HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015 08 12 Planning and Zoning Board/LPA Regular Meeting Minutes CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 12, 2015 (RESCHEDULED FROM AUGUST 5, 2015) CALL TO ORDER The Regular Meeting of Wednesday, August 12, 2015 (Rescheduled from August 5, 2015) of the Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency was called to Order at 5:30 p.m. by Vice-Chairperson Howard Casman in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Chairperson Bob Henderson, absent Vice-Chairperson Howard Casman,present Board Member Sarah Miller, present Board Member Bart Phillips, present Board Member Suzanne Walker, absent Assistant to the City Clerk Antonia Della Donna, present A moment of silence was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. No changes were made to the Agenda. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100. Not Used INFORMATIONAL AGENDA INFORMATIONAL 200. Not Used CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING-AUGUST 12,2015 (RESCHEDULED FROM AUGUST 5,2015) PAGE 2 OF 7 PUBLIC INPUT An opportunity to give "Public Input" was offered by Vice-Chairperson Casman. No one addressed the Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency at this time. CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT 300. Office Of The City Clerk The Office Of The City Clerk Requests That The Planning And Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Review And Approve The Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Planning And Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Regular Meeting Minutes. REGARDING THE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 2015 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES, "MOTION WE APPROVE." MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER MILLER. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER PHILLIPS. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER PHILLIPS: AYE VICE-CHAIRPERSON CASMAN: AYE BOARD MEMBER MILLER: AYE MOTION CARRIED. 400. REPORTS No Reports were given. PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA PUBLIC HEARINGS 500. Community Development Department—Planning Division The Community Development Department — Planning Division Requests That The Local Planning Agency Hold A Public Hearing For Ordinance 2015-14, Which Proposes To Remove Policy 1.1.10 From The Housing Element Of The City's Comprehensive Plan Related To Multi-Family Housing In Commercially Zoned Areas Of The City. Ms. Amanda Webb, Planner, Community Development Department presented this Agenda Item and in discussing Ordinance 2015-14, explained that the proposed Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan is an effort to diversify the City's tax base. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING-AUGUST 12,2015 (RESCHEDULED FROM AUGUST 5,2015) PAGE 3 OF 7 Ms. Webb also noted that the proposed deletion of Policy 1.1.10 ensures that the City's Code of Ordinances is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Continuing, Ms. Webb specified, "The City's tax base is currently eighty-eight point fifty-five percent (88.55%) residential and only eleven point forty-five percent (11.45%) commercial." Board Member Bart Phillips wondered how much C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial), C-2 (General Commercial), and C-3 (Highway 17-92 Commercial) zoned property was still available for development. Ms. Webb responded, "There's approximately a 123 acres, right now, that are currently zoned General Neighborhood/Commercial." Board Member Phillips continued, "And that is unoccupied?" Mr. Randy Stevenson, ASLA, AICP, Director, Community Development Department, explained, "That is a number from about two (2) years ago. As far as the overall C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) we have in the City, not all of it is unoccupied. But, as you can tell, it represents less than one percent (1%) of the acreage in the City." Mr. Stevenson made additional comments on protecting the City's commercially zoned districts for future projects. Vice-Chairperson Casman inquired if existing commitments to multi-family developments would still be viable and therefore "grandfathered" in. Mr. Stevenson replied, "If we simply say they're `grandfathered' that creates a problem down the road for somebody who may want to finance or refinance or sell or something with their title company. Because if you're grandfathered' it means that you're a Nonconforming Use, essentially." Vice-Chairperson Casman opened the "Public Input"portion of this Agenda Item. No one addressed the Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency at this time. "I WOULD LIKE TO — GO FOR THE APPROVAL OF ITEM `500'." MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER PHILLIPS. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER MILLER. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER MILLER: AYE VICE-CHAIRPERSON CASMAN: AYE BOARD MEMBER PHILLIPS: AYE MOTION CARRIED. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING-AUGUST 12,2015 (RESCHEDULED FROM AUGUST 5,2015) PAGE 4 OF 7 PUBLIC HEARINGS 501. Community Development Department—Planning Division The Community Development Department — Planning Division Requests That The Planning And Zoning Board Consider Ordinance 2015-15, Which Proposes To Amend The List Of Permitted, Conditional And Prohibited Uses In The C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial), C-2 (General Commercial), And C-3 (Highway 17-92 Commercial) Zoning Districts By Removing Multi-Family Residential Uses As A Conditional Use In These Zoning Districts. Mr. Bobby Howell, AICP, Planner, Community Development Department presented the Agenda Item and in reference to Ordinance 2015-15, Mr. Howell stated that the C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial), C-2 (General Commercial), And C-3 (Highway 17-92 Commercial) Zoning Districts currently permit multi-family residential uses only with a Conditional Use approval from the City Commission. Continuing, Mr. Howell reviewed Conditional Uses and noted that there are currently no properties within the City zoned C-3 (Highway 17-92 Commercial); and also mentioned, "It is a goal of the City to maximize the potential for commercial development on commercially zoned properties. Diversification of the City's tax base is vital to the future economic wellbeing of the City." Further comments. An opportunity to give "Public Input"was offered by Vice-Chairperson Casman. Mr. Donald Gilmore, 807 Leopard Trail, Winter Springs, Florida: expressed his concerns about having adequate space for multi-family developments, growing the City's tax base, and the conversion of older residential homes on arterial roadways to Commercial Use. Regarding Mr. Gilmore's concerns, Mr. Stevenson pointed out that the City is preserving areas to diversify the tax base and not necessarily grow it and emphasized, "I won't say `increase' the tax base because if you look at the top ten (10) taxpaying entities in the City. seven (7) of them are apartment complexes." Mr. Stevenson noted again that this was an effort to preserve commercial opportunities in the future. Continuing, Mr. Stevenson stated, "We have in no way eliminated multi-family because there are still zoning districts that will allow multifamily. What we are trying to do is preserve commercial and not allow multi-family on commercial as — even as a Conditional Use." Mr. Stevenson also mentioned the concerns about too much multi- family development and assured the Board that Staff is considering this as well. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING-AUGUST 12,2015 (RESCHEDULED FROM AUGUST 5,2015) PAGE 5 OF 7 Mr. Stevenson briefly remarked that the conversion of older homes is already permitted under one of the Comprehensive Plan's Policies and noted that many of the properties on frontage of State Road 434, especially the north side, are already zoned C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial). Furthermore, Mr. Stevenson mentioned that throughout any conversion, the homes need to meet the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990) Standards for Accessible Design. Regarding commercial development, Mr. Stevenson stated, "I don't see that happening along Tuskawilla [Road] or anything of that nature because we don't have any C-1 [Neighborhood Commercial] zoning on that like we do on [State Road] 434."Additional comments followed. "I AM GOING TO RECOMMEND THAT WE RECOMMEND — APPROVAL FOR ORDINANCE 2015-15 TO THE CITY COMMISSION TO PROPOSE TO AMEND THE LIST OF PERMITTED CONDITIONAL AND PROHIBITED USES ON THE C-1 (NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL), C-2 (GENERAL COMMERCIAL), AND C-3 (HIGHWAY 17-92 COMMERCIAL) ZONING DISTRICTS BY REMOVING MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL USES AS A CONDITIONAL USE IN THESE ZONING DISTRICTS." MOTION BY VICE- CHAIRPERSON CASMAN. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER PHILLIPS. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER PHILLIPS: AYE VICE-CHAIRPERSON CASMAN: AYE BOARD MEMBER MILLER: AYE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARINGS 502. Community Development Department—Planning Division The Community Development Department — Planning Division Requests That The Planning And Zoning Board Consider Ordinance 2015-19, Which Proposes To Amend Chapter 20, Zoning, Of The Code Of Ordinances To Establish A Limited Administrative Waiver Procedure For Approving Deviations From The City Code. Mr. Howell introduced this Agenda Item and indicated that the City Commission gave direction to Staff to prepare an Ordinance to amend the City Code and establish a limited Administrative Waiver procedure for approving minor deviations from certain requirements of the City Code. Continuing, Mr. Howell explained, "This is an effort to streamline the development approval process. And what this Ordinance does is that it limits administrative waivers to height, area, or size of a structure, and/or distance requirements, and size of yard, and open space requirements of an applicable zoning district." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING-AUGUST 12,2015 (RESCHEDULED FROM AUGUST 5,2015) PAGE 6 OF 7 Furthermore, Mr. Howell noted that Ordinance 2015-19 specifies that Administrative Waivers shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of an applicable requirement. Further comments. Vice-Chairperson Casman inquired if neighbors or parties involved are notified before the Waivers are approved. In response, Mr. Howell referenced Section 20-37. (c) Application Submittal and Fee. that states as part of the application, the City Manager reserves the right to require a signed affidavit, submitted on a form prepared by the City, from all abutting property owners indicating no objection to the requested Waiver. An opportunity to give "Public Input"was offered by Vice-Chairperson Casman. Mr. Donald Gilmore, 807 Leopard Trail, Winter Springs, Florida: commented on the City Manager's rights as stated in Ordinance 2015-19. Discussion followed on"De minimus", properties under construction, surveying, Waivers having minimal material impact on properties, safeguards, administrative appeal, and the City Commission's direction to Staff. Vice-Chairperson Casman expressed concerns about the existence of an Administrative Waiver which could lead to builders and developers producing sloppier work. Mr. Stevenson said that Staff was in agreement with such concerns as well, but suggested possibly implementing a batter board survey requirement. Mr. Stevenson added, "I think that's one of the reasons that the Attorney's Office has worked with us to put some of these assurances in place — it's not an automatic thing. We will still review it. It's just that the final decision rests, in this case, administratively rather than going back to the legislative body." Board Member Phillips added, "I do believe that ten percent (10%) is very reasonable." Mr. Stevenson agreed and noted, "And you'll note that is was very specific what we could apply this to. It was not something that would subjective — these are quantifiable measurements." Further comments followed on signed affidavits. "I MOVE TO APPROVE ITEM `502'." MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER MILLER. VICE-CHAIRPERSON CONFIRMED "ORDINANCE 2015-19." BOARD MEMBER MILLER AGREED. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER PHILLIPS. DISCUSSION. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING—AUGUST 12,2015 (RESCHEDULED FROM AUGUST 5,2015) PAGE 7 OF 7 VOTE: VICE-CHAIRPERSON CASMAN: AYE BOARD MEMBER MILLER: AYE BOARD MEMBER PHILLIPS: AYE MOTION CARRIED. REGULAR AGENDA REGULAR 600. Not Used PUBLIC INPUT Vice-Chairperson Casman opened "Public Input". No one spoke. Vice-Chairperson Casman closed "Public Input". ADJOURNMENT Vice-Chairperson Casman adjourned the Regular Meeting at 6:02 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: C ANTONIA DELLA DONNA ASSISTANT TO THE CITY CLERK APPROVED: :OB HENDER 1, C AIRPERSON PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY NOTE. These Minutes were Approved at the September 2, 2015 Planning And Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Regular Meeting.