HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015 07 13 City Commission Workshop Meeting Minutes CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA x Ted' z Incorporated • 1959 ' J�cot) wE"VR'��� CITY COMMISSION MINUTES WORKSHOP MONDAY, JULY 13, 2015 - 6:00 P.M. CITY HALL—COMMISSION CHAMBERS 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434,WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA Mayor Charles Lacey Deputy Mayor Joanne M. Krebs - Seat Five Commissioner Jean Hovey- Seat One Commissioner Kevin Cannon- Seat Two Commissioner Pam Carroll - Seat Three Commissioner Cade Resnick- Seat Four CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP-JULY 13,2015 PAGE 2 OF 8 CALL TO ORDER The Workshop of Monday, July 13, 2015 of the City Commission was called to Order by Mayor Lacey at 6:02 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs,Florida 32708). Roll Call: Mayor Charles Lacey,present Deputy Mayor Joanne M.Krebs,present Commissioner Jean Hovey,present Commissioner Kevin Cannon,present Commissioner Pam Carroll,present Commissioner Cade Resnick,present City Manager Kevin L. Smith,present City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, arrived at 7:07 p.m. City Clerk Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces,present A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Regarding the Agenda and whether there were any Agenda Changes; Mayor Lacey asked the City Commission, "Shall we adopt the Agenda?" Hearing no objections, Mayor Lacey said,"Without objections, it is." Mayor Lacey recognized Mr. Geoff Kendrick, a Current Seminole Soil and Water Conservation District Member, and Winter Springs resident who was in attendance. Commissioner Pam Carroll noted that Mr. Kendrick also serves on the Winter Springs' Board of Trustees. PUBLIC INPUT Mayor Lacey opened "Public Input". No one spoke Mayor Lacey closed "Public Input". REGULAR AGENDA REGULAR 600. Office of the City Manager REQUEST: Requesting the City Commission receive a Budget Overview Presentation from Staff on the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget. FISCAL IMPACT: The Fiscal Year 2016 Budget, as proposed, totals $42,464,183 (excluding appropriations to fund balance), and represents a $2,593,574 or 6.5%, increase over the prior fiscal year's budget of$39,870,609. Total proposed General Fund spending of $17,160,915 represents a $3,059, decrease, over the prior fiscal year. The proposed operating millage rate of 2.43 mills and voted debt service millage rate of 0.11 mills remain unchanged from the prior fiscal year. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP-JULY 13,2015 PAGE 3 OF 8 COMMUNICATION EFFORTS: This Agenda Item has been electronically forwarded to the Mayor and City Commission, City Manager, City Attorney/Staff, and is available on the City's Website,LaserFiche,and the City's Server.Additionally, portions of this Agenda Item are typed verbatim on the respective Meeting Agenda which has also been electronically forwarded to the individuals noted above, and which is also available on the City's Website, LaserFiche,and the City's Server; has been sent to applicable City Staff,Media/Press Representatives who have requested Agendas/Agenda Item information,Homeowner's Associations/Representatives on file with the City, and all individuals who have requested such information. This information has also been posted outside City Hall, posted inside City Hall with additional copies available for the General Public, and posted at five(5) different locations around the City. Furthermore,this information is also available to any individual requestors. City Staff is always willing to discuss this Agenda Item or any Agenda Item with any interested individuals. Additionally, the Fiscal Year 2016 Proposed Budget has been posted to the City's Website. The Budget Hearing was advertised in the City's Newsletter and on the City's electronic sign. RECOMMENDATION: The City Manager is requesting the Mayor and City Commission receive a budget overview presentation from Staff on the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget. Mayor Lacey pointed out that the City's Budget is available on the City's Website. Brief comments followed. City Manager Kevin L. Smith began his introductory comments related to the City's Budget, addressed levels of service, mentioned some of the improvements made to the City over the last year and stated, "The take away again that I have is that we can be good stewards of the tax payers' money and can still have a high quality and high level of service in our City." Next,Manager Smith addressed health insurance and that due to some of the things City Staff has done,there was an increase of only four percent (4%)which he noted was generally considered nominal. Additionally, Manager Smith referenced positive changes to the Pension — all to help "Retain and recruit new employees." Further comments. Referencing a plan of pooled funds for raises and a proposed salary survey, Manager Smith pointed out, "We have a set of salary scales that were last created In 2006. So, going into this Budget that will be ten (10) years with no adjustments to those scales; those scales being a minimum salary range for every job and a maximum salary range for every job." Manager Smith added, "I would like to adjust them up five percent(5%)this Budget year—that means the minimum scale and the minimum salaries will increase five percent(5%) for every position which will help our Staff with recruitment. That means the maximum top end of each of those scales will increase five percent (5%). That will help with retention. What it does not mean is that anybody within those scales will move at all; not as a result of this movement in the salaries scales. Their movement will be as a result of the pool of money and their merit based raises." Discussion followed on possible compression issues, raises, demographics of years of service, and any possible concerns. Manager Smith remarked that "Staff is constrained by those minimums and maximums. We cannot exceed those without your permission..." Commissioner Kevin Cannon said, "...Without a specific Commission Vote." Manager Smith stated, "Correct." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP-JULY 13,2015 PAGE 4 OF 8 Continuing, discussion followed on employees who have left the City over the last three to five (3—5) years and were salaries or lack of possible promotions a major factor; other Police Departments in the area and are there problems with Police Department salaries preventing hiring and retaining good employees; and why some employees leave their current employment. Commissioner Carroll asked if we had analyzed the respective data and were there any common factors. Chief of Police Kevin Brunelle, Police Department spoke of hiring practices and salary options he has for recruiting the right personnel he needs. Commissioner Cade Resnick noted, "Five percent (5%) is a great number on the top end to me. I see that as people who are coming in with a lot of experience, we have a top end but we have to have the ability to move those people, and some of them are the Directors we have, some of your high end personnel —that five percent (5%)on the top end is just my question at this point. For future years,where are we going to go with it?" Manager Smith stated, "We will continue to evaluate this on an ongoing basis for a potential adjustment maybe related to CPI (Consumer Price Index) or something like that." Manager Smith added, "I think the fact that we give - Directors the opportunity to reward employees through a pooled approach based on their performance —I think that's the most important thing." Commissioner Resnick added, "I just don't want to lose institutional knowledge on the top end." With further remarks on current staffing levels, Manager Smith noted, "If we need additional employees, we'll certainly evaluate it." Continuing, Manager Smith said, "If we have additional needs in the City, we look how to address it, and that could be through automation, it could be through contractual help, it could be through hiring employees; and if we need to hire additional employees, I'll come to you with that." Remarks continued on recruitment and tools the City Manager was suggesting to help hire quality employees when applicable. Commissioner Jean Hovey said to Manager Smith, "I think by recruitment, you mean if someone leaves you would be recruiting a new person to fill that... Manager Smith noted,"...Yes,correct. The filling of vacancies." In terms of a Salary Survey, Commissioner Hovey then inquired, "Has anyone in our City checked with the other cities in our County to see if we are comparable in salaries." Manager Smith stated, "Yes." With further remarks, Manager Smith mentioned that many viewpoints are available on this topic and noted that if there was a specific issue in hiring for a particular position, "We'd do that on an as needed basis." Discussion followed on part-time employees, what is done to incentivize them, and Building Division staffing. Deputy Mayor Joanne M. Krebs mentioned that Salary Survey information was available through the Florida League of Cities; to which Manager Smith remarked,"We utilize that first and foremost." Commissioner Cannon inquired if any Departments had mentioned concerns with staffing levels. Manager Smith responded, "We do our best to address those on a case by case basis." Mr. Shawn Boyle, Director, Finance and Administrative Services Department added,"And we're looking at different recruiting opportunities." Next, Commissioner Cannon asked, "What are your contingency plans if there is an economic downturn?" Manager Smith commented on his fiscal plan and noted, "We need to create a sustainable expenditure level that can weather that storm. That's what we have been working on for the last—six(6)years." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP-JULY 13,2015 PAGE 5 OF 8 Discussion followed on part-time personnel and service levels. Mayor Lacey said, "Regarding the Salary Survey and more importantly, the adjustment of the levels, do you need action from the Commission?" Manager Smith stated, "This will be in the Budget for adoption,unless you all tell me to take it out; so, I would be looking Mayor, for a Consensus." Mayor Lacey asked, "Does the Commission have any input to the contrary to give the Manager?" No objections were stated. Next, Manager Smith said, "This Budget includes no change in the current Millage Rate of 2.43 Operating Mills and 0.11 Voted Debt Mills, total of 2.54 mills. That would be the Millage Rate that I will be asking you all to approve at the next Commission meeting. That is the Millage Rate that it would take to fund this Budget that is in front of you and that's the Millage Rate that I am recommending, which is no increase or change for the eighth year in a row." Manager Smith then noted, "We had discussed previously the consent order that we're under from the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) - that project and the associated costs is not in this Budget. The reason why is that item will be coming to you all at the next Commission meeting for consideration and approval. Once that is finalized with the associated funding sources, costs, so on and so forth, it will be adjusted into this Budget accordingly." On the topic of Solid Waste, Manager Smith said that "Rates for garbage pick-up remain at eighteen dollars and ten cents ($18.10) for the eleventh year in a row and I will tell you though, that just physically is not sustainable from the standpoint that the amount we pay to Waste Pro (of Florida) — and includes a CPI (Consumer Price Index) escalator." Related to looking into options, Manager Smith said such would probably occur"In the next year or so." Continuing, Manager Smith stated, "We always discuss the Incubator funding and the Chamber funding — both those items are in this Budget for payment and will be in there unless I hear otherwise from you all." Mayor Lacey added,"That is a regularly Budgeted item now, as opposed to a special withdrawal from our Reserves." Manager Smith continued on about previous actions related to Capital, "This year, as we move forward with our fiscal plan, Capital is in the Operating Budget and is not budgeted out of Reserves." Mayor Lacey referenced what Manager Smith just said and added, "Routinely for many years, the Commission has basically authorized to round a number, half a million dollars ($500,000.00) over the Budget and gave permission to the Staff, to spend that money out of Reserves and not once did that actually happen. Each time, the Staff came and delivered and found a way to take those funds out of the operating revenue of that year; and I think that should not be glossed over. That is an incredible accomplishment in terms of approach and attitude to make it happen." Mayor Lacey referenced the General Fund head count in the City Manager's Department, and Manager Smith explained there are three (3) positions funded, with one (1) vacant, that being the Economic Development Director position. Further comments ensued on Consultants, and a previous Economic Development Director. Mayor Lacey said to the City Commission, "If there is a head count on the Budget that is funded for an Economic Development person, did I understand the Commission correctly a few weeks ago when it was discussed very informally, that that wasn't the desire of the Commission to head down the path of having an Economic Development Director?" Deputy Mayor Krebs stated, "That was my understanding as well." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP-JULY a.20n PAGE oOFx Discussion followed ou Consultants, possibly having uo Economic Development Director mzunuu needed basis, plans for Economic Development, have we explored hiring other Consultants, who do other Seminole County cities use for Economic Development,paying only for deals made,marketing our City, and niche market Brokers. Tape|/Side o With further comments on other Seminole County cities and competition, Commissioner Carroll mentioned she has been trying to get Seminole County to npdatu^^SeuimuioVVa�"; to which Manager Sonidb stated, "Appreciate your efforts." Mayor Lacey asked what the Consensus of the Commission was related to funding an Ecouuodo [)e*c|npmcN Director position to which Commissioner Carroll remarked, "I like the concept of leaving the money there for use uo that—you have money uvolob|o." Manager Smith pointed out, "That would be my request Commissioners." Commissioner Cannon stated, ^^I aon moypudbe of that as well. I think the City Manager explained his position and it omokwm good ncume." Commissioner Hovey said, "Me u)o.`^ C000noiaaiunor Resnick and Deputy K8myoc Krebs nodded ivagreement. Mayor Lacey summarized, "The money will be left there, not spent, and head count will bercduood." Manager Smith thanked the Commission for their support of his plan and spoke ofthe proposed Mdlage Rate. Commissioner Hovey asked about Parks and Recreation partners and fees. Mr. Chris Caldwell, Director, Pads and Recreation Department commented ou sports partners, fees,projects, and yleoucd iozymovomuoto. Continuing, Mc Cu/dwell explained, "We are in the process now uf making upgrades to the fences around all four(4) ball fields, and we had talked with the League and the Board of Directors and we'd like to put some safety netting back up...° Commissioner Hovey added, ^^...Thu1iuu good ideu." Mr. Caldwell then remarked, "We're looking at some surfacing also and some sidewalk improvements." Related 10 proposed dmolbzca, Mr. Cu1dvvol\ stated, "The fencing is proposed to come through and be [iniabcd in August. Kf everything comes through and biu approved this year—the rest would be after October l,/." Related to potential Fee increases, demographics were referenced and Commissioner Resnick asked if we might lose participants. Mr. Co\dvveU noted, ^'Wc have talked to the Leagues about that and the Board doesn't feel that the increase that they're making in the fields, in the Partnership Fees will change -their Leagocm." Mr. LuldvveK pointed out that regarding any potential Foe iocz000ue` <bcrn has been discussion with everyone involved and pointed out,"The Boards are in agreement with these recommended uhmmOem.= Deputy Mayor Krebs noted, °800urtioocu in the past we would have opportunities to put up our wish list of what we would like to see and we are not doing that tonight?,^ Furthermore, Deputy Mayor Krebs asked if the Master Plan of Central Winds Park would be brought to fruition and inquired, "How donm get 1bur"? Next, Deputy Mayor Krebs asked about u book swap and could something like this he done, and suggested that perhaps the Explorers could assist, Deputy Mayor Krebs mentioned she had photographs that she could provide. &8uuuger Smith stated, ^^VVe will certainly look into both of those kezuo." Manager Smith added, "We could vvbdobourdd—and bring dhuck." City Attorney Anthony A. Go/gunuvo arrived ut 7:07 p.m. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP-JULY 13,2415 PAGE 7 OF 8 The Commission's Budget was briefly referenced, and regarding a typo, Manager Smith stated, "We will correct that." Referencing the Winter Springs 32708 Facebook page, Commissioner Hovey mentioned a joint parent/child swing she saw and suggested she could send Mr. Caldwell a video of this and asked if he could then check out pricing for such a swing. Commissioner Hovey thought if possible, such a swing could be placed at a couple of our parks. Mr. Caldwell responded, "Yes Ma'am, absolutely." Also related to wish list ideas, Commissioner Resnick advised that he had brought up in 2011, redeveloping the Community Center concept, and also a suggestion for a "destination park" around Torcaso Park. Commissioner Resnick referenced "Sugar Sand Park" and stated, "That is still something I would like us to consider as a Commission in the future, is really creating a destination park environment and with a Community Center." Commissioner Resnick added that he thought Torcaso Park is big enough to do something like this and we could review the Torcaso Park Development Plan. Manager Smith referenced the proposed Mileage Rate and brief comments ensued. Mayor Lacey said, "Good job Shawn(Boyle)." Manager Smith asked, "Do I have a Consensus on the Millage Rate—again, it will not be the Final, it will be in front of you all at the next meeting and that is the Millage Rate that will go on the TRIM (Truth in Millage Act) Notice." Commissioner Cannon noted, "2.43 and 0.11 right?" Manager Smith said, "Yes, Sir. No change over the last eight(8)years." Mayor Lacey said to the City Commission, "The Budget, based on that is acceptable to everyone?" With further comments, Commissioner Cannon and Commissioner Hovey nodded in agreement. Deputy Mayor Krebs stated, "Okay." No objections were voiced. Lastly, Deputy Mayor Krebs mentioned, "If we stay at the same Millage Rate just so we're not confusing any of our citizens, that will still be a tax increase." Mayor Lacey added, "I believe that setting the rate at 2.43 requires us to post a Notice that says `Notice of Proposed Tax Increase'..." Manager Smith agreed and remarked, "...Correct..." Mayor Lacey continued, "...Because the Legislature says that if you are taking more in than you took in before,that is a tax increase." PUBLIC INPUT Mayor Lacey opened "Public Input". Mr. Arsenio Calle, 110 Arrowhead Court, Winter Springs, Florida: commented on the economy and possible changes,employment,that he was very happy with the Budget and stated,"Thank you." Mr. Ken Spalthoff, 1106 Shadowbrook Trail, Winter Springs, Florida: remarked that he was speaking on behalf of his Homeowner's Association, thanked the City Commission on the Millage Rate and regarding the office buildings at Winding Hollow, mentioned the west side offices are in the possession of a bank, and landscaping is being taken care of. Continuing, Mr. Spalthoff commented on Economic Development, suggested that possible leads needs to be pursued, and spoke of his experience. Mr. Spalthoff then thanked Commissioner Cannon and Commissioner Carroll for their assistance. Mayor Lacey closed "Public Input". CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP—JULY 13,2015 PAGE 8 OF 8 ADJOURNMENT Mayor Lacey adjourned the Workshop at 7:20 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: AND 'A ORFNZO-LUACES, MMC - , CITY CLERK APPROVED: CffA@ S L EY NOTE: These Minutes were Approved at the July 27,2015 City Commission Regular Meeting.