOps°Qmw®nraur M mmrrs Rcwww AAmmrweres ^wrrwrArEs h srwsAVrW Saes: aBE®. wBE.a.AeBwrrA...eRwel4m,AEew..m >) Mf INPBNIB ®WEp.YfAl®AIASCNLVr MIfaM1400 R% ✓0 RL ABAIIKAmIEACYT /erO ILV.1®mI1AR [Y®StIWIO EmrA![t I ME[COMIYRRBATAm1AT AarW Awm% EmM16B.YC1� .9pneol AMW Le5a.A0utM mwA1[r CdaVW awmeaw 4Tt LW' Y[81V ada' EM IMY. rp EAEWS> �IOeW AE IIRV�AaaN �RBr- a =larur a aRlrEeo ua rp E'11.110IIAORD IYBefRO1E RIAI➢� A4WaAee EII.IIO nAOf Mlall® n AsWwBn rArB twEnW � uwwo w rs/rb4% � �@I LIIlWOm EI/a91D I6tY..IEIOIeeI W EIBaUO IBIY - QR was P0. reW. rN MIA84 AORV m� AO a µ4aa�omt rowoA ar soa- ABr EmeeeD IYBIIIEIR AlwAWO LEGAL DESCRIPTION ne En rE9IEf a Lar rs AIO wE EsI rap EEr a- surnwr a Lor n L1K ARPN a x swam -ono Aao �ESauun Af u ut rnmuru avA Au A vAv .iaanBOem AUrsRir tt nrE acawnn rram Emus ar�coaMn �' mnAlBa tnara sBME IEr ae.nwo Aces sac w rsa LEGEND /IO -/RIO el - OeIKAD aw/IY IIE Ga - RM Am alI1G R - ��MMMNT w -unm�e uIS10�asac I iiGRAPHIC SCAM I� (mow rwa ) BOUNDARY & TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY A PORRON OF LOT 11, —1 R. YWNG OR LAKE JESSUP 8 A _W OF LOT 14, -LP R. mANG ON LANE ..ESSIIP sBesls m«re ame U U) z_ Q O 2 } Lu W 0 (Y (L C_ T N L ) C � C C C O Ja1 � O N� o� U O N Q C1.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS SHEET — MA TCHLINE - SEE SHEET 2 OF 2 _..._ - A,s .,. so 0758' 9(8" r $ '" E 429.88' (M) rNC _ x`7 (M)� S 89'43'58" E 649.79' (M) Le zza �R STATE ROAD 434 SURVEYORS NOTES, rI ��MMOVf eE BOIAWEA1O QOwMt RABm EAL ?ALmIID 0.LRN fwnal D wuNra v,emm a mm� �wrrsv -w% sI Ao aoemBLw 4ounAA%Re EAaWItlfMls lflEEp rRalw. ut>Pr AS SBIIIt O eAOps°Qmw®nraur M mmrrs Rcwww AAmmrweres ^wrrwrArEs h srwsAVrW Saes: aBE®. wBE.a.AeBwrrA...eRwel4m,AEew..m >) Mf INPBNIB ®WEp.YfAl®AIASCNLVr MIfaM1400 R% ✓0 RL ABAIIKAmIEACYT /erO ILV.1®mI1AR [Y®StIWIO EmrA![t I ME[COMIYRRBATAm1AT AarW Awm% EmM16B.YC1� .9pneol AMW Le5a.A0utM mwA1[r CdaVW awmeaw 4Tt LW' Y[81V ada' EM IMY. rp EAEWS> �IOeW AE IIRV�AaaN �RBr- a =larur a aRlrEeo ua rp E'11.110IIAORD IYBefRO1E RIAI➢� A4WaAee EII.IIO nAOf Mlall® n AsWwBn rArB twEnW � uwwo w rs/rb4% � �@I LIIlWOm EI/a91D I6tY..IEIOIeeI W EIBaUO IBIY - QR was P0. reW. rN MIA84 AORV m� AO a µ4aa�omt rowoA ar soa- ABr EmeeeD IYBIIIEIR AlwAWO LEGAL DESCRIPTION ne En rE9IEf a Lar rs AIO wE EsI rap EEr a- surnwr a Lor n L1K ARPN a x swam -ono Aao �ESauun Af u ut rnmuru avA Au A vAv .iaanBOem AUrsRir tt nrE acawnn rram Emus ar�coaMn �' mnAlBa tnara sBME IEr ae.nwo Aces sac w rsa LEGEND /IO -/RIO el - OeIKAD aw/IY IIE Ga - RM Am alI1G R - ��MMMNT w -unm�e uIS10�asac I iiGRAPHIC SCAM I� (mow rwa ) BOUNDARY & TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY A PORRON OF LOT 11, —1 R. YWNG OR LAKE JESSUP 8 A _W OF LOT 14, -LP R. mANG ON LANE ..ESSIIP sBesls m«re ame U U) z_ Q O 2 } Lu W 0 (Y (L C_ T N L ) C � C C C O Ja1 � O N� o� U O N Q C1.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS SHEET — LOT I I all iz N 8970'05' E 1080.22' 100—YR ZONE TINE PER FEMA FjjW F111A 12117C0180P .w .,,, .,,.a aAO .,.., .,,,, .,sm .,,,o .,,� .,,,, b,e ...,,, .,,o e,.o .,_., .,,m GRAPHIC SCALE 3 — .." —26 .." .,aw .,�" .,Ip .,," .,.a se =,,.o .,�„ .,,�, b.'o .,,m .,,.o vaa .,.w wro "nm .r." �m p!@ 21 " a "m m r�. � o.Po �„ «® d�. w o �" .,,." � ."A .tea � ."., .mow �. � .o. a � �a N OF LOT 21. PHILIP R. M LAKE J & A PCQTIO4 OF LOT 14. LP R. HUNG M LAKE JESSUP MATCHUNE SEE SHEET I OF 2 C1.1 EXISTING CONDITIONS O z 0 Lu Lu 0- 0 ROUTE SURVEY FOR S.R. 434, SEMINOLE COUNTY FLORIDA IN =I-,- LOT 5 NST41'3841 -4.92'(N) .1 . - ..... ..... 0 U "g- IN _17.04 El-I E 11 1-1. 't NEI 34 ------- - N RE NN fill IN ax cane < -41'WE 74.92' oxc .r 0 ED - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 70P - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --NNvj - - - - - - - - - - 98941'39-E - - - - - - - - - - - - - C. -E C) E-1.1;1 E-5.11 11 'El 111E .E FE FE EM- S l- o-�IERR r DR, Ell _1 N E W+ PROJECTS - 11 nr T, < cle s Z IN -1-e- - -- NEB.' .3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 -- 'YI 1 4 E C—J W, N 18'.0. p 1 T EGRALAND COMPANY + dg;=- 'OR I il, 1p x x• EN CRIDN E- I N IW 11 1:110.71 FEP EL- I NEI + R 11 .1 R, 31 1-. -STATE-ROAO- 4J4- 1.17 (ROff- IDP 7 u IN 7 - - - - - - - - - --- I M E .OD CA) 1150 _RE UP A-PIr."-E.E. WF FENCE N' DKEID. 'N"CERRIL ANIE CE DLIE D-.-..M rW.RW MEIENT E ER E NENT RNERECC END MNWIL I PIPE =�l ILE __ _., . NR,RE, P. D 01 DU- -N "PION .1 RENCRORS �/' �/' � 2DI41459 C1.2 E. ECC[ �� �Ml NJRBEDj.K E, .1,ERED _LE I - EN E. -E P EE'5MW-oMTM Q 190 AM OIL (.0 -CUWED -WREWNT =. =.DRED ND - :-- E, 'o M E = %=�-7. Et,'N'_., ,,. D'� ENE,�,-.%W IRE. ETNR C , R, 1p C"o'. DRD C F L Kg- . �.NEN.E RINE -.E. RD C�/,L CENELUIN N.E FIELD 115UIIEO DECFIN TRAIN- III CFCRNER C. _CRID. LM, EL-T- 'C' - IELNENR - MI IND FENCE FD MND 0 S' V' D CRNNF = I I LD, _ 1. - ICR.NENR REFERENCE Zl- DR,, 5 11 lElER C- C E, EE REL-DRE P -ND I- - -E PB PW MI W. 5,' �EM',', :M.NNF`R,8L',:`, NNE,, =EMLE -N F:RC FININD �/l := = AND P. -RIE 1W. MU-1 r-ND llLl'AXN.11E NERN-El PPDC CNN '-NT DF RECINNIN. �IWW -E." W RE V.- nod SR 'TAM L. " - =rl" T., =,', .."� I-R. MR - NERNINENT IDOECL MW SURVEY NOTES, -D G. IDLER. RS.1 W4 EXISTING EDR.E. RN C, gM:�rZD- - IPE: =pSR -E-ENE PINE --WW 6W.EW.-. E NNF - - IRRE FENCE NT - -W OF FNNEEN, UE LRD. E.C.CNT E E M 3 EN A RII�A -F-/ F %&Er E' C WE A a. IN.D.E. FENCE CEINDR �IE D IIN .2 TNE -TURE . T.E .=E.. N ED CONDITIONS ROUTE SURVEY FOR S.R. 434, SEMINOLE COUNTY N W DA - -_,y s 'cl 3r .r U _ �5 _ ldT b LOT 21 M► 0. mw w Ixxa tmr ✓ / �/ .0 ~ ° l�1 bJ1 03 (/ ono 50]'59'18 "E _ _ V 1 50991'30' 9.]B' 969' 649.]9'(09)'" O N FL-11E EL t-ER O N TE IPBA 4 �� °, �.a,., 'x2� m• ,°.w„ � .. \n�' ' ]or °Eo-ii.oz lox n z zm '° x 1e xcr iw lane xoa19 s.zmi x 1� 1.1 L:i' x xcn .w rzxs �ox� xxx swxcv��wuw d cl _Y4xxN_sw� r ePamwuw eg we4r lv '4. axexo�wux +, 509'91' E D (Wj cl enic. vu� enic. wu x" Lu Z e 1 — 4 @¢ i ________ ____ _ _ _ _ __ --------_-------- — J INTEGR4 LAND COMPANY O I.Or 21 °Y a Mi M 6Ei�'lIM bUY. � r 509' AYA t ar 'rrwvEasE" —rv5a92_lN4sr1M------- - -- - -- u »— .YSwJ — p6L[LL4 JL�F1. STATE ROAD 434 — T —IYIY >70WfbxY. 410DV MJ ca ya-a 2/10/16 2D141959 -- a - - - - - -- S¢ SHEET t OF 2 FOR LEGEND AND NOTES. SHEET 2 IS NOT VALID VAIHOVr SHEET 1 EXISTING CONDITIONS GENERAL NOTE SM. ON SEENDRIC mum PFdfm APPEON1 III unP II -IL SITE GRADING & EROSION CONTROL NOTES SITE LTrILfrY NOTES I HE, OR DDREARA�=11A.-FZIV. -I-. I- . AN, 1. T. --TO A. WE THE NOWE A-I.Ell ,A s3 I 1UNNECTI THE E.- PARRANZIATT 11.1 61 ME -TO PAN WE LAN CNIA WIF 1111Z 11 I- 1 -11 11 1 WERAN I 1- 11 -111 11 -11- 11 R. HE �I1311,1 Ll�;WnRk 1-1 UP THE 11 11 1111 S LREA OF NES, A. A--. -11 BE OT WATERANIAN. OMT - I. S T. SM LAFFAFT A ANSED ON RESTEREADE NANTS ER REFTERE.. 1. ECN.=r C.. REENTS, l� A. ER TO WE REAS KIM AW COSCREARANCES M THE WARREN S A WE .-. RESPORE REARWARFAREAND I .= AS E A E FRA, I NCO 1 LAID. NEE PARICARI. - SHALL le.Z-VIDWAS =1 1��W " "1 .1 11,11-TIHI, I ;:-" RIM, I.V1.11 RE: FRE, Au I �1WWFDERWI.1.-1E==T.- 1W=.1E�1EAE I A. I. AT X 19 FxE .I A A TO AT NE DEC "T"' I THE 11 IE=.-- "=.== =TAE I I ARE REARI ,BN STAN ;I THE E ALL ==F1 THE . _ I 4= = I HE FEET - M NREE" I I WE �1 1 11 11 WATEEI ENCAM :MW .EE:1 CATHER THIN REARREN WA -1 LACL RE. DID FECIP .... SEFFARATTRAN --- (1111 FAC =(EIT I2==MT=MW`;=U=T 1 -11 WRIEREN TO All 1-1 BODER AND WERE EM NH` BEFERE 7. DFAIRLI PERIONES SHEI I PATIFFE11. A E.I= XH. I IMMAE INEWPARLIFFEREARRAM FESS IMAM WE F Wj�� T. THE =KIM WHEI -FORM THE MEET LOCANDE OF WE STORNE WIN MEADOWS 9 THE WIND WARE THE MIKE MAE. WXMMM W I CHOU ALL EISTRAD WIN AND DI� I THE MID PAN V �M RUN AND KIM ANN WEREPARCRES TO THE OR I ffE AT. FIR1.11--m-P T.11=11.1 r. :I_T*RZ U1.11MV SUM1.111. I THE - THE 1= A. WARREARNERS TO THE ENEWEN WEIRSTE11. 1. THATIr ON ftj =�,� IN MARIETTA THE "1W I E� ON T:,kET CH N M INCESDO I'. SAR�AAH BERE M = wal ON Ir°"" HER ANTE ISTERN _I BEREEPER IR THE A I A. SHE .1. 1-. AND ENECTIMAI - I A MWEEN ... PAREADIT A. NEW HANE.E. FEID REARDERANT Of A. ..- WE IS TEE . - A./. EFTEREN WE OF ORRIFERE LESS .... NEFTEE. R. THE ENTRACTSIT SHEI ANN WE MUM BF ALL MWE AID DOE STRACTILRES DID RAIN PROPOSED PARRE KUM& 11 THE 'E. I - ABLED E, A. OF ANCERE, 1. 1 SO ON LMIDPVZ� " TK""1" ECA` 'Er M W`ONTHT 2%17:` = AM MICA, "M M LEE UMM AN "W"M L THE LET:M Ell e B, 0- 2, OFTHERS, :V 11, TV WE, TO - HE THE DERAN THIS DR. AT 1:1 HANEVE OT:ZEES = :fEMEAR AND WERE El MORAIRA HW�: E.E.11�� ON Z; :1 IS KE- AFFEREALF. - ALFTF. ID, rE DIRCURrANDSCRESELESSFERELBE III MM�. IMS��TO�� EXT sP[mlmps SCrEE SA" NO ,:rBAWE BE NO NEREN HE MANI THE MCI WX IDER"IMI 11`1 PaE:T1 I ONE THE EAPPEN - BE CONAVC) NED.- 12. 11 CIA AND ELL. SLONES SHAI ff 3 END— TO I %KIM OR INATTER NUESS COMFORSTE NOTED ON THE MAE. I =.1.1=A1 I.Iff.111 11 TESTED III THE CAND THE I_ �F 11. ANN WHIS ACCEIIIE TO I.E.M TIPTHE LTDIMI 11 1 - BE EwFW D REPLASIN . THE WAS I r ARREAT QU 11 FIRM MR NOW PEED IREAS SHALL ff INCREFILES, M THE TOP OF WARNER RON CRIAND ME. 11 A.11 ENREMSM.11 I aEIItWAIDR 11, 111 1=D= BE BICITEID (IMS) M PER BER, AW RENTES .=I 12. 2W BMW E A KIM SEEN OF I:IE, IDERN IVES RE SPECS WHEI BE ED= N. MUM ME UP ASPHALT OR WARREN PRIME SHAEL ff M THE WHOWN MKS KIN � SPIMS SELL ff 21 1 AND DRECTAN. '7=:'- TO 'E I- IT. WEEMBE ALL CARREFECE TS CHATE ENAMAEI D. - HANES, M. LWASURNAL I. ME-CEPRENTESCRON IS EXE I TW"X:M=E.MfT.'T_ BEFFEENTO LAND, WHATER, :'E" =T' :5, A AN THE EF EBSNAME AND.. III. OF FLI"�� BE OREED ED U-S.U. EARREER, N M FIENTESSFERAL E DOWERNEE WHAI NWRK" :E= I I H%LAN .�,RREREE T=%:,-T. I Tl rl IS I. =, FAR AA IF THE '=W"A."XMEW 17. IF W WAKE OR CONNO NEAR M�M KOREA FRENCH ME M A HEIRRAND, THE RUNS SMALL. ff MMRK=KW`EMD*1KI ME ff ACTIALLF SHARES PARK ME IWIM MEANS AT ALL BENDS AND TEE AS RESUED W, WEEN DEFERFUNT. ADDED FE THE I ON NEW EW IS 1. CONEARETER -11 ARK OF TRAFFIE. I. THE DENTERECTER -11 MAD FLARE . THE WERON IX ,NEE. SNUF ED AID NEEDED MAE �� 6 MULAINED, ES THE FRACHE ARE D&REWERED, AID SHALL. ff REFINED N THE WAREER. 11 THIS I -m=% = A NEEDED 6 THE OF THE MMM =12" = T.11XI TE I KV11 -1 - LE UO. PARRE THE IS MENCED - -I- PAREENTAN OFFER) ON -1 MCA .11 BE AREPARNED ON .,Fns AND ELL LUES ANNE) NEEDED IN .. APINDED BS THE ��Tll IIIIFINIIT� 11. �E THE CLACT WOMEN OF ALL NW3 EMON THE MIKE ETI THE MINT MANEL I& RATER RETERS SEFAI ff 0 DEEPER THEN 11- FEW TOP ff REWER TO WINNER THRIED, MR. 17. �K��MSMMIIMKK REWK[) TOM MKS OF ANERSECTAND STREM LANK. FEW UM�S AID WARE CITED W THE �" CE I& tMANWE:M 0 0 THE MALMENEW AID SPIDDREATURS ff LI11I FEET PORM =TNER TO A. - CONE ON INS. A - Of " D F�� THE FURE INS AFFEARAL I TO BE FRIEND TO THEM I UNDER WERWASS PREN I WARNEENDEENT I THE WARE 19. ALL TEREANS INSIBILATION SHALL CONFORM TO LI11I AND WE CON WUr K:T NO S&EERTW�W NEW AND _�El LEK NEW WAV P ED Se III SHAL. ff MUM BT THE COMARTHEAt IT AS A-- COSE TO THE (WHER, M. = SHAL. SLOPE. INN. WEAK MINIMAL N CHERSHOWN DEM. WINE INCH DICEED THEM SPENED I IMPI. ME I SPIESSFECANIT THE CMW DERA HEALTH AND SAFM M M FIAT DICANEWE IN ff PART IWO SELL BE FERALEVED. RE. DO AN -M WECEIREM OR RIME TREES EPCEK WIN RECESSEUT M -. -I 1. STAT - FEW I D I SHOOMPRE - GENCRAI. -111 111 --D - TO A .... DEM OT A� �N_ SLC,1A, A = .I UP SAL U TOP ff ROME EIIRAUW 10 WEREENE ff -RUPEES IN WERESE SHEI BE 9 SHORK ON THE BETERM. LUESS WASS, MKNM THE I . M. THE CONTRACTER 1 Am REARED PIPE INERES, DISTARS IM NATERALL AND WE AS SUN ON N.M. 17. NEAR NOW PEESENT. CANS, 111� IMMUNE. M TIT AM DANNERED EFT -WHOM ACHANCE TO I IM NEW MIDDEN 9 0 ANNUAL COM TO THE MIER. TO THE IN =D GAS LNIC CONSETWOM A. HATIBILATER - BE . WO THE - I COUNA. EFT TM 11 THE KNOW W THE CW=W .1 WASTALWAREN AM PRETALLOWN SHAL. IT CONEANNES M. THE IFER1 ELE-1 MI. M THE INE CONSTUCHASE AND ASTARELAIN SE11 BE ��D ETI THE LOCAR. TEEMWNE M. KWKD DID NAME TO THE MKS ff AFTEECTRAS STAIDES, MOREAC THEM nn Pnwrz'RN5 I DRECTE1 FE THE WHEN. IF 1WC=1W%E:oW1RW KNOW WAL I NOWANT PENSION AND SATM VIC ,E:AM T, IS D THE ARAWNS EN OHNSTRATTEN SWED OR THE � MEIEW OF LABON, N. %XrM UPSTERE SHA �D Nun[ ROD, I ME STAFF THE CM OF ENER E FERNERNEW AAEBE C W� DjW A. E:.`. WNAK: THE RESEARREPERENTS AW SPEEITEARDE OF THE L-L -11111 .1- MAN TO ECD = AN Er=.l T.K. EZZI? III= AN W.1E1 AT. A.I.I.Effl 1 11. E IL NO I "t A., " I ="OH HN I. MADE NEW ANS E MEMORIAL HAPPEN. (DIAMETER IFUMM AND DENNIS MID BE DINCTED. AID THE RATER SMA11 BE RENEWESI WE BEEF DREARRE U, NNERS, M, INFORMED MONTE Oft MUM NNE SMALL. ff ME 14 WALL E. M�PDRREDE�FFANE CONFRA DA ,IC HERNEEN 21. IIERE MINE OR ARLIN IM MR I �D FL1,AREAS. THE ELL. kt.6,MM=IWDDN=D F. (11.) 11 111 1 111 PERSE M 'M I I BE AIND I I PnD= I ENZIEWINEN I THE IIIIU K-I DEC THEST ON REARRE :g(D I. TERFARFACEARCE OR Ir THE INFEENT 9 THE WOR INES (� WAR EATRAII) TOF ALLEN M Co%:� TI=D TOM xx A CRT ff ENER SEES MUST PEREE S REDEEM IN Al WE WERIONELS. TEDE%UXT Ell- _ FEE I I=- MEM T. FEE IS W E OF WE= A= TLl = AM 7TI::.I:,-D 11=1 A'== 1:1 AW THIN '-TE' " ED THE I ON NEEN WHEI D ED THE SENNE STATE . DEC PRENE. EWEAR A. BNOTHE BERENTER - AW WOU - WASIRES WEEFFARD -E .. ANDON DERANCES. I RAT STRAN WBAS SHAII BE ANDSTED TO DALE INO THE TOP Of 1 11 E Q WADrT1 I" ELL WE I ASEENED, ALL ARE'RE AW RS. Kr ELL AD I IMPLIED W OF ALL CAL OFFEETS, USED AN AN 15-NO SINN MMD BF A ECURPRE D WVM. ALL THER= -"D XN A M.N 'WE' TEE AC M. IDDIFER. A. WASER. -11 BE APPARENT. . THE ANTECHARAL. E RITE I IS NATIN. .,��N DN THE 7 W:. A�. A. IFIF M": T!�.,,TH HE = W OW SAWLES NO DOME WALL BE M15 RENEFFEED TO ERCHAS THE F.E.I. WERET - 0' WRAND TREN AS NAME. THE INFEREAM SM11 FRIF THE WNREW . THESEE -1. E, M. THE UFFEE OT All WEEK. .11 BE DEATED M. REMPOWS AN MANCE RECTERE AW IS FEW orvs. :TWI�l I.Er 111.1-TE IT =RC I= T1.1.1 TE.1.1 BARRE "U�Vf"- MT AM. `.W.MT _M AND 1. I IDUENT 11= -.-RC CES IT BAN -1 I.T.K E-1 - 'T SO THAT THE EFEIIT� I. ON R THE WE IN THE AR; _BEE ii TO BE INCLEED 11 WE W IN D�M. THE -INTENT SHALL OBAN THE DISPOSAL ENE AS ALE ff WE IM. --_W AT'.M...-M N. URN WENT BE KW1 AREEPERNEW NEW MIAMI BEEN I ALL AFFORED =�AAA UMPF To SCHNEE OF WHEN FLAW, :.E THE MEW I=. ANERSIT REANDETIN 1111 ME LEON THE WILE REARRE BE RESSA. IREAL. - WAR. THAT .11 WASE, -1 CAMER AM E.N - RES. TO BE AWAM. I--- NAH - - OFFERATERNE, EROSION CONTROL NOTES SI, L-KIED FINDS OR ELL MICHAEL 6 TO BE TREATED SO THE SEENNEW ALN-ST 11 NEW OPTIMUM BURKINA PARE OR ENAEk RUN READE SO All M- TO ENTERAT NWHERM WALL BE EN 1. MAND A. IONEW .1 WORDS 1. EROSION THREE ON AND KNEW COWER WASERES ELSE BE IN PLACE AND FLINCINAL SL A: _MM IMME MADDER. IWIM SPOSTRIFEE OF W REFFERAL SHEI BE PINEW K�D IN USE ACTRATI. ff 6 THE C To THAT ALL KOMD FEES WE OWED FOR BEEF KNEW WHINDED, A CORN 9 THE APPIENED KIM z BE RAW I FIRE 1ZW.:ft1.1=DE IS 1CD TEE N.ff" AT =- A.I�TE E I OF BE WE EARTHE ENOW OPERATION BOGUS AND MUST BE CDETRALICIED AND MADJOHNIED THINERAMED' THE CONSTROACTION EEO D. IWPNRAFN WASURES W BE KNOVED Al THE THE ASPECTER -1 M COMENDEREPIT Of - ON AND - FARLEARE TO DO . - - I THE CONFURSER K-. A. REERFAIII P.. REATERNI AT HE BE NPOSE. ONAA NOM=UATE .1112. A WEARD, E PLANS SF. WERNMED BETENEW Of THE SPORMIDAN M WEST BE REP,ACED AT THE END Of THE WORE WY. 2. THE FOLLOWING REOWES SHALL BE WINIARNED ON DR NEAR SITE THE WES WHEN - M ff SMAII BE WE �� K� M RASTE WES DWI NATERAL III 111 9 NO MUTUAL COAT TO THE DENIA TK:T--rFl SITE- TO,--%,., MT.1:1VT1W =Wl RT SHE, FROPME OF COSTROTHE ORNEW F%_ ARN M =�Ml NO =FgTIZ IDEATION 1 .11 HER 11 LUES 1. M. EI I EREN WERE MUM MUM ACFWMES OCCUR THE CITIES EHEN MANSTRILICTON A WES IMPORARDLI OR KRUARENIFIN CEAM ON A WIDN ❑ THE WE; THE WES WHEN STABILIZATION MEABARES ARE ZRATIM.FMPMENE WERES ff EFFROF NOUN WE ME ARE ON SAL �.KE NOUN . ff PROPEALF HAM .1 A. OW U ALL EE IN WHEI BE INSTALIED N A SPARNER MMMM LEDESED I THE M ff THE PROLECT. III INESPECIFION RECORDS AND RAINARL RECORDS. I THE COKE CIN SHALL WENDEN A NAN GAME AND WILY RENTALL RECORDS AT THE 59E OR 111111 IN A AS 'M' 'VE =1% COMIC I `21=1 A E PLA 11 E MADE 11 RESAW ON WIN . THE =NTI A, TI Wn WEAREFF CBWnd A A AND -1 GENTECERECUL ANO-ON NOVERSART TO - DOWN THE RARL 1. 111 SANTFAI 11.E1.1TM1 I.K TO K�- I-D AND A OF WE DID NOWN) TO THE CITY OF NI ER _N:D TH RE, _AW. TOR AF ME A REFERENCE SITE ITH A RECORD V DAILY AWFLANT Of P-APTAIMAN. 1. PI ACTON VEGETATIVE BRAND CIVER SMALL NOT BE DESTROYED. REMOVED OR DONNED WE THAN WS PRIOR TO MIDANE N EARITH THE V. KOrTEE WIND KUM IN ACCRUED MET � ENCLERM RESES. AND MHER STINCHAREEF WON IF THEM ME IN CATIALED AN THE PLIN SS WMA SHEI PENN THE UY ff WRIER SPEAK A MUM ff NEW TO Al CONARECTEND M WIN ME ON ON UNCE MUL ID MWIDER UNILIESS AM IS SEEDED AND/DR INCHED M EITHER 1EMPENOWN MER 6 INSHELLED. I SHE WEZ"T,E:r.TT= ITRUIRETEATTE-1 El-, AFFEWAR SAD IATIFA- -1-1 ED ARNEREN. DREAREDERE ,aaAl ED INS & CCHNESF� TION WESS BE SECUENCED TO WERIBE THE UNDERLIE THE OF DUMB OFF DENUCIED NEEDS, A, SECAME SHINIC BE REMOVIED FREE SEDIMENT TRIPS, SO FENCES, SETWENWIDIN PENDS AM ME SEMENIF CONDICALS AS NECEMAR" AND AL9 BE REMOVED WHEN DIESAIN CAPACn HAS X PER THE WHEM NOWEERE SONCEI, W. (MARK) BECRECANCRI HENDIFT OFFICIS FEREARE S. MIS, THERE 6 A &MEOW PENTAL. M =11IS ATT TftS1 11 RECDWT1KD AM -1 SHABARD -I' -- PLEBUNG EPj1g1TM 11 -1 MONETERE TO _.I. CATANDIRSHE A = THE ZRAIRTUR NO! RA TO BE ME %. WAR CAND B. ME OFE, A - I THRE ROM CONFAND Y. MEN REDWED V WE N AS DIRECTED V CONERS REPRESENIATTINFE. T. THE MENTRAVER? SWILL REMNE SECRIEW TRUE ALL DRARINANX OFELACTURRICS BEEFORE ACCEPTANCE BE LOCAL ONARNING AGENCY OR AS BARECTED W THE ONNEn ALL MRM AMR NNW IS 10 BE VIDED INSPECTED WITH A COPY 9 THE WD PROWDO, 10 THE MIT V WINTER SPRINGS TEE REVIEW ALCAA WITH THE M-WILTS. A. THE COAMBRICIN SHALL REMOVE THE IFEWERRAW EIREMEN AND WATER PoLLL ON, CONIMIL EVES OWN AFTER A SOLO STAND 9 GRASS HAS MEN ESTABOUSEED ON WEED AREAS AM WHEN IN THE OPANION OF THE OWNERS REPRIESEWATARE, NU ARE M LOWER NEEDED. Ici 0 W4 r E c) W rn VW LU Z INTEGRA LAND COMPANY IF Sp.pES 20141459 C2.0 NOTES .� " � �oo �♦ � EROSION CONTROL KEY NOTE DDE EMP RARY 2DNS /EA2 u DESCFIPTION /D32 � 2117 FENCE 2 /C.2 © INTEL PROTECTION 3 /C.2 © TIEE LIEETEITICN IENIE o0 FV �L f7 A rF ��• ' E s /ca 2 PIPLAP 6 /C3.2 BOUNDARY LINE / 9 _ 401 T, — BOUNDARY LINE W W 3 ,y /r 4 \ �I� I I _ —G INTEGRA LAND COMPANY b,ixc l.inxt, f7 "1146 EC6 14, I/ \I I I ■ ■ I // �� L I 1n120141459 / 6 A ] /Et6 /16 ■ ■ , � I I — wM1a1'a below. Call before you tlig. Po „o C3,0 MATCH LINE SEE SHEET 3.1 APAPHIC SCALE EROSION CONTROL MATCH LINE SEE SHEET 3.0 EROSION CONTROL KEY NOTE CODE DESCRIPTION TL p /SxT Q TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 1 /C3.2 SILT 2 /C3.2 C©4 T P T / Q FILTER SOCK DROP INLET FILTER 5 /C3 NPRAP 6 /C3. DEMOLITION KEY NOTE DESCRIPTIO REMOVE EXITING --1 MENT p /sx1 y D� REMOVE REMOVE ®R REMOVE EISIINa WRB EVENLY R REMOVE REMOVE PRDPDSED FEATURES LEGEND corrllElE lD IlEYOyE 0 N9PHP11 —K. 10 REYME TREES 10 BE KY D IxLn PIrolEC1EMl ►SY iR[E ..mm FENCE —TP —TP — SILT FENCE SE NDARY LINE below. Call befo of you tllg. E 111111 O W M Q i VW W z � 3 Z INTEGR,A LAND COMPANY ] /16 /16 20141459 C3.1 EROSION CONTROL EROSION CONTROL NOTES: EW DN PREVENTION PND SE IMEM CONTROL M[ SUFES SI RE IN PLACE PNG $:i q- CWRSE AOGNEWTE STM D99B 0.1 STONE 3 -1/2' SM.) ORIGINAL GRADE NN[TIONPL BEFGRE EPR Tu NOTING OPERATION N PERT ANOUMUS R[ cnNSTRUCiEO PND MNMAINCD THROUGHOUT THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD IENPORPRY MEASURES THE END OF THE WORItDAY. BEGINNING OF THE V'rORItDAY BM MUST BE REPIM£D A, 2 S HEN OES TOSTE; H[AS[AON /� � l ; W O t'1 0= _ G FILTER FABRIC IN 'NLE" OTHERWISE SPECFIED ar A smLS ENS NEE, SECTION B —B NOTE: RNA MA nLN .n W ' 000F FRW MUnWN fW[n � 'MNI�R ACTM [MP OR ROFDORVP[RNANEMLVM AHPONRVON OFUT DATES WHENALABILIIpTION MEASURESUPRECINRIATED'. INSPECTION RECORDS AND THE RAINFALL RECORDS, ' SHE so�oeRUSE a eeLrEREI cHNSnE�IOR AH�ECO� oFIONwINAUOUNREOOaos AT ESHALL W w _ ^ y f r AND CRANK SEDIMENT HARRIER SWALE DR OTHER AND CFNNNELRE RUNOFF TO SEDIMEW CONTROL SE TRAPPING DEVICE DEVICE MWWm �' ONI °-0 Iw' "I AINNNM M� NSp HmIW rcFffiLRA LYTb1F81'O1IK1)�[lwr A. PRECCONSIRUCIIONHVEOETATIVE GROUNDNCOVER NOT BE DESTROYED, AREA IS SEEDED AND /OR COVER IS INSTPLLW. MULCHED OR OTHER TENPOFPFY NsNUEED MUS RE SENDW ED TO MINIMIZE ERP�DFE TIME OF ED Q f ° ¢ o- o IUSN J B rc VJ� D u CDUT TND MM DATED ( ICJHPAT �f DOTRAFFIC (20' IN_) —x FIL- I� Nee I� a[ NA NNe�° ?� L� I d Lom w[ O AREAS 8. 9EDINEM SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM SEDIMENT TRAPS. SLl FENCES. ED I AND MUST Dv OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE. nv H45 BEEN REDUCED BY 5D% DR AS DIRECTED DEFOROMPFAACTOR' NPR EMS11 SEDIMENT FROM ILLDFAINAGE 1111'URIES IF ' GOVERNING WRY BE AS DIFEET, DYl E OWNER'S R[PRESWTAnVE. = IIIIII _ - n w B WHEELS IF NECCESSARY `S�WASH I I �Lv_ —uJj W"P ESTABLISTE D CONTDOE DECES ONLY AFlER A SOLID ESTAND OF EGRASSNHAI PEENE P THE DOEEDNO AREAS LONGERDNEEDED IN THE OPINION OF THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE, � � A a. I 'w N� PLAN VIEW TCP -OS TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE TREE PROTECTION ND ,D SCALE r--" L 1 Q i NOT TO SCALE 1 3 CC V W W z A � _ 1 1. SET PCISTS AN) EXCA AIE A A' • A' 1RENCH R. STARE VIBE FENCNG TO 1. IIPSLDPF ALONG THE ONE CF POSTS ROSS. _' _ ` � 1 ATIACH THE FILTER FABRIC TO ME WIRE 1. HMCFILL AND COWAM ME EXCAWOED SOL. N� y MNwe W. MA , INTEGR,A LAND COMPANY TO,xDT.TART,FL,z,Ab I, Pipe GUAM G—M.- Reference: FLORIDA STORMWATER EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL INSPECTOR'S MANUAL, JULY 2008 FENCE AND DITEN] IT WO THE 1RENCH ' / _ _ / IdipveM ENIENSION OF FABRIC AM NIKE INTO THE TRENCH FILLER FABRIC WIRE CONSTRUCTION OF A SILT FENCE W� elNmn roim A Nw_rcgmD wr a —� _ -_ _ C V FLOW PLAN -"L"' - ELEVATION A DINT 'A' SHOULD BE HIGHER THAN PoIW V PROPER PLACEMENT OF A 1. : .:L� �x .,.�. ,.. RE N, r O°N ^i° :v:a FILTER BARRIER IN A DRAINAGE MAY FILTER SILT FENCE NOT TO SCALE INLET ART yC�(�OM xmemeTei �mo�w no�NO.oe�o:rRO�n� o .ou or:n�: mn�:Pm. 1 A ?LFAB /16 .CCOt11959 ^ N L Reference: FLORIDA STORMWATER EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL INSPECTOR'S MANUAL, JULY 2008 GF� Hlo sC LE 2 4 5 EROSION CONTROL m � ®1110 t � � IDo-rR «aoD zaxE ux[ I _ ` • ' - `PER FEW MMEL 1 I 9 € i I ¢ )Is � � `- • � � � � � — � • • _ oo aN E `1 txmcDleDF oII� l .�..�i• DPErBOBNDAR� ���. �'� •• ar`i�voEEE�" •�� alFv �PR — •�..�r�� — — — — — — 1 — - -- G ♦♦ PROPOSED FEATURES LEGEND 0 11 --- -f- - -_ �_ ^� rvaa le o s9 I \ — — PRD U PERTY BOUNDARY 1 5 D T WETAND BUFFER, 25' AVG., MIN. — WETLAND LINE I PROPOSED —I-AND BUFFER FUTURE COMM RCIAL IITUND LINE — — — — ss BUFFER EXTENTS o.BLDG: #t ry :a III tO0-rEAR TOM ZONE LINE Z 1 "` ELN= 8.7' (MWD AR) s zE)rvNV G GXRXGE TO, STOP ECATED POND 20 - C CXRRMGE UNIT R� szs GI .von IN r PUBLIC N47E: FUTURE BIGNDECORATIVE � � \ � � � ` SEE SHEET CB.t FOR ROUNWBONT DETAILS. mE WETLAND IMPNOT \ WEDAND BUFFER REQUIRED: r E R G C \ 1,736 LF WETLAND LINE • 25 FT WIDTH = :. _. TRArrIC — — — O WETLAND c 1 s)NAL WETLAND BUFFER PROVIDED: ( ( LUBHOU 6 43,45�F�SFT LAIN. 1 n ,` & POOL BUFFER AREA) + 4,636 FT" (ADDITIONAL ianree u U BUFFER AREA) = 43726 L ,1 i� II s E Iia s ?cu _ I _ I ` of C C BLDG #6 FUTURE SAN PUB ROW G .� ♦♦ ° 1b EI eIe 515 a/ G c . A WETLAND DUE coxcA[ e \ ` ` waiiwc naE BLDG #I. DEDICATED fl A G PUBLIC Row o BLDG #5 ! I A I I� I IRA POND 10 G FUTURE OMMC EERM G - I o � 1rr I I I I I I I I l \ � I I I I MAI Eu NC L)G#4 iENANCE 9iI � •� I 41- 111 LE J I G DN DOE G oEBB gS° WALK LEV B / 0 / R EDGE ps �0 G PUBLIC — I � rDr a � / I I � rvv �r. r DEDICATED sO Acc[ss ROUrE 1< — — G — — — — — — — — — — — — PRDPERTr EDINDARv I GPA HIC —LE palow. Call b tlig. y R � � / I .LIr� ,I 0 I,0.�� =ION AREA SIGN , (' P�� V G MND NNE MATCH LINE SEE SHEET 4.2 PROPOSED FEATURES LEGEND BLOING 0 DENERBE RAYENEM CONCRETE SIDEVNN D III NIR NYYE.E. UGNI OM' WVENEM —LE VAANI NUICH VAMVAY PfcOPERIY BOUNRARY — — — NEFIAND LINE PRWgSED VEIOAND N.- 25' BMFER EXTENIS — — 100 —YEAR ROOD ZONE LINE ELEV= 8.7' (NOW U) — — — — PARKING SUMMARY: REWIRED: 190 PROPOSED. 802 A. 2D SITE INFO: -A.: PUD PROJECT ARM: 19.95 ACRES D.M. ..Al AREA:... P.CRES PARCEL A (4 STORY AFARNMEW BIILMNG): SHEIN:XS NRtlNF ID', ROAR 1D', SIDE 5', SIDE CORNER 25' FRON PROPEVB LINE T. FROM ABLAND 15' NIN/25'AVG LAAX. EARLMNS NOW 9 STORES PARCEL A (2 STORY WINAGE UNRS): SEIBACM FROM ID', ROAR 1D'. SIDE 5. SIDE CORNER 15' FROM PROPERB LINE V. FROM ABLAND 15 NIN/25'AVG LAAX. SUALMNS HEIGHT: 2 SFORBS PYRCEL A T STORY GARAGE UNRS): SLIDICXS FROM 10', ROAR 1D', SIDE 5', SIDE C1N 5' N ER 1 FROLR PAUPERIY LINE T. FROM ARLAND 15' NIN/25'AVG LAAX. BUILBNS HEIGM: 1 SFORBS COMBINED PARCEL A: PROPPED AO,.— A.A. "" ALRE (52[) PARCEL B (COMMERCIAL ARM): SETBACKS, FRMR 100' MAXIMIN O' MNINUM AMR 5, SIDE 5. ENRRANCE KO 16 BUILDING HEIBHI: 5 STORIES INPERAMS SLORCE AREA ISM NNONI DRAIIYGE ItlNDS DESNNED M ACEOLRNCBYIE BIILDOM OF PARCEL B (CONNERCNL AREA) 811 O� - Q� 0 111111 O M Q Z VW W z � 3 Z INTEGR.A LAND COMPANY 2 /1B /16 20191959 C4.1 SITE LAYOUT MATCH LINE SEE SHEET 4.1 SITE LAYOUT KEY NOTE BLDG #1 X53 °� ^° BLDG #2 BLDG #3:' "nEL II II 1 ASPHALT PAVEMENT HEAVY DUTY n� ,, r szs 1 / cg MAIL CONCRETE TYPE cunfR CONCRETE TYPE B CURB sza cap �n ) e _ I � k .: ^' CONSCETE W� R VA/TURN "- " -r , 523 =• .. ©. C9.0 O r w _ a� 526 - - - - - - ' IN E O4 N0C9 QWARNINI Q CON5GRECALIBN AREA SIGN PART / C41 ■ DIFECTIDNAL ARROW = - PEDEAHREAN CROSSWALK - - 536+ �� - - STAMPED CONCRETE CROSSWALK p^ +530 's 24 THERMOPLASTIC STOP PAR FDOI INDE% p348 ® s'sPW E (M) xmm REEL CT VE PAV OT EIT ]352 ND x Q STOP SON Qss UNDER BUILDING ACTING ENTRANCE s1sZ 10 / ev.1 W1 - Haw RAISED efRM 50) WA 1 -2/ RF O E A /RPM �ROPOSED DECORAUNE HIGH - /sls f _ x %� s1H , IDEA D w ssal� " _rda�- B D U N D i 5 S36) PUBLIC R 0 W uaROPOSED w— B 0— E w_ W— --- -------- - - - - -- — IA LAVE LOT_ F'NM LINE OF LOT ZF _ _ — _ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —R — — — — _ — . P T523a (n .) NOTE: SEE SHEET .I Cftt FOR ROUNDABOUT DEVILS SeoX59 _ (nP.) 5 31 6 BOUNDARY SITE LAYOUT KEY NOTE Dn d y /SHT ASPHALT PASEEN' LIGHT DUTY 1 /CH ASPHALT PAVEMENT HEAVY DUTY 1 / CS CTx /EODT ROW PAVEMENT 1 / cg CONCRETE TYPE cunfR CONCRETE TYPE B CURB NDfx OD� WOE (UNLESS =TEE ONTURALS GLED) s I'DEOO SOdp CONSCETE W� R VA/TURN I Q BENCHSEATNO AYCESSIBLE SYMBOL C9.0 O ACCESSIBLE PARKING AREA D / C9.0 ACCESSIBLE RAMP NOEx E O4 N0C9 QWARNINI CONCRETE MEET STOP Q CON5GRECALIBN AREA SIGN PART / C41 DIFECTIDNAL ARROW e.o PEDEAHREAN CROSSWALK s / cH.o Q 24 THERMOPLASTIC STOP PAR FDOI INDE% p348 ® s'sPW E (M) (Q REEL CT VE PAV OT EIT ]352 ND x Q STOP SON Qss UNDER BUILDING ACTING ENTRANCE SPEED RUMP EDT/ 10 / ev.1 W1 - NUTCD O 1 -2/ RF O E A /RPM DECORAUNE HIGH HIBILpHG WEST COMMERCIAL !sia)B• WIDE EAST COMMERCIAL of PROPOSED Row � CONCREI[ PAV[VENI O N OW O COHERE[[ SDE.VLX PROPOSm A NGYY DIM ISIRIENT LIGHT DUD' PAyE.E. `53b WEOTIAND INPACi 6" WHITE SOLID W17H ED RPMS TACTIC[ YARNING iHER DP RSTIC WFTLAND INPACi _ CO WLCH M1VLNM1VY WHITE THERMOPLASTIC .......................... 20 MPH' SPEED LINK SIGN PROPERIV ElEU M - - D GN SPEED SOLID STRIPE IC VETITAD ENE — — Gdo)A' WIDE PRO SEED VEIIAND BUFFER -2-> PH SP H" TD STRIPIAST m I I- ) xnuxD lwxn Ie� sls asza ...,a szi .� ° "., -. .,.... OR 434 ROW:..."rr _ m "m mµo a we "uw" , +53R 4 SPIA 589'41 38 "E 429.88'- 519i 19.4 a.,.- "•- ».,,.. I - - - 5894358 "E 6 ]9'(OA) -43'58 "E 6 (OA) 1'38'W 'I ,••""•,• `•»°• „•"” �, 49. q9, THERMOPLASTIC CROSSWALK I �av Ee irvL[T - IT .„•,„ ST NU+o - msJ 1NfiD PQIE Ii�16 mm Wv _ `eo ....,....,.. SHE wW. or sauc.... is ss TO) W AwwxxxirfiA xw 6ES+oo 666+DO +Do •e.a: j�T sR STATE — 11 - - - - - e ^pryE WA R� c BJat �... _ ,g,Qm.,•.. 1 - ,wwx vaN xeSlr .,..,.. .,..,.. _ _ .."ONm� RIGHT SIGN ww ��iwxw r.ww N 21 LIE NA4'482 s Nry zel m= �" °W .415e -E 5"'�^ •,..,. e... •,..,. q... ITS ' eE 250.00 OA ..- ,.-- . -..-. m,..., •... , - - »... °- - V ____ mx oaaxew la�or W 200. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- _ -T - -_ - - - -__ 1 04' I�l�� ! l� P I � � I s M.Ar �..•a9.+ I p. m, ,° j •• ®,tea, ��GH%(�� WAY NOTES: I I I I I I� -• I I I I .a.., _____________— m i x Know WE— below. Call before you dig. FDOT TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN NOTES' 1. .R.. irol AOxT -p-wv. MNK 10 BE P6PU[D NET bEA 1. GR F s w G STREET Nwfs FOR STOP SGxs SEE SHEET CB .1 FOR ROUNDABOUT DETAILS. - 1. Au .MIX A. Flt Cn 1 NDA DOWp elx EXT NSNx SNTbAFd NYx ero AW NNGBF HOp¢ ... I.. /b1. a I— PER THE APPRMED TRAFFIC SNDY, THE MN DIB X.RNME .gnx Irol AVxT -IX-wv, CneIANDT Sb[ xGF[GIXRRxO¢ Swu GxGxlnv O' �Ix ENTRANCE: SEN 14 - INIEGRA UND NAY SCLTHBIXIN] M—Pl SMALL BE A VINNLN Of 150 R NAp IEar IX N1EEnO Hui[ El Uwp S M __D, wY ISwwX Alp wxwnv INRD11) 9xu NE A w1wN IX 6' MCX. FEET PER 1110 ME TO ACCGINODATE THE R DS rw leaf[ c.rnRDE MNE cuww) u N uw cmTN NSGnGe uN w cuVUes pvw 9mw m lm Px Gu53 14 ]OAD PSUm M w GS[ nu ANlNw UFS nEV1 M[ NENNONpNIS wwuN SIAwND NE AEMI.[D. 0' FAST ENTRANCE: SDWOM - SPRING PDND PoINT DID ME, S _ _ MdRl 1. R BEED EXI THE vane TRMEE we (EGE G AxNwD 1 Erc[ G Awn EAp swt N swe�r.ID9n ro.wn PRw ro xppw IX un wipws 1 Aw wwxw rAE ro N tEn rNE wrsGNN wssD InulE mDT INEp AIR ^Dx TwFD DwnwL , wn IPmT[0 SP[m). A. xE cARe AND AND F uwsow .eu a Rm[n npucm ".nom ,o .0 uor2D Axn epGCm .wr,n 1 .Em ou x[s =S Pp r BE .= D usxc G) An, sINDEX [ N lr T,. ' 1 ra 1R2fo -BAY F001 INDEX 109 /CR -A R. pMTw e6uAl . MIND nwD Bp[D M A pyyDDysI EwIn.E,xEx,xE NyExDn pAp N G wo-wv ADDE. MERE RMN—) lD A�PRDPERTI6 .11 BE wMNM:D N ME TR.S GIFCI[D p THE [wPEp 1 _IX -wr .0 .[ NspRm ro Gpwt G e Fprmpx w DATX 1 w A TOOT INDEX 109 /CR -L BRA AGE 1 ry Au tmt ''� SDDtlw M NN.1 tlSNA� IPpywn Ux WML GwN[N Ux UDEnv SnNS). eETrt Alp /M NEwB D PRMwIID.OnN iWT Rp1T -IX_N O FOR INDEX 109 /MEDAN CROSSING �L � V.wE =— .7` Puv T ra OD R mx IX Tx pe RETF mxwnOR M w M ra rMn on -G -w. M LDADRx To T wm uN N Ewp Or T N A p wtt mNN D D w ra D.no w K I EN EN ITT- 111HI- HI- HI- 1il - /II p PER_ xp.1c PMIP ro A NAp A A� NE w u�E�nGlAps s � DRIPMEEn WON Al PDae[ AND n[ MINES R GNERID ro RNrrc R. F � � I[�� A1p omuE r XDN Ivnsn) PE'AwDex oe vEn. GRAPHIC SCALE FRANDR. x q DAAAA. AFPROLINYTE 'AR S OF ` SOILS WIDE — ORGANC SOLS. SEE — — — — — — — GEOIECHNY:IL REF- FOR SOIL LMNICENENI 100 -YR iL000 ELN. RECUNNEN..l _ _ _ _ _ 1DO-YR FLOOD LINE \ IFE.) \ \ REMAND LINE — — ..NO LFFER X15) \ DIFFER LINE 100 -YR ROOD 20NE LIN[ ELN &) it (NYYO BB) ..LAND L` �,� \ , '7 \-SOLS DNIDEI ME SE H-EEF CRO FOR FDND WF— SEVINs THE - OF .1. R SPRINGS ALLORS HDRE (DS N12 HP DR EQUAL) AS A SURSIRUIE FOR RCP MERE APPROPRNTE. O� - E 111 ~ ' l W L C) Qof z It W W z INTEGRA LAND COMPANY 15251NTERNATI0NAL PARKWAY, SLATE 2001 LAKE MARY, EL 32746 ] /1B /16 20141959 C5,0 OVERALL GRADING PLAN -------- -o .*** \ / I 16 17 \p — _- 1�1 I / CP IcDI_FN '9Bl 99ry BE Ll / rod - FUTURE COMMERCIAL � I � S i A I III. z / - I - -`91 v¢, `\ �e. I 4\ N I I I iI �/ -- -_- � 59 I P -51 2.62 E 15 fn El °o C \ / xt P 54 '� g II ba - �J C E I r El ,e' FUTURE COMMERCIAL BLDG #2 \ MATCH LINE SEE SHEET 5.3 NOTES: SEE SHEET CNO FOR MIND ttPIG1 SE— Of VINIER SPRINGS nLLOnS (ADS N12 HP DR APPROPRIATE nS n SIIBSInNE fqt RCP NHEnE nPFINfPRNi[. SEE SHEEF C9.9 FOR R00' DRAM CONNECTION SCXEWLE AND OEINLS GRPPHiC SCALE Call bNOreyou tlig. • O UV--II 6 r - o 111111 „ ^ J L Q de z a �l It w LLJ z INTEGRA LAND COMPANY 1525 INTERNATIONAL PARKWAY, SLATE 2001 LAKE MARY, PL 32746 ] /1N /16 20141959 C5.1 GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN PROPOSED STORM SEWER PIPE PROPOSED STORM STRUCTURES \ '.'' I _.. La (Z (ZIP), (CaeNiwcecaI o V Ie�aI SESVnnox `\n\\ \ Type —1 EI 6ev RM PYVWwL \\ �.� \ P.11 IIF1 H. A, ENECHDOTEDNINLEIF—ED TDC 716 17, CI E ED HATHIN-1. 711 C7 I i7 v v \\\ \ VEF.ND LINE R41 14.25 0 OR 1. D5 J.UWTI Q IT2 OF CURB INLET TYPE 2 'R." 9 FIE s,6\ SPREADER SVPlE \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \`\ \ \ \ \ 0.1. El C' MITERED END SEC71- \ \ \ \ \ v v v 1 SIP8D2AlDN n 1111 LIME \ \ \ \ \ 0. . CURB INLET TYPE 1 3v REP E14 14.7R E13 U.S0 0 18 ROP W \� `POND 20 \ \ \ \` 6. \ ` ,j t /i✓O�- — ` `� ELLV 650 P `\ IT— " WaW - - -� `� \tea oat ` = rn `� �� \�i, �`� w O Z \`\ 100- YR /24 -HR Eg 17.19 HIS `\ J \ 25- YR /24 -HR EIEV: N�6 �\ \ 10- YRp24 -HR ELEV: 16.93` N HE E — \ \ iUNO LINE Z - - .L EL<v. 14.6s �. v v Q-n V �� °� 2 2 e.ae \ \ \\ -5 \ U .0015 12 \\ \\ N:9136. bj \`, L3 02 n \ VfiVNO LINE 1 \ \ PI roEY \\ RECT __ i cH BOiiOM IN FDOFI Pax \ 9.50 LET, 11P Al 1 OD-YR ECERS -E LINE \ C£0 -W1P _11 E' 18.3 ✓fe \ Oc' / 1! ]00 \, \ E. 6.7 R (MVD M SIP8D2AlDN BLDG #6 BNFTER 9 _ P \ E:2 03.47 \ ,a — � _ O \ � \ ♦ \`\ 4 1)51 m�+, e2sy'�63 / . � - z1 NLaa Av m �°� v v If FA, G BW. 1 00 165 ELEV. 20.11.\ K \ \ ` -- 18��� NN: 13.00 \ \\ ` (\ ♦ MATCH LINE SEE SHEET 5.4 NOTES: 5[E SHED CGO FOR PoNO IYRGL SECiDNS. EE 1HE CRY OF HINTER SPRINGS ALLOYS HOPE (N N12 HP OR E"L) PS 6 SUBSUME FOR RCP WHERE RPPROPRNIE. SEE SHED C9.1 FOR ROOF DIMIN CONNEC EN GRAPHIC SCALE C II bNOreyou dg. SCHEDULE AND ODALS LL IOU - 111 ti „ ^ J ui Q� z O' z a CDOf w LLJ ~ z IN-GRA LAND COMPANY 1525 INITERNATI0NAL PARKWAY, SLATE 2001 LAKE MARY, PL 32746 ] /1B /16 20141459 C5,2 GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN `1 I MATCH LINE SEE SHEET 5.1 220 m - -- - �( o G �, u m - i I _ Da . I J AIR I I BLDG #2 r — / a - - - -- BNAI II I .21, CM -51 Q I Da i G + -- - - -- \ \ 1 I DO JR.ENERNANN '�rj P-41 n 1 t I olti � C01-t1 II — I � I G / / cw -z � � I — ' FUTURE COMMERCIAL I / I// En I I $a� 1 ,09 I I w mum NAINpEN BE ` I 2l e — t� 1Y I - Da I , BLDG #3 w I 45 =`t I u °zQ z ,n - — I �d I , � 0 , D - E=.) _ u- a p DOO \ I � 2P A \ \ \ I AREA I I I \ \� — _ s uU =1 P \ 0 o I m b 21 - _ G s i z24 PROPERLY BOUNDARY II �--I° fEareoo[NE NOTES: SEE E. CBO DER PIAN ttRCLL SEN- z .,� � 3�'*N+ T. cm a xI1PER sPDxcs mars naE ( DS N12 NP DR DONAL) AS A SUBSIRUD: FOR RCP NNERE APPROPRBTE. SECTION Y —Y ME snED c9.A FDA RDDf Nalx coxxECTDx crena�lc SCALE call ni :ems R. SCNERILE AND DDNLS NRUA PROPOSED UNDERDRNN CLEANOUT6 bW o oxgn R Rlw Rm R Rlw nNrt d �m�m��omm �o�o�mom� �o�m��omm �o�o��omo �o ®o��omm �o�m��omo �o�o��omo T q - os 111111 O „ ^ J ui Q� z w W z INTEGRA LAND COMPANY 1525INTERNATIONAL PARKWAY, SLATE 2001 LAKE MARY, FL 32746 ]/16/16 201 41459 C5,3 GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN T q - os 111111 O „ ^ J ui Q� z w W z INTEGRA LAND COMPANY 1525INTERNATIONAL PARKWAY, SLATE 2001 LAKE MARY, FL 32746 ]/16/16 201 41459 C5,3 GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN MATCH LINE SEE SHEET 5.2 n 0000 11 v 1 vv 1 1@;:4 WOl 13. I 14DOAI �7 I I I 1v Av`� AA / J AN vvv �zj �`-- -vBLDG #5 v d 1 1• P POND 10 o-YR/ < 1 11NCV so co \ \\ll 10s r Z24 Hre [1cv 2n DD — —J lye `w / I ppli z6nA 1 NEANR ANNUAL IL' 19.1 ... TROL EL117 17.65 51.60�uu I I 1 Y I PI2 - `� M In Uwl 14 N[IUND NNF w — _ — _ � � BLDG J 22 , ICDI --,F. I f 1 I NJiP[R LINE ` BLDG #3 — •\ \� •`� \ i 4 % p q rw rzoaa I IC0.1 -6 I � II Sw _— 1_m i I I 21 qI W,-D1 POND 11 -- �'4�11 /24 -HP E1rv: U,, \ \ IJ 3 h296 \, 2 r \` ` 10- YR//24d- lIR•EIEV� ANNUAL I EPOND ROjorH: V18.2503 7 `\ �` --� n :� ` 2 z74 � vv F: �� �a I,, I �C X - -- CA U EN�ERLINEA\ Ewmrlc aReoE NOTES. a m �?� + SEE SHEE1 CBA FOR PENO ttRGL SEnOW. , 1HE CM K NINIER SPPoNGg ALLONS HDFE .i (A N12 HP OR OUL) A A SIItSINOIE PER RCP V1ERE APFROPRNIE. SECTION X —X s�eicgoii A .4 FORUSREP —N EErrarnnx cNacHic —LE E611 Da y Delow Dre you tlig. •OU = a _ 111111 , O „ ^ J L Q� z O_ In It W LLJ z INTEGRA LAND COMPANY 1525INTERNATIONAL PARKWAY, SLATE 2001 LAKE MARY, EL 32746 ] /1N /16 20141459 C5,4 GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN ,1 VIII II II it i % / \ I I I ` O \ \Y i � I � � ■ e.v WII I III I I III \ I I I \ v I I I II II i I I I �n r X45 0 a.� nry o� e•. A � � INTEGRA LAND /WAY AAA I / 0 � II in 25 TEGRA LAD WAY PROFILE LP 1 k 13 +00.55 PVI ROUND BOUT 25 7 \ - PROP. Pre — 0.99I/. AGL C R - - -- \ _____ ______ 15 5 10 POTA SUPPLY MAIN LE U-, . 5 A IIgN ttP) 10 -11 5 MAIN (ttP) 5 11 +00 11 +50 12 +00 12 +50 13 +00 13 +50 14 +00 14 +50 0 I I SEE HED GWn FOR FOND WOO SEMONS. a 1HE CR OF NINIER SPRINGS ALLOWS HOPE (AM NI] HP OR DO-) AS A SI—IiNE FOR RCP WHERE APPROPRLAIE. Call bN re you tlig. I � '' aI. „ , , �Ir ' ,D.DD O a —�� a -------------- SPRING POND POINT a N AIR �nP1 i i PROPOSED RIGHT-0— i 35 P ITI 11111 3 35 crenPwc scuE L PVI 1 Ll 11. HIP LIV. gc 25 5 541 2 21 PAR 10 +50 1 1, +00 11 +50 12 +00 12 +50 13 +00 1 13 +50 14 +00 14 +50 NOTES US E. CB.D FOR PoND IYPWL SECIpNS GRPPHiC SCALE C IHE CRY DP NDGER SPRINGS ALLOWS HDPE (ADS NIR HP ER E ) k5 A SI.�IRWIE PER RCP WHERE APPRDPCMIE. z below a.z,x 15 15 •OU = a � o C� Q � a w W z z INTEGRA LAND COMPANY 1525INTERNATIONAL PARKWAY, SLATE 2001 LAKE MARY, FL 32746 ] /1B /16 20191959 C5,7 PLAN & PROFILE PLAN & PROFILE SEMNOLE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTES 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT ACCESS ROADS SHALL BE PROVIDED AT THE START OF THE PROJECT AND SHALL BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION. A. FIRE DEPARTMENT ACCESS ROADS SHALL BE AN UNOBSTRUCTED WIDTH OF NOT LESS THAN 2D -FEET. B. THE ANGLE OF APPROACH AND DEPARTURE FOR THE FIRE DEPARTMENT ACCESS ROADS SHALL NOT EXCEED 1 -FOOT DROP IN 20 -FEET. 2. PROVIDE FIRE LANES AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: FIRE HYDRANTS AND FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTIONS (FDC). 3. FIRE FLOW TESTING SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA 291, RECOMMENDED PRACTICE FOR FIRE FLOW TESTING AND MARKING OF HYDRANTS (NFPA 1, 18.3, SCPS TECHNICAL MANUAL). A. FIRE FLOW TEST RESULTS FROM THE NEAREST EXISTING HYDRANT THAT HAS BEEN WITNESSED BY A UTILITIES INSPECTOR WILL NEED TO BE PROVIDED. ' DOCUMENTATION FOR FIRE FLOW TESTING SHALL INCLUDE A FIRE TEST REPORT EPORT AND A HYDRAULIC GRAPH. 4. WHERE UNDERGROUND WATER MAINS AND HYDRANTS ARE TO BE PROVIDED, THEY SHALL BE INSTALLED, COMPLETED AND IN SERVICE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION WORK. A. FIRE HYRANTS SHALL BE LOCATED WITHIN 10D FEET OF ALL FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTIONS (FDC). B. THE LOCATION OF FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED BY A BLUE REFLECTIVE MARKER. 5. THE REQUIREMENTS ARE HEREIN NOTED FOR SPRINKLERED BUILDINGS: A. AT MINIMUM, A CLASS FIVE(5) CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO INSTALL FIRE LINES. FIRE LINES SHALL BEGIN AT A POINT IN WHICH PIPING IS USED EXCLUSIVELY FOR FIRE PROTECTION AND END AT A POINT 1 -FOOT ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR. B. THE FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION SHALL BE WITHIN 100 -FEET OF THE FIRE HYDRANT. C. ANY FIRE LINE CHARGED BY FDC SHALL BE DR -14 PIPE. D. THE ONLY VALVE ALLOWED ON A FDC LINE IS A CHECK VALVE. EA LL FIRE LINES SHALL BE INSPECTED BY THE FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION BEFORE BEING COVERED. 6. NEW FIRE HYDRANTS MUST BE TESTED AFTER INSTALLATION. THE DEVELOPER / CONTRACTOR SHALL DEMONSTRATE SATIDFACTORY TESTS RESULTS PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION OF THE UTILITY SYSTEM OR THE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY, WHICHEVER COMES FIRST. 811 Ou - � r1 E 111 N O M QA Z VW W z � 3 Z INTEGR.A LAND COMPANY ] /16 /16 20141459 C6.0 OVERALL UTILITY PLAN PIPE TABLE } ERON OD NNV NCHE LENGTH 11. CODE I" s5 -o1 13.00 Ss -03 12.20 0— 8" 203 PVC / \ REDUCED 12.75 EAN% 121 PW FIRE LYDPANL ASSEMBLY fl 171 IVI SE-10 11.25 SS-N 1E.35 225 PVC ea ona 55 -01 ss -n 16.m ss -1a v.fia a.aar. a" 396 Pvc 121 SEWER s5 -12 1350 SS -11 12.9 0.40X 8" 163 PVC DD r �:Arssm 6 11483 SE I I �Try SS - 17 1 a s:ss D STRUCTURE TABLE coDE GRATE NVER INS u V i m0 " o «. t � NaNS SS 02 21.250 1]55 / ``r \ ss -03 21.20 1230 2 � ��� 1 ss -D9 1E.33 3.25 u9 % BLDG #5 ss -oi I BLDG 4 BOUNDARY CAP ss -11 33 -12 B G #s ss -13 5 12a wan1 22.35 15.28 15 3 SS -1J 23.15 15.63 U m I I �'mervT ILL 12` ) 5` fly` POND 20 (_ _^ / POND 10 52` 9i 9` 18` POOL I UIO PIV r - �• s U6o CLUBHOUSE �_ u2s u1z u9 s i BLDG #3 �� �� MATCH LINE SEE SHEET 6.2 owwFals 6e1 N. �aN 6.1 Y . GRAPHIC SCALE SITE UTILITY KEY NOTE CODE DESCRIPTION ILL M /SHi y u� LINE (6-INCH AND �iNLw7 4 /c92 FIRE LINE (s -mcH) 5 /cn2 o ,ER «�N�, FDH PA ,NEMS o w- Nis R �3 UO6o DOUBLE 0[EC ORR CWECH3VPLVE AS 5/C93 O POS INDICA}OR VPLVE B /C9.} Q FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION 5/C9.} I®1 W ] /C9.2 Q RmucERA � s n r i /e ie .} 0 9� �NDA� SEWER 0 2�NN,�. SEWER NA 6,�3 � 3,E92 o ,ENPORNtY �P�2 },�} un StA,ioN DL ��2i�'3C93 Q saNnnRr SEWER O� - 111 ~ M CCvn VW W z � 3 Z INTEGR.4 LAND COMPANY 2 /16 /16 20111959 C6.1 UTILITY PLAN cLEaNOUT e /rs.1 PIPE TABLE } ERON OD NNV NCHE LENGTH 11. CODE I" s5 -o1 13.00 Ss -03 12.20 0— 8" 203 PVC / \ REDUCED 12.75 EAN% 121 PW FIRE LYDPANL ASSEMBLY fl 171 IVI SE-10 11.25 SS-N 1E.35 225 PVC ea ona 55 -01 ss -n 16.m ss -1a v.fia a.aar. a" 396 Pvc 121 SEWER s5 -12 1350 SS -11 12.9 0.40X 8" 163 PVC DD r �:Arssm 6 11483 SE I I �Try SS - 17 1 a s:ss D STRUCTURE TABLE coDE GRATE NVER INS u V i m0 " o «. t � NaNS SS 02 21.250 1]55 / ``r \ ss -03 21.20 1230 2 � ��� 1 ss -D9 1E.33 3.25 u9 % BLDG #5 ss -oi I BLDG 4 BOUNDARY CAP ss -11 33 -12 B G #s ss -13 5 12a wan1 22.35 15.28 15 3 SS -1J 23.15 15.63 U m I I �'mervT ILL 12` ) 5` fly` POND 20 (_ _^ / POND 10 52` 9i 9` 18` POOL I UIO PIV r - �• s U6o CLUBHOUSE �_ u2s u1z u9 s i BLDG #3 �� �� MATCH LINE SEE SHEET 6.2 owwFals 6e1 N. �aN 6.1 Y . GRAPHIC SCALE SITE UTILITY KEY NOTE CODE DESCRIPTION ILL M /SHi y u� LINE (6-INCH AND �iNLw7 4 /c92 FIRE LINE (s -mcH) 5 /cn2 o ,ER «�N�, FDH PA ,NEMS o w- Nis R �3 UO6o DOUBLE 0[EC ORR CWECH3VPLVE AS 5/C93 O POS INDICA}OR VPLVE B /C9.} Q FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION 5/C9.} I®1 W ] /C9.2 Q RmucERA � s n r i /e ie .} 0 9� �NDA� SEWER 0 2�NN,�. SEWER NA 6,�3 � 3,E92 o ,ENPORNtY �P�2 },�} un StA,ioN DL ��2i�'3C93 Q saNnnRr SEWER O� - 111 ~ M CCvn VW W z � 3 Z INTEGR.4 LAND COMPANY 2 /16 /16 20111959 C6.1 UTILITY PLAN MATCH LINE SEE SHEET 6.1 SITE UTILITY KEY NOTE L a /,NT y o (6-INCH AND 8-NCH, 4/9.2 o NNE E LINE (6-INCH) 5 /C92 ,wirnoN ER 11"N FOR P�.MEME NTSs R /�� 0 /5- o O 8/ 93 OP FIRE DEPAMMENT CONNECTION 5/19.3 ® WAIER E /192 T ®0 5 ANffARW SEWER 5EWICE 1/112 81 9 /C93 6 SENIAW SEWER FORCE Q RARE- SEWER MANHOLE A /193 & 3 /Cl 2 (gD 3/193 O TI A/C& 2/19, /}C9.3 O SANFEAW SEWER CLEANDUT 8/19.1 UTILITY PLAN INSET 41 $:i q- C) - ,� 8 _ E 111111 O M Q i VW W z � 3 Z INTEGR,A LAND COMPANY ] /1B /16 20191959 C6.2 UTILITY PLAN LIFT STATION PANEL 9 r r TF ELEV. I sTaTUS IA I ,LRM 6.60 IGNAL J� SECCPNT RST 45Y€F!' S. LEE 'L I:IP I rtmmn �� I S1 PI Z9A µ,. OFF I I I I I �u„uom.a,xm,w,m I wn I I I I L- _ _ Lrr s—ON orra LS _ _ J LIFT STATION DETAILS NOTES: NOT TO SCALE SO DA CONTROLS TO BE OBTAINED FROM CURRY CONTROLS COMPANY OF LAKELAND FLORIDA. INSTALL CONDUIT SEALS IN ALL ELECTRICAL CONDUIT BETWEEN THE LIFT STATION AND THE CONTROL PANEL BOX. vauo WIDE 6 THICK CONCRETE DR VEWAY 12 NIOE 6 -0" PANELS SWING GATE FORCE MNN > w WET NA WELL CONTROL PANEL 3/4 HOSE BIRR ON 4xq TREATED POST v WATER MAIN RPZ _ WATER METER LIFT STATION SITE PLAN NOT TO SCALE UP Pumps ALUMINUM COVER BY-PASS PUMP CONNECTION B BE- "LL' cAArvNECT oN NOTES: UCVA 9 LIFT STATION VALVE PIT O� - • �1 111 N O IND M CC VW LU Z � 3 Z INTE111 LAND COMPANY LATE U.—I 2 /1.i 20191959 C6.3 LIFT STATION HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILL �r/arEON Al DIRECTIONAL D- R CONNECT TO E SNNG ,2 —11 Alb CAP - -- ----------- - - - - -- STATE ROAD 434 - -- - - — - -. (fir- a�- nMrw»nru�s) .mom, - - - ao 35 30 25 zo 1s 10 s 0 -10 -15 -zo m"we.e eue L0 — ----- — — — — — — — — T T Elm Effm SR -434 PROFILE END 35 30 25 20 15 I o -10 -15 -zo GRA PHIC SC E AL U14j E 111 N M QA Z VW W z � 3 Z INTEGR,A LAND COMPANY ] /1B /16 20191959 C7.0 OFFSITE UTILITY PLAN Elm Effm SR -434 PROFILE END 35 30 25 20 15 I o -10 -15 -zo GRA PHIC SC E AL U14j E 111 N M QA Z VW W z � 3 Z INTEGR,A LAND COMPANY ] /1B /16 20191959 C7.0 OFFSITE UTILITY PLAN SR -434 PROFILE END 35 30 25 20 15 I o -10 -15 -zo GRA PHIC SC E AL U14j E 111 N M QA Z VW W z � 3 Z INTEGR,A LAND COMPANY ] /1B /16 20191959 C7.0 OFFSITE UTILITY PLAN 40 35 30- 25- 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 15 -20 P� .o a �oCryE v~i 77 a M ,..µow., - -- - - -- w z - - -» - - - - -- J------- ---- - -- ___________ «___ Q VW —� - - -__ --—-----— s=T.00 O� - caavwc 5.1E w = 4E DRILL PROPOSE DIRECTIONAL °6�� (werEgH1AL a roCL°'o� L�31E�CO o ory maw, - — — — — - — -- - - - - -- — _________ ___ _ ___ _______________- - - - � o to .,LRLB — — — — V) N1�s- a a z - -_ - — —_\ � — — — (Ae raae w.i i Hra tr n9J v ess.oa •________ ssa.00 ssT.00 _,- -c_- -� — - — — — ss r Eames VW W z � 3 Z mm�m INTEGR,A LAND 40 COMPANY Eames mm�m �'�'�'� 35 30 25 20 15 10 0 -5 - 10 /1B /16 20191959 -15 ° C7.1 OFFSITE 6loioo 61mw IC 61200 01210 613,00 11 SR -434 PROFILE 65"o 611 00 611,m oo 6-IR 6n oo 611m 10 UTILITY PLAN S—E L11 -0: v.r =1a 5_ 30 25 20 15 10 5_ 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 f� F- W 2 U a L_ LOT a _ P "i re vaunt V[�•c;1 5 uP x PROP N PROP0.5E DRI=DN.A DIRECTIONAL DRILL (SEWER) PRGPDSE (WAATEOIiAL DIRECTIONAL DRILL 4" HOPE LL HORIZONTAL OIAELiIONA(WWiER) PROPOSED GATE ypLyE OFF GRAPHIC SCALE 5_ 30 25 20 15 10 5_ 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 f� F- W 2 U a L_ LOT a _ P "i re vaunt V[�•c;1 5 uP x PROP D x16�OPE x16.50 �' T OONA(SCEWER) x16.40 - -- -_- PROPOSED 12- -16.10 _ _ _ G- .00(tyARRJ — — J` - =4 _ _____", <<r_ -1 as - -law rzxa 89'41'38<W 92Ej0A)__.es w. o,sc Pw ry OIRECiI koax:a irpaa I ® &'?waexpo _ c "� RE pSppORS)O e - -___ _ __ Naa 4 Tsi W/ nanc Rr" _ e 429.88 _ eoxerc.e awe - - mune.e cone -__ _____ // awe "�"°` xuN'^"atl.sc IL1 ttBl CA"TRAVERSE'00 ; ��ee (uNeDE1 vA GcESSEINV[RTSR _. OOP€ PYG-' - aac o , w _— a a, P �Er d - N EEOareE;s ?IRi tt DDLER ��rva�a�aa TOP EL , N / - W 11 111 11 °s arr+Ea of sre =ure°e"- e.es _ — — — / — — — — — nuns wco.. '--------- - - - - -- - - -- - -- - _o_'�i`c_`��si -----"__ ^' -- - - - -- STATE 434 �-- -- - --n J" — - - -,� _� srere,o_�^ _ - - -� oa -- sss.00 oe � nwo✓5)a�e_�rsq,� —� ____ _ ____ _______ -- ,ddN =.0� � ______� / � _ _ ss>a __ aaa rvr a. C°" r, � a„ a, ., T sareN mow "oLC ry d P I „l � D INL - -�� -, NLE rv� ry �rvV „ v OP ELF, rvR -_ ��� "E � erica -A- I N�O'18'22 l- 15.00j`Q CO a V) J U a OEM m2mmmu=l a' al I��IaCi��I��I Elm 121= 10119 WItltlWYr1YW1YrYY Itl1YYrYYtlrIIYrYY11rY141M111rY11r11a11r11YW1Yr1YW1Yr1Y11tlR4YYLIr1111r11a11r11Y1tl1YYrYY Rom ROM 35 30 _25 20 15 10 _5 _0 10 -15 20 1-11 "I'DO 69,50 660.00 561,51 661,0 661 -50 662,00 SR -4366 662PIRI 153,OO 66,50 664,00 1-10 66.OD 615,50 666 -00 666,50 S—E H:1 -30:V 1-10' O� - 111 N W M Q z VW W z � 3 Z INTEGR.A LAND COMPANY ] /1B /16 20141459 C7.2 OFFSITE UTILITY PLAN 1) na PAVEMENT MAAaROS ANO STRIPING TO RE PER FOOT I— 11346 2)) MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC i0 FOLLOW N 3)OPOSTEOK TRAFFICN SPEED IS 50 MPH PROPOSE 12 PVL PY (WATER)O GFSPUIC SCALE Ps PEREG PROPOSED 4" BLOWOFF ------ - - « - -- /I AGATE VALVE _ - - - � �� 1 T �� — — `x +u - Pxi iry scmiory P . -s uP 1 ��� SUEOTIONAE ARROW �I ', „� NMI_ - - - - - _ -_ RMOPU C SCT54o,A8 PE 1J -�- - - _ I�ttre /vou - -- e,.,xTrHli\ - E %ISTING ROW fEE 0 RECTONAL ARROW OLO WH iE iHERMOPLCTIC s _ o ry w 4.'/ - -- —_ n x rv0 , cLCSS 50110 � 6 WH iE 50110 �� TnereuGPUSTC +r -.�- S@�€ �,�x�,mm ���x. ,.xm ,w _ _ 8' __ - �� u; _---- - - - - -- - - - - - ____ - se9 a3 s e "E Y tp a $ - - -' - - 6 w11ITE sau6 s e A _ �I P ,,.,, ,,.,, s ,6 ACP my ,e.r sn `scr,�s.;s m THERMOPIwfiTc ., xm�++� u n + 20' RPM's so- cce.m.er s e r+T- Nv= 4' BIKE LINE THERMOPLISTIC a -4I.6B VERSE" Q i1 ; "a a I' BIKE LANE sn0155M+25.5, - - ' ,oc, or ,a, or omx,r 20' RPM'% - CA Q _ --- '6�,�_ mxl ux — n w 6' ,O' SKIP — — _ ssT+ao "� +CC sss+CC 6" WHITE DASHED Y'%- ER TIC 610a 6/ �_____�_____ ______ ___ ______ __ ___ _ "P"'yx�-- 4OEAMOP= _TIC_ —tiTTOC N .I tip_ _art__ i�S _ _ -tae _----- -n - - -- _ `.i rs,cx ensry .�'��[� -%%r9Q -Q.3 -4 __ _ rt __�� _ —rn _ _ ow, owe a uxos m -- _ _ _ _ __ Y_ -__ -__ e umux �J oxess umiw Z �,, b xmur�"C f�iro`'`recRS� MnErml. YIW =9mv_ E "'__---- - -1`�_ - - - - -_ ___`Y -------- - - - - -- -_ ToPxiLM�soLC _ ie cacPC lrvv =01 svoP lam, -,e.e _ n __3 sara oe tgF_�,_____ -- - -„ v_ __ ___ ,9.se �„ -xm�x S J _ s ie acP m s� ,s ._ ,as ,• Z ` a Tewra- a,.GP--- _-- _-- 1'-- - - - - -_ -- ,� � ryoOTCrr INV =n re _ � � �— — — — — — — — -r, �FlE -taac� J u +xrv, x - -r °.ry _�HR INLE, m o...x�m m� x, wHx.M — m. — —. El __ _ U _, - - -- ----- - - - - -- _ _ — — �P Iry ,N.P, S�E 1 ,7CG. roA) - - -- - -- _ __ � NOTES na PAVENENI 1411111S ANC STRIPING i0 BE PER FOOT N. 11346 111 2) MA IN ANC TENE OF TRAFFIC i0 FOLLOW ) N 3)OPOSTED C X TRAFFIN SPEED IS 50 MPH PROPOSE 12 PVL PY (WATER) D GRAPHIC SCALE (SEWERED a' PROPOSED 4" BLOWOFF ------ - -� - -- - GATE VALVE HILLS 6HEANFIE EXTEND PIPE CURB INLET 12'z a" EE \ Pul iry scc,iory e -z, -5, i IeES259 FEET --1RI — — — _ — o� _ d Pxi uv _ L"T SO B �RLP 6 — — — — / / ..t'A _ a3r SOT, 54'18'E J 9u Jicre. DIRE ONAL ARROW / vv T` -OP iE L -- n— HEW�OIIC ~ _ ry uxc ,[ss s - x _ , �tttlPfittfffftlllY �T _ -- - -- - - - -- ��s3=-- =- 1 - - - - -- -- -- ---- - - - - -- - -��4 s _ - — _ - - - = -_ — w - irr Do C4' WHIT STOI - -- -_, - - -- - ---- - - - - as WHITELDND I— D 'gRDMRaD I ry I x 4' BIKE UNE iHERMOPUSTIC s E x =_ J 6' - 10' SKIP EXISTING 6'� I I' BIKE LANE 20 -12 s _ iHE�5T5CE_ O' 30' — — _ _ 6i AMOTPL45iS & CAP R VERSE u,cx ensrv_--STA FE- RDAQ- Q.I- 4___s,e'4,��6 - - -_ ________ HED CAP EL -2506 —�vITE 50u0 - m or w u - - - J — — — �H m+o� — _— — — oc, ar a— L KIP ssT ac `� __ -- -'can n____ _ — __,.F ____ y .gym G,o `°�° - ,e �,- _ (ragvr -ar-wa Lavnr Roam *�--- - - - - -- - - -�°`- _STATE ROAD 434 =,oAE N�xaLE oP P so Z�- { recRiwv_,s.cz t1llPrm�waro -wr ry 4g�1'�ry -�P - - - -- �` -" - - - - -- - - -" -------- - - - - -- - -- - Rw..c _ cw..c a " - - -- - - - -„ x NcP El Roam RCP -v�s .= _ __ °;01 s � acP nm =,e ae _ n _ _ 3 sara a tgF_ �,_ _ _ _ _ s ie _ _ - (RY717 ,. x ,y __ - - -_ yvyaoxrr llw- — E5 - - - -- —r. —fp !AB's El srvo,cx wA _ — -- -- mn,we.e un — mvc or anrwem ma yr mexmn mac ar E �e NAP �rvA e11 41 i 1 v v�, xcrvP, rvk. 4r5a'E b p s A \ I E kg Wry PLATII BOOAES3, PACES , -., I I I I I I m 15 10 5 A -1a -15 -20 " -434 PROFILE .x 15 10 5 0 -10 -15 -20 •OU = a r 111111 Es) 9E1 ,, ^^ ".0 M ad - - -- < i d VW W Z � 3 Z INTEGR,A LAND COMPANY ] /16 /16 20141459 C7.3 OFFSITE UTILITY PLAN _ ..... Imo_ n " -434 PROFILE .x 15 10 5 0 -10 -15 -20 •OU = a r 111111 Es) 9E1 ,, ^^ ".0 M ad - - -- < i d VW W Z � 3 Z INTEGR,A LAND COMPANY ] /16 /16 20141459 C7.3 OFFSITE UTILITY PLAN NOTES na PAVEMENT 1411111S "I STRIPING TO BE PER FOOT N. �J1 TENE OF TRAFFIC TO FOLLOW 2) MA IN ANC 0 O AN' 3) POSiEO iAAfFIC SPFEO IS 50 MPH GRAPHIC SCALE O� - •,-- w�TYAR O _ GPI IG PROPOSED 6' SPERNAK EXISTING ROW I • �--1 .awry / BIKE LANE WIFE SOL' THERMOPUSTIC _ 20' RPM s _ L THERMOPLASTIC ESTATE p ROAD 434 � - wr.MVE�ww sarY, aarn v rp l� ,a�ww I N ".0 —.mw o.� . J M W _. / 2 � U �` d En W z � 3 Z ao INTEGR,A LAND COMPANY ___ __ 35 --------- __ _-------- �tx[L.inR1, EL 11116 _ 20 __ ___ __ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___ _ _Lo ___ __ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ _ _20 ] /T16 /16 n120141459 C7.4 1,11,EK 6s.1M OFFSITE UTILITY PLAN 652 +00.00 SR -434 20 30tsD -aO -t - - o -3D - 60 -10 -m 3 o -20 -10 0 m z O PSREwaoEresI e o s �xGPE3V t PS (ORIZONtaL OIRECT,oNaIDRILL xoOA7EOAjEiO AL ,< o lreEHCOiPIE ONAL re651 +00.00 u � W SR -434 IT -- - - - I GL -11 -pl" ORIZaNALO HO to o m RED OSE O,reECnanaL 0re,u o ANPAOaoseO 14 "oxOPE 30 650 +00.00 wEre NWprERjiAL D,RECt,oNAL L SR -434 3' NIN. 21 ' -12 1 AD ,D 60 E010 3 PROPOSE 649 +00.00 ORZONAL o,R °C:,ONAL ore,u R °izoNra� o,RRor,oNaL OR,L wEA (WATER) SR -434 ;201 2C - -- - - - - - - -- lo 20 i a ' O t0 O tD RoHORIZONTAL P eioeiaL RiC n DreHOoNAL ore u (sEwER) (WATER) 648 +00 00 SR -434 M lT P SE 5D PROPOSED 14a HOPE OAIZONiAL EIAEELiIONAL EAIU HER (WATER) HiaL DIRECTIONAL DRILL 647 +00.00 SR -434 Pl q--- -III t°0- .30 -tID A0 -to bo -IC ID 30 -to t0 D to 20 HIRE PROPOSED DIRECTIONAL Drela HORIZONTAL EE DR.) - -- - - PR OSE 10 HO (WA Ere 30 41 so 30 AD 90 100 no 120 130 a0 11D 11D ao -13D tz0- N -90 eo 60-,D 30 a o PROPOSED NORRIiL H DIRECTIONAL DRILL s w 41 Co R 20 - - HP 1 -HE PROS5SE11111 111110 HOT (WA ER) o RD so so zo eD 90 too n0 tzo t3D t°0 tsD 0 0ree0n o too - aD so -�D °0 3 Poei osco V NoPEONAL Orelu o (SEWER) AL 41 lo 3' MIN. 21 IT O 4D ED GN 70 AD 9 00 tD tzo 13D 140 13D AD ,D`wNI -ID 40 . HOARZEOGEAL HOPE 0, ONAL ore,LL (SEWER) DIRS D To 3' MIRL 2C 2 - - - -- HO PC _ 0 'D °D ED sO t0 AD 00 tto t °0 t3o D CO 0 00 -31 7 P P oO iOS E e AL tNAL DRILL (SEWER) nc .� _ _ _ wa re) P SE OAIZONiAL 01A�LilONAL OAIu (SEWER) OR UND vP.] — — -- — - IT ID 3D bo 10 AD PO 100 tto tz0 t3o t °0 III z0 -t -PD reD PtorE6loD -,D I0 -3D HORIZONTAL O,RCCi,ONAL ORAL (1-R) 658 +00.00 SR -434 POLL 0 - - - - o 30 ID 60 30 AD 90 111 111 120 130 110 HID RD 1 11 3D 40 so 10 zo e0 90 too n0 tzo 13o t°o tsD 4D G IST IT D 4D ED 60 70 AN 90 too I'D III 13D 140 tED 31 IT -- 11 O °O ED 10 AO too III 31 t °O I Exs we 3D 11 3D bo t0 AD PO too tto tt0 t3o t °0 t3o GRAPHIC —LE p. w ° - ^� • �..j d r ' ° P 's of - - - c -t0 D t0 20 657 +00.00 SR -434 O IND M � d V� � 3 7 L to D t0 z656 +00.00 SR -434 655 +00.00 SR -434 - - IN, T EGRR`A , ELAND COMPANY e AD 10 O t 654 +00.00 SR 434 2653 +00.00 SR -434 — — — C7.5 OFFSITE UTILITY PLAN zo 10 D t0 20 IP - -- - - -- 0 0v Pre°P111 ALL ,I o 1A oA E o C"CR AH Cl DR (WATER Ire NAL Drelu �SEweR� ( P) 3E ff -23D o -22D- - - -60 -�D -0O -3 - PROPOSED W- 111CONAL DD PROPOSED idireHDPENA NORaON AL DIRECTIONAL HORIZON I O ECTIO (SEWER) (WER) _ -- - - D zlO- z4D-]O DD PROPOSE DIRECTIONAL DRILL Hoa' 06 AL DIRE «IONAL RswEAjTAR 'LL iN. - P.) D U- 21 L -90/-ED ,Ra 30 PROPOSED ""D u° IRETI660 HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL HOR¢oNA D (WAU ER) - PROW ED 6�ONI -zzU -200 - a0 -61 D 3 HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL GRILL P se (sEwER) DDRR�o,rrAL OIreECTIONA (WATER) -10 PROPOSED 813 HOPE 1 - - HORIZONTAL NDP' DIRECTIONAL DRILL DIRECTIONAL (SEWER) (WATER) 664 +00.00 SR -434 670 +00.00 SR -434 11 - - -- - - - L 1 3o Jo 30 60 ]L 6o PL 2UU 220 2zU 230 2,0 2zo o -z,o 0 -22o zzo -zoo - - ]o -6U -30 -00 30 -20 -RC o 20 2U 30 40 30 60 ]o eo PL zoo zzo 22U 230 ITS 2zo ,z Pvc PROPOSED 6" PVC �wEE °RED (SEWER) 669 +00.00 SR -434 4 EM PIT VP.) OR LED O JO �D 60 0 eO 9D 2DD 22O 22D 23D 2aD 23D 150 -140 130 -1.0 110 -100- -8P170 -6D 50 -0D 30 -.0 30 0 30 .D 30 40 50 60 ]0 80 9D 100 110 1.0 130 14L 150 ,2 PVC PROPOSED 6" PVC 668 +00.00 �wAGER)ED (sewCRT SR -434 40 11 rP.) cR unD lo - -- - - - - - -- - D 3D- 23 D 30 -0D 3D -_D PD 0 PD 2D TO 40 3O 6D ]D PC 9D 200 220 220 130 240 230 3O 4O 3O 6D ]L DD sD I.22O 221 z3O ITO zE MI OPO wC 667 +0000 IwATER) PROPOSED SR -434 40 IC MIN I Ell. OR IN PC GO IT P.) - ° s LL O 21 31 �D 5U D P 0 , �wOR> D (WATER) s .00 SR -434 41 1 51 IN C ouN - A 11 IC s (WATERED ,2 Pvc Ps WORLD 6• we 665 +00.00 S R -434 41 11 11 Ly — — - 21 EL _° D -2aD �D -22D 22U -2D - - U ED .D 3D -2D 2U D 2D IT 3D TD 3D 6D L DD 3U 2DU 22D 26U 23D 2aU 23D D 30 JO 50 60 ]0 80 9D lOD 110 1.D 130 14D 150 PROPOSED 8' HOPE POP DIRECTIONAL DRILL DIRECTIONAL DRILL (WATER) (sEwEre) GRAPHIC —LE f"1 �•j w` • t^1 6 - • ¢ o M r o r IIIIII U o 20 663 +00.00 SR -434 O Q Z LU - 662 +00.00 SR -434 -- O 661 +00.00 SR -434 INTEGRA LAN D COMPANY +00 SR -434 20141459 659 +00.00 SR -434 C7.6 OFFSITE UTILITY PLAN -10 0 10 DRIU 674 +00.00 SR -434 � PROPOSED D� PVC 673 +00.00 (6PwER) SR -434 W . %IST NG -111 -111 -131 - 111 -i12 -1WC -90/ 711[11-111-31 PROPOSED -11 1 31 -1 -11 O 11 '1 31 11 11 1 11 1 11 ioo iia i_o 1.0 iao iso (wa. °RE° J (( (-,R) 671 +00.00 SR -434 Kist He --1 RE 0 PROPOSED 14 PVC PROPOSED C- (WATER) (SEWER) O� - E 0 M Q Z VW W z � 3 Z INTEGR,A LAND COMPANY ] /1B /16 20191959 C7.7 OFFSITE UTILITY PLAN 11 11 -111 -111 -131 - 111 -i12 -1WC -90/ 711[11-111-31 PROPOSED -11 1 31 -1 -11 O 11 '1 31 11 11 1 11 1 11 ioo iia i_o 1.0 iao iso (wa. °RE° J (( (-,R) 671 +00.00 SR -434 Kist He --1 RE 0 PROPOSED 14 PVC PROPOSED C- (WATER) (SEWER) O� - E 0 M Q Z VW W z � 3 Z INTEGR,A LAND COMPANY ] /1B /16 20191959 C7.7 OFFSITE UTILITY PLAN 25- YR /24 -HR ELEV: 17.06 MEAD ANNUARL ELEV'd.65.55 at nn.�n�E� NrICE6EREL EL EL — — = = iTI�ITI�ITII�IT 21�++Hi IIi 1 1 litry 1 1 1 lti lr l II1Tlll- ITI= 1i1= 1i1 =1T1 =1 _ - u � l - POND SECTION A —A HERTZ R, FIN LLR EL NO _ - - - - - - E%ISTING GRADE -- __ djA %) — (T = _ __-- - - - - -- ------ 10' 1� — IIFIIHIF11rl' D -rR /za xa E10cv 11= 111= 111= 111 =111 —I 5- rR /2d -HR ELEV: 0,0 li- Ili- lil -1l 11 -11i Ilil= — -- —_— __— — — D YR 24 HR ELEV. 22.9 _ _ _ NEAN ANIMAL E :19.01 PONT 10 BN gp — _ — - — = == —I- - I I- - POND SECTION B —B SCALE: HORR 1. =10'. VERT 1 " =5' TEN 6 'o 100-YR/24-HR ELEV. rRf;4 CONTROL [LEV: 17.65 ------- - - - - -- — — — — 0- YR /24 -HR ELEV: 17.18 5- rR /2d -HR EILV: 17.86 1I — — — _ — - = 1 NTOL ct �= ------- - - - - -- l rN��nlElr-- �lrlfl =III= III = III = III = III = III= 111lilllllilllllilllll�lll =III= 1— ?onoHZOHROVOHV10.1165ss —"r =� I "� I I� r I I = 111111 it I II I I I I i I I I1 =1I I III III I I1 -1 I I III II I I � I I I 1 -1I 1= __= 1 =1I 1 =1 I1 =1I I III I I1 =1I 1 =1 I —III I —u — III —III Illi III —III "' -1 POND SECTION C —C SCALE: HORR 1. =10'. VERT 1 " =5' noun -�o.v E POND^120EWEIN> J ,.PPnwEO EOU,.a. cnTTT Oa AavawosouAU SECTION DETAIL wEnEa �a us l oo— O§ THIII VC[[ 1 DO snEOC POND 20 WEIR SECTION .v xnvtn tau,.. DETAIL �s L—L EEW -.7,n -- 1 — I — L 1 I r I I r . mEOn[ rawxE _ En[�0°or.: j j zw rm.wm VIEW n VIEW 9' [ xum.ew' VEw n VIEW I nLW1u[ POND 10 MODIFIED TYPE 'D' STRUCTURE "L4" MODIFIED TYPE "C" OUTFALL CONTROL STRUCTURE OUTFALL CONTROL STRUCTURE NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE 91 WIDE ��� rtn�w -VIEW n n. El E W. ,aW -VIEW P — W ,WW n. 1. [uv -nu —nev r H El..I.m -- EEW L "16.m WNO W . NwWrt . EwWwrt (W W, W."E O avr.IWl[. W " II .� xum. �xm VI[N n VIE. 9' sWItWA[ xxvm �nm VIEw A VIEW "6" EmucnW[ POND 11 MODIFIED TYPE 'C' POND 20 MODIFIED TYPE 'D' AGE ° °EaAR OUTFACE CONTROL STRUCTURE OUTFALL CONTROL STRUCTURE NDT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE '�IIC -71� IDE51GNNev oTHERSI \ -�II >< oeUTTER \T � �RGNE ,ate_ RAOE E V A0 —� I I R I I =11 R I I =111= 111 = 111 =11 P' — RETAINING WAU SECTION D —D NOT TO SCALE POND 11 SECTION DETAIL V ') •OU 111111 M CC VW W z � 3 Z INTEL P,4 LAND I.n COMPANY e L, -E /16 20141459 C8.0 POND DETAILS is (D, uiN) pond o l£V: 1901 0-YR /24118 E 10 VR% d HROEE 1957 MEAN ANNUAL EL V E: 190 POND 11 SECTION DETAIL V ') •OU 111111 M CC VW W z � 3 Z INTEL P,4 LAND I.n COMPANY e L, -E /16 20141459 C8.0 POND DETAILS L 2 Ll- TEN n11 E.DND TreE 7DreDED , (0j �D �Y NEEDED (9 ;Y7 PICAL ROUNDABOUT SECTION n -n I—Wav sly I ,z eswrvD TnE wreeD(eam sD[s)su �reros TYPICAL DRIVEWAY SECTION NTs D: vAA�ES� �aROEl) , ZID 12 D E VOrvD THE c...D I_ ,DEN DReD[ ) EAST ENTRANCE SECTION ROUNDABOUT KEY NOTES CODE 11-11TIEN oTL $ /66T y Q I / LE R I G9.o osllb o m/ root ROW PAVEMENT 1 / 19 sold CONCRETE PAVEMENT 2 / CP 0 CONCRETE P SQ3o FA CONCRETE CURB (EDOT 16" STANDARD) 0 ND o Q CONCRETE MEORB WAEV e E,9 Eoox DINEC110NAL ARROW / cs oaw Q PEDPETRUN CROS -1 s / vw.I PED -PIEN CRQSWLI (PAYERS) P3 / TO 02 Q 24" THERMOPLASTIC STOP - 6" -TE "ERMOF—C STRIPE EDOT mDEx 1734s s p)wTE 11-OPL —C GUIDELINE (2-4 T x 1 ® IIELD MARITENS 1- 2 /w,�G7 'RIGIT T —ING ® ENE LOT INDEx 17346 (vnre�ES) siD[wAl_v LL(vPre ES1FD sad 1 7-- F �onownv �' ENTRANCE ROAD WITH MEDIAN SECTION SIIEW — 1111 E,) ROUNDABOUT LAYOUT AND SIGNAGE 1 iw O� - r � o ,O W M QA Z VW W z � 3 Z INTEGR,A LAND COMPANY ] /16 /16 20191959 C8.1 TYPICAL SECTIONS I 111* 11 L SURFAL[ 6` YINER.I. A.GGR[G91E OUSE COURSE SP 9.5 R COARSE LMtm USE 350D PSI CONCRETE; NH EEL SLAPS AT MN]DAGPfO SMLL BE RIVED BLUE. � W ;'. 90 1 RUSH KID LL SLOPS AT MNOCAPPED VITH PAMN[M S BE RINILD BLI£ FACC OF FUR, OR USE GRADE 60 STEEL; PROVIDE CONTROL JOINTS O 5' CEMERS; PRWIDE EXPANSION JOINTS 6 25' CENTERS AND WHERE SIDEWALKS ABUT RIGID MATERIAL FP.Cf ❑ SIDEVNK HEADER M EDGE Of RMMENI OR FP.CE OF CURB - IyIEIE - - - - - _ - III II 2' ttR B SiPBILW110N 96V NWIFI[D 'Cl ^ o O p o - - C) - EDGE OF RNEYEMI 11 VAFIES- EE PLAN BRODN SCDRE JOINT FINISH A SLOPE 2% MAX., 1R MIN. -� /z" aw+ �YJ 2 4ITH 6'. WALK REINFORCED?5 / WITH 8`z G" - 3.9 X W2.9 W. .F. I DIA HOLE 6 PROCTOR COYRCIED SUBCRADE MR 4D LIGHT DUTY PAVEMENT Y ASPMLTD SURFACE RSE SP 12.5 6' MNERAL AGCR RISE COURSE LBR100 lW, oPo [A o C J : o " W CX 2' SPACE 6`xnIT[ MHIE ON u[ 0 a s " MINERAL AGGREGATE OR SAND EASE NOTE: X SEE FDDI AGO 31D 'CONCRETE SIDEWALKS' FOR SIDEWLK SPEOGICAGMS LOCATED WITHIN RIBUC RIGHT -OF -KAY. O AEOMR[S 2 -5 /B` X 2' 0` STEEL BM STAKES FOR EACH CURB SECTION. CURB RCINF. W/2 13 MRS. LOCATE WHC[L STOP Y FROM FACE OF GOENALK HEAOER OR EDGE OF AN MEW M FACE OF CURB Q fr II - - - - tY TYPE B SIABILWA1lON 9BV 110DIF1[D PROCIM COMMCIED SUBGRDE MR AD HEAVY DUTY PAVEMENT - V BM CASH M%AII M Y CENTERS 10 FLORIDA ACCESSIBLE PARKING DETAIL SIDEWALK WITH TURN DOWN CURB PRECAST CONCRETE WHEEL STOP 11 /Y SUPEARM TYPE SP 9.5 M MNEML AGOIEGAT[ BASE COURSE LBR100 (CRIAHEO CONCRETE) O M NDT TO SCALE 7 NOT TO SCALE 4 NOT TO SCALE SYMBOL TO BE PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALK Ell- - II Z RIMED ON ALL HANDICNP SPACES USE 3500 PSI CONCRETE; PROVDE CDTGOL JODTS O 5' CEMERS PROVIDE EXPANSION JOINTS O 25' CENTERS tY TYPE B SIABILWIIDN WGC MODIFIED PROCTOR OIR CCTED SUBGRAOE .1 40 p[ � C1 Ln " AND WHERE SIDEWALKS ABUT RIGID MATERIAL TOPSOIL TO BE _ PMCED WITHIN N TES S E N CITY / FOOT ROW PAVEMENT Q[ W 4 IZ" 1/2` DF WALKWAY SURFACE Z 5 =0" _ 4� BLUE BACKGROUND SLOPE I. MAX., ti MIN. -1_ I�/ ' 1 PAVEMENT SECTIONS WHITE SYMBOL III _ III1- NOT TO SCALE 7 5 l h44 E = L 1�E NOTE: 1. PEDESTRIAN C ALK SM.G BE IN COMPLIANCE NITH AGAG 4.7.10 4" AGGREGATE BASE 2. PEDESTRIAN CROSBBNLK, SOLD WHILE MARKINGS RIMED ON ASPRLI (1TRCAL). NOTE: P. `CONCRETE 3. RNI 12* GUIDE STMP[S AS INDICAED. IS[ POWER iMFRC WHITE RIM M APGRM[D EQUAL. B` THICK CONCRETE W /FIBERMESH SCE NGEX 310 SIDRWALKS` FOR SIDEWALK SPECIFICATIONS LOCATED WITHIN RBUC ROM- DF -Mr. q. RMEMEM LNRXINGS SME I BE THERMOPLSC ON PUBIC STREETS 6" MINERAL gpp0 P51 CONCRETE AGGREGATE BASE INTEGR.4 LAND 5. SIAYP[D ASRYLI CROSSWALKS ' COMPANY 11 PAINTED ACCESSIBLE SYMBOL 8 CONCRETE SIDEWALK NOT TD SCALE 5 PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALK NOT TO SCALE III DDMPADTED BA9El CONCRETE: 4000 PSI 2 CONCRETE PAVEMENT NOT TO S SCALE "K ILPRI FL31g6 NOT TO SCALE 9 GA. SHEET METAL MOUNT WITH 3 CHROME ROUND HEAD SCREWS, BACKGROUND WHITE. �y I I 6 SILK SCREEN INTERNATIONAL H.C. SYMBOL, WHITE ON BLUE BACK- `— GROUND. B`z6` W2.9 % W2.9 W.W.F. eaoou rirvisu ea ou rirvisu 1/4` HAND GROOVED JOINT - F cmRdrt[ PMM avow a roxo a LEGEND AND BORDER -GREEN 3 Egg PROVIDE ADDITIDNAL SIGNAGE FOR 'VAN ACCESSIBLE PARKING" s G WHEN ADJOINING 6' ACCESS AISLE rP aou 2" X 2" STEEL TUBE -CLOSE TOP END AND GRIND SMOOTH a a a _ A CONC. 'rte a—LIA PAINT BLACK. NOTE: SHALL COMPLY WITH PDLTURETHANE CONCRETE SEALANT WALK 1/2` PREMOLDED GRVEL EXPJT. MATERIAL 2 /L1B /16 20141459 ASWGNAGE ERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (A.DA.) SIGNAGE GUIDELINES EXPANSION JOINT CONTROL JOINT Ye INMn KG ON CONCRETE EASE (3000 PSI) TO BE CENTERED ON H.C. PARKING SPACE. iT -4' �� NOTE: �� rc x[ 91wM --GRATE IS A MODIFIED INLET N w s.ns TYPE B. SEE FOOT INDEX 1231 FOR MORE C9.0 1. RVCMCNI MOUNGS SHALL BF PIERMOPLSPC M PUBLIC STREEIS INFORMATION AS APPLICABLE. 12 EXTERIOR ACCESSIBLE SIGN 9 SIDEWALIC JOINTS 6 ROADWAY DIRECTIONAL ARROWS 3 BUBBLE UP D STRUCTURE " DETAILS NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE f 1 /1. CONCRETEMCRIXVN _ TOP BE HAM R AROUND VAF ES RACX 6' STEEL PIPE CONCRETE FWTNG FINISH GRADE IMF 1� nwE SU ] S,DN:..'sMO _ I. 1. MI EROSDN tlMIIIML FW3RO �+rsD. iT OR nM E 1 Y FXBYNSON JdM NORTH AN. MEN SC15D o� �O �� / - O�0 O _ Oo0 - III O O ARE— = CONCRETE FOOTING OR � rvNFM. o � EW a I o O "A 1E.S. 11INE DU rzo, III NOTE o ass O...0.WSTONE DWLFM -III POST TO BE PAINTED SIDEVN% OR PARKING LET = = WITH RUST -PROOF PRIM - I 2 COATS BEFORE COAT M— PLAN VIEW = AFTER HAHON. , DN. AFTER ITO BE SEE — B1' THE ARCHITECT)ECTED 7 GRASS SWALE 5 UNDERDRAIN SECTION 2.375' DM S EEL DURING COVER NOT TO SCALE POTION AR NE CNAOE MITH BMX PM DDA,IHG , /H6•,HDX. STEEL BOLLARD NOT TO SCALE 6' W. HDLE FORMED OR COILED IN CONCRETE RAYENEM. BRONZE OR PVC CLEANOUT NDS 1211 SODIRF GRADE BLtCX (C- BONCIETE PAVNENT ,O INCH / W/ RECESSED CAP IN HAWN (RUCK) 41- AREAS EAST R`- CL -NOUT CLEANOUT WITH COVER FINISHED GRADE VDEVAUI SEmION (1' 0[PiH, A— ECCASED GP N PAVEMITH 8X8 W29 X W29 NWF) USED N 5DEWALK AREASE �CONCRETE PAO _ — I AREAS BRONZE CAP TO ASPHALT FNSH GRADE NOS 1218 RISER BD% _ COMPACTED GACNFILL G Y NDS 1266 6' DUTLET NDS 123D HUB ADAPTER _ „L 6' PVC PIPE 6` PVC ELBOW OR TEE ES SIZE AS SEWERL INVERT ELEV. GET SEE PUNS FOR - �� - �Dm /nulxF (UP TO 6.0 MAX.) REFER TO GRADING CONNECTING PIPE SIZE T d DRAINAGE PUN uHa U _ FRONT VIEW ELEVATION D SIDE VIEW ELEVATION OR LDNG SWEEP 1/1 RENO �� BE COMB. Y AND 1/B �(�Kl"✓�(�("✓\ �\ S("✓�(�Kl"✓`<(\ u (USE EDUCI SEWER NATERML AND \ \ \ \ \\ �.\ \ \ \ �.\ \ \ \ \ \ 1' MGREG6TE RISE TYPE WHERERREDD.)G SIZE AS REOUIRED �� .�/ �n U N, cLUa oPwmo of 11 lll�Lll \ 3' X 1' X 9/6' m[EL RATE ' 1n s'iw�D e� mrmlw- ii!iHo �����i nE Dm To Exo o next EPRIT $ CLEANOUT 6 12" NDS DRAIN INLET 3500 PsI. caxmnE Fomlxc mx °HN FAR NOT TO SCALE NOT TD SCALE - UNNmURREO OR CDNPMTm SLBGIADE PESMI ' Lmo Ps.i. o za wn ��\ SECTION "A - A" a «/� f s W10 -70' WIDTH W20 -100' WIDTH _— 2 1' CDNC. W /6'z 6'. W2.9 z W2.9 WWF _ BICYCLE RACK AND PAD 3 NOT TO SCALE A. STREET SIGN PER a�CORETE a o o _ MINERAL — AGGREGATE Pi r BASE TOWN CENTER STANDARDS —1 [ UNOTE. SIGN SHALL BE LOCATED 3' FROM EDGE OF PAVEMENT., ___..___ _. _.. _.___._... DN�UMP$TE 3,ODG PSIJ_ : f- •' a ° / P > P EMERGENCY SPILLWAY RD -1 STOP SIGN (3D' . ZO7 PLAN VIEW 9 NDT TO SCALE NEw .1 SUUAIDJ INDEF THE a7 @) slo FEI EN DEN FOLLOCANG MINIMUM 17 BOTH SIDES AND THE REUt OF THE ouMPETEF slwu BE SCREENED ar AN OMAOUE L USED MADE or 2' X 2' GALVANIZED STEEL TUBE; PROVIDE CONCREeL BRICK STONE. OR OTHER SIMILAR DURABLE MATERIAL. PRONDCD THE MATERIAL USED IS CO GP AT TOP END AND GRIND 3' 18 suomn. oESCriE FEeTwIm HeHaw Foe .HEFeecx�gor uE�ouuPSHee. SUKwNER CIS llEAlEres IEHwuLDSHnu eE E THE sreowPOrMTHE ADEPLACE AND REASONABLE EE�scREENm Rv AN oPAOUE casED SUIT ASUauAREMAm aosm AT ALL TINES. E%CEEL FOR LEASH DISPOSAL .1 PICK-UP. M+ NmE: 3) THE UUMPSIEF ENCLCSUFE SHALL eE CONSIFUCIS IN ACCOFNWCE WITH ALL APPUGFIE FEOUIFENENTI r1 CDNRY WITH FOOT INDEX 1T1'S 1' 1' 1' 1' 7' 1' 1' T - 1'_ o cNr aE WINTER sPRINCS woE sECTIDN e sal. CROSS SECTION MATERIAL: ASPHALT DUMPSTER PAD W/CONCRETE RAISED SPEED BUMP PAINT: TRAFFIC SAFETY YELLOW LET 10 NOT TO SCALE q STOP SIGN 2 BLOCK WALL LF NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE •OU = = 111 ~ IND M NQ z VW W z � 3 Z INTEGR,A LAND COMPANY 2/1B /16 20111959 C9.1 DETAILS DUCTILE IRON POTABLE WATER MAIN ttuutt ttcetttttt# rsuw ETAL PIPE atta CV 25 a PIP POTABLE WATER MAIN POTABLE WFER MAIN NOTES. I AT"AL oA D FIT F N. A o ODVER AT NG. iT wEGHi E .. T..AL wE GHT 3T3gvER z. _I 6- R PENN co %zESUOSE sN� /4� o GAP cw+NS �J a .a - t-1 O O R6cuIMED WATER 16wE1 POTABLE WATER B _ iB PIPE - 0 0 o WEIT TAL WEDHT ER sDRLDp DS* R FLANGE DN nREET EDE • r1 w ^� TO BE DETERM TO BE DETERMINED TO BE DETERMINED TOP HALF OF THE PIPE , 1/2- LETTERS ER FLISH WITH T11 11 PAR A 'AFRAF, AIR RARE D U A TYPICAL VALVE BOX COVER DETAILS WITH A THIRD ETDRM As APPLICABLE �zT s /a "� '/4.. mu AR wITI gacaEeAR DID ,PIT BDx 3c�vEF DAN JOINT TOP OF FIrvISHEV GRADE x /..y�yk•YYy'�i wa_ y{�r+y 1'L y!l�2 ANT SDS WRENGCH 1 TOT T . %. REOUIREDEFD RE CA BUIRED WATER LINE BE OW CAUTION BVIRED WATER LINE BELOW THAN 4' DEPTHMD ALVE • » " 1 w 4 uTlDry Lr Cam. V fiV.MJ h. laY. r' EN LEHCn �4 • • �i s .4 .. ROD po ore IP ASLSPECITICO) ON) Irv. MANROLE covER ttPE eJ /4 MANIOLE covER ttPE J HALL es LATE vALN P V�� O LOGI A A PDT Ric AN ATE RE,oD (MIN PER coNNE N PI 6 CONNECTING PIECE �^ LAWNSTA. LVE JOINT i!1s�;;E tiEi+��""�� ," ..�. TRACER rvWIRELID CD EMp ' ^�y9C• •:h J E -'.t TEi4hf'2.'. NOTESO HE 42 uEDUION ANERIPiw DAlL'NC Bfl4B, oR TuE MUELLER A -42 J. BE EITHER THE CLOW p 3 THE ENTIRE AIIEMBLY ITALL DE PANTED s~ERw wI�I =A rE�L' NOTE! DDS TYPICAL VALVE AND VALVE BOX DETAIL 111, H. 15 a nn �.n nn . e Force Mane Tape 1'S�3MI W�lae ana9 B D en �Witn SI.Dk L—H, PIPE IDENTIFICATION AND WARNING TAPE DsF TD DMANICLE RNB TI T I L BE mENnFIED By V Lu Z 7 VALVE. VALVE BOX & COVER 5 PIPE IDENTIFICATION NM TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE 3 MANHOLE FRAME & COVER FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY � 3 Z NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE TIANITIE 111 E TRACING W ` T IRE L�(TYP CARD I SHRININ GROUT FLUSH WITH MANHOLE WALL PRECAST INVERT UP INTE G P,A LAND COMPANY \ / TAPE Fo6cEMAry coxN6cT ON MANHOLE WALL 1/2 P IA EE �'xc r.,nR1, FL En4e IF- . - - TAPE Ia THIN SOLD COPPER B CROP ROD I MOTOR BAN CRETE E NNECT OF VERTICALNCA ON PIPE Ni As EREau00 RED ED PIPE MANHOLE INVERT 9a BEND SHELF To BE NTEC RAL ' • 0.. PVC PIPE RESTRAINT JOINT SCHEDULE DUCTILE IRON PIPE RESTRA INT JOINT SCHEDULE Y u TRACING WIRE GENERAL NOTES: AI I PIP -TRADING WIRE SHALL ALLOW FORCE MANS AND SEWER N IN HE IN ADE AT EACH INTERIAL AND INA LL FOR EASY ACCESS B LTV A VALVE Bo WITH PRE CAST BASE DROP CONNECTION ILL STAINLESS STEEL BOUND PPE CLAMP CRE MANHOLE rvV V PVDIP R coNINEECiaR pryg ] /1B /16 20141459 END - IFIRD THE RPVC VALVE Box AT THE END of TYPICAL CONNECTION NOTES: AID 1. 2. ILITCHE LOCATED TWO FEET OR MORE ADOVERTHERMAINwINVERT CHANNEL rvT SEWER C9.2 JOINT RESTRAINT TABLES NOT To SCALE 8 6 TRACER SPIRE CONNECTION . 2 TYPICAL MANHOLE CONNECTIONS DETAILS NOT 10 SCALE NOT TO SCALE .....W DDDELE GNEGN VALVE ABEY.� METER DER 2 cAVnrvrzED L M . 9. T„ Some ope Sl A R d;U�ent PUnement M)a jGINt s-I a A- '�^ pGnement �+ c' Q ° m— w �� a E =s �s rfi P Ep. J t Ad pfafnFmEd Jnlnt FIuEf 111111 I CORP. \ / 2 CO s^ I z�P. 1 14 THNN SOLID COPPER TRACER WIRE TYPE A 8, 6' WILKINS 37W WA REDUCED PRESSURE DETECTOR BACKFLOW PREVENTER -ABOVE GROUND xl8 NA Ae 7 rJ TING W WATER MAIN ESTENBI `� Jaint Seal + � pavemenl M LJL If]� u Z MANIOLE TRAYE A. GRATE 10 BE SOLID ATING JOHN -1 NO ANO SONS ND, 2110. NEDNN N0. -- OR NPPRWED EOD PRECAST CONCRTE EVEN DIUSIING N. FINSH [RAGE _ CON. E mNC i6' Exp. Joint And pEefoEmed Joint Filler TYPE D ad = W Z SECTIDN A –A N.T.B. A ATR TEMPORARY BYPASS Note: For u e Gdj....t t....fete of fl-ble pav ement, DpnYFete s1Own E.....lpn SOL,npfefGfined ;pint f�llef Qnd joint seal a e required between cufbs and concfete pG ement n'IV E RERUDENPRE= �—A _ — RPRD0F JDNTS CONMBRNG OF BOIAMSTO /FLENIBE PDSTC OR RIDER SISKET PER ASIM C -113 TDNOUE 8 OROWE PIPE DIMS PIPE OF LMNHOLE CONNECTION AGa URIN Pa EN�ID.aL IL 111 °° e1. t IlaoxnPipE '� z i Y ANCH RR30' M DT LINE AS REQUIIMAIIN 5'x <' DoueLE w E wrtx s" 6- 1) Q- Q INTBGRA LAND COMPANY RESILIENT CDRNECIOR PER C �P Lweroee yOjlpi q aOyyE musmu-TEO NEanw woof \ \\LI�IIVin ua NOTES cicaN OUT INSTALLED TD ABOVE GROUND SURFACE SIZE 1O IixcRInR1 EL 31L46 ASIM -923 — VIII— -- — -- %DNS (R) OF CENTERLINE OF GROUT VIII VIII CMANNEL EOGL M RADUS (M) OF LMNIDL[ ALL PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLE SECTONS TO BE SS OOB� 6' MIN TNCKNESS MALLS CDIE ...URBED EARTH SECRON TO BE CONCENTDC UNLESS 01HEMISE Ell T 11 IR 'IRE LINE TIONMETERSTO BEAP OVEDUNRBINE METERS. 1. INEERBPUaDHAPED RY DWUFa d. METERS TONE INSTALLED —NE GROUND ruN T N3' MIN Z D' TYPE F APPRWED BY ENGINEER. 8 MANHOLE NOT TO SCALE Rmur�D PaI3'suRE � MALl GROUND LEVEL TV InspeclloR aii u lE'P', men 6" MINIMUM Truck Apron Surf... Speclfled In TITS Plans cl"'IGti n9 em Q- RoPdwPy Pav en{ R..R e \+ wNE Nat E3 FTAM_ AN 3 ao Ai[o so ror+cu rYi AW —Emus. "IVIII RE uscD FcR a sINCLE SERVICE srzE vARIES _ 2' -3" TRAFFIC BEARING SECTION FOR USE IN I>E PANNm NU3K MASTER METER ASSEMBLY WITH BY -PASS S REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLY PROF] 9 ROUNDABOUT CENTRAL ISLAND CONSTRUCTION TYPE RA I 2 /1B /16 RN120141959 C9.3 9 6 4 SEWER LATERAL DETAIL FOOT INDEX 300 CURB TYPES DETAILS NOT TO SCALE EP STORM TRENCH INSTALLATION DETAIL nn BOOT (CORED HOLE OR PRECAST) �l mnm - LU INTEGRA LAND DETAILS �F7-FUFM I,� T L1.00 1 L3.00 I' L4.00 L 5 _ --- - - - - -- -- �I i �I ° L 3. L4.01 L 1.02 L3.02 L5.01 � \� � L4.02 I, i �I ° L 3. L4.01 L 1.02 L3.02 L5.01 � \� � L4.02 FINISH SCHEDULE BI- Powe -- .aNlsnla y nanda.mre./ Iwdll cermanuhmrersspedfndms SI —wre` core P,. g PI a—wawslan N— Bre.m wA s.. na. By C., DL ce�ie,lh1ep11t x. all Dm W Rlbbm Nmwl Bm. N. FFE F� 1 foB F.ce at 6uildilgo o NgX Nave o! W II ]mum pslmlm By� °' PA Ion RA PDG 11 aoi'i g r R am.b. v.mmN. n „. mna cro smn `U- 99am -In Iw,w o zm I a and. P� amm. I,aao ver Bale ,s�m.e -I n Abb., Dnpis m,rers, ^amm. vu.aB o ar. %na 1 Paver Bane ax G!t s.lm au Gd Cnune She .IX rrM 9%B” wrs Ardsd, Pavers sos al 105.]11.9x]5 P= and and ce.mandamrersspedfindms B,Ix.W Pl Bona ^6 PB nawda.. Tan Nmml R g Snenak eSded Bu now 9b Ammr Pavers F.ba, do5.11 .9x15 Mb-2721 pe .ndacm Fm nom. See Pad EN. Imal nsrn em.aawa.Nx9z Fresl au.w B.oy9gn a.ame.Riag. xb .. v..... nm.wn L.* Dd. —x.M ey cm.mm. wIB R dkl Fmnyslg. vex smaw,u 1.1111 Riage scone vmee. n.anm�n e.age Bla.wa. xoM r o..mr wB ltl ,N ab—, lt.4. smn. v.n.., m.mmn B.ag. Da.mm smn. ey c- W4 F-1 —. —rmge sm.e vmee, xe Nm By C., W1 , re n,A E -1-PI. p Anae=e. 5 H Amea,w ..e mn.wm m�I .ma.d w rsa dfind Fx WawrFe.wre Tlem 1111 wawanw mle See Flan By COneacm' I ce P N rs . H Gmnlw C.unwwp lm TUba By c- F7 D1nkbM don viN Dog bler BI- Powe -- 1.K41[9DB y p ,gx rco.ler..m Iwdll cermanuhmrersspedfndms SI —wre` core PaleaeS DRAWING TITLE loin de Bald — op �rmrss 90183]. %58 I ce enafamrersspeefinams See Artnwanl CONSTRUCTION NOTES eta Ae1 r 1d �Ine�w "�se'"'tedma e(me�lsl' . .s`ti �p e a l ea s ea '°° see .148p, al� 3 9; :ad,a �a9e. e�ahe °91 Fa° d�gd 5. se notes s II be used I1 lu ltipn with the pa s pna any ollthe owne.s ep esenl.live. /., do °ee�,� p,A tp be Aid "all aalF p r a owaa,= disciepannes shall be brought to the altenlipn lo. ,111 am, sh �1t1, m -11 11,11115 ,apps m p1 1111,15 pt 1p p111p1 agw,aa m, 1II A-11t1 n"—, ,nd . 2 eO11�tna lid wplkhdols — 11dedIhis sp .oADA2o p 11i naldillp p P, A1-111t, l 1Q Al- l s sn.11 111 e,.2eed a° °'.t Aa a�I�t� 1,, A111p 9ilA d aAg- 11b 11T ld n o' a to ade'alale' —fibg eng11ee1s d wogs to way p erne t 1t.,rl.lo1, oll sae d.. loge /g..d�1g l wdI loo otht acceptable ss pp ,.,td LL,q by th, ow1e. oll —1,6 jbmis shop be hood lolled. Saw cu g DRAWING REFERENCES ^.�1J 9Bf 9WE MBYER CONSTRUCTION ARBREVIATIONS DRAWING TITLE ciN SCALE. NTS DL ce�ie,lh1ep11t fd 0 ull 1.11— of IEVL MIg� F�MIg6� OMIOYF� FFE F� 1 foB F.ce at 6uildilgo o NgX Nave o! W II ]mum pslmlm 6t1K MBYB9 am Nm�� PA Ion RA PDG 11 aoi'i g r R !I/MF �w TBH Tbp VNII Typ TMP Slob on G,ode Dn SDG T O� Qi � c5 111111 II J O M Q Ind oCN UW W z Z INTEGRA LAND L.n OMPANY1i6 ] /t8 /t6 RD191959 L0.02 HARDSCAPE NOTES T M a Po ■ U M M � M ■ � (A - I I I ■ � �T o5 I ■ I L M LL U M d N UW o � 3 I �w M M I N CAgEIE MVI Pt - - - - Z s 1NTEG R.9 LAND ■ U I Q COMPANY M \ ,.aRRe.a �a Re ry�Aev, F�3z�aa �YAEIEMfflAI •_ ❑ ■ \ + M ❑ ❑ M I \�VIIII M � \ ■ M I M ❑ ❑ M ■ t Rnisloxs 0 / IOIIERf ml WORIE WY. P � = r I oa [ / �. ❑ ]/18/16 2D141959 ® � MMIII■f 9M M I ■ L 1.00 DOCRIE DUI P ■ HARDSCAPE ■■ ■ ■� ■� ■� ■� ■� ■� ■� ■� ■� ■� ■� ■� ■� ■�i■ ■� ■� ■� ■� ■� PLAN MATCHLINE: SEE SHEET L1.03 NORM - � 1 1 �/ /� IOD f0IM01t M OIIFIF MOIE 9YLL IOf E® M' Dglll SCHLINE: SEE SHEET 11.06 1 T 0. dj W I � q � xs ■ ■ I O I M J ■ U N \ '= w Z z Z INTEL RA LAND COMPANY ■ �nxe xiACV, a tran 2 /16/16 26191959 L1.01 HARDSCAPE PLAN ■ ��1 ■ � :�� � v�a�� _, � _ I SRI . I NORM - � 1 1 �/ /� IOD f0IM01t M OIIFIF MOIE 9YLL IOf E® M' Dglll SCHLINE: SEE SHEET 11.06 1 T 0. dj W I � q � xs ■ ■ I O I M J ■ U N \ '= w Z z Z INTEL RA LAND COMPANY ■ �nxe xiACV, a tran 2 /16/16 26191959 L1.01 HARDSCAPE PLAN �T O u •0 0 M Q oC°` N UW W z Z INTEGRA LAND COMPANY 2 /18/16 28191959 L 1.03 HARDSCAPE PLAN -�[F I I I I I I ■ OI 21 fn■ �IZ M ■ IU M M I ■ I ■ I ■ I ■ �I ■ I ■ W M M M M M 0I 1■ ■WIN ■ ■ I M \ �x 10 \ .\ MATCHLINE: SEE SHEET 11.06 II 1 I 1 1 I I I I 0 �T O� 111111 N J M Q d N UW W z Z INTEGRA LAND LA COMPANY an 2 /18/16 28191959 L1.04 HARDSCAPE PLAN M >�z 0 M M M MATCHLINE: SEE SHEET 11.06 II 1 I 1 1 I I I I 0 �T O� 111111 N J M Q d N UW W z Z INTEGRA LAND LA COMPANY an 2 /18/16 28191959 L1.04 HARDSCAPE PLAN � . � . � ■ r — � II Ip p O M I WC N61s I I M M III � ll M q I Y I I I WIOEIE MK O M \ M I i O ■ I W N M jn Z I I I I 9� in J�0 w, w� z� I I I I �IIYK Pt t \ ■�■ ,Ou MJ W U N UW W z Z INTEGRA LAND COMPANY 2 /18/16 28191959 L 1.06 HARDSCAPE PLAN I ME �T O u •0 0 M Q oC°` N UW W z Z INTEGRA LAND COMPANY 2 /18/16 28191959 L 1.07 HARDSCAPE PLAN B-YMY NTERSECTIONS SHOULD HAVE Y' SHAPED JOINTS HALE: 1/Y PREWLDED EXMH&ON �� OED IN AVENC R x6 APPROX. OX. 35' D.C. AR EIS TO RE CUHERCNL GRADE 1NCKxfu EXPANSION AND CDNTRU JOINTS ASP""T wLn. SHNILD ALWAYS GE POWENCCYLAR (PER CAN. END.) TO THE EWE OF THE WALK wLn BARE NAUS CORNERS AS SHOWN ON PLANS (PER CUL END) SEE PLAN AND FINISH SCHEDULE FOR FINISH CAgIA 636' R. wLn EAM (PER CNN EKG) (2) 14 BARS CONT. PLAN AHEAD- KNOW WHERE THE WALK 6 TD GO, NEXT BEFORE YOU MAC PDURING CONCRETE. WHEN POSSISE, CONE THE WALK LAID UR PAST THE PONT WHERE YOU INTEND TO POUR. ALWAYS MOP A POUR AT A PLANNED .ALAI - NEVER CREATE A 411 JUST BY STOPPING. THERE SHOUND RE A SYODIH FLOW OF WALK 1HROUGH ALL INTERSECTIONS CONCRETE WALK LAYOUT p CONCRETE RIBBON DETAIL PAVER DETAILS SCALE: NTS SCALE: NTS L2M SCALE: NTS THE FIBAR GROUP LLC 80 BUSINESS PARK DRIVE, SURE SW ARMONK, NY 105M :QFIBARSURFACFWGB TPHCNE(914)� TN I FAX (914) 2738 6bB— I�mOUeRiOVp (( naxuEL ; =1�1 CINCH i6clmxa ccnclr,L coA ruiza. IroA1rN FR.N Fl— A ENGINEERED WOOD FIBER PLAYGROUND SAFETY SURFACING PLAYGROUND SURFACING DETAIL 4 SCALE: NTS LP.00 T Cj� (� Ci N _ Ou 111 N O M Q oC°` N UW W z �NNNNNNNA 3 Z INTEGRA LAND COMPANY 2/18/16 2DI41459 L2.00 HARDSCAPE DETAILS PAVER RELD, SEE PLAN PAYER CAN] IN SINGLE SOLDIER CDNREE RNRON, SEE PUN FOR CALLDUT AND RNRSH .. U. COURSE PATTERN ON OUTSOE EWE, FOR WIdR SEE PUN AND FLASH SCHOWIE FOR — CDYERRIL ME PAVER BIND, SEE PLAN NJD III SCHEDULE FOR CALLOUT CONCRETE SIDEWALK. SEE CNAL I ' THICK SAND SETTING GOD - , 90YPACT D SLBGRAW CDW[RCAL C4AD[ MI REFPLAN AN) FN6H SCxEDUE FOR CA UUT iHCA CDNC. FINE SUlEAl OA SINGLE SOLDIER COURSE PAVER PUlA EWE AGAINST SIDEWALK 1' 1HIOK IN PAYER BAND IN SINGLE SOLDIER PAVER FIELD, SEE PLAN COURSE PATTERN ON DURIOE EDGE, Am FINISH SCHEDULE SEE PUN AND FINISH SCHEDULE FOR FOR WIdR Ruinrt P.1 P. CONCRETE EWE TO HUD BRICK BAND SEi1NG ROD -RORR 10 CAL ENGINEEM M. FDA ARM PROHNTIOA INODUDNG WK 1HIOKNESS AND CONPACfON DEN&tt ' THICK SAND SETTING BED COMPACTED SLBGRAW 4' THICK CONC. FINE SUB- &SE O SINGLE SUITHER COURSE PAVER PLAM EWE AGAINST LANDSCAPE CONCRETE WALK LAYOUT p CONCRETE RIBBON DETAIL PAVER DETAILS SCALE: NTS SCALE: NTS L2M SCALE: NTS THE FIBAR GROUP LLC 80 BUSINESS PARK DRIVE, SURE SW ARMONK, NY 105M :QFIBARSURFACFWGB TPHCNE(914)� TN I FAX (914) 2738 6bB— I�mOUeRiOVp (( naxuEL ; =1�1 CINCH i6clmxa ccnclr,L coA ruiza. IroA1rN FR.N Fl— A ENGINEERED WOOD FIBER PLAYGROUND SAFETY SURFACING PLAYGROUND SURFACING DETAIL 4 SCALE: NTS LP.00 T Cj� (� Ci N _ Ou 111 N O M Q oC°` N UW W z �NNNNNNNA 3 Z INTEGRA LAND COMPANY 2/18/16 2DI41459 L2.00 HARDSCAPE DETAILS �6 GRANITE CHIPS (x`17 CA SANDBED 3L0 E STONE VENEER SEE FINISH LNIN, TY . SCHEDULE nNISH CRADE v GARDE I \c yam 3L. o , . o Bk8k16' CUM ELEVA PRECAST BASE TRIM Q noN —I 1= 1 a I I III • °' .II�II�III =11 -1 - Jll= ,,. 'll - II •. J COMPACTED SUBGRADE ® SECTIDN I - III — 0 SECTION RETAINING WALL DETAIL SCALE: NTS _ 1k6' TREWS 1k TD' BEAV B'X8' WOOD COLUMN PRECAST CONCRETE CAP STONE VENEER COLOR AND FINISH TO MICH PRECAST WE TRIM ARCHITECTURE PRECAST BASE iRM 8kBkT8' CMU A- PLANTING ARM III IIII COMPACTED SUIGRADE III�� . • °, . - III — CONCRETE FDOTING © SECTION TRELLIS DETAIL SCALE: NTS PRECAST CAP PLANTING AREA STONE VENEER: SEE FINISH SCHEDULE BkBkT6' "I *ECAST BASE TRIM SUBGRADE NOT FOR OESGN INTENT ONLY. CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS. ALL NOD ID Bf CYPRESS S45 W /SEMI-OPADUE TAN STAIN. I SEATWALL DETAIL L2.01 SCALE: NTS PRECAST — STONE VENEER: SEE FINISH SCHEDULE PRECAST WE TRIM HSTUCCO FINISH PLANTING ARM III IIII III�� . • °, . - III — COMPACTED SUBDIVIDE © SECTION I COUNTER TOP DETAIL LCII SCALE: NTS BUILT -IN GRILL PREC/S1 BASE TRIM PRECAST BASE TRIM STAINLESS STEEL ACCESS MEL CONCRETE SLAB COMPACTED SUBGRADE POOL MIES SHALL COMPLY WITH SECTION 424. OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE: ACCESS GATES, WHEN PROVIDED, SHALL BE SELF - CLOSING AND SHALL COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTIONS 424.2.1].1.1 THROUGH 424. AND SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A SELF - CATCHING IACKINC DEVICE LOCATED ON THE POOL SIDE OF THE DATE. WHERE THE ONCE RELEASE IS LOCATED NO LESS THAT 54 INC ES THE DEVICE ON EITHER PEDDLE BAND (HALL NER TOP � OR 1HROIRIGH ANY OPENING THE GALES THAT PROVIDE CCE�IDTHE SWNNNG MUST OPEN OUTWARD AWAY FROM THE POOL.BETHE ONTES BARERCS HAVE NO ° OPENING GREATER THAT I' WITHIN 18' OF THE RELEASE MECHANISM. aPo SHOP DRAWINGS HARDWARE AND SPECIFURONS WILL BE RECURRED PRIOR TO FABRICATION OF THE GATES AND TO BE APPRWED BY THE OWNER PRIOR 10 IFSIALIATION. C ALL GATE MATERIALS SHALL BE WELDED TOGETHER AND BE ANODIZED AWNINUN. ° - U 'VON WARN' HARDWARE- ,j1lA -ED X USR6D X 9', MODIFIED 11A RIM COWER �/ HOLE FOR SSR]A • r1 o = TOP ROD. 3327A ROD GUIDE E314L- BE- FS -24VOC X 2' THICK GALE NDIE. W �I ON WARN IOBEY WINE ANY MAGNETIC OR ELECTRONIC CARD SNIPE SYSTEMS AND/OR ANY DATE SECURITY SYSTEMS NOT 3]20 OwxAPOLIS IN 46219 TEL : 61] -611 -]011 DART OF THESE DRAWINGS CONTRICIOR TO COORDINATE WITH OWNER'S REPRESEMAINE FOR ANY DATE ENTRY/SECURITY TYPE SYSTEMS c� d (n 1/2' EXPANDED METAL SCREEN ENTRANCE WELDED TO FRAME R00 GUIDE • � �' MAX. GAP VON WPRIN EXIT 1'_}" 2- SO. ALUM. DATE FRAME PCST CAP 1" S0. ALUM. PICKET 2 SO. ALUM. POST I" EXPANDED METAL SCREEN WELDTRAME a. o E2 F HARDWARE -1/2' - 1 -3/4` WIDE RAIL CAP VON OUFRN E %IT PANIC HARM RE PER FBC SECTION 6 a g = 1006.1.9 k 1008.2 111 i I' SO. ALUMINUM 6 KI 17stAm b HCKEIS, WELD TO UNDERSIDE OF RAILS n I -1/4' SO. ALUMINUM V 2 BOTTOM RAIL 1` S0. ALUMINUM UNDERSIDE WELD TO OF RAILS O Exn Q0 _CONCRETE FODIER J O ELEVATION SECTION O O M (3' WIN.. VIM PER DESIGN) (3) SELF CLOSING HINGES ad d POOL GATE DETAIL WWf SCALE: NTS w Z Z INTEGRA LAND COMPANY PRECAST CONE. CAP CECORATNE SPHERE POST 3' M. ALUMINUM POST PULL CHAIN ACTIVATED SHpWER HEAD. SUPPLY LINE WE' 1 )' X 1 )" WIDE ALU SHALL BE 1/2" COPPER PIPE IN I" PVC SLEEVE FOUNTAIN ELEVATION FOR DESIGN INTENT ONLY. SEE POW ENGINEER DRAWINGS FOR CONSiRI1CTM DEIAILS 1' X 1' WIDE ALUMIN RAIL I� CENT ERED Ix COLUMN. �I 12' % 12" C.N.U. BLOCK FILLED W /GONG. PRECAST CONCRETE CAP BULLNDSE 1' X 1' CERAMIC TILE. STUCCO, SMOOTH FINISH CDIAR iD MM1CH P00L WATERLINE 1' DIA. WOOD DOWEL HOSE BIB 15' ABOVE DECK. II 1' % 1' CERAMIC TILE. COLOR 10 MAICH POW TILE. _ RVSED LETTERS ABWE WATER f l 1' % 1' CERAMIC TILE. COLOR 10 MATCH POW WATERLINE TILE. II WATERLINE IILE. II B'XB' CMU VCL WITH STUCCO FINISH II CERAMIC WATERLINE TILE II SLOPE DECK /FINISHED GRADE. II TO WATER j V ` \L 1' X 1' WIDE AWNINUN RNL SOURCE. ==1� d WATERLINE DA oni[ SODA I' SO ALUMINUM PICXEI 2 /16 /16 2D141459 -� CONCRETEUN COMPoLIED SUBDIVIDE 2• -3• DRAIN RISN. L2.02 DECORATIVE FENCE /GUARDRAIL POOL SHOWER p WATER FEATURE ELEVATION SCALE NTS SCALE NTs � SCALE NTS .1 HARDSCAPE DETAILS SEE STRUCTURAL DETAILS FOR COLUMN REINFORCING ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ EDGE OF CONC. RG. BELON O C o = ❑ l_14 ❑M ❑ ❑ l_1 S O O 00 O orI 4 OHM Hl m OHM O O �t^1 MORE VENEER PLAN SECTION • C v AP es 2' -J' 1D' -O' S' -O r r - PREGSI CONCRETE GP MUST CONCRETE GP PREGSi CONCRETE GP PRECAST CONCRETE GP - - _ STUCCO FINISH. - - COLOR TO GTCN ARCHITECTURE SGN PANEL, STUCCO BkBkle' CNU FINISH. COLOR T I N T E G RA 3 60 SICNACE LETTERS CULTURED STONE VENNER- O - - - - 8'X6'%16' CNU O COLOR TO LATCH RCHITECNRE ` PRECAST LEDGE GP - - — PRECAST LEDGE GP J _ CULTURED STONE VENEER _ CULTURED STONE VENEER N O ad 921111EIIIIIIE '� � SEE STRUCTURAL DETAILS FOR b BLOCK REINFORCING 1;, SEE STRUMURAL DETAILS FOR —__ _ � _ BIDCK REINFORCING FORCING N / 1 CONCRETE L DETAIL SEE STRUCTURAL DETAILS FOR SRING, - CONCRETE FOOTER: SEE SIRUCI DETAILS FOR SITING, Z DEPTH DEPTH AND REIKORCING AND OEP1H AND REINFORCING ELEVATION SECTION couPxTEO SUB—DE sulRC6noE ENTRY SIGN DETAILS 1 SCALE: NTS 1-203 INTEGRA LAND POOL GTE, SEE 1/1-2.02 PRECAST CONCRETE CW COMPANY CULTURED STONE VENNER- COLOR ID "C" - - LnK E NU1 F v FL 117i6 ARCHITECTURE - - GP =T CON CULTURED STONE VENNER- r COLOR TO MATCH DECORATIVE GUARDRAIL ARCHITECTURE 1 -1/2' DD ALUMINUM - - - - - - HANDRAIL POOL GTE, SEE 1/1-202 - PRECAST CONCRETE GP CULTURED SINE VENNER - COLOR TO GiCH ARCHITECTURE - - - - - - - - - - - - PRECAST LEDGE GP Y - - - - CULTURED STONE VENEER CONCRETE STEPS, _ - - _ _ - - - - ORODN DNLSH iRGDS SMOOTH FINISH RISE - - `_ -_ 'D — __ -_ -_ -__r BEE STRUCTURAL OEIAIIS FDR ,,, LOCK REINFORCING onil 2/16/16 — RRA 2GV1459 CORGOEO SUBGRADE - JJ ' ,' ' -,° , , N.._-- CONCRETE FOOTER: SEE - -- - - STRUCTURAL DETAIIS FOR SITING, AND CDEPTH ELEVATION SECTION PACTED SUINFMO OENG L2.03 ENTRY SIGN DETAILS 2 RETAINING WALL DETAILS E� HARDSCAPE SCALE NTS SCALE: NTS DETAILS P -D' SO SEE UN RNFAL DETAILS FOR COLUMN REINFORCING T Q a stn A:J ❑ O EDGE OF CONC. FIG. BELOW J` ; Ny t^ I Obi I�OPO�O�OkO�i l�OlO�lO l 1 O o pv '- ❑®Oom❑ ❑I❑�❑4g❑ooO ®OHO 0 O .�1 0= STONE VENEER o ^� DA PLAN SECTION q PRECAST CONCRETE GP a m CULTURED STONE VENNER- COLOR TO LATCH z 5 ARCHITECTURE r — - PRECAST CONCRETE CRP 'rte III III INTEGRA 360 - TENAI . - - Um SIONAGE PANEL 0 - TENANT 2 COLOR FINISH. COLOR SW 61]1 M Bk8k16' CMU V SIGN PANEL, STUCCO FNON COLOR SW6171 - TENANT 3 �_ BxB „G DND p[ °C 17 -_- W PREGSi LEOCE STONE - _ - _ _ PREGSi LEDGE CRP W Z_ CULTURED SIDNE VENNER- COLdt 10 LATCH -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - CULTURED STONE VENEER CULTURED S10NE VENEER 1` 3 ARCHITECTURE - - - - - u SEE STRL DETAILS FOR a BLOCK REINFORCING _ -. SEE STROCIORAL DETAILS FOR BIDCN REINFORCING 0 A - CONCRETE FOOTER: SEE- CONCRETE FOOTER: SEE STRUCTURAL DETAILS FOR SIZING, SIRUCIURAL DETAILS FOR SIZING, \\ OEPiH AND REINFORCING DEPTH AND REINFORCING ELEVATION SECTION `COMPA.CTED SUNGRACE COMPACTED SUEGRADE INTEGRA LAND COMMERCIAL ENTRY SIGN DETAILS � COMPANY SCALE: NTS - LIKE .1 F1 11 11711 .1 REV- 2/18/16 2DI41459 L2.04 HARDSCAPE DETAILS A infer, paea,. and „Inl,d d—A ne,e y P r ot cOrvMATERI S ° p 2,11 FGINEI e heats eguo to the tun depth t d p Ong 9gdlkd lo C,ms shoegbe sarioce po k j� —i'DI 2.C3 ExPPNSON JOIN'S e tog Celder l'Flercell' O, gremgowble ebpa smno boo d mp. roe, m p 2 icl . unlus atnerv+se shown on d, g 1, 1 2.04 COCK SALT (I! Indi -led) A Shall be NNUE s rno, g o eau g d Io gg g undo y Iween 1/4 =3/e' 2,05 CONCRETE REINFORCER- GAT SUPARECE PREPARATION ding btu nd pp ed between side forms SLbgrode antl loan, ,hall be GAP FORM, 111d, 0111 b, h1d TOPIC 1111, by AINII PhIld U111111 3,03 EXPANSION JOINI A s of gfJ ere ping d w wdh M111 1,11 11 gldsg dUil, loptln and f h'ng. mme3ateol ng p eed.a edg e, all be 104 CONCRETE PLACEERECTT AND FINIGIINI ctwidth a! Crete paAt, Busing acielowel'tn shed sa n,1 1,11dm on gtih9I1 -1 ". p`i�dsaci on dlcded In ph,, and dead, hAn, co node by culling g v91n9.s ^es o1 adore blemishes and tool mods. y p p 9 B.1. r 1 10 -0 p o0nd gm9y o,, t at isP'h' W _ All— hall be -dorm s in dih antl fr ebblem antl SAO The c -de (s ocj: where ,nnr, 1. p g n b, rm,hea w. b a t p g �m,h of ,nb ,hat be old E. 1 p ndg, IBM CURING IND PROJECION A Curing: Immediately alter fl i,hing Ope,otion,. the 11A11d conc,ele ODU— ,hall Al cored in .111donre with applicable END OF SECTION 32 11,13 A2 Agg,egat1: ASIM C33M I'll . YD g eeze1 tha 111t:9ASIM 111 -13. no breakage and maximum I %loss in dry weight -, 50 cycle, IM At, d ' (1 �5mm)gsh e'C ( }mmJ Ir mm. EI bi- nlvery well b oeYs ,eb'ha;d,zem n«eo,0 l0 m=t�n ° y 1 eme,t, - p a - -A hall — been eandnded dnd b— d bin ne p -mete d —i n, -led n nng,,if -ne,me Bloc— 3000gPSo m D. Bedding and leveling mote,ial: ASTIO 133 Cl PASHTO B13, f10 g,,ded clean coarse G—Ate s,nd depth a, indicated. (DO NOT USE ROSS 111) E. Sands fo joinl,: SNT. washed Bond with 1009 pa „fig Na 16 (1.18mm s,,A,. ASIN C144 gradation it, unusually thin 2.03 PAVER AND JOINT STABILIZER /SEALER A Th, pni ,antl st,oThing m all be SIIREBOND SB -1300 supplied by Sneband. Inc. Schamba,g. IF 84] 8431818 PART I— EISCUTION 301 INSPECTION 3,02 PREPARATION AB. Da NO p,N,g units Add, disc oration other A— defeNS. ,hed ,n ea, a>e the pnssb e. Ana the a>R n (ilgre,$) 1, GOT 3,D3 INSTALLATION— BASE MATTERASUS A3 p n g p nt In 951. C' nndUnn dy d,n,ay in Od III lh B Sp,Ead bedding9ond le mde,iols ev ver the immediate azo to be paved. saved bedding b,d to g minimum lev 2 el gf . app mlian hole t , nave mortar hicvnese l�9minimum of p e —m poet be g B 4 ld—i d ter g arse. C AT 3E 5e000 p N, rom di, p,di,, f b Swlace ,N11 S, Aldan and oil or. V•b,mo, ,hall be copobe 0 ofd (Jmm) pa E Alit, DiDhtedge of my Ipcationgan thellsbrf The g and shall not y are t T hen te,ted w,th g 10 -0 3.5 PAVER AND dolts saeluzER /SEALEF APPLICATION all be made Thdd , and 1, L d ,,1 f, 0, to 1h uold B ng`Du n y need Nn,h to be In Aid ar,n,Ed— wdh the m C. Wad ehdllgbeg undetlak,n In th dada P-Ng o, evening w ,n the paver su a wpik shall c s nc ement w -men {min dl- pd wrnd� w nrrn�t inn st,NlAnng app ,,i�nn and snnll not �nm, nod me ln�nl sa�deba, dNnd o seated g,e a nom nom n, mnmwre ana Md1l not be bdlf dk�d m, 24 hog„ an„ me - peon 3,DS AT th, Il0dll—gdppAo- °,men R I, C we ,d g to use pt om the su tore odaengne— f— dn 0 g dn, ado t eta sue -pee g IFEE CLEANING A R—A and re vng u e b pk ppej, th,,wse damaged. Provide new PE8 MAINTENANCE A Malden 'nstall return tp the potwlM1e Own ue9t a grlod o egyear mb th, h by ,daily any pPObl— in9tbe work roused by 'its failure U, adequately align the ppAve�s. m pod it, bedding bsAnd 0, NI END OF SECTION 3214.13 T �I w 0 •� W p 111111 `O W CC M Q oC°` N UW W z Z INTEGRA LAND COMPANY MITI 11 11711 2/18/16 28141459 L2.05 HARDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS O� 0 M Q oC°` N UW W z Z INTEGRA LAND COMPANY z /ia /is zwn�ss L3.00 LANDSCAPE PLAN �T o0 t O M LL N QZ A' Z L.L � LLB Z � 3 Z 1NTEGRA LAND COMPANY ]/18/16 2D141459 L3.01 LANDSCAPE PLAN �T o0 t O M LL N QZ A' Z L.L � LLB Z � 3 Z 1NTEGRA LAND COMPANY ]/18/16 2D141459 L3.03 LANDSCAPE PLAN �T O� 0 M Q oC°` N UW W z Z INTEGRA LAND COMPANY z /ia /is zwn�ss L3.04 LANDSCAPE PLAN N1ATCHLINE: SEE SHEET L3.O3 DA s vice � — - ` , ❑oo❑ r j \ DA, DO� ®� ❑ 7L2 0 1e .n 0 o DO 4, rm I — ea Px r oo❑ � Lai taw in S �"�', � A ■ — 03 g J5 _ _ III I ZE a T12 �� eLL occ DA w w SS syfrs 16'Cf 63 U U u� '_.i e'Cf ■ W w 5 . - - - S M - - - rAC1 - - - - - - - - - - - - I 64 17 J os ■ T� o T� LANDSCAPE PLAN SCALP. 1 "- 20' -0" 13A5 L l c�! _ ............. . . ........ -� t i = - - - - - - - - - - - -�z i- - i- i i LANDSCAPE PLAN SCALE. 1 '= 20' -0" EH •� W p 111111 MW U d N UW W z Z INTEGRA LAND COMPANY 2 /18/16 28191159 L3.05 LANDSCAPE PLAN imm �T o0 t O M LL N QZ A' Z L.L � LLB Z � 3 Z 1NTEGRA LAND COMPANY ]/18/16 2D141459 L3.06 LANDSCAPE PLAN PLANT SCHEDULE RGTANPN NA�F PD�MGN NA�F C) A ,E APPRE1=A=�AE.111FIEP3 ITALIAN TlAIIEENA 3a IRL �. IT1M1 I III, p EL E �FA E T � IFILL. 3 PPP R I.1.1A INFIRA RENDER �AE GINTLI ILLl TRADl AR I ,z - 11 IT, 1-6 PPRD A 111. LL 0 .. sA M�REEaAPA. ❑D-A I D RLANIIAII F. IFINIIRN GREGALIA 3a RLL - TARTRT A A I PIPIF, I � ( ML I GACNaUA C- CRELORA UnLE CIA DWARF s'TUTRERN MACNOLU 30 CAL.. 1 -1 M.. FTC, 1 -111 cu. A AEA A P�� ��A MATED NA AP",'A � AU.Un�NA -ITI A A 11111.EN.,E 11 CI F, veo� PAL.11. sAr cuueER EA.NAEFI PAL sao.RFRn uvF Uu` Fc_ FAINIs IT R•_ IL1111A, 1. UI ILANR1.1 IT IT 3. — A"L.F,AGA .IEEN PALM IF, ,G .W oT �A DLNOR1�IA =P� ML RR� o RR R RIRIRCUS I RULA GIRL RULA GIRL NRINGUA 13 CAL. A -R IT FILL STD (D 1. IF INFIFA p IN 31 nRODOFA NIRLAI .E.R FARE' FORT III, AP INAOINE 1 DL.111111 RILL Oo vA 3'I VIBIRNIU ITEPENAIU AANIANUWA LnRIRNUU I FAL_ 1. -Gn oA ❑RE 22 A.PIN 111—ET FARE.ATA DWARF 1-11 FARECATEI GINGER 03 AL.. IF -3I oA Cl a.c. ❑IT — IAEL UA LAPDNICA III EII CA.ILIA 3 DAL.. ,3 —,a .A LA ❑ EF all D NELLA TCEIGANIIA RLCA LILI 3 DAL LA. FILL ❑ IA anee DUR FA 1111TA AUREA DWARF FELLOW DURANTA 3 GAL. ,A —,a GA 24 o.c. ❑ IN G13 �LEAwNNTDRANINA DWARFIGNIPAN IFAL.,z- 11 - - ?.A. AA ❑ LR .TP TINPE111 ENNFEmA ewE REARRc eLIE PAnFic LINPER I FAIL. aIT. 112 -11 SPRI. Ta ❑ LE a< UNAPE .1AIAN E.ERALD cooIEEA URDPE r CAL. FILL IN PDT a ❑ LD III LGRGPETALU. cRmENSE RURRU. RURV DWARF RUBY FLOOD FLOWER 3 CAL.. 1e 11 IL, x ie -2,4 IPRR.. II ac 3. a.c. ❑ .1 1,— .11LeNee 4 1AILLAIs IINU uUILT 3 IAL.. IF -11 o FULL 11 a.�. ❑ P. 3EI PwLDIENIRON —All xawol PI'LOIENFI.N 3 FAL., 1a — RT.. 3 -3 PPP. 2a ❑ 1v — ILL —ARIM FINIA FARE.AEGA FARECATEI .111 oFANCE 3 FAIL. 1a -11 aA 1s ❑ RA 2,131 IIII —LENT mmCA ALRA WRITE iNDVw HAWTHORN 3 IAL_ v2 -IA I FILL ❑ sR i.n3 SPARiwA RAIERi —D CORD CRASS 3 GAL.. 2,4 -30 GA FULL aD a.c. ❑ -1 T.IS3 TNPSACUU IARTILARES NANA IWARF 1ATERT-11EE .RASA 3 IAL- IF -2,a FULL H a.�. ran Nn mvFRS L4P£ lllY RGTAN PU NAUF muuGN NAUF t'nuT S1ZE SPA_C1NG ❑ A. 3.3aa AlACNA .-HALM PERENNIAL PEANUT r CAL., FILL IN PDT. ra o.c. A o.�. ❑ PA 1sz— AF —FILL. N.T-1. AR.ENTwE .A IRASS EIR ❑ S. as. SF ALENDTAPRRIN aANII. AMERCwUU s. A1.1SwE .BASS IRA TIE A.33a TIRINE— PE1.1. -CLINT. ARGETIN ANCETIN LAAMINE I IAL FILL IN PDT a Ou Ind O M Q N UW W z Z INTEGRA LAND COMPANY z /ia /is zwn�ss L3.07 PLANT LIST �DO PMRn MN10E , - h= �DO � Po CMIRMCiMRdiiW Pu111 Yr NN. eEn[a 6a11 sneue r ,. eu[Dxts I ' 7\ IS _L =��_� df�R[III �ully�R�t� � n _ C — U AN • "ANTED SOLD UP iD lOP / xNFR - `I CMG o$ m Del SPM SEE Pu111 uST r xD W o 1.1 TS 3' DYER Of NAd1 LSMGn[GWlOOMIm[R x LDRG FAEAD[ OR MLL GDB ON IDENA F SOO YLD1 Dg _ J ^ w — _ _ (G[[ GY➢W P69-0 PREP.IRE" ma 1° SEAL °h�R • sndss� ussD x n h. 20G 0.C. SPM ENT 10 dl SPI81G a pC. SYCYt GxC /1YLL SM SLGRiLY �L��MB[ P�MI[D Pu. A, SOLR bL[nL G 0 .c. sv,.cuic CUAd/[OG[ D P.W[N:MI /Im11x[ IpIE Y RC. 1M[ 11r Or YL G ED R� 1 xwmHs�AND AT SHIS SAR:O 0 �P o5 LE _ _ GCFPI M _ = BULdMG fllf➢f OR MLL 1 s�iWN THE I AS NH S Y GM HD —1 U rvv. SPFDT[ xY RODi BILL RCD GLL fYSHED GRID[ SECIMI � LELORDPL 10 1R6NRPGRIISGCYGRDIIYL SHRUB AND GROUNDCOVER PLANTING SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL Elp SHRUB AND GROUNDCOVER SPACING 1 3: SCALE: NTS SCALE: MS SCALE: MS Q0 M LL Q oC °` UW W z �NNNNNNNN 3 Z INTEGRA LAND COMPANY Laxe ry1Aev, rL IzLaa AND N ,4S -xur. ON A—D xmE: vL hwRYilvwium�DY 1 : �I� ID 'ALAS. EHINESE FAN ,vA DE PGRI[D Ll W51 t_S INAT d11LGRC S YRYIf ANA YILR W[[x PYL15, GYM AS 1�V.LLq �G u,WFE i1WSr F 1: 0.P�L[MID10 "N" B. D � E�� PGCO� EIRAN SDMPPW —i DPou D - x0 ti xx ML � 1 + L.tuY rRY 1KxDU[GxG I0.t. LI 111E t[MI[R SP.IdMGY SPRENG LL MG Of A N5 PRDN TOwl - _ — — _ -1 NO1U x -1 1RULx[ - OF WEST GLL Y NRGE WON. 3I AR uLR [i NAfN LO MIFR FINSH 0 xCXCF IULdx0 wu aewxG ll °11 -. 1111111 _ cx'1 Dnn 2/18/16 ._ REV 2DI41459 _ _ _ — — — — 1111 eu� PK_ Ftx10x6 SGL M SP[C'0 UN.—D SEN. 1R[[ GxOPY IOR L YRYUM OF 10'- 0'.lx� 111 IF 111 0LGCSRMx GR�IGLL[ DULdxxE PuxS)xM MLL. rtaora..0 ol... L3.08 PLANTING ADJACENT TO BUILDING E�:] TREE PLANTING DETAIL F-5� SCALE: d1S scale dls t— LANDSCAPE L— DETAILS PART 2— M- 2CI TOPSOIL and, f„ 11 s gross b(SOrgham Oepenm) Nalg ass (Gyps us om dos) O d Ol,,HPPnabeo weeds and di so 2 C2 LIME A 0e (Dal cone) ro a0a All g a m Sam a 2 PC FERTILIZER anform m n noel °ached 1, °e d w ge, nws. II nll g Intel ro Ibnt 809 s FAIL nn n 11-- ,sera. 2 04 SOD A Sod All e+IStiag. Snd shall be !res ealmg Ilv g sleets and OtmcM1ed m0ls. Sod sbnu be Obtalaed f,dm -11 be 112 D5 o�g�M�fNfs n1d ; nnnble wee. End ,hdll oral ronlnm mntennl i� g be deinmenlal the Fewnp wt A g ed (oddhe I�m�m of wn.k md�enled ro g d nll arms d�Wn,be y e -ilh ors npenkane, shop be PART 3— EIENUHKNNT D ,,It e ,ougny ,'e 'rag o ta,y " g 'eery u,d a e sultOble seed betl M1as been pr area o0 tld °na olOds or cl ,urger omal 1' —1 /2 diameter, C. Applrog Gme: The ON of the sa 011 be delerm -l. If the rpH Isn below Imt Ilm 011 be Odded la add, The top th, .1 tbel,'PI loll le thi D applrlgdEe al me role 0r 11 p p oD g it _ 0ntl eh01l be m0aeroel one, the hA F. P1111,,9 Sod'. l °all be 11111d ILA prior 10 plOnng9 sod. Ea Ch block ar strip of sod doll be balled Able, rmly agOfisl hill b. sbadIng h ° de 3a °m w e 1e m All b, and sb II dal E, �, men soaaed.'n wdle,IAg,, I H, dons IS IF, Fppk�llhn " awedala ulale9ollAle aved gar all be ke n al ohlle limes,, hall be removed from IM1e ede y d not sotlded9 w be mneideretl for kraal p ce w hen t p an n1 grew ee h— a d g—ing on 1001 of area 1 be 1 C2 CIALILF CONTROL COC ss an 10 Deters m app ova, ub seo a s t9 y hi —I 1 at p w1 ro oct q me p 10 A 03 CONTRACTOR S RECORD OF CEITIFICATION A C., sM1ed IFe Owaer fa µrd I sou ed mr the Poll S d mree ropes each of all documenlokon shall be Ti P, th, d11RwFn, AS v udeel„e ware,. el. the Omoadnl of a,RHA m0lte,m nd Ovaildble °PFPIP a A acdOnde potash old the x011 emlended nfor in condHfiPn Of I wile bee n0led. and me Coral E,,e wdl be ndotlfied R m0intenance isollo —dnue cepto ce. Tne M1e the B Repammeal o,sod ree, ed v g e mantle a�3re(o a ad shall be esa0 I ty a IF, O,nlraetar e rope C,, arse„ °'eeid',f' nAn9Aa,aneydme,Idd' °aAAe`nI M, SLIT d�dd9 �h °yp °ro �npreai'e9eo° `no�eln° f�9�p «o,y=. END OF SECTION 3292 00 SECTION 32,9100 1,01 SCOPE OF woeu own" �ane,theA 1dImem of rant,, the owsons os h I e eelrcleae n tl p0 g eras nnul nveepm v v e 1.02 PIAJTMG IAVaN allM1 gua p p ab a'Ce C tl !r m 1 0 p emuLoar� TFe LbakardeM1all ctas mak Reldwmeasu�emeatsefa, M1'ws own work gad be.esp.nsble f0, ilse Loa HORTICULTURAL STANDARDS to dPmedmo StOOdmld roe, Nursery 111ock ANSI (Amenwn NOtlOnpl Btooeorde olreliNte. ne) Z801 —tome as app oven by IM1e ro� �amy w A;,d inn° ,1111,1111, All pli may, al,`011111 lreo;o HREA 10°m, O and w,l na 1,C4 C-IFICATES OF INSICITIONT A ese °than FELT specked in the art,Aleblllled HORTIICU0LTIIRAL STANDARDS All not be o cep edy slate law. Planes of g e PART 2— MATERIALS 2,01 SOIL BACIFILL B. Sot eOm,ndm,nt, Moll h11 1dded 11 ".w h in omen Om Hnnt and m° scribed yEA mil d0 rs t uobdinea PH of C5 If Fit D. TEA com, <t gall p o�'ee�metroliowaq °'� TZb io mauon on impo,lea lopsoll: D.IA Speeme I It. fOm hi,h I0ps0il mil be (ar µ4s7 stripped. E td,y, In A,01,111— Agronomy j9" AS by etbeeAme,P nd SOCietV ofeA9ron oOnd s II be med Ot Ue 1,HR F Plonling sad barNdl Ca ra sad arcM1ileeiural pla�teo. if ,pPiwble, °shall vdns,sl 0!40% palling sSHE 01. wa6e —Ad c . (IL—) °�nn d, (deep Aetll °0 pe Ridding SON Ackfill m, dee we , G pp elbe shIll be 3 opp 0µa a 0 0>R —hi b0 de e sna 202 FERTILIZER B — A Ironstplonl a b MSS 1a bee ssible dale hmeo 1ilbllIh rod and be on�dP Both h endao0nd ecmm e coq aycOrrhizOl In C. S enmen Palm Moats ms all bewt soled raw wilF da veebemefwcial my1dIIH,lI fungi IS r mole PROT, the best p_ betµ o u g g M,,ph palassu o d Him MESTONE g pSmide p p 203 DOLOMITIC LI CE4 PRE—EMERGENPHE SEED CONTROL II p: //bellervm.baeT,ue/ onto app wed epuo. sure y SF— The Cdemiml m p y, Fold US4 A to as re IM1OI w FIAT !r Ocldsllota s,b,i,nce mat om lab A harmlU chemimis, 2,06 ANTIODESINCANT LIPS In nl� ens. mat Is (0�amde e. 01 beuer. A— mw EPA., en me�Ii r�ee 0n me aw ni, dSwng, M11 b, u- 2,11 ", ', AND STAING MATERIAL A, Ohl, A E GRAVEL g reee /poem, sbnu be 0s decoded 0n me m g z S,l del Oiled orn ems ddrawngs no'µ a o di,ecled " L, LLpndSCppeeA,AhHWleolDminage HE 9RSP,l dsh,11 conloliste of �O�sM1edPdelebdrgOVel j in,h la 2 incdas In size. 2.11 SOIL SEPARATION MATSi FABRIC 12 OUALTY OF PUNT g p MATERIAL g 2 con", A pools eha romp em °and tae ow eui °rasp cl nfor es al nspeN'On mrt'fmles regu red PC 1 0,11 E, mOdeeavO Obe I th, Owne1 01 o0µ , A Op em mt've OL 's /u ,eques 215 BALLED / BURAPPED / ARE BALLED / BURUPPED PLANTS St IS All plonling All bill, �h,ll b. 11— Mi n tPd roM1en w oat P ned w the Ire, SA be n OD,vMA M1 ned lo mm Ad me am Ae A], W the of the it in th, B' lOnlinlg, n grow ben °grow dbags hsM1 not be — ,ASble o SmlAetic strings. eOhpsbeOnde barlOp dmate,lal °sLall 216 COLLECTED PLANT (exce al ) sn Roolba e eIS be nc,eroed n ere one In,ed q,e0i,, m01 na ry g, reap s 0m L>i 0r Ines, 2J 7 CONFLANERIZED PLANTS A All c er grow APH, M,11 be AMI Doled and eM,hilhed In the in 0iPh mey A,, deliMred l0 the 218 SPECIMEN PLANTS g land Fat ea plable9 for us n E,peases u^uau ednbvemehOwner o sIbi nl in pedion O(especm,n Bt l. il n(erc nge)nn tu 2Tli PALMS A Palms. e S cabbage pa and u s otM1ervnse i'diceled, l^holl be barlapppd. Bads9 of IW All be Iced ondo,ds B 1p-Ol (Hose raved I, d,le,E It unFS went, fu Feuds. plEnti,g pa raolballse sM1al, be slug °wltM1 o 1 diameter boll 3' deep. WM1ere Sabal pa cYled wIm !rands, h bead shall be tied and s,pp,,t,dmdanng a 2.21 FLOWER NO ANNUALE A LOndsc e Contractor E. submit 'Flow ring SH sa band on R,p entativx Ond /Or Lannd,,Spe A,O a'- Cl, cons ta b Ic i Po Ou T p • 1� g� 111111 ti O M Q oC°` d UW W z � 3 Z INTEGRA LAND COMPANY Hill I'll 2/18/16 2DI41459 L3.09 LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS III sl,H Ed of deel nr. p °II pe rcpm o�lbie wb le IN11 er olmthe abs cold psFOii be 11 nil Io ecp Iiele th, ob.by g iC c, do—Ard Hero gy NA �blhnl�An shall Abered F, PA[di 3— EXECUTION F g The commeto, sballl assume lull despo s�b Age A p Ate CeAn aEdnsale hd p y f p Aauets F. TFe p epore BNB on g its I branch d edd W bud pl 1'9 all tme y l blut ne gudd bA, All NAM, ALI Al hAll11d 1, Dh h tl by d t b d g t t t d 1 t d spewnl os t wt g o! s ens, Ine gg orvo1, And d segue w b d d and sno be removed tmm I e pu op o L sting o tloy shall b olio,, In y IIM the 0 ,lh olecl ouneT one IM1e tree bpltsmo a,, the plo Is Inb E, section to beepladledyhove bee p,bp Y wvoted and N eddty w eded bam choln mo g g, Alne. bo. s pp g y eons ° nai l9: erode" e' °badm And 'd INA a d r111- thl 0 be P ohyinol. a dA not h illegible label mmot Identifies Ee dEnEH menmleProledi,nhAgen y iegisillill number and monNaclurers All ho satis(oclo.y grading A0 ba ..... ed to ibex CWbe�,nond o M1lnah0onl ado,osh,ll no teed SwOh meowo.k ,IF ibe T SAoold u,d,D dl re✓iAingn e blAn'ED p; sendamIIM1e stenllIF th, Jme of F, Gbnlmdl, sh .e IFe III byte monufoba,e, and /o. meehan meo Coll ' etl n nav blish o�eas usot to Aller fin g s thA1 e been esmbhshed furl or muse d g p ex y to etl sacmotemevtl ono be viewed and A.eod pl, Head's eSCtianndeThe Lbetmcd, sM1 gve IF, Owner hoece 24 hou e P a, to B AIFer soda p c1 a w ere blurs OF tap ent d mllltle, o d g n Feuds and wives, o d p omde markers or A. No bee mlb p II Fe dug o o.ed pnrd men o ,F,n eAlbe to IFe 0,ni, ,Reds pndble g ensu Fe To C the re rehmolb6 Elld 11 of All,, in sM1011 be brought Io E saltention sot Fe OwnerI AA meltenttln FEE 0 densty. ps all bem.... v 1 to A deph a sl two feet gr e. than mehm ,e sdeplM1 & diameter of me bolls l hl E dogmund �ove. b nt gmwtF, the Icpm,hdoe sh Ieem d IDLEAor 1C m d�diar�phlberohar h mmglp epld wiAlAue ,pedrldd la�iingy,eod. . IF, sm ILA m e mere o,eh :hell be remAUZd b o dept A Ara menes Ane 11 ill B Bodes bollsB If the baIINB A.ocked or broken Feto.e or during p nting pr some plant psh not beepl ifild nd oshall The D S y wHhAN d sh d, d1nndq1 to th, ,A1I opftero po n5nghmebplontmond porlially AoAekliTlng o ound iI, FeCOnta EA ,ball hand wolel mnWfnufudh bees E bI b,, le In t —h iD, AundidS Srodebe pu b 7,Tb`e g nil AI such a level IFO1 After settlement the olely Iwoe lF G mediatel9f Dotter eoM Irbee ppit M boekfilletl. a we basin sl'ON dlorger INN IF p all be brmede r Oh mot IN, of The idling A ,Are odd— term —SNb deA� AnnAAe, A d rrb I E, ugg wd� re 3 07 FERTILIZING tutee epee e y e monnfAC rotAn zo B and n 3 08 SLAKING, GUEENG AND —PING A . Aaldng oar SguN 49 hAN Feen ro pl,1,1. l all ebemIF, Cbnlrocbr�s re onsibPlily to en I Alit ot all ht And are plumb BA. — m —IA,l tens. 0 Ib break A rowh,F l inch.,, A J 9 9 9 ( AI on 2 1/ e, th, bunk Idr m the "d rpuntl 10 the AP,hI of Cond branSChess undo,Foil hbe Heal oAdssn A e0verlo do d tut glrees sho be sve =led !o y unls ev denau o! nsec 3.09 MULC NO p p p 9 pp g ubs ond g ticover beds ,hull be rovered mth mulch_ Li , o! IFe mulch shall be as intlicoled on IFe d—ing, A Each tree and shrub MI be pUn,d 9n uordo^ hewilhndsAnndAdd M1orticulturp P1.11,111 otlone ,A, cleon, s a p tools e blied B App.o %molely An IF eP (loose w gel) sF S y 3.11 CLEAN —UP S IFe rx . IF, e� eneile °hall be dared no! sle molenoh'deb sreand all sAbiealsp'that m y Msde,ple An of Al Fill Cbnthd p— A I evlonted to lido g tun Idn, 1 It. are dLslurbe by It, Cdi -dr hall be em ed And Conl,actor.pA, ssible de Ion Nere ylfignfr vondotisom. acts AT negleAi po pport a! u4segu ntae time (I y tmm inslallalion o! olinyWO eliny or slog eln end wd FI --bol AI And C AI (It A ble) sn re, ncUd, geode level Tram thep onglAol locslion. pond Wall pother olnaidenlol work nets nary Tor paper tlareploILI a ArenlolAn and finding, d, to b—doddhEy ond A 14 FINAL INSPECIION AND ACCEPTANCE r°Ii ENO �dih,d in w ling eyihe nA—, oT IFe rmm o Dd cel Al the work. " berAre rmAl AaeplA a. The cAnlrAnA. A ,ni nbercemny dmelrel ra dne�IVededo A dlnld Amainienn�cy oneefrc devtanee b, th o�s�rollito -im I. ConlracD,, Any I,,deguot, A, damaging pm actice All oba portetl mmetliolely In wnliSng Alo coed CA, 3.16 ACCEPTANCES AND REPLACEMENT OF PL MATERIAL A mfaliyeheolmyew a ey in 'I hng eparem ,,,,t EeSend Ateth, pr vingh ALRd by the OAne�eo. tram Ine dole of occeplA c y e Owner. All suM END OF �T ,Ou Qi � c5 I11 N O M �i Q N UW W z Z INTEGRA LAND COMPANY ] /t8 /t6 29191959 B.10 LANDSCAPE SPECIFICAMNS �T o0 t O M LL N QZ A' Z L.L � LLJ Z � 3 Z 1NTEGRA LAND COMPANY ]/18/16 2D141459 L4.00 IRRIGATION PLAN (2)3 "SL. 17 (3)3 "SL. 8 (2) 3" SL i I I3" SL. ((TREES) (3) 3" SL. a 1 TTIR � ■iii �1 I ®r " , 1; ■■ • ■ 3" L. i ) (4)�I" SLI I T 1 p■ 0 a ® ® ® 00 a O O D O 3" L. i ) (4)�I" SLI I T 1 p■ 0 ®00 ® ® ® 00 O IT ® 00 a ® ■■ w■ ro a ® O O 0 O O- IYJ—IJ W C �I z >� �I a N I I■ TI IA-11.1 R �oN aT�IT / ;EEEHR,NE / slo 0 /. (2)3 "SL (2)3 SL «\g) «3 « LrOIPO O.0 l T R / , -1 t" iusTnusaows of 1+ A 1} « � /O= ,NTEGRA LAND COMPANY 2) TIEE s, mawsa.uonuv oTUSa SEE IESI w O , a "sL. (2..a�a I -vz' /_ naESS. ) �t} � o D' ti In 1 eL 2) 3 S 1 / / 0•.00 1 C -7 iq I s" SL e Q 1t 1 \ 3• SL. Dail sous T'LL S�L. 3" 5 \ 11 o- oRIP�BiN (2)3 "SL Zp • • , 2/18/16 �12D141+59 TI (1) e an� 1} �•�� (2)S a„ .. SL. 1 I L4.01 (2)3 "S nENI v E E « 1� «a1- fB IRRIGATION MATCHLINE: SEE SHEET L4.05 MATCHLINE: SEE SHEET L4.06 _. PLAN i I I I 1 i 1 Q. . W 2 I !n (n L I Z 2 U a � I -- I if I 1} I if �I I 0 I \ C -8 39.8 t -1i2' 2\ C -9 � � t -v2• (2)3 SL ' SL MATCHLINE: SEE SHEET 1-4.« �T Ou 0 M Q oC°` d N UW W z Z INTEGRA LAND COMPANY 2 /18/16 28191959 L4.02 IRRIGATION PLAN �T O u •0 0 M Q oC°` N UW W z Z INTEGRA LAND COMPANY 2 /18/16 28191959 L4.03 IRRIGATION PLAN �T O u •0 0 M Q oC°` N UW W z Z INTEGRA LAND COMPANY 2 /18/16 28191959 L4.04 IRRIGATION PLAN MATCHLINE: SEE SHEET 14.03 r Essex, T o �u 00 1} � o" (2) 3.. 5L. � W CDO (4) 3 SL. 1 � e 3 SL z to ii O e cy �■ # IIIIII A e e z TREES I 1 T o ��� o O 1 z 1 � 1} r s \ 1' 1zj3 SL "ii 11' ii 1- e Esl �� a7� 8'SL 172 }71i 1 � SL (3 358.9 s "SL 7 a' S L s \y u 1} 1 . 1 i' 1 _ 14z= '' i4 1 (2)3.. SL 13)3.. SL 1 � 23„ C11z 6 C -15 Ctlz' C 14 50.4 53.1 � " 1 -,/2" e e (4)3 "sL. v a � � O � 8• 2} " a� s 67.6 8" SL 1 �) 3 SL aF E RE t�l,ry o-ne� oEO i � C -18 31.3 � � � O > , o �aa� C -13 79.0 A' � L.L V1 - - �NS,lti�4�NI,RE' 1} ii e 1} e 1 727 1 �'"� —1f if ti' Ol }e �Oe777 INTEGRA LAND COMPANY 2/16/16 26141469 L4.05 IRRIGATION PLAN — — ��--- - - - - ° 1 } - -- �� / MATCHLINE: SEE SHEET 14.04 / �p1EaDRCa PUBNr t i w — 1 - - -- ---- - - - - -- O O _ 1 i • i(z) a° SL. dq aAiNUoE os ntr is „Ben / • r1 suc� FoR c Al ° nscErcEa, FOAO ... EEE1 c ISII Ea) iN a111111E d o r � e'cr •• 's 1s� 0 J /. �Iz ••. Pj' s� \ dddKK�eee � o 0 �s w 1 — .,,FF � 4, � / ` t 1� FaEre a�eNr � a 1• � � 111111 �. _ c ♦ / LL . oaw o � iE Tw6 nay. T�' . -�� � � C -12 54.1 1 -112' O C c / (2) 3 57 M 0 z Z INTEGRA LAND COMPANY 2 /16 /16 29141459 L4.06 IRRIGATION PLAN �T O u •0 0 M Q oC°` N UW W z Z INTEGRA LAND COMPANY 2 /18/16 28191959 L4.07 SPECIFICATIONS NOTES INSTALL ALL PIPING SHOWN BETWEEN DIFFERENT PIPE SIZES AS THE LARGER ADJUST THE VERTICAL ORIENTATION OF SPRINKLERS ON SLOPES TO PROVIDE UNIFORM INSTALL THE SYSTEM IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LOCAL IRRIGATION REQUIREMENTS. SIZED PIPE. COVERAGE OF THE SLOPED AREA. INSTALL ALL PIPING TO INDIVIDUAL HEADS AS 3/4 ". IRRIGATION HEADS SHALL BE LOCATED MINIMUM ONE (1) FOOT FROM ANY WALL OR COLUMN. INSTALL MARLEX STREET ELLS FOR ALL HEADS ON RISERS AND ALL SPRINKLERS IN TUTS. IRRIGATION HEADS SHALL BE DIRECTED AWAY FROM STRUCTURES AT ALL TIMES, E0 THAT INSTALL ALL OTHER SPRINKLERS WTH PLAINT PIPE AND 5BE -050 FITTING. INSTALL PIPING O OTHER THE LAST MARKED PIPE AND PIPING TO INDIVIDUAL ALL IRRIGATION HEADS IN SHRUBS /GROMDCOVER AREAS SHALL BE INSTALLED ON RISERS. HEADS ( W-IERE NO OTHER MARCING9 SHOW) AS THE LAST MARKED PIPE SIZE. SPRAT DOES NOT HIT BUILDING FACE, COLUMN, WALL, ETC. SEE DETAILS. ANY EXISTING TREE ROOTS, WHEN ENCOUNTERED DURING INSTALLATION OF UTILITIES, SHALL BE ANY IRRIGATION ITEMS NORMALLY INSTALLED IN LANDSCAPE AREAS THAT ARE GROUND THEN O THE PATH AT THE S NO STATION E PLA (CONTROLLER) LOCATION AT ALL VALVE CUT OFF EVENLY WITH CLEAN SHARP PRUNING TOOLS AND COVERED WITH 901E AS SOON AS ARE OUTSIDE OF LANDSCAPE AREAS 0R OUTSIDE OF THE PROPERTY LINES POSSIBLE TO REDUCE DEHYDRATION. THE CONTRACTOR/DEVELOPER SHALL MINIMIZE THE LOCATIONS AND OTHER LOCATIONS AS NOTED ON THE PLANS_ ARE SHOW A9 PROPERTY FOR GRAPHIC CLARITY PEA INSTALL THESE ITEMS DAMAGE TO EXISTING TREE ROOT SYSTEMS. INSIDE OF P'ROP'ERTY LINES AND IN LAND9CAF'E AREAS. INSTALL GROUND RODS AND GRONJDING PLATES AS NEEDED TO ACHIEVE 10 OHMS OR LESS PROVIDE HAND WATERING FOR ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD FOR ALL TREES NOT LOCATED IN FZESISTENCE TO GROUND. PROVIDE PROOF TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT THAT ALL AVAILABLE IRRIGATED AREAS OR THAT DO NOT HAVE SUPPLEMENTAL WATERING INSTALLED AT THOSE TREES. MAINTENANCE MANUALS FOR EACH OF THE PRODUCTS INCLUDED N THIS PROVIDE THE RESULTS OF THE GROWDING TEST BY A MANUFACTURERS APPROVED INSTALLATION HAVE BEEN PROVIDED TO THE OWNER OR OWNERS CON EILT WITH THE OWNER AS TO LOCATIONS OF THIS SYSTEM'S INSTALLATION AS RELATED TO THE CONTRACTOR OF EACH LOCATION TO THE OWER REPRESENTATIVE. FUTURE PHASE OF THIS PROJECT TO MINIMIZE IMPACT ON THIS SYSTEM DURING THE FUTURE PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION. ADX67 THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND EXISTING SYSTEM TO PROVIDE UNIFOR'I COVERAGE. ASSURE THAT THE SYSTEM PROVIDES 109% COVERAGE OF ALL LANDSCAPE MATERIALS INCLUDING SHRUBS, GROUND COVER TREES ZOYSIA TURF BAHIA TURF, WHERE SHOW, EXCEPT FOR TREES TO BE HAND WATERED. GENERAL NOTES SCALE: NTS PLANT %C OF a 0 RFH "'ITLN oTa;NI=°;`=pPLANT 'POR`o;'a� AREA A, PTAINLE" STEEL HOSE CLAMPS 0� 11 M <U ws UNPAINTED 1/2" IN SP—S, ABC _ PRE B� RO,O�ER — ¢i ON TH[ NOIIITS Al SHOWN $a - 111 — = 9 5 PLPNS PCR TREE. NSIALL SPRINKLERS TREE WATER RETAINING V TIN PLNJnN4s AS SHOVM III SEC GLEFFEE VI RRDW SAUCERS. IRS— HE — 1— 1 =_ — III I A I sEEL PNGLG 11 LEPIH P, } " � = III = III — � —III —III III IIII SEE IETUL AROSE MOUNWEO SOIL FOR SAUCER I� } 1151 -_ -- — — — — ROOT BALL EooE OE PwVTINO REOJ LATERIAL LINEE RaW Two (rz) STREET ITS _— _— _ —_ —_— ARNCEIVI TYRE aR xAROS^1PEJ AN0.[ T /4 "oo A,. NAA IA LMGIH T 45 OR PIPING (5EE IFRIGAT ONE PLANS) VA PVC LEE 'II/THHEARERPRE00IAI FEHNNNCCTIAN TREE SPRINKLER LOCATION SPRAY LAYOUT IN SHRUB BED: PLAN SSPRAY /ROTOR LAYOUT IN SHRUB BED: SECTION "1 SCALE: MS TUB SCALE: MS SCALE: MS tm ��� �II�II■ �� 'I� /t �■ ■h� '� /� MI THRUST BLOCK CONFIGURATIONS J� SCALE: NTs i�� �IIIAIIAI o' AA U F WIRE5 FROM DECODER O NFIT EVER RA,ED FOR A, �A IE VALUE SEE L NTT LL N RIRO DECODERS AND ORDUNDIND TOMPATIDLE GPM ON ING OF THE VALVE A"EMBlIES THAI HAVE µTIN THE ESP —l?'O CONTROLLER A� PLL VPLVE LOCATIONS 'A SEA RF NOTE H"E FAR WEIWEM TH[ RPLL VPLVE PAID ZONE VPLVE' 1 -1111C EEFS RAIN BIRD'SN REQUIREMENTS ALL 1ALLIE 111ES SHALL 11 OF FLEN PIPE AFTER THE FLUSHING VALVE H TO OWMER�BSIINTION ACCEPTABLE ZONE VALVE INSTALLATION SCALE: NTs �T O� ^1 C PT eP 111111 O M Q oC°` d N UW W z Z INTEGRA LAND COMPANY 11 11741 2/10 /16 29191959 L4.08 IRRIGATION DETAILS SIDE INLET NO' U5E( /2' MARLED STREET ELL. /2' MARLED STREET ELL. 1 /2, G PVC SCH DD NIPPLE I/2 MARLED STREET ELL. PVC LATERAL LINE Pvc A, SEE 1ENE11L CONSTRUCTIONN G JOINT MA A', NO FLEX PAC �ILL BE ALLOSED, 12" SPRAY HEAD Al GRADE DETAIL E�:] SCALE: ITS 1. Thrust block bearing areas shall be poured against undisturbed material. Where trench wall has been disturbed, excavate all loose material and extend to undisturbed material. 2. Extend thrust block for full length of fillings. Put board in front of plug before pouring concrete. Joints shall not be covered by thrust block. 3. Rough blocking forms shall be used along sides of thrust blocks. 4. Thrust blocks shall be used in combination, as required, to suit the specific fitting arrangement. 5. Alternate designed restraining systems shall be provided where standard thrust blocking is not suitable. 6. All wood blocking shall be pressure treated with preservative. 7. Install a plastic bearier (Visquine) between fittings and thrust block. THRUST BLOCK NOTES EZ] SCALE: ITS E1/2 MARLED STREET ELL QED D GED DA PARALLEL 1/2 MARLEN STREET ELL 10 PLANT RAA ILP. „2, PVC N BE NIPPLE RRI TIGN VALVE DGA D,�DDND�(;RI NNCA RND DR „z� MARLED STREET ELL. ..��. ����.�.rv.r, 6" SPRAY HEAD Al GRADE DETAIL E2] SCALE: ITS SCHEDULE OF THRUST BLOCK AREAS F 5 SCALE: ITS MAIN SUPPLY. LATERAL MAIN SIIPPLV PVC LAIERAL ROADWAY IDEMIFI[R TAPE aIERAT V FROM CURB ARKS CAP NNC N. }0' PACT NE Dm FEe TAPE AD GwaDE NO IDENTIFIED TAPE DENTIFIE1 TAPE BELOW GFPDE ELBOW (T A LL IPPE &B LED LE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH TRENCHES AS SHOWN V NG AI 10'INTERVPLS NANUF. INSTALLATION SPEGFICATIONS SLEEVE P PIPE AND WIRE TRENCH CONFIGURATION °] SLEEVE DETAIL �� SCALE ITS SCALE ITS Ln 111— N 11111 TYPICAL VALVE BOX GROUPING SCALE: NTS �T OU EC _ a APE `O W M Q oC°` N UW 1LU Z 1 Z INTEGRA LAND COMPANY .1 P1 IL 11711 2/18/16 2DI41459 L4.09 IRRIGATION DETAILS PIPE S12E (inches) 90' BEND (Sq. Ft.) 45' BEND ISq. Ft.) 22)' BEND (Sq. Ft.) ttn' BEND (Sq. Ft.) TEE aR PLUG (Sq. Ft.) DESIGN PRESSURE (P.S.I.) 2 .5 .3 .2 .1 .4 150 2.5 .8 .4 .2 .1 .6 150 3 1.2 .6 .3 .2 1.0 150 4 2.0 1.0 0.5 0.25 1.4 150 NOTE: Thrust block areas computed on basis of 2000 lbs. per sq. ft. soil resistance bearing. SCHEDULE OF THRUST BLOCK AREAS F 5 SCALE: ITS MAIN SUPPLY. LATERAL MAIN SIIPPLV PVC LAIERAL ROADWAY IDEMIFI[R TAPE aIERAT V FROM CURB ARKS CAP NNC N. }0' PACT NE Dm FEe TAPE AD GwaDE NO IDENTIFIED TAPE DENTIFIE1 TAPE BELOW GFPDE ELBOW (T A LL IPPE &B LED LE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH TRENCHES AS SHOWN V NG AI 10'INTERVPLS NANUF. INSTALLATION SPEGFICATIONS SLEEVE P PIPE AND WIRE TRENCH CONFIGURATION °] SLEEVE DETAIL �� SCALE ITS SCALE ITS Ln 111— N 11111 TYPICAL VALVE BOX GROUPING SCALE: NTS �T OU EC _ a APE `O W M Q oC°` N UW 1LU Z 1 Z INTEGRA LAND COMPANY .1 P1 IL 11711 2/18/16 2DI41459 L4.09 IRRIGATION DETAILS WATER MANAGEMENT OPTION: COMMUNICATION VIA CELLULAR MODEM OR 10/100 BASE T DIRECT ETHERNET CONNECTION. USER DEFINED INTERNET BASED CONTROL PARAMETERS USING STANDARD WEB BROWSER WITH EVENT LOGGING AND EMAIL ALERTS FOR WARNINGS AND ALARMS AS FOLLOWS: X MAXIMUM GALLON PER MINUTE USAGE WITH ADJUSTABLE TIME DELAY AND NUMBER OF RESTART ATTEMPTS X MINIMUM TOTAL DAILY WATER USAGE • DAILY, MONTHLY AND ANNUAL WATER USAGE BUDGETS • GRAPHING OF REAL TIME AND HISTORICAL FLOW, INCOMING AND DISCHARGE PRESSURE AND SYSTEM EVENTS WITH TIME AND DATE SHOWN X RAIN SENSOR STATUS X HISTORIC WATER USAGE BY DAY AND MONTH X STARTER OVERLOAD FAULT SHUTDOWN NOTE'. SUCTION PIPES AND FITTINGS SHALL BE HDPE HEAT FUSED. CHECK VALVE 3" AND LARGER SHALL BE SWING TYPE, 2" AND SMALLER SHALL BE POPPET STYLE. ALL EXPOSED SUCTION & DISCHARGE PIPE ADJACENT TO THE PUMP SYSTEM SHALL BE GALVANIZED STEEL. BUTTERFLY OR BALLVALVE PROVIDED AT EACH PUMP. PROVIDE MINIMUM OF 4' CLEARANCE ON ALL SIDES OF PUMP SYSTEM SHFETY FEATURES: -LOSS OF PRIME OVERHEAT - TRANSIENT SURGE -HIGH FLOW EDGE OF WATER MINIMUM 5' WATER DEPTH REQUIRED. U 1 DISCHARGE 4" X 30" GALV STEEL PLAIN END NIPPLE CONNECT TO IRRIGATION MAIN 2q 2 CONTROL PANEL UL LISTED ASSEMBLY MAINTAIN 42" CLEARANCE 3 SHUTOFF /MASTER VALVE CONNECTED TO HOOVER © FLOW GUARD AND IRRIGATION CONTROLLER 4 CHECK VALVE 5 SELF- CLEANING FLUSH LINE 6 FILTER SYSTEM CONTROLLER 7 PUMP # 1 20 HP (HIGH EFFICIENCY TEFC MOTOR) 21 8 4'X6' FIBERGLASS REINFORCED ENCLOSURE WITH FOREST GREEN GELCOAT FINISH 0 9 ( LEVEL, PRIOVIDEDNBY OTHERS) NO OPENINGS 1 10 MAIN DISCHARGE VALVE 11 VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE 12 MAGNETIC FLOW METER 13 SELF - CLEANING INTAKE WITH 316 STAINLESS STEEL SCREEN ASSEMBLY WITH HDPE FLOATABLE SUPPORT 14 GALV. STEEL DISCHARGE HEADER 15 N/A 16 PRESSURETANK PLAN VIEW 17 PRESSURE TRANSDUCER 18 LOCKABLE HANDLE NOT TO SCALE 19 4'X 6' GALVANIZED STEEL SKID 20 3 UNIT FILTER BATTERY 120 MESH 21 BACKWASH VALVE 22 3" HDPE BACKWASH LINE 23 HUNTER ACC -99D 2 -WIRE IRRIGATION CONTROLLER 24 RAIN SENSOR ON B' POLE PUMP PERFORMANCE 325 GPM C 180 TDH, 55 PSI HOOVER MODEL: HCF- 20PDV- 230 /3— E- 99.H,L.M,R2,S,Z FILE PN13944.DWG 03/16 NTEGRA 360 APARTMENTS CENTRIFUGAL- PUMP SYSTEM DETAIL - FIBERGLASS ENCLOSED SINGLE LAKE SUCTION PRESSURE DEMAND, VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE, DISCHARGE FILTER, SELF — CLEANING INTAKE SCREEN, HOOVER FLOWGUARD® PUMP STATION INSTALLATION E�:] SCALE: NTS n�� os o„ w n,Paoosa�a U R��,e, PROS os c, �,PCOaNEa Paos- os- cv- n,P,000-no p Ruse, Paos oa GV 00 1,PZ0 qoo G R��,e, Paos- oa- cv-n—I. -zro F, PROS.os.cv.n,PZ000aso Q „��m�Paos os c,Zoo so R��,er Paos- os- cv- n,Pa000aso © R��,e, PROS OS CV �,PLCSS,s (D 1, Paos os- cv- s,Pacss,s 0 """ 'Paos- 1— VA,PSS.sso Ill Ru— PIR- 12.DV.2,PaD 1— El F,PRQ 12FC ,PCQRNER El aDS.,.cv.,P,GGD.Pa El El — 1,PRQS,2C-,P,DDO- oaDS,z.c „,PZ000Z�a El Ru,ao1.12.2,Pl DD o RQS,2CV ,PC0oos9 El oR��,e, PaDS ,z CV „PSSSCo Op aam e�m sd NO,�Fo� Paos -oa.GV ITI—) Ui Hall e�,aen NOrraa� Paos.ouv(TI —) ® PROS o4 Dv lSMN 2sQ (Pod Trees) Paos- oa- cv- A,ssN -.,DO iPaa T-1) PeP.eo2 -s v. Nama(T�es) ® F�lll P11-1 T,L llzll J11111 pao��a�,axao-a,11—tia(1m 1TI-, 11—oa,�� NoTEG uP,nu ss p e sofa EmmaSa, Hams © on.oILeo wHCF.zoaov.zawa.Eas,H L. 121Z P. © 'Hcontrdl r"11l1a1wnnllv',p.' o,Dena 1—lF aze s,li,cn H��c�, icv -,o,e, larva wi icG De�ae,a„ae,o„ so ,Lomuo� F, ICV -11,G1 V2 vei— IMD D— d.,- G d,�, Pa, L-11- „"”, ",111101121.1 — IlD Oewad,a"a c,a ,1 L uo" 1 -vz. LEGEND L] SCALE: NTs �T U. � ^1 dp _ E 111 N O Q0 M Q N UW W z Z INTEGRA LAND COMPANY 2/18/16 28191159 L4.10 IRRIGATION DETAILS 0 0 0 0 0 o N a m a va oo vmmmm m e a�N�mmaammm��NNNm ����_�mamaoN —_N__� � o o� rEl@ x ■ H v N In Gj In 2 �\ U m o m m - o - a +m m - -+ m m - - O J m m 4� m m o o m io A MAILHLINL: JLL JHLLI LJ.UJ Ou 111111 Q0 M VW W z Z INIEGRA LAND COMPAN3Y]ofi 2/16/16 20191959 L5.00 LIGHTING PLAN . ........ ........ ..... I In .. . . ...... ......... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ®® 0 Fu I mm- oil N1A HLINE: SEE SHEET 15.0- - � MATCHL SEE SHEET L ■ ■ ■■ ■■ i■ ■■ 0 o , t - ■ ■ ■ ■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ 0 Fu a m e N1A HLINE: SEE SHEET 15.0- - � MATCHL SEE SHEET L I 2 In r— 1 - 2. O� a os Q0 M Q r,C UW W z F— 3 Z INTEGRA LAND COMPANY ] /1B /16 2D141459 L5.01 LIGHTING PLAN O� ��5- 2. a os 0 Q0 M Q oC UW W z F- 3 Z INTEGRA LAND COMPANY ] /1B /16 2D141459 L5.02 LIGHTING PLAN MATCHLINE: SEE SHEET L5.00 MATCHLINE: SEE SHEET i'm It Mims i wimmi 0 ME& 0 -mfmm i i 0 ON 0 ■ a m m > N m N ��� /// Iamw��Nm�mwlm0�mm Z-Z I v > I I � - I� Jill Ji Ji � a o v W Jill w o m �� M ❑❑ .\ � I � III / e ,��fI I I 09 �I �I W I jI I // mmmmmmm_ MATCHLINE: a ,Oo u 111111 ~ W M Q VW W z Z INIEGRA LAND COMPAN3Y]ofi 2/18/16 20111959 L5.03 LIGHTING PLAN ■ w Y �m ■ ■V Y Mimmo`°■ e i N fro ■ 0000 �w 0 a �O �, '.n. m m m � � ■ Ci 0000 I w ❑000 8 i � _ r� `m" _ m r� N' �' m �I � ■ v' r U o— o o —o o .m � m 0 0. mmmm mr oo - ol�mmmmmmm 9 O� 111111 W M Q a VW W z 3 Z INIEGRA LAND COMPANY 2/18/16 20191959 L5.05 LIGHTING PLAN 0 J w. w� z�U J. I o� kTk MATCHLINE: SEE SHEET L5.04 OU a os Q0 M oC UW W z F— 3 Z INTEGRA LAND COMPANY ]/18/16 2D141459 L5.06 LIGHTING PLAN Landreth Lighting Loc inaire Schedule Symbol [MANUFAC] City Label Arrangement Description LLF Lum. Watts Lum. Lumens BUG Rating 9 Lumenpulse 4 L -2 SINGLE LOG- RO- VOLT-48-40K- 60x60 -SI-NO ETE UMAS 1.000 30.83 1757 N.A. 0 Hunza 8 L -4 SINGLE DL/L S RU 60 3 W B BK; 1.000 58.73 1000 N.A. Q Lumenpulse Inc. 7 SLA SINGLE P100T- LE4 -87L- VOLT - A11-NW MOUNTED @ 16' AFG ON AROUND TAPERED DIRECT BURY ALUMINUM POLE 1.000 81 9480 B2 -U1 -G2 Q Lumenpulse Inc. 31 SLA -1 SINGLE P100T- LE5 -58L- VOLT - All -NW MOUNTED @ 16' AFG ON AROUND TAPERED DIRECT BURY ALUMINUM POLE 1.000 54 6013 B2 -U1 -G2 Lumenpulse Inc. 7 SLA -3 SINGLE P1 OOT- LE4 -58L -VOLT At NW MOUNTED @ 16' AFG ON A ROUND TAPERED DIRECT BURY ALUMINUM POLE 1.000 54 6320 B1 -U1 -G1 Lithonia Llghting 2 SLB SINGLE KAD LED 60C 100040K R3 MVOLT RPD04 DBLBXD MOUNTED @ 30' AFG ON A ROUND TAPERED DIRECT BURY ALUMINUM POLE 1.000 216 20668 B3 -UO -G4 Llthonla Llghting 2 SLB -HS SINGLE KAD LED 60C 100040K R3 MVOLT HS RPD04 DBLBXD; MOUNTED @ 30' AFG ON A ROUND TAPERED DIRECT BURY ALUMINUM POLE 1.000 216 16448 B2 -UO -G3 El Ll then la Llghting 3 SLC -HS SINGLE KAD LED 60C 100040K R2 MVOLT HS RPD04 DBLBXD; MOUNTED @ 30' AFG ON A ROUND TAPERED DIRECT BURY ALUMINUM POLE 1.000 216 17362 B2 -UO -G3 0 -0 Ll then la Llghting 10 SLD2 BACK -BACK KAD LED 60C 1000 40K R5 MVOLT RPD04 DBLXD; MOUNTED @ 30' AFG ON A ROUND TAPERED DIRECT BURY ALUMINUM POLE 1.000 216 21958 B5-UO -G3 Llthonla Lighting 5 SLE SINGLE KAD LED 60C 100040K R4 MVOLT RPD04 DBLBXD; MOUNTED @ 30' AFG ON A ROUND TAPERED DIRECT BURY ALUMINUM POLE 1.000 216 20692 B3 -UO -64 Landreth Lighting Calculation Summary Label CalcType Units Avg Max Min Avg /Min Max; Min Parking Lots & DriveN'ays Illuminance Fc 1.74 5.1 0.5 3.48 10.20 Pathways Illuml nance Fc 0.82 3.2 0.0 N.A. N.A. Pool Area Illuminance Fc 1.49 6.7 0.3 4.97 22.33 Property Line Illuminance Pc 0.13 1.1 0.0 N.A. N.A. r- d - E 111111 O M Q oC UW W z F- 3 Z INTEGRA LAND COMPANY 111111 111 F1 11116 2/18/16 2DI41459 L5.07 LIGHTING SCHEDULE & DETAILS Attachment "B" INTEGRA LAND COMPANY INTEGRA 360 TER SPRINGS WINTER SPRINGS, FL nrin ISSUE KEY ® VOLUME1 ■ ■. ■ ■ ■.E NONE...■ ❑NOON■■■ ❑NOON■■■ ❑NOON■■■ ❑NOON■■■ ❑NOON■■■ ❑NOON ■ ■E ❑■NOON■■ °❑iiiiiii - ..v. -� I�n■r■n. .�All� /\ - --,. __ � ❑NOON■■■ .. - _ 1� � _.aim /r. \� � �� - �.�ni■ �■■�i. ❑NOON■■■ .i��_ - ��.�..:�_ -_ - ❑■■■■■■E -= - = = -_ - -- - �����������������������=■ -- �.= -_ - .T.Til1= I��II��II����II��II��II��I-. - - -_- .== -- -_- == L�..■ �-== -- = -- - .■ = _ IiiT.T 1�������������������I= - - -- = ;,,,,;_'' ..= �� ���������������������� - -- - -_ -- = == -� - =� - -- -1..1� �III�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIrn_ - = _ - ❑NOON■■■ ❑NOON■■■ ❑....... 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REFERE TO COLOR CHIPS AND - MATERIAL SAMPLES FOR TRUE COLOR. ELDORADO STONE STYLE: MOUNTAIN LEDGE / COLOR: CHESTNUT RIDGE INTEGRA 360 BUILDING COLOR AND MATERIAL PALETTE BUILDING COLORS AND MATERIAL PALETTE INTEGRA 360 WINTER SPRINGS WINTER SPRINGS, FL AC i COPYRIGHT NOTICE FEW IT, W zz �� Daze FEBRUARY 11, 2016 aukedBygC /SW/RG D-By: ABQL/LT /WM /RW Pcojecc No: 1416 E le Nerve Phew .4F�'ITIRIIC RE�IF.R' slN e BUILDING COLORS & AIATERIAL PALETTE SHEET NUMBER A909 CC) CoP jl2015 AG, Iva Ul POOL CABANA REAR ELE ATION POOL CABANA FRONT ELE ATION U2 POOL CABANA LEFT SIDE ELE ATION I-1 b 4� iil66 POOL CABANA RIG T SIDE ELE ATION INTEGRA I- WINTERSPR'NGS WINTER SPRINGS, FL AC COPYRIGHT NOTICE zz �� — NIP-11,2016 --dByJC/SW/RG D.Py IB/JL/LT/—/— Pcojecc No: 6 — Nerve sh BUILDING TYPE 7 COLORED ELBATIONS SHEET NUMBER A9081 (C) C.p,jl 2015 AC, I., ooIof—ro Emwnboeu —END cP.IMaffw�oui _ _ INTEGRA 360 - " WINTER SPRINGS WINTER SPRINGS, FL ®yw. AC a NN NOTICE —IT 1111 3 4 - w w F- �i �z w �1 MAINTENANCE BUILDING -]FRONT L REAR ELE-IATIONS N. �J sus l - i v 11, 2016 /P` /`/ ��;euro, 4 E1,E I1E11 _ \L1NT N NCLBUILDI \G COLORED ELEI ATIONS NET ICIER 2 MAINTENANCE BUILDING -]RIG -]T AND LEFT SIDE ELE -]ATIONS sus 907 i z 4 5 I I e s (D Cop ght 2015 ACi IVc GARAGE -]FRONT ELETATION ND tPxi wnsi HARVESTER S— LAND COMPANY INTEGRA 360 oeEiaESmurreioaE WINTERSPRINGS WINTER SPRINGS, FL AC Z cxT NOTICE CL W O M ~Z v 11, 2016 e sy:ICisco(xc o By : /71./I- T/Wxrt/xw e Ae �ojealvo.: 141e t'xCttktlt�e BUILDING TYPE 6 COLORED ELEI ATIONS INNT r,-1 A906 (jC Cop ght 2015 ACi I.c xovwmuwrmm.sm� - .,.rte, �eune�a�FrWS wm rroo- INTEGRA 360 WINTER SPRINGS WINTER SPRINGS, FL AC Z cxT NOTICE CL W O M ~Z CLUB -]OUSE -]FRONT ELE -IATION v 11, 2016 e sy:I (xc eao By .: A/P`/T/W/w 'ojevo141e t'xCttktlt�e BUILDING TYPE 5 COLORED ELEI ATIONS INNT r,-1 A905 (cA Cop ght 2015 Ac,, I.c ,aa 3 3 3 INTEGRA 360 WINTER SPRINGS — WINTER SPRINGS, FL _ - _ a AC a —NUM— ALUK/MF— GRI- 2„ _ __ • _ III = —CE o ❑ �. w w Z OCARRIAGE SOUSE REAR ELETATION —IT 1111 ITI LL N. a — a 3 — A FEBAtIARY 16 I' 3 em 11 20 a By:IA/SW/RG Doesy: /JLhT /wmrt/Rw ojeuivo.: I'll i' v, a a a a BUILDING TYPE, 4 COLORED ELEVATIONS ORAT ET N.—ER IIA904 2 CARRIAGE -]OUSE -]FRONT ELE -IATION 3 4 s 6 , e 9 ,o „ ,z v ,4 s ,6 11 C1)Co... hl 2011 -, wo@wsaf owsp wss�.woeu INTEGRA LAND COMPANY o INTEG ��A 360 WINTER SPRINGS WINTER SPRINGS, FL FT] Mom FE, P FF M F n T M �n m n L '1 77' 1 IF-1 FF I I u u 7 ry 7 ' 7 ® E SHEET N-ER IA 903 INTEGRA LAND COMPANY o INTEG ��A 360 WINTER SPRINGS WINTER SPRINGS, FL FT] Mom FE, P FF M F n T M �n m n L '1 77' 1 IF-1 FF I I u u 7 ry 7 ' 7 ® E SHEET N-ER IA 903 vie (rw oxsj INTEGRA 360 WINTER SPRINGS WINTER SPRINGS, FL AC Z cxT NOTICa CL W O M ~Z BUILDING T -IPE 3 -]FRONT ELE -IATION v 11, 2016 e sy:ICisco(xc o By : 1./I- T/Wxrt/xw e Ae �ojealvo.: 141e t'xCttktlt�e BUILDING TYPE 3 COLORED ELEI ATIONS INNT r,-1 A902 (cA Cop ght 2015 Ac,, I.c I NT � G R A LAN! COMPANY o o INTEG ��A 360 WINTERSPRINGS WINTER SPRINGS, FL 2 2 3 3 1 2 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 1 2 2 —ORAT _'Co ATO�l. BUI�LDINGT-IPE�2 -]FRONT ELE-IATION NA901 .�'v.M• yii111iirWfiill■� INTEGPRA 360 WINTER SPRINGS WINTER SPRINGS, FL AC i NNE CE w w oz �� ~Z BUILDING T -IPE 1 -]FRONT ELE -IATION v11, 2016 -/TLT/ eo sy: ae/JihT/TN[/�tT 'ojeaivo.: iaie '.GSIIfG'ILC RellG1% BUILDING TYPE 1 COLORED ELB ATIONS I—T i .—I A900 � Co.— 2015 AC, I.� Attachment "C" Sheet 1 of 6 PLAT BOOK PAGE WINTERSPRINGS - INTEGRA WINTER SPRINGS - INTEGRA A partial replat of Lots 14 and 21, PHILLIP R. YOUNG GRANT, o e o L c e TI o e FU— ELL KIN KY 1111 1INTUTS — 11, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 35, 36 and 37, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida Situated in Section 5, Township 21 South, Range 31 East City of Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida 1 DO LEGAL DESCRIPTION Y a (nee'i . -I anent —ot —way) R eaa'iPotea R. me F.HI oeP- -L THE WEST 1,080 FEET OF LOT 14 AND THE WEST 1,080 FEET OF THAT PART OF LOT 21, LYING NORM OF THE EANFORD —OVEDO ROAD (NOW eue e DESIGNATED AS S.R. 434, FORMERLY S.R. 419), ALL A PART OF PHIILP R. YODNG GRANT ON LAKE JESSUP IN SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 21 SOUM, b g on uis RANGE 31 EAST ACCORDING TO PLAT HOOK 1, FAGS 35, 36 AND 37, SPRINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, BFJNG MORE FULLY DESCRIBES AS FOLLOWS WS PROPERTY HOLDINGS, LLD BEGIN AT THE NORTHWEST CONER OF SAID LOT 14, THENCE RUN N 89'19'53" E, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LIT 14, A DISTANCE DF 1,080.05 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE IF THE WEST 1,080.00 FEET IF SAID LOT 14; STRAFE RUN S 00'0734" E, ALONG M£ EAST LINE OF THE WEST 1, 080 OD FEET OF SAID LOT 14 AND THE SOUTHERLY EXTENSION THEREOF, A DISTANCE OF 1,61681 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY RIGHT —OF —WAY LINE IF STATE ROAD NO. 434' THENCE RUN WESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT —OF —WAY LINE, THE FOLLOWNG THREE (3) COURSES AND DISTANCES RUN N 894138" W, A DISTANCE IF 649.59 FEET,' THENCE RUN N 00'18 "22" E, A DISTANCE IF SON FEET,- THENCE RUN N 89'4138" W, A DISTANCE OF 430.48 FEET TO A POINT IN THE WEST LINE IF SAID LOT 2L THENCE RUN N 00'0734" W, ALONG THE WEST LINE IF LOT 21 AND ALING THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 14, A DISTANCE IF 1,593.43 FEET TO THE POINT IF BEGINNING 3^ he semenls shown rn Sheet e o! 6 v e1e -1 vre to be owned ma mvmhme y e owner, trier successoers SITE � Vicinity Mop ��GANUNGv BELiGN A33GGATE3vMC. NonCE: NonC. CERTIFICATE OF CITY SURVEYOR DO CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL BY MUNICIPALITY CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR CERTIFICATE OF CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT WINTER SPRINGS - INTEGRA A partial replat of Lots 14 and 21, PHILLIP R. YOUNG GRANT, Sheet 2 of 6 as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 35, 36 and 37, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida Situated in Section 5, Township 21 South, Range 31 East Il� City of Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida PHI— ANT Po,�t ' ". '., noe eow t, w s es men Be9irmh9 axu_v a. rarvc m rv, . vtat awe r vwe .x� is me n N OODJ'31' W .., m. o[ree . 159313' nrrr m sr � msez 2 nae a � cwm t� £ Lot B 1 2 IM a smtwB.ou aa. x:n tier mregro tone unY B _..... N 0016'22' E az [ Lot 1 A • ' re9.5t ot-war o � and rx. amet �. vxttuv re. rouNC crzaNr — , See Sheet 6 o vto[ eoa: t vPon a 3c ooa n aEIXS FuN i r N m y Lot B o �� ' e - 5 g 2 s Sae Sheet 9 of 6 d + m I 500DJ'31 E -1 . -1 WINTER SPRINGS - INTEGRA I PLAT BOOK PAGE A partial replat of Lots 14 and 21, PHILLIP R. YOUNG GRANT, Sheet 3 0f 6 as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 35, 36 and 37, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida Situated in Section 5, Township 21 South, Range 31 East City of Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida v See Sheet 5 of 6 t / L 60 ene-d= z Match Line oo'(mrw! 5 -.ee a arsaas b o N J e s u P H a y W a y _ _ _ _Rv re �aoo w L IY6.YY � NesazZS "c aca oz' ., ze cnwd eecrny W x ,s'ar,�Y s r N 022446" E rrb'/d s as255o' c I � N �V I < _ / 3 Cnwd = sJ.e6 21 _� Lot B -2 Lot B -1 Ip a See Sheet 4 of 6 A � S I a ° T, t C g Tioct -0 A RI9V[- of -woy anwd = 3SA9 'T! (eea by ln!s vloV Gwe emnng namc 5Y nol z I � s sssysz^c rsm' u.c s oo'rezz' w rsoo mea t ��sr rs• urs' yr sa_ar' ].09 ____________ N 89'91'JB' w 130.1B'(mtor) as N 89YI - w a w N —822 E m 5.00' o o State Road No 494 -�- - - - - - _ - - - - m GKnra -ror.uu pM) � -1 WINTER SPRINGS - INTEGRA I PLAT BOOK PAGE A partial replat of Lots 14 and 21, PHILLIP R. YOUNG GRANT, Sheet 4 of 6 as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 35, 36 and 37, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida Situated in Section 5, Township 21 South, Range 31 East City of Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida -1 . -1 WINTER SPRINGS - INTEGRA A partial replat of Lots 14 and 21, PHILLIP R. YOUNG GRANT, Sheet 5 0f 6 as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 35, 36 and 37, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida Situated in Section 5, Township 21 South, Range 31 East City of Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida �e . -1 WINTER SPRINGS - INTEGRA I PLAT BOOK PAGE A partial replat of Lots 14 and 21, PHILLIP R. YOUNG GRANT, Sheet 6 0f 6 as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 35, 36 and 37, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida Situated in Section 5, Township 21 South, Range 31 East City of Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida L o t I ro A -J Metch L- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1 . -1 WHEREAS, the City Commission is granted the authority, under Section 2(b), Article VIII, of the State Constitution, to exercise any power for municipal purposes, except when expressly prohibited by law; and WHEREAS, this Ordinance is adopted in accordance with the Planned Unit Development procedures and requirements set forth in Section 20-351 et. seq. of the Winter Springs City Code; and City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2015-08 1 Attachment I'D" I i�llll11�1 iil lily IIIIIll VIII Iil II(IRIYAN III I,- MORSE'. COUNTY OF CIRCUIT COURT COMPTROLLER CLERK F, 't 2016012245 ORDINANCE NO. 2015-08 IRECORDED AM FEE--j '..21 §jdk-jF6 I' AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMM IS r CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, CHANGING THE ZONING MAP DESIGNATION OF ONE (1) PARCEL OF LAND COMPRISING APPROXIMATELY 39.810 GROSS ACRES, MORE OR LESS, AND GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF STATE ROAD 434 AND EAST OF MICHAEL BLAKE BOULEVARD AND WEST OF SPRING AVENUE, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA; SAID PARCEL BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DEPICTED AND LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN; CHANGING THE ZONING DESIGNATION OF THE PARCEL FROM CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS "GREENEWAY INTERCHANGE DISTRICT" TO WINTER SPRINGS "PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD)99; PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF A CORRESPONDING AND REQUIRED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ESTABLISHING THE DEVELOPMENT AND ZONING REQUIREMENTS FOR THE SUBJECT PROPERTY; PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF A CORRESPONDING AND REQUIRED MASTER PLAN ESTABLISHING THE GENERAL SITE LAYOUT FOR THE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission is granted the authority, under Section 2(b), Article VIII, of the State Constitution, to exercise any power for municipal purposes, except when expressly prohibited by law; and WHEREAS, this Ordinance is adopted in accordance with the Planned Unit Development procedures and requirements set forth in Section 20-351 et. seq. of the Winter Springs City Code; and City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2015-08 1 WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 20 -356 of the Winter Springs City Code, upon adoption of this Ordinance and the Ordinance becoming effective, the PUD zoning authorized by this Ordinance for the subject property shall be considered a separate zoning district in which the attached development agreement and master plan shall be deemed to have established the restrictions, regulations, general site layout and district description according to which the subject property shall be developed; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Board and City Staff of the City of Winter Springs has recommended approval of this Ordinance at their December 2, 2015 meeting; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs held a duly noticed public hearing on the proposed zoning change set forth hereunder and considered findings and advice of staff, citizens, and all interested parties submitting written and oral comments and supporting data and analysis, and after complete deliberation, hereby finds the requested change consistent with the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan, particularly the Mixed Use Future Land Use Map designation, and that sufficient, competent, and substantial evidence supports the zoning change set forth hereunder; and WHEREAS, the City Commission hereby finds that this Ordinance serves a legitimate government purpose and is in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter Springs, Florida. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS HEREBY ORDAINS, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are fully incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2. Zoning Map Amendment. That the Official Zoning Map of the City of Winter Springs, as described in City of Winter Springs Code Section 20 -31, is hereby amended to classify the property legally described as: THE WEST 1080 FEET OF LOT 14 AND THE WEST 1080 FEET OF THAT PART OF LOT 21 LYING NORTH OF THE SANFORD - OVIEDO ROAD (NOW DESIGNATED AS S.R. 434, FORMERLY S.R. 419), ALL A PART OF PHILLIP R. YOUNG GRANT ON LAKE JESSUP IN SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 21 SOUTH, RANGE 31 EAST ACCORDING TO PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 35,36 AND 37, PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CONTAINING 1,734,132 SQUARE FEET OR 39.810 ACRES MORE OR LESS. City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2015 -08 2 from City of Winter Springs "Greeneway Interchange Zoning District" to Winter Springs "Planned Development Zoning District (PUD)." Section 3. Development Agreement and Master Plan. Pursuant to Section 20 -351 et. seq. of the Winter Springs City Code, the Development Agreement, Master Plan and related other exhibits attached to this Ordinance as composite Exhibit "1" are hereby fully incorporated herein by this reference and shall hereby constitute the zoning and development restrictions, regulations, general site layout and district description according to which the subject property shall be developed. Section 4. Recordation. City staff is hereby directed to promptly amend the City's Official Zoning Map upon the effective date of this Ordinance to reflect that the subject property is zoned Planned Development District (PUD). Said Map shall also specifically reference this Ordinance number. In addition, upon adoption and full execution of this Ordinance by the City Commission, the City Attorney is hereby directed to record this executed Ordinance and Development Agreement in the Official Records of Seminole County, Florida. This Ordinance shall run with the land, but shall be subject to amendment and /or repeal by the City Commission in accordance with the police and zoning powers vested in the City Commission in accordance with law. Section 5. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission, or parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. Section 6. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or provision of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. Section 7. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon being adopted by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, and pursuant to the City Charter, provided the owner of the subject property has consented to the terms and conditions of the Development Agreement attached to this Ordinance by fully executing said agreement. If said agreement is not executed within thirty (30) days of the City Commission's adoption of this Ordinance, the Ordinance shall be deemed null and void. [Adoption Page Follows] City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2015 -08 3 ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular meeting assembled on this 25th day of January, 2016. .r Charl s Lacey, a Andrea► enzo- Luaces, City Clerk Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for the Q ❑ Winter Springs only: Anthony . 6prganese, City Attorney First Legal Advertisement: November 22, 2015; December 31, 2015 First Reading: January 11, 2016 Second Legal Advertisement: January 14, 2016 Second Reading January 25, 2016 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2015 -08 4 EXHIBIT "I" City of Winter Springs PUD Rezoning Ordinance No. 2015 -08 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AND MASTER PLAN City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2015 -08 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS PUD DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT (PUD ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 2015 -08) THIS PUD DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT (this "Agreement) is made and entered into this Z" 'day of January, 2016, by and between WS Property Holdings, LLC, a Florida limited company ( "OWNER "), and the City of Winter Springs, a municipal corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida (the "CITY "). RECITALS: A. OWNER is the owner of certain real property located within the City of Winter Springs, and on such property it intends to develop a mixed -use development project and related amenities, which real property is more particularly and legally described on EXHIBIT "A" attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein (the "Property). B. The Property has a future land use designation of "Mixed Use" under the City's Comprehensive Plan ( "Comprehensive Plan ") and is subject to the requirements of Future Land Use Element, Goal 4 (and related Objectives and Policies) of the Comprehensive Plan. C. Future Land Use Element, Policy 4.2.4, more specifically provides that a mixed use designated property within the City is required to have a master plan, development agreement, and Planned Unit Development (PUD) zoning classification unique to each development, to ensure that tracts of land are developed as a whole throughout the mixed use category, to provide continuity among the various land uses, and to create a compact and walkable environment. D. The City's PUD zoning requirements are governed by Section 20 -351, et. seq. of the City Code, and in accordance with these code provisions, OWNER is required to negotiate and seek approval from the City of a development agreement and a master plan as a condition of the PUD zoning classification. E. This Agreement and the attached master plan and other attachments hereto have been negotiated and agreed to, in accordance with the requirements of Goal 4 (and related Objectives and Policies) under the Comprehensive Plan, as well as Section 20 -351 et. seq., for purposes of implementing the mixed use future land use designation and permitting and constructing the development project on the Property, which is more fully described in this Agreement. F. Upon approval of the PUD zoning ordinance and the required development agreement and master plan, it is the intent that the PUD zoning designation, development agreement, and master plan will govern the future development of the Property, along with other generally applicable provisions of the City's Comprehensive Plan and City Code. 1 G. In accordance with Section 20- 354(4) of the City Code, the City conducted a publicly noticed community meeting on May 19, 2015 and again on November 17, 2015, at which the public was afforded an opportunity to review the proposed development project as set forth in the master plan and this Agreement. H. In accordance with Section 20- 354(5) of the City Code, the City's Planning & Zoning Board held an advertised public meeting on December 2, 2015 to consider the change of zoning on the Property to PUD, the attached master plan, and this Agreement and recommended approval of the same to the City Commission. I. As required by Section 20- 354(6) of the City Code, the City Commission held two advertised public hearings, on January 11, 2016 and January 25, 2016, to consider the recommendations of the Planning & Zoning Board and City staff, and after hearing and considering testimony and factual information submitted by the OWNER and members of the public, approved the PUD zoning Ordinance No. 2015 -08, the master plan described in Section 2(b) below, and this Agreement J. The City Commission hereby finds that this Agreement is consistent with the CITY'S Comprehensive Plan and City Code, and that the terms, conditions, restrictions, and requirements set forth herein have been adopted as a condition of the corresponding PUD zoning Ordinance No. 2015 -08 adopted by the City Commission on January 25, 2016, and therefore, such terms, conditions, restrictions, and requirements shall constitute a development order having the same force and effect of a duly adopted zoning regulation. K. The OWNER hereby consents to, and agrees the Property shall be bound by, the terms, conditions, restrictions, and requirements of Ordinance No. 2015 -08 and this Agreement. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement, and as required by the City's Comprehensive Plan and Ordinances for a Mixed Use /PUD development project, the CITY and OWNER agree as follows: 1. INCORPORATION OF RECITALS. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are fully incorporated herein by reference as a material part of this Agreement. 2. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. The following development standards shall apply to the Property and shall be deemed incorporated into the PUD zoning designation approved for the Property for purposes of controlling the future development of the Property: (a) Intent and Purpose: The intent and purpose of this Agreement is to require the Property to be developed in accordance with development standards which are unique to the Property, as specifically set forth herein and the Master Plan. The Property shall be developed with a mix of commercial, multi - family residential, and conservation land uses which are specifically listed in the base development program. In addition, the land uses allowed on the Property shall be integrated and developed as a whole to provide 2 continuity, to create a compact and walkable environment, and to preserve conservation areas. Further, the Property shall be developed to provide a compatible transition to and connectivity with adjacent existing and future land uses, particularly the future Greeneway Interchange District located along the eastern boundary of the Property. (b) Master Plan: The Property shall be developed as a mixed use project in furtherance of this Agreement and the Master Plan depicted on EXHIBIT "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference ( "Project "). The Master Plan is intended to be the general blueprint which details key aspects of the future physical development of the Property. The Master Plan shall also serve as a necessary guide for future permit applications and permitting. OWNER shall have the obligation to further submit and obtain the CITY's approval of a final site plan and final engineering plans ( "Final Engineering Plans ") consistent with the Master Plan in all material respects and in compliance with the City Code, with the single exception of the location and footprint of the depicted commercial buildings. The commercial buildings are intended to be for illustrative purposes only and may be modified during the final engineering process so long as the buildings comply with the development standards set forth in this Agreement including, but not limited to, the minimum and maximum intensity requirements set forth in subparagraph (c)(ii). OWNER acknowledges and agrees that the Master Plan was not created with specific surveyed dimensions and that during the Final Engineering Plan process such dimensions shall be surveyed, duly engineered, and provided to the CITY for consideration under applicable City Codes. The Master Plan shall be subject to reasonable adjustments at the Final Engineering Plan phase in order to bring the Project into full compliance with the City Code, and as a result, the exact location, layout and dimensions of the Parcels, buildings, landscaping, rights -of -way and trails, the traffic control signal and mast arm, recreational amenities, and stormwater areas may vary slightly between Master Plan approval and approval of the Final Engineering Plans. These changes shall be allowed as long as the changes are consistent with the development standards noted in this Agreement and preserve the general character of the development shown on the Master Plan. (c) Base Development Program: The Property shall be developed as Parcel A (Multi - Family Residential, Conservation) and Parcel B (Commercial /Office) upon the CITY's approval of the final plat required by Section 3 of this Agreement. The following development standards shall govern the Property: (i) Parcel A. The size of Parcel A shall be configured and legally described to be +/- 29.81 acres, and shall constitute +/- 75% of the development of the Property. The permissible land uses and maximum density and intensity allowed on Parcel A are as follows: Luiury Apartment Units. Parcel A shall consist of a maximum of 340 residential multi - family dwelling units consisting of a mix of studio, one, two, and three bedroom luxury apartments. The minimum size apartment unit shall be no less than 629 square feet of living space under air and the maximum size apartment shall be no greater than 1,310 square feet under air. The average square footage of all of the units shall be no less than 1,028 square feet of living space under air. Garage and common area space shall not be included in the calculation of unit square footage required by this 3 Agreement. The mix of luxury apartment unit types and their corresponding unit size range shall be as follows: Number of Apartment Units 125 (maximum) 215 (minimum) 340 maximum total units Type of Unit lbd lba or studio 2 /3bd 2ba Area of Unit (SF) 629 — 900 (range) 1080 — 13 10 (range) In the event that OWNER constructs less than 340 units, no more than thirty -five percent (35 %) of the total number of units shall be one bedroom or studio apartments and the remaining units will consist of two and three bedroom apartments. The luxury apartment units shall be constructed within three different building types as generally depicted on the building elevations plan set forth on EXHIBIT "C" which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Several of the four story apartment buildings shall also include "tuck under garage units" on the ground floor. The building types shall be located as generally depicted on the Master Plan in order to provide a sense of aesthetic variation. However, the elevations, roof lines, and architectural features depicted on EXHIBIT "C" for the apartment buildings may have to be adjusted during the CITY'S final review and approval procedures to satisfy the requirements of the City Code. Carriaze Units. Parcel A shall also consist of 10, two story carriage unit buildings with a total of 20 separate and independent carriage units, with each carriage unit constituting one (1) luxury apartment unit. Each carriage unit building shall consist of two independent luxury one bedroom, one bath apartment units with four attached garages. The minimum size carriage unit shall be no less than 720 square feet of living space under air, not including the garage or common area space. One (1) garage shall be leased with each independent carriage unit, and remaining garages shall be required to be leased or assigned to tenants residing in one of the 340 luxury apartment units. The carriage units shall be constructed within a carriage unit building generally depicted on the building elevation plan set forth on EXHIBIT "D" which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. However, the elevations, roof lines, and architectural features depicted on EXHIBIT "D" for the carriage unit buildings may have to be adjusted during the CITY'S final review and approval procedures to satisfy the requirements of the City Code. Accessory Garage Structures. Parcel A shall further consist of 15 one story, garage accessory structures. Each garage structure shall be fully enclosed and include between 4 to 6 independent vehicle parking bays which shall be required to be leased or assigned to tenants residing in one of the 340 luxury apartment units. Any other use of the garage accessory structures shall be prohibited. The accessory garage structures shall be constructed as generally depicted on the building elevation plan set 0 forth on EXHIBIT "E" which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. However, the elevations, roof lines, and architectural features depicted on EXHIBIT "E" for the accessory garage structures may have to be adjusted during the CITY'S final review and approval procedures to satisfy the requirements of the City Code. Other Permitted Uses. The following land uses shall also be allowed on Parcel A: private open space and recreation facilities and public utilities that serve the on -site development, including but not necessarily limited to a clubhouse, leasing center, trash compactor, maintenance building, dog park, tot lot, and other ancillary uses commonly associated with a first class apartment development; a master stormwater pond(s) that service Parcels A and B; conservation area; and home occupations authorized by City Code. Prohibited Uses. All land uses not expressly authorized hereunder shall be strictly prohibited on Parcel A. (ii) Parcel B The size of Parcel B shall be configured and legally described to be no less than 10 acres and shall constitute +/- 25% of the development of the Property. A minimum of 100,000 square feet of commercial /office space at final build out shall be required to be constructed on Parcel B. The allowed land uses and the maximum density and intensity on Parcel B are as follows: Commercia O ce Uses On . The following permissible commercial /office land uses are allowed on Parcel B: • Aeronautics and Aerospace Research and Development Facilities • Alternative Energy Research and Development • Architectural, Engineering, Legal, and Planning Services • Biotechnical Research and Development • Business Schools and Computer Management Training • Computer and Electronic Product Research and Development Computer Systems Design and Related Services Computer Animation and Simulation • Hotels and Convention Center • Corporate Office /Business Park Development • Data Centers and Data Warehousing • Diagnostic Laboratories • Fuel Cell Research and Development • General office development (from single tenant to corporate office park, including medical and dental clinics and laboratories) • Banking and financial institutions such as mortgage companies and investment brokers and consultants regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission • Hydraulics and Robotic Research and Development • Information Technology Companies • Medical Laboratories 5 • Nanotech Research and Development • Pharmaceutical and Medical Research Development • A maximum of one (1) restaurant with table side food and beverage service and no drive- through, with or without on -site alcoholic beverage consumption ■ Small deli -style restaurants as an accessory use to an office building, provided such restaurant is located within the office building. ■ Scientific Research and Development • Software Development and Programming Major Professional and Amateur Sports Corporate Offices • Communications Research and Development Complex or Office • Trade Schools and Universities Supporting Target Industries • Other target industries approved by the City Commission and not listed as a permitted use, provided the City Commission determines the other target industry will have a projected significant positive economic and fiscal impact that will optimize and diversify the City's economic tax base consistent with the policies established by the City Commission in the City's Comprehensive Plan and /or Economic Development Plan. Other Permitted Uses. The following land uses shall also be allowed on Parcel B: public utilities that serve the on -site development. Conditional Uses. The following conditional uses may be permitted upon approval by the City Commission in accordance with the standard procedures and criteria for conditional use permits set forth in the City Code: • A building floor area ratio (FAR) in excess of 1.0, but no greater than 2.0 ■ Additional restaurants in excess of the one restaurant allowed as a permissible use with table side food and beverage service and no drive - through, with or without on -site alcoholic beverage consumption. • A restaurant with drive - through or no tableside food and beverage service, with or without alcoholic on -site beverage consumption Prohibited Uses. All land uses not expressly authorized hereunder shall be strictly prohibited on Parcel B. (d) Phased Development Project. It is anticipated that the Project will be developed in phases, with Parcel A being developed in the first phase. The entire Project will be platted at one time, and all required right of way for public streets and other public infrastructure necessary for the development of each phase shall be dedicated at plat. The public streets, sidewalks, master stormwater pond and related public infrastructure necessary for the development of each phase shall be designed, permitted, on and completed in conjunction with the applicable phase of development as more particularly described herein. (e) Removal of Existing Billboard: Pursuant to section 16 -77 (e)(2), the existing billboard shall be permanently removed at such time development on Parcel A or Parcel B commences. In addition, the existing silviculture activities on the Property shall permanently cease at such time development on Parcel A or Parcel B commences. (f) Minimum Building and Lot Standards: The following additional minimum development standards shall apply to the Property: Parcel A (4 Story Luxury Apartment Buildings) Building Height (max) Building Height (max) 4 stories Building_ Setbacks Front 10' Side 5' Side Corner 25' Rear 10' From Property Line 5' (15' from street side) From Wetland 15' minimum, 25' average (1) Cupolas, spires, domes, pinnacles, chimneys, penthouses and similar architectural features may be erected to a height greater than any limit prescribed in this Agreement, provided each feature does not exceed 600 square feet in area and does not extend more than 30 feet above the designated height limits noted in this Agreement. Building height is measured as the vertical distance from the lowest point on the tallest side of the structure to the top of the cornice, eave, or similar architectural feature. (Z) Setbacks shall be taken from the paved surface areas of the adjacent parking lot(s). Roof overhangs shall be allowed to encroach into the setback for up to 2 feet, but in no event shall they encroach into a utility easement. An exception to the 10' front set back from the paved surface of the adjacent parking lot may be approved by the City for the buildings with first floor "tuck under" garages, if the OWNER demonstrates that the exception is reasonably necessary during final engineering. Parcel A (2 Story Luxury Carriage Units and Accessory Garage Structures) Building Height (max) 2 stories Building Setbacks : Front 10' Side 5' Side Corner 15' Rear 10' From Property Line 5' (15' from street side) From Wetland 15' minimum, 25' average (1) Cupolas, spires, domes, pinnacles, chimneys, penthouses and similar architectural features may be erected to a height greater than any limit prescribed in this Agreement, provided each feature does not exceed 600 square feet in area and does not extend more than 30 feet above the designated height limits noted in this Agreement. Building height 7 is measured as the vertical distance from the lowest point on the tallest side of the structure to the top of the cornice, eave, or similar architectural feature. (2) Roof overhangs shall be allowed to encroach into the setback for up to 2 feet, but in no event shall they encroach into a utility easement. Open porches are allowed to encroach up to ten (10) feet into the front setback. (3) Accessory garage structures may be one (1) story. Parcel B (Commercial/Office) East Site West Site Lot Size, Width and Depth NA NA Building Height 2 stories minimum 5 stories maximum 2 stories minimum ; 5 stories maximum Setbacks from: SR 434 — for commercial property 100' maximum, 0' minimum 100' maximum, 0' minimum Entrance Boulevard 10' min. 10' min. Side 5' min. 5' min. Rear 5' min. 5' min. (1) Cupolas, spires, domes, pinnacles, chimneys, penthouses and similar architectural features may be erected to a height greater than any limit prescribed in this Agreement, provided each feature does not exceed 600 square feet in area and does not extend more than 30 feet above the designated height limits notes in this Agreement. Building height is measured as the vertical distance from the lowest point on the tallest side of the structure to the top of the cornice, eave, or similar architectural feature. (2) Only one bay of parking will be allowed in front of the building along SR 434, but it is encouraged to have building frontages setback to the right -of -way line of SR 434 in accordance with the intent of the SR 434 Corridor Vision Plan design standards with no parking in front of the buildings. A minimum of seventy -five percent (75 %) of the building facade must be within the 100' maximum setback from SR 434. (3) One story buildings may be allowed if constructed for and occupied by a standalone restaurant permitted under this Agreement. (g) Impervious Surface Area: The maximum impervious surface area on the Property, excluding the required conservation area depicted on the Master Plan ( +/- 5.12 acres), shall be as follows: (i) Parcel A: 75% maximum. (ii) Parcel B: 75% maximum. (h) Common Open Sp ace: At least 25% min. of the entire site less the required conservation area depicted on the Master Plan (Parcels A and B together) shall be open space. Open space includes pervious surfaces, stormwater ponds, landscape or natural areas, and recreation areas. Open space does not include the required conservation area depicted on the Master Plan ( +/- 5.12 acres). (i) Streets and Sidewalks/Trail Network; Roundabout Feature: The OWNER shall be required, at OWNER's expense, to design, permit and construct all required streets and sidewalks /trail network for the Project, as generally depicted on the Master Plan, in accordance with all applicable City specifications and as follows: (i) As depicted on the Master Plan, construction of the roundabout and two public streets that run north/south to Parcel A, including the two right -turn lanes providing access into the Project from SR 434, shall be constructed and completed in conjunction with the first phase of the Project. The public collector street from the roundabout eastward to the eastern most boundary of Parcel B which connects to the State Road 434 public access street shall be constructed upon commencement of construction of any portion of the second phase of the Project. (ii) The public streets and all public roadway, sidewalk, hardscape, brick pavers (if any), and landscape improvements thereon shall be conveyed to the City at such time the streets and improvements are fully constructed by the OWNER and accepted by the CITY. OWNER shall be required to maintain, at its OWNER'S expense, all enhanced hardscape in accordance with the agreement required by Section 5 hereunder. However, upon conveyance, the CITY will be responsible for maintaining the routine and standard public street improvements which are normally maintained by the CITY which includes roadway pavement, sidewalks, curb, gutter, traffic signs, and striping. (iii) The right -turn lanes and all public roadway improvements thereon shall be conveyed to the Florida Department of Transportation, at such time the right -turn lanes and roadway improvements are permitted and fully constructed by OWNER and accepted by the the Florida Department of Transportation. (iv) All sidewalks in right of way shall be a minimum of six feet (6 ft) in width, and a minimum of five feet (5 ft) within each phase. (v) Decorative street lights and signage shall be required on all public streets constructed on the Property. The decorative street lights and signage will be maintained by the OWNER, and OWNER shall be responsible for the cost differential between maintaining standard street lights and signs and the decorative street lighting and design requirements of the City, in accordance with the agreement required by Section 5 hereunder. (vi) The public streets and roundabout shall be landscaped and irrigated in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Final Engineering Plans. OWNER shall be required to maintain, at OWNER's expense, all landscaping (including irrigation infrastructure and water consumption) in accordance with the landscaping maintenance standards established by the City for the beautification of rights -of -way, and shall be responsible for promptly replacing dead, diseased, or 9 dangerous landscaping back to its original permitted condition or alternative condition approved by the CITY. (vii) The roundabout is not only intended to be a traffic control feature, but it also intended to represent a sense of place demonstrating the unique character of the Project. Subject to the approval of the CITY, the OWNER shall design, permit, and construct the roundabout to have a radius subject to the approved of the City Engineer and incorporate urban design features which may include welcome signs, decorative plantings, fountains, decorative lighting, seasonal banners, artwork, and decorative paving. The roundabout design features will be maintained by the OWNER, at OWNER's expense, in accordance with the agreement required by Section 5 hereunder. 0) Stormwater Management: OWNER shall be required to design, permit, construct, and maintain a master stormwater pond and related facilities to provide stormwater retention and treatment for the entire Project including, but not limited to, Parcel A, Parcel B, and the public streets and sidewalks. The stormwater pond shall be generally located and in a shape as depicted on the Master Plan. The stormwater pond and related facilities will be permitted to meet the standards of the St. Johns River Water Management District, the Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), and the City of Winter Springs. The stormwater pond shall be incorporated into the Project as a recreational amenity with a Federal Housing Administration (FHA) compliant stabilized natural surface walking trail circumventing the outer perimeter of the pond. In addition, the OWNER shall install several quality benches to serve as sitting area overlooking the pond. Further, the OWNER shall install a minimum of two lighted, water fountain features within the pond, which shall be subject to approval by the CITY as part of the Final Engineering Plans. (k) Perimeter Walls: Subject to permitting requirements and prior CITY approval, a low retaining wall may be constructed along the east boundary of Parcel A if necessary to allow for the placement of fill material. (1) Ste: Signs shall be designed and permitted in accordance with Chapter 16 — Sign and Advertising, of the City of Winter Springs Code of Ordinances ( "Sign Code "). There shall be a maximum of four (4) entrance monument signs located on the Property in locations as generally depicted on the Master Plan. The display ground signage for the luxury apartments and carriage homes on Parcel A and all future commercial uses and businesses on Parcel B shall be integrated into the monument signs. No additional monument signage shall be allowed on the Property. However, other on- premises signage may be approved by the CITY if allowed under the Sign Code. (m) State Road 434 Traffic Signalization. The main entrance to the Project across from the entrance of the Creeks Run Subdivision on the south side of State Road 434 shall be designed, permitted and constructed as a future traffic controlled signalized intersection subject to FDOT permitting requirements. OWNER acknowledges and agrees that prior to the time the initial phase of the Project on Parcel A is built -out, the intersection may warrant a traffic control signal and mast arms on State Road 434 to accommodate the traffic demands generated by the Project ( "Signalization Project "). The 10 design of the Signalization Project shall comply with all applicable City and State regulations, and the following additional requirements shall also apply: (i) OWNER shall be required to convey to the CITY the land on Parcel B required for the construction and installation of the Signalization Project at no cost to the CITY. The future location of the Signalization Project is generally depicted on the Master Plan. However, the final location shall be determined and legally described as part of the CITY's approval of the Final Engineering Plans for the first phase of the Project. The land shall be conveyed to the CITY by plat dedication. However, in the event that the CITY determines, in its reasonable discretion and at the time of construction of the Signalization Project that additional land on Parcel B of the Property is required for said construction, OWNER agrees to convey by warranty deed the additional land to the CITY at no cost. (ii) At such time transportation impact fees are required to be paid to the CITY by OWNER for the initial phase of the Project, OWNER shall also pay to the CITY a supplemental traffic impact fee payment in the total amount of three hundred fifty thousand and no /100 Dollars ($350,000.00) to cover the projected future cost of the Signalization Project ( "Supplemental Transportation Impact Fee "). The City shall commit to design, permit and construct the Signalization Project at such time the CITY and the FDOT determine that the Signalization Project is warranted. To the extent reasonably necessary, OWNER agrees to cooperate with the CITY in the design, permitting and construction of the Signalization Project, and agrees not to contest or object to any permit applications submitted by the CITY to the FDOT to permit the Signalization Project. However, if one (1) year subsequent to build out of Parcel A and Parcel B, the FDOT confirms that a traffic signal is not warranted, the City shall refund the Supplemental Transportation Impact Fee to OWNER. For purposes of this paragraph, the term "build out" shall mean that required certificates of occupancy have been issued by the CITY's building official for all of the luxury apartment and carriage units required on Parcel A and a minimum 100,000 square feet of commercial /office space required on Parcel B and at least ninety percent (90 %) of said commercial /office space is occupied by businesses that have been issued business tax receipts by the CITY. (iii) Notwithstanding the aforesaid requirements set forth in this subsection (m), prior to the approval of Final Engineering Plans for the initial phase of the Project and the payment deadline for transportation impact fees, the CITY, after consultation with the Florida Department of Transportation and the OWNER, shall have the unconditional right to provide OWNER written notice cancelling said requirements based upon changed circumstances affecting the Signalization Project. If cancelled, the provisions of this subsection (m) will no longer have any effect, and the Signalization Project, if required by the Florida Department of Transportation, will be governed by standard local and state permitting requirements, and the Supplemental Transportation Impact Fee, to the extent paid, shall be refunded by CITY to OWNER. (n) Performance and Maintenance Guarantees. OWNER shall provide the CITY performance and maintenance guarantees for all public improvements constructed by OWNER under this Agreement in accordance with the CITY's policies and requirements at the time of permitting and construction. All performance guarantees 11 filed with the CITY shall be by cash deposit or letter of credit of one hundred percent (100 %) of the cost of performance, which amount may be reduced by OWNER as performance elements are completed and accepted by the CITY. Maintenance guarantees shall be by maintenance bond or letter of credit. (o) Parcel A Mandato . On -Site Management of Property; Future Condominium Conversion of the Project. With respect to Parcel A, OWNER shall be required to employ an appropriate number of on -site personnel, or an on -site management company that will be responsible for managing the day -to -day leases and tenant needs in a manner that is commonly accepted in the local residential rental market for luxury apartments. OWNER shall also be responsible for maintaining, in good condition and in compliance with any and all applicable City property maintenance codes, any and all common areas, landscaping, entrance monument signs, walls, fences, recreational areas and amenities, and stormwater facilities associated with Parcel A. However, in the event that the OWNER desires to convert the apartment and carriage home units into a condominium in the future, OWNER shall be required to first seek the reasonable approval of the CITY in accordance with the City's subdivision of land and other City Code requirements including, but not limited to zoning/building /fire code requirements. Approval will not be unreasonably withheld. If the conversion is approved by the CITY, OWNER shall form a mandatory condominium association (the "Owners Association ") for purposes of managing the day -to -day condominium owner needs and maintaining any and all common areas, the parking facilities, landscaping, entrance signs, walls, fences, recreational areas, and stormwater facilities associated with Parcel A. The OWNER will file a Declaration of Condominium, (the "Declaration ") among the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida to evidence the formation of the Owners Association and establish its rights, duties and obligations. The Declaration shall be in a form reasonably acceptable to the City Attorney and, shall require the Owners Association, and the members thereof, to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 3. FINAL AND FUTURE PLAT APPROVALS_ CONVEYANCES TO THE CITY, COMMON AREAS. (a) Platting. The CITY and OWNER acknowledge and agree that a final plat for the Property shall be presented to the City for final approval in conjunction with the CITY's approval of the Final Engineering Plans for the first phase of the Project. The final plat shall be consistent and in accordance with the Master Plan and applicable provisions of the City Code, and shall be filed of record in the Official Public Records of Seminole County as a condition precedent to OWNER exercising any rights under this Agreement. Future replats or lots splits of the Property shall also be subject to applicable subdivision of land provisions of the City Code. (b) Conveyances of Land and Improvements to City. The final plat shall contain a public dedication of lands to the CITY, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, to address all lands required to be conveyed to the CITY under this Agreement including, but not limited to, public streets and sidewalks, the location of the future traffic control signal and mast arm, and other drainage and utility easements that may be required by the CITY to provide public utility services to the Property or to support the public streets and sidewalks and conservation area. All conveyances to the CITY by 12 dedication or otherwise shall be free and clear of all encumbrances, unless prior to the conveyance, the CITY notifies the OWNER, in writing, that it will accept an encumbrance based on the CITY's determination that the encumbrance does not materially interfere with the use or maintenance of the area being conveyed. Conveyance of street and other public improvements shall be by bill of sale and free and clear of all liens. (c) Common Areas. The final plat shall also identify and dedicate all common areas or private easements for Parcel A and B, either shared or not, including, but not limited to, the stormwater pond, trails and sidewalks, private roads and parking areas, monument signage, and any other common areas. (d) Multiple Lots on Parcel B. Parcel B on the final plat may be divided into two separate lots, with a single lot located on each side of the public street required from SR 434 to the roundabout. If such lots occur, the lots will be identified on the final plat as Lot B -1 (west side) and B -2. (east side) 4. TRASH /REFUSE PICK -UP. Solid waste services provided to the Property shall be by the CITY's authorized solid waste hauler and shall be subject to all applicable City solid waste regulations and franchises. All trash and refuse service provided to the Property shall be by multiple solid waste dumpsters deemed sufficient in number, size and location by the CITY to provide adequate solid waste services to the Property. Such dumpsters will be required to be located and screened to comply with applicable City regulations and aesthetic review standards. 5. USE AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR ENHANCED FEATURES CONSTRUCTED ON PUBLIC STREETS. Prior to issuance of certificate of completion and acceptance of the public streets and related infrastructure by the CITY, OWNER and the CITY shall enter into a separate Use and Maintenance Agreement outlining responsibilities related to the enhanced design features and landscaping required to be constructed and maintained by the OWNER on the public streets and roundabout and those OWNER chooses to construct and maintain in excess of those required to be constructed and maintained pursuant to Section 2(i) of this Agreement. Such Agreement shall require the OWNER to maintain the following items which are approved as part of the Final Engineering Plans: (i) The decorative street lights and signage, including but not limited to, the cost differential between maintaining standard street lights and signs and the decorative street lighting and design requirements of the City. The terms and conditions of this maintenance responsibility shall substantially conform to the standard decorative street light and signage form agreements that are typically approved by the CITY on a citywide basis. (ii) All urban design features incorporated into the roundabout. (iii) All enhanced design features incorporated into the public street such as brick pavers. 13 (iv) All landscaping and irrigation infrastructure installed within the public streets including all water consumption charges imposed by the CITY for the irrigation. (v) The Use and Maintenance Agreement shall run with the land and be assignable. OWNER acknowledges that OWNER shall maintain interest in the Use and Maintenance Agreement, however, said interest may be assigned in full or in part to a property owners association. 6. EFFECT. OWNER assumes no obligation for any improvements or construction not specifically located within the Property, except as depicted on the Final Engineering Plans and limited to typical maintenance and warranty of infrastructure dedicated to the public upon completion. 7. COOPERATION. OWNER and the CITY shall cooperate fully with each other to effectuate the terms, conditions and intentions of this Agreement. 8. AUTHORITY. Each party hereby represents and warrants to the other that they have full power and authority to enter into this Agreement. OWNER also represents that all legal and equitable title to the Property is currently vested in and held by OWNER and OWNER is duly authorized to bind the Property to the terms, conditions, restrictions and requirements contained in this Agreement. CITY also represents that all requirements and procedures, including public hearings, have been properly conducted for the approval of this Agreement by the CITY and that upon the execution hereof by the CITY and the OWNER, and the adoption of the PUD Zoning Ordinance No. 2015- such terms, conditions, restrictions, and requirements shall constitute a development order having the same force and effect of a duly adopted zoning regulation and shall be binding upon the parties. 9. NOTICES. Any notice required or allowed to be delivered hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to be delivered when: (a) hand delivered to the official hereinafter designated, or (b) upon receipt of such notice, when deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, or (c) one day after deposit with a nationally recognized overnight courier service, e.g. Federal Express, UPS, Airborne, Express Mail etc., addressed to a party at the other address as specified below or from time to time by written notice to the other party delivered in accordance herewith. OWNER: WS Property Holdings, LLC Attn: David Haas, VP Land Acquisitions 2379 Beville Road Daytona Beach, FL 32119 Telephone: (386) 236 -4170 Facsimile: (386) 763 -7870 E -mail: dhaas@icihomes.com With a copy to: J. Andrew Hagan, Esquire 2379 Beville Road 14 Daytona Beach, FL 32119 Telephone: (386) 236 -4184 Facsimile: (386) 763 -7814 E -mail: ahagan @cihomes.cvm With a copy to: Integra 360, LLC Attn: David G. McDaniel 1525 International Parkway, Suite 2001 Lake Mary, FL 32746 Telephone: (407) 833 -3927 Fax: (407) 833 -3967 E- mail: dmcdaniel @integralandcompany.com With a copy to: Shutts & Bowen LLP Attn: Daniel T. O'Keefe, Esq. 300 South Orange Av., Suite 1000 Orlando, FL 32801 Telephone: (407) 835 -6956 Fax: (407) 849 -7256 E -mail: dokeefeQshutts. com City: Kevin Smith City Manager City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Telephone: (407) 327 -5957 Fax: (407) 327 -4753 With a copy to: Anthony A. Garganese, Esq. Garganese, Weiss & D'Agresta, P.A. 111 N. Orange Ave, Suite 2000 Orlando, Florida 32801 Phone: (407) 425 -9566 Fax: (407) 425 -9596 E -mail: aarganese @orlandolaw.net 10. DEFAULTS. Failure by either party to perform each and every one of its obligations hereunder shall constitute a default, entitling the non - defaulting party to pursue whatever remedies are available to it under Florida law or equity including, without limitation, an action for specific performance and /or injunctive relief. Prior to any party filing any action as a result of a default under this Agreement, the non- defaulting party shall first provide the defaulting party with written notice of said default. Upon receipt of said notice, the defaulting party shall be provided a thirty (30) day opportunity in which to cure the default to the reasonable satisfaction of the non - defaulting party prior to filing said action. 15 11. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. This Agreement and any impact fee credit accounts created pursuant to this Agreement shall automatically be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of each of the parties. All subsequent purchasers of all or part of the Property shall be considered assignees subject to the requirements of this Agreement. 12. APPLICABLE LAW; VENUE. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. The venue for any legal action instituted to enforce or interpret any provision of this Agreement shall be in Seminole County, Florida for state action and Orlando, Florida for any federal action. 13. POLICE POWER. The CITY hereby reserves all police powers granted to the CITY by law. In no way shall this Agreement be construed as the CITY bargaining away or surrendering its police powers. The Property shall be subject to all applicable City ordinances and other applicable laws. 14. AMENDMENTS. This Agreement shall not be modified or amended except by written agreement duly executed by both parties hereto. 15. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement supersedes any other agreement, oral or written, regarding the future development of the Property and contains the entire agreement between the CITY and OWNER as to the subject matter hereof. 16. SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable to any extent by a court of competent jurisdiction, the same shall not affect in any respect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of this Agreement. 17. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Agreement shall become effective upon approval by the City Commission of Winter Springs and execution of this Agreement by both parties, and upon the City's PUD Zoning Ordinance No. 2015 -08 becoming effective. If the PUD Zoning Ordinance No. 2015 -08 does not become effective or its adoption is timely appealed, and subsequently quashed by a court of competent jurisdiction, this Agreement shall be deemed null and void. 18. RECORDATION. Within sixty (60) days following the effective date hereof, this Agreement shall be recorded along with the City's PUD Zoning Ordinance No. 2015 -08 in the public records of Seminole County, Florida and together, the PUD Zoning Ordinance and this Agreement shall constitute a development order and run with the Property unless subsequently repealed and terminated by the CITY. 19. RELATIONSHIP OF THE PARTIES. The relationship of the parties to this Agreement is that the CITY is a regulatory agency under the laws of Florida for purposes of zoning real property within its jurisdiction and issuing development orders in furtherance thereof. OWNER owns the Property which is subject to the CITY's jurisdiction and has agreed to the terms, conditions, restrictions, and requirements under this Agreement and is a independent property owner and not an agent of the CITY. In addition, any work performed by OWNER regarding the design, permitting, and construction of public improvements that will be conveyed to the CITY are being CEO performed as an independent contractor and not an agent of the CITY. Nothing herein shall be deemed to create a joint venture or principal -agent relationship between the parties, and neither party is authorized to, nor shall either party act toward third persons or the public in any manner which would indicate any such relationship with the other. 20. SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as a waiver of the CITY's right to sovereign immunity under Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, or any other limitation on the CITY's potential liability under state and federal law. 21. FORCE MAJEURE. The parties agree that in the event that the failure by either party to accomplish any action required hereunder within a specified time period ( "Time Period ") constitutes a default under the terms of this Agreement and, if any such failure is due to any unforeseeable or unpredictable event or condition beyond the control of such party, including, but not limited to, acts of God, acts of government authority (other than the CITY's own acts), acts of public enemy or war, riots, civil disturbances, power failure, shortages of labor or materials, injunction or other court proceedings beyond the control of such party, or severe adverse weather conditions ( "Uncontrollable Event "), then, notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement to the contrary, that failure shall not constitute a default under this Agreement and any Time Period proscribed hereunder shall be extended by the amount of time that such party was unable to perform solely due to the Uncontrollable Event. 22. INTERPRETATION. The parties hereby agree and acknowledge that they have both participated equally in the drafting of this Agreement and no party shall be favored or disfavored regarding the interpretation of this Agreement in the event of a dispute between the parties. 23. PERMITS. Nothing herein shall limit the CITY's authority to grant or deny any development permit applications or requests subsequent to the effective date of this Agreement. The failure of this Agreement to address any particular City, county, state, and federal permit, condition, term, or restriction shall not relieve OWNER or the CITY of the necessity of complying with the law governing said permitting requirements, conditions, term, or restriction. Without imposing any limitation on the CITY's police powers, the CITY reserves the right to withhold, suspend, or terminate any and all certificates of occupancy for any building or unit owned by OWNER if OWNER is in breach of any term or condition of this Agreement. 24. THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. This Agreement is not a third party beneficiary contract and shall not in any way whatsoever create any rights on behalf of any third party. 25. TERMINATION. The City shall have the unconditional right, but not obligation, to terminate this Agreement, without notice or penalty, if OWNER fails to receive building permits and substantially commences construction of the first phase of the Project within two (2) years of the effective date of this Agreement. In addition, the City shall have the right, but not obligation, to terminate the Agreement, in whole, or with respect to only Parcel A (excluding the requirements related to the public streets, 17 sidewalks and infrastructure) or B, if OWNER permanently abandons construction of the Project, or abandons the construction of Parcel A or B, provided, however, the City shall first deliver written notice and an opportunity to cure to the defaulting party as set forth in Section 10 above. If the City terminates this Agreement, in whole or by Parcel, the City shall record a notice of termination against the affected portion of the Property in the public records of Seminole County, Florida. 26. WAIVER. The waiver by any party of a breach of any provision of this Agreement shall not operate or be construed as a waiver of any other provision of the Agreement or of any future breach of the provision so waived. 27. INDEMNIFICATION. OWNER hereby agrees to indemnify, release, and hold harmless the CITY and its commissioners, employees and attorneys from and against all claims, losses, damages, personal injuries (including, but not limited to, death), or liability (including reasonable attorney's fees and costs through all appellate proceedings), directly or indirectly arising from, out of, or caused by OWNER and OWNER'S contractor's and subcontractor's performance of construction activities in furtherance of this Agreement and any and all permits issued hereunder. This indemnification shall survive the termination of this Agreement. [SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS] 18 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, OWNER and the CITY have executed this Agreement in form sufficient to bind them as of the Effective Date. ATTEST By rea Lorenzo Luaces, City Clerk CITY SEAL 19 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS By: Charl s Lacey, ayor APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY For the use and reliance of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, only. / a 11b Dated: By: Anthony Garganese, City Attorney for the City of Winter Springs, Florida Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of the following witnesses: Si mire witness TERI L. HANSEN Printed Name of Witness store of Wf.tne35 �C.1- I� � � GY41`e.d � Printed Name of Witness COUNTY OF V O [L16- LA., WS PROPERTY HOLDINGS, LLC, a Florida limited liability company The foregoing instrtment w s acknq � d before me this of /T''`' day of - .2016, by !� of WS PROPERTY HOLDINGS, LLC., a Florida limited liability company, on behalf of said company. He is personally known to me or i entification. (NOTARY SEAL) ,..+ AT �.�4r•u L, TERI L. HANSEN `y` Notary Public -State of Florida My Comm. Expires May 3, 2016 Commission # EE 162512 produced (N ry 'ublic gna ure) TER] L, HANSEN (Print Name) Notary Public, State of Commission No.: 2-51 11 My Commission Expires: 20 as LLC' 60k- EXHIBIT LIST A - Legal Description of Property B - Master Plan C - Building Elevation — General Apartment Type D - Building Elevation for Carriage Units E - Building Elevation for Accessory Garage Structures 21 :•:,.,d, nni,\I w,..ly,c,v,r �++-, f; 11, nP - IlY r,r ,&MgA�Aw npo. N 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n ° 2- O ° a N ti j 6 n yz° o s za n� �n ao Nabs ? o Sao 1b N �° $m$ gz�° o m g o Z m rl it x� wmF° m $ 2$x,�`yl Z m2 �R 2>Y 2 2 mY Y m aN4 °—i o FR ° V —: — FOR SGANNI�dG�� � � � •wvYVr iwx'IW V � •rte• ytlYpy L` I m r7� x`10 I' i t 10 = —:r 4 Gz - Littlejohn ❑ a.- EXHIBIT .� � � ■ � i � � _ � r+rM,.ium�io. —i,..w rc.M..rar+i..�in.4. IL - -- -- -- - -- - - - - - -- F hoi )jwq 1 PD1,1CUU10) 1� I WWO ja Ar4. o 111 - 1 -1 -1l I1LW Y Hill.1 I i illill", 111 i 1 C i 11 I ITFFFF I-Mill Iml LLH 7FFT1 [I I-1-1 ri 1 ITFFFIWITUTt^, -JILLLLL14011 -4 lnL- 44 s -711 'PA0 S It Pl( A .0 % A u`r* 14 71 ilt1-11111101 LIJILLL-1j: J fol 46 014- * A �J 40 I LLF Ao AV 4 �of . Fj L nl Cfl EXHIBIT LLGIBILPY UNSAFISFACTORY FOR SCANNING li 1-0f �, G ti �a EXHIBIT L E d 7� r � y .� C-3- Al EXHIBIT �3 a m i a m oanoNv •••�•' •r^• ,• �• ^�c•.e�wc xrd eaac�r -ew w " •• �' r "•�,� IG4i Oilrq '�YM1H.`d T.'MIXiYw431N Glil anus ur8a7ul erxailrrna� - �„-, (Q AW.OV '.] dirl vwo3 ld V� klfi0� — J • ro +°"'�-•• pEl�lY ol�i.w•OOIf -NI l�011 wtral iW�IiPyw •Y !mial olLl ~. •11 1 {. � 88�E7VIdVb 8i; 18l Bp g•-q Lit;—: o04 • s�rss � � B p Y ►I A gi r� 4 EXHIBIT 0 V V U Attachment "E" Economic Impact of Integra 360 in Winter Springs, FL Executive Summary November 16, 2015 Prepared by: City of Winter Springs Economic Development 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 This summary was prepared by the City of Winter Springs Economic Development Department using Total Impact by Impact DataSource. Please consult the full economic impact report for additional details and assumptions used in this analysis. Page 1 Project Description Integra 360 is a 360 unit apartment property that will be integrated as part of a master plan which includes 10 acres of office /commercial and 30 acres of residential. The project is a $49,000,000 development, including a $6,000,000 investment in land and another $30,000,000 in construction activity. The construction of the property will employ several hundred workers with salaries ranging from $30,000 to $150,000 per year. The final product will be home to 360 households paying an average of $1230 per month in rent which comes to a yearly household salary of $44,000 in order to qualify to occupy an apartment. The property will employ 7 full time staff members with an average salary of $52,000 amongst the 7 workers. It was also employ several vendors for products and services totaling approximately $500,000 in economic activity. Summary of the Economic Impact of the Project on the City of Winter Springs The project will have the following economic impact on the City of Winter Springs over the first 10 years: New Residents* 153 423 122 * Number of new residents in the city, not necessarily the number of occupants in the new residential units. Total number of permanent direct and indirect jobs to be created Salaries to be paid to direct and indirect workers The market value the residential community's property on local tax rolls in Year 1 Page 2 0 0 698 Indirect & Direct Induced Total 257 8 265 $152,839,283 $10,637,614 $163,476,897 $19,000,000 $0 $19,000,000 Number of Residential Units Added Over the First 10 Years One - Bedroom Two - Bedroom Three - Bedroom Four - Bedroom Five - Bedroom Total Units Units Units Units Units Units Apartments 136 188 36 0 0 360 Townhomes 0 0 0 0 0 0 Single Family Residences 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Residential Units 136 188 36 0 0 360 New Residents* 153 423 122 * Number of new residents in the city, not necessarily the number of occupants in the new residential units. Total number of permanent direct and indirect jobs to be created Salaries to be paid to direct and indirect workers The market value the residential community's property on local tax rolls in Year 1 Page 2 0 0 698 Indirect & Direct Induced Total 257 8 265 $152,839,283 $10,637,614 $163,476,897 $19,000,000 $0 $19,000,000 Costs and Benefits for Local Taxing Districts The project will generate additional benefits and costs for local taxing districts. A summary of these additional benefits, costs and net benefits is provided below. The source of specific benefits and costs are provided in more detail for each taxing district on subsequent pages. Distribution of Net Benefits Over the First 10 Years City of Winter Springs, $7,023,154 Fire District, $1,192,546 St. John's River WMD, $161,948 Seminole County Public Schools, $4,556,084 Page 3 Seminole County, $4,759,643 Present Additional Additional Net Value of Benefits Costs Benefits Net Benefits* City of Winter Springs $15,285,700 ($8,262,547) $7,023,154 $5,852,973 Seminole County $6,915,711 ($2,156,069) $4,759,643 $3,676,491 Seminole County Public Schools $10,546,971 ($5,990,887) $4,556,084 $3,590,891 St. John's River WMD $161,948 $0 $161,948 $122,345 Fire District $1,192,546 $0 $1,192,546 $900,924 Total $34,102,876 ($16,409,503) $17,693,373 $14,143,624 *The Present Value of Net Benefits is a way of expressing in today's dollars, dollars to be paid or received in the future. Today's dollar and a dollar to be received or paid at differing times in the future are not comparable because of the time value of money. The time value of money is the interest rate oreach taxing entity's discount rate. This analysis uses a discount rate of 5% to make the dollars comparable. Distribution of Net Benefits Over the First 10 Years City of Winter Springs, $7,023,154 Fire District, $1,192,546 St. John's River WMD, $161,948 Seminole County Public Schools, $4,556,084 Page 3 Seminole County, $4,759,643 Benefits and Costs for the City of Winter Springs The table below displays the estimated additional benefits, costs and net benefits to be received by the city over the first 10 years of the project. Appendix C contains the year -by -year calculations. Page 4 Add'I Costs Net Benefits $686 $1,288,653 $400,000 $128,012 $252,000 $800,564 $432,000 $600,000 $2,277,542 $186,977 $210,417 $211,330 $9,855 $351,985 $1,476,477 $1,612,237 $166,506 $208,605 $135,207 $182,904 $613,738 $3,121,319 $255,055 $24,440 $23,203 $18,712 $15,881 $28,119 $253,274 ($2,186,440) ($2,186,440) ($1,303,733) ($1,303,733) ($1,547,747) ($1,547,747) ($2,756,132) ($2,756,132) ($244,853) ($223,641) ($8,262,547) ($6,328,627) ($244,853) ($223,641) $7,023,154 $5,852,973 Add'I Benefits Sales Taxes* $686 Property Taxes $1,288,653 Building Permits $400,000 Impact Fees Police $128,012 Fire $252,000 Transportation $800,564 Parks $432,000 Connection /Tap Fees $600,000 Other Revenues, Taxes & Fees: Residential Community City -Owned Utility Revenues $2,277,542 Electricity Franchise Fees $186,977 Electricity Taxes $210,417 Water /Wastewater Taxes $211,330 Natural Gas Taxes $9,855 Communication Services Taxes $351,985 Other Taxes & User Fees $1,476,477 Other Revenues, Taxes & Fees: New Residents City -Owned Utility Revenues $1,612,237 Electricity Franchise Fees $166,506 Electricity Taxes $208,605 Water /Wastewater Taxes $135,207 Natural Gas Taxes $182,904 Communication Services Taxes $613,738 Other Taxes & User Fees $3,121,319 Other Revenues, Taxes & Fees: New Worker Residents City -Owned Utility Revenues $255,055 Electricity Franchise Fees $24,440 Electricity Taxes $23,203 Water /Wastewater Taxes $18,712 Natural Gas Taxes $15,881 Communication Services Taxes $28,119 Other Taxes & User Fees $253,274 Costs: New Residential Community Cost of City -Owned Utility Service Cost of Services Costs: New Residents Cost of City -Owned Utility Service Cost of Services Costs: New Worker Residents Cost of City -Owned Utility Service Cost of Services Total $15,285,700 Present Value (5% discount rate) $12,181,600 Page 4 Add'I Costs Net Benefits $686 $1,288,653 $400,000 $128,012 $252,000 $800,564 $432,000 $600,000 $2,277,542 $186,977 $210,417 $211,330 $9,855 $351,985 $1,476,477 $1,612,237 $166,506 $208,605 $135,207 $182,904 $613,738 $3,121,319 $255,055 $24,440 $23,203 $18,712 $15,881 $28,119 $253,274 ($2,186,440) ($2,186,440) ($1,303,733) ($1,303,733) ($1,547,747) ($1,547,747) ($2,756,132) ($2,756,132) ($244,853) ($223,641) ($8,262,547) ($6,328,627) ($244,853) ($223,641) $7,023,154 $5,852,973 * The analysis identifies the net effect on city revenues from additional taxable sales in the area. See the Methodology section for details. Page 5 Benefits and Costs for the City of Winter Springs - Continued The following table summarizes the year -by -year benefits, costs and net benefits to the city over the first 10 years. Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Total $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $0 ( $1,000,000) ($2,000,000) Additional Additional Net Benefits Costs Benefits $3,696,024 ($749,950) $2,946,074 $1,188,660 ($770,157) $418,503 $1,212,213 ($785,560) $426,653 $1,236,338 ($801,271) $435,066 $1,260,947 ($817,297) $443,650 $1,286,050 ($833,643) $452,407 $1,311,658 ($850,316) $461,342 $1,337,779 ($867,322) $470,457 $1,364,425 ($884,668) $479,757 $1,391,606 ($902,362) $489,244 $15,285,700 ($8,262,547) $7,023,154 City Net Benefits Over the First 10 Years Cumulative Cumulative Net Present Value Present Value Benefits of Net Benefits of Net Benefits $2,946,074 $2,805,785 $2,805,785 $3,364,577 $379,594 $3,185,379 $3,791,230 $368,559 $3,553,938 $4,226,296 $357,930 $3,911,868 $4,669,946 $347,611 $4,259,480 $5,122,353 $337,593 $4,597,073 $5,583,695 $327,867 $4,924,940 $6,054,152 $318,424 $5,243,364 $6,533,909 $309,255 $5,552,619 $7,023,154 $300,354 $5,852,973 $5,852,973 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Year Benefits Costs Net Benefits Page 6 Benefits and Costs for Seminole County The table below displays the estimated additional benefits, costs and net benefits to be received by the county over the first 10 years of the project. Appendix C contains the year -by -year calculations. The following table summarizes the year -by -year benefits, costs and net benefits to the county over the first 10 years. Year 1 Year 2' Year 3' Year 4' Year 5' Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Total $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $0 ($200,000) ($400,000) Add'I Benefits Add'I Costs Net Benefits Sales Taxes* $2,148 $2,148 Property Taxes $2,495,292 Present Value $2,495,292 Tourist Development Taxes $0 Benefits $0 Impact Fees of Net Benefits _ $774,266 ($194,204) Transportation $287,490 $552,440 $287,490 Library $19,548 $429,610 $19,548 Other Taxes & User Fees: Residential Com. _M` $2,076,486 _ $2,076,486 Other Taxes & User Fees: New Residents�F $1,755,725 $378,069 $1,755,725 Other Taxes & User Fees: New Worker ResidentZI $279,022 $446,185 $279,022 Cost of Services: Residential CommunityllIlME $1,687,256 ($1,088,979) ($1,088,979) Cost of Services: New Residents I $2,348,403 ($920,761) ($920,761) Cost of Services: New Worker Residenn s�J $681,460 ak. ($217,700) ($146,328) ($146,328) Total $6,915,711 ($2,156,069) $4,759,643 Present Value (5% discount rate) $5,327,608 ($1,651,116) $3,676,491 * The analysis identifies the net effect on city revenues from additional taxable sales in the area. See the Methodology section for details. The following table summarizes the year -by -year benefits, costs and net benefits to the county over the first 10 years. Year 1 Year 2' Year 3' Year 4' Year 5' Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Total $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $0 ($200,000) ($400,000) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 � Benefits � Costs Year Net Benefits Page 7 Cumulative Cumulative Additional Additional Net Net Present Value Present Value Benefits Costs Benefits Benefits of Net Benefits of Net Benefits _ $774,266 ($194,204) $580,062 $580,062 $552,440 $552,440 _ $630,732 ($201,121) $429,610 $1,009,673 $389,669 $942,109 _ $642,805 ($205,144) $437,662 $1,447,334 $378,069 $1,320,178 _ $655,432 ($209,247) $446,185 $1,893,519 $367,078 $1,687,256 _ $668,315 ($213,432) $454,883 $2,348,403 $356,413 $2,043,669 _ $681,460 ak. ($217,700) $463,759 $2,812,162 $346,064 $2,389,733 $694,871.,MM ($222,054) $472,817 $3,284,979 $336,022 $2,725,755 $708,551- ($226,495) $482,059 $3,767,038 $326,277 $3,052,032 $722,511- ($231,025) $491,490 $4,258,528 $316,819 $3,368,851 $736,76CIIW$235,646) $501,114 $4,759,643 $307,641 $3,676,491 $6,915,7116,069) $4,759,643 $3,676,491 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 � Benefits � Costs Year Net Benefits Page 7 Benefits and Costs for Seminole County Public Schools The table below displays the estimated additional benefits, costs and net benefits to be received by the school district over the first 10 years of the project. Appendix C contains the year -by -year calculations. Benefits for Other Taxing Districts The table below displays the estimated additional property taxes to be received by other taxing districts over the first 10 years of the project. Appendix C contains the year -by -year calculations. Additional Benefits St. John's River WMD $161,948 Fire District $1,192,546 Total $1,354,493 Page 8 Additional Additional Net Benefits Costs Benefits Property Taxes $4,042,034 $4,042,034 Additional State & Federal School Funding $5,738,937 $5,738,937 Impact Fees $766,000 $766,000 Cost of Educating New Students ($5,990,887) ($5,990,887) Total $10,546,971 ($5,990,887) $4,556,084 Present Value (5% discount rate) $8,161,964 $4,571,074 $3,590,891 Benefits for Other Taxing Districts The table below displays the estimated additional property taxes to be received by other taxing districts over the first 10 years of the project. Appendix C contains the year -by -year calculations. Additional Benefits St. John's River WMD $161,948 Fire District $1,192,546 Total $1,354,493 Page 8 Attachment CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DRAFT MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARDILOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING APRIL 13, 2016 (RESCHEDULED FROM APRIL 6, 2016) CALL TO ORDER The Regular Meeting of Wednesday, April 13, 2016 (Rescheduled from April 6, 2016) of the Planning and Zoning Board /Local Planning Agency was Called to Order at 5:32 p.m. by Chairperson Bob Henderson in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Chairperson Bob Henderson, present Vice - Chairperson Howard Casman, present Board Member Sarah Miller, absent Board Member Bart Phillips, present Board Member Suzanne Walker, absent Assistant to the City Clerk Antonia Della Donna, present Assistant to the City Clerk Jessica Ghersetich, present A moment of silence was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. No Agenda changes were noted. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100. Not Used INFORMATIONAL AGENDA INFORMATIONAL 200. Not Used "F" I== LAW a 0 i CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DRAFT MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD /LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING - APRIL 13, 2016 (RESCHEDULED FROM APRIL 6, 2016) PAGE 2 OF 4 PUBLIC INPUT Chairperson Henderson opened "Public Input". No one addressed the Planning and Zoning Board /Local Planning Agency. Chairperson Henderson closed "Public Input ". CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT 300. Office Of The City Clerk The Office Of The City Clerk Requests That The Planning And Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Review And Approve The Wednesday, February 10, 2016 Planning And Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Regular Meeting Minutes. "I MAKE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY MEETING." MOTION BY VICE - CHAIRPERSON CASMAN. SECONDED BY CHAIRPERSON HENDERSON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: CHAIRPERSON HENDERSON: AYE BOARD MEMBER PHILLIPS: AYE VICE - CHAIRPERSON CASMAN: AYE MOTION CARRIED. CONSENT 301. Office Of The City Clerk The Office Of The City Clerk Requests That The Planning And Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Review And Approve The Wednesday, March 16, 2016 Planning And Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Special Meeting Minutes. "I WILL MAKE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MARCH MEETING ". MOTION BY CHAIRPERSON HENDERSON. SECONDED BY VICE - CHAIRPERSON CASMAN. DISCUSSION. VOTE: CHAIRPERSON HENDERSON: AYE BOARD MEMBER PHILLIPS: AYE VICE - CHAIRPERSON CASMAN: AYE MOTION CARRIED. r�. i Aw CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DRAFT MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD /LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING - APRIL 13, 2016 (RESCHEDULED FROM APRIL 6, 2016) PAGE 3 OF 4 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA 1 , PUBLIC HEARINGS 400. Community Development Department — Planning Division The Community Development Department — Planning Division Requests That The Planning And Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Consider: 1) Preliminary /Final Engineering Plan, And 2) Aesthetic Review For A 29.81 Acre Portion Of Property Located On The North Side Of State Road 434, Across From The Creeks Run ;=a" Subdivision. Mr. Bobby Howell, AICP, Planner, Community Development Department presented this Agenda Item and gave an overview of the Applicant's request for approval of xMin Preliminary /Final Engineering Plan and Aesthetic Review for the first phase of a Mixed - Use development. Referencing a map, Mr. Howell discussed the locations of various points of vehicular access and the location of the project entrance. Mr. Howell also commented on proposed retention ponds, benches, and a jogging track. Additionally, Mr. Howell described the assorted design elements and referred to several photographs. In conclusion, Mr. Howell stated that the Staff recommends Approval and that the Applicant was present for any questions. Chairperson Henderson opened "Public Input ". No one spoke. Chairperson Henderson closed "Public Input". "I MAKE A MOTION WE APPROVE THE AESTHETIC REVIEW AS STATED." MOTION BY VICE - CHAIRPERSON CASMAN. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER PHILLIPS. DISCUSSION. MR. RANDY STEVENSON, AICP, ASLA, DIRECTOR, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT REQUESTED, "CAN I HAVE THE MOTION AMENDED TO READ FINAL ENGINEERING AND AESTHETIC REVIEW?" "I MAKE A MOTION THAT WE APPROVE FINAL ENGINEERING AND AESTHETIC REVIEW." MOTION AMENDED BY VICE - CHAIRPERSON CASMAN. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER PHILLIPS. DISCUSSION. No Reports were given. PUBLIC INPUT Chairperson Henderson opened "Public Input ". No one spoke. Chairperson Henderson closed "Public Input". ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Henderson adjourned the Special Meeting at 5:38 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: JESSICA GHERSETICH ASSISTANT TO THE CITY CLERK APPROVED: BOB HENDERSON, CHAIRPERSON PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD /LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY NOTE: These Minutes were Approved at the 2016 Planning And Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Regular Meeting. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DRAFT MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD /LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING —APRIL 13, 2016 (RESCHEDULED FROM APRIL 6, 2016) PAGE 4 OF 4 VOTE: ' VICE - CHAIRPERSON GASMAN: AYE Lj CHAIRPERSON HENDERSON: AYE BOARD MEMBER PHILLIPS: AYE MOTION CARRIED. REGULAR AGENDA C= REGULAR 500. Not Used 600. REPORTS No Reports were given. PUBLIC INPUT Chairperson Henderson opened "Public Input ". No one spoke. Chairperson Henderson closed "Public Input". ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Henderson adjourned the Special Meeting at 5:38 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: JESSICA GHERSETICH ASSISTANT TO THE CITY CLERK APPROVED: BOB HENDERSON, CHAIRPERSON PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD /LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY NOTE: These Minutes were Approved at the 2016 Planning And Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Regular Meeting.