HomeMy WebLinkAbout150 Greenways-1994 •
Volume 2, Number 3 Winter 1994
Fio rz is o o In or
Greenwqys !
Is Yours One of Them?
The Florida Greenways Commis- that should be recognized? We're look- two small grants programs that are ac-
sion is looking for a few good ing for projects with one or more of cepting applications in December and
greenways. If you've been look- these characteristics: January.
ing for a way to get the word out about it Helps establish a greenways system
a greenway project, the time to act is across Florida. 1. AMERICAN GREEN WAYS
now! If Benefits several communities by DuPONT AWARDS PROGRAM.
In March 1995, Florida will mark improving quality of life. Nonprofit organizations, public
150 years of statehood. As part of the '(Ii Bridges gaps between existing agencies, and individuals are eli-
state's sesquicentennial celebration, greenways or other natural areas. gible for grants from$500 to$2500
Governor Chiles has asked the Corn- f Provides wildlife paths between iso- through the program, with prefer-
mission to join him in recognizing 150 lated areas. ence given to action-oriented com-
greenways. Two members of the Corn- f Protects water quality and natural munity groups and nonprofits. Last
mission—Lester Abberger,represent- systems along rivers and streams. year the program awarded 57 grants
ing Leadership Florida, and George f Improves access to recreational to groups in 31 states. Applications
Percy, representing the Department of trails. must be received by December 31,
State's Division of Historical Resources, 11 Protects high quality natural areas 1994.Get one from The Conserva-
also serve on the state's Sesquicenten- destined for development. tion Fund,1800 North Kent Street,
nial Commission, which is coordinat- 'I Offers a variety of recreation uses. Suite 1120, Arlington, Virginia
ing statewide celebration events. The Q! Increases access to open space for 22209, or by calling (703) 525-
two commissions share a common theme under-served populations in an area 6300,Fax(703) 525-4610.
— recognizing the past and preparing needing revitalization.
for the future—that will be an impor- 11 Provides alternative transportation 2. FLORIDA GREEN WAYS SMALL
tant factor in selecting the 150 greenways routes. GRANTS PROGRAM. While
for statewide recognition. 411 Protects important scenic vistas or you're picking up a 150 Greenways
Greenways will be chosen to repre- cultural/historic resources. application, be sure to ask about
sent a cross-section of the tremendous the Florida Greenways Small Grants
diversity of projects out there—both WE'VE EXTENDED Program.Thanks to generous fund-
on the ground and in the planning stage THE DEADLINE! ing from the American Express
—as well as the many techniques and Applications are available now,and Foundation and the John D. and
partners involved in greenways efforts. will be accepted by the Commission Catherine T. MacArthur Founda-
Organizations representing greenways until January 31, 1995. To get one,call tion, the Commission will award
chosen for recognition will receive a or write Florida Greenways,Post Office grants up to$1000 for projects that
framed proclamation from the Gover- Box 5948,Tallahassee,FL 32314,(904) stimulate or support community
nor,be included on a commemorative 222-6277. greenway initiatives. The grants
greenways brochure/map,and be given can be used for projects like bro-
permission to use the official Florida GRANTS FOR GREENWAYS chures, workshops, videos or dis-
Greenways logo and special signage. If your greenway project needs a plays. Deadline for application is
So, we're putting out the call. Is little extra funding (and what project January 31, 1995; grants will be
there a greenway in your community doesn't?)you might want to check out awarded in Spring 1995. •
A joint project of 1000 Friends of Florida & The Conservation Fund.
Vic; Greetings! ,
,. How do we create Creating a statewide system of a
s /4_ greenways?Who will
t. = identify the essential
±*:119;,.,,4 _I. connections? Who •
should be responsible t�tQ
for managing it?How
Florida can we help comma-
nities create green-
Greenways ways? How can we
get more tanners in_ System
valved in this effort?
These are the questions the Florida
Greenways Commission has been asking
—and researching—for the past akin he mission of the Florida cal assistance for the statewide
a half. As we approach the deadline for our Greenways Commission is to
report to the Governor,we are beginning to plan and support greenways system.sys- Pro-
arrive at some answers, g tem of greenways linking natural areas Designate a lead state agency(the
This issue of Florida Greenways and open spaces.Governor Chiles asked tteect on)responsible for ncoordinat-
includes a preliminary look at the recom- the group to make recommendations by ing and integrating state programs
mendations coming out of the statewide December 15 on how to accom lish
commission. We will continue to review, that objective. P within the institutional framework.
discuss and refine them until the
Commission's report is The Commission identified seven ¢ Develop incentives to encourage
Governor Chiles on December presented to broad goals that need to be achieved in private involvement in greenways
If you have thoughts, questi , m order to create a statewide greenways initiatives.
comments about these recommendations system, and then developedstrategies Develop and promote alternatives that
—or any of the work of the Commission— and associated recommended actions offer a greater ltof opp a tuni-
1 invite you to let us know. for public and private partners to pur- offer a t e inr involvement enoopprty to
/�J _/ sue. P ties for the involvement of private
a �e^e^ Here is an initial look at the landownersingreenwaysinitiatives.
Commission'san initial and Address liability issues associated
Mark Benedict egies for achieving them. To find out on tpublic and private priv to las and trails
how you can get a copy of the entire nds.
What Is A Greenway, report, contact the Florida Greenways CREATING &
A greenway is a corridor of pro-
tected open space that is managed for GOAL TWO: Stimulate public and
conservation a CREATING AN p
and/or recreation. The INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK private action c r awareness,nea,involvemeng
common characteristic of greenways is �MEWORK and action in creating and managing
that theyallgosomewhere.Greenways GOAL ONE: Create an institutional commufliygreenws and greenways
often follow natural land or water fea_ framework that supports state and corn- systems.
tures, like ridges or rivers, or human muni r
tY greenways initiatives,and co- Community
landscape features or rivers, onedrai n ordinates government and private sec- are driven primarily by citizens at the
roads or corridors. They link natural for greenways efforts, grassroots level, where they need and
reserves, parks, cultural and historic The development of a statewide deserve support by community leaders.
sites with each other,and in some cases institutional framework for greenways Partnerships between environmental-
with populated areas.Greenways not is key to accomplishing the objective of •ists, recreationists, the business sector,
only protect environmentally sensitive the Florida Greenways Commission. private landowners and '
lands andwildlivir environmentally sensitive While the Commission notes that a nity interests are essential l to creating
major new program is not needed at this these community
people with access to outdoor recre-
anon and enjoyment close to home. time, it does identify gaps in the au- greenways.
thorities and implementation of exist- Strategies
ing programs that could be addressed
This publication was paid for in part with funds from the John D. through the creation of a greenways
and Catherine T.MacArthur Foundation and the Florida Facilitate and encourage g private
Department of Transportation's ISTEA Enhancement Program. Y sector support and strong comma-
institutional framework. The result—
nity iativevementinlocalgreenways
better coordination ofexistingprograms, initiatives.
The Florida Greenways Newsletter is published quarterly by: a way to look for new opportunities,and IS The Florida Greenways Program more involvement by the private sector. Develop innovative methods for
P.O.Box 5948 funding community e
Tallahassee,FL 323145948
ty gr enways.
¢ Foster the promotion and creation
of community greenways and
Program Director. Mark A.Benedict,Ph.D. 11 Create a Florida Greenways Coor- greenspaces using local, regional
Editors Anne Mark O'Neil Benedict, dinating Council to advocate,edu- and state planning tools and pro-
Cate,facilitate,and provide techni- grams.
•• 11, Identify, protect, and manage ap-
propriate urban open spaces and
corridors as integral components of
Florida's system of greenways.
11, Identify the opportunities for in-
corporating working landscapes
that contribute to conservation into
Florida's system of greenways in
ways that respect private property
r:=..1-} 'm rights and interests.
' Incorporate historical resources into
Florida's system of greenways.
4 Incorporate cultural resources and
opportunities into Florida's system
of greenways.
CONSERVING GOAL FIVE: Design, develop and
ECOSYSTEMS & LANDSCAPES 4 Utilize the best information avail- maintain trails throughout Florida that
able about the requirements of provide public access to and promote
GOAL THREE: Design and manage a Florida's native ecosystems and appreciation, support and conserva-
statewide system of greenways that landscapes to plan and manage tion of the natural,cultural and histori-
provides essential ecological linkages the statewide system of green- cal features of the state's system of
in order to: (1) conserve critical ele- ways.
menu of Florida's green infrastructure greenways.
g 4 Address native ecosystem conser- Trails represent an important link
of native ecosystems and landscapes; vation/human use compatibility is- between people, their cultural/historic
and (2) facilitate the ability of these sues by developing minimum
ecosystems and landscapes to function heritage and the natural environment.
Pe greenways design and management The development of trails throughout
as dynamic systems and to maintain guidelines.
the evolutionary potential that will al- the state—trails extensive enough that
Po 4 Undertake and/or support the re- every Floridian is within 15 minutes of
low them to adapt to future environ- search and monitoring efforts nec-
mental changes. essary to effectively plan and man- gainingaccessis the critical to statewide meeting t e
Florida's natural"green"infrastruc- age the native ecosystems and land- Commission's n'is critical and meeting the
g y Commission's mission and vision.
turd forms the basis of the state's sustain- scapes within Florida's system of
able environmental, social and eco- greenways.
nomic future. The development of a Strategies
statewide greenways system that links CONSERVING URBAN OPEN Establish an institutional frame-
native ecosystems is vital to maintain- SPACES,WORKING work that actively fosters and pro
ing the state's biodiversity and water. LANDSCAPES& HISTORICAL/ motes trail conservation and ac
resources, and critical to the future CULTURAL RESOURCES Ides.
health of all Floridians. GOAL FOUR: Incorporate urbano en Identify oalregional,of, state, and federal
p local, regional, state, and federal
spaces, working landscapes, histori- planning.
Strategies cal sites, and cultural resources into planning.
4 Identify and conserve an integrated, Florida's system of greenways. Integrate utility,linear canal other hu-
statewide system of greenways that From open rangeland and farm fields man-built utility,canal and where ap ro-
encompasses the full range of to large cities and small towns,Florida's man-built humd -us whore connectors
Florida's native ecosystems and human-altered landscapes can make a and/or as human-use connectorf
landscapes. significant contribution to greenways. cess to Florida's system of
4 Utilize Florida's rivers,springs,lakes The statewide greenways system should greenways.
and other inland and coastal aquatic include urban open spaces where people Develop o a process for trails as part f
features as strategic building blocks live, work and play, rural landscapes Florida's designating trails as part of
in the statewide greenways system. that produce food, timber, and other Florida's system of greenways.
4 Link regional landscapes through renewable natural resources, and his- EDUCATING & INVOLVING
Florida's system of greenways, in- toric sites and cultural resources that THE PUBLIC
cluding lands ranging from native link Floridians to the state's past,present GOAL SIX: Educate and inform di-
ecosystems that are publicly owned and future. With thoughtful care and verse audiences about the concept of
to highly managed forestry and ag- management,these lands can serve many greenways and the statewide system
vat ly owned.properties that are pri- of the needs of society on a sustainable of greenways.
(Continued next page)
From financial support to trail build- of greenways to address concerns tives put the state clearly at the fore=
ing, community involvement and pri- and foster support of greenways pro- front of the greenways movement. But
vate partnerships are key to making grams and projects. there still exist a number of needs that
greenways a reality. Educating both Encourage local public land man- must be met in order to accomplish the
children and adults about natural Florida agers and comprehensive planners Commission's conservation and recre-
is an important ingredient in the to incorporate the concept of ation goals.
Commission's greenways plan. greenways and greenway linkages
in open space/natural area plan- Strategies
Strategies ring and regulation. I Utilize and enhance existing fund-
'!!! Develop and implement a compre- I Encourage under-represented ing sources, where appropriate, to
hensive education program for in- groups to become more active in meet the land and water base, fa-
forming and educating the general greenways and persuade greenway cilities,resource management,and
public about greenways and the leaders to include urban and rural operations and maintenance needs
statewide greenways system. areas in greenways planning. of the statewide greenways system.
Involve educational groups in I Provide sufficient new funding for
planning, developing and imple- FUNDING THE STATEWIDE the institutional framework and as-
mentingstudent/teachereducation GREENWAYS SYSTEM sociated technical assistance,edu-
programs that promote awareness, GOAL SEVEN: Fund the creation and cation,and other planned programs.
appreciation and understanding of maintenance of Florida's statewide 111 Develop and utilize new, innova-
greenways and how they aid in greenways system utilizing a combi- tive direct and in-kind funding
sustaining vital native ecosystems nation of funding sources. sources from statewide,local corn-
and landscapes. Florida's existing programs for land munity and business/citizen groups
ff Educate the business community acquisition and its support of commu- to support creation of the statewide
and landowners about the impacts nity conservation and recreation initia- greenways system. •
News & Notes
BROWARD URBAN RIVER acting as facilitator. For more infor- more information, contact Kent
GREENWAY.Florida Greenways'ur- mation, contact Richard Grosso at Wimmer in the Florida Greenways Of-
ban river project in Broward County (305) 452-6140. fice.
held a visioning workshop on Novem-
project's focus is on designing and con- Florida Greenways'Apalachee Project We are pleased to announce the avail-
serving a water-based greenways system held a workshop September 16 in Talla- ability of our new 15-minute video and
in urban Broward County that will pro- hasseetopresentitsfindings.The project slide presentations on Florida
vide opportunities for open space recre- assessed the region's natural, cultural Greenways. Produced by the Florida
ation, environmental education and and recreation resources and potential Greenways Program with support pro-
natural resources management. Par- development conflicts. In October, vided by Walt Disney World,the show
ticipants at the workshop included Florida Greenways and the Northwest is available in either slide/script format,
public officials,citizens,landowners, Florida Water Management District or on VHS videotape. Both presenta-
business and industry leaders. The completed a greenway plan for the St. tions are now ready for loan to conserva-
group gave its unanimous support to Marks and Wakulla rivers. Wakulla tion,education,civic,and other inter-
the project, agreeing that it should County plans to form a task force to look ested groups. To reserve a copy,call the
continue with 1000 Friends of Florida at how to conserve this greenway. For Florida Greenways Office.•
Florida Greenways
P.O. Box 5948 First Classs
.1 .
Tallahassee, Florida 32314-5948
. (904) 222-6277
- TT P A I D
,/� Fax(904) 222-1117 Tallahassee,FL
Permit No.282
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