HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Employees All new employees shall be on probation for a period of three months from data of hire. During probation period Village may terminate or dismiss employee without notice and employee may terminate during probation period of his own volition. Cause for Discharge: 1. Willfully making false statements which involve relations with Village or other employees or furnishing false information for personnel records. 2. Report for work under influence of alcoholic beverages or narcotics. Use of or possession of such beverages or narcotics. 3. Use of threatening or abusive language tending to incite violent conduct. 4. Engaging in horseplay or any conduct detrimental to the good name of the Village. 5. Patrol cars shall remain in the Village except in emergencies or official Village business requiring them to go outside the Village limits. Cars shall never be used for personnel use. 6. Auxilliary policemen shall not wear sidearms. VILLAGE CLERK Shall be responsible for operation of office. Hours 9 - 4 with one hour for lunch, five days per week, Monday thru Friday. Shall also record minutes of all Council Meetings at overtime pay of $2.00 per hour in addition to base pay of $308.00 per month. Shall be responsible for posting and recording books and documents of the City. Randle all licenses and permits issued by City and recording and deposit of all revenue and expenditures of City. Also act as Court Clerk when required. (Responsible for control and direction of two or three employees. — CONDUCT CODES Al/. Village Employees will be subject to the following code of conduct. 1. Village employees shall be responsible to conduct themselves in a manner which reflects maturity, intelligence and good sense on and off of the job. 2. They are not to discuss Village business or the policies of the Village in regards to ordinances, annexations, changes of ordinances 'r or other Village affairs of this nature unless specifically so directed to do so by the Mayor or Village Council. 3. Shall not use any equipment belonging to the Village on off hours unless specifically authorized to do so by the Commissioner responsible for said equipment. 4. Any Village employee violating any provision of the codes of conduct or failing to perform the duties of his or her position as stated within the job description of said position will be subject to suspension by the Village Council for a period of not less than one day or more than one month. 5. Suspensions of more than three within any twelve month period shall be grounds for discharge. h . Suspensions shall be reviewable by a Civil Board consisting of four members one of which will be elected by the Village employees but who may not be a Village employee; one of whom will be appointed by the Village Council; one of whom will be a Village Councilman who, however, cannot be the Commissioner to whom the employee is responsible. VitnAGE CLERK 1. Responsible for Maintaing records of : a. All bills to be paid b. Enter bills paid according to their accounts in the general ledger. c. Prepare all. checks for bills approved by Village Council d. Maintain a list of all. qualified voters. e. Maintain a list of and certify at the time of elections all poll watchers. f. Present on a monthly basis on the Monday preceding the Regular Council Meeting to the Council a list of all bills to be paid, the accounting code to which they are to be paid and a brief statement as to the purpose or reason for the bill. 2. A total amount spent for each account code and the amount remaining within that account. 3. A statement indicating the total amount of revenue received during the preceding month.