HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance Numbers and Headings -
An Ordinance of the Village Council of the tillage of '
North Orlando, Florida, annexing certain properties adjacent
to the present village Unitz .
Ordinance fixing foes in relation to the -granting of
a city occnp,at t Gnat linens() to any person,, persons, partnership
and/or corporation as a condition to engaging in any booinasu,
profs scion_ or eccr,_pati.arx within the limits of the Village of
North Orlando, creatin "a schedule of classifications of
occupations required to be licensed; providing that the short
title of this Ordinance shall be "City Occupational Y,icense
Fee gohcdulc"; providing for penalty.
3. An Ordinar,as providing for and the establishment of s
Municipal Court in North Orlando, Florida, providing for and
sottin{ out provisions relating to the said court, and providing
that such Ordinance shall go into effect immediately upon its
An Ordinance relating to offeoaos against public morals,
providing a penalty for the violation of the provisions thereof. -
;,, An Ordinance describing the offense known as disorderly
conduct, making it unlawful to be guilty of disorderly conduct
within the V"1l.e ;c limits of the Village of North Orlando,
Florida, end provi,:ping a penalty for the violation of this
• Ar• Ordi.rence relating to obstructing justice and re-
lsting arrc:st : to provide penalties for violation thereof.
7. An Ordinance relating to offenses against public and
r.nivate property to provide penalties for violation thereof.
Amerd.to Ord.7.
An Crc'.ir:ance relating to offenses against public and
private propc:ty; to provide penalties for violation thereof.
An Ordinance defining a misdemeanor; to forbid and
punish any set within the Villagolitnits of the: Village of North
Orlando, Florid which shall be recognized by the laws of the
estate of Florida as a misdemeanor; to provide penalties for
violation thereof.
9 • An Ordinance adopting the Florida model traffic
ordinanco by the Village of North Orlando, Florida , as' authorized
by Chapter 57...333, House sill. No. 1245, of the 1957 Florida
Lei alature .
10, An Ordinance of the Village Council of the Village of
North Orlando, Florida , granting an exclusive franchise to the r�
North Orlando Company, a Florida Corporation, to op rate and
maintain a wet:-,r system and sewage collection and disposal ,
system in th Villego of North Orlando, Florida; setting forth
conditions and prl.vilegos accompanying the grant of franchise;
providing for rotas and charges, and for service standards;
prohibiting the use of individual sewage disposal system: and/or 4k
!.► ■..:a -• Ordinance Numbers and Fieadin :,s, cont. :
i0. septic tanks within the Village limits; providing for Sewer
connections and penalties for the violation of such proviaionsj
end for oth:r purposes.
11 . An Ordinance pertaining to safety and welfare within
the V illaga limits of the Village of North Orlando, • in reference .•
to burning of trash, etc. , and the discharge of firearms, •
fivework0, etc`.
12. An Ordinance pertaining to safety and welfare within
the Vi 1la a Limits of the Village of North Orlando in refex'enee
to proper usage and care of streets and roads within the
Village limits.
1;. An Ordinance of t•hs Village Council of the Village of • '
North Orlando, Florida, granting an exclusive franchise to the
ABC Garbage Service Company to operate end maintain a garbage
and trash co1l otion system in the Village of North Orlando,
Florida; setting forth conditions and privileges accompanying
the grant of franchise, providing for rates and charges, •and
for service standards; end for other purposes.
An Ordinance pertaining to the zoning of undeveloped
land within the Village limits of North Orlando, Florida and
ad aeebt to :orth Orlando Fourth Addition.
15. An Ordinance pertaining to the maintenance and care of
property within the Village limits of the Village of North Orlando,
Florida; including re uir<..ments, procedures and penalties per_ •
tattling thereto.
16. An Ordinance to license and to regulate the keeping of .
dogs within the Village of North Orlando, Florida; establishing
the method by which said licenses shall be obtained; fixing
the fees to be paid therefor; prescribing certain rules and
regulations pertaining to the keeping of dogs; providing for the
impoundment of dogs in the dog pound of the Humane Sooiety of •
Seminole County, Florida; and providing penalties for the
violation of the provisions of this Ordinance .
17. An Ordinance of the Village Council of the Village of
North Orlando, Florida, annexing certain properties adjacent
to the present Village limits. --_--
18. An Ordinance of the Village Council of the Village of
North Orlando, Florida, annexing certain properties adjacent to
the present Village limits.19. An Ordinance of the Village Council of the Village of
North Orlando, Florida, annexing certain properties into its
territorial limits, __,
r,? "- rdir)ancs9 Numbers and 1 eadin rs, cont. ! .
l.. An Ordinance pertaining to the zoning of certain 'and
within the Village limits of North Orlando, Florida, and ad-
jacont to North Orlando First AdG�3.t�'
22. An Ordinance pertaining to the rezoning of aortaia land
within the Village limits of North Orlando, Fl•- -------_.._._—.-
Amendment to Ordinance No.23:
Amendment to the Ordinance of the'Jillago of North Oriado,
Florida, amending the taxes imposed upon the tale • receipt,
purchase , possession, consumption, handling, distribution and
use of cigarettes in the Village of North Orlando, Florida)
orovid►ng for the effectivo date thereof.
-, An Ordivar.oe of the Village of North Orlando, Florida .. ,
entitle•e an Orc.leiance levying and imposing an a ;wise co
privilege tea Upon the sale, receipt;, purchase, possession, .
consumption, handling, distribution and u5u of cigarettes in
the Village. of North Orlando, Florida providing for the Method
of coliectioo ! providing for the expenditure of the funds de- . t
rived therefrom: providing for the effective date thereof!
24, An Ordinance to regulate the tale or furnishing of
package bear-wine-ale in the Village of North Orlando, Florida; .
requiring a pµrmit to be obtained from the Village Council and
the pa lent of an annual license tax to engage in the business ,.
of selling beer-sine-ale; prescribing the amount of such lioonse
tax and the Iioena e year therefor; providing a penalty for the
violation of the inrovisaions of this Ordinance, and repealing all
Ordinances in conflict herewith.
2 ., An Ordins noe of the Village of North Orlando, relating to tax
on cigarettes; fixing rates, providing for collection and. uaso of
proceec n; and otherwise pertaining to thelevy of suer tax.
2 6. An Ordinance creating an occupational license fee to i
cover all firma, corporations and individuals, not previously
covered by Ordinance, and specified therein, doing business
in the corporate limits of the Village of North Orlando,
:7stablishi.ng the foe, method of payment, providing a penalty
for failure to comply, and providing an effective date. .4.
27 , Ao Orai.nevoe providing for the levying of taxers
a ;ai.nat the consumer of public utilities within the corporate
limits of North. Orlando, providing for the collection thereof
by the sell r, pgycnsnt thereof by the seller to the Village of
North Orlando, arii providing a penalty for the violation thereof
by the seller or purchaser. •
28. An Ordinance granting to Suburban Rulane Gas Co. of N.C. ,
Inc. , its le ,Tai reproaentati 'os, successors and assigns, the
right and privilege of , end franchise for, constructing, main-
ta3nigg and °berating a propane gas plant and distribution
system in the Village of North Orlando, County of .Serino;e,
and State of FJ ovi6e .
- eel - Ordinance Numbers and !loadings, con�t. :_
2.9. An Ordinance p ,rtaaining to safety and welfare within • • .4.
the Village limits of the Village of North Orlando, in reference
to burning of trash, Pte. , and the discharge of firearms,
firework3, rto.
30., An Crd5cancn granting to Florida Power Corporation, its
legal representatives, ouocassors and ensigns, the right and
pr ivilega of, and franchise for, constructing, maintaining and
opc;ra,tirg an 1n .uric power plant and distribution system in
the Village of North Orlando, County of Seminole, and gtateot
31. An Ordiranoe establishing rules and regulations t r tba
erection, construction, alteration, repair and demolition of
building . aa::c: structures in the Village of North Orlando, Florid:.:
providing for the adoption of that certain Building Code known
as Southern Standard Building Code, 196-1957 edition, promula.
gated by the Southern building code congress: providing for 4
exceptions thereto: creating the office of Building Inspector
and establishing duties of the office: establishing a schedule • R
of building permits and means of issuance : providing for the
declaration and removal of unsafe buildings; establishing a
miaoellsneoua building provisions; providing an effective date
and providing penalties for tht violation of said code.
31A . An Ordinance establishing an Electrical Code for the .
Village of North Orlando, Florida: adopting a certain coda .
otherwise known as the "Seminole County Electrical Code" and
all current amendments; providing exceptions thereto; establish
:lug terminology; providing for separability, repealing all t
laws in oonflict therewith; and providing an effective date.
V.I.B. An Ordinance establishing a plumbing code for the .
Village of North Orlando, Florida; adopting a certain code .
otherwise known as the "Plumbing Code of Seminole County" and
all current amendments and additions; establishing terminology; • .
providing for separability, repealing all laws in conflict
therewith; and providing an effective date. 1
32. • An Ordinance regulating the pies nee of minors under
the ago of seventenn years in public ntreete and other plaacea
between certain hours; defining duties of parents or ether in +:
care of wino .'; providing for arrears and penalties for violations
thereof; repealing ordinances in conflict therewith.
33. An Ordinance adopting a Fire Prevention Code. preaoribing
regul.ationn governing conditions hazardous to life and property
from fire or explosion.
3t,.. An Ordinance authorizing the Winter Park `Telephone Co.
to use the public ast:•ecta3 In the area of the Village of North
Orlando, Florida, certificated to the company, for the purpose
of erecting, constructing, maintaining and operating knee of
telephone thereon and thereunder.
Paje 5 - Ordinance eNumbe nd Headin a, Cont. t
35. An Ordinance declaring draining ditches unsafe, estab-
lishing a boundary within which ditches shall be unlawful,
providing exceptions thereto, providing provisions for developers
and builders to submit drainage plans, ordering of existing
ditches closed, providing a penalty for failure to comply,
providing for separability, the repeal of conflicting ordinances,
and establishing an eff'ectiv'e date. __ _ -
36. An Ordinance to amend section 10 of the City Occupational .
License Fee Schedule attached to and a part of the village of
North Orlea doe Florida, Ordinance No. 20 fixing fees in relation
to the granting of a City Occupational License to any person,
persons, partnership, and/or corporation as a condition to
engaging in any business, profession or 000upation within the 4
limits of the Village of North Orlando, and providing for an .
effective date for each amendment.
3 An Ordinance of the Village of North Orlando Florida., A■
setting up an Election Code for the Village: determining dates
for elections; providing for notice of elections; setting forth
qualifications of electors; providing for registration; providing
for conduct of elections; providing qualificationa ,for candidates
for office; providing for adoption of state abeentae voting law;
and providing for an effective date.
3 'h. An Ordinance providing for the levying of taxes against
the consumer of public utilities within the corporate limits of
North Orlando, providing for the collection thereof by the
seller, payment thereof by the seller to the Village of North .
Orlando, and providing a penalty for the violation thereof by
the seller er purchaser. e e
39. An Ordinance creating a Village Planning and Zoning ,
Board; designating the number, qualifications and manner of
selection of members thereof; providing for the organisation,
duties, and procedure of said board; and providing an effective
40. An Ordinance to amend City Occupational License Ordinance
No. 2 to provide for issuance of half year licences effective
April 1st of any year; to provide for revocation of license for .
cause; and to provide for transfer of license.
A..nonl rent to Ordinance No. 40: . .
An Ordinance amending Ordinance Igo. 40 specifically
Sections 10 (a) and (b) thereof by providing that said sections
shall be applicable only to .e 4 estate salesmen and brokers
who operate, maintain, or have an office located within the
Village limits of North Orlando, Florida, and providing an f.
effective date . .
EGA . An Ordinance fixing fees in relation to the granting
of a City Occupational License to any person, persons, partner- ,
ship, and/or corporation as a condition to engaging in any
business, profession or occupation within the limits of the 3
�..�..�._� . tea. . _ .. i
recd 6. - Ordinance Numbers and Readin;,s cont. t
4OA cont.
Village of North Orlando; oreatiug a achedule of classifications
of occupations required to be liensed; providing that the abort f;
title of this Ordinance shall be "City Occupational License We 4,
Schedule"; providing for penalty. ..
41. An Ordinance establishing a maximum speed limit upon
all streets located within the Village of North Orlando, Florida; F,
establishing all ctreots running in a Northerly and Southerly f,
direction as through streets and establishing all streets running Id
Eaat and West within the limits of North Orlando, Florida', SS
yaeld right of way at their intersections with streets running
North and South, exoepting from the provisions of this Ordinance
State Road 434. .
u?. An Ordinance of the Village of North Orlando, Florida,
entitled "Criminal Code of North Orlando, Florida," and creating . . 1
the Criminal Code of North Orlando, Florida; penalty provision;
conflicts; and effective date of passage.
43. An Ordinance of the Village of North Orlando, Florida
amending Ordinance No. 16 of the Village of North Orlando,
Florida, paseed and adopted May 3, 1960; providing for the to
retention of stray dogs collected within the corporate limits
bf the Village for a period of 3 days; repealing all Ordinances
or points of Ordinances in conflict herewith; providing effective
l4i . An Ordinance of the Village of North Orlando, Florida
being a comprehensive zoning ordinance for the purpose of pro-
moting health, safety and the general welfare of the Village of
North Orlando, Florida; regulating and restricting the use of I,i
land and the use and location of buildings and structures;
regulating and restricting the height and bulk of buildings
and other structures, the site of yards, courts and other open
spaces surrounding them; regulating and restricting the density ;
of population, and the location and use of buildings, structures •{
and land for trade, industry, residence or other purposes;
dividing the Village of North Orlando into districts for such it
purposes; adopting maps of the Village of North Orlando showing
boundaries and classification of such districts; establishing K
administrative procedure; regulating and restricting off street
parking and loading; providing for the enforcement and amend- it
ment thereof; repealing all ordinancec or paea of ordinances
in conflict herewith; and prescribing penalties for the violation
of this Ordinance .
5. An Ordinance of the Village of North Orlando, Florida,
amending Seotion 25, of Ordinance Teo. 31 of said Village changing
the inspection and permit feee of the Village and an effective
.�- ter..,`v c « _. _...' i•."c7.y., fl
Pat- Ordinance 2lumbers and Headings, cunt. t
L6. An Ordinance designating the entire area within the
Corporate Limits of the Village of North Orlando a .Bird S.anotuaVy;
prohibiting the unlawful trapping, hunting, killing and maiming .+
of birds; and providing the penalty for the violation thereof;
repealing any ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict
herewith; and providing for the effective date of thin ordinance.
47. An Ordinance of the Village of North Orlando, Florida,
setting requirements for the Gale and use of alooholio beverages
in the Village; requiring a license for the sale of said beverages
regulating liaensnes; prohibiting sale in certain looations
and at certain times; requiring state and federal liquor stamps;
providing an effective date.
An Ordinance of the Village of North Orlando, PIOrld*,
amending Ordinance No. !4 of the Village of North Orlimdo,
Florida, passed and adopted January 8, 1968, providing for the
change of minim mm footage within the Zoning Classification 11.1,
repealing the previous minimum footage classification, providing
an effective date,
149. An ()rdinanoe of the Village of North Orlando, Florida,
defining Subdivisions and other pertinent terms; requiring and •
regulating the preparation and presentation of preliminary and
final plate for subdividing and resubdividing lands and submittal
to the Village Council for approval prior to recording; requiring
additional needed information at time of filing; requiring
minimum improvements in subdivisions; specifying minimum design
standards and standards for improvements in subdivisions, includ-
ing control of construction by inspection and testa; requiring
assurance of satisfactory completion and maintenance of sub-
division improvements by bonds, escrow of funds or other methods;
restriction of issuanoo of building and electrical permits
as to affected lots; authorizing variances and exceptions by
the Village Council in cases of hardship or injustice; control
of the sale of nonplatted lots; providing penalty for violation;
repealing all Ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict
herewith; separability; and providing effective date.
50 . An Ordinance of the Village of North Orlando, Florida,
defining subdivisions and othor pertinent terms: requiring and
regulating the preparation and presentation of preliminary and
final plate for subdividing and rosubdividing lands and submittal
to the Village Council for approval prior to recording; requiring
additional needed information at time of filing; requiring mini-
mum improvements in subdivisions; specifying minimum design
standards and standards for improvements in subdivisions, includ-
ing control of construction by inspection and testa; requiring
assurance of satisfactory completion and maintenance of sub-
division improvements by bonds, escrow of funds or other
methods; restriction of issuance of building and electrical
permits as to affected lots; authorizing variances and
exceptions by the Village Council in oases of hardship or in-
justice; control of the sale of nonplatted lots; providing ;
penalty for violation; repealing all ordinances or parts of
ordinances In conflict herewith; separability; and providing
effective date .
f � .- Ordinr i Qe Nuribern and Headin n , ont
c An Ordinance of the Village pt North Orlando, Florida,
amending Ordinance No. 44; providing for the addition of a
new toning classification, R..T, Trailer Park District; listing =;
of uses permitted within distriot; establishing engineering 4
requirements; providing special accessory uaee; prohibiting
certain uses; providing various site requirements; cstab .iehint
health and sanitation standards; and providing an effective date.
52. An Ordinance of the Village of North Orlando, Florida,
allowing special permits to be issued permitting more than two
dogs in a single residence, describing application requirements,
providing the method of issuing said special permits, repealing
all ordinances in eenfliot hereiwth; and providing an effective 1
S .
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