HomeMy WebLinkAboutTuskawilla Times - 1979 9002-LL9 slaiue0 ugop
[909-8L9 pao4pea8 clog
L9ZZ 1L9 /calpuaH a6aoa0 OO1L-S9£ XeMe33 H aUW •33S
8££9-59£ 33°I1.L3 uyOp L699-8L9 Ica ,aeH asoa•saad •A puZ
:sao3Oaa L0 bL££-119 aaieg Xoa •sand A
82£-1L9 3ua6aeS woo :aanseaal £OSO-L19 sweL1LLM aLuuo$ :3uapLsaad
ISM eptaoLd 'pue1.3IeW
paenalnog s64adS aa34M 00SL
NOI1VI3OSSV Sd3NMO3WOH d13IMVOSf11 :o4 uodnoo ay; ILeW
. •a3a sum'. MOW JO ';.isigeq Aay2 II. 'safe
.4943 'uaapl.yo 40 aagwnu uo ssed o3 a)fIj p,noR uopewaoJu! aay3O /'ue puy
:Molaq uodnoo 943 42LM loop anok 5ul1Iew A'q JO '6u440aw 944 4e os op
L IA-4s ueo nok (weak aad 00.5$) '6L61 ao} sanp anOk p Led 3,uaAey 111.4s na II
•s3e0q j.o 6u paed aq3 aaAOO suo po t,a3sab pea() aye pue
'aouaj. ay3 6uLpae6aa uoI3a1pslanc le6al aneg am ; iia3OU ales. aseald 'sluap.sall
•pa3noasoad aq LLiM anoa6 343 uI 346neo auoh a 3e143 anoa6 aye. 40 aauMO 943 Aq
pasLApe aaaM OM 'IanaMOH •6uI3aaw 3xau ay. 3P passnosIp aq LLIM swa31. asayi
•skeMaA Iap a s3eoq ,.o 6u rued aqi
•anoa6 ay3 punoae papaw a 6ulaq 93u9J. as LM pagaeq v
1411a4 40 6uipoid
ay3 pue 'eLLLMeosni 5433nge sanoa6 ay3 uI. s4uappaa 40 6ulssedsea3 ayi
:uoL3eioossy s,aauMOawoFI ay3 40 uol3Ua33e ay3 04 3y6noaq uaaq aAey Swa31. IeaanaS
•43an43 u2IAeJOW 944 4e 'W'd 00:8 4e 6L61 63s1 fiaenageJ
uo play aq ILIM uope p ossy s,aauMOawoH PLLIMeosnl ay3 0 6UL3aaw 3xaU ay'
6L6L `Aaenaga3 It 'CN NOIaI03
IliMY111 111111Att1138‘111vjltri
-s3uapisaa eiLLMeosnj Lie o4 uado sl s1gi •a6plaq Feld pue lea o4 paaa1.sl6aa
eq 3snw no), '( 1989-99£) J4ea9 s.008 JO (9611-99£) uosdwo4l eLuoS LLeo eseal0
suo p enaasaa a0J •e6plaq a0J. 00• L$ pue 4aj.nq amp. aoj 05•£$ sl 6uivana eLf aoj.
3soo a41 'W'd 00:0L 04 OC:L woaj. pekeld sl e6plae '0£:L 04 0£:9 WOJJ. panaas
s L aauu Lp 4ajp8 kaenaga3 jo 4u L aq3 uo p la4 eq m1.uow s 141 '43uow
op 4.o A't.psanj puooas a44 'gnlj 4a3uno0 PILLMeosnl am4 4e play aae s5uL3aaw amj
8813 394I218 S31d1103 SV11IA QOOM39Q3M
*dogs oad siuuej a44 ul do u6ls eseeid •s3uaptsq
eLLLMeosnj pue saaqwaw gnLO 04 uado sl 4uaweuanol eqj •SLLeq jo Ueo auo 51
eaj Sa3ue aqj •edwei off. DULOUPApe aauuLM amp 441M 4ueweuanoj lapoN-seupanB a44
m3LM uu!3ouncUOo UL 3uaweuanoj saignoa pax LW uado `4;0L eq . A'aenagaj 'APpan4es
•ti-0 3SOL pue aalua0
siuuaj opue[aO peAeld pue L-£ uoM pue A'aLLeA buLad5 pakeLd weal y saipel a41
•sauel eallezy
04 Z-£ 4501 pue l-j sbuLad5 a4 . 04 4o3ew 46no3 a peddoap weal Z8 salpel a41
• L-ti aa3.ua0 A3Lunwwo0 4sLMe( pe3eaj ap weal Z0 salpel eq1
•peeq,ce8 04 imew Z-£ e peddoap ueq . pue
paojue5 JOAO r'ULM L-ti 6uIouLnuoo e 44LM jjo uosees aLag4 pe.ae4s weak, s,ue4 a41
puooas aoj. j..o-keid a UL adivaa8 uaL9 pue auleaaol pe3eaJep e3ueld ueLly put.
uopuo9 lkaa4S °xnaanaH,l 33005 '8 bu Laa6nl nag :aaaM saeuu LM a41 •6u ped Lo L3aed
sweat. L 414m 43t1 d43 , epunS pe,eid seM 4uaweuanoj salgnop pax LW aolune - 3Lnpy
•satLtLfep apiAip pue se masuiod pug Imo
04 awt3 pooh a st fiaenagaj a1e1 •MOaa 04 3ae3s S3UPLd d43 ua4M ejgPLLeAe eq
ua44 L L LM aaz L L L4aaJ 841 •sau Ln pue sgnags ApooM ano4 se Liam se seaa4 epems
pue 3Lnaj ano,c azLLL3aaj 04 ewL3 a44 sl A'aenagaj aouej uepae9 amp JOAO
kiddn s 04 a Lqe eq L L LM cL LnJ.ado4 pue 3no 04 aaow /Cuew ane4 L L,aM aeak ;xaN
•snopuewaa4 seM puewep ago 4nq pue4 uo 00s aaaM aaaml •ewos 39b 04 ALun4aoddo
UP peg euokaana aaojaq s6uLLpaas pooM6op am4 jo 3no uea eM 3e41. Aaaos aa,aM
•unJ pue uopewaojuL jo /cep a J01. sn ULOC pue
6u i3eew a1f, 04 a.no u0 ewoa vS 'uu I aft L L LA pooM6uoi etf 4e noun L 04 4no ua44
pue A'aeW alel ul A'aasanu peliawoaq a off: 6uiob eq L LM eM 643aaw sseuisnq am;
6uLMOLIoj •pauueid Sep Leloeds a ane4 am 'W'V OO�OL �t. £L Raenagaj °Aepsenl
eue� eAo0 6ZLL `ewo4 s,3Uabae5 elLai 4e plag eq LLLM 643aaw s,A'aenagej
ugoall eaegaeg 8n13 N30by9 ylllMVOSl1
900Z-1L9 slatueG ugop 812£-LL9 4ua6aes mop aaanseaal
1909-8L9 Paopeag qo8 001L-99£ 4eMe44eH a)iW kae4a'4 °S
L9ZZ-I19 IaLPuaH a6aoa9 i699-8L9 Ra)aeH asoj * sand 'A puZ
8££9-99£ 4401-113 uyop EL££-119 aa)es co d 'sand 'A
:sao4oaata COSO-LL9 swe �M a�uuoS :�uap�saad
•o4a 'SUMeL Mow ao '44sfigeq Rau; It 'sa6e atagp 'u341.1.40
4o aagwnu auk au.L uo ssed off. au t. p,nofi uo t4ewao4u t aagpo aaga.o Cue puy
3NOHd 00'S$ 1N(1OWv
OUVA311108 SONI IdS d31NIM 00Sl
:o4 41. 6utLjew pue MoLaq uodnoo
age 6u i.sn L'q os Op L L Ps ueo noL' 'aeaL' s tgp aoJ sanp anon p.ed 1.aA' you aneg noL' 4I
'000L-NE 6LoapO3 Lewtuy off.
;oaa.p spew aq wogs s.u.eldwoo Lions pue ',.unoo au; cq paoaoJua st go.gM Mel
gsea L e s i aaaq; 4e44 e L L JMeo sn1 4o s4uap.saa age pu iwaa o; pa)f se uaaq anei I
'eaae ui asooL 6utuuna s;eo pue s6op .noge s4utoLdwoo L'uew uaaq aneq aaagl
•saagwaw lela.ue.od se LLaM se pua44e o . pa4tnut aae saagwaw Lld
•4uaw4aedaO Lean.Lno ia6V ep 4ao lJ au; WOAJ. aaAeads i.san6 e aan4ea4 L L LM wea6aod
ag1 ' Lensn se 'W'd 00:8 4e '4sL goaeW 'peod eLLtMeosnl uo goanLi3 uelneaoN
;e p Lag aq L L LM 6u tgaaw 4Lq .uow uo pe ioossy SaauMOawoH e L L tMeo sn1 ag1
NOI111Ia0SSV S 12i3NMO3WOH 1111IMV3Sfll
6L61. 'goaeW Zt '0N N0I1I03
Si IWIL 111111Atil3Nlitri
'1-L uL s;Lgigxe
6u Laa;ua aae up e aM •fiaquno3 age u L fPG ;eaag oq. oa. 6u to6 up aae eM '1440L 4oaew
u0 •pual4 p o; aiej age. aneq eM °pa£ goaeW u0 •goaei 6upLoxe UP aneq o3 edoq am
•paeg faan pa)1a0M ILLpaa am •440
sf ed ) AOM pet' sn off. panoad s.4l •paPMe eI.L4M e pan!aoaa oLos oueid eqi •spapMP paa
panLaoaa q.oq s;L1s au •olos ouptd auo pup s1.L)s 0M1. pLp gnvo ano Una-eq4-aae4S uI
•6uLaa;;eL a;LgM taLM uaaa6 aae s1.aLgs au •qnp eq; aoj sl.aLgs aa; ;146noq am
ssLaM auuf'l SnmkIVH0 Ni1IMVOS(ll
•6u tuoolq gsLuij faq; se uoos se peunad pup paz!LL;aal eq pLnogs sPLaezy
uip6p 6u1M0a6 ssea6 aq1 aneq uoos LLLM aappaW aawaeM SP usip uMeL ag1. azLLL1.aa4
ol auL; s,1.I •g1.uow s Lgp wag; uo aaz L L L;"a4 40 1Unowp L Lpws p f Ldde wails
faenuep uL s6uLLpaas pooM6op 1.c6 0gM nof' j}o esogi . . . .aoua3 uapapn aq1. Jon()
•6uLuana 1.upspaLd faen e aoJ. sn uLof
pue aw0o os 0£:g 1.p uL6eq LL!.M sapLAL;sa3 aqi •slsen6 ao ` spueial uawapue6
`spupgsnq aLeq. sn id aaemaaALts UMO aLaga. pup gsLp paaanoo p butaq o; pa)sp e.A
6uLPUa43e asoq{ LLt, •.onLaG uosia 986 `uo;Lnj 0UefLaPW J.0 awou 0^.A; 4p pL:,
eq IILM aeuui pan
A00 gsLp panoo Lenuup ano `q;£[ goapw ;o 6uLuana aq�. uo uay
•anon. oiuoid p 6ULneq eq h iM eM SP gounj 6pq
uMOaq e Suiag jespeLd seogs peo; uado ou - e6paaop epiaoL3 panoadwtun awos
gbnoaq; 6uJ.dwea; eq LLLM am SP LenSPO /WA eq wogs ssaaQ w•e 5L Ol �e
an Lac laaa3 L LaMOH S9 L L 4P 1.aaw pLnogs pa1saaa�U L as0g4 L LV .6 Lti e;noj j0
pa;eoo L s L qa LqM ae;uej se Lpn;s LP;uewuoa Lnu3 ag1 4o an0;. e uo 6u Lo6 aq L L tM.
am q .g goapW u0 •g4uow s L g; as LM1. aaq;e6o; 6u 1;;a6 eq L l LM qn LO uepaer eqj
ugo.a Li eapgae8 8f l0 N3GIt10 Z'33NOI d d11IMVOSl1
3Ue1 wL3 PaiddPO 17LLL Jo •eLLLwMol 'S apnn13 • saW '-AW
cruel wL3 Pa LddpG 9LLL 4o aan L P1 'd Lsdesop • saw q a;�J
eupl wL3 pelddPG SLLL jo upwpaG •_j ugop • s.AW •aW
S1N3GIS32i V1lIA GOOM3073M V1lIMVOSAI 01 3W0313.M
an LAG ucsfa 0E6 i-o uoso LPPnH aor . saw •aW
LLpai gPlaau0 9LLL 10 asp-4i? UPLV • saW q '41
OL3JLO e6p1a;apd Li jo dwej (crop) .N •W . saw •aW
anuand upL9eay 17£6 uuL1 sloe[ •saW •aW
e Loa LG a6P La;aed L1 L 40 L s Laa0i •p a01PA LPS • saW •aW
anuand euLwa3 £OLL 40 PLekk4PH upop . saw •aW
L!-Pal 4p4aa43 £LLL 40 MoLPPH gdesop •saW •aW
LLeal adole;uy ££OL 4o saa;eM smog' * saw q •aW
LLeal 01-ea40 17ZZL 40 fLp09 •i wPLLLLM •saW •aW
0LoaLO ;Upsea(d ZOLLjo pooMUaaag aa.LeM . saw •aW
L Lpai papdoal £o8 40 1.L2;ad kapg ' saw 'aJ
LLpai ewnd ZL6 10 U0pa09 .8 PLawpd sW
V11 I IMNOSll Ol 3W0013M
'£OS0-LL9 `wetLlLM Aaaag
Lleo 'uotl.ewaoJ.ut aapan4 aoj •plaoM Letoos anon' puedx3 •�lpuow laaw pup 6uolaq
saotnaas Lly •os op o4 aa4deyo ano utor o4 al.gt6tl.a aae ouM lte o. uotl.e;tout
ue puat.xa o4 al t L P LnoM YOU jo aa4dey3 ep tao 13 lea4ua3 ayi 'y0211 jo saagwaw
.ou aae oyM P L L tMeo Sni UL 6u to t l kan t L tw al; j.o Saao tI jo pal tl.aa L'uew aae aaayi
2131dVH3 V0I2i01 1 1V LLN33 VOW. - NOI LVI3OSSy ,S2133Idd0 032111321 3H1
. uow;uaweuanOi aoinoN .spun pup tit al; UOM oyM 'xnaanaaH,ly4a.
400s odsuo peLnnea6uo0
'00'Oti$ aol suossal dnoa6 OL
'00.03$ aoj suossaj dno16 s :iso
'W'd 0£: l. oa. uoou OO:ZL RepUns Play suossal suave
'W'd 00:L 04 00:9 6utuana A'epsanyi play suossal l.Lnpy
' A 'd 00:ti 4e 6utuut6aq A'epsaupaM pue kepsani play suossal SuaapLtg3
•S6uLuaow L'epsaupaM pue Repuow play suossal dnoag satpel
:125 yoaew utbaq o. suossal stuuai
•ute6e sut6aq an6eal
446 tN s,uaw ap L t un Cep sans Aaana eq l L tM 446m suaW .yl.LZ •qa j bu t4ae4s
ay; uo 6ututpwaa gb4ew auo yl.tM uoseas aya. aol £-£ lap wee; S,uaw eLLPMeosni •
•sap4ew oM3. asp[ atall. 0-9 pue L-j 6u!uutM cq
an6eal atayl. ut aoeLd puooas ol. aoeLd gati woa4 panow weal. satpel ZO elltMeosni
aaenbs �cuQ up 6u i q3
� P 321y tl.pa�ap 6uoal.s �oeq awed weak alb �eaaq sew�stal3
aaij.e spoeggas Z aa44y •4utod L L'q lo2Ld lsatj ut si wea; satpel 8 ejlLMeosni
•SU LM vs sey weak aoe ld ;.sat. ayi •uoseas ayl. j.o lieu Asa t4 ay; .O} SUM et l4 tM
gnL3 ;anboea opuelap ay; o tM aoeLd lot aol pat; st weal. satpel y elltMeosni
! Loops y6tH LlaMO a e ' 1.0040S 00l0S y51H aa;eMa6p3 - aajdep 4oge3
` LoO
H l i - p tws ueas pue 'Ip e4 uoj 'aatuaa8 ualg : Loops y6tH
opatn0 - a;ueld Uely pue ` LeMO) ataaLeA 'puelaal eanel aae Rau •sweat. stuuat.
Loops a tall, spew anal own saaRe Ld aotun C ay; a4e lnlea6uoo o; al t l p lnoM am
•aagwaw Mau a 'y6nojLn3oW
atopai pue aapeaj a.uel.stsse ano Se 'aautaa y4tpj 'saw awooLaI of a)fil pinOM eM
'01NO3 SH3WHYH3 y11IMy3Sl1
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suolsse;uo0 ``��� euenH AIMS:Joloeila sl;eJ0 pue s{.lV
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wsl{deg of' W :{uep!seid tieyy;o uo!Bei
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'w'd OE:L le sseW!!B!A i l o!�epowwo0 mid :{uep!se�d quip s,ueW
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•w•d 00:s;e AepJn{eS'JO `,
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31f103H0S SSVW t£ NOIlVWUOjNI 1VH3N30
:,LHORI e a)e1 (.zau.zoa ellrnMeasnJ pue uzgag1 1e uopels set e sr aiaga) QVOu
HDNVIII TTTMOH °1 ailul e inoge o .. .:-�I O TV NO .LHORI N2If1.L :EuioIV >:
spua peog eiiIMeasns — IDS uea noAC se .r 'Se 111noS OS — peog eiIIMeasn,L a)leZ
:gainga 941 01 au.IO3 o1•ABM IsaisiT
:SurMollol aq1 jo alou ap i aseald aaualuanuoa inoA io j
•poJUapi09 uI fined PUP Ia1ad 's1S
jo siaquiauz DIE ea.ze ellrmeasns aq1 ul .2u1nq saliog1PO
•gsg8ud )alQ •nag .IOISed aleraossV puP rzi!IN •f ugo f •nag
`.rolled inoA uroij s2urlaaz j
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The following is a list of people that have outstanding gift certificates
for the Golf Pro Shop. Please have these redeemed by March 31 , 1979. They
will not be any good after the 31st. Please Check list for your name.
Louise Adams Mary Jane Donohue
to ri Adamson Paul Dorr
Harry Anderson Harvey Dudman
Bob Andrews Sterling Dukes
Carolyn and Wayne Arnett James Dyson
Hap and Kay Arnold Bill Eckard
Doug Barnes Warren Edwards
Rush and Sandy Bailey Perry Farmer
Faye Barnes Tom Flynn
Tim Bartlett Don Folkner
Jerry Beland Louise Fontaine
John and Marilyn Bennett Fred Fox
Phylis Bierman Furman Fruit
Mike and Helen Bishop Jack Gaipa
Mrs Marge Bird Earl Gallipeau
Dave Boesel Jerry Gerfley
Howard Bolton Lois Gertula
Carl Boswell Joe Gibson
Jack Broderick Mr. Gilpert
Clint Brown Flora Gilliand
Forrest Brown Jesse Graham
Mark Brown Kathleen Graham
Ralph Bryant Rose Graves
Nancy and Rick Bundy Walt Guder
Sue and Fred Busche Ray Guertin
Ann Callahan Jim Hamilton
Bob Carlisle Harvey Hambey
Pete Camaratta John Hamilton
Jane Carlisle Hank Hardy
Sandy Carter Jim Hargan
John Catlin Art Harris
Dr. Horace Caton John Heiland
Daisy and Jack Clark Mr. Hermis
George Cohen Jim Hiegel
Betty and Stan Collier Kenneth Hines
Marion Colton Lew Holmes
Barbara and Jack Cooper Jane Horton
Peg and Dudley Cornell Paul Horton
Bill Craddock Sylvia Howell
Betty Crandall Dick Hunter
Rick Crandall Dan Hunter
Bill Cronin Barbara and Glenn Hurt
Bill Cuthill Bill Hutter
Dick Davis Vic Incinelle
Ed. DeCosmo Bob Jackson
Gerrie Degolia Dave James
Carl and Margie Desmaris Lynn Jordan
Dr. Russ Devore George Kamporus
Don Doggett Delores and Tom Kavanagh
Rosemarie and Jim Kelly
Darwin Kelley
Floyd Kinney
Harold Kime Kathleen Sanders
Dan Kirkpatrick Mary Sandry
Jim and Pat Kittrell Ester and Pete Sanford
Helen Knoblock Bruce Seaman
Wes Kofoed John Sefton
Al Land Wilma Segrest
Judy Lapp Bill Sharabba
Daryle Larimer Jack Share
Ron LeClair Sam Shiffrin
Jack Lemcke Jean Smith
Jim Lennihan Max Smith
John Lewis Bill Spence
aeorge LoeWen George Stahl
John and Phyliss Lounsbury Merrit Staley
Harry McAbee Ed. Stock
Alan McConnell Dave Stoner
Lora McConnell Lester Sudholt
Charles McCormick Jim Sweat
Dale McCormick Steve Tanski
E. F. McCormick Earl Thiel
Dave McCoy Sonia Thompson
Mr. McKeithan W. W. Thomas
Mickey and Ray McClendon Harvey Titen
Arnold McManamon Chet Tomlin
Joan and Les Maxwell Virginia Towe
Witidtteitiiitin Bob Metger Michael Val l i l to
Mills Joe Vaughan
Tony Misho Ted Veit
Dave Mitchell Dale Waguespack
Bill Moews Bill Webb
Don Monk Claude Weaver
Mary Morton Bob Weeder
Jan and Gordon Nielson Ron Welch
Nelson Norris Craig Werner
Stan Obarski Hank Wesche
Leon Oliff Eve West
Jim Palmer John and Mary Wilcox
Ron Parris Ed. and Marie Williams
Dick Parrish Wayne Williams
John Phelps Betty Wilson
Sue Powell Ken Winegardner
Norma Preston Mr and Mrs. Woodruff
Robert Preston Grace and Jessie Yelvington
Billy Rains Jack and Nina Zimmer
Cecil Ramsey
Harry Register
Bill Richardson
Earl and Ada Roberys
Jean and Jim Roberts
Bob Robison
Ray Robison
Georgina Rozier
Bernie Russell
Forrest Sanders
Tuscawilla Mens Golf Assocaition
TMGA Member Guest Tournament has been re-scheduled for April 21 & 22. Re-scheduling
was necessary due to conflict with Easter week end.
The TMGA Low Gross Low Net Tournament had 100 members participating. The results are:
A Flight - Gross Net
First Place - Boesel 73 Lemcke 70
Second Place - Hamilton 77 Jordan 70
Third Place - Palmer 79 Norris 71
B Flight - Gross Net
First Place - Ramsey 81 Catlin 71
Second Place - Staley 84 Obarski 73
Third Place - Titen 85 Crandall 73
C Flight - Gross Net
First Place - Parris Seaman 67
Second Place - McCormick 84 Collier 68
Third Place - Camarata 85 Nielson 70
D Flight - Gross Net
First Place - Tanski 82 Yelvington 65
Second Place - Gibson 91 Fox 68
Third Place - Stoner 92 ' Moews 71
First Place Winner received $25.00 each. Second PlacP Winners received $15.00 each.
Third Place Winners received $10.00 each.
The next TMGA Tournament "The Nassau" will be held from an 8:30 A.M. Shot gun start,
February the 17th. Breakfast will be served from 7:00 A.M.
Q: In stroke play, may a competitor, after he has holed out, repair spike marks or scuff
marks on the putting green? Is there a penalty if such action benefits a fellow-
competitor who has not holed out?
A: There is nothing in the Rules of Golf to permit a competitor, after he has holed
out, to repair spike marks, scuff marks or similar damage to the putting green
if the act could benefit the fellow competitor who has not holed out. Such an
act violates Rule 17-4 and the competitor should be penalized two strokes.
Learn to Play Bridge in the comfort of your own home or improve your
play with a refresher course:
8 lessons of one and one-half hours each. Once a week for eight weeks.
$25.00 per person (total of 12 hours of instruction for $2.50 per hour)
If interested please call Bill Baker, 40 Sable Court, Maitland, Florida
Grandmother needed to keep two (2) children in my home 5 days per week.
If interested call 365-7468 after 5:00 P.M.
Professional Tax Pre aration: For quick service at competitive rates
ca - a ter : . . week days and 10:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. on
GOING ON A TRIP: Retired New England Lady Golfer wishes to rent a golf
villa for a month, more or less, starting February first or February the 15th.
Will give your home and plants loving care. Excellent Tuscawilla references.
Call the Sullivans at 678-2621 .
There will be aguest speaker at the meeting. Norm Levine, a representative
from the Florida State Attorneys Office will speak in Juvenile Community
Arbitrations and related subjects.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fletcher of 919 Puma Trail
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Igler of 1117 Cheetah Trail
Mr. & Mrs. Broward Howes of 1214 Winter Springs Boulevard
Mr. & Mrs. John K. Nursey of 1114 Winter Springs Boulevard
Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Wirth of 1114 Cheetah Trail
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Webb of 1106 Lynx Trail
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Nelson of 1216 Winter Springs Boulevard
Mr. & Mrs. William Daman of 1144 Pheasant Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Johnson of 1137 Pheasant Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Charles N. Tyler of 1139 Pheasant Circle
Mr. & Mrs. David T. Kuhn of 1126 Pheasant Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Rumsey of 1204 Deer Run
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hayes of 835 Leopard Trail
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Montes, Jr. of 910 Puma Trail
Mr. & Mrs. Robert McMichael of 1104 Pheasant Circle
Mr. & Mrs . John Safranek of 1211 Deer Run
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Lockwood of 1024 Antelope Trail
S.A. LaFata of 1101 Dapples Elm Lane
Thomas P. Wager of 1107 Dappled Elm Lane
Arthur Schwartz of 1111 Dappled Elm Lane
Douglas B. Clark of 1113 Dappled Elm Lane
Earl W. Taylor of 1115 Dappled Elm Lane
Beatrice Berube of 1117 Dappled Elm Lane
January - We all enjoyed our Tuscawilla Women's Club. Models at our style
show by "Accent on Sports. " Many thanks to our hostesses: Beth
Griffith, Nina McCullough, and Brenda Gremillion.
February - Our next gathering will be a "Wine and Cheese" Party, February 15th
at 8:00 P.M. at the home of Carol Schlabig, 1116 Ocelot Trail . Sorry
this annual party is for members only! You may still join Tuscawilla
Women's Club for a $5.00 fee. Everyone is invited to join.
A new Duplicate Bridge group is now forming. If you are interested
in this group contact Phyllis Leppert at 671-1739.
Next Board meeting is at Lorraine Jedlicks, February 20th at 9:30 A.M.
March - Our "Spring Fling" is coming up on March 31st. Cost is $2.50 per
person to be paid by March 8th. This is a casual get together -
scavenger hunt. It promises to be a fun time for all . More details
Please notice date and time changes! Phyllis Leppert, Pres . 671-1739.
Tuscawilla Women's Golf Association
Despite holidays and variable weather, members of TWGA were present on Thurdays
with the followTna results:
Jan. 4 - Blind Partners Low gross, Low net - No flights
Low gross - Joan Maxwell & Betty Collier 193
Low net - Fay Barnes & Grace Yelvington 145
Mary Morton & Sonia Thompson 153
Jan. 11 - Low gross, low net, low putts
A Flight B Flight
Low gross - Lora McConnell 82 Low gross - Betty Collier 86
Low net - Jean Smith 70 Low net - Barbara Cooper 72
Low putts - Sylvia Howell 32 Low putts - Kathleen Sanders 33
C Flight D Fliaht
Low gross - Louise Adams 100 Low gross - Fay Barnes 98
Low net - Kay Arnold 71 Low net - Louise Fontaine 64
Mary Morton 74 Grace Yelvington 72
Low putts - Peg Cornell 31 Low putts - D. KAvanaugh 32
Jan. 18 - Point Tournament - Eagles 4 - Birdies 3 - Pars 2 - Bogeys 1
A Flight B Flight
Sylvia Howell - 33 Al Bartlett 31
Marilynne Bennet - 29
C Flight D Flight
Helen Bishop - 36 Louise Fontaine 42
Peg Cornell - 33 Fay Barnes 36
Phyllis Bierman - 33 Gerri Adamson 36
Ann Callahan 35
TWGA plans for a Member- Guest day on February 15, 1979 are well under way. .
It will be a two ball-best ball , 9:00 A.M. shot gun start with coffee and
doughnuts primer to tee off time. Due to the number that can be accommodated in the
dining for lunch, the first thirty members and guest to sign-up will be the
competitors. The fee is $30.00 per pair.
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Rules Tip of the Month:
Q: In stroke play A played his first stroke from outside the teeing ground and
the ball clearly came to rest out of bounds. He played his second stroke from
within the teeing grounds. His felloe competitor, B, said that a penalty stroke
should be added to A's score in accordance with Rule 29-1A (out of bounds). A
insisted that no penalty stroke should be added, because he played his first
stroke from outside the teeing ground and therefore the ball was not in play
from the beginning of the stroke. Is A right.?
A. A is correct. There is no penalty other than that stipulated in Rule 13-2. The
stroke played outside the teeing ground did not bring the ball into play. Therefore,
the fact that it came to rest out of bounds was irrelvant.
Wilson x-31 Woods $85.00 Confidence Woods $99.00
Irons $100.00 Irons $165.00
1200 $220.00 Spalding Executive $160.00
Staff " $190.00 Haig Ultra Irons $115.00
Reflex " $230.00 Royal Daisy Woods $99.00
Power Bilt Citation " Irons $150.00
Irons $139.00 Lynx Woods $160.00 (LEFT HAND)
Hogan Princess " $90.00 Wilson Staff Woods $130.00 (LEFJ HAND)
Greenjoy - from $21 .00 Limited Sizes Etonic (Leather & Poromeric) $30.00 Limited Sizes
Etonic Staff Grade $52.00 Limited Sizes
All men's slax - 30% OFF Shirts Lily Dache - $14.95 Sahara -$18.95 Hogan - $11 .95
SLAX FROM $15.00
During the next few weeks , many changes are being made on our sprinkling system.
Please excuse sprinklers running. Your trap rakes now have spikes in them, please
stand them up after using. Please do not throw trash and soda or beer cans on your
course. Thank-you Phil Morris , Golf Course Superintenent.
Saturday April 14th - Mixed Doubles Tournament. Blind .Draw, Cost: $3.50 a team.
Round Robin - Starting time: A-B -9:00 AM and C - 1 :00 PM
Tuesday night men's league was completed with Tuscawilla ending up in fourth place.
Saturday morning team tennis began in March with the B team winning 2 out of 3 matches,
the C team winning 1 out of 3, the A team also winning 1 out of 3.
The Tuscawilla Ladies B team has won all their matches this month and still remains in
1st. place
The Tuscawilla Ladies C team lost one match to the first place team and remain in
second place.
The Tuscawilla Ladies A team has had a couple of weeks off and has dropped one match.
The teams would like to have your support so come on out and cheer them on to victory.
New lessons begin Monday, April 23rd. , for ladies. April 25th for begginning children.
As of April 1 , 1979 Guest Fees will be $3.00 per person.
Swim Team
Organizational Meeting to be held Saturday April 14th - 1 :00 PM at the Pool .
Swim Practice will begin Tuesday April 16th from 4-5:OOPM Tuesday to Friday.
Members will pay $10.00 per month for Swim Team. Coach - Gale Bargar. Sign up
at Tennis Pro-Shop.
Mr. & Mrs. Buddy Blake of 1119 Cheetah Trail
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Witlin of 865 Gazette Trail
Mr. & Mrs. John Clavely of 861 Gazette Trail
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Reito of 41 Partridge Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Ricky Moon of 1112 Cheetah Trail
Mr. & Mrs. Shientag of 1222 Cheetah Trail
Mr. & Mrs. Torgerson of 1121 Ermine Avenue
Mr. & Mrs. Dullmeyer of 1106 Winter Springs Blvd.
Mr. & Mrs. James Daoust of 111 Tarpon Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Crozier of 902 Cypress Wood Lane
Mr. & Mrs. A.D. Schultz of 863 Gazelle
The April meeting will be on Tuesday April 3rd. at 8:00 PM at the Redeemer Moravian
Church. This will be the annual business meeting and election of officers for next
year. The program will be "Think Easter Bonnet" with prizes awarded for the funniest
bonnet, most unusual bonnet and prettiest bonnet. Come and join our Easter Bonnet
The Scavanger Hunt and Party will be held April 21st, Saturday at the Redeemer Moravian
Church at 7:00 PM. For further information please call Elaine Goll at 365-3757 or
Jean Sohl at 678-1446.
The Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Saturday April 14th at 3:00PM at Tuscawilla Park
(behind fire house) . Pre-school children through the 3rd. grade will enjoy meeting
the Easter Bunny. Plan to bring your little ones.
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If so, you will want to list it with Tuscawilla Realty, and here's why:
1, Tuscawilla Realty has hundreds of people
each week coming to us looking to purchase
a home in Tuscawilla.
2. Tuscawilla Realty Associates are appraised
of the day to day values of homes in
Tuscawilla, and can help you get the top
dollar value for your home for a quick
3. Tuscawilla Realty sales associates are
here every day of the year, except certain
4. Tuscawilla Realty deals 'exclusively in
Tuscawilla, and no where else, meaning
100% effort is dedicated to Tuscawilla
5. During the past year, our average re-sale
sold in a period of less than sixty (60)
6. Tuscawilla Realty Associates are profes-
sionA1ly trained in home sales.
The above reasons are only a few as to why Tuscawilla Realty can
be of great assistance and value in selling your homes
CALL US TODAY 1 ! 671-1100
1301 Winter Springs Blvd.
Maitland, Florida 32751
(305) 671-1100
.� Riding Mowers
Includes: Oil Change
= Clean Air Filter
Clean & Adjust Carburetor
Check Plug, Points £, Condenser
Sharpen Blade
Power Mower
14 . 95
Includes: Oil Change ,
Clean Air Filter Clean t', Adjust Carburetor
Check Plug, Points F Condenser � •_- d
Sharpen Blade
Offer Expires MaY 1 , 1979 Parts Not Included
M S Lawnmower Sale. & Service, Inc.
5607 EAST COLONIAL DR. — PH. 277-2121
' m,iste harge
Nite Ph: 678-8327
1 ,L \ 1
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4 ye SATURDAY - MAY 19 - MM 1'I "��_ ■�; -- COME AND ENJOY i �j I.
�, �+ CATERED BUFFET DINNER FROM 7:00 to 9:00 P.M: ,. )'
11444. CASH BAR ■
V', Loon.-- i
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(4Niip . .,y� , LOCATION - TUSCAWILLA COUNTRY CLUB POOL AREA / �-' I+I' I'_r TICKETS 1-‘1412.y50 PER PERSON _‘ , - ,' rk - r-INT44 1 r
- l'ilt.
-1, --- ,/..,te, ,, 1‘
�ooj � I''r� t�1 ��` , y
` .. *, e 4,2151, "� `,►ti FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
` � , ��.•.�„ � �?.;� C BAKER ii:
•. L GATTON� , tirli � ��►�. 1�
/ �ti � � ! , MAHON
,- , 414 , +,,, WATTS
•40 07 1"14011* hir44 e
On April 10th the Garden Club will hold its last business meeting of the year.
We will be meeting in the home of Kay Arnold, 806 Leopard Trail , at 10:00 AM.
Election of officers for 1979-1980 will highlight the business meeting while the program
will feature Lillian Rearick, demonstrating "Plant Propogation".
The 10th may be the last business meeting, but not the last activity. On April 16th
we will meet at my home, 1165 Howell Creek Drive at 10:00 AM to car pool it to the
Environmental Studies Center. Wear clothing and shoes suitable for the "great
outdoors" and bring a lunch as we will picnin on their grounds. May 8th, we will
hold our installation luncheon at the Empress Lilly. Going to the Empress Lilly is
becoming a tradition, but they treat us so royally and the setting is so lovely
that we find ourselves returning each year. .Keep these dates in mind and join us.
OVER THE GARDEN FENCE while day lillies are in bloom, visit yovr nursery
to select your favorite varities. Plant in beds in a sunny or partially shaded area
no heavy shade. Fertilize with a low ntiotro gen fertilizer. If your bahia lawn is
troubled with mole crickets, use a bait containing Baygon. Be sure to follow the
directions carefully as it is very toxic. Do not apply to areas that 'you have
encouraged the birds to visit or around fish ponds as Baygon will kill both birds and
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