HomeMy WebLinkAboutDavid Tilson Dear Mr . • After careful consideration I have decided to announce my candidacy for Councilman Group 2 in tee Village of North Orlando. It is my firm belief that the progress and growth of the community hinges, in part, on a strong, iecisive council dedicated to representing the best a .{ interest of the citizenry, and promoting harmony and growth in the community. A council however is elected by the people. It is, therefore, the people's responsibility to carefully evaluate the candidates and what they may contribute to the council and to the co nunity. In the final analysis, the resulting council is only as good as the individuals elected to it, by the citizens. Each eligible voter therefore has a responsibility to himself and his neighbors, to make a free choice, according to the dictates of his own judgement, and then to exercise his rIvht to go to the polls and cast his VOTE for the person of his choice. In the past, nromisett have been made, and in some irstarc-?s have not beer fulfilled. If elected to this office, I make no promise excert for the following: 1. Careful, intelligent representation. 2. The courage to follow the dictates of my judgement: to admit that I may be wrong, to stand firm when I feel I'm right. 3. I will not be a "go along" type of councilman merely for the sake of convenience. I still answer only to the general citizenry, not to any group or individiaal. It is now your duty to decide if I am best suited to represent you, and, if so, to rest your VOTE on March 17 in my behalf. Conversely, it is also your duty to vote agai St me if you decide that I am not suited to represent you. I have filed in Group 2 so that you will have a choice. Above all make that choice, and then VOTE. Your consideratio, is respectfully solicited. Your VOTE will be genuinely appreciated. Sincerely Yours, David G. Til.sor Candidate, Group 2 i Dent 'ecidents: i consider it a '>rivilc!'fe to offer 'r eclf= as a condiatc or 7i11!' :council^.on, xrou_ If elected to this .'oct I *Till consider it a far Treater _vil' e to scree `'our int:-cct to the best of i ^b`ltti.:d, I had wia:icd that I Irould be tblc to meet inc.i.vcduall e��cr, rc' i,tercd voter in the 7illa7e, but this h s not been -,ossiblc ^c man- '.'11.11 be able to ar v rcciatc, I have mot and tal'.:ed *7ith n number of people, and act t -ratified at the n'?narent interest in this election tlIny have as_:cd tihat I *,ould offs-: ._.. c::ch-n'-c for their tote and to this I have rwdc the sane rc"ly, i offer is-rsclf strictl,' as an individual, L. votc for me T7111 be just that; not a vote for uy cur nortcr.c, for ow, or '*row? nco'le, vote for me *7ill mean thrt you h^vc chosen to sunPort a ,'erson '7,o' ui'.l nut the community bcnef i.t foremost, I -,.romisc on1Y that, i f elected, I Ilil1 atterr>t to serve *pith cottrmge and conv■ction,C . It is no doubt by nov a ucll I:no*•)n Met that I an in disar;rcerment with certain members of the -recent council, "o this I admit end iri11 also confers that I an disappointec'. -;it their record as a council, to an e tcnt. I **ill do ny utmost hp f+_-ht against, cliques, or -rescurc groups end the Inc, and -»1? hove no part of such activities if you ccc fit to elect me to the council, ' +uccday March 17, i the time for you to dcmonctr^tc your choice, i_bovc all, mai:c'Your choice ^ne demonstrate it by your VOT.7, It is your nr Ivilere to choose, it is your duty to VOTr, I earnestly solicit your consideration in this election. I *?ill aprrcciatc your 70"7 ^i_nccrcl- "ours, avid 7, 'Moon T,and iatc, Group 2