HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966 ILm 7 __9D0 • • Su:___ary of Ore-iations OL T L LI0 .TOT:' TENSE NET _ 1967 12,918 .69 10, 572..53 2 ,340.35 0 1966 25,,74.39 io, zvu.0 9 ,639 .46 *1-6 , 335.$3 9oc. °v 1965 11,116 .74 7, 900.03 3 ,216 .71 1964 7,527.00 3,174 .41 4,352.59 1963 3 ,683 .19 4 ,416 .65 (733 .46) * Includes Gift of 15 , 430.19 Reconciliation of Road & Bride Fund Bank B 6-30-66 2 ,431.20 Balance on Hand in 4-27-67 2, 050.00 Revenue Received 4 ,481.20 Maint. & Expense to 6-30-67 1,254.73 10-17-66 450.00 Equip. Purchased Bal. on Hand in Bank 6-30-67 2,776.47 ( .i • • a �� • VILLAGE OD FOR'S CBLADDO •JCI;Y 1, 1966 t'hru IOC: 30, 1967 ASCBYS Current Assets Banc - Gen' l Fund 3 , 599.44 Bank - Road & Bridge Fund 2 ,776 .47 Bank - Building Fund 816 .666 Petty Cash 15 .00 Prepaid Interest 353 .00 Total Current Assets 7, 530.33 Fixed Assets Equip. — Dog Catcher 28:49 Equip. - Police Dept. 3, 858.48 Equip. — Recreation De- t. 539.90 Equip. - General 1, 595 .00 Equip. - Office 193.90 Real Estate — Land 15 , 260.00 Real Estate — Bus Shelters 432 .73 Total Fixed Assets 21,938 . 50 • Total Assets 29 468.83 LI.^-_BILflIES Current Liabilities Notes Payable 2 , 086 .59 Performance Bond Payable 250.00 Accrued Payroll :axes 108.60 Total Current Liabilities 2,445.19 SURPLUS Unappropriated Surplus 24 ,247.17 6-30-oo7 Appropriated Surplus 6-30-67 2,776 .47 27 ,023 .64 (Road Bridge Fund) 29,468.83 II u■ r VIII _ J -Jo ST6T6h,TDT oF 037=9.70119 ::U 1 , 1966 thru JUDE 30, 1967 JUl22 YEAR END Revenue Permits a Licenses 37 . 50 575 .00 Police Dept . . 223.00 Cig. Tax Fund 618 .14 2 ,346 .52 Utility Tax 1,766 .07 5,837.80 Franchise - 1,480.09 misc . 406 .47 406 .47 _ County Roads & Bridges 2 ,050.00 2,050.00 h� --4-, 924 .18 12, 918.88 • Expenses , Police Dept. Haint , 285 .52 1,742.21 Fire Dept . Service 194 .70 412 .46 Utilities 3G4 . 99 1, 514 .08 Recreation Dept. 89 .58 192 .84 Office 34.15 180.93 Taxes Paid - 23 .96 Insurance 390.65 827 .65 -� Legal Sc Acctg. 128 .96 639 .77 / { E:isc . Exp. 52 . 60 77.50 Auto & Truck 322 .98 363 .63 ;ages 1,200.00 2,909.03 Rent 60.00 150.00 Dues Sc Sub. 2 . 50 112 . 50 Interest 30.24 49.02 . Elecation Exp. - 81.70 Gas & Oil 10 .57 10.57 Total Expenses 3 ,211 .50 9, 337 .85 Net Revenue 1,706 .68 3 ,581.03 Street & H y.Maint . 307 .35 1,240.68 Net Profit to Surplus 1,399 .33 2 ,340.35 a f-) • _ ,e6„ek, VILLAGE OF NORTH ORLANDO BALANCE SHEET JULY 1, 1966 thru NAR. 31, 1967 ASSETS Current Assets Bank - Genii Fund 4,128.44 Bank - Road & Bridge Fund 1,047.46 4 Bank - Building Fund 415 .19 Petty Cash 15.00 Prepaid Interest 353.00 Total Current Assets 5,959.09 Fixed Assets Equip.- Dog Catcher 28.49 • Equip.- Police Dept. 3,888.45 Equip.- Recreation Dept., 539.90 Equip.- General 1,595.00 Equip.- Office 193.90 Real Estate - Land 15,260.00 Real Estate - Bus Shelters 432.73 Total Fixed Assets 21,938.47 Total Assets 27,897.56 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Notes Payable 2,213.05 Accured Payroll Taxes 60.20 Total Current Liabilities 2,273.25 SURPLUS Year Ending 6-30-66 24,683.29 Net Surplus 941.02 27,897.56 VILLAGE OF NORTH ORLANDO Balance Sheet July 1,1966 thru December 31,1966 ASSETS Current Assets 4' Bank - General Fund 3 ,069.50 Bank - Road & Bridge Fund 1,257.46 Bank - Building Fund 415.19 Petty Cash Fund 15.00 Total Current Assets 4,757,15 Fixed Assets Equipment - Dog Catcher 28.49 - Police Dept. 1,845.33 TI - Recreation Dept. 539.90 11 - General 1,595.00 u - Office 193.90 Real Estate - Land 15,260.00 1, - Bus Shelters - 432.73 Total Fixed Assets 19,895 .35 Total Assets 24,662.50 LIABILITIES Current cLiabilities Accrued Payroll Taxes 36.00 36 .00 SURPLUS Year Ending 6-30-66 24,683.29 Net Surplus 12-31-66 (66 .79) 24.652.50 VILLAGE OF NORTH ORLANDO STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS JULY 1, 1966 thru MAR. 31, 1967 9 JAN. NEB. YEAR TO MARCH DATE Revenue Permits & Licenses 165.50 537.50 Police Dept. 50.00 175 .00 Cig. Tax Fund 620.41 1,728.38 Utility Tax 1, 559.95 4,073 .93 Franchise 639.71 1,480.09 3 ,035.57 7,994.70 EXPENSES Police Dept. Maint. 274.58 1,456 .69 Fire Dept. Service - 217.76 Utilities 358.39 1,149 .23 Recreation Dept. 3.00 102 .96 Office 11.32 96 .78 Taxes Paid - 23.96 Insurance 217.50 437.00 Legal & Acctg. 176 .61 560.81 Misc . Exp. - 25.00 Auto & Truck 22 .11 40.65 . Wages 630.00 1,709.03 Rent 30.00 ; 90.00 Dues & Sub. - 110.00 Interest 10.08 18.78 Election Exp. 81.70 81.70 Total Expenses 1,815.29 6,120.35 Net Revenue 1,220.28 1,874.35 Street & Hwy. Maint. 212 .47 933.33 7 Net Profit to Surplus 1,007.81 941.02 ■ VILLAGE OF NORTH ORLANDO Statement of Operations July 1,1966 thru December 31,1966 Oct.Nov. Year to December Date Revenue Permits & Licenses 102.00 372.00 Police Department 85.00 125.00 Cig.Tax Fund 532.84 107.97 Utility Tax 1,413.04 2, 13.78 Franchise 0,00 840.38 Total Revenue 2,132.88 4,959.13 Expenses Police Dept.Maint. 499.53 1,182.11 Fire Department 148.45 217.76 Utilities 373.32 790.84 Recreation Department 6.63 99.96 Office Expense 78.04 85 .46 Taxes Paid 23.96 23.96 Insurance 201.50 219.50 Legal & Accounting 178.48 384.20 Misc.Expense 25.00 25.00 Auto, Truek & Equip.Repairs 18.54 18.54 Wages 318.00 1,079 .03 Rent 30.00 60.00 Dues & Subscriptions 110.00 110.00 Interest 0.00 8.70 Total Expenses 2,011.45 4,305.06 Net Revenue 12/.43? 654.07 Street & Hwy.Maint. 179.28 720.86 Net To Surplus (57.85) (66.79) I Yr . - P Et . IT. . • I•., 1 .:'. . . Rent 10.00 Florida Power • 9633 Southern dell 13.83 Lawyer 50.00 Auditor Office Recreation (Fill, 4O.00,L.-bor 4'3.00, r^rnnt 56.06) 144.06 Dorn --- Fire %pat. 100.00 Tractor rayriant 5O.11 Tractor Gas and Myatt Taxes (With-heluing) 46.46 Insurance Auxiliary Police 23.00 Police Chief 187.30 Village 'dark 35.70 Court Clerk 10.32 Petty Cash 7.45 Slice Radio "-- Police uniforms Police Misc. ---� Police Gas and Oil 52.72 Police Repairs 56.96 Election Hemierehips 40.00 ;'1,004.29 RCi A ;.! a4T 14:: Tractor Gaa 3.40 Grading 20.00 . 3.40 R'^SU•1GE jt:.,:AR9, 1966 Florida Power 37.07 Florida fewer franchise 434,64 Southern ibf 43.54 Winter Pork : hone (4.5> :.rn1 4.5;5) 940 Suburban Fropene 54.60 Suburban Propane Franchise 193.37 r'2orida Gas 3.15 Mid■Nlorida Gas Os,; Tags -__ Borth Orlando utilities: (D1O505 anti 104.20) 210.15 C1;antte Tax 2}0.55 Occupational Liceaue Duildinc Permits 40.00 Tra.fio 'Tickets 40.00 Electrical Permits 10.00 Gutting Grass (Carroll's) 5.00 ui IL TUG "d"I% (fu) ,T'- ..:.4.._;(i ,C..) e 4415 19 b1,366.::7 Balance December 31, 1965 t3Y2TRliR 4,300.85 Expenditures 1 .2 3o. 1959 a.43302 473don0 to 4304.1;3 1000 abut Haan to •;eVe-we Pet. or 2,a. 1959 '3econuor 31. 1.159 taint ;gar. rtes 2.4 3960 $4574•61 a"t433.15 U14.1.14.,„; tam wary s snt Van tar, 'revenue ":ercr wr 3 19 1961 45779.- .:2595.21 Vat $31i1i.l4 .ar. ',not than th- -aennue 'oonber 2.4 W1 t'.er.!eatr 31, 1961 1:+533.61 $44414:1 Walla • 687.10 non ottrit that the 'raverme aur ..st 21, 1')2 annot ....nd any so otos from ata, oat.. 192 to Hann or 1N3 rr. , 1a3 373.09 031.27 441.02 ware ,;koa:t 11x1 the :.a vanua 441.1.444 ,a'so7o.ii r3L1.>iy loofa agent G".atf ttr >:r2v:grwa 1964 ♦4772.22 4776_,.26 *3013.04 lone a .nt tan law '—everoa; Litt, . ;1o15134 3 k$ .07 "71.2,.:41 hare a;.e't Loon tilt ',estrous 1946 ,99644 ;:1312.32 331:;.93 1.+aa agent then the 'rmvenue i�-'. .