HomeMy WebLinkAboutFormer Mayor Granville Brown The citizens of Winter Springs know that the City is experiencing
phenomenal growth and development pressures because it is located in the
Greater Orlando Metropolitan Area. There is no decision of "growth" or
"no growth"; the growth is here and will continue whether we want it or
not. What we have to decide is the course of action to take in the future
development of the City.
I, as present Mayor, recognized this growth was imminent and was
instrumental in drafting a comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and a very good
Subdivision Ordinance by close relationship with, and guidance from, the
Orange-Seminole-Osceola Planning Council, while serving as a Councilman from
1966 through 1970.
As Mayor from April, 1971 to the present time, I have maintained and
utilized this relationship and guidance from the East Central Florida Regional
Planning Council of which O.S.O. is now a part. I also utilized the
services of the Florida League of Cities, the Seminole County Planning
Director, and I maintain a close relationship with the other municipalities
in Seminole and Orange Counties.
I was also instrumental. in the formation of CAIRO, a chartered organ-
ization of South Seminole Cities, to consolidate the activities and instru-
mentation of Fire, Police, Sewerage and Drainage problems of the communities
to eliminate duplication of effort.
Our Police Department has been increased to 4 full-time Officers and
1 part-time Patrolman. The Fire Department has been increased by 2 Pumper
There are always some people who want the incumbent in any position
"but"; but you should remember that the incumbent who has worked hard in the
past and has the experience to do a good job in the future should not be
regarded lightly by those who simply "want a change." This is the time for a
continuation of all the accumulated progress that has been achieved in the
past few years.
It is essential that those who would take my place must do more than
just express their hopes and promises. They must be prepared to prove their
abilities and characters by taking over the reins of this City without con-
With my experienced leadership as the present Mayor, the City of Winter
Springs will continue to progress smoothly in the future.
Granville Brown
Mayor, The City of Winter Springs