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2016 02 10 Public Hearing 400 Vistawilla Assisted Living Facility Final Engineering Plans and Aesthetic Review
PLANNING & ZONING BOARD AGENDA ITEM 400 February 10, 2016 Meeting Consent Information Public Hearing X Regular REQUEST: The Community Development Department —Planning Division requests the Planning & Zoning Board consider: 1) Preliminary/Final Engineering Plan, and 2) Aesthetic Review for Vistawilla Assisted Living Facility, located on the south side of SR 434, west of the SR 434/SR 417 interchange, and adjacent to the eastern side of the Vistawilla office building. SYNOPSIS: The applicant is requesting approval of a Preliminary/Final Engineering Plan and Aesthetic Review for a 77,207 square foot, three story Assisted Living Facility (ALF) with an associated memory care component. The subject property was originally permitted as Phase H of the Vistawilla Office Center in 2007, and is located east of the Vistawilla office building, which is the site of the UCF business incubator. In October 2015, the City Commission amended the Developer's Agreement for this site to allow an Assisted Living Facility (ALF) as a permitted use. CONSIDERATIONS: APPLICANT AND PROPERTY INFORMATION: • Applicant name and address and authorized representative: Dave Schmitt, P.E., 12301 Lake Underhill Road, Suite 241, Orlando, FL 32828 • Property owner's name(s): Vistawilla Office Center LLC C/O Pinnacle Property MGMT • Property addresses: 1511 E. SR 434 • Property Parcel ID number: 31- 20- 31 -5BB- 0000 -019F • Current FLUM Designations: Commercial • Current Zoning Designations: PUD (Planned Unit Development) • Previously pproved Development permits such as conditional use, waiver, or variance (if any): February 10, 2016 Planning & Zoning Board Agenda, Item 400 Page 2 of 6 Development Agreements (if any): Developer's Agreement by and between Robert Yeager, trustee, and the City of Winter Springs dated April 13, 1998 and recorded May 13, 1998 in Official Records Book 3424, Page 0611, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, First Modification of Developer's Agreement dated February 27, 2006 and recorded March 8, 2006 in Official Records Book 6151, Page 42, Second Modification of Developer's Agreement dated June 12, 2006 and recorded June 27, 2006 in Official Records Book 6304, Page 36, Third Modification of Developer's Agreement dated December 18, 2006 and recorded January 19, 2007, in Official Records Book 6561, Page 0610, Fourth Modification of Developer's Agreement dated March 27, 2007 and recorded April 4, 2007, in Official Records Book 6656, Page 0823, Fifth Modification of Developer's Agreement dated October 29, 2007, and recorded in Official Records Book 6858, Page 1286., Sixth Modification of Developer's Agreement dated November 16, 2015, and recorded in Official Records Book 8585, Pages 406 -410. • Pending Code Enforcement Actions (if any): No known pending Code Enforcement actions • City Liens (if any): No known liens APPLICABLE LAW, PUBLIC POLICY, AND EVENTS Home Rule Powers Florida Statutes City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Policy 1.4.5: S.R. 434 Overlay. Implement the S.R. 434 overlay corridor design standards to encourage infill development that is appropriate for the character of the neighborhoods adjacent to this corridor. Allow a vertical mix of uses to promote a live -work environment. Policy 1.5.5: Buffers. Buffer residential areas from intensive commercial and industrial land uses. Locate less intensive transitional uses in between, or buffer with berms, trees, or other methods, as deemed appropriate by the City. Housing Element Objective 1.4: Special Needs Households. The City shall ensure that adequate sites are available for special needs populations, such as the elderly and disabled. Policy 1.4.1: Maintain standards for the location of community residential homes and special needs housing, including group homes, in accordance with applicable law. Such standards shall ensure compatibility and consistency with surrounding land uses. Policy 1.4.2: Utilize the development review process to review any proposed projects or City Code amendments that impact housing for special need populations. Policy 1.4.3: Continue to support organizations that assist elderly and handicapped citizens in finding decent, accessible, and affordable housing. Such support may include technical assistance and alternative design standards and code requirements. February 10, 2016 Planning & Zoning Board Agenda, Item 400 Page 3 of 6 Policy 1.4.5: Address problems of housing for lower income elderly residents and other households with special housing needs, by allowing placement of retirement communities and elderly care facilities in areas of residential character as long as they are designed in a manner that is compatible with the character of the neighborhood and are consistent with the zoning code standards for the area as well as any applicable overlay districts. Policy 2.2.7: Require adequate buffering and screening of residential neighborhoods from incompatible uses, which could adversely impact existing neighborhoods. Landscape buffering and transitional uses shall be utilized to further this policy. Code of Ordinances, Chapter 20, Article VI - SR 434 Corridor Vision Plan Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, Chapter 9, Article XH - Minimum Community Appearance and Aesthetic Review Standards DISCUSSION: Preliminary/Final Engineering Plan In 2005, a Conceptual Plan for the Vistawilla Office Center was approved by the City Commission. The plan detailed the construction of two, three story office buildings with identical architecture and site design, with each building totaling 39,900 square feet in area. The buildings and associated site infrastructure were proposed for construction in two separate phases, with associated site infrastructure being constructed as each phase developed. The first of the two buildings with associated site infrastructure was constructed in 2006 and is currently the location of the UCF business incubator. On September 7, 2006, the City Commission approved the Final Engineering/Site Plan for the Phase H portion of the development. This plan detailed the construction of a three story, 39,900 square foot office building with associated infrastructure. The site was designed as a mirror image of the Phase I site. Due to economic circumstances, the second building and associated site infrastructure were never constructed, and the plan approvals since expired. In 2015, the City Commission approved an amendment to the Developer's Agreement for the site to allow an Assisted Living Facility (ALF) as a permitted use on the Phase H portion of the property. Following approval of this amendment, the applicant submitted a Preliminary/Final Engineering Plan and Aesthetic Review detailing the construction of a 77,207 square foot, three story Assisted Living Facility (ALF) with an associated memory care component on the subject property. The proposed design of the site depicted on the Preliminary/Final Engineering Plan provides access via an existing right -in /right -out from SR 434 and via cross - access from the existing Vistawilla Phase I office building site adjacent to the west. Two additional cross - access points are provided to the trailhead on the adjacent property to the east. Entrance into the site from SR 434 leads into a drive aisle that allows cross - access to the properties to the west and east. In addition, this access point leads into a circular drive area where covered drop off and pickup of residents of the facility is provided via a porte - cochere. A total of 76 parking spaces are provided on site, 4 of which are handicap parking spaces. In the southwestern corner of the site, a garden with walking paths is proposed for the assisted living residents. In the southeastern corner of the site, a garden with walking paths is proposed for the memory care patients. A 5 -foot sidewalk will lead from this garden to the trailhead property to the east. Pedestrian points of access are proposed leading into the site from the existing sidewalk along SR 434. February 10, 2016 Planning & Zoning Board Agenda, Item 400 Page 4 of 6 The property is subject to the SR 434 Corridor Vision Plan. The design standards noted in the Plan apply to all properties adjacent to the SR 434 right -of -way, with the exception of properties within the Town Center and the Greeneway Interchange District (GID). The minimum rear setback for a building in the SR 434 Corridor Vision Plan is 10 -feet from a rear property line. Adjacent to this property line are one -story single- family residences which are part of the Eagle's Watch subdivision. The properties are separated by an existing six -foot high concrete wall. The applicant originally proposed to construct the rear of the building that was intended to be three stories in height 29 -feet from the rear property line. Staff was concerned with the impact a three story building would have on the adjacent residential properties. Based on this concern, the applicant is proposing to increase the rear setback of the building from 29 -feet to approximately 47 -48 feet to lessen the impact on the adjacent single- family residences to the rear of the property. Additionally, to lessen the impact, the applicant has agreed to reduce the rear portion of the building adjacent to the residential area from a three story building to a two story building. Aesthetic Review The attached Aesthetic Review package includes all of the submittal requirements for aesthetic review as set forth in Section 9 -600 through 9 -607 and include the following: (a) a site plan; (b) elevations illustrating all sides of structures facing public streets or spaces; (c) illustrations of all walls, fences, and other accessory structures and the indication of height and their associated materials; (d) elevation of proposed exterior permanent signs or other constructed elements other than habitable space, if any; (e) illustrations of materials, texture, and colors to be used on all buildings, accessory structures, exterior signs; and (f) other architectural and engineering data as maybe required. The procedures for review and approval are set forth in Section 9 -603. The City Commission may approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove the application only after consideration of whether the following criteria have been satisfied: (1) The plans and specifications of the proposed project indicate that the setting, landscaping, proportions, materials, colors, textures, scale, unity, balance, rhythm, contrast, and simplicity are coordinated in a harmonious manner relevant to the particular proposal, surrounding area and cultural character of the community. The applicant is proposing to construct a three story 77,471 square foot Assisted Living Facility with a Memory Care component on the subject property. Small portions of the building are two stories and one story for functional and buffering reasons. The architectural style that has been proposed is closest to a "Dutch West Indies" style. Architectural design elements such as parapets, tile roofing material, arches over windows, decorative "Juliette" type balconies, expression lines and contrasting colors between the upper levels and lower levels of the building are provided to help break up blank expanses on the fagades. An arcade is proposed along the western facade adjacent to the first floor entrance. Additionally, to lessen the impact to the adjacent residential area, the applicant has agreed to reduce the height of the rear portion of the building from three stories to two stories. Staff has worked extensively with the applicant to produce a building with architectural quality that is representative of the high standards equated with Winter Springs. The plans and specifications of the proposed project indicate that the setting, proportions, materials, colors, textures, scale, unity, balance, rhythm, contrast, and simplicity are coordinated in a harmonious manner relevant to the surrounding area. February 10, 2016 Planning & Zoning Board Agenda, Item 400 Page 5 of 6 (2) The plans for the proposed project are in harmony with any future development which has been formally approved by the City within the surrounding area. Because of the eclectic nature of the surrounding area and the building layout requirements of the ALF use approved by the City Commission, staff has chosen to work with the applicant to create a quality example of the chosen architectural style and building layout. The architectural quality is in "harmony" with the surrounding area. (3) The plans for the proposed proj ect are not excessively similar or dissimilar to any other building, structure or sign which is either fully constructed, permitted but not fully constructed, or included on the same permit application, and facing upon the same or intersecting street within five hundred (500) feet of the proposed site, with respect to one or more of the following features of exterior design and appearance: (A) Front or side elevations, (B) Size and arrangement of elevation facing the street, including reverse arrangement, (C) Other significant features of design such as, but not limited to: materials, roof line, hardscape improvements, and height or design elements. As stated in item (2) above, the proposed building is of similar quality to other buildings within 500 -feet and could complement and add to the eclectic nature of the site. Staff has worked extensively with the applicant to produce a building with architectural quality that is representative of the high standards equated with Winter Springs. The architectural style that has been proposed is closest to a "Dutch West Indies" style. Architectural design elements such as parapets, tile roofing material, arches over windows, decorative "Juliette" type balconies, expression lines and contrasting colors between the upper levels and lower levels of the building are provided to help break up blank expanses on the fagades. An arcade is proposed along the western facade adjacent to the first floor entrance. Additionally, to lessen the impact to the adjacent residential area, the applicant has agreed to reduce the height of the rear portion of the building from three stories to two stories. (4) The plans for the proposed project are in harmony with, or significantly enhance, the established character of other buildings, structures or signs in the surrounding area with respect to architectural specifications and design features deemed significant based upon commonly accepted architectural principles of the local community. The proposed project complementary with the established character of other buildings, structures or signs in the surrounding area with respect to architectural specifications and design features deemed significant based upon commonly accepted architectural principles of the local community. Architectural design elements such as parapets, tile roofing material, arches over windows, decorative "Juliette" type balconies, expression lines and contrasting colors between the upper levels and lower levels of the building are provided to help break up blank expanses on the fagades. February 10, 2016 Planning & Zoning Board Agenda, Item 400 Page 6 of 6 (5) The proposed project is consistent and compatible with the intent and purpose of this Article, the Comprehensive Plan for Winter Springs, design criteria adopted by the city (e.g. Town Center guidelines, SR 434 design specifications) and other applicable federal state or local laws. The proposed project is consistent and compatible with the Comprehensive Plan and the design specifications and architectural styles that are noted in the SR 434 design specifications. (6) The proposed project has incorporated significant architectural enhancements such as concrete masonry units with stucco, marble, termite - resistant wood, wrought iron, brick, columns and piers, porches, arches, fountains, planting areas, display windows, and other distinctive design detailing and promoting the character of the community. The project has incorporated a number of features such as parapets, tile roofing material, arches over windows, decorative "Juliette" type balconies, expression lines and contrasting colors between the upper levels and lower levels of the building are provided to help break up blank expanses on the fagades. An arcade is proposed along the western facade adjacent to the first floor entrance. Additionally, to lessen the impact to the adjacent residential area, the applicant has agreed to reduce the height of the rear portion of the building from three stories to a two stories. Staff has worked extensively with the applicant to produce a building with architectural quality that is representative of the high standards equated with Winter Springs. FISCAL IMPACT: Development of the property will provide an increase in taxable value to the City. COMMUNICATION EFFORTS: The Meeting Agenda and this Agenda Item have been forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Board members and are available on the City's Website, LaserFiche, and the City's Server. The Agenda has been forwarded to the Mayor and City Commission; City Manager; and City Attorney /Staff. Additionally, the Meeting Agenda has been sent to media /press representatives, all Homeowner's Associations on file with the City, all individuals who have requested Agenda information, Department Directors; and also posted outside City Hall; posted inside City Hall with additional copies available for the general public. The applicant hosted a community information meeting on February 9, 2016. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Planning & Zoning Board forward a recommendation of approval to the City Commission for: 1) Preliminary/Final Engineering Plan, and 2) Aesthetic Review for Vistawilla Assisted Living Facility, located on the south side of SR 434, west of the SR 434/SR 417 interchange, adjacent to the east of the Vistawilla office building. The recommendation is conditioned upon the successful relocation of three (3) easements on site. ATTACHMENTS: A. Preliminary/Final Engineering Plan B. Aesthetic Review C. Applicant response letter - January 8, 2016 D. Staff review comments Attachment "A" PRELIM I NARY/Fl NAL TABLE CONTENTS 1 EE COVER SHEET 2 GENERALNOTES 3 EXISTING CONDITIONS &DEMO PLAN ENGINEERING PLANS 4 OVERALL SITE PLAN 5 PAVING, GRADING, & DRAINAGE PLAN 6 UTILITY PLAN FOR: 7 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 8 -11 FDOT DETAILS 12 UTILITY DETAILS V I S TAW I L LA ASSISTED 13 EROSION CONTROL DETAILS 14 -15 EROSION CONTROL NOTES LIVING FACILITY 16 FIRE TRUCK ROUTING PLAN PLANS BY OTHERS: LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION PLANS PHOTOMETRIC PLAN BUILDING ELEVATIONS ®PARCEL ID- 31- 20- 31 -5BB- 0000 -019F ENGINEER: DAVE SCHMITT ENGINEERING, INC. - ©12301 LAKE UNDERHILL ROAD. SUITE 241 I 4 - - ORLANDO, FL 32828 407 - 207 -9088 FAX 407 - 207 -9089 - - - CONTACT: DAVE SCHMITT, P.E. F� III - - SURVEYORS: r� . os,a'N r, ,o ,w; PaH, w ar�xwH� ` "" cm11— vm —3111 cavrammo xsn rcecs uaec me "n DEWBERRY 520 SOUTH MAGNOLIA AVE. ORLANDO, FL 32801 407 -843 -5120 CONTACT: BILL DONLEV, PLS f a SITE LOCATION PREPARED FOR: S� CHANCEY DESIGN PARTNERSHIP DAVE SCHMITT DATE: JULY ENGINEERING, INC. ELORI MaER 12301 LAKE UNDERHILL ROAD 48274 SUITE 241 ORLANDO, FL 32828 407- 207 -9088 FAX 407 - 207 -9089 Certifcation of Authorization #27471 2015 : CDP -1 SHEET: 10F 16 JOB NO. REVISIONS THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AS CONTAINED HEREIN WERE DESIGNED TO APPLICABLE STANDARDS AS SET FORTH IN THE "MANUAL OF UNIFORM MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE FOR STREETS AND HIGHWAYS" AS PREPARED BY FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DATE BY DESCRIPTION DATE BY DESCRIPTION 01 -07 -16 DLS REV PER CIN REVIEW COMMENTS DATED 01 -04 -16 010516 DLS REV PER CITY REVIEW COMMENTS DATED I2 -22 -15 12 -11 -15 DL REV PER SEMINOLECOUNTYRVIEW 1 GENERAL NOTES LEGEND (CONTINUED) U (CONTINUED SUO� UDC ZMN AS -BOIL T REQUIREMENTS: DRAINAGE NOTES: �7 7o ROADWAYNOTES UTILITIES NOTES Pl- DAVE SCHMITT DATE I BY I DESCRIPTION DATE BY DES—PLION 1='�CK%TaTE� GENERAL NOTES & LEGEND DR c RDGDS� Las ENGINEERING INC n." ..... DRAWN BV'. JDD OR LANDO RL 32828 VISTAWILLA ASSISTED LIVING 40�207 lo FA 407 2019OH CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA C.,I,I, " 88 27471 11 1 NEVIED1111PI-11-E—D ,ti Nf A z -„ -, 1 NEVIE-E.INILERINK11PIE 3873 OR LAN PARK EAST BLVD . ..... LEGEND EXISTING PROPOSED :1 E]-- CE) CE) 41 ---------- DAVE SCHMITT DATE I BY I DESCRIPTION DATE BY DES—PLION 1='�CK%TaTE� GENERAL NOTES & LEGEND DR c RDGDS� Las ENGINEERING INC n." ..... DRAWN BV'. JDD OR LANDO RL 32828 VISTAWILLA ASSISTED LIVING 40�207 lo FA 407 2019OH CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA C.,I,I, " 88 27471 11 1 NEVIED1111PI-11-E—D ,ti Nf A z -„ -, 1 NEVIE-E.INILERINK11PIE 3873 OR LAN PARK EAST BLVD . ..... 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JDD ORLANDO PIT 32828 VISTAWILLA ASSISTED LIVING CHECKED BY FIRE 40] -20] 9088 FAX40]- 20]089 1F o� SCALE. 1 " =30' 40720 R OrACA 40707989 s � _ a CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA z 111 EV IT, eEm HOLE COUNrYITPE SHEET. 03OF16 u 3 O STATE ROAD 434 `--------- neoN�eENr---- - - - - -- Emel��DEP`AR Mc °EP of ";a°NSPOaIA,IGm PROVOSrG Ra,uP wiGC�fcne�E To -------- - - - - -- - a © pal Al IN Ewr - - r -r -�o ----- - - - - -- -- ---------- ------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- - _ --- _ - - -_- PCR 111T p'IJ349 CASE 11 (REG RErtEC/ORS) EXISTING WET DETENTION POND 32B sAm' 1 —240 = 34.H6 — 111 11 MAV' EXISTING W F TO DAVE SCHMITT >AI^ ENGINEERING INC. 3873 AVALON PARK EAST BLVD. — OR FL 32828 407-2070088 FAX 407 -207 -9089 Certifica0on 0f Afh0nza00n ff27471 yA w10I10 4RD FOOE WOES I134e FIVABNING PER EDOTLNOEX �l I �- FROCOU5f0 SLOP SICN 11PEI RFI W/ IN ]RFFTC ODZSN® I4/0P'I IL fWOUEG �I I I I I -- I I 7 rl L= O> I I e p-- — 'A aPG2�G -1'P TIGE,f RIwNq PER 2 � I I c. pOCl W III I I I I ©PROP�45E0 0�055k'A 6 D� �vONC II I � \ I I I I I I I I I I 90EWALK 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I E I /NCGN I I SF C. OE1WIdUC I l I I 1 I I 1 I I I I �r ■ Imo' I� �I L I I■ Flo PCR 111T p'IJ349 CASE 11 (REG RErtEC/ORS) EXISTING WET DETENTION POND 32B sAm' 1 —240 = 34.H6 — 111 11 MAV' EXISTING W F TO DAVE SCHMITT >AI^ ENGINEERING INC. 3873 AVALON PARK EAST BLVD. — OR FL 32828 407-2070088 FAX 407 -207 -9089 Certifica0on 0f Afh0nza00n ff27471 yA w10I10 4RD FOOE WOES I134e TOTAL IMPERV1111 A0RGA PROPOSED. UZGZR CRWMD ERP NO. 2A3)9 -5' 4.41 PROPOSED OSE. AS4 Si£D UNNG EACIUry PARCEL l0: S - TO - -3I- 96 -0000 -0191 (CA I ST Of POND) 0. 21- 31- 3Go-0G2C -0000 (-"' GE 'o"), 'AOXIPoOSEO 11U—lCOINGNefIGOINC "S/0GR. SIO1 rfO SfP1. 28, 200]. BUILDING AIR CONDITIONED AREA 112111 114 0 "1 11 REG I ERON 5 s9E a wN N A "'' 76 -- (AVl G 4 �/I) OVERALL SITE PLAN VISTAWILLA ASSISTED LIVING CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA FIVABNING PER EDOTLNOEX �l I �- FROCOU5f0 SLOP SICN 11PEI RFI W/ IN ]RFFTC ODZSN® I4/0P'I IL fWOUEG �I I I I I -- I I 7 rl L= O> I I e p-- — 'A aPG2�G -1'P TIGE,f RIwNq PER 2 � I I c. pOCl W III I I I I ©PROP�45E0 0�055k'A 6 D� �vONC II I � \ I I I I I I I I I I 90EWALK 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I E I /NCGN I I SF C. OE1WIdUC I l I I 1 I I 1 I I I I TOTAL IMPERV1111 A0RGA PROPOSED. UZGZR CRWMD ERP NO. 2A3)9 -5' 4.41 PROPOSED OSE. AS4 Si£D UNNG EACIUry PARCEL l0: S - TO - -3I- 96 -0000 -0191 (CA I ST Of POND) 0. 21- 31- 3Go-0G2C -0000 (-"' GE 'o"), 'AOXIPoOSEO 11U—lCOINGNefIGOINC "S/0GR. SIO1 rfO SfP1. 28, 200]. BUILDING AIR CONDITIONED AREA 112111 114 0 "1 11 REG I ERON 5 s9E a wN N A "'' 76 -- (AVl G 4 �/I) OVERALL SITE PLAN VISTAWILLA ASSISTED LIVING CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA u 3 �P �sD DPD5A5 sD IS = ze r18FE„� E m,v =333a �s-acP7 4;�rPL STATE ROAD 434 s bA36 °99- '0rav £Mw3rs1lz4BC�l £E- vAFAeEE 11T Fcr„ -o -wA. WW/ umr EEOwm DcPArnW£wr o£ ,rumsPOF,A _ —1 5494 ,ISAN= °icy �AaT`�l - - -_ -_> __ __ _CROSSPS( --- �O EXCC£01REAlAX. s -1 - -iff __ -x.s•C __ES EnSnNC FAA— 10 NUFF, N— DAVE scHM1TT ENGINEERING, INC. 3873 AVALON PARK EAST BLVD. ORLANDO FIT 32828 407-2079088 CA 107 Certif cati on of AUthorzaoon fl 27471 AT (l5'FCP ;© ]'�� `n' 21.5 j \1✓ SIR PSOPOTELF — AND OB GEC 48474 / - IG. - Azs/ �3�� _ / DDFESS 115+T, m _ _- ias I11 sre39e1 _ _ 3 SIO�RNlTRAV P A NO DE3 ISP9 - ' BLOC \ \ 5' WIDE N I�/C 11 EWAK(1 UFB 1 D .* ( 1 _ PE MOT D C / Eo q /SB m scnLE. v�30 SREEr.7711 _ 9 1�.ea NEV PEF BEnn NOm SOONTY -1w E 1 E 5E D asck,re o AlID OE B 0 WATCH —1. SIDEWALK gCN�{liiG``Ep[EXIS(lCry'3A ® -¶ A, T if qll,) M SGri IX/Si /A2 ftdOE , it - e v. J 111 `I' 'PRtPPOSEA 'FAWP IANPD b£Y£4t �. c. WAGWNC PER EDO3INDEX 304 95 ¢��e 1v - ' O A 5� a Nov rI1t So 6cEF „ ,• ,rea r s1 �70� FNI �< „e NP41 X14 A 1 1_ CW ]E ]OP 0 36.64 E IA CS 2558 - -�e4 E NV 271, _ SWAYSTA - - -- vEFCIS,F- r°eaW,- �rce,'��o -- a---- l�INCC �FrWIM£�� E! 1,53s� 1235 MaICH�Ex RAO11 'n 4 D 11 9966,2208 ONC'ID£WAL I g eai� p9po E' 111553384 'm ss.ms�s K xn. Mil t OPO E'E' 3 T. _ _\ 0- 12x pI-nRC C.1/R PI L__1_L____1_LJ- ^SSy V- 2]89 t0 I AA MNU SC [n' eF NC 1 w re ,ree i / -s or U, AT, m I- 1 .11 11 a /x TORTS RF ac Apo- M ra as 11 n1.- oc 1 ". MAro DAVE scHM1TT ENGINEERING, INC. 3873 AVALON PARK EAST BLVD. ORLANDO FIT 32828 407-2079088 CA 107 Certif cati on of AUthorzaoon fl 27471 ,sm,�ree ms: Wama�i. ww, s.owalue Nao� m' ke ,,,,e� ANTE PSOPOTELF — AND OB GEC 48474 GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN VISTAWILLA ASSISTED LIVING CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA - WARNIND PER EDDE 1 K _.. —. —. om£AU ONDEB WA [R ASES DEE D£ 15,1D ©PRO FAP A, PlP£ EN a; .* E� EF EXISTING WET DETENTION POND 32B scnLE. v�30 SREEr.7711 10 �0£ BAENK = .38 .. ED AS 251 2 FE NASE CONTAFF —1- J236 NASA n = NEV PEF BEnn NOm SOONTY -1w c "' "°`1 " "I ,. E: 11 856,4827 ee,LPRO SK k r To £11EED 59 �K D IT K vo_ rem rrPE FA cuFe SARES 1-1 rzz� - 1E1E71.1 WARNING - xE DTAI:a1 1 `FEE D AD 90EW5 No 0 SF,E ANe Ai. (iNn iwa) I_ nZ u. !>or . RW _ ` 1w� AE llk- ,/~ 7 O A R R" l ' , -� �7 I I 3 las L___ ,� II A 3� vie. I o I PAVING ND E 'AlAe CXISiING �pF��EW, � 50P�,E N 5D0 y� I Via ®° �.I Ell, =� AIDES— - (' . T' "AV ,. I RESURFACE KNK P 5 L�Pllo —EAW IS o- 895E VE b$ � VINC � 4a ANA AND @ cxR9 1N TOFkOIL & S00 �- AND a,�NC ARREVIND I era l TRTR 'bl �jc -1e ©I' I ! 1 21 111 �mim T STORMSTRUCTURES TO 191x' roN ^sure[i re[�ioNAOE/5o m E Jy a nu vreuoc/rc cxttamsvc c vaca er a Ra 272 r vreRR 27J xc5cmc I >}} ° 1 n m- mn /"A rcrealA. w uworewrva rov, 1 e -1 QI iw OEs9 asno-ne¢ uwvaC roN acrvs er rv/R c y �CONC. RI E1W, I Ms o } 1 I ) x vu( mM TO, { /a' eAanEC FoF sm// erexnxc svecaacc v2'oF 10 rvncmlc nxnx/utlr xlxM 0 E, 1110] 0089 oNrzur pv 1//[ aui. DRAVIVAT .111 I I AA MNU SC [n' eF NC 1 w re ,ree i / -s or U, AT, m I- 1 .11 11 a /x TORTS RF ac Apo- M ra as 11 n1.- oc 1 ". MAro DAVE scHM1TT ENGINEERING, INC. 3873 AVALON PARK EAST BLVD. ORLANDO FIT 32828 407-2079088 CA 107 Certif cati on of AUthorzaoon fl 27471 ,sm,�ree ms: Wama�i. ww, s.owalue Nao� m' ke ,,,,e� OB GEC 48474 GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN VISTAWILLA ASSISTED LIVING CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DATE AUGUST 2015 PROJECT NO CDP-1 DRAWN BY JDD CHECKED er. RRe scnLE. v�30 SREEr.7711 11 R,,, NEV PEF BEnn NOm SOONTY -1w c "' "°`1 " "I ,. u a F STATE ROAD 434 ��- - - - - -- -'���� - --' Fme1EEN DIPAP ME °NT OFEPANPPoAALAW ASE PsG R uB cME oI_________ _ - - - -- TT) T T r o ___ __ _______x T - ym > - -- _ y B 1 e ©900 Ft� ' L IL PCSE�yel3' -iG I GGR * dx� CR SIAN /4 NG /5r REI PROPOSED 10" WATER STUB -OUT DNA -,G covnmcN�, -r B.o.v. Wft90EN✓ 6EN0 C.."'TOR CO N 'c 'EIATINI AID AND 111"T CHE ENGINEER OG RECGRD�GES TG / n 3 ul n - 2035 DART A, I \ I a I x91 I SANITARY STRUCTURES -_ I I I I STRUCTURE TYPE NORTHING EASiING RIM IM,ERIS N893 22' 25053' ` y. of 1 I I rze (rvl 11 a a � ! ' 11 IF 10 (W) 01 Al uu -a q11H (EI It'E'AN11 11 11 TO SESCERSE SA NER. SL lNG PUNS GCR os �1 NCCNT I DATE AUGUST 2015 DAVE SCHMITT OB BE WASTER UTILITY PLAN PRaECTNO CO &1 ENGINEERING, INC. 48274 3873 AVALON PARK EAST BLVD. „m,xree m,: max . a��xw,,,mx xxxnsx,ue wx: Naox m' 4e ,�.,x� CHECKS V. JDD oRLANDOFL32828 VISTAWILLAASSISTEDLIVING cHECKEOer.RRe 407-2079088 FAX407- 207 089 FI DLI SCALE. 1 " =30' C.AHA7 on AT 107 2 17471 s v CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA znT EV CEa eem moLE COONrvaEA SHEET'. 06 OF 16 3 SCORY CONfRECE Ism �, F .. k coNN ENV 34a4 kI .P A. a STE .11 FGA 16— 4 P PRGPGT E DEC $ ---✓a - ""FE , — � I -- - - sEM6LY �A��— — ® —n T P J �,CE h x x _ PvP TA . MTE L � — — — —'p N — PIR�UM GOCV CONNECT PROP. SkN. 0 y y x o ^0 G: MH ®I /NV. E(9, 31.99 ox I - O O I C'k4'. CEEQ 1 its R�PCS�G lf�'CRA� �L LY Ino' �57 "- m INV EL 3466 a ad �9�q o m L $ PUNS FOR COM �ER CG PLUM9INC - C .. . .. _ 20G0 GAL _ - ,D6 a P PROPOSED B" P✓C SARTAII U U CRAL @ 1.0 % AND x ` + a W T 'S. a aeiv S Sia1M sA0�1� A N - C � 1 Q r 6C cab v, s TD,IH AF. (fR3f i1001v� O '� e C 2 1 / / J M9EO fl001(�dAiE C � �'-� ° e � Ljr $ x 1 6 r69x, - 3�S - " - -- -- T� '' x 1 — — - - > >u� x' 4 O T Ips -9 PVC.1ER N 9Ax� T 4 O B[N0 EIE NON.0AND IOCAlONSPRIOE TO ENS PAR, 1-11 s� 9 I 4x� y ye�x4v +� 5 d I . s w w Bm fi' GO.J 5 dT I I 3 13 EXISTING WET DETENTION POND 328 T T. Top _ , ,NV Fi sa I6 S££ P(UMBINCRPUNSClORNCOM I I m V I.yf pl I II PGNGY=IT 3 I \ I a I x91 I SANITARY STRUCTURES -_ I I I I STRUCTURE TYPE NORTHING EASiING RIM IM,ERIS N893 22' 25053' ` y. of 1 I I rze (rvl 11 a a � ! ' 11 IF 10 (W) 01 Al uu -a q11H (EI It'E'AN11 11 11 TO SESCERSE SA NER. SL lNG PUNS GCR os �1 NCCNT I DATE AUGUST 2015 DAVE SCHMITT OB BE WASTER UTILITY PLAN PRaECTNO CO &1 ENGINEERING, INC. 48274 3873 AVALON PARK EAST BLVD. „m,xree m,: max . a��xw,,,mx xxxnsx,ue wx: Naox m' 4e ,�.,x� CHECKS V. JDD oRLANDOFL32828 VISTAWILLAASSISTEDLIVING cHECKEOer.RRe 407-2079088 FAX407- 207 089 FI DLI SCALE. 1 " =30' C.AHA7 on AT 107 2 17471 s v CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA znT EV CEa eem moLE COONrvaEA SHEET'. 06 OF 16 D Ao CsEcE EAWSCAPE vcamJ ED BE RF— GRADED AS R "PER PAVING PROPOSED -IT A TYPICAL GRADING SECTION U rvrs SAW GEDOEVOF PROPOSED PAVING mTTCN EwsI"NC AND PROPOSED PAVrmc. sEE DETAIL O,PADE SEE DETAIL TYPICAL GRADING SECTION P TYPICAL GRADING SECTION Euiswc swALE n TYPICAL GRADING SECTION SAW CUT-\ nrs w"".A' To IAA cuRa sEE DETAIL E DETA vrNc CRAFT SEIL rv«u rcw�va4 I___— `EX/S/lNG STREWA(X TYPICAL GRADING SECTION TOOT ITRAFFICECONTROLS >r FOR STREET TERMINATIONS DETAIL �_' � 2 = jjt__ 835E COURSE 8.O" UNFROCK 8.D" UNFROCK ARN Lll III COMPECTED TO III OF MAP BASED ON MODDESE PFCARTGAT PENT SAE ATTCATIONS ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY, REFER TO GEOTECRhARL REPORT PREPARED BY TERRACON, PROJECT Na. C1155100 DATED 7115/2015 FOR b�a HANDICAP RAMP Brv[s A A 0 ono 0 'A' CURB RAMP DETECTABLE WARNING DETAIL SPILL CURB DETAIL �"niowl e OR C "e � Ns. uuo waxws. IF Ix1lE � e� c xePE,E essE HANDICAP SIGN POST vE (Ex) wcx ES WIDE er ElcxreEx P,) I ... 11xN Eurcxr. 1111 TI 1111 `121 LlU%Y`�TZl%TT"l L scan nor �css man "sE°vA E s Txnn L. (s) w TN In a x MooNreo on uETn o eu (T) PEST rxox ePnoE To (q I"c"es or c°x° ToP s"Nxo P E To e FIREF ".E° (.`o.o,.`°�F °I xx.rE° P.vExEnT Rn 4) FEE.` wo a'wl.x LANE "EFI<)w ;�OE r EEEE s° IFAIE "ITAIIIN<.o`aEa.w.TT >ELLaw T.o.o.T. LETT -NC T. PE TxAPEPo'f l`iaw E.°.a.T. T-1. x TEa PE—INT PINT. 12'ki8 "FIRE SIGN ' " " " " "' un'DSCnPf suu D Ewn � Pn Nre No PARKING�R sm FIRE LANE eA T") .^ P.INreo sTx ° FIRE LANE STRIPING PEs 0 QR3 -5R INfOMMING RAFTIc OOST NOT sroP PLAQUE PL El TYPICAL PAVING SECTION El S""' a IT To eE x °u<° PAVEMENT JOINT DETAIL TURNDOWN SIDEWALK DETAIL NTI \O No [�Wp[�6`g TRUCKS \/ R5 -1 RI-1 RI -2 x :PwMmwur,FenK .Nwune "w"nE_ R3 -2 R4 -7 DIRECTIONAL ARROWS DIRECTIONAL SIGNS PAVEMENT MARKING DETAILS AND SIGNS uA e. Aueus zols DAVE SCHMITT O BE CONSTRUCT IONS DETAILS PROdECTNO DP ENGINEERING, INC. z 48274 3873 AVALON PARK EAST BLVD. maaree maa same "Ia waaaw,amoa"oma,ua w ": Napo" "' ke ,.,ea UHHVNV dY JUU ORLANDO FL 32828 VISTAWILLA ASSISTED LIVING cRECKED er. RRB C."I iDnD1AU1Ax4o7- zo7aoa9 Doaxa a9n,00, o,_os,s DLB REV PEN 10 "El CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA scALE.ASSrIOwN 407— zo7�088 F hol¢a0on ff27471 i.mm "Imaw i,�eay "maN,,,e weoAymn NL:an.,a "mi "Roaa "RNlaww �,Pm.«m. ,L,,,T DLB REV PER BEMIWLE OODnRYRE,IEw sREErr. O7 of �s 11 us, F77 IF .... ... . STRUCTURE SIZES FOR PIPE CONNECTIONS STR-T— BOTTGMS — J AND P IES1.1 'ITILU-1 I I 2oo 1 za =1 DAVE SCHMITT IA—1 1� A-11- DATE I BY I DESCRIPTION DATE BY DESCDIPTION 1=-'�CK'l TBTl FDOT DETAILS ENGINEERING, INC. 48274 3873 AVALON PARK EAST BLVD VISTAWILLA ASSISTED LIVING ORLANDO FL 32828 401 -201 -9088 FAX407 207 9089 th,,i,,ti,, SCALE'. AS SHOWN Of A, 27471 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA ILmA��o�row�koa�o��aE.EOa� DAVE SCHMITT >A ENGINEERING INC. 3873 AVALON PARK EAST BLVD. — ORLANDO FL 32828 40]- 20]1088 FAX 40]- 2079089 Certification of A,ttOi- ti— ff2]4]1 TI�Z e�I i 11 LTr" .., ., CONCRETE CURB J.: CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER oEE,BN BTRNOaR v R . .9 e , �H ao DAVE SCHMITT o8 MBE FDOT DETAILS PRaecTNO: ceP -� ENGINEERING, INC. 48474 3873 AVALON PARK EAST BLVD. ro„�e Nay °" "" ke ,�„ °" UHHVNV dY JUU ORLANDO FL 32828 VISTAWILLA ASSISTED LIVING cRECKEO er. RRB CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 401 -201 -9088 FAX 401 -201 -9089 SCALE'. AS SHOWN cernec�fion of AUmorrzaoon m141f �..� "° , ,�. „:.,:.�z ".� °�aR° _ sREEr. fo of fs ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® Noun ® ® ®® ®® ®® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® TI�Z e�I i 11 LTr" .., ., CONCRETE CURB J.: CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER oEE,BN BTRNOaR v R . .9 e , �H ao DAVE SCHMITT o8 MBE FDOT DETAILS PRaecTNO: ceP -� ENGINEERING, INC. 48474 3873 AVALON PARK EAST BLVD. ro„�e Nay °" "" ke ,�„ °" UHHVNV dY JUU ORLANDO FL 32828 VISTAWILLA ASSISTED LIVING cRECKEO er. RRB CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 401 -201 -9088 FAX 401 -201 -9089 SCALE'. AS SHOWN cernec�fion of AUmorrzaoon m141f �..� "° , ,�. „:.,:.�z ".� °�aR° _ sREEr. fo of fs TI�Z e�I i 11 LTr" .., ., CONCRETE CURB J.: CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER oEE,BN BTRNOaR v R . .9 e , �H ao DAVE SCHMITT o8 MBE FDOT DETAILS PRaecTNO: ceP -� ENGINEERING, INC. 48474 3873 AVALON PARK EAST BLVD. ro„�e Nay °" "" ke ,�„ °" UHHVNV dY JUU ORLANDO FL 32828 VISTAWILLA ASSISTED LIVING cRECKEO er. RRB CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 401 -201 -9088 FAX 401 -201 -9089 SCALE'. AS SHOWN cernec�fion of AUmorrzaoon m141f �..� "° , ,�. „:.,:.�z ".� °�aR° _ sREEr. fo of fs ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® Noun ® ® ®® ®® ®® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® TI�Z e�I i 11 LTr" .., ., CONCRETE CURB J.: CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER oEE,BN BTRNOaR v R . .9 e , �H ao DAVE SCHMITT o8 MBE FDOT DETAILS PRaecTNO: ceP -� ENGINEERING, INC. 48474 3873 AVALON PARK EAST BLVD. ro„�e Nay °" "" ke ,�„ °" UHHVNV dY JUU ORLANDO FL 32828 VISTAWILLA ASSISTED LIVING cRECKEO er. RRB CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 401 -201 -9088 FAX 401 -201 -9089 SCALE'. AS SHOWN cernec�fion of AUmorrzaoon m141f �..� "° , ,�. „:.,:.�z ".� °�aR° _ sREEr. fo of fs ................. ao 9- ..................... IN I 0 .��. "M 'I m \'7 DAVE . IC " TT _ I—IDAE- NI.— UTILITYDETAILS 48274 — VISTAWILLA ASSISTED LIVING - CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DAVE SCHMITT ENGINEERING, INC. 3873 AVALON PARK EAST BLVD LANDO FL 32828 407- 2007R 088 FAX 40]- 20]-9089 �O " Nf A,th,,i,,ti,, ff27471 9- ..................... IN I 0 .��. "M 'I m \'7 DAVE . IC " TT _ I—IDAE- NI.— UTILITYDETAILS 48274 — VISTAWILLA ASSISTED LIVING - CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA S-T F- � t--,,j2L' . UT�t u u TURBI IDLY BARRIERS .......... ... i am 1: ELE-N STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE *A �/D Er ELOSIRN sEO ox TIPE I Ill LENIE rear SIL I-E ARPLI-1- SILT FENCE TYPE III & IV N,lV DROP INLET SEDIMENT TRAP DIVERSION DIKE DAVE SCHMITT ENGINEERING, INC. 3873 AVALON PARK EAST BLVD 0120oR LANDO PIT 32828 7 lK88 FAX 407 20190. ........ ... ate, REVISIONS TT 48274 EROSION CONTROL DETAILS VISTAWILLA ASSISTED LIVING FLORIDA CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORI DATE AUGUST 2015 DATE Ey DESCRIPTION DATE BY DESCRIPTION PROJECT NO CDP 11 DRAWN BY JDD CHECKED BY ERB SCALE AS SHOWN 11 1- RE-ERITTRESIBORI-E DATED 'I `- D REV RES --' ED E DO ED 12 22114 TE ISS.- C.UI N' Nf A,th,,i,,ti,, 27471 SHEET 13OF16 PE y . DL� RE R RE STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN OWNER'S REQUIREMENTS CONTRACTOR'S REQUIREMENTS SITE DESCRIPTION GENERAL CONTROLS CONTD. OTHER CONTROLS SPILL PREVENTION CONTD. NT-SP. PROCEDURES CONT'D .mu no uao-ass rc . 'm xrvnxo. oxik a an. Ewa ®.aM.��w.oa ,re�..reaore.�ai Z Ml � n.�����na wm.��,�,o��,a riowaaie�msur °ww.uoMOwo ..�wn��reorw.�:wn. — --- .,�. a u. wi. nw.. ��. w® vmncnarnrmewxower ..re�arre...ore.an.nana. o�w.�wu.ww wmn .woxrcacwm�exswa- wunwecwo_ms. SEQUENCE OE MAJOR ACTIVITIES. TIMING OF CONTROLS/MEASURES������ INVEN-1 FOR POLLUION PREVENTION P LAN ❑ ❑rn on.re ❑wom ❑..,Dada ❑ ❑,a, ❑c<oomg sm..ma ❑reoon�q ua<noi. ❑o= s ❑aom, ❑—, CONTROLS osw�ciwremms �a..��,.,�„,���.,,.�tio. CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATION CONTROLS SPILL PREVENTION ureewursmeorowemm � � § § § § € uxx.uwosiesis .eum msmmrwmerew�. wm�o�tio ��� °"'"1O1PM' ""`m"'"'P1PO"'FO"'. �wuectamvran¢ TIMING OF CONTROLS/MEASURES CERTIFICA rION— PROPLIAN—rH FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS.wo.w.�woNwm �`°`° ®°°'F"°x"^ • MAINrENAN—SP-1-PRGC-- POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN CE-FICA TION DAVE SCHMITT OR aE EROSION CONTROL NOTES MDATE TNO 20,5 ENGINEERING INC 824 rNO cDP -� 38]3 AVALON PARK EAST BLVD. e '" ' "'0" - BV'. JDD ORLANDO FL32828 VISTAWILLA ASSISTED LIVING DBY PER 40]- 20]9088 FAX 40]20]9089 ASSHOWN cercif cr On Or A,mOrTarO, mT4T1 I s s + 1FP� =• - CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN ©A COPV OF THESE FORMS IS i0 BE SUBMITTED i0 DAVE SCHMITT OR .TBTID EROSION CONTROL NOTES E A 3 19,5 ENGINEERING INC 48274 PRaecTNO oP -� 3873 AVALON PARK EAST BLVD. DRAWN BV'. JDD ORLANDO FT 32828 VISTAWILLAASSISTEDLIVING cHECKEOer.RRe 401207 '0 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA FAX 40]20]9089 SCALE. AS SHOWN C,Pif ca[onof A[horzt- D2]4]1 ti $ o H 8 g8 m 8 b b �j p2pd 3 m 4� � 8 A N b� 4 "p aoWOa pia$ g4� "�3$� S cA � o N $� 2$z z 33 8 9 dg'3a 4 d d o a N 4 d ©A COPV OF THESE FORMS IS i0 BE SUBMITTED i0 DAVE SCHMITT OR .TBTID EROSION CONTROL NOTES E A 3 19,5 ENGINEERING INC 48274 PRaecTNO oP -� 3873 AVALON PARK EAST BLVD. DRAWN BV'. JDD ORLANDO FT 32828 VISTAWILLAASSISTEDLIVING cHECKEOer.RRe 401207 '0 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA FAX 40]20]9089 SCALE. AS SHOWN C,Pif ca[onof A[horzt- D2]4]1 ti STATEROAD 434 `--- - - - -_> --- - - - --- DEP`Aa Mc °EP of ";a°NSPOa—,lom =-- r______ --------- _ _ _ __ _ __________________ - - - - - -- 11 II -- I 3 SrORK CCNCR£rE li/L()/IVPi I I Lei t 1 ((I 111 p _I _I J-1 =L =1 =1 4 - -- ---- - - - - -- –III IIII I I I I I I I I I I I I 25' INO£ PI/6L/C — Y EAS£M£ T O.R 3924.IPAPE 6lf8 4P29.1 PAQE 3f9 >1a >I ! T _ — EXISTING WET DETENTION POND 32B 111 11 MA V' YIIOFVgu S SARI sAOMc TD7H Ai. (fR3f iL00R) n,sm u. (rov 1� M9E0 fl0U1 I I I I II I I— II I i — I L I I I aueL � , I , I u I _, >R 7zPrF 3m (I I L 4�. II I I ill II II I I I I I I 1 () I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I II I J— I I I I I I I I I \I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I �mim T UH C HU(iUS 21115 DAVE SCHMITT DATE BY DESCRIPTION DATE BY BESCDKTION IL='2�CN,OBTED TRUCK ROUTE PRaecTNO oP -1 ENGINEERING, INC. z 48274 3873 AVALON PARK EAST BLVD. ,sm,�ree ms :a�i. a��w,,,mas.o�a�ue w�: Nao� m' ke ,.,e� DRAWN BV'. JDD ORLANDO FT 32828 VISTAWILLA ASSISTED LIVING cRECKEO er. RRe 407-2079088 FAX 107- 201 089 FI o� SCALE. 1 " =30' wrtr�r0� Or AUmOrraaOn 27471 s d CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA >,,, NEV PEP BEnn NO�rooMYRE, Ew sREEr. 1soF 1s wI p3. mn9 LANDSCAPE AND m� IRRIGATION PLANS FOR VISTAWILLA SENIOR LIVING FACILITY WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA o V 3 °a V O 3 r C -101 SHEET INDEX SHEET # SHEET TITLE C -101 CO DER SHEET L -101 LANDSCAPE PLANS L -501 LANDSCAPE DETA /LSAND PLANT L /ST / -101 IRRIGATION PLANS 1 -501 /RR /GAT /ON DETA /LSAND SCHEDULES FOUND 4x4 CM V VARIABLE WIDE RIGHT —OF —WAY WALK 26'N POINT OF BEGINNING _ —_ —_ _ _ _ E/P _ _ (LOT SPLIT PARCEL 2) ---- --a - -- --- _— _-- _— _— _— _— ___-- - - - - -_ __ ___ _ _ ___ _-- - - -_ -- - /— P T - - - - - - -- - - -- _ —F _ / 4 &5' — — \ re F \ 1 1 __ J M i J � LL I I I`�O \I I � I I I I I I I SOLI I I I —I I ((�11 I I I I 11 1yI I -A -- -- - -I- JI - I --I/�- i I1 a� --- we-- - - -we— --- we----- wF - - -- I L_ + CANAL L ELEVATION = 32.36 N VO PDN BOTTOM = 20.36 NA INSET A — — — — — — — — — — I I L f I + 77,207 S.F. (TOTAL) FINISHED FLOOR = 38.86 I ° a F ma — V -G) CAP. {LS I_ - -1 I I _ NK I I a � I � U 3m I iQ r - -- � It X05 �m a 3 Blossoms FOUND 4x4 CM (LB 7227) w� pa a9 �p �� — vvrci _1 "I'L rcivres— ur —ovr+r FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION -------------------------------------------- CAR {L WALK z6N �z POINT OF BEGINNING s�EE� F _-- _ —__ —_— _ _ Lz (LOT SPLIT PARCEL 2) I FOUND 4x4 CM T r o — - -- 4 CM _ - -- T F -- -- -- -- -- a e - o o '— -- - - —_ _— — a a — o P, a — - -_ B — - (L8 - — 589'49'27 "E 707.63'(C) — I — vz" is — 7 F� I I � L I I + a u i�- a EiE e a °sE�EVE °s�EVE - - __ � - - -- 0 4 &3 /-o 483' ia" N I - n i ti e s r s s 3 � � 0 -` `O 27,5' \ 10 0' nI N& z Iw W W � \ 1 I 1 m e 4 e FM a "��n1M1tH 6 z FM FAI � ' lE FM a FM FM ' ADDRESS f/757i/ �3 STORY CONCRETE °0 -- 07 J �I �I "� a'�Vd NE NE SL wrnr aewe e e "SE a �� "s E'lE a �,r� " — :u�N yr a eens� u"E/ — �nia — — `� BLOCK BUILDING ° s yr a s va i.. _ t / � ,, s � d d g e t„ _ o stq.. i '. l � � �\ m I I � g �� -VZ I s� r � a vz d e �� i st z s� we - �d Noxnae nets " va 1IIEEV d � . 2]5' 58 2' 58 3' - - - - - -- I - - -I � � a n � '� v.NOSUaE AaErs 3. a" 3 a s iiz' �_ ` N a s � AA TI F F n �;J // FF —, l c II — gvI �� I�� II �� �� - - -- Q I I I I I � � � � � ��L� 1� � I d � ��d EEE�o "�, Uu ���� W I g \I I I I r� I I I I \g I I I I I`'I I I I (�� ��1 I I I I I I I I ((�A I��� V I I I II ,III I I I I I I I I II i l l — 1— L- 1— J —L —'I —L — L-- 1— L- 1— J -1 —iI -- 1— T— T— T -1 —il ---------- -- -- -I I I I I I I I I I I I I II II 1i\9�Ii li i li A I I A I I I I g \I I I I �� I �J LL� A I I I lJ I I I Iv�I I I I l� �� s M — M----- M----- M - - - - -M t "WADER MAIN rvmmtEWroEM- 2. � w�, I �DvI I � I I I I I I I vI I ° i I I` —I I ((�ll I I I I I I Iv'0.I j a s -- � 1 L I JII �— I— _J_— _1_— _L_— _I— J— L— L —_I —J I --- we----- we----- we----- wd - - -- `o`uQmEn"' a ioa.o 070707E �, I� i II�� POND BOTTOM = 20.30 TASET .A' � L � � y° r a�J i _� � PROPOSED 3 STORY BUILDING 29.748 S.F. (FIRST FLOOR) 77.207 S.F. (TOTAL) FINISHED FLOOR — 38.86 � a a a,. n l I � > 2 � �Q woe �o� a"MmNHNEkFSE1 E ^� wR�z �,�aESEE �E� z 0 a w� pa a9 �p �� — c� r CAR {L mi �z s�EE� F Lz I yy - - - - - -- I - - -I � � a n � '� v.NOSUaE AaErs 3. a" 3 a s iiz' �_ ` N a s � AA TI F F n �;J // FF —, l c II — gvI �� I�� II �� �� - - -- Q I I I I I � � � � � ��L� 1� � I d � ��d EEE�o "�, Uu ���� W I g \I I I I r� I I I I \g I I I I I`'I I I I (�� ��1 I I I I I I I I ((�A I��� V I I I II ,III I I I I I I I I II i l l — 1— L- 1— J —L —'I —L — L-- 1— L- 1— J -1 —iI -- 1— T— T— T -1 —il ---------- -- -- -I I I I I I I I I I I I I II II 1i\9�Ii li i li A I I A I I I I g \I I I I �� I �J LL� A I I I lJ I I I Iv�I I I I l� �� s M — M----- M----- M - - - - -M t "WADER MAIN rvmmtEWroEM- 2. � w�, I �DvI I � I I I I I I I vI I ° i I I` —I I ((�ll I I I I I I Iv'0.I j a s -- � 1 L I JII �— I— _J_— _1_— _L_— _I— J— L— L —_I —J I --- we----- we----- we----- wd - - -- `o`uQmEn"' a ioa.o 070707E �, I� i II�� POND BOTTOM = 20.30 TASET .A' � L � � y° r a�J i _� � PROPOSED 3 STORY BUILDING 29.748 S.F. (FIRST FLOOR) 77.207 S.F. (TOTAL) FINISHED FLOOR — 38.86 � a a a,. n l I � > 2 � �Q woe �o� a"MmNHNEkFSE1 E ^� wR�z �,�aESEE �E� z 0 a L vsmr � st o ®' rr rv� r?pu. /OREL PROOUO SPRAY HEAD [M— — — — — — — — — — — — — - re acw� ICI I 111-AlEN C11-1 HUNTER PROL` TUBING —e r nu.xca„oE sE tirr FNSH GRPRE U31 NABLEG .0 EE Hill �. ....... OR CONTROLLER DETAIL �z� ZONE VALVE DETAIL %3� POP —UP SPRAY DETAIL �a� NOZZLE ON RISER %s� SOLAR —SYNC SENSOR DETAIL –saz scnLe. —c, soz scnLe.H.TS. i–eaz scnLe.Ns. –soz scnLe. H.TS. –saz scnLe. N.TS. Q Illlllll IFII VIII III ��I� - 'U�IHI,Tl 111L —I i— 111- III -111 111 111- III -III` «, — I IT— II �11II — IRRIGATION THRUSTBLOCK DETAIL -soz scnLE. N.T.s. Fl- UIEJ 11111N, I L, ILI , "y F .1R srFE— 11 ��,.H� lII,.EITLL aE IRRIGATION TRENCHING DETAIL DCGll N.T.D. «< ❑ E o e�e�Ra. R�HER�HO�s .R��eReTOaaR...�.��.��ooHOS� 1 HIIEl PRE�� IELE �_1 11 ALI�FhRR�,RO��..RR�P,aoo,o,IFS n © � ,ntiLL,.Ra��RrHH,r1,�Eti,oR,essaa. ' Iklll.lo. III IOYI mE, A�1— HLI-CHH1wars- LrEkr,.H EEE—H IEE —H NOZZLE CHART �a1 EQUIPMENT LIST –soz scnLE. H.T.s. i–soz scnLE. H.T.s. io WATER USAGE CHART i –soz scnLE. n.TS. EQUIPMENT LIST >> IRRIGATION NOTES i –soz swLL. H.s. rt Z f 6 mn �J rt m 0 wJ 00 o� � U Chancey Design tership T-p, T228E �I 8 71h FL -,Cl T, 'l F- ,I 2 21 '1 41- 1 1 '2 1 12 1 2! 21 7 '1 1 Dal LI1.� 2 1 1 L 1 1 T---, 1 1 22 I '21T 2.1 1 21 1 2 A.1 �Es GROUP 5 11 2 2, 1.1 12 1 '1 1 2 : F7 IL �A Site Lighting A E1 Attachment "B" Nk .f 4r" S..tk r r I G IB [hit s k xy *f r F Y* S4 *�yM ty r� Er CM1, fm z �J Attachment "C" DAVE SCHMITT ENGINEERING INC. January 8, 2016 Mr. Bobby Howell, AICP Senior Planner City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Re: Vistawilla Assisted Living Facility 2nd Review Project Number: ZP2015- 00000030 Dear Mr. Howell: This letter is sent to you in response to the comments /reviews from the Permitting Center dated December 22, 2015. The comments are included in this letter and are shown in italics type. Our responses appear directly below your comments and are shown in bold type. Engineering: Brian Fields: 407- 327 -5967 Show berm in this area matching the landscape plan. Move inlet out of the berm to the low spot. Revise section A to show the berm. Response: This has been revised and yard drains adjusted as needed and the x- section has been adjusted. 2. Show the three existing large green utility boxes in this area; show the landscape berm with consideration for screening the utility boxes, Response: The utility boxes have been screened with berm as requested. See landscape plans. 3. Good update of the utility plan Response: Thank you. 4. Callout tee size and valve Response: This has been added as needed on Sheet 6. 5. Show landscape berm in this area, matching L -101. Response: This has been revised as noted in comment #1 above. 6. This location is not available as a point of connection. Need to connect to the City's reclaimed water system upstream of the meter for the office building (behind the gas station, near Vistawilla Drive). See location noted on plan. Response: Plans have been updated to reflect irrigation connection at Vistawilla Drive. 7. Irrigation connection point to west, near Vistawilla Drive Response: Plans have been updated to reflect irrigation connection at Vistawilla Drive, 12301 Lake Underhill Road Suite 241 ♦ Orlando, FL 32828 ♦ Phone: (407) 207 -9088 1 Fax: (407) 207 -9089 ♦ wwwAseorl.com 8. No hay bales at curb inlets (ineffective). Call for filter socks or drop -in filters. Response: This has been revised as requested on Sheet 13. 9. Truck route encroaches onto sidewalks and landscape areas in many places. Please review and revise the parking lot geometry as needed. Response: This has been revised on Sheet 16. 10. Need to modify the existing sidewalk to fit with the new project. Remove the sidewalk if needed, or create crosswalks. Response: This has been revised as requested. 11. Need to provide sidewalk access from SR 434 to the main entrance. Connect this sidewalk to the sidewalk around the corner, unless this door is considered a main entrance that would normally be open. Response: Additional sidewalk has been added to make this connection. 12. Align the curb ramps and provide a crosswalk. Response: This has been modified and crosswalk provided. 13. Remove gore striping from drive aisles in the parking lot (several places). Drivers will drive around these areas creating a potential hazard. Review whether gore striping is really needed since this is not a designated parking space. if necessary, need to move the hydrant(s) to avoid the need to gore across drive aisles. Response: These were removed as not needed since there is no parking allowed here anyway. 14. Please show a ramp with detectable warning where the sidewalk connects to the parking lot. Response: These are already noted on Sheet 4 & 5 and detail on Sheet 7. Additional Detectable warning mats have been added. 15. Move the W1 -6 sign such that it is centered on travel lane facing the curve (not at the right edge). Provide the same warning sign on the northbound approach. These signs are optional but are recommended based on how this travel path is likely to be used. Response: This has been shifted, the northbound was already shown as it should. 16. Please provide the county approval for construction of the five spaces on the county property. Response: This is in process of being approved and we can provide as soon as we receive. 17. Please callout the directional arrows to be installed as shown, if this is what is intended Response: These are for permitting purposes; they do not plan to add all to pavement. 18. Install a right turn arrow here since the exist is right -out only. Response: This has been added as requested. 19. FDOT does not require the ladder type of crosswalks. Unless FDOT requires otherwise, show 12" transerse crosswalk lines only (parallel to the direction of travel). Response: This has been modified. 20. Shift sidewalk alignment so that it does not connect within the curb ramp. Response: This has been modified. 21. Add an "Incoming traffic does not stop" plaque to the eastbound stop sign, as shown in the opposite direction. Response: This has been added. 22. Callout rip -rap LxWxD and stone size Response: This has been added. 12301 Lake Underhill Road Suite 241 ♦ Orlando, FL 32828 ♦ Phone: (407) 207 -9088 ♦ Fax: (407) 207 -9089 ♦ www.dscorl.com 23. Bates are still shown on Sheet 13. There is no detail for a filter sock inlet protection device. There is no detail for "Typical Inlet Protection" as mentioned on Sheet 3. The drop inlets should be shown to have a single layer of filter fabric over the top of the grate and wrapped under the grate. This allows construction equipment/vehicles to travel the road without hitting bales in the middle of the road, making them ineffective. Response: All references to hay bales have been removed. Filter sock and filter fabric labels have been added to the details. 24. The bottom left page says rainfall greater than 0.5'; while the note says 0.25" of rainfall. It should be 0.5 ". Response: This has been modified. Planninq Department: Amanda Webb:407- 327 -5967 Bobby Howell: 407 - 327 -5966 25. Please note that staff has proposed several building layouts prior to you moving forward with Final Engineering. Staff has suggested that you consider altering the site plan to lessen the impact on the residential lots located to the southern property line. Your response indicates you are satisfied with meeting the minimum setbacks for this property. It would appear that the memory care wing could be re- oriented (rotated 90- degrees) to lessen the impacts of the three story building along the southern property line. Trees and a wall do not adequately address the proximity issue along the property line. You have stated that you contacted the adjacent HOA president for this area but we have received several calls from other residents stating they were never contacted and we are concerned that this could become an issue as we move forward in the approval process. Please understand, while you have the use approved on this site, the final approval of the layout and building aesthetics are. Response: This was addressed with the HOA president and confirmed that the community HOA supports the project. This has also been discussed with staff numerous times. The applicant feels that the 3 story design of the proposed ALF is appropriate and will be compatible with the surrounding area and residences for a number of reasons. First, the site is approved for nonresidential uses with a 5 story height allowance. The ALF is proposed at 3 stories and meets all applicable setbacks. The required rear yard setback for a 5 story building is 10 feet. The proposed ALF is setback 29 feet from the existing 6 foot wall. The two homes near the ALF wing on the other side of the wall are also setback 25 -30 feet, creating an effective setback of 54 -59 feet bisected by a 6 foot high wall. It is assumed that the City deems 10 feet to be an appropriate setback for the building since Section 20- 353(2)(a) of the adopted City Code states that unless specified elsewhere in a plat of record or an active Development Agreement, a 10 foot rear setback is appropriate for Planned Unit Developments within the City. The City has also adopted the 5 story height allowance for this PUD. The proposed ALF is 3 times farther back from the property line than what is required by code, the Settlement Agreement, and the Developers Agreement for the property. The rear property line extends for approximately 210 feet between the County park and the Vistawilla stormwater pond and related easement areas. The only portion of the ALF site near the 3 story building is the endcap of the Memory Care wing that is 68 feet wide, which amounts to less than 113 of the rear property line. The applicant plans to provide enhanced landscaping along this property line to further reduce any visual impacts. A graphic showing the view from the affected single family back yard is attached. The ALF use is extremely quiet and nonintrusive and the outdoor activities will be limited to primarily use of the outdoor gardens. Additionally, there is not a lot of vehicular activity and, what there is, will be located towards the front and east side of the site, well away from any single family homes. The Memory Care component of the ALF cannot be reoriented 90 degrees because of the operational aspects of the facility. There will be two levels of Memory Care (moderate and acute) provided as 12301 Lake Underhill Road Suite 241 ♦ Orlando, FL 32828 ♦ Phone: (407) 207 -9088 ♦ Fax: (407) 207 -9089 ♦ www.dseorl.com well as the Assisted Living Facility operation. In order to function properly, essential services (such as the kitchen and laundry) must be provided in a core area with wings extending out for the types of residential units provided. The Memory Care units will be separated physically (through keypaded locked doors) from the Assisted Living in order to maintain the safety of the Memory Care residents. Within the Memory Care facility there will be separate areas and locked doors between the moderate and acute resident units. There will also be separate outdoor garden areas for moderate and acute Memory Care patients. The reorientation of the wing of the building would disrupt the facility operations and provision of care and services to the residents to an extent that the facility cannot function properly. 26. Please note a separate application and fee are required to be submitted for the Aesthetic Review. This will be treatd as a separate process. Please contact me via email at bhowell @winterspringsfl.org to obtain the application The fee is $600. Response: This was submitted on December 21St, 2015, 27. Please explain why parking is proposed at the trailhead. Response: This is what the County requested since a few spots are being removed for access. 28. Please provide the correct parcel identification number that has been created as a result of the lot split. Response: This has been modified. 29. It appears that the proposed architectural style is a mission revival style. With this architectural style elements such as the addition of archways, arch style windows, bell towers, exposed wood beams, decorative iron work, and multiple arched openings should be provided. Response: This will be reviewed as part the aesthetic review process. Landscape and Irrigation: Stephanie Monica: 407- 327 -6584 30. TERMITE TREATMENT SHALL BE PROVIDED AFTER ALL LANDSCAPING ETC. iS IN PLACE FOR A DISTANCE OF 12 INCHES OUT FROM THE EXTERIOR WALLS. TERMITE TREATMENT SHALL ALSO BE PROVIDED UNDER CONCRETE SLABS ADJACENT TO THE BUILDING EXTERIOR FOR A MINIMUM OF 12 INCHES OUT FROM THE EXTERIOR ALL SPRINKLERS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 12 INCHES FROM THE BUILDING EXTERIOR WALL AND SHALL SPRAYAWAY FROM THE BUILDING. FBC BUILDING 1816 Response: Note located on irrigation detail sheet stating all heads to be 12" from building face. We believe that our responses sufficiently address your comments. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our office at (407) 207 -9088. Sincerely, Dave Schmitt, P.E. Dave Schmitt Engineering, Inc. cc: Ricky Rookis, Barrett Square Holdings, LLC Walton Chancey, Chancey Design Partnership Sue Murphy, P &M Consulting Group, Inc. File 12301 Lake Underhill Road Suite 241 ♦ Orlando, FL 32828 ♦ Phone: (407) 207 -9088 + Tax: (407) 207 -9089 + www.dseorl.com ProjectDow Current Project - Project Markups Listing N _ J!�1LM11Z1111111111C 111 Attachment "D" File Name Markup Name Markup Text Markup Date Created by 04.pdf Bobby Please note that staff has proposed several 12/16/2015 BOBBY Howell_12_16_2015_13_14_54 building layouts prior to you moving forward with HOWELL Final Engineering. Staff has suggested that you consider altering the site plan to lessen the impact on the residential lots located to the southern property line. Your response indicates you are satisfied with meeting the minimum setbacks for this property. It would appear that the memory care wing could be re- oriented (rotated 90- degrees) to lessen the impacts of the three story building along the southern property line. Trees and a wall do not adequately address the proximity issue along the property line. You have stated that you contacted the adjacent HOA president for this area but we have received several calls from other residents stating they were never contacted and we are concerned that this could become an issue as we move forward in the approval process. Please understand, while you have the use approved on this site, the final approval of the layout and building aesthetics ar 04.pdf Bobby Howell Please provide a note specifying how the number 12/15/2015 BOBBY of parking spaces were obtained. HOWELL 04.pdf Bobby Howell It appears that the proposed architectural style is 12/15/2015 BOBBY a mission revival style. With this architectural HOWELL style elements such as the addition of archways, arch style windows, bell towers, exposed wood beams, decorative iron work, and multiple arched openings should be provided. 04.pdf Amanda Webb Provide adequate buffering and landscaping to 11/09/2015 Amanda the residents that abut the property. Webb Comprehensive Plan, Housing Element Policy 2.2.7: Require adequate buffering and screening of residential neighborhoods from incompatible uses, which could adversely impact existing neighborhoods. Landscape buffering and transitional uses shall be utilized to further this policy. ProjectDow Current Project - Project Markups Listing 04.pdf Bobby Howell Staff is concerned that there is a 3 -story building approximately 30 -feet from a single - family residential property. Staff is supportive of modifications that would lessen the impact on the nieghboring single - family homes. Staff has proposed alternative layouts that have been proposed by the applicant. Please indicate how this impact on the neighboring residential property will be lessened. 11/06/2015 BOBBY HOWELL 04.pdf Bobby Howell The note states this is a proposed story building. 11/06/2015 BOBBY It is a three story building. Please revise. HOWELL 04.pdf Bobby Howell Demonstrate compliance with the following code 11/06/2015 BOBBY requirements: HOWELL Sec. 20 -468. - Large footprint buildings. Buildings with a footprint greater than twenty thousand (20,000) square feet should be built with the following special limitations: (a) Where practical, buildings should have the appearance of being wrapped in a liner of smaller buildings with doors and windows facing the right -of -way or parking area. This will be a primary consideration for staff as aesthetic review for buildings are considered pursuant to Chapter 9, Article XII of this Code. (b) To encourage use by pedestrians and decrease the need for solely auto - oriented patronage, large- footprint buildings must provide a connected system of walkable street frontages to adjacent buildings and outparcels. (c) Where possible, loading docks, service areas and trash disposal facilities shall not face rights -of- Iniav nr racirlantial araac Whores it is not nnccihla ProjectDow Current Project - Project Markups Listing to meet this requirement, adequate buffering 04.pdf Bobby Howell Please update the required setback information 11/06/2015 BOBBY to be consistent with the SR 434 Overlay Code. HOWELL 04.pdf Bobby Howell Show how the amount of parking spaces was 11/06/2015 BOBBY obtained. HOWELL 04.pdf Bobby Howell Maximum building height in the SR 434 overlay is 11/06/2015 BOBBY 5 stories, not 3 as noted. Please note the correct HOWELL height per code. 04.pdf Bobby Howell Please note architectural elevations are required 11/06/2015 BOBBY to be approved by the City Commission in a HOWELL public hearing. Please submit architectural elevations for review. 04.pdf Bobby Howell Please demonstrate compliance with the 11/06/2015 BOBBY following code sections, specifically when the HOWELL architectural elevations are submitted. Sec. 20 -473. - Building and screening design guidelines. (a) Projects shall include but not be limited to the following materials: stucco, split -faced or decorative concrete block, reinforced concrete with tile, "hardie- plank" siding, termite resistant wood, and brick and terra cotta accent material. Materials should be of high quality and well crafted. Any building facade that is visible from a public street or adjacent property shall contain transparent windows covering from fifteen (15) percent to seventy (70) percent of the wall area. (b) Mechanical equipment and appurtenances, including but not limited to air conditioner units, ventilation equipment, refrigeration systems, heating units, etc., must be screened so that they are not visible from any public right -of -way and adjacent residential zoning districts. The s ProjectDow Current Project - Project Markups Listing N _ J!�1LM11Z1111111111C 111 File Name Markup Name Markup Text Markup Date Created by 04.pdf Engineering 01/27/2016 BRIAN FIELDS 04.pdf Engineering Screening of the existing utility boxes has not 01/27/2016 BRIAN been addressed on the civil or landscape plans. FIELDS 04.pdf Engineering 01/27/2016 BRIAN FIELDS 04.pdf Engineering All parking spaces to be a minimum of 10 -feet 01/27/2016 BRIAN wide per Section 20 -467. FIELDS 04.pdf Engineering 01/27/2016 BRIAN FIELDS 04.pdf Engineering Correct spelling of "shown" 01/27/2016 BRIAN FIELDS 04.pdf Engineering 01/27/2016 BRIAN FIELDS 04.pdf Engineering Recommend signage to indicate one -way 01/27/2016 BRIAN operation at the rotary. FIELDS 04.pdf Engineering 01/27/2016 BRIAN FIELDS 04.pdf Engineering Replace single straight arrow with a double arrow 01/27/2016 BRIAN for right and left movements off this stop sign. FIELDS 04.pdf Engineering 01/27/2016 BRIAN FIELDS 04.pdf Engineering 01/27/2016 BRIAN FIELDS 04.pdf Engineering The previous comment regarding the existing 01/27/2016 BRIAN sidewalk was not fully addressed. Need to FIELDS modify the sidewalk or the signage and striping to make this work. Right now the stop sign and stop bar are in the middle of the pedestrian path. 04.pdf Engineering 01/27/2016 BRIAN FIELDS 04.pdf Engineering 01/27/2016 BRIAN FIELDS ProjectDow Current Project - Project Markups Listing 04.pdf Engineering Callout what hatching means or provide a legend 01/27/2016 BRIAN FIELDS 05.pdf Engineering 01/27/2016 BRIAN FIELDS 05.pdf Engineering 01/27/2016 BRIAN FIELDS 05.pdf Engineering This note no longer applies if the portion of the 01/27/2016 BRIAN sidewalk adjacent to the curb is to be removed as FIELDS shown on other sheets. 004 - IRRIGATION PLAN- Engineering 01/27/2016 BRIAN ADD2- signed.pdf FIELDS 004 - IRRIGATION PLAN- Engineering Expand note to require irrigation contractor to 01/27/2016 BRIAN ADD2 - signed.pdf submit a connection plan to the City for approval FIELDS as part of the irrigation permit. 004 - IRRIGATION PLAN- Engineering 01/27/2016 BRIAN ADD2 - signed.pdf FIELDS 004 - IRRIGATION PLAN- Engineering Correct spelling of "commencement" 01/27/2016 BRIAN ADD2 - signed.pdf FIELDS 004 - IRRIGATION PLAN- Engineering 01/27/2016 BRIAN ADD2 - signed.pdf FIELDS 004 - IRRIGATION PLAN- Engineering Provide reference to Inset A on this sheet and L- 01/27/2016 BRIAN ADD2 - signed.pdf 101 FIELDS 001 -COVER SHEET -ADD1- JRC NEW DRAWINGS WERE NOT PROPERLY 01/24/2016 Joseph signed.pdf SUBMITTED TO ALLOW A PROPER REVIEW. PER Crum THE INSTRUCTIONS PLANS AND DOCUMENTS THAT ARE RESUBMITTED FOR RESPONSE TO COMMENTS ARE TO HAVE THE EXACT SAME NAMING CONVENTION TO ALLOW THE SYSTEM TO CREATE ANOTHER VERSION, IE. VERSION 2 OR VERSION 3. THIS ALLOWS THE DOCUMENTS TO BE REVIEWED BY SIDE BY SIDE OR OVERLAY VIEWS SO CHANGES CAN BE QUICKLY VIEWED. BY CHANGING THE FILE NAMES THIS CANNOT BE DONE. THERE ARE NOW MULIIPLE DOCUMENTS THAT WOULD NEED TO BE BROUGHT UP SEPARATELY. PLEASE SUBMIT THE NEW DOCUMENTS WITH THE EXACT SAME FILE NAME AS THE FILE BEING CHANGED TO ALLOW FOR A PROPER REVIEW.