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VILLAGE OF NORTH ORLANDO -- REVENUE 1965 Florida Power Corporation �'i� J 999.51 Florida Power Corp. Franchise 818. 13 Suburban Propane (7-Pca-) 600.63 Suburban Propane FrancL se 492.79 Southern Bell Telephone Tel 560.24 (7O -1z-) Winter Park Telephone 53.75 Traffic Tickets 315.00 Cigarette Tax 2,453.89 North Orlando Utilities (r ) 1,382.60 Florida Gas (7-04A') 33.84 Mid-Florida Gas (Southeastern Propane) 14.01 Building Permits 93.50 Occupational Licenses 802.50 Dog Tags 45.00 Electrical Permits 5.00 40% Cost of Tractor R&B 460.53 40% Cost of Tractor R&D Gas 14.92 Filing Fee 25.00 TOTAL $9,170.84 VILLAGE OF NORTH ORLANDO -- EXPENSES 1965 Rent 120.00 Attorney 624.02 Village Clerk 1,055.20 Court Clerk 123.36 Police Officer's Expense 433.10 Chief of Police 749.20 North Orlando Civic Association 16.00 Withholding Tax 154.06 Auditor 150.00 Police Car - Gas & Oil 585.62 Police Car - Repairs 288.40 Police Uniforms 78.10 Police - Misc. 102. 15 Fire Department 165.80 Florida Power 1,096.64 Southern Bell Telephone 251.72 Petty Cash 86.99 Up-dating Tax Rolls 10.00 Office 20.00 Florida League Municipalities 10.00 School Bus Shelters 432.73 Surveyors 160.00 Election 197.76 Tax for Lot 1.58 Insurance 453.40 Refund (Overpayment B.P.) 1.00 Building Inspection 7.50 Misc. (Sommer) Cleaning House 10.00 Dog Tags 16.92 Purchase Police Car 752.00 Tractor - Down Payment 550.00 Tractor - Monthly Payments 250.55 Accessories - Police Car 90.79 Tractor - Accessories 34.31 Auxiliary Police 19.50 Tractor - Gas 5.51 Donations 50.00 Misc. (Flowers) 10.00 Recreation 101.66 TOTAL $9,265.57 VILLAGE OF NORTH ORLANDO - REVENUE 194 -1;2-ja 5.„ Florida Power 514.46 Florida Per Franchise 434.64 Southern Bell 295.44 Winter Park Phone 35.09 Suburban Propane 315.46 Suburban Franchise 193.87 Florida Gas 14. 17 Mid-Florida Gas 9.04 Dog tags 4.00 North Orlando Utilities 740.95 Cigarette Tax 1,130.24 Occupational License 36.25 Building Permits 7(1.00 Traffic Tickets 70.00 Electrical Permits 10.00 Cutting Grass (Carrol's) 5.00 Police Dept. Accident Report 1.00 Filing Fee 15.00 Street Light - Fasula 26.16 TOTAL NORTH ORLANDO - BUILDING FUND 415.19 ✓ y 1 • bs Y VILLAGE OF NORTH ORLANDO - EXPENSES - 1966 L Tlo ; Rent 60.00 Florida Power 590.22 Southern Bell 95.96 Lawyer 301.69 Auditor 50.00 Office 91.00 Recreation 372.84 Dog Tags 31.50 Fire Depart 215.00 Tractor Payment 300.66 Tractor -- Gas & Repairs 18.63 Taxes ( fl1) 172.50 Insurance 643.06 Auxiliary Police 92.25 Police Chief 1,039.60 Village Clerk 518.80 Court Clerk 67.86 Petty Cash 34.65 Police Radio 244.50 Police Misc. 64.45 Police - Gas & Oil 326.00 Police Repairs 142.32 Election 74.10 Memberships 40.00 Florida Power - Rec. Bldg. 8.05 Bldg. Inspector 53.00 Police - Extra 24.00 Zoning Board 32.00 TOTAL $5,704.64 VILLA= 05 Th-ned OlIA5150 NOH5H Ged1PDP ,2662.1IBA BALANCE SREET - if= 1.1965 THFU _RCHi 31,1966 AGeBTS Current Assets Bank - General Fund 3 ,783.98 Bank - Road & :ridge Fund 537.42 Bank - Building Fund 415.19 PettyCash 15.00 Prepaid Interest 17.40 Total Current Assess 4,768.99 Fixed Assets Equipment - Dog Catcher 28.49 , - Police 'beet. 1,600.83 • - Recreation 539.90 • - General 1,095.00 • - Office 109.95 Real Estate - Land 15,260.00 Bus ,.halt__.. 132 .73 Total Fixed ste 19,066.90 Total Assets ` 23 835.89 Current Liabilities Accts. Payable - Firs Piot. 28.40 N.P. Case Power 17";:i . 200.44 Accrued Payroll Tedece 86.04 Total L-a'o'.-__°.:ies 314.88 ._,,._, Year Ending 6-30-55 _. 8,347.36 Net Surplus 3-31-66 15,173 .65 23,Y53`.89 • VIT,11287 0? -692.61 =L _NDO 07 0 0SS JUIN 1,1969 .6a 3171966 :Neb. Year to .,_arch Date RE /7NUE Permits & Licenses 96.00 731.75 Police Dept. 71.00 131.00 Cigarette Tax 597.25 1,758.06 Utility Tax 1,021.24 2,722.54 x Nisc . 15,130.19 15,430.19 Franchises 628.51 1,366.58 Total Revenue 17,814.19 22,140.12 EXPE_7SFS Police Dept.3!aint. 290.61 914.66 Fire Dept. Service - 278.20 • Utilities 329.82 924.16 Recreation Dept. 149.82 185.12 Office Exp. 27.14 82.81 Taxes Paid - 11.58 Insurance 636.00 7558.02 Legal & Accounting 4 175.77 593.15 Misc. Exp. - 72.26 Gas & Oil 5.71 152.44 Casual Labor - 10.00 Wages 936.00 2,399.00 Rent 30.00 90.00 Dues & Sub. 40.00 40.00 Election Ext. 74.10 74.10 Street Lighting - 112. 38 Interest 8.70 8.70 Total Expenses 2,703.67 6,725.58 Net Revenue 15,140.52 15,414.54 Street & Hwy saint. 77.64 240.91 Net to Surplus 15,173.63 Hisc. Income is from gifts received from the North Orlando Co. in property and cash. / . , . , �> , CP » Or m/ �~ ©o.l »; »a/ /§ ')°'13° '> f , ,35-• © M . > ..- ^ »oo ' ~ 6 , nom . m &\;::., 2/J r 3© 1\ e ® ®\s g $y } r ! x \ma k ^ Cl 2 ` 3'g® 21 3`)•64 v. A^» a,;Ntic''' z4.05 1 342,79 0 .' .(‘ coVat 25.20 2t 708 » « s © c. & /\ : O . R 61 -- x « RAa R . OUT'-.. R W but I.. ,5'_, wr f ti - �`1?d. TA kfi Pimp. 131.31 FTOR7OA Pv4A'R 13.26 1u�.70 FIB';!1115i PLO T{�A FCWc;R 239.13 13,6. oLO,tr x M.TipAr'g 403.94 235.56 SUi cuiAM Vii,wcnTS,; 149.53 r L;1k ICA GAS 168.91 Li9.d�3 Mlli.p•TA.;4420A OAS 7.00 "`R;TH Gk1„„!LU UTILITIIlS 4.OH 9.111 C1GARETTE TAx 456.35 4.26 OC!'Ji'ATai"AL LTCIS 701.02 2��� r7u`ILDIj-- irramiTS 2)0.00 592. o MA FIC TT,.rJ';T.^ 30.50 193.75 D2;; TAGS 45.00 6.00 r! 'cT ly-il 155.00 25.00 0 ,. 6 M!'"IY H9 TOTAL + .F -4,433 .51 _ _ . . _ _ _ _. _ _ . .«.z hALANC a :ss JilfjAtY I st, ua er a—: a x, 1955 £ ate: .2.1.it z aa.s 1161.03 !C w Ac a a w 604 a= U z T ;,b42.6;:. saes na, a= l :<az 1:5109:: 9L70. 40 aaL a 1 .e azL a =aa, . te w a zza C a aaa .)w,—s !a.« \azaac /\ : c z 41 wa: e: ua e ac s s Ewa .e, Ii aw— :e, a a»= era 13:1-664 ▪ !az 1:09-2, a usz -a. s :305.40 ; z aa = • : & , s.« ac.c s a a,« w,« 1 z: C asz as 0\«za \%/ r: ase sa« : =c» 160.0, sw 60 .50 ,set 2. «ca VILLAGE Or sJEtETRi C°,LSdilO 4'" A"� °"-, NORTE OEEENEO FLORIDA "141, AA )2,2, STATL.. .1 ON CPBr:ATIONS TENUARY 1, 1965 to SEC E.!:_,: R 31. 1965 �--- REVENUE PEP.MiITS AND LICE_JSES 1,032. 75 POLICE DEPAELOI T 315.00 CIGARETTE TAX FUND 2, 610.00 UTILITY TAX 3,942.23 TRAINS. FROM ROAD & BRIDGE FUND- 470.96 S.ISCELLAJ BOUS 74.00 FRANCIIISE2 1.142.01 A,.72B.0B TOTAL REVENUE. 9,586.95 EXPENSES STFFTT & finY. MJLENT. 1,025.39 POLICE DEPARTMENT 1,124.25 FIRE DEPARTEENT 127.30 UTILITIES 259.41 RECREATION 102.87 OFFICE 79.37 TAXES PAID 124.34 INSURANCE 576. 71 LEGAL & AOCOUNTIEG 774.02 MISC'J ANLOUS 99.16 GAS & OIL 208.61 INAGES 2,154.00 RENT 120.00 DUES & SUB. 78.00 ELECTION EXPENSE 288.01 STREET LIGHTII.VG 1,096.62 AUTO & TRUCK RY•PATISS 41.39 BUS SgTJ TLRS 432. 73 SEMINOLE ELOTOR i 842. 79 TOTAL EXPENSES 9 5547 NET REVENUE 31.9d r ,9T'+ 1, 19(5 to ,.,.i ., 1, 19( 1 u. 2 12/31/;._ i,C /1/ t /1/1< fo "'C i_ 10.,' UtL `RO 30.00 30.00 '.60.0d 6o.00 I Fan) h aosr„). 309.42 24.86 60o.oq 577.98 Suu...) 1J: ss7.L 1'IiJ2);. 67.95 47.1:9 1k) .oó 120.00 ii LA.r:YtIi 163.19 1>; .19 30.00 320.00 auDlEOlt ( .00 25.E 130,0f) 75.00 0 )(1 Tr: 16.00 ---- 1io.Jo None id, k( : JILL. 490.96 55.53 55 .50 None IV "LATI-'7 12.93 13.73 3 • 300.00 DUB 13.92 13.50 3 .00 15.00 Fi i'_i.!tT:'. 'IT 72$.30 22.50 (273.4500 .. 200.00 Ti flTC.; . 41') "T 400.11 150.33 300 - 300.66 0 ; 0T0= (aas ar; alrtr) 23.30 76.07 loo no 75.00 • 11 ' : ' 1.53 1 .8 1.58 471.91 120.50 600 0 None A,:XTU 167 Pi,If :(g) 69.50 150 is 150.00 400.00 600.00 12+.. 0 1200.00 v 9;11 .:.. I;r(n 300.00 300.00 6.... 600.00 ,, ti t ,., 24.00 33.0o 3 .o) 84.00 , :i.Y CASH 32.8o d.97 9e. • 15.00 P:L,"r; tut TO 21.50 ----- 2.0. 15.00 r':_LTD, ,, IFOiMS 37.90 .0.ta None POLLS A'AA' ',I: 10 12.35 ---- None I;,ft ". ".15:1F)1,.... 2' 10.20 19.06 0.00 None NiCLI( , -AS r.•a OTL 68.73 1.59.92 3 '.00 300.00 POUT'r' 3 FALRS 86.42 144.93 2.0.00 150.00 :IL-rTICP "RP; •. ______ 50.00 . 50.00 Amount estimated by Auditor for 1926 Amount spent 6 Months 47,975.00 yi Div . t ,yG;-'. }'j1<itirY.Y.FI' . `<T 'I't Per( ) 21, $1,634.18 k.;:2. fl :i . . . J,.:", 1965 1 .,.,' r, 1966 . 1 3'. . 2 47109 ,.,i 12 31/63 'it, ilt 7/1./66 51;;a2 J;ra- R.T.I. r;t0';1. 132.53 147.94 c,1. _ 301.00 t:P:f..i ;k: s;1.+.` 13.39 13.65 27: . 27✓30 FIOR! A P`:71 261.38 261.27 "5.'^ 525.53 MP' ('.J I'....:.) 411.19 .--..--.- :.' 425.53 9`J:.1149.0: r r`l'A"^ 151.69 150.60 no 3320-r bX.A,.,.. rr,T. r .iihti) 323.03 ..--..- 32 ,. .. 325.^0 rL `I,T1A 1Ar 1646 9.13 21..3 20.11 3,24 2.60 , 00 3.00 ; .,<Pi ,kia ';ini:e. 326.60 323.55 65 45 650.417 advh-TTi TAi. ,32.71 .9.44.50 106 21 1065.63 o. ° Tria:v+ L ,.°:e._s 157.53 116425 27 ..'5 170.03 ih;i.L.,! ; i'i;0Titi 20.00 42.00 • •n, 30.00 721 r7 .- -.,:T"'. 10.-0 40.E O. • 31)3.00 ..041 .ebe " ) 00 � 00 20.00 r �x r a 91.41.79 $4,x74,45 $3.999.49 ,2,379.77 ri''F-L-1,.,1- 19':1`. •. "'T A _ Tr°ATf. :;1014.96 less STT 1 .^rirs 'ry Tr SFr. 1965 4$44061.56 .7'it.".^F'? A"''''''77 fe. (5 to July (66:)3,999.49 ,7,961.05 Amount to be tkaen in for One near, July*, 1965 to July 1. 1966. `.;ix months is estimated. E .. TF C „„:itT.. $10,030.'10 ac:. AL.A.1; 7 961 0 4.--7.03.-495 ..fill J.a. iiitV.. ..:Y.: JuL 1. 1164 to July 1, 1965 $11,116.74 Ei:i: .6!'S JJLY 1, 1964 to July 1, 1165 7,900.03 Net Revenue 3,216.71 A LA 1 cuix July 15,1965 Village of North Orlando North Orlando,Florida Gentlemen: The books have been prepared and closed for the fiscal year ending June 30,1965. The following financial statements are attached: Balance Sheet - July 1,1964 to June 30,1965 Statement of Operations " " " An estimated budget for the new year is attached. The revenue from the Road & Bridge Fund together with Street & Higheway Maintenance has been • eliminated from this budget as these are special • Accounts. Based on these estimated figures there should be available $2,000.00 per year to meet payments on a proposed building, Respectfully submitted, Accountant 622 Virginia Dr. Orlando,Florida Li. ..0 °nix °n3= 0Un VIL :Aa: 07 70727 07L'700 70777 07-7", : S,77s7T1!. BALANCE SHFT: - J717 1,1964 to TLIN7 30,1965 • ASSETS Current Assets Bank - Genii Fund 4;171.32 Bunk - Road Brid„c fund 1,238.60 Petty Cash Pund 15.00 . Total Current Assoto 5,423.42 Fi::ed Assets E,uiBment - Do^; Catcher' . • 28.49 Dolice Rcpt. 1,600.83 3ccreatian 02Pic3 109;95 Rcalostatc - Land 260:00 Duo Shelters _ 432.73 Total ri=d Acocto 2 971:90 Total Ascots 8,395.32 LL2:BILITI7S Current Liebilaioo Accrued Payroll Taxes 47.96 SUR"LUS • Year Endin,s 6-30-64 5;130.665 Year Endin 6-30-65 3,216.71 Total Surplus 3,3,'7.35 Total Liabilities £: Surplus 8,395.32 til" .....J ___ I1a..Wi r 's.. ,..0.. o;f loz VILLAGE OF NORTH ORLANDO STATE:..ENT OF OP_'RATIONS JULY 1,1964 to JUSTE 30,1965 Ri NUE Permits & Liermsos 1,109:25 Polioe Dept. '430;00 Cigarette Tax 2;786:62 Road & Bridges 1,563,00 - Utility Taxes 3,844;60 Liisoellaneous ' 50.00 Franchises 1,333.27 . Total Revenue 11,116.74 Er'ENSES Street & Iwy. Faint. 2430:84 Police Department 1,371:14 Firo Department 50:00 Utilities _ 271;18 Recreation 5.33 e_ Office 2 tO Taxes Paid 17:28 Insurance 783.59 Legal & Accounting 434.18 I.:iscellaneous Exp. 78;98 Auto & Truck Repairs 41:39 Gas & Oil '206;60 Sages 1,256:00 Ront 116:00 Dues & Subscriptions 78;00 Election Expense 288;01 Street Lighting Expense 570.81 . Total Expenses 7,900.03 Not Revenue 3,216.71 Reeoncilliation of Road & Bridro Fund. Bal. on head in Bank 12-31-64 '561;60 Revenue Received Larch 1965 1,563.00 27] F.00 I,iaint. Expense to Juno 30,1965 _101.22. Balance on hand in aa„V 1,236.60 Ro:i ,r L. '.:iAMEr Acccurr;.• . 622 Virginia Drive , • i . . k ..,, a3. .... od V!LT4 ^ OF NORTH 0°L/iflD0 1:0:'.1 0=1:M0,770:7-V. LTC= �... ( - ._.rl T^.'r^'_'.4. 1955 Eat. Actual Bud^ct Revenue Permits & Licenses 1,109:25 1,200.00 Polito Department '430.00 ' 500.00 0i7u ctto Tax 2,786:G2 2;400.00 Utility Ts::os 34844.60 44450.00 Iranobices 1,333:27 1,400.00 'Miscellaneous 50.00 50.20 Total Revenue . 9,553.74 10,000.00 Exnenses Police Donartaent - - 1,371.14 Genii. :npence •600.0 Salaries 2,400.00`- Utilities 271 275.00` Recreation 5. 3 53.30 ` ', Office 20 . C 200.00 Ta::f s 17.23 19.00 ,. Insurance 793.59 784.90 . Lc"7a1 L Accountins 434.13 450.00 - ;_iscellaneous 79.98 75.00 '_ Auto & Truck Re7airs 41.39 50.00 - Gas & 011 '206.00 ( Poker. De-- y. ) '9a,^es 1,256.00 1,40P-00 - Rent 116.00 120.30 Aas & Subscriptions 73.00 73.00 Electio.. T__ nense 288.01 275.00 .. Strout Lig.tiiz 570.81 1,200.00 Total Ez)enses 5,718.59 7,975.00 pp"��I� fea y , oe #,:t {,',&pi. rbz4 'gins?' * Rent cost will be eliminated if now buildin, is c_ .;., ._,.. RO9_?T L. `.71",%1E 2 A:6-',. ... :. . Oda% O VILLAGE OF NORTH ORLANDO North Orlando,Fla. BALANCE SHEET - July 1,19665 thru Dec .31,1065 ASSETS Current Assets Bank - General Fund 4,300.70 Bank - Road & Bridge Fund 615.06 Petty Cash 15.00 Prepaid Interest 26.10 Total Current Assets 4,956.86 Fixed Assets Equipment - Dog Catcher 28.49 " - Police Dept. 1,600.83 - Recreatman 539.90 - Office 109.95 - General 1,095.00 Reallstate- Land o; 260.00 - Bus Shelters 432.73 Total Fixed Assets 4,056.90 Total Assets 9,023.76 LIABILITIES Current Liabilties Accts. Payable - Fire Dept. 128.40 Notes Payable 350.77 Accrued Payroll Taxes 86.48 Total Liabilities 565.65 SURPLUS Year Ending 6-30-65 8,347.36 Net Surplus 110.75 9,023.76 ou_x x VII C-' On POPTIT O: .ANDO ST ➢` 0 '"Ti0IS JULY 1,1965 t^ru Dec.31,1965 R.EVE r.;U_^ Permits & Licenses 535.75 Police Dept. 60.00 Cigarette Tax 1,160.81 Utility Tax 1,701.30 Franchises 738.07 Total Revenue 4,295.93 EXPENSES Street & Rmy.Iidaint. 163.27 Police Dept rjair_t. 624.05 Utilities 594 .34 Fire Dept.Service 278.20 Recreation Dept. 35 .60 Office Expense 55 .67 Legal & Accounting 417.38 Misc. Expense 72 .26 as & Oil 146.73 Casual Labor 10.00 Wages 1,463.00 Rent 660,00 Street Lighting 112.38 Insurance 132.02 Taxes 11.58 Interest 8.70 Total Expenses 4,185.18 Net Revenue 110.75 RECONCILIdATION 03` ROOAD & BRIDGE FUND Bal. on tnd in Dank 9-30-65 670.64 Paint. Expense to Dec.31,1965 55 .58 Balance on hand in Bank 615.06 Or. " VILLAGE OF NORTH ORLANDO North Orlando,Floriia BALANCE SHEET - July 1,1965 thru September 30, 1'" ASSETS Current Assets Bank - General Fund 5 ,058.02 Bank - Road & Bridge Fund (,7 ' .64 Petty Cash 11.00 Prepaid Intaraet 34.80 Total Current Assets 5,7 '8.45 Fixed Assets Equipment - Dog Catcher 28.49 - Police Dept. 1,600.83 - Recreation 539.90 - Office 109.95 - General 1,095.00 Realestate- Land 260.00 - Bus Shelters 432.73 Total Fixed Assets Total Assets 9,845.3' . LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Notes Payable - 551.21 Accrued Payroll Taxes 58.98 Total Liabilities 610.19 SCAR"=° Year Ending 6-30-65 8,347. 3k Nei Surplus 9,845.3 . P �r t � f . b5 • • la " 'ce Fix: _ F" i Q,. IV. 1_.." . • AW. _.t. 1'r .. '. ) 0 cc t /94S— 4 4 LELL W, J,,vat - .11CL tCtL in L._ _ • jt.. Ler, . ; - - Lc.. 1...41.1" j C r1P, ▪ r "S-, J-34 Lt iQtL L.1i1tit1 . C . L1 . )71 t? i).L) y \ -: w . / /fl ,a.> • 6, 1 a== b , • - aULL Q.w; utility \ |I :;Luc. w w: , vas w \ w ; ap• ,s :w ,o.e . . .z • w n aa7 . _.+ ° 2�d .+ / . !m :5 s a : a,» aw w R: : ' Lj3.30 <�» �; 2 : . m.: =_e» a _ rt: Z:tr et a j :aae aa« \~ } :itrt LeveLue a_ a a w1 A, lunq e »e In l a= a , _ te w< r� sa . »r z:_a 2 a s z ee e3 VILLA-0.a Ol dDETH oral IO L1.0hILA Ai/LA.68Z ;- iT 0r JULY 1. 1985 to DLC MBI i 31. 1984 Ao...LTS CU;ui4 T uA1:3- i:a iAL '�UI9Ii 4.491.83 ti!'•.P,iC - 1001,D & L hLGLS kUNL 381.30 dITTY CASE 8.9* T0T':;L CUkJtthT a:r.:.ITS 5.08L.L7 PIZ«L ALLTe L1/41112-LOG CA: (;L E8.49 SL;.ULP-lkE DLPT. 1.000.00 I4U1P-P011CL LIFT. 4599.84 I4UIP-hLCWI•ATION 539.90 14,11I2-0rk'ICI 109.95 RI'.lJ._i::TATL 100.00 'TOTAL 1•TlTi A`,.::Ln 3.377.88 KEA TOTTS. LIA;3ILITI1Z Accounts payable 74.g9 Accrued Payroll Taxes 19.50 rIOTrL; LL.rt>I.I•ll.f: •33.79 01 ;.Us Year anding 3-:;0-84 8.080.74 Total Liabilities talifThillaittiquorata. Surplus 6 774.51 •yd,: 2. * Loa In urplua 334•18 8.440.25 Loss in surplus account due to adjustments made to various ori,aival entries in Lquipment sccounta per instructions of r. hbodes. (1.8213.05). ROAM ORLj.id JULY 1.1904 to LkChMLE t 51. 136/ Permits and License: 610.00 Police Dept. 16.00 Cigarette Tex 1.493.54 Utility Tex 5.005.57 Miscellaneous 50.00 rranchiae 760.4E f02e.L iiuUi:iaU.: 5.071.2:; LIPILbLb Ltreet a lity. Lept. 1.541:.84 Police Dept. 705.17 Fire Dept. 50i00 Utilities 154.90 Hecreetion 69.67 Office 147.04 Was Paid 15.48 Insurance 311.68 Legal & Acct€. 117.54 Misc. Expense 43.98 tutu & Truck Lepeir 5.8.89 Gas & Oil 139.37 Rent 575.00 56.00 Dues N bub. 58.00 Election Lxpense 90.55 Street Lighting &pause 65.45 Totel Lxpenses 5.696.9E Let Revenue 1,374.33. Reconcillietiou of hoed 5. bridge Fund balance on hand in bans 10-51-64 1.5:5.03 10-31-64 to 15-61-64 ;'Saint. Lap. n ' elance On snd in bank 5 . VIL'.i:GL 01 iw3iCui OktLAI8X) LOLL" OiiL.siakO, i14011Li, DALANCL SILL:-T- JULY 1. 1964 to OCT013FIi 31. 1.304 Ass Ti;. Current Assets isr : - G ,:YL L FUI D 4.5614::7 - GLILG1. .U tL 1.335.01, a'l'lot CA4h 15.00 Total Current Assets 4012.40 Axed A,sbet& LLUIP• LOG CATCH'TY :.:6.49 14UII. FIEF DAPT. 1, 7::509 ISIUIP. POLICE' D.PT. 1.844.04 LOW. E.SC}UA'ilOI 539.90 brrIL POSTS 54.58 STRUT LIGHTS 9£5.50 TOVN (BALL L1GN 69.78 OFFICE L UIP.L2i:T _U�9 Tots.]. Iliac Assets x.105.93 Total Assets 11.116.3Z LIASILITILS Accrued Payroll Taxes lt:t8 15.91 Accounts Payable lUi2LUS Total Liabilities gith leer Tndinis 3-;;0-54 AiLMAAA 8-66007 Total Liabilities +i Surplus 8.086 55 • Gain in Surplus <.119.78 11.118.ZZ VIL:.LL1I it b3ias1 J1u.,iJJxJ 01 OH:LJ.TLOId:. JULY 1. 1964 to October 31. 1964 it.V44Un ermits and Liceniv.z R27.00 Police UeOt. 95.00 Clcsarette Tex 1,055.81 Utility lux 1,556,26 miscellaneous 50.70 Flrenc hi se 760.42 Motel Revenue 4,052.49 LXP4'AL E L'treet fi Lty. Dept. 470.00 2olice Dept. 4fli.3,Z. Utilities 50.60 Recreation 59.67 Office 1xpense 94.49 Insurance L35.00 Legal ii Accounting 5E.54 :,:1 sc. .Exp. 12.98 Gaa &: 011 72.19 Cages 254.00 Bent 20.00 Dues & sub. ;83.00 Election Expense 00.25 Total Expenses Wilma het Rennie 2, Reconcilliation of hoed L bri&;e 'rued Balance as of 6..20-64 1,545.00 3-11-64 Transfer to General Runde Traffic Control Expenditures 016,06 1,626.54 9-11-64 Transfer to Road :M. 'bridge Fund from General Fund to correct 7-1-3: Balance 7 .69 1,85.03 7-1-34 to 10-31-64 3tre:et iw .ray :saint. 470.00 Balance on hand iu bank 1,: c5.03