HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015 08 04 Regular 602 Central Winds Park Roadway Project PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA Informational Consent ITEM 602 Public Hearings Regular X Atiost 4; 2015 Mgr. / Dept. Regular Meeting Authorization REQUEST: The Parks and Recreation Department requests the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee discuss Central Winds Park Roadway Project. CONSIDERATIONS: • Was included in CWP master plan approved in 2007. • Address growth in town center homes to provide additional traffic relief. • Included in our Public works CIP for 2013-2018. • Improvements in security fencing around Central Winds Park. • Improvements to Amphitheater area to include sidewalk, lighting, & electrical needs for community events. RECOMMENDATION: The Parks and Recreation Department recommends that the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee consider and discuss Central Winds Park Roadway Project. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A— Central Winds Park Master Plan Attachment B—Pictures of design examples Attachment C— City of Winter Springs Engineering Review Comments Attachment D— Central Winds Park CPH Design APPROXIMATELY 76 SPACES BOULEVARD ON-STREET PARKING APPROXIMATELY 115 SPACES EXISTING BALLFIELDS EXISTING PASSIVE RECREATION AREA VOLLEYBALL & BASKETBALL PICNIC AREA PAVED PAVED i ti a B u Exs ngP rk o ndary WETLANDS NATURAL AREA WETLANDS NATURAL AREA Existing Restrooms Winter Springs High School Provide a landmark intersection treatment with ample Park signage Central Winds Park City of Winter Springs . R S .434 PUSSEJ EKAL YAWNEERG PUSSEJ EKAL xisting Park B ndar E ou y 25’ 20’ SEMINOLE CO. CROSS SEMINOLE TRAIL C R SS SE IN LE A O M O TR IL SCENIC OVERLOOK TO THE SPRING HAMMOCK NATURAL AREA Graphic Scale Measurements are approximate AMPHITHEATER EXISTING SITE 5’ 3 30’ ’ 5050 5050 4040 4040 3030 30303030 3030 2020 2020 2020 2020 1010 1010 1010 1010 4040 4040 5050 5050 4040 4040 3030 3030 30303030 20202020 20202020 1010 1010 1010 1010 4040 4040 PRACTICE FIELD 360’X160’ FOOTBALL FIELD/POTEN. TRACK/MULTI-PURPOSE PRACTICE FIELD 360’X180’ FOOTBALL FIELD - LACROSSE FIELD PRACTICE FIELD 330’X195’ SOCCER FIELD (MLS, NCAA, HIGH SCHOOL) 3 0’ 46’ FIELD OVERLOOK & PAVILION & STAIRS TO FIELD OAK 30’ 0’ 3 3 ’0 BATTING CAGE AREA 25’ OAK 100’ DIA. LIVE OAK OAK OAK NEW GRASS PARKING AREA Unpaved Parking Area Beneath the Existing Pines and Oaks (Approx. 140 spaces) Arched Bridge Unpaved Parking for Passive Park (Approx. 90 2 5 ’ STORMWATER AREA CHILDREN’S MEMORIAL EXISTING NATURE TRAILPASSIVE PARK AREA Existing Parking Existing Parking (maintain lanes) New Parking 60 spaces New Parking 0 100’200’400’ CASUAL PLAY AREA WALK OF FAME ATHELETE’S STORMWATER AREA STORMWATER AREA STORMWATER AREA APPROX. 50’ ELEV. CENTRAL WINDS PAR K MASTER PLAN Michael Design Associates Community, Park & Greenway Design Winter Park, Florida Established 1983 Phone: 407 645-3377 Updated July 2006 PRACTICE FIELD BALLFIELD 200’ PRACTICE FIELD BALLFIELD 200’ PRACTICE FIELD BALLFIELD 200’ DROP- OFF PRACTICE FIELD BALLFIELD 200’ Existing Ditch Boat Ramp (Concept Layout) Pier and Intake Line Park Maint. Facility City Water Facility STORMWATER STORMWATER AREA New Parking Approx. 20 spaces Approx. 45 spaces 56 spaces 9 o n -s e t s p a c e s 0 t r e New Parking BASKETBALL & TENNIS COURTS Rec. G ELOV CITY OWNED OLD 434 R/W - NEW PARKING MULTIUSE BUILDING RESTROOMS AND OVERLOOK City Owned R/W PRACTICE FIELD 330’X195’ SOCCER FIELD (MLS, NCAA, HIGH SCHOOL) DROP- OFF STORMWATER AREA STORMWATER AREA STORMWATER AREA Approx. 105 spaces CCC Temp. Youth Football & Gr ass Par king Potential Dog Park Potential Dog Park Parking Temp. Youth Football & Grass Parking Park Entrance Park & School Entrance Scenic Overlook & Events Drop-off Parking & Events Service Planned Residential Development (Multi-family) North NEW PLAYGROUND Potential Arched Pedestrian Bridge Master Planning Notes: 1) Accommodate parking; a modified boulevard design; a multiuse park building with restrooms and overlook; a newly expanded playground in the Passive Park; a City Recreation Center; and a fishing pier and boat launch area. 2) Provide a safe park for pedestrians with no “cut through” vehicular traffic through the Passive Park. Design this parking area drive (Orange Avenue between boulevard and arched bridge) as irregular and conforming to the existing trees to help slow traffic. 3) Provide a healthy mix of “active” and “passive” park areas for a variety of park users. City Recreation Center New Park Gateway C I T Y o f W I N T E R S P R I N G S , F LO R I D A Par ks & Recr eation Depar tment u 44 Al pr t. to �l Sh IN Ae ti TY )PSI . k�l PO- AO* Am CWP Roadway Improvements  Page 1 of 2          Engineering Review Comments    Project:   Central Winds Park Roadway Improvements  Submittal:  30% Submittal  Date:   May 12, 2015    Comments by:  Brian Fields, P.E., City Engineer    1. Sheet 1. Please title the project: “Central Winds Park Roadway Improvements.”  2. Sheet 3. Update the utility contact information for Duke Energy and AT&T.  3. Sheet 3. For the City of Winter Springs, list the address as 1126 East SR 434, Contact: Brian  Fields, 407‐327‐7597.  4. Sheet 3.  Under Traffic Notes, call for all truncated domes to be black.  In note #2, delete  the text “within FDOT right‐of‐way.”  5. Sheet 4. In typical sections 1 and 2, the 2‐foot sod strip is too narrow; we need to either  move the sidewalk to the back of curb or move it at least 2‐feet further away from the back  of curb.  6. Sheet 4. For all new pavement, please callout Superpave Type SP 9.5, Traffic Level C.    7. Sheet 4. For the new pavement sections, please call for a crushed concrete base with  limerock as an acceptable alternative.  8. Sheet 4. In the typical sections, call for F‐curbs to be spill curbs where applicable.  9. Sheet 5. Change “Central Winds Dr” to “Central Winds Pkwy” in two places.  10. On Central Winds Parkway, for vehicles leaving the back‐in angled spaces, we need to  consider how they will turn around if going to Orange Avenue, especially when the parking  lot is closed.   11. Sheet 8. Consider using a raised crosswalk / speed table at the mid‐block crossing.    12. In the final design, at all curb ramps please callout the applicable FDOT curb ramp standard  detail.  13. Sheet 9. At the roundabout, move the sidewalk out such that a 6 to 8 foot wide landscape  strip is provided between the back of curb and the sidewalk.    CWP Roadway Improvements  Page 2 of 2  14. Sheet 9. The turning radii are tight between Orange Avenue and the parking lot driveways.   Should we change to 15’?  One is 5‐feet; please change this one to at least 10‐feet.  15. Sheet 9. For discussion: Possible on‐street parking along the north side of Orange Avenue.  16. Sheet 9. For discussion: What to do with new green space in larger parking island areas?  17. Sheet 10. For discussion: At the existing cul‐de‐sac, what is plan for this area?  Driveway to  command center?  Additional parking?  Green space to be within fenced park?  18. Sheets 10 and 11. Show the right‐of‐way lines.  19. Sheets 10 and 11.  At the existing driveway aprons, show the replacement section matching  the shape of the existing apron.  Prefer to avoid the flared sections.  In the final design,  show any locations where the new aprons need to extend furhter into the properties.  The  City may need to obtain a right‐of‐entry for some driveways.  20. Sheets 10 and 11. Please explain why the profile is in cut for most of Orange Avenue.    21. Sheet 11. The existing driveway at the park maintenance facility (STA 215+60) is steep and  will be steeper unless the profile is raised.  Please review.    22. Sheet 12. For the roundabout, please design it in accordance with FHWA Publication No.  FHWA‐RD‐00‐067, “Roundabouts: An Informational Guide.”  Use the urban compact  category, similar to the roundabout design on the City’s Michael Blake Boulevard project.   Items to be adjusted include:  o Need larger inscibed circle (typically 80 to 100 feet)  o Need raised splitter islands  o Need larger central island  o Need narrower circulatory roadway width  o Move crosswalks back from the circulatory roadway  o Perform Autoturn with WB‐50 design vehicle; adjust geometry to fit  o Provide a mountable truck apron around the center circle  23. Sheet 13. Need handicapped parking for the relocated portable building.  24. For discussion: review fencing plan and gate locations.        X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 3 2 4 5 1 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 27. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 17 26 25 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 YIE L D YIEL D YIELD Scale: Job No. Date: Checked by: Approved by: Designed by: Drawn by: 7 6 5 Sheet No. Dr a w i n g n a m e : J : \ W 0 4 1 6 5 \ R o a d w a y \ C o n c e p t u a l \ C o n c e p t P l a n - O p t i o n 1 1 . d w g A u g 1 3 , 2 0 1 4 - 5 : 0 6 p m c t o d d ByNo.Date 2014C 8/13/2014 AS NOTED 4 3 2 1 ByNo.Date Revision CENTRAL WINDS PARK ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS Winter Springs, Florida Revision 8 Offices In: x Florida x Puerto Rico x Connecticut x Maryland x Texas CPH, Inc. Arch. Lic. No. AA2600926 Landscp. Lic. No. LC0000298 Licenses: Eng. C.O.A. No. 3215 Survey L.B. No. 7143 500 West Fulton St. Sanford, Fl. 32771 Phone: 407.322.6841 Plans Prepared By: KURT R. LUMAN, JR., P.E. FL P.E. No. 65036 OPTION A ( IN FEET ) GRAPHIC SCALE 050 25 50 100