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July 22,1968 Village of Rorth Orlando Korth Oralndo,Florida Gentlemen: The books have been prepared and closed for the . fiscal year ending June 30,1968, The following financial statements are attached: Balance Sheet - 6-30-68 Inventory ' Statement of Operations Reconciliation Road & Bridge Fund Summary Pet Return each year from 1963. All Bank Accounts have been reoonoilled and are In correct balance. • Respectfully submitted, Robert L.Kramer Accountant 1612 E.Oolonisl Dr. Orlando,Florida 32803 VILLAGE OF NORTH ORLANDO BALANCE SHEET JULY 1,1967 THRU JUNE 30,1968 ASSETS Current Assets Bank - Gen'l Fund 2,584.26 Bank - Road & Bridge Fund 2,962:90 ' Bank - Building Fund 1,919.00 - j/, r . Petty Cash 15:00 Prepaid Interest . 201.80 Total Current Assets 7,682.96 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Notes Payable - Bank 1,327:83 Perf.Bond Payable 250.00 Aoorued Payroll Taxes 131.40 , Total Current Liabilities - ---1,709.23 SURBLUS Unappropriated Surplus 3,010.83 Appropriated Surplus (Road & Bridge Fund) 2,962.90 Total Surplus INVENTORY Equipment - Dog Catcher 28.49 • - Police Dept. 3.931.98 • " Reoreation Dept. 539.90 • - 79. s - General 2,195.00 - Office 318:35 Real Estate Land 15,260:00 " - Bits Shelters .432.73 Total 22,706.45 • Ford Tractor Road Grader '57 G.U.Truok PILLAGE OF NORTH ORLANDO A SU`IIffARY OF OPERATIONS TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL ExPENSE NET 1968 15;009;336 131352:82 1;656:54 1967 12;918.88 10;578.53 2,340.35 1966 -25,974.39 io, c9v. .° 9 3638.46 "16;335.93 90C. /ft 1965 11;116:74 7000.03 3;216;71 1964 _ 7;527.00 3,174.41- 4,352:59 1963 3,683.19 4,416.65 (733 .46) • Inoludes Gift of 15,430.19 6RECONCILIATION OF RODD. & BRIDGE FUND Balanoe on Hand In Dank 6-30-67 - -. 2;776.47 Revenue Reaeited 4-12-68 1,408.00 4,184.47 • Maint.4 Expense to • 6-30-68 621:57 Equip. Purchased 5-20-68 .600.00 Balanoe On Hand in, Bank 6-30-68 2,962.90 • • • VILLAGE OF NORTH ORLANDO STATLENT OF OPERATIONS • . FROM JULY 1,1967 THRU JUNE 30,1968 APR.MAY YEAR END _. JUNE Revenue Permits & Licenses 102.50 o„ 665:52 ao - Police Dept. 270,00 r 540:00 , - Cig.Tax Fund .721:13 ,• • ,. . .. 2;915;59 - p s ,_ - I, ., %%. °0o Road & Bridge Fund 1;408.00 1,408.00'1la. oso ", - Utility Tax 1,892.89 Z"oa.00 7,406:47 1 ,� + - Miso. 37.81 = ,ao '382.82 go6. 4s' --- itr° .c° 1,690.96 . 'I 36 Franchise 4,432.33 .4/4 15,009.36 %b r, _/3l obi7 f • Expenses , Police Dept. Maint. 561.09 ' #.:,/. - , 1,723.80 /;Y.2 .2,/ — ' Fire Dept. 176:70 ; yo .193.54 Utilities 358:73 % co °" 1,445.72 Recreation Dept. 10.00 97.06 ' Office 19.39 .. 79:93 Taxes 5.50 - - -. • 29.62 Insurance 871:00 is.:r. 2,177.09 Legal 175:00 if ' ' 854.69 Accounting 25.00 / s:. c , 135.00 Miscellaneous 20.00 32.00 ' Auto,Truck,Equip.Rep. - ' :- 102.18 .. / /- ' Gas & Oil ` - 2243, Wages 1,359.00 /" , 5,113.00 . . Rent 75.00 -,cc-,:‘ 300:00 Ries & Sub. - . . .as • 180.70 Election i ' '. ' > 82.95 ' Interest 30.24 ,.r . - 120;96 /ycy Convention _ Se,, , 32.00 Total Expenses 3,686.55 /y-.2. - 12;723:45 /a s4w.a • ' Net Revenue 745:78 2,285:91 Street & Hwy.Maint. 136.59 629.37 /517 Net Gain to Surplus 609.19 1,656.54 V 931. 4 s- VILtAGt' OP NORTH ORLANDO STATWTNT CP OP RATIONS FROM JULY 1, 1968 TNRU JUNE .30, 1969 APRIT_., MAY YEAR MD JUNE Revenue Perta3ta & i.icera s 29.00 947.57 Police Dept. 260.00 Cig.Tax Fund 1,038.24 2,116.00 3 Road & Bride Fund 112.00 1 ,12. Utility Tax 2,065.90 1,1 6 2.000 0 Mien. > 18.42 ?.909.15 ��y,(. Franchise 535.11 Total Rayscuf. 1�,S93.S6 11 7 �;2,S3t.o, Expenses Police Dept. 770.53 3,705.02 v /; Fire Dept. 156.00 538.16 Utiliti°a 363.98 1,524.68 Recreation trot. 16.00 6ee, /4 Office 38.99 5.86 �, Insuranc 729.85 691.00 1.259.35 Legal & Accounting 295.00 1,258.3 Miso. 131.53 Auto & Truck 61.33 Wages 1,256.72 5,258.22 Rent 75.00 300.00 Dues & Sub. Election !',..p. 7.00.00 Interest 81.41 Convention Costa 50.>"1,: ?91.74 General Maint. 31.20 69.22 29.33 Zoning Exp. 14.03 Casual Labor 21.03 25.00 2 .00 TotalFxpens^ 3,953;1g 1 Net Revenue 639.57 2,577..22 Street & Nwy Saint . 52.11 _ ;.±71d.87 Net to Surplus 587.;.6 858.35 9 y73 . rz VILLAGE OF NORTR ORLANDO BALANCE SHEET JULY 1, 1963 TRRU JUNE 30, 1969 ASSETS Current Assets Beak - General Fund 2,196.81 Bank - Road & Bridge Fund 2,069.63 Bank - Builc,ing Fund 1,860.11 Petty Cash 15.00 Total Current Assets 6,141.55 LIABILITIES Currant Liabilities Totes Payable - Bank 892.07 Payroll Taxes Payable 86.40 Total Current Liabilities 978.47 SURPLUS Unappropriated Surplus 3,093.45 Appropriated Surplus 21069 (Road & Bridge Fund) Total Surplus 4444 A INVENTORY Equipment - Dog Catcher 28.49 - Police Dept. 3,931.98 - Recreation Dept. 539.90 # " - general 2,595.00 - Office 318.35 Real Estate - Land 15,260.00 Buildings 1,101.73 * Ford Tractor Roar. Grader '57 G.K. Truck VILLAGE OF NORTH ORLANDO BALANCE SHEET JULY 1 TRBU TEC. 31, 1969 ASSETS Bank - General Fund 1,722.33 Bank - Road & Bridge Fund 434.29 Bank - Building Fund 1,795.67 Petty Cash Fund 15.00 Total Assets 3,968.19 LIABILITIES Rotes Payable - So.Sem.Bank 247.19 Accrued Payroll Tax 139.30 Total Liabilities 386.49 SURPLUS Unappropriated Surplus 4.093.59 Appropriated Surplus 434.99 4,528.58 (Road & Bridge Fund) Net Surplus (946. 88)