HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Informer-1964 TIE INFORMER
April 10, 1964
Yellow Citizens .
This is the first in a series of 'letters you will
receive: keepi.ngyou posted on various community activities
and oreiects . We will bring you fa t•s :tbat can be sub-
stantiated by your friends and neik;hb•.rs. die shall praise
those who deserve praise ; and ckit�.cise those who desez.vc
criticism. Your comments are invited--•-whether in praise
or criticism. \rite to our box number.
We fool that you, as intelligent people , deserve to be
made aware of facts that only a few dozen people already
know to be true. The oxDenses involved in printing and
distributing this material are being met by some of your
neighbors who arc tf.rod of a small group who take every
good intention, rip it apart. and twist it out of all
prouortion to suit themselves, all in the guise of being
The Informers
Box Number 9�
Cassolberry, Florida
Who ' s Playing Footsie with Who?
DID YOU KNOW??? that our cha rtor board is supposed to
bc• conducted ONLY in OPEN meetings , but one of the members
of this board, while "listening" to a resolution being road
by Mayor Van Ecooc:i , was ovcrh.;ard to make this comment, r•That
will all be changed soon!"
DID YOU K_"OW??? :.hat ex-Mayor A.u"c_rson wont to Mayor
Van Ecpocl on April 7th before her r17: ;: :;cnd.ictod meeting
and warned her. . . "don 't: i ct the tcoY�.. you angry- • ••after
the charter board. . •tti^ D ' going to b: a major's
in June and you obviously want to bo a nc n�.atc . . , '
Don't the intelligent uccrlo of this community wonder how
statements such as those can be made s:!io: the Charter Board
will not have it 's first PUBLIC mooting until Saturday , April
11 , between 7 and 8 P.M. according to the last issue of the
Nowsette, and the recommendations submitted by th-: board have:
not yet been voted on by the people?
By what right does M . Anderson make those staff men+.s when
` T T T'� T
he wasn't elected to the Charter .3i1?.::v . , .:r ..S M . AN.)�,i)il N TEE
(Editor's Note : ';,c are inclined to believe that the charter
changes were made before the charter board was elected:)
These are the Deoole who took the Charter Board votitions
from house to house to be signed:
W. W. Anderson: Civic Club founder and Mayor of North
O-,, do at the time.
Mona Grinstead: - C;vt e ':lLb Jembe;c and at pre ent
Coarci J w Dman
boy Burke : _ r , l :-ten. of the Civic Club who has since
move:: Can he really be interested in our
William Hahn: Clvi.e Club member.
Virginia DelViliagio : Civic Club member.
And this is your UNBIASED Charter Board:
Mary Rowell : Civic Club Member
Etta Harvillc : Civic Club Member
Robert Derum: Civic Club Member •
Robert Dean: Civic Club Member
Charles Tressler: Civic Club Member
We all know a set UD when we see one , don't
(Editor's Note : � ,�, .,
we? We notice the glarins absence of rearesent-tiobnrfromvtthe
South Side of the village. Throe of the board mem
in the same city block. ,0f course , before the election, few
wore aware of this : )
Can we
thank Ex-Mayor ':+- W. Anderson for this fiasco since
this was his "baabyr. i rem the start? And may we ask how this
can no.::ibly benefit- h_m in any way since he hfrt remarked fonure?
several occasions that he is moving sometime
We ask all of you --THINK: : THINK: : THINK! !
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No. II THE INFORMER April 27, 1964
Box 93
Cassclberry, Fla.
We just know you wouldn't lot us down: From the wild
dashing around the neighborhood we expected a Pulitzer Prize
winner--what happenod? With annologios to Shakoopear, "Wo
think you do protest too much, and believe us , ten pages of
u.:eloss information is too auch:
Upon ocannin7; your pa cr, we Rather that a few people
wore angered bec^usc we aSurely,f otatistics that
public records. We wonder e why?
no secret , are they?
Also, we have boon told that some who wcrcn't even monThoir
tionod in our first issue havo protested their innocence•
innocence of WHAT? Have we mi^cod something? If so, we 'll got
right on it
io think that every citizen chculd be proud to be acecciated
with ?. club that has eccomnliohed so much in only throe short
ye r rr Just look at all th:, fine thingsyou have accomplished:
1. Painted the bus stop. Once.
2. Loosed the community building from the North Orlando
Company for 11. a year and rented it to our local Dept. ,
organizations , our OWN town council, our OWN Fire D D
our ON Police Dent. for the nominal foe of `?2. per
meeting. We 're cur. the whole town appreciates your
generosity s.nd fools that every dollar of our tax money
so ~bent is going to worthy cause.
3. SDOns^redoinnum ors.ble parties to sponcor mere parties.
Surely there is somothing we have coverlook
to. If co, just
write to us and we shall monticn it in ur
Again, Civic Club, Thank you and keep up this 1G:EAT �tiORK: :
Our neighboring towns can LEARN SOMETHING FROM YOU. :
ITEM: We were haniDy to hear by the grapevine that WW•W-
Andersrn admitted at °no of the few public meetings of the
Charter Board that be made the statements to Mayor Van Eopoel
as rcprrtod by your Informer in our first issue.
(Editor's not3 : The Nowoette neglected to print this little item
cf TRUTH: How come?)
ITEM: Overheard by one of our readers after the first
Council Meeting conducted by our cnow Mayo this nupr very trying
conditions we might add,
resign as cayor•
(Editor's note ; Got somebody else in mhd?)
ITEM : Councilwoman Grinctcad made o—o. puzzling statmente
n t o the �ows *t^Q. ZV Y xc you pool so
in her lcnr;t.hy soliloquy �..- .,••' �.-*_�►�,t:�i.tl;z2 What
r ::xas �:cmern acc.asc you 1
:r. ivy Pix•;��• G ,;.r • E''` Y��t' `J ELECTION?
. vl� f read? tits r.0^%•':E�1 ;;?•f lC. ] OF . �.XI u l
y aid 1 ?• /.^�vll•'ali�.n.:� �y t.r�t+.•11 on tno
Our local c;1.Octions have :.).7r]• ; beef. .y str
z "; The t•e:m we a►ei1 ',J:: 3 1�=t: ':�) V;�'hiCn ;.e cal antir'elY
f and up a s 3y the way , I'rs C,
a; .'•'o opt: YTatitsl',.—eon-u1.1., Jeer r'_ c,f,.,.t. .:... f
we DO have an ulterior moti•':O.. .t• is T
Ar YR�'
Page 2
by Ann Onimous
Coni ifential to REGISTERED LETTER: Sorry we had to refuse
your letter, but if t 'o too hot for 5Y postage , we knew it
woui.:i be too hot to print !
Thanks to all of you for your support and for your news and
gossip. We will use the itens which can be substantiated , and
although some of them are huraorou3 and sometimes shoc'ti.ngr wo
can't print ;he!: because they smack of libel or ;iianuer.
The following is n letter copied verbaty 1 from the Neti, E.tte•.
The Informer cannot accent the resTJonsibil•:.t,•' f:>r t'r..e :l am:.ar,
nor c^n we be held ac ,-,' table fc-., the sentence ctru;:;t.ur•).
Iniden.tally, how dial the Nowsette gef; a letter addr.ssed to
Box 93?
"April 11 , 19b4
"Dear Box 93:
"As a hostiled witness to a letter that was received today by
certain Parties here in North O. lfnlo, I would like to relate
the foi'..o win•.7J oni li_cns and ^'.!ggest:s ons'
It is my opinion that the oditor and co-writers of this mimeo-
graphed letter that the is a certain degree of jealousy
It appears to me th''tt these" partie 3 are jealous of the fact
that they ho.vo the guts to stand cn their own two feet
and accompli.,sh what is now being aocompii bhed at the .present
time since: the new ele c i.c•r.s.
It is my suggestion that you examine your consciences bt;fo_ro
slandering F,;r.in.
It is :'•y (. rini: n. that, you had re right t^ d^ wti;,.t you did
and that Tu. iaay f ; nd roursel•res in a peck of trouble.
I am not a Civic m ?_1r. tilt under t,ne new elec tIo s, I am
going t- ,aia 1)c;:1xs I feei that this election c- floors
has rn.a cr__ ' e- p "Lh• s c^Y ,u.ii.y, i,_s 'ac.. of Y,na3 the r v_o:.s
sessions condu^,ted 7r. C, kindergarten ntApne,°,
At '.at , I ii r,;_,, y b.:L .ove that is r;,h )r•-_..';.... is on the road to
▪ -c:e:"•'bc r to -e
P/S Dy what ri •1t C . i :r▪ to r _^;an being,
when thc>•r,v . 'J..GE of �r.'i • • •. .
Dear A Member to b '
We don 't 'r-,1;)::e .rou.. f ' ^t to >m l i n ?ion,-icus after
p^oduci n r that �.,-n de ?t; v ya aro efo
to the "Clew F,' c;cf,ions" f 1:' (. .`' ' '.111'1) r• i:i' {''u.1(: 1• In )that
'rots are you -": ;lr, btew°_rt, are
Roy Burke as prey: en:.:c" of tile, • ✓°, �;.1 o nu.b l`i:;' ' s ._t F`c-1n1.:
arta. W, V, Anderson as ex-%if yCar's vfrcm
:ir:`-tr to e3 if V'cu :='.fit w) aid we 11 or iron here 2v
t;:c: 4a-, WE didn't ,ju''gE u good l:b,
c`_tom:1' L• you
it 's been fun talk_n3 to you, forks• We 'll see you seo..-�•=
Box 93
Casselberry, Fla.
W. W. Anderson, our very civic minded ex-mayor (who AL AYS
'_-_as the welfare of the community at heart) snouted a few statutes
Van the last effort whole
Van Eepoel and C
II!! Poor W.w. 1 Is this his only hobby? Was it only about 18
months ago that he spewed statute numbers in an effort to
prosecute Mayor Frank Fasula? Does this man have a mayor phobia?
We realize , W.W• , that NO mayor could measure up to you, but
maybe you 're just an eensy weonsy ite prejudiced: We do congratu-
la.te you, though, on your monumental
* * * * * * * *
Beverly Krecek , another of our near great citizens whose aim
it is to BET'EFIT the community, is ON THE MARCH with another
petition. We have lost count of the number of petitions Mrs .
Krecek has snonsored and carried from door to door in the past
five years . '::e often wonder why they all fizzled out? We ar?miro
Mrs . Krecek for her civic responsibilities since she has four
young children, and it must be a source ofRgteat sacrifice to deher
to have to do so much for her ecr_muZity:
it . . .vinether they 're asked or not
This time Mrs . Krecek wants the whole charter thrown out of
the village . Will you make up your mind, Mrs . I're ceh? Didn 't you
sign Mrs. Mary Rowell 'i nomination sheet for seat on the charter
board? Now what? Don't you think the charter board is capable of
making a decision? Or do you too think the whole Charter Board
episode is a fiasco?
* * :, * * * * ** is -3: :£
***Mr. Ferrin, why did you approve a ten dollar expenditu for it?
heir our kids? Didn't you know someone would prosecute you
Before these charges and countercharges are over, we 'll have to
hire a bus to transport the citizens of this village ,who sign
petitions indiscriminately, to and from the courtroom:
***Who is resnonsible for the petition tc dissolve the city,
Mrs . Krecek? Is it FF or WSJ?
SNOOPIN ' AND SCOOPIN' ( continued)
***We wonder why so many cars are in front of Councilwoman Grinstead 's
house so often? It must be a real chore , Mrs. Grinstead, trying to
run the city all by yourself: We were amused when you said it was
getting to be "one big dump" at the last council meeting. Could be
you're right:
***Was the last nubile meeting of the Charter Board so secret that
it couldn't be published before OR after the meeting? Or did we
miss it? Don 't think we 're neglecting you just because Mrs. Krecek
is galloping around with her petition.
***Mr. Anderson, we wonder what you and Mrs. VanEepoel discussed
when you had lunch together at the Robert Meyer Inn last fall? Is
it true that you promised you would see to it that the "right"
people ran for council to assure her of becoming mayor? If so,
we are Nuzzled gt your attitude now Don't you like her any pore?
• ***Is it true that the Civic Club is going to put light Poles
around the recreation area? We'll 'bet the North Orlando Company
will be happy: After all, THEY own the property:
***Is it true the Little League is having trouble getting men to
volunteer their time to help with the boys? We know of at least
three men who were told their VOLUNTEER services were no longer
***It looks to your Informer as though the "Newsette" is being
published almost exclusively for the edification and aetiologies of
Councilwoman Grinstead. Perhaps her actions do need clarifying,
but she is the bast judge of that: We recall her campaign promise
to "represent the majority". We wonder if her interpretation of
the "majority" is Grinstead, Tilson and "Boss" Anderson?
However, since Councilwoman Grinstead has her own private paper,
we hereby offer equal opportunities to the rest of the council.
These Neolle deserve as much publicity as Councilwoman Grinstead
is seeking. After all, the election is over. Or was that a paid
political advertisement, Mrs. Grinstead?
***Congratulations , Newsette Editor, on a fairly coherent editorial
this time . We are still attempting to figure out what you were
trying to say the last time. At first we thought we were confused,
but after reading your editorial aloud in front of an audience of
23 People , we decided that it is you who are confused: Of course ,
we cannot agree fully with your editorial this time either since you
have some of the facts misconstrued, but we feel you have done your
***We read in the current issue of the "Newsette" that the Civic
Club is in favor of higher taxes: Oh come now: If the fire depart-
ment could be left in charge of the Fourth of July celebration (as .
they once were) they could raise their own funds and we wouldn't
need to raise the taxes: We detect the hand of one of our very
prominent citizens in this suggestion for higher taxes (only we
know his identity, don't we, Boss?) . He has been advocating high
taxes since he joined our fair community.
SNOOIN' AND SCOOrIN' (continued)
' '*It has come to our attention that within the nest week we have
lost ANOTHER fine village clerk and two volunteer policemen. All
we can say is "thank you" for trying folks. We must say that some
of our fellow citizens didn't make the job easy for you: : :
***Hew come so many Civic Club members are EX-members? Why don't
you ask them?
Box 93 :
If you will remember at one of the council meetings, Mr.
Tilson said he didn't want the job of Police & Fire Commissioner.
Well it seems to me he has proved he cannot handle the job.
His main line of sneaoh is quote "I did not say that! I did not
OK that. I did not know anything about that", and he is right.
He has done nothing and he has proved he knows nothing.
Yours truly,
H.- .G.
Editor 's note : We have very little copy on Mr. Tilson at this time
and cannot make a fair evaluation. We 'll keep our eyes opened though.
(Although the following letter is rather lengthy, we feel that it
tells a complete story and so will print it in it 's entirety. )
COUNCILWOMAN GRINSTEAD was out in charge of Recreation, Health
and Welfare at the council meeting April 7, 1964, I was present at
the time and heard MRS. GRINSTEAD express her joy because she was
given this responsibility.
Two days later, Thursday, April 9, 1964, at 7:30 in the morning,
MRS. GRINSTEAD called my home, asking to speak to my husband who
is also a councilu:an. She wanted his approval to hire a truck to
haul sand to the Little League Field at once. I heard my husband
ask her if the rest of the council approved and she assured him
that she had contacted everyone but him. He then gave his approval
on the telephone, reminding her that she had to draw up a resolution.
That same evening, and the following evening, my husband was at the
ball field helping to srread the sand that had been delivered to
make the field safe for the boys for their first game the following
Saturday, and so you see, I know the sand WAS delivered.
4 a
4.. -0
Letter Continued---
For some reason known only to herself, MRS. BEVERLY KRECEK, who was
not managing the Little League at that time, paid the ten dollars
necessary to hire the truck, and when MR. FERRIN came home from
work, the village clerk called and asked him to sign a ten dollar
check for MRS. KRECEK since there was not enough money in the
village betty cash to reimburse her.
MR. FERRIN had rio reason tc doubt COUNCILWOMAN GRINSTEAD 'S Wotd)
not the bill that vtas .presented to him from MRS C RZNSIEAD i of the
word of MRS. KRECEI that she had raid the lien dotia±ti out of her
own Pocket, nor the word of M {S4 MYRA, StODDtN who also signed a
reoeiicit for the sand delivery. And So he signed the check for
MRS. KRECEK'S refur_di
BEING CHARGED FOR? I hope that the good people of this community
who signed that Petition have the grace to bluff if ever they meet
MR. FERRIN. I have already noticed that a few people are embarrassed
because they know he is being "railroaded. "
Mr. Ferrin is our good friend and I cannot sit back and watch
my neighbors sign a petition to dishonor him, embarrass his family
and force him to seek legal council, without coming forward and
saying publicly that my husband and I are 100% behind Mr. Ferrin in
this instance, just as we would be behind any friend or neighbor who
was unjustly accused. It is most interesting to me to note that
CHARLES ROWELL who is assistant manager of the Little League , is
one of Mr. Ferrin'S accusers! Surely MR. ROWELL isn't against
fixing up the ball field?
I notice also that MRS. GRINSTEAD never came to MR. FERRIN 'S
defense in this matter, nor did MRS. KRECEK who understandably
needed her money.
MRS. GRINSTEAD 'S campaign promise to "bring the council and the
people together" evidently means together in hand-tc-hand combat:
If you will print this letter, please sign my name. I am enclosing
a check to help defray your expenses.
Betty Rhodes
Dear Folks,
We hope we have given you food for thought. We are heartily
sorry to have offended some of you by remaining unnamed, but
", if you will check into local history, you will find we are
not the first a?^ncny .cus paper to be uublishad in Seminole County.