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326i TRATt Ss Milken trailers will be permitted in Residential Zones areas.
.o Qgmp Trailers and boats an Trailers will be eernitted if kept
in a gooses or Carport or rear .ard or ride eard1,fk ntl ng an any street,
providing no cos occupies thee. /Ja74
224.2 TR.ATI 'R Uri'.:^: Trailers maybe kept only in areas deeignatee as trailer
777 as designated in Section 39.69 of this code* A Tea orary
permit may ie obtained from the Village Council for use in Commercial*
Rural and eeaidrnntial.
.241.6,2 JWISANCEler Notning maybe dame on at lot which maybecome an an oyance
or nuisance to the neighborhood. No refuse pile or unsightly objects
shall be al1o04 to to plated or suffered to Versiin thereon.. In the event
the eon=s shall fall or refuse to keep. pxem sos free of refuse ;Miss or
of i u:r unsightly objects or i rowtb * the* the Vi1.l aee Council may enter
upon said land and names the *sae at the of the oar and said
entry *hell not be domed o tre ep.sr.
lata A°:.f'W.a`'4 No ono shall keep the following animal in R1* R1A and ell
tea 6 etial Zoned Areas) Horses* cows* pigs (thickens* geese* coats or
any other reel or livestock* other teen household pine.
,Ltitik Horses end pones .K-e tea per ittr:? in RDA n~ree provided at least 1 acre
of land is tavailat.lo for ouch anima.
;ee(6 More than 2 adult egos or eats* over b mantes of age* per hetea•
ac7 .t of or owner shall be deemed a kennel.
7 erTeeeL eeNe es Kennels cell he allowed in el Commercial and 1W %o ee' erase.
W ) RUNG Oe ;ITAIN t'C :RCTAT., Veiny ,T See itOHI13 Ten
.,...........,. V • pee. ,.c #, A „xtic c : safety and welfare, and
among other purposes, to provide light* pure air*, safety from fire and
other dangers and to protect property volues in certain residential
districts in the Village* the peeling ei' oertuiu commercial vehicles*
which description shall include truces* treck tractors, sool.t*iers and
cue meraial trailers exceedine files: sizes hereinafter a ifi d1 is
prohibited on the public streets er on or wtteen prpvately owned driveways
or prt zrty within Rai* si lA* eel Reeldent4sl as eseaeliahed by this
Coyle* except for long or unioadine purposes or when jasr4 ine within
buiie tn;a or enclosures which ere ,emitted in such somas.
cr whoa pu* er . 39.60 of this Code vehicles of the
fol.louir>f; types and elm shell be considered and are eereoy deel.amyl to be
r..oenorcial vehicles, subject to the provisions of Section 3;'.63 to wits
(1) Tricks or other vehicles having a rated capacity of more than three
quarter ton* including ,.reeks or other veticlea used, or deeigned "Or
use* in transpt7rting or as a temporary or p=resent d:ases, platform
or sup pert of equipment* w ehinery or power plants of all 4 ;,e s.
(2) Truekeetractarr, having dual r.ear wheels*
0} Trailers or Bai»trailers having deal rear wheels, or either :,uch trailers
'iavin T an cveral l length of mere teen twelve rest,
(a) Starke body trucks, melk-.tn vans or crn type bodies regardless of rated ea ;aciLy.
A ?0 eMEeeee retn r r�.. . r 3 I. ? •t�Y'T1 r F ?frrTP D• L'' �T'.Tns
NCv Any araotar zee vohiole primarily desidned or ix%ended for trade,
industrial, or construction uses, the parking of which is not expressly
prohibited, in R-1, R-IAA, R-1A and R-1 areas rostdentisz.l shall be
permitted in said districts; provided, that no more than one such
vch~.ele c hell to permitted for any one dwelling unit within such
zpnin; districts.
APPROVED A lo :e ng hers cent, new a b pro' • he par : oe vehicles of
public or private utilities companies on the public streets for the
period of tins required in the locating, relocating, servicing, testing
or repairing of equipment of fetch companies nor skull the provisions
herein be conebrued to prohibit parkin,' of vehirless actually in use
in the contraction, repair, or s„,aintenance of any road, street or
alley in such zoning districts, Provided, further, that vehici_ a
used for nedessary emergency service to the public, the operator of
such vehicles being subject to call et all ti: daffy or night, may
be parked in the eboee described eenine districts at the residence
of such vent-tor, but only such vehicle may ho parked at an one
residence building.
(ii) ;there there are practical difficulties or unnecessary ha.dehipsr
in the way of carrying out the strict letter of this code, the
boerd of sonine Wustment ehall ! nee the poser to vary or modify
any of the rules, regulations or provisions . reseribed,
3972 STC'RA71nrP bee 1✓Tr., e eree
The term +"disabled motor vehicle”, shall refer to any motor-driven
vehicle, regardless of size, which is incapable of being self-propelled
upon the public streets or the Village or which does not meet the
requirements for c,;;ernt,i.on upon the public Ftreete, including a current
motor vehicle li.cenne,
(1) Front and ride yards.
Disabled vehicles shall not be permitted in front yard or side yard;
provided, however, that s reasonaele time (not to exceed forty-eight
hours from the time of disability) shall be permitted. for the removal
or servicing of a disabled motor vehicle in any emereenvy caused by
accident or sudden oreak-dawn of the vehicle.
(2) One disabled motor vehicle may be permitted in the rear yard of a
residential, commercial or inddetria1 lot as an accessory use tc the
*rain use of the lot; provided, ehet such vehicle is not located in any
open space required by the zoning laws. Service and repair woek may
be performed on each vehicle, and parts anu tools and equipment
incidentel to such ccry tcc and repair thereto maybe isbored and used.
Nothing contained herein shall be construed as authorinsing the disassembling,
tearing down, or scrapping ing of a motor vehicle or to permit one motor
vehicles to be eeaeeneod, otrippe d for ea is for seme use on another
vehicle, provided, hovevsr, that a disabled vehicle shall not be permitted
. .
to remain outside Gf a i1din ftr a n ex ass thfIrt divil on any 1
used fur rae.i.dential