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February 4 , 1991
City of Winter Springs
1126 E. State Road 434
Winter Springs, FL 32700
RE: Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan
Dear Sirs :
As a native resident of unincorporated Seminole County
and the south shore of Lake Jesup , I would like to thank you
for your honest efforts to help preserve our home. So many
outsider; do not realize that they have almost wiped out the
"real Florida" .
After attending your kind planning meeting on January
30, 1991 , it became apparent that almost everyone there
understands the real value in preserving the rural and
residential nature of the south shore community . Lake Jesup ,
its watershed systems, and its unique natural and
agricultural areas represent a priceless natural resource.
The City of Winter Springs controls the most important
link in the future of Lake Jesup ' s south shore. With the
event of the Seminole County Expressway bridge and SR 434
interchange, Winter Springs will determine the fate of any
serious conservation efforts along this shore.
Aggressive measures to insure a 1000+foot buffer zone
should be established and maintained . Within this zone, only
low intensity, no impact land usage should be permitted . The
current usage of this zone can be grandfathered into the plan
to include those people affected . They will then become the
watchmen for future generations. No new discharges into the
watersheds , no non-porous roadways and ecological spacing for
septic tanks can insure long term habitat preservation.
Outside this buffer zone, another transition zone, with
progressively denser usage being allowed farther away from
the sensitive area is also very important . Any development
proposals north of SR 434 must reflect the nature of this
fragile environment . We must maintain some consistency in the
wildlife habitat . The proposed super park can help establish
and support this wildlife corridor .
Special concern near the SR 434/Expressway interchange
must be shown, as this one project will control many factors
in the future. By splitting the south shore, land use at the
interchange could shift the balance between a working
ecosystem and a " low significance" conservation area. By
keeping traffic out of the buffer zone, a much more natural
and effective habitat will be maintained. Intensive land
uses , housing under 5 acres , industrial and commercial
development should be directed south of the interchange.
Page 2
The area of prime concern to me is the south shore of
Lake Jesup . While you as a city can control little of those
things which influence three of your boundaries , this one
frontier is within your control . It is likely that never
again will anyone have this opportunity to so extensively
mold land use patterns and long range planning for the
future. All other city leaders and planners that follow you
will expand on your present work . What will we leave to work
with 30-40 years in the future? What will future generations
think about the job we have done today?
I am also unclear and concerned with these conservation
designation boundaries. I do not fully understand what
criteria was used to determine these boundary locations.
These appear to be minimal standards adopted from other
jurisdictional bodies . Is this the criteria we should be
relying on to set aside the one natural resource area that
Winter Springs can control? Is this the place to lock in
future plans for sewer and water capacity, concentrated
housing , commercial development , road construction and
traffic? Winter Springs may need all these things, but must
they be here on the south shore of the lake?
A serious effort has been undertaken by Seminole County,
The St . Johns Water Management District , the Dept . of
Environmental Regulation and many others to restore Lake
Jesup to a working ecosystem and preserve its natural and
rural boundaries. Does this future land use map really
include Winter Springs ' contribution to this effort? Is this
what we want to recommend as a groundwork for future land use
Under this comprehensive plan, the proposed
transportation loop north of SR 434 is intended to open up
land to commercial development . The abandonment of the
railroad tracks will remove even more obstacles. Water and
sewer services will be extended much closer to the lake' s
edge. Agricultural usage will be restricted or eliminated .
New traffic from SR 434 and the Expressway will spur
commercial development . The interchange area north of SR 434
is proposed for high intensity use. Does this entire concept
show inspiration and vision or more of the same. Are we
really developing to meet demand, or demanding development
under this plan? Is this really what we choose to leave for
our grandchildren? Only they will know if we have addressed
these questions well . It will be their world then.
Res tfully,
�; g
Ro ert J. King ,
2211 Black Hammock Rd .
Oviedo , FL 32765
( 407) 365-3120 home
(407) 623-3390 work
Planning and Zoning Board Minutes
February 27, 1991
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. .
David Hopkins, Chairman, Present J. Koch, Dir. Admin./Comp. Planning
David McLeod, Vice-Chairman, Present
Martin Trencher, Present
John Horan, Present
John Ferring, Present
Local Planning Agency Public Hearing: Proposed 1991 Comprehensive Plan:
A) Land Use Element - Residential
B) Future Land Use Map - Residential
C) Traffic Circulation Element
D) Housing Element
E) Recreation and Open Space Element
F) Capital Improvements Element
Mr. King, 2211 Black Hammock, an unincorporated area of Seminole County, was the
only person present to speak at the Public Hearing. He said he is looking for
some kind of consistency in the environmental program. He mentioned an
advertisement that was put out by Seminole County for the National Land
Referendum which showed a very wide conservation margin. Some of it, he said,
was in this City. He said after everyone had voted on it, this area seems to be
forgotten about. He said in the meetings he attends, this area gets neglected.
He said when our plan goes to the State, if we can get some kind of information
to the State to show them that we are concerned about it. He said he is speaking
of the south shore of Lake Jesup. He said the soil characteristics in two places
in this community are conducive to urban use. That is in the Expressway
Interchange area and in the area south and east of the Super Park. Those two
soil areas will lead people, industry, housing and developers in that direction.
The wild life will be disrupted. McLeod asked Mr. King if he had any literature
concerning what he is speaking about. Mr. King said Seminole County's Future Land
Use Map shows the conservation area. He said he has been working on a map
himself, but hasn't finished it. He said he wanted to find out what our future
land use is, so he could put it on his map. Ferring asked Mr. King for
information on intergovernmental cooperation. He said he has gotten no firm
meeting times from Seminole County or Oviedo. He said it has to be ready to go
to the State with the rest of the package. Koch said we are not subject to the
County in making our plans. She pointed out in the Land Use Element, the section
on conservation. Horan said a stated goal is to preserve the natural features
within Winter Springs as assets complimenting the residential and commercial
areas. Then he stated the objective to perpetuate the existence and public
benefits of environmentally valuable land by excluding it from intrusion by
development. He said we have a great opportunity for the City along the south
.1lanning and Zoning Board Minutes
February 21, 1991
Page 2
shore of Lake Jesup in that we have a great natural asset there, it is right in
the middle of the City, which will loop the "center" City into the east and west
of the City by having mixed uses in that area that are complimentary to each
other, and will perpetuate the overall residential nature of Winter Springs.
He said our mission in that area will be to try to preserve the
and the natural environment. What is being attempted here is to set out at kind
of blueprint - an articulation of a vision that shows our concern about that and
that we know it's going to be developed, but we can protect it so that we won't
end up with a use on that urban ground that is going to destroy everything around
Koch said drafts of the Comprehensive Plan are available now for review at City
Hall. We don't print them up for public distribution.
Trencher asked if we that the one or two lines ar lkind of the bullet d"e things
as can
-we're addressing
"what's new in the land planning element" such as an executive summary u a
public summary so that the public will be able to find items easily. Hopkins he
said if we had an overview of each particular elemen We're ddr ssing, he
believed that would suffice. Trencher suggested staying g
statistics and addressing broad umbrella issues for the public.
Ferring said under the traffic circulation element, page 6 of 18, item no. 3,
there seems to be a tremendous amount of confusion about Levels of Service in
the traffic element as to how the County differs from our levels of service from
A to E. They've increased their capacity in their levels of service. Koch said
we have two sets of definitions for level of service E. Level service E won't
mean the same thing on different roads. We would have different references - one
for State roads, one for County roads and one for our roads. For ours we need
one reference for Level of Service E on State roads and one for County roads.
Attorney Worsham said it appears that the County is trying to have a temporary
depressed level of service. He said there is some leniency allowed on a
temporary basis to allow funding for a "catch-up" situation. Attorney Worsham
said if the County is able to convince the DCA to allow a lower level of service
for awhile, the City may be able to benefit because of that. For instance,
Tuscawilla is a County road. It may be presumptuous for the City to adopt a lower
level of service than the County because the County has a right to adopt the
level of service. Usually local governments don't get an opportunity to adopt
a lower level of service than the government that has the primary responsibility
for the roadway. Apparently the County may be able to adopt a lower level of
service for Tuscawilla than E for awhile. That means there can be some additional
development before the County is going to have to build or widen that road. Koch
said we won't know until the last minute what to put in our plans. Attorney
Worsham said we can amend it later on.
Horan asked if the County set the level of service for Tuscawilla Road. Why are •-;
March 22, 1991
Dear Sirs :
As an interested observer to these proceedings, and the
meetings of the Planning and Zoning Board for the past two
months, I would like to take this opportunity to comment on
my observations. It is obvious that an incredible amount of
work has been done over a long period of time to bring this
comprehensive plan to its present stage of completion.
Overall , this plan includes the needs and desires of
Winter Springs residents, city leaders and planners, large
lot property owners , and development interests. The input
and review from residents and the general public has been
very minimal in these final months of completion. This may
be an indication of total satisfaction with this plan.
Sadly, I cannot share in this apparent total acceptance.
Although I have regularly attended Planning and Zoning
meetings and public hearings, I find myself very unclear in
my understanding of several areas. I find it hard to believe
that Planning and Zoning and the City Council could fully
understand these areas clearly, unless they have been
presented with a totally complete plan draft to review and
are provided time to digest it . Recently Planning and Zoning
recommended a short time extension be requested to allow this
final draft document to be thoroughly reviewed . This appears
to not be forthcoming and so I am compelled to bring my
questions before you tonight .
While the text of the plan elements represents admirable
goals and objectives , the Future Land Use Mao raises my
concern over land use designations and their boundaries .
This one document is the hub or framework upon which all
future policies and ordinances will revolve. It is the single
most important part of your comprehensive plan. The text of
the elements cannot perform their desired function if land
use designations do not reflect the actual value or
sensitivity of the land . Now is the time to get these
designation boundaries right . The City Manager himself
stated at the March 11th public hearing that we need to lay
the groundwork properly" .
I am unclear on the land use designation descriptions ,
frankly because I have been unable to review a complete final
text of their explanations. While these may be before you
now , this complete final draft is a very recently completed
text . Associating land use classes with areas marked on the
future land use map has been hindered due to the fact that
this map has (until now) included no legend to identify land
use designation. This could be a problem that only I have
encountered , but it likely has affected all those who have
had only limited time to review future land use designations.
Page 2
One major method to help reduce traffic volume at the
interchange and help keep your city's traffic local in nature
would be by '.simply not attracting people off the Expressway.
More commuters would continue on till they reached the next
exit for connecting roads in Oviedo and Sanford . Too many
services of the wrong kind will make the interchange a
traffic bottleneck from all directions. By tailoring
development -to serve Winter Springs residents ' needs , local
people will more easily accept the negative impacts of
Seminole County ' s multiplying traffic problems.
A unified front against adverse land use on the south
shore is critical . Both Oviedo and Seminole County share the
responsibility with you toward our future. By presenting a
consistent message to those at the state level , through land
use planning that show sincere concern for future quality of
life, only then can state lawmakers realize the importance
and true value of our best resources .
Sincerely, ' /
Robert 7. King ,
2211 Black Hammock Road
Oviedo , FL 32765
(407) 623-3390 (work )
(407) 365-312e (home)
119-23-1994/14:35 Pit
RCPTN:01-11$15 app
ELEMENT REVIEWED: Master Planning Map
POLICY/PAGE See insert
9J-5 CITATION: 9J-5 . 006 (4)
Staff objects to the proposed commercial (Composite and Town
Center) area north of SR 434 as commercial uses are not compatible
with adjacent significant natural resources areas and County
Conservation Land uses. Nonresidential and high density
residential uses would have an adverse impact on Lake Jesup and on
the extensive conservation/preservation (wetlands and flood prone)
areas surrounding L. Jesup. Preservation areas include Spring
Hammock and substantial properties purchased for preservation by
the State, St Johns Water Management District and Seminole County.
Further, the entire L. Jesup corridor has been identified for
future preservation and possible acquisition in the Seminole County
Comprehensive Plan consistent with recent agency initiations to
restore L. Jesup.
Recommend nonresidential development and high density residential
uses north of SR 434 should be restricted to properties outside the
wetland and flood prone areas, and include provision for an upland
buffer to enhance the protection of L. Jesup and ensure
compatibility with adjacent conservation areas.
Recommend addition of policy under land use Objective C to ensure
that SR 434 does not become a "strip commercial" area. In order
to accommodate the proposed commercial area, SR 434 should be
improved (i.e. , additional language and realignment) and the
proposed expressway in place.
As the proposed master planning map does not include residential
densities, compatibility between future County residential and City
residential uses cannot be assessed. Uses within the Composite and
Town Center areas should be developed to be compatible with County
The continued use of the interlocal agreement executed in 1985
between Seminole County and its several cities to provide
notification of land use actions where mutual borders exist should
help to implement Winter Springs Intergovernmental Coordination
Objective D, policy 1 and Seminole County' s Comprehensive Plan
policy 8. 1. 6, (Intergovernmental Coordination) .
REVIEWED BY: Tony Matthews
PHONE: (407) 321-1130 Ext. 7387 .
City of Winter Springs
1126 E . State Road 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
January 16, 1995
Dear Sirs:
I find myself compelled to write at this time because of our
present circumstance. Things today do not impress me as
improving any in the time I have spent studying your
comprehensive plan from 1990 to 1994. The tragedy is that,
now , the time window to facilitate proper planning has nearly
closed . Tol l road 417 was completed recently, without ever
being evaluated as to its spin-off impact on land use or
transportation degradation . All of the false documentation and
the Inaccurate pretense that the project was "exempt" frca
growth management has persisted . Hopefully, this large scale
deception will soon be exposed. Regardless, the concrete is in
the lake and we must now deal with it
The Florida National Scenic Trail corridor or "missing link"
through Winter Springs has been designated their number one
priority in the State. The abandonment cf the CSX rail 1 ine
south of the lake has received partial funding at the state
level for conversion to a multi use rail trail . The County's
Natural Lands Acquisition Program is current1 v eva.l uating lands
along the south shore for acquisition. The State Greenway
program has acknowledged the need for an environmental and
recreational corridor through this area. The legislatively
created Friends of Lake Jesup has finally become effective in
deal ing with water qual ity and proper management of the lake.
Everything would appear to be headed in the right direction .
Not sc.!
The City o1' Winter Springs has a comprehensive plan in
pi ace, which will effectively stop any significant conservation
effort along the lake. Instead of treating the lake as a
valuable resource, this plan views it as an obstacle to
continued rampant urban sprawl . My perception is that Winter
Springs would prefer to overcome the "obstacle" with fill dirt
and asphalt . Even the super park: has evolved from respecting
the lake and its environment to creating unrelated urban uses
and impacts at the site. Throughout this corridor commercial
and mixed use will wipe out any significant regional
conservation effort .
The recent Ranchlands episode highlights the enortcomings of
the public participation process followed to develop the
"plan" . Whos plan is it F' Certianly not the residents of
Winter Springs .
I am saddened as I watch the window in time closing . What
had the potential to be a world class city, unique and vibrant
with natural resources, real recreational opportunity (not
plastic putt-mutt stuff multi -model transportai on systems to
move people not cars) and alive with true community and
culture, is now destined to become "any City USA" .
This opportunity does not need to be missed . Swift action
now, to coordinate with the various agencies and organizations,
and genuine concern for the future generations of citizens can
insure that Winter Springs will become th envy of all Central
Florida. Time is short . The final decision will be made on
your "watch" as stewards of everyone's future.
Please take time to review closely the attached public
comment submitted during the comprehensive plan hearings . At
that time verbal comment was also heard , dismissed , and
forgotten . That comment is just as valid today as when it was
presented. Please do not dismiss this opportunity as has been
done by leaders of the past .
Robert J. King
2211 Black Hammock Road
Oviedo, FL 32765
366-33128 H
623 3398 W
Encl .
Fl anner
Land Dv. Coord.
Parks °.. Rec . dent ,