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Mission Statement Sertoma's Purpose, Vision, and Mission
Members in Action
To meet the needs of communities through volunteer service.
Our Partners
Governance To create communities of change under common leadership and with a common
voice that will serve the many in need.
OUR MlssloN.
History To Improve the quality of life today for those at risk or impacted by hearing loss
through education and support.
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Mission Statement Sertoma History
For more than 100 years volunteers known as Sertomans serve communities
Members in Action across the United States.Originally known as Co-Operative International,each
member takes pride in the colorful history of the Co-Operative Club International
and Sertoma International.This history is based upon information gleaned from
Our Partners old SERTOMAN and THE CO-OPERATOR magazines on file at Sertoma
Governance On April 11,1912.three Kansas City,Missouri,business men.Dr.George W.
Smith,Dr.Charles E.Allen,and newspaper publisher William R Rowe,enticed
community leaders to"get involved."Now entering the and Century of Service.
Q Sertoma community leaders are engaged in improving the quality of He in
communities by making a difference for those who suffer from hearing loss.
History View History From:
Current-2010 2009-2000 1999-1990 1989-1980 1979-1970
19691960 1959-1950 1949-1940 1939-1930 1929-1920 1919-1912
In April of 2012.Sertoma celebrated 100 years of
service at the annual Sertoma convention,hosted in 8 c\
Kansas City,MO Convention attendees were pan y
of the official launch of the new brand.purpose, ll"
mission and vision and the new Sertoma Leadership
Institute.an initiative designed to nurture leadership c
and skills development at community level.
Sertoma s national fund-and awareness event �A r2®
CELEBRATE SOUND Don't Walk in Silencer",unched April 2012.Created to promote hearing
health in our communities,it is designed as a turn-
key fundraising event to raise funds and awareness of our hearing health
A Sound Investment.a program for advocacy of induction loops,became
available in April 2010 and was revised in 2012.For millions of Americans using
hearing assistive devices.the ability to hear in public facilities is limned.Sounds
can be made clear by installing a simple and cost effective technology-the
induction loop The induction loop is to hearing aids,what Wi-Fi is to laptops.
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Approval of merger by the membership authorized the Boards of Sertoma
International and Sertoma Foundation to meet the requirements of the State of
Missouri, suiting in a new Sertoma corporation operating as a national public
charity effective July 1,2008.
January 2005,SERTOMA SAFEEars...to hear the future!became Sertoma s
awareness program for the prevention of noise induced hearing loss(NI HL) In
first year,over 250.000 individuals received information on how to protect the
gin of hearing v
The first issue of the Sertoman Digest was published in November 2002.This
publication,designed with an organizational focus is mailed between issues of
the Sertoman Magazine.This publication includes updates on board actions and
timely reminders for programs and events
Sertoma s first female president.Diana Caine-Helwig SOARed during her 2001-
2002 term Her theme brought new life to moving our organization toward our
goal of rebuilding and reinventing Sertoma for its next century The year 2000
saw the first'Day of Caring',a citywide service project,as a highlight to the
annual convention hosted in Tampa.
Legacy 2000 wills campaign was launched with the philosophy"A will for every
Sertoman.Sertoma in every will".Today.Sertoma continues to place strong
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emphasis on financially supporting the programs of Sertoma through annual,
planned,and endowment giving.
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fl 1997 saw the introduction of Sertoma Fantasy Baseball
Camps.Many clubs participate in a variety of sports
camps for deaf and hard of hearing youth.
Heather NTtlestone,1995 Miss America.graced the
cover of the1995 Spring edition of the Sertoman.The
first deaf Miss America and spokeswoman for Better
Hearing&Speech Month,Miss Whiteslone encouraged
people to"Reach for the Stars with Better Hearing and
In 1992 and 1993,the Communicative Disorders and
Hearing Impaired Scholarships were established Today
each program awards 05$1 000 scholarships in each
category Over he years more than 500 scholarships have been awarded
The year 1992 also saw the launch of the Building a Legacy campaign to
perpetuate the benefits of Sertoma programs.The campaign goal was$10
In 1990.Titusville(Florida)Seioman and Mission Specialist.Lieutenant Colonel
Charles Gemar carried his personal membership pin with him as be orbited the
Earth on Space Shuttle Atlantis.
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In 1987,Sedoma's Board of Directors approved STAND(sedomans Together
Advocate No Drugs).an anti-drug education program,as a national sponsorship.
In 1986,a coalition of organizations concerned about hearing health came
together and designed a campaign and chose May to be Better Hearing and
Speech month.For several years this campaign dotted the United States with
information about hearing and speech disorders.
In 1985,the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association presented
Sertoma with the Distinguished Service Award,a once in a lifetime award
recognizing our dedication and contributions to speech pathology and audiology.
Women were welcomed into the organization in 1985.They currently comprise a
vital pan of our current membership.The first all-female Sertoma Club was the
First Progressive Sertoma Club in Tampa.Florida,chartered November 22,
In 1985.Sertoma once again made the funny pages.as Johnny Hart and Jack
Caprio did a B C.series vl ce clubs.Jack Caprle is a member and Past
President igcort(NY)Sedome Club and Past Governor of the East New of
York/New Engll and nd District
In 1983.President Reagan praised actor Keenan Wynn for his relationship with
Sertoma s hearing health programs.
In 1980,he awarded the Presidential Private Sector Initiative Commendation
Certificate to Sertoma for the'outstanding civic responsibility displayed by our
members Senator John Glenn also supported the project,engaging the support
of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.
Released In 1982,Sertoma's Quiet Pleases video series for prevention of
noseffinduced hearing loss became an important part of Sertoma's mission and
success With the help of entertainer Keenan Wynn,a member of the Westwood
Village Sertoma Club,he was the voice of several Sertoma PSA's.During this
time a comic book about noise induced hearing loss was produced with our own
comic character Johnny Guitar.It was used in schools to educate children about
noise induced hearing loss(NIHL)
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In 1977 our affiliate program known today as Adopt-AnMgency,made its debut
The Sertoma Foundation began establishing Sertoma Centers for
Communication Disorders in 1973 and began encouraging affiliation with existing
speech and hearing facilities.Sports legend Pete Rose appeared in a series of
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public service announcements,publicizing Sertoma s drive to establish the
Centers for Communicative Disorders. utq if
In 1972,Flutercv Guzman,attorney from Monterrey, r e '110
from Nuevo Leon,Mexico,became Sertoma's first
President who was not a United States citizen.He was
elected at the International Convention in Dallas,Texas
In 1971,the Sonoma Foundation adopted Speech and
Hearing as it foremost mission focus.
-We must,in my opinion.have knowledge of what we
once were before we are able to understand what we
have become."These words from FBI Director.1 Edgar
Hoovers article'The View From Tomorrow'became a part of our Sertoma
history when published in the April-May 1970 edition of the Sertoman
Chartered during the 1970s,Collegiate Sertoma Club of the Kansas State
Teachers College of Emporia,Kansas was the first Sertoma Collegiate Club.
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The first Serteen Club,chartered in April of 1969,was the Sparks High Serteens
of Sparks.Nevada.
In 1965,Sertoma was acknowledged by March of Dimes for continued SERvice
TO MAnkind and efforts to conquer polio.
The first Sertoma Club established In the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico was the
San Juan Sertoma Club.chartered on August 14,1965.
The first International Convention outside the United States was the 1964
Convention,held in Mexico City.Mexico
In 1962.former President Harry S.Truman was the guest speaker at the-Men s
and Ladies Luncheon'held during our Golden Anniversary Convention.In 1966.
he became an Honorary member of the Independence(MO)Sertoma Club
NASA became a part of Sertoma history in 1962.when former U.S.President
Harry S.Truman presented the International Service to Mankind Award to
astronaut Gus Grissom.Grissom flew the Liberty Bell 7 and was a member of the
Apollo 1 Team.
r r L.C.Graves.Past President of the Dallas Sertoma
Club and Dallas aldw when Jack R,Ruby shot handcuffed to
Lee Harvey ovemtlwM1en 1983 Ruby shot and killed
Oswald on November 20,1963
`A Formed November 15,1960,the Sertoma
Foundation was to strengthen the partnership
between Sertoma and its clubs.In 1963.after a long
search for a national focus,Sertoma clubs were
encouraged to help the more than 24 million
Americans who have speech and hearing disorders.Today,hearing health
(including speech problems brought on by hearing loss)continues as a national
focus as there are over 50 million Americans with speech and hearing disorders.
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In 1959.the March of Dimes'National Foundation for
Infantile Paralysis recognized Sertomans for humanitarian TODAY ONLY
Cartoonist Cal Alley presented this cartoon strip of'The
Ryatts'to the Memphis Sertoma Club in 1958.
The first club chartered in Mexico was in Mexico City in
A hot,summer night in Tampa,$1 25 in your pocket,and
Sertoma s raising funds to provide service to their
communpty could get you a Hillbilly-good time in 1955.The
Tampa Sertoma Club hosted a series of concerts.earning
up to 85,000 per show The benefit show featured the well-
known entertainer,Andy Griffith as headliner.On stage
with the'Deacon'appeared his Hillbilly buddies,Ferlin
Huskey.Marty Robbins and newcomer.Elvis Presley
Prior to 1955.the most prestigious award presented to a
non-Sertoma was the American Way Award In 1955.the
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first annual Service to Mankind Award was presented to Dr —I
Alfred Lopez.of Alea92uerpue.for his civic,dental and
church activities.and his service to youth
In 1950 annual convention delegates adopted a new
name 6ERTOM0.a contraction
gline ecteemeSe Life -ARMORY
TO MAnkie through The Sertoma to O MAnkind "Make Lbe AIjNp{jy
WaMwM1ile tbmugM1 SERViw TO MAnklnd.-
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DD Dr-
The need for a national sponsorship became apparent in 1949.The first
recommendation by the Sertoma Club of Phoenix,Arizona was the YES Program
Youth Employment Service).Sertoma still holds the copyright to the name
"YES",though government involvement in'employment services"has limited the
need for the YES Program
In 1949.Harald J.Reed,of Omaha.NE became the
first Sertoman recognized as Sedoman of the Year.
The first S nttrio Club d tl Canada at this
-- Windsor,Ontario in The organization at this
I emetruly b international.
of September e,1943,brought the announcement
\\ Oa most wonderful. e'Wed Co-
\� togetherof the N.the'Wedding Monarch—Clubs joining
operative Clubs s Intern)final. clubs and the Co-
operative Clubs Intemetionel.
In 1942,Fred J.Kuehn served as Sertoma International President Traveling
more than 40,000 miles,he visited all but four Sertoma clubs Fred earned the
100-member pin for recruiting more than100 members.
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The well-known Sugar Bowl classic in New Orleans had its beginning with
Sertoma.In 1934,the New Orleans Club and former International Director
Warren V.Miller introduced the resolution for club to sponsor a football contest
held in New Orleans over the Christmas holiday season.The first game was on
January),1935 at Tulane University Stadium where the Tulane Green Wave
took on the Temple University Owls,coached by Glenn"Pop"Wainer.
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'Make Lite Worthwhile"was the slogan accepted by the organization in 1926.It
was as good then as it is today.
The Co-Operettes began in 1923 when the wives of
the Co-Operative Club members of Manhattan,
Kansas organized the first auxiliary,called the"Co-
Op Lassies."In 1928,the Co-Operettes became a Mil ZV
national organization.
Sertoma's first convention was held June 21,1921 1
in Kansas City.In attendance,were 32 delegates - _.
representing six clubs.James P e"Daddy"
Summerville,Charter President of the Kansas City,Missouri Club,became the
second International President.
In December 1920.Kansas City Club President Edward G.Freed invited
representatives from other clubs to meet Representatives from the Wichita.
Manhattan.Topeka.and Kansas City clubs formed the International organization.
It was at this meeting that delegates elected Freed as first International
Radio promoted the activities of the early Kansas City Club when Radio Station
WHB in Kansas City offered the club airtime.The station owner.E.J.Sweeney.
was a local member
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In meeting the mission of club(Progress in the improvement of the
oniM.24 Kansas City Co-Operative club members guided the planning
andbuilding of the first decent road between Kansas City and Independence,
On April 5,1912,26 area business men attended the first organized meeting of
the Stand Together Club,as referred in to the minutes.The first official luncheon.
with the club now referred to as the Co-Operative Club was held on April 11,
1912 at the Coates Hotel in Kansas City,Missouri—the date and location now
recognized as our founding.The founders of the first Co-Operative Club were
George W.Smith.M.O.,Charles E.Allen.M .and William R Rowe.They are
recognized as the Founding Fathers of The Co-Operator Club of Kansas City,
Missouri and Sertoma.
Lack tcCiop
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