HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015 08 19 Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee Special Meeting Minutes CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING AUGUST 19 2015 CALL TO ORDER The Special Meeting of Wednesday August 19 2015 of the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee was called to Order by Chairperson Man Brook al 5.17 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1 126 East State Road 434. Winter Springs, Florida 32708) Roll Call: Chairperson Mary Brook. present Vice-Chairperson Torn Vagnini.present Committee Member Helen Baker, present Committee Member Donald Gilmore, present Assistant to the City Clerk Antonia Della Donna, present A moment of silence was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. No changes were made to the Agenda. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS !N pans AND PRESENTATION'S 100. Not Used INFORMATIONAL AGENDA INEOantA nnN.M 209. Not Used PUBLIC INPUT Choirperson Brook opened "Public input" No one spoke, Chairperson Brook closed "Public Input CI I V NI-WIN fER.SPRINUS,I LORIDA MINI [ES 1 tISCAWtLLA I IoirriN<r AND BEM ICAI ON UISTRICT ADVISORY CIAM II EF SPEC IAI.MEE nNO-AUCniI h 2015 PAW UI-7 Chairperson Brook recognized Commissioner Pam Carroll in the audience. CONSENT CONSENT 300. Not Used 400. REPORTS No Reports were given. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA Pt RLIC HEARINGS 500. Not Used REGULAR AGENDA REGIIL%R 600. Public Works/Utility Departments—Urban Beautification Division The Public Works/Utility Departments — Urban Beautification Division Requests That The Tuscawilla Lighting And Beautification District Advisory Committee Receive .4 Year To Date Budget Review Ms Stephanie Monica, City Arhorist and Water Conservation Coordinator, Public Works Department referenced a budget document containing year-to-date budget expenses and noted recent purchases made in July Brief comments followed on propane tanks, generators for the fountains, spot lights, photo cells, and monthly maintenance. REGULAR 601. Public Works/Utility Departments—Urban Beautification Division The Public Works/Utility Departments — Urban Beautification Division Requests That The Tuscawilla Lighting And Beautification District Advisory Committee Receive Information On Landscaping Throughout The Tuscawilla Lighting And Beautification District. Ms. Monica began the presentation on this Agenda Item. Ci[Y OF WINTER SPRINOS,H ORIDA dINU 1155 'ri6C:AWVILLi) tOH LING AND BEAUtiFIC\DON DISTRICT ADVISORY 0)NIM!T I EL SPECIAL MEEFINU-ALGt S i IV 2015 [ DE 3 uF Continuing. Ms. Monica provided an update on the three (3) Japanese Blueberry trees that were to be installed in the right-of-way at Tuscora Drive at the intersection of Winter Springs Boulevard. Discussion. Regarding the right-of-way at Tuscora Drive at the intersection of Winter Springs Boulevard, Mr. Kip Lockeuff, P-E. Director. Public Works/Utility Department. commented, 'It's in TLBD (Tuseawilla Lighting and Beautification District) — it absolutely is: you have decorative streetlights on Tuscora [Drive]. It's within your discretion to do it or not do it. If you don't want to do it. we can cancel it. But the TLBD (Tuseawilla Lighting and Beautification District) is the entire PUD (Planned Unit Development) absent a couple parcels that — access to Winter Springs Boulevard. So. if you don't want to do it. you don't have to, you certainly have the right to do it" Much discussion ensued on the responsibility, authority limits, and capabilities of the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District related to the Tuscawilla PUD (Planned Unit Development). Ms. Monica indicated that the Committee still needed to address the Crape Myrtle trees relocation and additional landscaping decisions. Street View Images from Google Maps were shown with additional comments. Continuing. Ms. Monica referred to the Committee s request to provide prices to remove the Jasmine in the median between the Tuscawilla Country Club and Tuscora Drive. Ms. Monica stated- "The cost to remove the Jasmine and replace it with St. Augustine sod would be a thousand dollars ($1.000.00) total. If you wanted to replace it with Perennial Peanut instead of sod, it would be thirteen hundred dollars{$1,300.00). REGARDING THE REPLACEMENT OF THE JASMINE PLANTS, "I MAKE A MOTION TO REMOVE THAT SUBJECT FROM BEING TABLED SO WE CAN DISCUSS IT." MOTION BY VICE-CHAIRPERSON VAGNINI. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER GILMORE, DISCUSSION. VOTE: VICE-CHAIRPERSON VAGNINI: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER GILMORE. AYE CHAIRPERSON BROOK. AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER BAKER: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Discussion followed on the longevity and maintenance required with Perennial Peanut plants. Vice-Chairperson Tom Vagnini commented on the price versus the Perennial Peanut plant's attractiveness. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES TI]SCAW ILLA LIGHTING AND BEAT ITIFICA I ION DISTRIC I ADVISORY COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING-AUGI 1ST 19.2015 PAGE 4 OF 7 VICE-CHAIRPERSON VAGNINI STATED, "I MAKE A MOTION THAT WE APPROVE THE THIRTEEN HUNDRED DOLLAR ($1300.00) PLANTING OF THE PEANUT " CHAIRPERSON BROOK SPECIFIED, " .PERENNIAL PEANUT." VICE-CHAIRPERSON VAGNINI CONFIRMED, "PERENNIAL PEANUT " MOTION BY VICE-CHAIRPERSON VAGNINI. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER GILMORE. DISCUSSION. VOTE. CHAIRPERSON BROOK. AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER GILMORE: AYE VICE-CHAIRPERSON VAGNINI: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER BAKER: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Ms. Monica discussed a resident's request to remove a tree that was uprooted during the last storm and was leaning into their yard. Additionally, Ms. Monica explained the resident would like a general clean up along the resident's fence line that abuts the Tuscawilla Fountain. Continuing, Ms. Monica stated, 'Eastwood [Tuff Turf, Inc.] quoted nine hundred and fifty dollars ($950.001 to remove the tree and then just do a kind of a cleanup of the dead limbs and do some trimming back there. It was noted that this is near the South Fountain. Brief comments followed on the cleanup on the North Fountain a few months prior. Chairperson Brook stated, "I think we need to be good neighbors." "I MAKE A MOTION THAT WE APPROVE THE NINE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS ($950.00) FOR PAYMENT TO EASTWOOD [TUFF TURF, INC.] FOR THE PROPERTY THAT ABUTS TO THE FOUNTAIN." MOTION BY CHAIRPERSON BROOK. SECONDED BY VICE-CHAIRPERSON VAGNINI. DISCUSSION. COMMITTEE MEMBER GILMORE ASKED, "DID YOU INDICATE THAT THAT TREE WAS LAYING OVER AT A FORTY-FIVE DEGREE (45°) ANGLE?" MS. MONICA REPLIED, "YES, IT GOT INJURED IN ONE OF THE LAST STORMS." COMMITTEE MEMBER GILMORE COMMENTED THAT IF THE TREE WAS DAMAGED THAT IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN TAKEN CARE OF UNDER THE MAINTENANCE SERVICES PROVIDED BY EASTWOOD TUFT TURF,INC. CIT1 OF WIN I ER SPRINGS,Fl URIDA NIINU I ES TI ISCA W ILLA LIUH I'INO AND BE AUTIFIC ATION DISTRICT ADVISOR) COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING-Al 01 IS 119,2015 PAUL 5 OF 7 CONTINUING, MS. MONICA STATED, "EASTWOOD ]TUFF TURF, INC.] CHARGES YOU ADDITIONAL MONEY FOR ANYTHING THAT IT'S BEYOND NORMAL ROUTINE MAINTENANCE WHICH IS — TREE REMOVALS ARE CONSIDERED BEYOND THAT; AND ALSO WE WERE COMBINING IT WITH THE REQUESTED CLEAN-UP THAT THE RESIDENT WAS INTERESTED IN HAVING DONE." FURTHER COMMENTS. COMMITTEE MEMBER BAKER BROUGHT UP PREVIOUS DISCUSSIONS OF THE COMMITTEE TO NOT REMOVE TREES REQUESTED BY RESIDENTS. ADDITIONAL REMARKS CONTINUED. VOTE: COMMITTEE MEMBER BAKER: NAY CHAIRPERSON BROOK: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER GILMORE: AYE VICE-CHAIRPERSON VAGNINI: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Discussion followed on obtaining a Legal Opinion regarding the responsibility authority, limits, and capabilities of the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District related to the Tuscawilla PUD (Planned Unit Development). Mr. Lockcuff proposed cancelling the installation of the Japanese Blueberry trees for now while Staff requests a Legal Opinion. Chairperson Brook stated. "I think we need to do that" No objections from the Committee were heard. REGLLAR 602. Public Works/Utility Departments— Urban Beautification Division The Public Works/Utility Departments — Urban Beautification Division Requests That The Tuscawilla Lighting And Beautification District Advisory Committee Receive Information On The Status Of The Tuscawilla Fountains. Mr. Brian Fields, P.E City Engineer, Public Works Department presented the Agenda Item and reviewed the engineering analysis performed on each fountain and explained the three (3) primary causes for water loss. Photographs of the fountains were shown with additional comments. Continuing, Mr. Fields discussed Staffs recent investigations including field observations, measurements, and tests and operational adjustments. Mr. Fields indicated that tests have revealed that when the fountains were completely shut down there was minimal water loss and added, "That's very good news. And the reason for that is that means that you do not have a large scale structural cracking in the bottom pool; you're not losing water out the bottom. That would a very expensive repair for both pools — you do not have that problem based on the facts and data we ye collected." CITY OF WIN'LK SPRINGS,Fl ORIDA MINUTES 1 DSEAWILEA LIGHTING AND BEAD I IHCATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMNIITTFF SPECIAL MEETING-AUGUST to 2015 PALL 6 OF 7 Mr. Fields explained that Staff also raised the overflow pipes and commented on basin overflows. Additionally, Mr. Fields remarked about significant water losses in the North Fountain that were possibly due to a piping leak between the pump box and the upper basin, a leak in the grouting and brick work, or a combination of both. Mr. Fields showed a video accompanied by further comments about Staffs plans for the future testing. Discussion followed on check valves, overflows, rerouting the discharge from the pumping equipment, and pipe testing; and Chairperson Brook offered her appreciation to Staff for their work on the fountains Tape VSide B Brief comments followed on LED (Light Emitting Diodes) street lights. PUBLIC INPUT Chairperson Brook opened Public Input Ms Ethel Beecher 1211' Winter Springs Boulevard, Winter Springs, Florida mentioned not being able to hear Committee Members when they do not speak into the microphones. Chairperson Brook closed "Public Input In other City business, Committee Member Don Gilmore commented on the trimming of plants in a median on Winter Springs Boulevard. Discussion followed on Thryallis plants, trimming techniques, and general landscaping. It was noted that the next Regular Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 21, 2015 ell Y OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORID MINI U CS TUSCAWII I A LI(IIIIINO AND BEAUTIFICATION DISIRIC I ADVISORY CMINIII I LC SPEC'IAI MEETING—AUGUST 1 9 2015 PAGE 7 OF 7 ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Brook adjourned the Special Meeting at 6:15 p.m. RESPECTFULLY S(BAMITTED• - NIA DE.LA DONNA ASSISTANT TO THE CITY CLERK NO IL I hese Minutes o ere Approved at the October 21,2015 TuscaWllla Lighting and Beautification District Ads imp Committee Regular Meeting