HomeMy WebLinkAboutTravel Per Diem Reimbursement-1994 August 16, 1994
MEMO TO: Commissioner Gennell
VIA: John Govoruhk, City Manage 6��y�
FROM: Harry Martin, Finance, Director ,> #��
SUBJECT: Travel Per Diem Reimbursement
'""`��� ���
Per you Memorandum of August 15, 1994 , the following is submitted.
It has been the policy of the City of Winter Springs to reimburse
travel expense in accordance with Section 112 .061, Florida
Statutes. (Copy attached)
We accept request for reimbursements based upon actual expenditures
when same exceeds the Per Diem rate, but not on a combined basis .
We do not reimburse for expenses for personal telephone calls, pay-
to-view movies or bar tabs if known.
We reimburse at the rate of 20 cents per mile for use of personal
vehicle to and from the location of seminar or conference, but none
incurred after arriving at location. No reimbursement will be made
for the purchase of fuel, oil and repairs if mileage reimbursement
is elected.
We reimburse for the payment of tips and gratuities, if kept to a
reasonable amount.
If a spouse or friend accompany traveler, all expenses related to
that person are not reimbursable by the City and must be indicated.
If actual expenditures are to be reimbursed, request shall be
supported by detailed receipts indicating location, date and amount
cc: Mayor and Commission
�NCR s
0 i0
\�v�+p � R S RING STATE ROAD 434
CORIOP' Telephone(407)327-1600
TO: Harry Martin, Director of Finance
FROM: John Govoruhk, City Manager
DATE: August 15, 1994
RE: Commissioners Gennell's Per Diem expenses during upcoming
Attached herewith memo from Commissioner Gennell requesting
the precise allowable amount per diem allowed her by the City.
Please furnish this information in writing per her request.
/ 1 /
•.hn, '�oru
lit anager
cc: Mayor and Commission
7 "' `- 1126 EAST SINE ROAD 434
Telephone (407) 327.180 D
August 15 , 1994 u- J
AUG 13 1SS4
TO: City Manager
FROM: Commissioner Cindy Gennell
RE: Per Diem expenses during the upcoming convention
I need to know the precise allowable amount of per deim
expenses that the city will reimburse me for during the
upcoming convention, in writing please .
1941 s smgv s2� Inez 1927.w�242.ze a s72 c.i hips I.c 20ss. including a specific reference to this section,such gen. ...5. (a) All travel
;c-2a.:Lmes126.s.2cn.00-,m..,.cn.m-wns 3C=nas-a7.s.rs. era!law shall prevail,but only to the extent of the exemp ,' pe head of the
m e.+-266.s 1.m.90-274 Lion. we,from whose
rvu..Fern-S.12Lm1. _ -- -- -. . 2. The provisions of any special or local law,
pres.— —6'6-agency m sha
ant or future,shall prevail over any conflicting provisions request unless it
112.0501 Ratification of certain dual retirements.— in this section, but only to the extent of the conflict.
(1) Any state employee who was permitted by the by the travelers
Comptroller, as administrator of the retirement provi-
sions (2) DEFINITIONS.—For the purposes of this section, the official ch tra.
the following words shall have the meanings indicated: of such ire
sions of s. 112.05 and chapter 122, to retire under the 0�
provisions of both such statutes prior to April 23, 1969, (a) Agency or public divncy—Ani afsub desan. (p) Travel exr
meet,agency,division.subdivision,political subdivision, a expenses r
when the Attorney General ruled that such dual retire- board, bureau, commission, authority, district, public Iamlance of a pt,
meets are prohibited by s. receive(3), as enjoy th lied by body,body politic,county,city,town,village,municipal. performed by the
the Legislature in 1965,shall receive and enjoy the retire- y
ment benefits awarded to him upon his retirement, the pursuant u any t other separate unit of government created sons prescribed or
provisions of S. 122.10(3) to the contrary notwithstand- Pu(b) Agency e law. a rip Travel by
(b) Agency head o head of the agency—The high- temporarily in b:
in g. del policymaking authority of a public agency,as herein authorized ze of more o
(2) The exceptions granted Ip state retirees coming defined.
under the provisions of subsection(1)shall not apply to (c) Officer or public officer—An individual who in the lde nzed rvice:
firth and service:
any state employee retiring subsequent to November 1, performance of his official duties is vested by law with •1970, and the administrator of the Florida Retirement sovereign powers of government and who is either BM by me
System is hereby directed to establish such rules and elected by the people,or commissioned by the Geyer-r and jeer or atita h
voucherra attach
procedures as may be necessary of the ri prohibit such dual nor and has jurisdiction lawfully extending instead throughout the state, ' p(d) a Travel t ki c
retirements for members of the Florida Retirement Sys or any person lawfully serving instead of either of the purpose of lakinc
tem or any retirement system consolidated therein pur- foregoing two classes of individuals as initial designee ' examinations,wri.
suant to s. 121.011(2). or successor. 1: Toy circumstanc
" °^'° (d) Employee or public employee—An individual, /wove!7al of the a
112.0515 Retirement or pension rights unaffected whether commissioned or not, other than an officer a or professional
by consolidation or merger of governmental agencies. authorized person as defined herein,who is filling a reg expenses pursues
It is hereby declared to be the policy of this state that ular or full-time authorized position and is responsible A (e) The agent
in any consolidation or merger of governments or the to an agency head, A the,may pay by
transfer of functions between units of governments (e) Authorized person— combination there
°Abererein herthen a publi4gc ommienplgq end authorized
either at the state or local level or between state and - P`
banned hxeln;'wheOter.eketed rAmmissionba d rates as Regulations local units, the rights of all public employees in any P
retirement or pension fund shalt be fully protected. No penes In the per orm'� peed i lard incidental e
consolidation or merger of governments or governmen- zpanses In the performance of his o rota u Yes. sod incidental ex;
cal services, either state or local, accomplished in this 2. A person who is called upon by an agency to ''-Itit i(I) A traveler
state shall diminish or impair the rights of any public contribute lime and services as consultant or adviser. "' pray from his of
employee in any retirement or pension fund or plan 3. A person who is a candidate for an executive a :- unable to pe to
which existed 3t the date of such consolidation or Profesvonal position s. nay continue ie re
merger and in which the employee was participating,nor Irr'''�(I)-
11) —A.PUblip dlicer;pudipempbyerq lichen'as he is(6)during I
shall such consolidation or merger result in any impair- gu(g) Travel Person-When p cling ng enses,n . Inc as he is able t
ment or reduction in benefits or other pension rights (g) Travel expense, traveling expenses, necessary r' gang or returns
accruing to such employee. expenses while traveling,actual expenses while IraveF by Dieea Such nut
aum.r.3 r.en 72-210. ing, or words of similar nalurephewsualardnaryaad , Ey tla agency hez
-incidental,Pxpenditurerneeettsa,[ily t ned y-a.Uav '-(g) The secret_
112.061 Per diem and travel expenses of public Teter. =`^i RNabili pens Sen
I officers,employees,and authorized persons.— (h) Common carrier—Train, bus, commercial airlirc navel expenses it
(1) LEGISLATIVE INTENT.—There are inequities, operating scheduled flights, or rental cars of an estea lwlms for antl h
conflicts, inconsistencies, and lapses in the numerous lished rental car firm, d Health and Ret
laws regulating or attempting to regulate travel (i) Travel day--A period of 24 hours consisting d p Health and Re
expenses of public officers,employees,and authorized four quarters of 6 hours each. ISIS lower than lF
' persons in the state. It is the intent of the Legislature: w Travel period—A period of time between tM fv ease travel ex:
(a) To remedy same and to establish uniform maxi- time of departure and time of return. HI OFFICIAL 1-
mum rates,and limitations,with certain justifiable excep- (eftFClaee7gya4eh=Caht(dObq�oj111111- 17terte s of an chic
Lions, applicable to all public officers, employees, and t�oreaway1mm'Dlflelal4)eadqued H sill he the city or
authorized persons whose travel expenses are paid by (I) 'Class B travel Continuous travetbt fns .tied4t �1[ept that
a public agency. hours which Ymrolves overgighte. rtlaenceeherrM, ' tat The official
(b) To preserve the standardization and uniformity ppeedquartera .;... ille fi eld shall be testablished by this law: 5-(m) Class a travel Travel fat Short elm . era the majority
1. The provisions of this section shall prevail over ctwhere the treeelerie hot eway(te MtyDM n dry, town or
any conflicting provisions in a general law, present or 'ters overnight:- ". '- - Y head provic
future, to the extent of the conflict; but if any such gen- (n) Foreign travel—Travel outside the United Stales all pe in the bas:
era!law contains a specific exemption from this section, (3) AUTHORITY TO INCUR TRAVEL EXPENSES.- Aeowenience of
768 . .
,ction, such gen- (a) All travel must be authorized and approved by i
mt of the exem O re Y (to When any period of over 30 is stationed in workdays,city
p the head of the agency, or his designated represents or town for a period of over 30 continuous workdays,
live, from whose funds the traveler is paid. The head of such city or town shall be deemed to be his official head-
r local law, pros- the agency shall not authorize or approve such a quarters, and he shall not be allowed per diem or •
'icting provisions request unless it is accompanied by a signed statement subsistence, as provided in this section. after the said ! I
if the conflict. by the traveler's superv,$or stating that such travel is on period of 30 continuous workdays has elapsed, unless
s of this section, the official business of the state and also stating the pur• this period of time is extended by the express approval
finings indicated: pose of such travel. of the agency head.
y office, depart- (b) Travel expenses of travelers shall be limited to (c) A traveler may leave his assigned post to return
kcal subdivision, those expenses necessarily incurred by them in the per- home overnight, over a weekend, or during a holiday,
district, public lormance of a public purpose authorized by law to be but any time lost from his regular duties shall be taken I.
liege,municipal- performed by the agency and must be within the limita- as annual leave and authorized in the usual manner.He I
ernment created lions prescribed by this section. shall not be reimbursed for travel expenses in excess of
(c) Travel by public officers or employees serving the established rate for per diem allowable had he I
ency—The high- temporarily in behalf of another agency or partly in remained at his assigned post.However,when a traveler
gency,as herein behalf of more than one agency at the same time. or has been temporarily assigned away from his official
authorized persons who are called upon to contribute headquarters loran approved period extending beyond
cidual who in the time and services as consultants or advisers, may be 30 days,he shall be entitled to reimbursement for travel I.
;fed by law with authorized by the agency head. Complete explanation expenses at the established rate of one round trip for I.
i who is either and justification must be shown on the travel expense each 30-day period actually taken to his home in addi-
by the Gover- voucher or attached thereto. lion to pay and allowances otherwise provided. l_
ighout the state, (d) Travel expenses of public employees for the sole (5) COMPUTATION OF TRAVEL TIME FOR REIM-
of either of the purpose of taking merit system or other job placement BURSEMENT.—For purposes of reimbursement and III
initial designee examinations,written or oral,shall not be allowed under methods of calculating fractional days of travel, the fol-
any circumstances, except that upon prior written lowing principtes are prescribed: ]
—An individual, approval of the agency head. candidates for executive (a) The travel day for Class A travel shall be a Galen-
ian an officer or or professional positions may be allowed travel dar day(midnight to midnight).The travel day for Class
io is filling a reg• expanses pursuant to this section. B travel shall begin at the same time as the travel period.
d is responsible (e) The agency head, or his designated represents- For Class A and Class B travel,the traveler shall be reim-
live, may pay by advancement or reimbursement, or a bursed one-fourth of the authorized rate of per diem for I I
' combination thereof, the costs of per diem of travelers each quarter, or fraction thereof, of the travel day
cer or employee and authorized persons for foreign travel at the current included within his travel period. Class A and Class B
ommissioned or rates as specified in the federal publication 'Standard- travel shall include any assignment on official business li
id to incur travel ized Regulations(Government Civilians,Foreign Areas)' outside of regular office hours and away from regular (
cal duties. and incidental as expenses provided in this section.
P P and n of employment
ta when it is considered reash travel II
and or adviser. away from his official headquarters and is therefore expenses are approved. '1
an executive or unable to perform the official business of the agency b r.ymMTlartaTIMMIXI 9Cp1 it
may continue to receive subsistence as provided in sub- �p
c employee, or section(6)during this period of illness or injury until such `-Veb U�9faa(owatWfd 5E9 @s
�pra vi
thorized travel. - o ded In me sedibn wh,t,I ekere; fCE1dFF1U91!'kfllll
time as he is able to perform the official business of the x'yq--. Br Breakfast—When Wh ny travel b e: !J
see. necessary agency or returns to his official headquarters,whichever 1. Breakfast—When travel begins before 6 a.m.
es while travel- ' is earlier.Such subsistence may be paid when approved and extends beyond 8 a.m. i
al ordinary and by the agency head. 2. Lunch—When travel begins before 12 noon and •
red by a tray- (g) The secretary cif the Department of Health and extends beyond 2 p.m. •
Rehabilitative Services or his designee may authorize 3. Dinner—When travel begins before 6 p.m. and it il
nmercial airline travel expenses incidental to the rendering of medical
rs of an estate- extends beyond 8 p.m., a when travel occurs during II
services Health for and h behalf of Services., the Department nighttime hours due to special assignment. I
of Health and Rehabilitative Se evic The Department establish a consisting of rates Health and Rehabilitative Services may establish NNpp-Nlowerx:e ehaltt c)osnp rsnfWawherd(rave4.is of
rates lower than the maximum provided in this section cb• - Ipt)oNItbWM OffiSIal headq(mtleek
between the for these travel expenses. tint, i T4 eta r IiH i
(4) OFFICIAL HEADQUARTERS.—The official head- hte .. v, :.=P,4?
of 24 hours or quarters of an officer or employee assigned to an office nl It travel expenses t
Shalt be the city or town in which the office is located (6) RATES OF PER DIEM AND SUBSISTENCE
of less than 24 except that: ALLOWANCE—For purposes of reimbursement rates •
e from official (a) The official headquarters of a person located in and methods of calculation, per diem and subsistence �
the field shall be the city or town nearest to the area allowances are divided into the following groups and
or day trips._ where the majority of his work is performed, or such rates:
vial headquar- other city, town, or area as may be designated by the (a) All travelers shall be allowed for subsistence
agency head provided that in all cases such designation when traveling to a convention or conference or when •
Jnited Slates. most be in the best interests of the agency and not for traveling within or outside the state in order to conduct '
EXPENSES.— 4, the convenience of the person. bona fide state business,which convention,conference. I 1•
769 �l
seee'i , -. ___ __._s __—.......—,._.Y..._A—.v_ —19.x.
• or business serves a direct and lawful public purpose expenditures related to the operation,maintenance,and p
with relation to the public agency served by the person ownership of a vehicle shall not be allowed when pri. p
attending such meeting or conducting such business, vately owned vehicles are used on public business and b
either of the following for each day of such travel at the reimbursement is made pursuant to this paragraph, e
option of the traveler: except as provided in subsection (8). tt
4T.=fFifty ttcllakaltteTdletll,`onq 2. All mileage shall be shown from point of origin to p,
„ .,2.'-If actuahexpeasee'txceed.$50,theampunts.per- point of destination and, when possible, shall be corn- m
miffed in paragraph(6)focmeals.;plusvacjyalexpenses puted on the basis of the current map of the Department n-
. e.-for-lodging al rksingteoccupancy rate,to beysubstanti- of Transportation. Vicinity mileage necessary for the e•
iI 1 aced by paid bills_therefdr. ' 'a conduct of official business is allowable but must be m
shown as a separate item on the expense voucher. ' 5 th
When lodging or meals are provided at a state institu- (e) Transportation by chartered vehicles when tray- t1
.) t lion, the traveler shall be reimbursed only for the actual eling on official business may be authorized by the
expenses of such lodging or meals. not to exceed the agency head when necessary or where it is to the at
maximum provided for in this subsection advantage of the agency. provided the cost of such C
.(b) trAll.trayele5a^shall Baal 1ve -{ol transportation does not exceed the cost of transports Sc
l; arinnite(oGSUbar a.W Ie'Fd f!Mel tion by privately owned vehicle pursuant to paragraph , g
i '(cial'bualness'as p,% ed id In per3grepltl5)(b). (d). - a1
4 -gx^'wBreaktast.. ° s"""�'0R4'w'.G 'Lxi p53,14 (I) The agency head may grant monthly allowances•
13-D mer .,,.,,tk s re ' $` infixed amounts for use of privately owned automobiles•!; - .312 on official business in lieu of the mileage rate provided � PI
h t (c)' J oonerwheUleFltSvelmgoulo(5ln p{ infirW in paragraph (d). Allowances granted pursuant to this n
+ ahaa bereirot ead-farja naal orvonsiAJ�cJ i ni paragraph shall be reasonable, taking into account the a
'r.1, r:convention or conference.regislration fee paid-yjl customary use of the automobile,the roads customarily a Si
�:5lalat! traveled. and whether any of the expenses incident toi c
Ii it! (7) TRANSPORTATION.— the operation. maintenance,and ownership of the auto. i a:
cv (. (a) All travel must be by a usually traveled route. In mobile are paid from funds of the agency or other public x s•V. case a person travels by an indirect route for his own funds.Such allowance may be changed at any time,and o it
4 conVenience,any extra costs shalt be borne by the tray- shall be made on the basis of a signed statement of the ,
4 eler; and reimbursement for expenses shall be based traveler, filed before the allowance is granted or„' I.
8 only on such charges as would have been incurred by changed, and at least annually thereafter. The state-.7 e
4 a usually traveled route. The agency head shall desig- ment shall show the places and distances for an aver.;r c
}f , nate the most economical method of travel for each trip, age typical month's travel on official business, and the Ie
y keeping in mind the following conditions: amount that would be allowed under the approved rate
G 1. The nature of the business. per mile for the travel shown in the statement.if paymen:�ty:' Ii
ts. 2. The most efficient and economical means of had been made pursuant to paragraph(d). �r.q� tc
travel(considering time of the traveler,cost of transpor (g) No contract may be entered into between a pub- a
�l tation, and per diem or subsistence required). tic officer or employee.or any other person,and a public 1 F
( - 3. The number of persons making the trip and the agency, in which a depreciation allowance is used In'
.#y amount of equipment or material to be transported. computing the amount due by the agency to the individ E
(b) The Department of Banking and Finance may ual for the use of a privately owned vehicle on official, u
provide any form it deems necessary to cover travel business:provided,any such existing contract shall not a
requests for traveling on official business and when paid be impaired. r. is
e` by the state. (h) No traveler shall be allowed either mileage Cf 1. r
(c) Transportation by common carrier when traveling transportation expense when he is gratuitously trans:a. c
on official business and paid fer personalty by the tray- ported by another person or when he is transported by Y
eler,shall be substantiated by a receipt therefor.Federal another traveler who is entitled to mileage or transports- A I.
tax shalt not be reimbursable to the traveler unless the lion expense. However, a traveler on a private aircraft.r a
state and other public agencies are also required by fed- shall be reimbursed the actual amount charged and paid » le
eral law to pay such tax.In the event transportation other for his fare for such transportation up to the cost of a r, t.
than the most economical class as approved by the commercial airline ticket for the same flight,even though
'1 agency head is provided by a common carrier on a flight the owner or pilot of such aircraft is also entitled to trans-', t
check or credit card, the charges in excess of the most portation expense for the same flight under this subset
' economical class shall be refunded by the traveler to the lion. - , t
t. agency charged with the transportation provided in this (8) OTHER EXPENSES.—
t2 manner. (a) -The following incidental travel expenses of the K.
(d)1. The use of privately owned vehicles for offical traveler may be reimbursed: 1
2( travel in keuof publidygwnedlrehiges.or common Cani- 1. Taxi fare. et. r
ers may be authorized by fhe agency,fra4, r 2. Ferry fares; and bridge, road, and tunnel tolls. 'N '
Iraybi is bypnvalelyowpert,vetjic ia)[ev k �e 3. Storage or parking fees.
111:lil 'cntitiedto a Mileage allowance at afixt rateo 20centg a. Communication expense.
per mile Of thetdrRfnon carneilgelor such'travel;as 5. Convention registration fee while attending a -
determined by the agency head:Reimbursement for convention or conference which will serve a direct public