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��B'fiUL.Gi� ARTICLE I IN GLNFRAL 'MOTION 39.01. Basis for regulations and require-nents herein set forth . The regulations and requirements herein set forth have been made =.n accordance with a comprehensive plan, with reasonable consideration, among other things , to the prevailing :.and uses, urcwth charaeteri stt cs and the character of the respective districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and t•o encourage the most appropriate use of land throughout the vi llae;e. 3 .o2. Furpose c f the fellowi ng sections: 39. :1 to . • In their interpretation and application, the provisions of 39. —0?. to 7 ' f this Code, shall be the min{mu requirements to promote the public health, morals, safety and general welfare; to conserve the taxable, value of land and bui'.dinrs and to protect the character and maintain the srabi !t•. of resie nti ai, •bus3.nees and industrial areas within the vi Ilaee and to promote the orderly and beneficial development of such areas. Among other purposes, such provisions are intended to provide adequate light' air, privacy and convenience of access ;t to property, to avoid undue c:once_ traion of population by regulating and limiting the heij!ht and bulk of buildings ; the size and open spaces surrounding buildings; to establish build- ing lines. to divide the village into districts restricting and regulati.nt; therein the construction, reconstruction, alteration and use of b:zild$ngs, structures and land fcr residence, business, rxiustrial and other specified uses and to limit congestion in the publ".e streets by provi.di.ng off-street r-arkin c.:2" motor vehicles ana to define the powers o f the aditinistrati.ve officers of the Planning and Zoning Board as provided herein. 3ECTI 14 39.03. Scope of sections 39.GL to . 117. secticrs 39.01 to 35. of this Cede , it is net i_neended to re^eal , change, abrogate, annul or in any way impair or inter- fere With the existing provisions of other laws or ordinances , except those specifically repealed by sections 39.01 to 39. or of any private restrictions placed on property by covenant , deed cr other private agreement. There sections 39. .'1. to 39. Impose a greater restriction upon the use of buildings or land or upon the height of buildings or lot coverage, or requires greater lot areas , larger yards, or •other open spaces than are imposed or required by such existing provisions of law or ordinance or by such rules, reeuiatians or perelite or by such private restrictions, the previsions of sections 39.01 to 39. shall control. E;CTION' 39.04. Zone Cowen~scion--Creaf•ed. There is hereby created a 1lainin and Zoning Hoard, for the Villae.e of North Orlando, Florida. S,LTTIOff 39.`5. Co iposition; A:Teintelene of members. The Planning and Eening Hoard shall consist of five members, who shall be citizens and freeholders of the Village of North Orlandf , Florida, appointer-by he Mayor and approved by the Vili e Council. S?'CTION 39.06. Term; filling vacancies; removal of nerbera. The teal of office of members of the Planning and Zoning ioard shall run from the second Friday ;n July in the year in which the appointments were made. In making the first appointmernts, under this ordinance, two merbers shall serve for one year, and three for two years. Thereafter, each member appointed shall serve for a term of two years, or until his successor it appointed and qualified. Members shall be subect to removal from office by the council for failure to perform thefLr duties, or for other mietonduct in effi.ce. Vacancies on the board may he filled by appointment by the I ayor and approved by c)u ?ci.l, at any time for the unexpired tern of any of its members. SECTION 39.07. Appointment of chairman and secretary. There ehail be a chairman an aand a secretary of the P .annine and Zoning Board ee ected from the five appointed :members. S elsc- t{on will be ride by me'fibers c f the Board. - SECTION 39,0 . Comi:3nsaticn; allowances for expenses incurred an performance of duties. Members of the Planning and Zoning Board shall receive no com- pensation for their services, but shall be allowed actual expensed✓ incurred in the performance of their duties. SECTION 39.09. Meetings ; Quorum; records to be kept. The Planning and Zoning Board shall meet at least once each calendar nonth at a time set by its members. special meetings may be called at any time by the chairman or any two of its members if the need should arise. Three_ members shall con- stitute a quoru r. Complete e records shall, be kept. SECTION 39.10. Duties---general. -� The Planning and .onLng pard Snell serve as a commission pro- vided under Chapter 9860, Laws of Florida. It shall collect, data and keep itself .f on ed as to the best practices generally 4J1 effect la the natter oft city planning and s fining to the end 1aat it may m qualified to act on _measures affecting the p-resegJ and future moveent of traffic, the serve: ation of residential. and business districts and the convenience and safety of Nerac'n3 and property in any way dependent on city planning and zoning. The commission shall recommend the boundaries of districts and appropriate regulations provided .2 )r in Chapter 98,4,p, saws of Florida, and shall rer�ort Its findings to the Village colnci 1. SECTION Y.lJ. Annual report to Village Council. The Plannilg and. Zoning Board shall annually make a written report to the Village Council ;iv ng a resume of its work during the preceding year. In such rep)rt , it, shall also make recommendat4mt as to future projects to be undertaken. SnCTI'JN 39.12. ?'_rsitItant3. Expenditures for all professional and clerical assistants employed in connection_ with the ter or.►iance of the funotion3 of the Planning and Zoning Board shall be within the anounts arproxrria1:ed fQr such purposes. 3r.CTION 39.13. Recc>:ar!en•1ation3 of the Board. The recommendations of the P lann:i.ng and n,nrr ,card to the Village Council shall be in writing and in dupl.icate,. and shall Show the estimated cost and the suggested method or methods of fi.nancin ;. As soon as cotrrenient, after the recommendations arc received by the village council., the village council shall call ftr a public hearing re and in€►, the regulation, restriction or boundaries at which parties in !.nter°est and citizens shall hav:: an ,,r..hortuni.ty to be heard. I1otice of time, place and purpose of the *,ub is hearing shall be published moe, no less than fifteen (15 ) days prior to the time of the hearing in a newspaper ¶;f' general circulation in said municipality and n ,tice shall also he '. osted in three (3) conspiou')u5 places throughout the village. After the public c hearing, the Village council shall consider and at upon the reco? !enaations of the P1nnn:11;; and ..on-i.ng "'ward and upon coupletion of action by the council, the village clerk shall r a o:urn t ) the Planning and ioning `3oard a copy of the reco-omendatIons with the counci l'a action noted thereon. 0 1 S LCTION 39.14. 2YJning ordinances---alterations, changes or amendments. T'henever it is proposed by or to the village comic__i that the coning ordinances be altered, chaned, or an.e:acied, or any variance remitted thereunder, the village e council shall call a public hearing on the same and shall give notice of tine, 'date 1 and purpose their(elo.f, n'o cs than�fifteen (l5) days prior ��i Lo the date o.i. hearing U p^_bl-J.shisl. �aii nc;t� ),�e V�- ce Jn a hews- paper of general circulation in said municipality and by poatira, said notice in three (3) conspicuous :`lacat3 through the village, one of which shall be ths Village Hall and a copy of said notice :.hall be delivered to the Planning and Zoning Board Chairman or secretary 1, ss than f (teen (15) days prior to the time of hearing. Altar service upon the Board , the Chair: a or Secretary shall then call a meeting to consider the proposed alterat _on, change or a lend:nent and shall thereafter and not less than !ort.y64.eigbt (48) hours prior to the scheduled hearing submit the Board t: recommeni ti ns to the village clerk for use of the council at the time of the hearing and at least one designated r rber cf the '3oard shall attend the public hearing. ;?EC'IION 39.15. Ac -.`•.on of the Village Council. Action of the v?1: ere council ahall be by resolutwon duly passed and shabl be spread upon tie minutes of the village. 3Lt.i:_i_ON 39.76. Actions to alter, etc. All actions to alter, change, establish, repeal or enact any ord=n nce or any variances thereunder sisal: be initiated by written petition which shall reflect the change, variance or etjaetnent de:: rod; the : peci f c property by legal description and street location, which will be affected thereby, the put- 1:..ose f,:r which the change is sought and the individuals interested ther'Jin. :E. p.tdtY gin, 'ncere p:ra fiic:able, shall be submitted the village c .erk, ten (1C) days prior to the council meetin,e* at which it Is to be presented. :.;.r CT ltd Yffc ctive date of ordinance. This amcnautent shall 'becor e effects-ve immediately ui,on its passage, and adoption. �- _-- ,-- Sr,C i'T x , ?.`'' . ''ef .n ltiolu --in genera'. . ` r lice"t where spec f_Ic definitions are teed within a s �ecific section, or article of the following sections of this Code, for the purpose :A"' such sections, the foil::r;i ng terms, phrases, —27t15 and their derivations shall have the meaning given herein. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the rresent tense include the future, words in the plural number include the sincx.l ar number, and words in the air, ular number include the i l.ural number. The word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely directory. (1) Accessory. The term applied to a building or use which is clearly incidental or subordinate to and cus:-,°.saris in eennection with the grin:i; ..l building or use and which is located on the name lct with such erincipai building or use. (2) Al'_ey. rub'_ic way not more than thirty (30) feet in width, which affords only a secondary access t,o the property abutting thereon. (3 ) Apartment hotel. A building designed for ccntainint; bath apartments and individual guest rooms or suttee which :ay offer such services as are ordinarily furnished by hotfI . Tenants may be permanent or seasonal but not transient . (4 ) Apartment house. See Dwelling, Multiple. (5 ) Basement . It basement shall mean a Te)rt . ;n of a bu' lding located partly `.underground, but having less than half its clear floor-to-ceiling hei ht below the average grade of tie a .:loin-- ingground. A basement shall be counted as a story l f sub- divided and used for dwelling or business purposes. (6) Boardinghouse or l odginghouse. A dwe l ti n! having; one kitchen and reed for the purpose of ovi dl n ; ere :1 s "z or both for cfeapeneati.en to persons other than mem?eer' .;f fa,rily cccupyi.n;, such 'J.velling. (7) 3uiiding. Any permanent structures designed or built for the support, shelter, or protect4.on of persons, ani- als, cha-etels or preps t y of any kind. (8) 3uildiLj , height er. The vertical distance fro m the grade to the h__2hest point of the coping of c^. ee o flay reef r t t-,he ;Wean height level between eaves and ridge f lr t ahi.�, 1141) ?• gambrel roofs. Where no grade level has been established , ',Ale height .:f the hu 'ding may be measured .f r r the mean e1 eva e l on of he finished lot grade at the front of the (9) Buni'atow court. A group of two or more detacho.:1 bul IUn ,s under one ownership and management and being eer r; ced as a c,.;roulp by public utilities, each individual building consisting of complete living accommodations for one family. Cellar.Celar. A cellar shall mean that portion or a 'hui ling located i arty or wholly underground and hay.ln'r to:ire then half its clear i'e r-to-.ceiling height below the averare grade :?f the ad 'Dining ground. • ' (11.) Clinic. A clinic shall mean an estab: iahment where ;at.ent::, whi are not lodged over: ig'.c':, are admi tt. t for exa.'r. .na- i - and treat rent by one person or a €roup of persons practicing an.y form of healing or health building services to indivi.dual.s, wsle'.hkwr ouch persons be medical d^ctf,rs , chiropractors, o:;teo-- • chirop)odists, naturopaths, ont r:-a+ trsts, dentist : r any .rrf€sslor:, the practice of which i3 '.awfuw in the ::tale f 1''i )ri.da. (1 2) Club. Buildings and facilitie:3 owned and. ,vera'.ed by a corrorat!on or association or persons for social or retreat onal purposes, but not operated prir:sarily for profit or to renier a service which is custoriarily carries'! _n ash a biro: tress. (13 ) A decibel is a unit o '_1tastu ement of the r t c3k r 4.ty ( line`ss) of sound. 3ou i level met ':' whirl' arc: e.;.rl')ypd t- m, asiTr•'o intensity "f sound are calibrated _Ln deci.;;els. (11 ) Dor t':rv, s. A room, alert:nett or 1».1i1 ins c^ntai.niri sleeping accommodations which facility is operated for the use s3tvd:onts enrolled in the sponsori.r.g a .icational inatitvtion. (3.c ) Dwelling. A building or portion thereof, bat not automobile house trailer, designed or used exclusively for residentia". rccupancy but not inr?.ud:in rAote1s, 1A ;ingho'.ises or hotels. (L:)) T efl ing, ono-family. A building ticsi nec1 for r r e•xclus;v.;lyr by one family. (17) Dweliin ;, two-family. A building de rened for or occupied t._xc u 'vc l r by two famines. (i:') Dvc-alLng, mul_tipl.c3. A buildiYnfn desi,c Iod for or occu '.ed carclusi:►o y ',w three or ::tare f a?3?i.es. (_t 9) rantly. An individual or twn or more persons related by b16od or marriage, or a group of not more than five persons 111r".ng together as a Dingle housekeeping unit in a dwelling, who ne :d rot be related `)y blond or :rarri.a9•e. (20) station. See service Station. (21) Ca,,a_,•c apart tent . An accessory building with stor$,Z;e cap ac'.ty fr,r not loss than two autoracbi_ies, the second floor r' which i3 designed as a residence for not ore than one family. (2r ) ,.4 :'ai:':o, private. An aeces',ory b'a _17.din` or a portion the princi l buildinz used for the story e automobiles of `he ^�eurInto >f the `'ui_1d1np. A carror't is s private garage. (2? ) Garage, )ubli.c. A uildi.rig or portion thereof, other tliar4 a pr9.vate garage or storage garage, designed or used for 'th servJcinir, repairing, equipping and hiring of rotor driven vehi dies. ( 4) Gara; F., storage. A building or l:orti.on thereof d`s*gned or used of:elus ve'.y for the storage or parking of etttorlobiies. `+c:rvi^et, other than store.", at such storage garotte , shall be :,.inite4 to 1 1t-r . mticn, washing, waxing and polishing. (25) 0.,a st oottam quarters within the detached arise scary located can the same lot or parcel of land as the principal building, t:, ':10 used ex lusively for housing, ^er,,JfA1.�y ,.y the fa^.il;' oc.nr.Ting the rri nci.pa l bujlcf.rg and their nm-1-1.ix •.'.ag gueat'; ; such charters shall not be rented or oti:Brwi.se i315(:d as a sc,raratc (26) Gl.ec (' ,ur ) b z .A ?ri vot e dtfe .1.it *, '.n which t ra;:.s- i4nt sleeping e. ce,:tiltod.t:i o is are ;provided for compensat: on; especially f:)*_^ mot. i:' i st,ti cr travelers. (2 j) Homo occupation. Any use conducted entirey within a dwelling and carried .n by an 7ccut;ant thereof, which i clearly inoi.dental. : > and s.:y,' . :.Tarry to the use of the dwelling for dw„l.:lint. p,Arpose and doo:i not change the character thereof; and rrovi dad , at all o 1-3.1 following conditions are met. Only riuch commodities as are 'lade or the premises may be sold on the prtti;iisos. i.owever, t:1.1 such sales of hone occupation wor':-: or pT`" thi.cto shall he c+721 Incted w-i thi n the building and there shall be no oL do.:r d s=rl y of ?i r^handise or products, zior shall' there he any indoor .,:t3 splay visible from the outside of the building. No person sha.n be en7aged in any such home occupation other than tum ue; hers of the ;."rediate family, rep:,ding on the prcllises. No mechanical egniprnent shall be used or stored on the premises in connect" •on with the home occupation, except such that i_s norm&l y used for pure'y douestic; or household purposes. Not over twenty per cent (Y YJM of the floor space of any one 5tory shall be used for home occupation upation :rurposcs. z:o sign shal t. be used other than .me non-- 1_l1.urainatedA name :°=atc: attached to the bu Idi.ng entrance, whi.ch name plate shall not exceed two square feet in area. each location shall be approved by the Plannins and '.7oningg Board. Fabrication of such art sales as are commonly classified -finder the tern "arts and handicrafts" In ay be veered a home occ pation, sub-'ect to the ,other ter and condit.lons of this :dofi.r:9.4-i:5n. I oue occupations shall not be construed to include barbershops, beauty parlors, tearooms, food prJoess.ng, restaurants, sec! of antiques, caramPr 'ai !:on 1s, real estate offices or nouranc:e cuff! cos. (2 8) 11,,tel. A lil.diug _r other structure kept, used, "ian- ta?ned and advertised as or held out to the public to be a place where aieepfng asset odati..ons are supplied for pay, cater- ing primarily to transient guests, in which ten or more rooms are furnshed for the a.ccornodati.on :sf .:a€ ots, and ?laving or not having one or more dining rooms, restaurants or cafes where oea13 are serval to transients or other guests; such sleeping accommodations and dining rooms, restaurants or cafes, if existing, being conducted in the same building or accessory buildings In connection ''her ,pith. (29) Junk yards. An open area where waste, used or second- hand .materials are bought, sold, exchanged, stored, baled, packed, disassembled, or handled including but not limited to scrap iron and other metals, paper, rubber t_!.rea and bottles. A ,gun yard includes an automobile wrecking; yard. (30) Laundry, :elf-service. A business that provides home- type wasnirt :, drying and/)r ironing machines for hire to be used by customers on the premises. (31) Lot. A parcel of land occupied or intended for occupancy by a use permitted in section,: 39.01 to 39. of this Code including on principal building together with its accessory 1,.7utidin v, the yard arenas and parking spaces required by sect;.c ns n.O.l to 39. and having its principal frontage upon a public~..y owned sstraet and publicly maintained streets or upon an approved place. When a bUnga?ow court is i:einw considered, a lot shall refer to a parcel of land iev ed to the individual buildings in such bungalow court. (32) Lot of record. A lot which is a part of a subdivision, :ha plat of which hen been recorded in the office of the Clerk of the C,±rcuit Court of :.mole County, Florida; cr a parcel of land, on or before the effective date of sections 3°.0l to 39. of this C,>do. (33 ) Lot, corner. A lot ab::tti.n„ upon two std a to at their intersection. (3.'41 LA y rontag . The horizontal distance ;'tea ured a:'.nn the narrow width of a lot abutting a etroet right of way. (35) hot , interior. A lot other than a corner (3:0 Lot, through. An interior lot hav in fr:in t.a;pe parallel or approximately ely parall1,l streets. (37) Lot, rft.erved corner. A corner lot, the street side lot Jlne of which substantiar,?y t`na o'ntin ation of the front lot line o: the firFt let to (31) Lot, depth+. The depth of a lot is the distance measured in a wean direction of the site lines of the lot from the ;piddle point of the fror'tt lot line -lo tarty r;ldpoiut of the opposite rear line of the lot. (3 9) Lot, wilt z. The ,.lean ho immntal distance ictween the side lot lines, :.toasured av right angles to the depth. (40) Motel. A building or group of buildinr=s, whether detas ed or in connected units, used as individual sleeping or dwelling units designed• primarily for transient automobile travelers and providing for. accessory off-street parking facilities adeiacent to each unit and having individual unit entrances opening. to the outride. The tern "motel" includes buildings designated as auto courts, tourist courts, motor lodges and appellations. (41) 1'1sncanfoI^.:Ii d g use. The use of a building, or portion thereof, or lard, or portion thereof; which use does not con- form with the use regulations of the district in which it is located. (42) Noxious matter. Material which is capable of causing -'_n:fury to living or ;anisstls by mechanical or chemical reaction or Is capable of causing detrimental effects upon psychological, social -r well-being of indils.Iduals. (43 ) Nursing (convalescent) ho. e. A haste of aged, chronica? ly ill or incurable persona in which three or more persons not of the iN ediate "a:lily tart received, kept or provided with food and :,r similar institutions devoted primarily to the diagnosis and treatment of the sacs: or inured. (44) ' ctave band. An ootav e band in a means of dividing the range of sound frequencies into octaves °..n order to classify sound according l:J , i c.c i. (45 ) actavc sand filter. An octave hand filter is an electr - cal frequency analyzer designed actor dint; to standards fornu1ated by the American 3tai dards Aasoci.ation and used in con ;unc'i.ort with a sound :Level :deter to take measurements in specifi e octave Intery le. (4,o) `'ar4i.eulaze :Cutter. Material w ..ch is suspended in s:r discharged into the atmosphere in finely divided form as a z_3qu:id or a solid at au;.ioaj>h ric pressure and temperature. (47) 1 tai^'ormance standard. A criteria sstaulished to control noise, odor, smo!se, toxic ur n.•')z ous matter, vibration, fire and exploe<i vc r, .ra:1:d:; and glare Dr heat generated by or inherent in uses of land or buildings. (4A) ?rofess i{onal off;ceo. Profession& offices shall include those vocations in which t:rsfessed attain•nents ;n si;ecia? know- ledge are practiced, as distinguished frun mere skills, and shall be l 'msted :;o thoao professions so classified by the 7.aws of forida or determined by decisions of the Jupreme Court of H Honda, and which a;s .condue ed as professions and not as a trade or otter business ; advertising or husinesa display sins shall be lit it.ed to a name plate or non-illuminated sign not to exceed two square feet in area in residential areas. Pro- feasional offices do not include offices for the treatment of animals on the promise. (4 9) Ringelmann chart and number. A chart described in the United States Bureau of Mines Information Circular 6A88, and of which are illustrated F;raduated shades of gray for use in estimating the light obscuring capacity of smoke. A Ri.ngel- m.ann number is the number of the area in the Ringelnann Chart that. coincides most nearly with the visual density of emission. (50) Station. Any building, structure or land used �a8r'f�C�' t3t�.On. for the dispensing, sale or offering for sale at retail or any automobile fuels,, oils or accessories and in connection with which is ,serf ormed general automotive servicing as distinguished fr•or1 automotive repairs. (51 ) Aloke units. Smoke wilts represent the number obtained by mult.a T lyir_r the smoke density in Rin ;elmann numbers by the time of emission in. minutes. (52) Sound leve . :use ter'. An instrument 8tandardieed by the American Standards Association for measurements of the intensity of sound. (53 ) Cory. That 1.ortioe of a building included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the next floor above it, then the space between such floor and the ceiling next above it. ( 4) t tweet . A eelbl..i.c er private rh-rougilfare which affords the principal means of accese to abutting property. This tle l erl ,s ;_and,. e]acr , way or ether means of i pa'r'es or egress regardless of the term used to describe (c5 ) street right e e f-way. The dividing line between a to t trace or parcel_ of lard and a cont•ig��ene Street. (56) ` t.r?::;:.tu.re. ;:.n't,hing conetruo+ed, erected or placed, the use of which requires n re or Tess per°:.,.anent location on the r7r nutd or attached to sop ethirig having permanent location on i,he ground and shall include tents, lunch wagons, dining cars, came cars or .,±;her otructures on wheels or other supports and used or intended for business or living quarters. (57) Structural alterations. Any substantial change, except for repay r or replacement in supporting members of a building such as bearing walls, columns, beams or Girders, floor ,'oists or roof ,'oists. (5'4) Subdivision. For the purpose of these regulations, a subdivision of land is either: er)*!eroein area, antasi.ontasof sites orm1'1arCelS.one acre (2 ) ''.stabl ishmsnt or dedication of a road, highway, street or alley through a tract of Land by the owner thereof, regardless of area; or: 44% (3 ) The re-subdivisions of land of one acre or more in • area heretofore divided or platted into lots, sites or parcels. (59) Swimming pool. Any constructed pool used for awi.mming or bathing over twenty-four (24) inches in depth or with a surface area exceeding two hundred fifty square feet. (60) Toxic materials. Materials which are capable of causing i n ury to living organisms by chemical moans when present in relatively small wt ounte. (61) Trailer. Any so-called house trailer and other similar objects, which are designed for use as a place of abode, by one or more persons ,, both temporary and permanent irrespective of whether they are used actually for such purposes. (62 ) Trailer park. A duly licensed came, park or other area established to carry on the business of parking or otherwi ee servicing trailers. (63 ) Mae, principal. The main use of land or buildings as distinguished free a s bordinate or accessory use. (64 ) Yard. An open space at grade between a building and adjoining lot line, unoccupied and unobstructed by a portion of a structure from the : rotuid ujward , except as otherwise provided herein. In measuring a yard for the nose of determining the width of a side yard, the depth a frost yard or the depth of a rear yard, the linimun horizontal distance between the lot line and the principal building shall be used. (65 ) Yard, front. A yard extending across the front of a lot between the side yard linos and be Tn. the minieum hori.zcntal distance between the street line and the principal building or any projections ef uncovered etepe, uncovered balconies cr uncovered porches. On corner lots, the front yard shall be con:idered as parallel to the street upon erhi ch let has its dimension. (66) Yard, rear. A yard extending across the rear of a lot between the side lines of lots and being; the minimum horizontal distance between the rear of the principal building or any pro. ections thereof other than the pro.iection of uncovered step,, balconies or porches. On all corner lots, the rear yard shall be at the opposite end or' the lot from the front yard. (67) Yard, side. ¢, yard between the principal building and the side line of a lot and extending from the front lot line to the rear yard end being; the minimum horizontal distance between a side lot line and the side of the principal building or any t;tr'= eetion. thereto. . 1 ARTICLE II F 9TABL3 S?'M NT OF DISTRICTS, DISTRICT .i3QUNDARI ::; ON ZONING MAP AND B STRICfl(iN3 UPON LA'.D3, BUILDING) AND JTRUCT'JRiS. SECTION 39.19. Establishment of d±otricte. In order to classify, regulate and restrict the uses of land, water, buildings and s c.ructxu'as, and to regulate and to restrict the height and bull: of buildings and to relate the area of yards and other :Ter. spaces about bu:'.?dirros, the corporate area of the village is divided into fivo districts, as ;i n !iuut �c.�nth.^rn art Site Site Living Area Width Area __. .�_ �: acre - 15C)I • R--1 AA ).e-family Dwelling ",OCiO s z.ft . 8G' 1,000 eq. ft. * F iA 'one--family Dwel?.i i g aq.f't. 75 ' 900 sq. ft. * R-"1 One-family Dwelling :,,(0C aq.f::. 60' 700 Sq. ft. 2--1 Neighborhood Commercial C-2 General Commercial & Industrial Ilia i'ntnum ?.fo cieFt-17 sha?.1 net, ;e'Testi than- 70.0. f-a-e Ur Tsind1e family residential- ? 4,`a. ,- ,=N A';N 35.% n. District boura..c^;.r _ca :.J;, Yarl'us districts on ..,:"fn3.4+_s !Nap. The boundarl.es of the var_t.oLs districts are established aa ahewn upon a :nap t i t,e,d ''ItF. 70NI G MAP OF THE VILLAGE aLAGE OF NORTH ORLANDO, F',ORIrA; .E.`eat ��y,...o , 19 4r, which acc ripan-- es and fs wade a part of se ion. 39.0.! o of this Code. " cap t where reference on Said map to a street line or other designated lanes by dimensions shown on the map, the district boundary lines follow lot lines or the center lines of attreets r al1e s as they ex_t ated at the tine of the adoption of sections 39.01 to 39. ; but where district lines do not coincide with each lot lines or where it is not designated by dimensi.ona, ::t shall be . oa:aed to be one hundred fifty feet (150' ) back from the nearest tiara:t7"el street line. The Zoning 1,ap i.s supplemented by 4 Zoning Atlas of pagss, numbered one to and which all sail di stric s anc? boundaries on the zoning Map are delineated and identified. • ;,,C;'ION •39.2 . Reetricti.ons upon '.ands, buildings and structures. (1) Use. No building or structure shall be erected and no existing 'nu'!lding shall be moved, altered, added to or enlarged, nor shall any }land, building, structure or premises be used, designed or intended t'.' he uee .l for any purpose or in any canner other than a use designated in sections 39.01 to 39. of this Cede, )r a(aendelmnts thereto , as peer' itted in the district in which such land, building, structure or premises are Teaeed. (2) Height. No structure or building sham be erected, nor shall any existing building be ::coved, reconditioned or structur- ally altered so as to exce©d In height the limit established in sections 39.01 to 39. of this Code, or amendments thereto, for the district in which such building or structure is located. (3) Percentage of occupancy (lot ) .[v No building or structure shall be erected, ne :tall any S xiet.''..n.: buildinj or structure be moved, altered, enlarged er rebuilt, nor shall any open space surrounding any building or ;3trt cture be encroached upon or reduced in any manner except in conformity with the building site require:gents and th.o area3 and parI.fne space and Yard regulations established in sections 39.n1. t.o 39. of this Code ^r weend /en`* thereto, for the district in which seen building or stria ture. i.s located. (4) Density of nopu1ation. No building, structure or premises shall be erected or eceupted er ua d go ae to provide a ereater density of population than is a'iowed under the terms oof sections 39.01 to AC; '!f ss Cede " str-t ' a , ; �. } . . �h � �;',a i :.r r' the Ct:i a�,� �C• _i1 tit 1' C h such building, structure er "reeeise2 is located. (5 ) Open space use iii i tations. N ► yard or other open space provided about any eu1din3 or utruct•ure for the ruri ese of complying with the regulations of sections 39.01 to 3k;. of this rode, or aneml:lonts thereto, eha? _ he Bone Eder i as pro- viding a yard or epee space for any other building or structure. (61 I;equired lot and occupancy.. Every building )r structure herea. ter +-rectec'. ehan be located on a lot trace of land as d fJned herein; and in no ease shall there be more than o e huelding, on .one `.cat except as hore:inaf:e • provided. (7) ninimura lot deet i . The 1:z:tn0:uur W iepth shall not be lens than one hundre.i. and ter feet (110' ) for any single family residencia1 lots, and ne sint:1.e family dwelling shall be con- street.ed on any etc having a depth of lees than one hundred 1 -on feet (I1C' n any zeni.ng dis;;ri ee . 4 . ARTICTX III 7.-'.AA AN P-1A ON r-FAA LY DWELLING DISTRICT. SECTION 39.2"'. In ,. ' ncra'. The lands included within R-1AA and R--1A Ono-.family Dwelling Districts are developed predominantly with single family dwell- ings on lots of r,erierous areaa. The zone districts are designed to preserve and protect the characters tics of sin.xle--family use. 39.23. Uses permitted. Within any and R-1A j i.ngla--faaa?y Dvelliug Listrict3, acv but ldJ n^. ot.ructure or lands or water shall be used exce vt for one or Ytore of the following uses; (1 ) Single family dwellings and their Cunta.laz y acc :saar'y uses. (2) quest cot`a )s i.nn aacerdance with area provisions L+.eluded in section 39. " .°:rt!cle XVII. 3:(iTITOM 39.24 . i;ond.itaonal Use: . (1) When, after review t)f an appzication and plans appurtenant thereto Rnd hears." thereon, t.''e mnIcipal Planning an4 zoning Board finds as a Fact that the proposed posed 'tsc, or uL:aa are :on- a:latent with the I -neral 2.:134.r plan and wJah .he. 'tab Li c interest, the f'3ilow4 ng aay ba recoamenaed to the village council as per- aitted uses in R-1AA and P-1A One--family lwal"ng District. (a) Churoiies with }1 .i at.te n:lant e'i.ucat{::nal b_iildings and recreati-onal facilities. (b) Public a ti sty. t.r i ser7.ce 3tructur a. (0) S chacL3. (d) Public recreation area and. faci. {i tiea. (e) atadiums, independently or in cor unction with ax zsti.ng scbool facilities, pravided the Seating capacity shall not exceed the student enrollment of the school to be served plus ten per cent (104) , and rrov .ded there shall be n) lights c;r night use. (2 ) Any review of an application or plan :shall consiii r the charactPr . `' the ne;_ghtorhood in which the proposed use is to e l orated and its effects on the value of surrounding lands , and further, the area of the site as it relates particularly arl.y to the required open spaces and off-street parking facilities. ------------- , (3 ) Any c.:)nditional uSu that ray be granted is limited to the use and intensity shown IL t apf.lication ad ire submitted, and application must receivti avroval in the same manner as the origlnal application. (4) Applicants for a condiii(,nal use for V.-,o 1ca. f a chlIrch in any residential zoning district chall furnish the Planning aid ;:cnIng with tl".e f-)111nr in ration and shall provie tbe minimwAsetbacks, off-street rare.ng and side- walks as ; et l')rth herein, as follows: (1) >,AtbacYs, ink iuti. (a) Front yard rC.nimun of ',-venty-fivr: feet (25 ' ) in a-1A DwelTiw; Ditrict and thirty-five feet ()Y ) in 1 -71A 3inglo-family Dwellinz District, from propery line : arterial. streets to be treated individually. , (-0 Baal_ ;ard . 1.1.n._;.mu:u of twenty-flvc feet (251 ) . .(2 ) Off-street par:i.nL,. (a) 7:rovide spa;:c; f:.)r 017h1.7 seats in chtmel and nave, pluS one parking space for each church official revident (,n the preiss, :')us addittpnal parking spaces caual j_n number t') fifty per cent ( 0-.1) of the number of pemanent employees. (b) Space for ::.ne ,;:ar ecpais ter foot tmcnty fee,.; or two hundred square That plus incress and e7ress to a public roadway. (e) 'larking area may ne.; oecu -a; any -.)f the fr.,nt yard Setback. (d) If s-dfficion47. raring area '! 's not avallable on church (2/t , parking may .ati provided within three, hunkred feet (300' ) either through ownership or 1ea8c but must he zoned or arTrovr,:i for such ucie. (3 ) Sidcwa-, . (a) 3:•..dc.itraiks shall be ins4L1L,4 by ;he church )11 all. streets Abutting the church buildings and such sidewalks shall also be fmntalled 1,ordering par. :!_ng areas servinc now or additional church facilities. (h) A 1:ublic hearinr: on all propesed new churnes or church additLms resAontial distrl.cts zlla7.1 be reared. (c) kll applicat7;.ons shall contain complete descriptions or any easenents er restrictions affecting the title to the propoSed church s-:_to whic1,1 may be inc:.)nsistent with the ' roposed use. ^ECTION 39.25 . 'Building height regulations. In Re1AA and R-IA Ong--aapal Dwelling Districts, no build ingy; or ' structure shall exceed f �--five feet 45 ' ) in height, unless otherwise provided herein, except that beat houses on the la%e frontages shall net exceed twelve feet (12' ) in height above the high water line; roof decks may be used as sun decks. 2 'CTIOM .39.26. Building area regulations. Each single family dwelling shall be located on a lot or parcel of land having an area of not less than ten thousand square feet in an R.-IAA Single-family Dwelling District and eight thousand square feet in an R--'_A `Jingle-family Dwelling District and said Lots er rarcela of land shall have a minimum width of eighty-r>e feet (`'O' ) and seventy-five Peet (75 ' ) , respectively, at the buildins line. SECTION 39. 7. Front, rear and side yard regulations. (1 ) Front yard. Front yards shall not be less than th;.rty_ui 1e feet (35 ' ) in depth in the RelAA z;ingle--f&m?ly Dwelling District and twenty-five feet. (25 ' ) in depth in the R-1A Single-fani'T Dwelling District. (2) 'dear yard. Roar yards she.n not be less than thirty-five feet (35 ' ). in. depth in the R-1AA Single-family Dwelling District and twenty-five feet (25 ' ) in depth in R-l.A Sint,?e-favii - Dwell- ing District. (3 ) Side yards. Side yards shall be provided on each side of every dwelling structure of not less than seven and one-half feet (7-1/2 ' ) in R-1A Single-family Dwelling Districts, and twenty feet (20' ) in R-iAA., including utility easement. (4) Corner lots. On corner lets, the front line setback )f twenty five feet (25' ) or more must be maintained, but a fifteen foot (15 ' ) silotine setback will be permitted en the street side IJ.ne, provided the corner lot faces the same way as all other tots in the block. If the building faces tha long: dimensien of the lot, n� ot, or where corner lots face a different thoroughfare than other lots in the block, the twenty-five foot (25 ' ) or greater setback must be laintained frori both eheroughfares. 7CTION Let roe 39.2 : . �e�. COVEx'c�..y.-. Forty per cent (4(r4) of the lot area is the maximum which may be covered by the principal and accessory buildinws or structures ?ecated thereon in R-1AA and it-1.1, One-fa-lily Dwelling Districts. . 170i'IOi 39.29. Use, area and yard exceptions. See Article of this chapter as to use, area and yard excep- t]cns in R-1 AA and R-1A One-family Dwelling Districts. 'r.CTIC)i' 39.3^. Off••stroet perking regulations. See Article 'VIII of this chapter as to off-street parking regulations in R-1AA And 11-lA One-family Dwell rg Districts. AT ILLY Iy R-I ONE-FAMILY DWELLING DINT?PICT. L '.I3N 39 31 Y aera1. �)L_l� ,.Lt �• • .Ln �.s Althoutrjh the lands inciu•led in R-1 one-family Dwelling Districts are subdiyidnd generally into :10.,;s ^f small dimensions and area, they have deve'l erred prednninantl.y as n ;l e-fami.ly, mediuri density areas . 39.32. Uses Permitted. :Tithin any R-1 )ne--fan: 'y Dwelling Di:stri ccs, no building or structure, ,and or water eha1' be used exc=,lt for one or more -:f the following uses: (1.) Any use remitted in 4he R--IAA anu R--1A �;i ngle-f:rrt3 ?.y Dwelling Districts. (2 ) Hone eCCUratie s. • . ..CTION 39.33. Conditional uses. Conditional uses :;n Rwr. One-family Dwei.1i.n! Districts are the same as for E--?AA and R-1 A :tingle-family Dwelling Districts. ',;7 :7 39.314. Building height regulations. Building height regulations in R-- me-fa: it y Dwelling Districts are the same as in the R-1.r A and R-z.A ;tingle-family Dwelling `:istricts. ',T,Ti^)ti 39.35. Dui.lding site area regulations. In In R-1 Dne--fami:?y Dwelling Districts, each family (single) -lwell_ing shall be located on a lot or ;'arcel of land having an area of not less than six thousand square feet and a width of not less than sixty feet (6'1' ) . _::.I ff 39.36. Fronit , rear and side yards regul.ati.cns. In J:.,-ry Ze-fa:ni1-y `'ws-1. :i ng Districts : (1) Front yard. There shatl be a front yard of not less than twenty-five feet (25 ' ) . (2 ) Rear yard. A rear yard sha?_L not be ?_ess than twenty-five Net (25 ' ) in depth. (3 ) Side yard. Side yams shall be provided on each side of every dew,rl_ling of not less than six feet (61 ) . (4) Corner Ipts. Sane as for I.1AA and R-1A 3:Lngle-family Dwelling Districts. IFCTION 39.37. to coverage. In R-1 One-family Dwelling Districts, forty per cent (401i) of the lot area is the :axI.iul which may be covered by the principal and accessory Dui din s or structures located there=in. 39.3 Use, area and yard exceptions. See Article of this Chapter as ?u, use , area and yard excep- tions in R-1 One--family )we?1 Ing Districts. 3...CTIDN 39.39. Cff--street parking regulations. See Article VIII of this chapter as to )ffy-street parking regula- tions in R-1. One-family Dwelling Districts. AFTICT}E a C-1 FF I GHWRHOOD COMMMCIA7, p' t.:7 ICs`. ^ECTION 39.40. In 7eneral . The 0-1 Neighborhood Commercial District consists of lands abutting certain principal_ streets, the frontages of which arc tspccial?y adaptat?.e to selected low traffic generating uses. Ad loin ng these lands are residential districts that would be adverse ..y affected by a greater div`rs flcation of use: creat- ing serious problems) of traffic movement and generation. The d3 strict is designed to promote spaciousness of land use. 12,0T13N 39.41. Uses permitted. Within any 0-1 Neighborhood Commercial District, no building, structure, land or water shall be used except for one or more of the following uses (1) Adverb 31n± signs relating only 4%c the uses i.onduo1 et within th3 baiidiz , Gr on the land. (2 ) Apothecary shop (precription pharmacist) . (3 ) Art, antique and gift shop. (4) Finance and investment ')ffices. (5) Beauty salons and barbershops. (6) Dock Sand stationery stores, newsstands. ( (ry) Churches, schools, except vocaticna1 schools. (e` ) Day nurseries, kiaadergart.ons and other child care centers. (9) Florist shops, the products of which are displayed ani :gold wholly within the structure. (10) Etispitals, but not ani;ial hospitals; raedi.cal and dental clinics; nursnr, (convalescent ) homes. (1.1 ) Liquor stores (retail ) , taverns and cocktail losses. (12) Insurance offices. (13 ) Interior decorating, home furnishings and furniture stores, but excluding appliance stores. (1 4) Jewelry ar.•i wat; h repair: ch'na and lugga ;e shops. (15 ) Music conservatory, d?anin . 301oo`_s and art sc`tc:±4s. • (.6) Music, radio 0,nd tca .e•risi.on shops. (1 7) Paint and wallpaper etores for the reta: i sale of the products only. (1N Any other retail store or business enterprise that in the 4txd►$;ment of the Board ,),f Zoning Adiustrent are consistent with those included a ove, and further, that wi li., r.be in harmony with the spirit cf s€c:;inns 39.m. throiz P ( L9) Photographic supp1 .00 and studios. (20) Private clubs and lodges. (21) Professional '; "ficea and bus:i. icss :offices. (22) Publicly owned and. operate(., recreational. facilities. (23 ) Public servi:-e : ':;ructt.res. (24) Restaurants and tearooms where patrons are seated and served at tai-,"_es within the structure. (25 ) Shops for ladies ' and yen's and children's apparel and furnishtnr s. (26) ;structures for public uses, such as community centers , i.brari.©s and museums. (2 7) No outdoor sales or display of Merchandise or products will be permitted in connection with any of the foregoing uses ; nor will the erection of ?a:i.l?boardc be isermitted 4,11 this district. ` r';CTIO i 39.42.l. Conditional uses: tlltj.ple family refi'.4entiai units may he permitted as conditional uses as provided by sectiDn Y'.11 -1, page 5 of the study secti ton from whi.;h section was taken. `;FCTION 39.43 . Dugding height regulations. In C.-1 Neighborhood Conriercial District, the building hei ght shall not exceed _ ---j ft-re • feet. J177TT0'i 39.44. Building si. !;e area regulations. In C-1 Neighborhood Colnnercial District, the building site area re:u1at,,.ons are non f2. 1 • ST:CTIO T 3,$. .5. Front, rear and side yard regulations. (1) Front yard. A front yard or setbac:' of at least fifteen feet (15 ' ) shall be provided, except however, that when the f r3ntage in c,no bTck is located partly in C-`.. Neighborhood Commercial Dietrict and partly in a resr.dential or multiple le dire?.' I ng district, then the front yard require s lent s of the resi.dential district; or multiple dwelling district shall apply to, the C-1. Teighbcrhood Commercial District. (2) aide yard. None required except on that side or the lot abutti.nr upon the side of a lot zoned fc res .:lance purposes, , in which case there shall be a sad yard of n-t leas than thirty feet (30' ) . In all other cases, a side yard, if provided, la'_: n:)t be less than three feet (3 ' ) . (3 ) Rear yard. k rear yard cf not less than twcaty feet (201 ) in depth shall be ! rovided. JEC;'Ii;N 39.4E'. err-street 7ar1`..l.3 _ vTu2.ations. 3^e Art2 cle VIII of t-h:i s chat-ter as to cff-street ppar kin& reTulations, in C_ Nei-hborhr>d ;emerciai District. • • ARTICLI: VT C•,2 G TERM, COMMRCIAL AND TNDT1: TRIAL DISTRICT. :; ,.."II[.)N 39.47. In general. The Lands the C-2 General or n rciai and lndustr j al District are to be used by a variety of Commercial and industrial opera- tions. Tho purpose of thi di.sttrict is to permit the normal_ ' porat .on of the :,ia,iority of industrial uses under such con- ditions of operation as will protec abuttinz :'esidentia1 and Com er.,ial uses and abide by the Performance Iltazidards of Sem ucie County, tats: of Florida and U. S. Goverment. ?9.48. Uses pern;.tted. Within. C- Genarai Coi rrterciai and Industrial District, n build ;ng, structure, land or water shall be used except for one or more of the f o W;w11 usE::. : (1) Any u r .iit ed in G-1 Neighborhood C o:'rorcial Distr`ct. (2) Laboratories for Testinz Materials; chemical analysis. (4) ach:!.rery sales and service. (4) liachte 12 (5 ) Manufacture and assembly of scientific, electrical, optical an-i rrecision :1.nstruments and equipment. (6) Foundry, casting, light weight nmfcrrous metal, not causing noxious furies or gasses. (7) Sheet ?metal working shop. LTCTI3N 39.4=. Building site area regulationw. go boil.ding cr structure shall exceed fifty feet (.5( ) in height. . i 1 ARTICLE VII R-U RURAL URBAN DWELLING DISTRICT. SECTION 39.50. In general. The lands included within the Pl-U Rural Urban Dwelling District are those developed or used predominantly for agricultural pur- poses and government or public service facilities with single family dwellings as the primary residential use. The sites are intended to be those which would normally have large tracts of ;.and ad acent or conti: uous to residential locations. e 'CTION 39. 51. Uses permitted. Within any R-U Rural Urban Dwelling District, no building, structure, land or water shall be used except for one or More of the following uses : (1) Forests, groves, farms and truck gardening, including usual farm bust 1ding structures and 1.-ivesteck. • (2) Nurseries and greenhenscs. (3 ) Public recreation areas and facilities. • (4) Private clubs, including golf courses and recreational uses ; except skeet avid ;un clubs or commercial amusement enter- prises operated entirely for erivato profit. (5 ) Public schools and private educational institutions having a curriculum the same as ordinarily given in public schools. Other schools not having a curriculum may be operated, provided a permit therefor is first obtained from the . oard of Zoning Ad iu&trnent. • (6) Home occupations. (7) dingle family dwellings, but having a building permit for such dwelling shall not be issued until there shall be filed with the building official a certificate signed by the plumbing inspector, attesting that the lot upon which the dwelling struc- ture is to be erected has a satisfactory minimum standard !•f improvements. (' ) Accessory building and uses customarily incident to the above uses not involving the conduct of a business. (9) Commercial riding stables and commercial doh; ':ennels, when locate. en a tract of land of not less than five acres and pro- vided that ne structure, pen or corral housing animals shall be closer than two hundred feet (200' ) from any property line. (10) Roadside stand offering for sale only products which are produced on the premises, provided such structure is set hack at least thirty-five feet (35 ' ) from the front or side line of the groper y. ♦ t . • flFCTION 39. 52. Conditional uses. t=:hen, after review of an application and pJa.ae appurtenant thereto and 'tearing thereon, the municipal planning and zoning board finds as a fact that the proposed use or uses are con- sistent with the general zoning plan and with the public interest, the following may be recemn1ei to the village council as per- mitted uses in R-U mural Urban ')welling District ; (1 ) Churches with their attendant educational buildings and recreational facilities. (2 ) Public utilities and public service structures. (3 ) Co:2 ercial amusement enterprises operated entirely for private profit. (ir) Government service facilities. of CTION 39. 53. Building height re .:lations. In R-U Rural iJrban Dwelling District no building er structure shall exceed thirty-five feet (35 ' ) in height, unless otherwise provided for herein, except boat houses on lake frontages shall not exceed twelve feet (12' ) in height above the high water line ; roof decks may be used as sun decks. SECTION' 3 .54. 3uilding site area regulations. Every lot or tract of land used for any of the permitted uses in R-U Rural Urban Dwelling District , shall have an area of not less than one acre, except that if a lot has Bess area than herein required and was of record at the time of the passage of this section, that lot may be used for any of the uses permitted by this article in conformity with the yard and open space require- ments for this district. The lot or parcel of land shall have a minimum width of one hundred fifty feet (150' ) at the building line. SECTION 39. 55. Front, rear and side yard requirements. (1) Front yard. Front yard shall not be less than thirty-five feet (35 ' ) in depth in the R--U Rural Urban Dwelling District, this depth to be measured from the street, road or highway line to the front of the building. (2 ) Rear yard. Rear yard shall net he less than fifty feet (50' ) in depth in the R-7 Rura' Urban Dwelling District. A . t • (3 ) aide Yards. Side yards shall be provided on each side of every principal structure of not less than fifteen feet (15 ' ) or ten per cent (10%) of the width of the lot , whichever is greater, but such side yard need not exceed twenty-five feet (25 ' ) . (4) Corner lots. On corner lots, the front line setback of thirty-five feet (35 ' ) or more must be maintained but a fifteen foot (15 ' ) side line setback will be permitted on the street side line, rrovided the corner lot faces the same way as all other lots in the block:. If the building faces the lone dimension of the lot or where corner lots face a different thoroughfare than other lots in the block, the thirty-five foot (35 1 ) or greater setback must be rr_aintaaned from both t!,:drou hfaros. .:: CI'T`)N 39.56. Lot coverage. In R-U Rural Urban Dwelling District, forty per cent (40;) of the lot area is the maximum which may be covered by the ,;rincipal and accessary buildings or structures located thereon. r,.'..r7 r,-,1n7 39. 57. ")ff--street pa,,k .?tSY re_nl1 tiem. Lee Article lviiI of this Chapter as to off-street parking regulations in R-U Rural Urban Dwelling District. ARTICLE VVI I I • OFF-STRET2T PARING AND LOADING RECULATIO;'T3. 3tCTT0 ' 39. 5g. Definitions. For the purpose of sections 39.01 to 39. r,f this rode, certain words and terms are defined as follows : (1 ) Off-street parking space. Whenever the ter- "parkin' space" is herein referred to, it shall be esther garage or off- street standing storage space, for the parking :.f eassenger vehicles, having an area of not less than two hundred square feet for each autonohil e intended to be parked thereon with necessary and adequate space for the approach, turning and exit of automobiles' to a pub''_i.c street or alle j . (1 ) Parking lot. A par'keng lot shall dean any land used, pro- vided or permitted to be used for the parking of automobiles. (3 ) Off-street parking and unloadine space. An open, hard surfaced area other than a street or alley or a nubile way, the principal tine of which is for standing, loading and unloading of r-tor trucks, tractors and trailers, to avoid undue inter- ference with, the public use of streets and alleys. Such space shall not be less than twelve feet (12' ) in width, fifty-five feet (55 ' ) in length and fourteen feet (14 ' ) in height, exclusive of access aisles and rnaneuverl.ng space. 3PCTION 39.59. O.ff-street parking requirements. There shall be provided at the time of the erection of any Principal building or stricture, and at the time any principal building or structure is enlarged or increased in capacity by the addition of dwelling units, guest rooms, floor area or seats , mini'mr off-street automobile parking space with adequate provisions for ingress and egrese by an automobile of standard size, in accordance with the following requirements. (1) Central business ' ietrict. The area known as the central business district and more particularly described as follows, shall be exeetpted from furnishing parking spaces as required herein. (2) One-famil'• dwellings. Two parking spaces per family dwelling unit, at least one of which shall be located back of the building line, except in the i1-1AA one-family dwelling zone, both of which such spaces shall be located back of the building line. (3 ) Two-family and multiple dwellings. One parking space per dwelling unit, said space to- be located back of the building line. sd • (4) Hotels. One parking space for each three guests or sleeping rooms or suites, plus one additional parking space to he located for each five employees. (5) Tourist homes, cabins and motels. One narking space for each guest or sleeping room or suites, plus one additional space to be located' for each five employees. (6) Trailer courts or camps. One parking space for each `railer space. (7) Lodgi nghouse s, room ins and boardinghouses. One parking space for each two guest rooms, Yllus one additional space for owner or manager if resident on the premises. (8) Fraternal organizations,nations, lodges or pr'vate clubs. One parking space for each fivo active members, resident in Seminole County, plus one additional space for each two errap1eyees. r Hospitals. 'rrae parking space for each four patient beds of bassinets) plus one parking space for each staff or visiting dr ct.or (based on the average number) , plus one parking space for each four envp'.oyoes, including nurses. (10) Sanitariums or ..onvaloscent homes. One parking space for each. six patient beds, plus one parking space for each staff or visiting doctor (based on average number) , plus one parking space for each four employees, including nurses. (11) Medical or dental clinics. Three parking apaceu for doctors, plus one additional parking space for every two employees. (12) Mortuaries, or funeral parlors. Space for all official vehicles, plus one additional space for • each family resident on the premises , plus three parking spaces for each four employees (other than these resident on the premises) , plus such additional space fer funeral visitors a shall. be letermined by the Board to be necessary, cons. deri.ng factors such as number of funerals that can be handled at the same time, the size of the facilities, the economic character- istics of the group catered to, etc. (13) Welfare *nstitut ions (asylums, orphanages, etc. ) . Ono parking space for each doctor (staff or visiting) ass-,plated with the institution, plus additional parking spaces equal to seventy-five her cent 175;1) of the number cf employees, plus such additional space for business and social visitors as shall be determined by the Board to be necessary in light of the needs if the particular institut:Lon. (r j ) Community centers, libraries, mxseuns , post ()faces, etc. Spaces equal in number to severto��alv��k'ln�cent 5�ces5f^rfvis�t�f� number of employees, plus additional l ^ n r ;e the �visi- as shall. be found b `,ho rieerd :,o be necessary, the particular neede and cil"Gumscanoe' of the inetitutien. One parking space for each thirty-six square (1c;) �&ncc3 h,al�-a• . .��� � ;p8.cep equa?. feet of dance floor area, plug additional pa;•k� in member to seventy-five per lent (75vA of the nue6er of enployces. (16) Bowline, alleys. Four iar1 ir ; sQ►a C Fe .!•or each alley, ; ?u8 one additional rat'ef . space for each „w: employees. .at,i..� hell3 aY!lusti:'.']f'-ne pee's , race traok5 , `3 e , (�ry) Convention y i��. number to seventy-g�.''V'0 rinks, and sinil_ar uses. ;paces equal_ per cent (' 5`�) of the number of erlployees, plus such additional P visitors.,� be found by the Board to space for patrOns and visi�,ors as c hai l- beafo location and d to b necessary, in view of the tyre �of use, governing factors of parking generation. 'on. One ar!�inp space for each ten eeate Auditori.0 s and eheat h rep. T' (]. } plus additional parhing spaces equal to seventy--five per cent 5 the number of employees. h schools, Pub is recreation(19) Gy-;�naGt111.3 (operated y high department, comecere.al and iron-profit&°additional a ns.) .parking spaces parking space for each six seats, plus cent r 1 o the ing sr ce equal .s-,•, n uiber to seventy-five per cen_�� (75;! , of ele ,lcyees , provided however, that the requirerlsnts for off-street parking spec®g with respect to gymnasiums shall not be applicable ,, school campus and the gymnasium s located on a high off-street mpus parking space if oel h., scl�a;.�l has feet the r�;q,ai_rF~lents for ofy y for the school auditorium located on the came high scho,;i campus. 2C. :;tadi.ur$. One�parki.ngace for eachosi+�vs seats , p e additional marking s�aces equal per (7:-.41 o f the number of en ie ees . cent £-! �h.. 11 fit,�?��' �••`- king space for each eight :Pets, 'Flue "��1) Churches. One parking ene additional parking space for each church official resident plus additional parking spaces equal in number en the premises , r ..�} ,, , , permanent em3:�loceer�. to fifty per cent (5 ,� of the n_unbar of �. • high) . One parking space for �h e (elementary, ureter high) . every , cou �s e�,�ery tho*asarr3 square feet of end^^onvenec�ntu�oad sufficient un£���ad-- st:reet r.2�x':�inp., space fc'.r' cafe n ref students. � rcr 1 'l�:c, parking spaces (2 3) Schools (vocational and co±._e,., e . . plus sufficient floor area, F for Pvc�r^;,' one thousand square feet of "' rc>nveni�r Zoadinc, and off-street parking spaces for safe are onvef at loading ngn and of students, plus one parking space the inr.the�s o•t l Ye audi teri Un, s:�rov .ded, however, if _�n the s4hoo.- or college a gymnasium and has provided off- street or c�?.l.e�;e campus has a �' ars3u�, such spaces may be street parking spaces a er that to Ai < -. credited toward -leetinr the rcqu°rements for )f£--street for the auditorium located on the swee campus. (24) Office, prof'eosional and -public buildings. C)ne parking space for each four hundred square feet of flour space in the bu_tld_.nr, ex".ludmng hallway, stairwells, elevator shafts and storage space. (2 5 ) Ai.rp:)r'es, :•ailrc id passenger stations, bua de,,ots )r -alter passenger terazinals and facilities. Such space as the Board shall find to be necessary for e:aployee,, for loading and unloading of passengers and for spectatera, visi. ors and others. (r 6) Restaurants, night clubs , ;eareo ,c '?r 1 uncn eourr Hers. `lno parking space for tech one hundred square feet of floor apace for patron use in tha building. (2 7) General ')urine ss and rotor ^.''`i:nee;.'oial. One parking space for each throe hundred square feet of floor space in the build- 1117 exc?usivs of a :rage space.. (?,- ) Industrial or 'icauuf acturi.T':.g ost„b3 ?lishlileYlts. ( ne parkinz s'age for each four em l oy ess (bated on ,.tax.l.;nun nu: bor employed at any one tine ) , plus such additional space as is required for a:i_i vehicles weed directly in the conduit of the enter.;rise. (.i9)' 7,umbor yards and bul ld:,ng supply firms. Soria as industrial_ and t anufact1,ri g establishments. (30) F'.sni turn and a T'_iance stores , household equip lent and furniture repair rho;:s. One parking space for each slx hundred square feet of floor space in the building, exclusive -,.r storae and shopping area. (31) '%ar..ce studios and dance schools. One parkin space for each three hundred souarE feet of floor space used for instruc- tion. ,Fr;I',i 11d 39.60. Genera? provisions for off-street parking. The off-street parking, loadimi and unloading require cents shalt. apply to all new buildings or structures, or any existing bui d-- ing„,s that may be substantially altered and added to after the effective date or this secti.an, aixe :)4, as otherwise provided in sections 39.01. to 39. of this ^-ode. (1 ) Change i.n intensity of use. Whenever a building or structure erected prior to or after the effective date. this secti1n shall under 7e any increase in nu her of dwelling unite, grss floor space, acating capacity, mrueer of employees,, or other unit of measure specified herein- after for required parking or loadir facilIties and further, when said increase wuld result in a requ:rement for addit.Lonal parking or loading and unloading facilities through application thereto or the "-ff-zreet parlAng regulationst of sectLns 3fl.01 -tc 39. of 4:.his Co6e, sull additional facilities shal? nrr- vided accordingly, ex(;ept that no building or structure erected prior to the effectve date of this section shall be regaired rrovide ::arng or '_oading fac41;ties less the afcrcsaid additional mliutred faelljties amount to an Increase of at least twonty-f .v o Fer cont (25 ) , in which case, .ra^f.king or loadins s;,acc -:. she 77-,v!do,1 on the bcsis cf the additf..onal units of :.leanurentens of the new use or cf the altered )r exranded 1,ne. When a buildinf:: ir structure shall undeo any decrease In n:noer of dwelling units, gmos floor sace, seating capacity, or other wilt of riaasurement speciied hereinafter for required Darin7 or lr,adinr: fae.illt!los, and rarther, when sa!d decrease would result in a requirenent for fewer tltal parking spaces or oad1n)7 r.:21.ces thrh armlicaton theret ) of the "off-street parkir reu1a-6ion!,." and l'off-street Thading and unloadllig rer:ulations" of oocul )ns 39.n1 to r. of this Code, parking and loading fac:tlities 7:ay be reduced accordingly, provided that existin narkir7 and loadtn : fa '."it=s shall )(,_ so dersa3J. only when facil? ties rona4ninc w-uld at leant equal or exceed the par:,'pr,, or loading and unloaiing require:lents ros-.21tine' frQm a71)-Lcat.i-n of ecti.ons 39. i tc 39 of this Code to the entire bte1,14n1 or st.rucl-ure as rodified. (2) Mnimum distan,:e and setbas. -,arking space, I:" on :he sale lot with a nair building, u.) he '.ocateci w! thin the front yard requred b7 sections 1 fn,-. such Irt4.1(4nyw,. If not on the sync i 'et with the 1-,.4pc parl-ing of shall not be closer to any s17-:.= t ' Inc! s,‘an t%(-3 ,Js:abl-'.shei building line adjacent rrapert ; s1 or loss Lhan the setbak revircd for the district in which the parking area is 1 °›catcd. Further, any wal , fence :stldi; ) ,4evelo,.ed abn ; zfle of the parkin': lot shar observe the build-Mg: sol)a !: requirements arp14.cable on such ?tree - or s':rtcm (3 ) "ereeu'Lng and landscapin . park:Ing 3c,ts shall 1)1 effect:vely screened on each side which adoins or fr-)nr,1 ')r,:nerty statt.,d in any resdential multiple dwelling k.7.1 ,t by a wall, fence or dcasely planted, compact hedge. Such wail, fence or hedge shall be not less than three feet (3 ' ) no nor than four feet (4-' ) In height and shel ma!_ntained n :!;-:A condition. W kny ill,mi.nate any :7ff- 31:reel-, i.,arking lot hal' be so arrived as tl refloct the 7 :2-Y:t away fro-t adjoining rr,:Torttes. f ( ) riot plan showing iocati.on of parking area. No application for a building perriiit for a new, enlarged or altered structure ^r improvement or use shall be approved unless accompanied by a plot plan drew-n to scale, showing the f ,} rcet automobile facil i.' i.es as soecif'_ed herein; n.,r shall a remit':i.t h;, issued fmr the i.. pr:oYenent of a parking area to serge as an accessory use to an existing '>uil3- in or qnt=.1 a plot plan drawn to scale mthe :br fitted in acc rri nc' with pro i;�ions contain.-sd herein. , a. of -:c c,• ♦ t i . , p c t l 4 s (6) �,-�.tf.Fica��e a ..u.,���.a_1cf or use t. -r:.. �.,. No co :; f Mate. of occu'ancy or use ncrrr- is will be insued upon completion of any ?)ui lding or addition which would require an increase in parking space or off--street loading and unloading :apace, unless and until all off.4'Street ?arskIng and leading space recii.3reli nto, shx-trn upon the Diane, are -lade a 'pert of the buil ?r4 permit , shall be in ' lace and deter:dned by th,a -)ffic"a t, be ready f''r uz . (7) uses. Tioth"�^-T in s,!c:ions 39.01 f,a 39. of this Code shall prevent the roc:,nstruct it n, cr rebuilding and continued use of any i:onconftriing; building or structure existing at the sfNetive date -f this section, which is damar ed by f':.re , or acts of subsequcnt to such effec- tive dat c:. (8) ..oadin mace. As requirr'd under 'toff-street loading and unloading reca1atiot s", the cpacc supl iet for such off-:street lcadtng and unloading purposes shalt_ not be construed as suppl ing required off-street parking space. () 7.ocat i ;,r: of parking spaces. Parl:i.ng spact 3 1.rovidei5 pursuant to this sect ic'n mist be graveled or hard surfaced and pr a per..r ained arid shall i3.t :.orated hn the same property as the prig:ir,a1. 'yui1din , or on a properly zoned lot within throe hundred feet (300' ) of the bu .id1ng. Such distance shall be waning di.:tt uce measured fro-1 the nearest property p.�:�-nt; of the ie�^;�_r.�; 1.^'-, "�', t-'�c� nt:ar,~ t vc�tin�.x,�r�* of -t;re p;�c p r m which he baildtng is located and that said parking lot is required to serve. In d l'-,erx4.ni.nc T rk;.u7 spaces, if not shown by actual_ plan and count, three hundred stjuaro feet of 27'.)sa area per nar'_'zl' space will be used in .computing the number of spaces. "When urata or measurements determining the nuiuhc:r of required. -:fit-street Imrlting and off-street Loa in spaces result in a requix + ent. of a ..ractional space, any fraction up to and over -one--half shall require one off-street parking space or Of3 r;ff--street loading slacs. vs --I (Z)) Collective action relative to off-street parking and loading. Nothing i.n sections 39.01 to 39. of this Code shall be con- strued to prevent the ::oint use of off-street parking or off- Street loading space for two or Kure buildings or uses if the total' of such spaces, when used to5rether, shall not be less than the silt of the requirements for the various Individual uses computed separately in accordance with the off-street parking regulations" and "off-street loading and unloadink>; regulations" of sections 39.01 to 39. of this Code. (11) Mixed uses. In the case of uixed uses, the total requirements of off-street pari:i n ; and loadi.n space shall be the sum of the requrements of the various uses colputed separately as specified in the i'off-street parking re 1ations" and "off-street loading and uris_oad'ylr; ri gvlations" of sections 39.(11 to 30. of this Code, and the off-street parking and off-s tree t loading and unloading ;nacre for one use shall not be construed as proviAing the required .)ff--s treat parking or off-street Toad'n; space for any other use. (1'- ) Use of reauire.a off-street parking by another building.I..A No part of an off--. troet parking lot required for any building or use for the purpose of ooAp1ying with the provsions of sections 3t .')i to 35. of this Code, shall be included as a part of off-street r.arhi g area, similarly requ Wired for other building or use, unless the type of structure indicates that the periods of usage of such structures will not be sir al.taneouf.ly used with each other such determination to be :made by the Board ; or unless the size of sail off-street parking lot is sufficient to cone y with the z•rovi:ion^ of sYcti•_ ns 39.01 to 39. of this Code. (13 ) Rem ate parking lots encurnbored. Where the Provisions of the off-street parka n . ror a A:l.l_ding or other use e tat?l_Ished subsequent to the adoption of this aect or involves one o-• acre parcels or tracts of Sand that. a:►°R .now a part of the r:'of on which the principal 1.I3e L.s s:I.tuat ,d, the applicant for a permit for the principal use shall au`mit with his aprli cat' on f r u building perm_t an :instrument duly executed and acknowled yed , w i ch sub 2ect.s said parcels or tracts of ..anti to 7-arkin uses in connection with the prIndi._ al ;se for which it , available ; ' vided , however, that such ezlvIm ranee shall only be effective for the period cf drat thzrin;f which certi.ficar.e of occupancy is in effee t for the partleular use f,r Which the building rerii t is issued. However, t o new occur ant _'Sus meet the requirements for such new occupancy az provsded E sections 39.G] ';o 39. this Code. -.-h • The arpl.?.can± ah*'.l pos't. the necessary recording fee and upon issuance of a building permit, the building off is gal of the villa;e she`.i cause said Th.strument to be recorded in the c f.fi cu of the Clerk of the Circuit Court af yen_Inole County, encurtbranoes shall be null and void and of no effect, ; f and when the village shall rescind nr terminate off- t`ree t k.ark!r x requ a renent c for the building t o be served by t;he erto inhered lot",, ree c:'e''.L or tract . 7ownr o f var an;e of Board of Ad,ivatme t of the Zoning 3•.:are . The Ilea rd of 'leentn .. d' u. :t_nent la herohy &utvherized and empowered afeer a proper hear'n-; thereon wi-th due notice to the `.rltorestecII parties, to permit a n1tr' tiro or modification in the required iocaton. .af off-st.r<'c: parii.ng space, if after i:lvesti anion by such foird at .s fannl that such variation i-a necessary to pre- vent unreaeenable hardchi p or to oecure an appropriate develop- 'Rent—of.of a specified r.areeJ of i.a at w.:i oh has ;?€cu:?ar or cxcept:;onal eographical or topographical conditional or is a Le, a� a �e, -i'.Aers'.aa; ae loos- aa Oat it cannot be reasonably developed in accordance vith the provie4.ons o ' o. ct ions 39.C1 t,o 39. of ssif,e Code, as herein authorized will not• be "incen-- s =.runt with the spirt t ppurp' o of this section. In granting any vary a- i one or med ifi chat ens as herein authorized, such 3oard :t.ay impose conditions and limitattona in respect to :he rr.po ed nse and deve3 cpnent of the premises as :In its 'ud nent are necessary in order to provide adequately for the public safety and to do substantial 'ustz.ce to the parties -I_nvolved, having in mind d the public interest, safety and wel- fare an connection therewith; provided, however, that nothing herein shall ?)o constrnied to limit or curtail the existing authorities and powers of: said Board of Zoning Ad ustr?ent, and this provision shall be r1eemed accumulative, and in addition to said existing powers and authorities. (15 )5 ) Access_Jr'y parkne reu ident, .a1 areas. fr lot er lots ze: arated by a cc?anel boundary .frog' a c'.;rarer cial district but l eeated in an 11--3 and er R-4 ?Tul t' ale 2well3aig District Nay be sod as a free parking lot or lets to service the contipuoue and adjoin-1.1T conmercj al use or uses, provided, however, that : (a) No advertising signs are erected in the area. (i:. ) The setback fro: the front property line shall be the same as for the district in which the lot or lots are located. (c") All automnile parking lets shall be effectively screened on each side which ad:oins or fronts property situated In any resAential or nultir'.e dwelling district by a wall. , fence or densely rlanted compact hedge. Such wall, densely planted bed;,e -:.r fence shall be not less than four feet (4' ) an height and shall be maintained in good condition. •- M w (d) No structures saali he erected in such areas. (M) 1.3Ji~ dary -co;'isvru 1. • For tho 7t:vr >se of . sub-se,l :_.oa (l5 ) above , the term "common bouLdary" shall. be deemed to in s]..ude all cr 6t: '.! part of a line rye�weeit a 'w.:(7).kiiP.;'t:s.cll d.lrict and an R-3 and/'r R-4 Multiple Dwelling '►►t�eil(i.�' �}y(�District, or/ the) s�epara:, :)]7ri of a cc,mner1{c�{al district I y� from om a i Ii-3 ann/ �.�r' fl-I �i t ip tie Dwelling A.lin`j Distill is V by an inter- veni! rubl ic street, alley or thor way *core the parce1,3 in fuesti n lie wholly or ;artly in a r 4aiti 3n directly opposite rom each other in such a manner that in the absence of the pub ?.c street, alley or way, the parcels would have a common boundary 11.ne in wh,?.e or In part. •