HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976 ANNUAL REPORT FOR WATER AND SEWER UTILITIES WITH GROSS REVENUE OF $50, 000 AND OVER OF 192-5 251-W CERTIFICATE NUMBERS NORTH ORLANDO WATER & SEWER CORPORATION (Na .r of responder) P. 0. BOX 44, WINTER PARK, FLORIDA 32790 (Address of respondent) TO THE FLORIDA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31• 1976 F-I .. a CABLE OF CONTENTS Page Pagr FINANCIAL SECTION WATER OPERATING SECTION Identification F-2 Water operating revenues and expenses _V-I Combined income and earned surplus statement F-3 Water utility plant W-2 S W-` Balance sheet F-4 L F-5 Operation and maintenance expermes Net utility plant F-6 Source of supply facilities W-` Accumulated provision for depreciation Storage and/or elevated W-! and amortization of utility plant F-6 High service pumping Net nonutility property F-6 Water treataent plant Y-E Other investments and special funds F-7 Lime treatment W-I Notts and accounts receivable F-7 Filtration W-i Accumulated provision for uncollectible accounts F-7 Mains W- Materials and supplies F-8 Services and meters W Prepayments F-S Hydrants Unemertized debt discount and expense and premium on debt F-8 Power, pumping and purchased water statistics - Miscellaneous deferred debits _F-8 Water utility plant statistics W-i Capital stock F-5. Retained earnings F-5 SEVER OPERATING SECTION Long-term debt F-3 Sewage operating revenues and expenses 5 Notes and accounts payable ___F-10 Fixed capital--sewage utility plant S Taxes accrued _F-10 Sewage operating revenues and expenses S-1 Contributions in aid of construction F-10 Pumping equipment, service connections, collecting, interceptor, force mains and manholes List of developers or contractors agreements _F-10A Treatment plant and associated facilities Interest accrued Income from merchandising, jobbing and contract work F-11 Other income F-12 Miscellaneous income deductions F-12 Salaries and wages F-12 F-2 REPORT OF NORTH ORLANDO WATER AND SEWER CORPORATION (Exact name of utility) P. 0. BOX 44, WINTER PARK, FLORIDA 32790 County: Seminole (Address) FOR YEAR ENOED December 31, 1976 Date of original organization of utility( April 3, 1.967 Name of person to whom correspondence concerning this report should be addressed( Mr. R. L. Cramer, Comptroller. P. 00. Box 44, Winter Park, Florida 32/90 Name end address of person who repars' this report( Mr. R. L. Stickels, P. 0. Box 44, Winter Name and titles of Utility Officers, See Attarhed Page F-2A What Public Services are rendered? Provision of Water and Sewer services to the public for compensation.. Address and telephone number where books and records are maintained, TELEPHONE qRo 105(646-1108 STREET CRESS, 1560 Orange Avenue, Winter Park, Florida 32789 Report the nese of every corporation or person owning or holding directly or indirectly 5 percent or more of the voting scour; ties of the reports utility together with the• rcent owned by each( Florida Land Company 100/ which is 1007. owned by Florida Gas Company. List all related parties as defined in Codification of Statements on Auditina Standards., AU Section 335.02, Page 113, as public by American Institute of Certified Public Accountants( —17 Florida Land Lompany 7 Florida Gas Company Give brief reference to major' transactions occurring during year which will have materiel effect on operations such as rate changes, or changes in plant or operating practices, 1. The first step of a two step rate increase became effecti1e on October 4 1976 and is designed to produce sufficient funds to pay operating expenses and inhere: on e . Z alb//,b44.b1 wwaw traiffl (ref -from account 35T to account 35-4 to more accuarately record sewer plant eaj4pment which had previously been recorded with the cost of the sewer plant building. teviaed 11-1-76 F-2A NAMES AND TITLES OF UTILITY OFFICERS: Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer Mr. Selby W. Sullivan President Mr. R. Philip Silver Executive Vice President Mr. H. L. Wilhite Senior Vice President, Treasurer and Assistant Secretary Mr. E. P. Shanahan Vice President - Finance Mr. J. Ronald Knorpp Vice President Mr. Kenneth L. Lay Vice President Mr. George M. Cox, Jr. Vice President, General Attorney and Assistant Secretary Mr. R. Y. Patterson, Jr. Vice President Mr. Albert R. Aiken Comptroller Mr. R. L. Cramer Secretary and Assistant Treasurer Mr. W. J. Aberwald Assistant Secretary Mr. William V. Morgan Assistant Secretary Mr. D. O. White F-3 COMBINED INCOME AND EARNED SURPLUS STATEMENT Particulars WATER SEWER THIS YEAR I AST YEAR COMBINED COMBINED TOTALS TOTALS wl UTILITY OPERATING INCOME Operating revenues (400) 88 215 89,429 177,644 143,565 Operation expense (401) 611360 112 228 172,588 182.950 Maintenance expense (402) 11,540 26784 38,324 19,169 Depreciation expense (409) 41 487 71 347 112 894 90 691 Amortization expense (404-406) Amortization of property losses (407.1) Amortization of conversion expenses (407.2) Taxes other than income taxes (408)_ 9 0/8 10 010 19 088 11 206 Income Taxes (409, 410 i 411) (IL•7iDL�17R[k7C4•I)7til:S:l[14IO Ifl [�£.1 Total operating expenses ._ :IIIiI+SiPI[SII�FL9YIIL�DFi45F Operating income 1111$111111111111113.1..allelaIRfj Income from utility plant leased ^.o others 413 d 414 Total operating income_ 4 854 18 556 I 23.410 37.887 OTHER INCOME Income from merchandising, jobbing and contract work (415-416) Income from nonutility operations (417) Interest and dividend income (419) Allowance for funds used during construction (420) (43 8231 68.463 Miscellaneous nonoperating income (421) 136 50 Gains or (losses) from Disposition of Property (422) Water and Sewer Systama other than reporting systems Total other Income (43,687) 68,513 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME DEDUCTIONS Miscellaneous amortization (425) Other Income deductions (426) Water and Sewer Systems other than reporting systems Total income deductions -0- -0- INTEREST CHARGES Interest on long-term debt (427) Amortization of debt discount and expense (428) Amortization of premium on debt--cr. (429 Interest on debt to associated companies 430) 206,365 2lb /65 Other interest expense (431) 1.144 1,202 Interest charged to construction--cr. (432) Total interest charges 207 509 216,967 Net income (22/'786) (110,56/) EARNED SURPLUS Unappropriated earned surplus (et beginning of period) (216) (235,822) (125,255) Balance transferred from income (433) (227, 186) (110,56/) Miscellaneous credits to surplus (434) Total additions to surplus Miscellaneous debits to surplus (435) Appropriations of surplus (436) Dividends declared--preferred stock (437) Dividends declared--common stock (438) Total deductions from surplus Unappropriated earned surplus `at end of period) (216) (46L60$) (235 822) Revised 11-1-76 ` F-4 • BALANCE SHEET. —. - Page _ ..Balance tint Balance eel Assets and Otter Debits no• d Yaw of year (a) (b) (c) (d) UTILITY PLANT 4 8 977 4,903,070 Utility plant (100) F-S .05757.1.9.._......_.._.._........._..__.....__-......_.._........... 121,620 (235,757) la+a mecum.pmv.for donee.eel;unm.of utility plant U 10) , F-0 (121,6201 F-0 4,776,357 -..41.667, 313 Net utility plant .. ................_.._. OTHER PROPERTY AND INVESTMENTS No ndllry property (121) . F-0 .......,_......_ ___._ ......_......_..._....._........... Ira amen prow.for dearer.and anion.of nesuaL prop. (122 F-0 ...._.._......_.._._....__ Net inutility property F-0 ......_._.._.._:_. Otherinvntmmb (121) . .. F-7 ....._.._....__.._._.._......_.___.._........._._..._......_..._....._............... Spnairlfends (12-S) • F.T .............._....__..._........_............................._..._..__._._._._....... Total other property and investments ...._.-0:._....._......___._-.._.._._..._..:0-....._.._.._... CURRENT AND ACCRUED ASSETS 11 620 12,858 Cash and working funds (131) ........ ...._.._...._.._.111 .........._.._.._. _._.._.._.._..___ Temporary cash investments (132) Nora receivable (141) F-7 . _ — l.u.am+ xmante receivable (142) F-7 4 .35.J 19,032_.._.._... Other accounts receivable (143) F-I _.............._.._._..._....46�.._....... Ammralatecl prtwbirm for umnBadihk accounts—cr. (144) ... F-7 (64) __.._.._... Notes receivable From associated companies (145) F-7 ...._.............._.._......_......_............._......_..._....._- Acrotmb receivable horn associated companies (148)_ F-7 ... 74.124.4....._............_.................l2Z,760 Materials and supplies (LSO) F-0 ........_...----.._.. . 4,.192 Prepayments (185) F-8 1.312 165) 1.312 IXlcr avmnt and nsnaol nn•b (170) 98 735 _.160x098._.._.._... Tool brmmt and accrued ,wets _...__._.._.._. DEFERRED DEBITS llsnnnivnl debt :I'usvaml and upcnes (181) Fd ____.._.._.._........____.__.._... EetmnnB:mry property losses (182) F-8 "' . other defamed debits (1B7) v ..... F4 -4=._..._..__._..._._._..— 44511 ..Other.deferred- debits (186) • . ..._:..--..--.---- ......202.._..._...._._...._......_ . 202 4, 11 . 'Total deferral debits - _.._.._......_._. Total ants and other debits 4 t_835 1 294 4,831,922 _. _..._.._.........___.._... . . - BALANCE SHEET T__ . . _ .. . .._. ._ .._ . ..._. _ _ . . . 1Page Balance tint Babmce end Liabilities and Other Credits no. of yasr of year (a) (b) (c) (d) PROPRIETARY CAPITAL Common capital stock (201) F-9 500 500 • Preferred capital stock (204) F-9 Other paid-in capital (207) 499,500 499,500 Installments tOttived On capital stock (212) Capital sleek expense (214) Earned surplus (212216) F-9 (2352822) (463,608) Renapilml capital stuck (217) Nun-corporate proprietonhip (US) • Total proprietary capital I 264,178 36, 392 LONG-TERM DEBT Bonds (221) F-9 Advances born associated companies (223) I F-9 2,7742900 3 412 000 Other long-tenn debt (22A) F-9 Total long-term debt 2.77A.990 3,412,000 CURRENT AND ACCRUED LIABILITIES Notes payable (231) F-I0 Accounts payable (232) 52775 7,062 Notts payable to assoriatts1 no/spank" (133) F-10 Areounts payable to associates! companks (231) F-10 6592918 12,775 19,677 20,320 • • Customer deposits (235) Taxa In.toned (218) F.10 (87,659) 45,822 Interest accrued (237) F-Il • 104,661 110,912 Other current anti Watruttil liabilities (238) -0- -0- • ' Total current mid accrued liabilities 702,172 1 196,891 1.)EFEIIRED CREDITS . . . • UnamortiZed prei • on debt (251) F-8 , • 'Customer nth:Mats for"onoltuction (252) • Other deferred credits (253) • ' Total deferred credits OPERATING RESERVES Property iitioranCv nerve (201) ll ' ries and clamant* remove (282) Pensions and benefits reserve (203) . Miscellaneous operating reserves (265) .. . .. . . . ..... ..... ............,. .. . . Total operating reserves CONTRIBUTIONS IN AID OF CONSTRUCTION Contributions in aid of construction (271) • F-10 1,014.7844 1, 115,539 . Deferred Income Taxes • A9c0181t0 281. 2n. 283 2949DD • 71,1011 Total liabilities and other credits 4,133 ,294 {w6 NET UTILITY PLANT Report utility plant accounts and related accumulated provisions for depreciation and amortization ortization by utility departments after allocation of common plant accounts and related provisions for depreciation end amortization to utility departments as of December 31. WATER SEWER M C S OTHER TOTAL THAN REPORTING SYSTEMS Plant accounts (101-109)1 II clysive - listed Below 1 {, p`��p, 2 457 4QL ROE Utility plant in service (101) j 9 45 IGt 4o Construction work in progress (107) Other (specify) (108) 1 ,564_545 1t,'137t 575 4_901,070 Total utility plant (100) , Accumulated antsi110n for depreciation and amortization ortixation of (150,390) (85,367) (235,757) utility plant (110) — Net utility plant 1 414 1-57---3 253 158 7 1 ACCUMULATED PROVISION FOR DEPRECIATION AND AMORTIZATION OF UTILITY PLANT (Acct. 110) WATER SEWER W i S OTHER TOTAL THAN REPORTING SYSTEMS Balance first of years 108,424 13,196 121,620 Credits during year: 41 /87 71 347 112.834 Accruals charged depreciation s (spellf�. ,a� rues ch th co nts serfaifv�s 7 1,30.V '1'ianl4por4���on � �ow�r CC "cy ulymct�u 4 9 824 Salvager Other credits (specify)' 41. '66 72,](1 114, 13/ Total credits'Totals 150. 90 85 767 '�35 J57 Debits during year: Book cost of plant retired: Cost of remand.: Other debits. `specify)' Total debits' 150.390 85.367 235.757 Balance end of year: NET NONUTILITY PROPERTY (Accts. 121-122) Report separately each item of property with a bock cost of $5,000 or more included in account 121. Other items may be grouped by classes of property. Balance first Additions Deductions Balance el Description (ption of you- during year during)year of year I c Total nonutility property (121) Less accuo. prov. for deprec. and amort. of nonutil. prop. (122) -0-Net nonutility property Revised 11-1-76 • OTHER INVESTMENTS AND SPECIAL FUNDS !boort herrunLr :dl investments earned in animist 121 Other to ersOrcnb. and in aacouut 125. Special Funds. Show totals I. dents. ..J . . _.__. . ..—Face or _ Ronk cos Description of Security nr Special Fund par vnhw end of ye (•) (b) (c) tt • Total _0_ _0_ NOTES AND ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Repent hereunder noes and acco nls reerivable included In accounts II 1. 142. 143, 145, and 146. Accounts Notes Partkulan receivable receivable (a) (b) (c) • Cummins. accounts realisable (142): Electric. Waler 7,086 (:as hle.elnnli'xhg. Mdddng and contract work Sewer 11,946 Twni tombs :»Womb.v c•ivahb 19,032 List Ikiow liens he-baled in accounts 141. 1431 N5. and 140, showing totals for each . _ ._Florida Gas Company c- Associated Company 122,342 Florida Land Company 404 Sugar Mill Utility Company - Associated Company 14 • • Total _ 141,,792• 04.... ACCUMULATED PROVISION FOR UNCOLLECTIBLE ACCOUNTS (Acct 144) Particulars Amount (a) (b) nalarte first of year 64 Add Pnviskn for nicolkdibks during Year 150 Collection of amounts previously written off: • Utility actumrnts 117 Others ... ... Total 331 Dnhwt astonish written off during year: Utility aaoums 285 Others • Total x e into written off 285 Balance cm! of year 46 • F•b MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES '(Acct. 150) • Balance end Particulars of year (e) { (b) Fowl Plant nun rials and operating supplies; 7I Water utility Electric utility Cas utility 1..._..._....................... Sewer utility Merchandise Other nateriali and supplies 4,182 Total materials and supplies 4,182 PREPAYMENTS (Acct. 165) Balance end Partico an al year (a) (b) Prepaid insurance Prepaid rents Other prepaYmeab (specify) Total UNAMORTIZED DEBT DISCOUNT AND EXPENSE AND PREMIUM ON DEBT Report net discount aaxl rspeose or premium scpumtrly for each security issue and Skate totals for oacovnts 181 and 251. Amount written Balance end Debt Issue to Which Related off during Year of year (a) (b) (a) • • Total 0 MISCELLANEOUS DEFERRED DEBITS Report separately amounts in necounb 182 and 183 and describe major items included in these accounts. Balance end Name of Account and Description of Item of year (a) (b) Work order to accumulate cost for rate case 4,511 Total 4.1 511 CAPITAL STOCK (Accts201 and 204) Particulars Common stock Pretence' stock (a) (b) (c) (d) • Par or stated value per sham 1 Total par value provided In articles of Incorporation 500 Total par value issued 500 Dividends declared per share for year EARNED SURPLUS (Accts. 215-216) Particulars Appropriated Unapproprint (a) (b) (c) Balance lint of year (235,822 Change. during year (explain): (227,786 Balance end of year (463,608 LONC-TERM DEBT (Accts. 221, 223 and 224) Report hereunder information for each separate issue of debt and total for account. Show principal amount to which each ii rata applies. • Nominal date Date of Interest Principal Sr • Description of obligation of issue materiel Rata Data ger balance (a) (b) (c) (6) • (e) (f) Florida Gas Company - Advances From Associated Companies NLA N/A Varioip N/A 3 412,0. . F-I0 TO .i. NOTES AND ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (Accts. 231,233 and 234) Report details of Notes Payable (231) and of Notes and Accounts Payable to Associated Companies (233 and 234) as of end of year. Give description of notes including interest rates and dates of issue. Description Notes(payable Accounts payable Florida Gas Transmission Company - Associated Company 1`2,/613 Florida Comnurer Svsteme Company - Associated Company 162 Total- 12,7/5 TAXES ACCRUED (Acct. 236) Particulars Water Sewer Other Total (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Balance first of year 43,830 43,829 87,659 Accruals charged during years Florida ad valorem tax ((1,111) 2,370) (3,481) Local property tax cipal Fra Muninch ise Tax (2.7743 2,5491 t (5,292) State income tax - )3,6917 4, 118 If,ODU Federal income tax 24,502 93.6/5 TI8,17/ Public Service Commission gross receipt, tax (1 $96) (1 7¢2) 6 8 Social security taxes (Z 180) (Z 100) us Other Florida -HAP In ( q) qq Flnrida intangible Tax 1(Q1.0])j571 (1.61' 1111 gg99]] Total credits 62.9§$ 12i.bb, 204,552 Total Taxes paid during year• Florida ad valorem tax 1,111 2,370 fC 3,481 Local property tax Municipal Franchise Tax 2,221 p OQ3) 7� (14.284) State Income tax (3.897) (lri 9UJ Federal income lax (5] p8ya) (]q(,'qq(,) (246tl(7f1) sedera Security taxes 22;7 0 1 108 ✓ G 360 Public Service Commission grove receipts tax 74 ✓ 148 Other Florida Use Tax - pp777747 pp77 Florida_Infarpi_hle Tax (4 ,238 (201.13?' ✓ ( 2,154 Total debits ) Zy550p..33]73g Balance end of year )4.70/ (60.5281 (L5,821 CONTRIBUTIONS IN AID OF CONSTRUCTION (Acct. 271) . Particulars Water Sewer W d S Other Total Than Reporting Systems Balance first of year 375, 757 639,087 1,014,844 Add credits during year 46,710 53,985 100,695 Total 422.467 693.702 . 1 115 539 Deduct charges during year Balance end of year 422j67 697,102 1.115.539 • Revised 11-1-76 • INTEREST ACCRUED (Acct. 237) Report below interest sacrum' on each ittility obligation and total by each class of obligation. Interest accrued Interest accrued Interest paid Interest sec • Description of OblIption lash first of year during year during year bal. end of Florida Gas Company - Advances 104, 116 206,365 (200,088) 110,35 CustomerDeposit Interest 545 1O24 (1,050) 51 'oral 110,91 • INCOME FROM MERCHANDISING, JOBBING AND CONTRACT WORK Total • . Revenues from marthsndistng.jobbing and contract work(415): Cross ales • • Deduction: Discounts and allowances Merchandise returns Total deductions Net sales Costs and expemes of merchandising. jobbing and contract work (416): Cost of merchandise sold Cress profit from sales Expenses (list hereunder exposes by major classes): Total expenses • Net imam (or Ioss) F-12 OTHER INCOME Report hereunder income and expenses relating to accounts 412, 413, 417, 418, 419 and 421 and total for each account. Description of Income or Expense Amount Investment Tax Credit (43,823) Mi srellanenus 136 Total (43 687) MISCELLANEOUS 1!COME DEDUCTIONS Report hereunder items included in accounts 425 and 426 and total for each account. Description of Item Amount Total 0- SALARIES AND WAGES Show total compensation paid each elected officer during the year, including bonuses and other allowances. Furnish particulars as to bonuses or allowances. Show final distribution of payroll including amounts from clearing accounts. OFFICERS' COMPENSATION DISTRIBUTION OF TOTAL PAYROLL Name 20Dffirial T tle Iota] copn¢at ion Arrnunte Charnad mm rr�� -1.. ° my q�7 Water operating expenses 36,45y R Philipp Si yet Electric operating expenses H I Wilhi re Gas operating expenses F P Shanahan Sewer operating expenses 42.473 .I Ronald lj(lorDD Merchandising and jobbing Kenneth 1.. lay Other nonutility expenses Cenrgo M Cn.c Tr Ut l l ity plant accounts R t. Y Patterson Jr. Aeeum. prov. for dept. of Albert Aiken utility plant in eery Ice R I Cramer Total all other accounts WW1 ,I Aberwald William Morgan n n White 4' Total Total payroll-Including Officers 78,932 Revised 11-1-76 * Officers receive no compensation from North Orlando Water and Sewer Corporation, but are principal officers of Florida Gas Company. Only a very insignificant portion of their salaries is allocated to North Orlando Water and Sewer Corporation under an allocation formula presently accepted by the Florida Public Service Commission. V1 WATER OPERATING REVENUES AND EXPENSES Where customer meters record cubic feet, multiply cubic feet by 7.48 to obtain number of gallons. Beginning Year End Gallons of Year No. Number Water Sold Amounts Customers Customers (000 omitted) (d) (a) (b) (c) LL OPERATING REVENUES Sales of Water `(-I Unm.tered sales to general customers (460) - Residential (460.1) Commercial 460.2 • Industrial 460.3 Pub. Auth. 460.4 - Multi-Dwellings (460.5)Total unmetered sales to general customers Metered sales to general customers (461) Residential (461.1) 1,139 1,210 129, 797 77,960 Commercial )661.2) lb 33 16 841 9,418 Industrial `461. ) Pub. Auth (461.4 Multi-Dwellings (461.5) Toted metered sales to general customers . I i I i 14b ff N/ /g Privets fire-protection service (462) Public fire-protection service (46999) Other sales to public authorities 464) Sales to irrigation customers (465 Metered or Flat Rate s Sales for resale (466)• Interdepartmental sales (467) Fuel Adjustment Pass-Ons. Total sales of water 11SS 1 -- 14,6638-) R7 17S OINER OPERATING REVENUES Forfeited discounts (470) Miscellaneous service revenues (471) 837 Rents from water property (472) Interdepartmental rents `473) Other water revenues (474) Describes Total other operating revenues 63/ Total operating revenues 88,215 OPERATING EXPENSES Total operation and maintenance expenses 71,900 Depreciation expense (403) 41,48/ bortization of Baited-term utility plant (404) Amortization of other utility plant (405) Amortization of utility plant acquisition adjustments (406) n ii l Amortization of property losses (407) 1 Taxes other than income taxes (408) .—m.- _ � -7 07 Income taws (409) 1 (39 i64y) Total operating expense. 83,361 Operating income 4,854 Revenues from utility plant leased to others (412) Expenses of utility plant leased to others (413) Total operating Income 4 854 ' 'State names of other water utilities to whom water is sold, together with points of delivery. None Revised 11-1-76 kit G raLA1 $ 3E -02i °; ilil d3 cs [ g' 3s : dd kil ¢ a SE37g � i3CEa6aavE = � " ' EaE € CBE - s a as 5 � 3 g 2. 5 § Sa IL a ii $ ° $ Q - y a s , ` r going r � 1 . i v i v - q ry Z r Q Q UZ H a r.4 NtN Y O, V V ` N N t-- W P Y 9 O Y R La N:J J m .- vi vi vi O f m m y m N.O Un f O P f •0 Lt. f pp T.J W U CO W U) W VD F pN P ^ ... D x _ ■ C r Y ., i a � � M O f La w 3 • a e a. 6 7 I ,_,_, . .. . . ___ . ._ _�-,--, .,_ --"-•---- --,--.-.,-r . - ..- _I. R' a s PI • I it i 2' i i a i i ■ y i Y N H. Y YI S — 4 E V r O. J O. t Y }+ 0 buN F --..”... o. JN :F w i iaL q i— L1J S.0 vi pc, Li Ni ! | / 2 / " - 3 "`3 tgE . 12 E . ƒ � r ' £ i ! ! ! ! III | ! ! ° | » ! ` ! ` | t ; . . ! : _ - . ! . . l , ! ! - aLL 15 - t! ! E ! !T ! `� { I' fl1t1i1PttI1it1it1tIiF $ { | \ } [ kkk � * k ( ( � + t ) \ ( S - II. � $ � . ! f E R ( | ! � ; o c % \ ) 2 . j i IIc© -�- - - - - I▪. | | ! ; § . . 3▪ ) | } IIg »\ } 2 ( . - - -—-�. -�-�--- ! § ) • | ;. . ' . | ] .. • ' . | . . , . . . . . ! | ) I. ; . • ° Z. I. 3w ƒ 2 [ . ` ° , n2 C. V4 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES Class C Amount (a) (b) SOURCE OF SUPPLY EXPENSES Operation labor 600 Purchased water 601 Operation supplies and expenses (602) _ Maintenance of water source plant (605) _0 Total source of supply expenses PUMPING EXPENSES Operation labor (620) Fuel for power production (621) Fuel or power purchased for pumping (622)__ 10 164 j Operation supplies and expenses (623) Maintenance of pumping plant (625) Total pumping expenses- 10.164 WATER TREATMENT EXPENSES Operation labor (630) 12,182 Chemicals (631) 1�12I1 Operation supplies and expanses (632) Maintenance of water treatment plant t ) ] 4 // Total water treatment expenses 16 89 'y, J TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES Operation labor (640) Operation supplies and expenses-(64l) Maint. cf diet, reservoirs & standpipes (650) Maintenance of mains (651) 5 178 — Maintenance of services (652) Maintenance of meters (653) 2 597 .-- Maintenance of hydrants (654) q p Maintenance of other plant (655) Total transmission & dist. expenses CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS EXPENSES Meter reading labor (901) 2,779 Accounting and collecting labor (902) — 2.734 Supplies and expenses (903) 1 22 Uncollectible accounts (904) 75 Total customer accounts expenses 6 810 SALES EXPENSES Sales expenses (910) ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSES Administrative and general salaries (920) 14,343 Office supplies and expenses (921) 8.585 � Administrative expenses transferred--cr. (922). Outside services employed (923) 0.20/3 Property insurance `924) Injuries and damages (925) Employee pensions and benefits 926 Regulatory commission expenses 320)) Miscellsneous general expenses 930 1. 5 _ Transportation expenses (933) Maintenance of general plant (935) Total administrative & genii expenses ]1 Z9 9 837 -7/Yee, Total operation and maintenance expenses 0 Revised 11-1-76 W-5 SOURCE OF SUPPLY FACILITIES SURFACE SOURCE Description of each (give name of lake, river, or other source). All plants supplied by deep wells Distances of each from pumping station Adjarenr WELLS AM WELL-PUMPS Year constructed See Pages W-5 (A & B) Attached Type, of well construction and casing Depth of wells Diameters of wells Casing depth Pump GPM Pump diameter STORAGE AID/OR ELEVATED RESERVOIRS Description of each (steel, concrete or pneumatic) See Page W-5 (c) Ground or elevated All storage tanks are at ground level Capacity of clewell (filtration) Elevation of each reservoir above pumping station HIGH SERVICE PUMPING (Ilse • separate column for each unit) MOTORS Manufacturer and type See Page W-5 (d) Rated horsepower PUMPS •• Manufacturer and type Capacity In gallons per minute Average number of hours operated per day Auxiliary Power' • Gasoline engine, diesel engine or electric motors '• List data for pumps in the same columns as those used for the motors to which the units are connected. Revised 11-1-76 W-5 B Water Plant No. 2 Well: Dia - 12" Depth - 491' Casing Depth - 123'-6" Year Constructed - 1972 Pump: Type - Deep Well Turbine MFG - Layne Capacity - 1100 G.P.M. Motor: 15 N. P. Electric Auxiliary Engine: Wisconsin V-4 Cylinder with Electric Start Fuel - L. P. Gas Water Plant No. 3 Well: Dia - 12" Depth - 423' Casing Depth - 96' Year Constructed - 1972 Pump: Type - Deep Well Turbine MFG - Layne Capacity - 1100 G.P.N. Motor: 15 H. P. Electric Auxiliary Engine: Wisconsin V-4 Cylinder with Electric Start Fuel - L. P. Gas W-5 C Storage Tanks Water Plant No. 1: One at 200,000 Gallons (Covered - Steel) One at 23,000 Gallons (Pre-Stressed Concrete) Water Plant No. 2: One at 500,000 Gallons (Pre-Stressed Concrete) Water Plant No. 3: One at 500,000 Gallons (Pre-Stressed Concrete) W-5 D Power & Pumping Equipment Water Plant No. 1: Service Pump #1 Service Pump 02 Type of Motive Power Electric Electric MFG & Type TEFC TEFC Rated H. P. 25 25 Pump - MFG & Type Marlow - 3XSC - 9 Marlow - 3XSC - 9 Capacity 500 G.P.M. 500 G.P.M. Water Plant No. 2: Serice Pump #1 Service Pump #3 Type of Motive Power Electric Electric MFG 6 Type U.S. Type-R U.S. Type ODP-A-65 Auxiliary Power L.P. Gas Engine No Rated N.P. 150 50 Pump - MFG & Type Worthington-8-LR-13A Worthington-4-LR-14 Capacity 1200 G.P.M. 800 G.P.M. Water Plant No. 3: Service Pump #1 Service Pump #3 Type of Motive Power Electric Electric MFG & Type U.S. Type-R U.S. Type-R Auxiliary Power L.P. Gas Engine No Rated H.P. 100 25 Pump MFG & Type Worthington-6-LR-13 Worthington-211-LR-13 Capacity 1200 G.P.M. 300 G. P. M. Y-b , MATER TREATMENT PLANT Type Treatment Aeration and Chlorination Method used (sedimentation, aloe or fast sand filtration, chemical or aerated) • LIME TREATMENT Unit Rating-GPM Not Applicable Manufacturer FILTRATION Type: Pressure_ Not Applicable Gravity Areal Square Feet GPM/Squere Feet • MAINS (FEET) Kind of Pipe Diameter First of Removed or End of (Cast- iron, galvanized Iron, coated sEeei, etc.) of pips year Added Abandoned year (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Steel and P.V.C. 2" 19,444 19,444 -Steel and P.V C ail' 2 410 2 430 Asbestos Cement and Cast Iron 4 3 648 6 648 Asbestos Cement Cast iron and y V C " '32 122 32 57' Asbestos CPOIPIIC Cast iron and P V C, ^" 75 574 25 57 • Arr 1 1 •19:1412aC44f4al: •t •, _ •X:Ig1 ast eon _ • e 4 • a Iotal 98,636 98.666 • SERVICES AND METERS Number Add iti one Retirements Number First of End of Year Year Meters in Service: 5/8" - 3/A". 2,800 24 2,824 2" _ 3 1 3' 1 - 1 4" - - - 6" 1 _ I S" Other (specify) _ Total Meters in Service 2,805 25 2.830 Total Meters in stock Number of Services in Use 1,119 29 1,148 Revised 11-1-76 W-1 . HYDRANTS DESCRIPTION No. first Retired or No. end of year Added renewed of year SIZES MAIN (a) HYDRANT (h) (C) (d) (e) 6" American Darling 3 Way K-11 3 3 Other_ 57 57 Total 60 bU POWER, PUMPING AND PURCHASED WATER STATISTICS Omit 000 in reporting pillions of water. (Flow meters should be installed at all sources of water.) GALLONS PUMPED (�PUwater Water Pumped water from wells Particulars Gals( (000) Gels. (000) (a) b) c) January 10,629 February 11 952 March 12 457 " April Ifi IL? May ] j June July - )j 3j 'Zj August 1 137 September 1 A21 October 111 .574 November 11.599 December 1(1,695 Total for yaen As to total water purchased or pumped 149 570 Maximum gallons pumped by ell methods In any one days 976,000 Date April 4, 1976 Minimum gallons pumped by all methods In any one days 35 000 Date September 10, 19 Total gallons of water passed through customers' meters during years 14aF,,fi3A 174 Total gallons of first stage pumping (estimated If not metered)' 149 570'O0(1 if water is purchased for resale Indicate the followings Vendor ' Not Applicable Point of delivery If water is sold to other water utilities for redistributions list names of such utilities below' None Revised 11-1-76 0-4 SEWAGE OPERATING REVENUES - No. Customers Rments End of Year $ Amounts SEWAGE SERVICE REVENUES , ANT. Heskie-rstiai 1 ,210 81 1 Commenrial revenues 33 8,2 fgt. Indrotrial reveres -161. Hemmen hum public authorities Total sewage servks revenues 1,243 89,4 OTHER OPERATING REVENUES • 4H5. Sale of krtilizer 4v..Fusi_sdjus.taant_pausidias - NB. Citstomere forfeited diseounb 017. Srrvking of enshrine& laterals • -106 Misty Mamoru sewer revenues Total other operating sevenths .100. Total operating revenues 894 SEWAGE OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE • 701. Supervision and labor 702. Operating supplies and expenses . ......... - —......... ..-•• • 703. Transportation expenses 701. 14...i1.11.111Lt of b.uWinp and grounds 705. Maintenance of treatment plant equipment 21,21 700. Maintenance of sewage tolleeenn system 4 3 rot il operation and=intensity CUSTOMERS ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTION EXPENSE , 707 Auconntine (nal sulk(non — 3 9: • 706. UncoRectilde arammb Total customers( aryountina and colk-clion expense 4,0( GENERAL EXPENSES 1 700. (Warrral office salaries 19,4 710. ((sacral office supplies: and expenses 711. Rents 92 712. Other gem(ral expenses 18, Total general expenses 38,41 401. Total operating expenses FIXED CAPITAL—SEWAGE UTILITY PLANT . . _. . . . $ Educe Additions ---Re-rn-rsTal.------linianS Desi7iPtim l!r.Pr.q7. n of Year $ to Plant $ oIPlant (.1 End of 351. Land and land rights •,279 94 24,77( ira. Bighting' and structures 44.29..Q..d2 L115,3.5.5. 45) Nil. Pump station etripment at treatment giant 272-499 94 Tn-atsment and disposal equipment 138 329 34 5991376 46 737, 70`. 115. Other plant equipment :1511. (halal' sewer main 701,123 20 (899,787 11) 301,33( 300. Calk-dime sewers 782,452 33 393,1363 15 ,176, 316 :101. Service lateral sewers . 283,300 •1 (231,965 48) 51,33 Poop stations equipment on clleeling system 31ES-12.1.. 348„121 XVI. Transportation equipment 361. 011ie. equipment 30.5. Miscellaneous equipment . . 3011. tJliIity plant In process of recLusification 367. Gm:striation work in progress 1156,444 t19 (3,320 00) 453,124 Totals 42 0 42,411 57 „276,95 • SEWAGE DPERAT I NG REVENUES AND EXPENSES Total operating revenues $ 89,429 Operation and maintenance expenses $ 96,597 Customers, accounting and collection •xpensee 4,002 General expanses _ 38,413 Depreciation expense 71,347 Taxes other than income taxes 10,010 Income taxes (149,496 Other operating expenses (specify) Total operating expenses $ 70,873 Net operating income : 18,556 S-3 • • PUMPING EQUIPMENT, SERVICE CONNECTIONS, COLLECTING, INTERCEPTOR, FORCE MAINS AND MAMMIES (e) Unit Unit (b) (c) (d) PUMPING EQUIPMENT Lift station number See Pages S-3 (A & B) Make or type and nameplate data of pump Year Installed Rated.capacity (gpm) Size Povere Electric Mechanical Give nameplate data of motor SERVICE CONNECTIONS Size inches) 16L4"P 6" Type ngt ate.) LLp • AAAA go length Number of active service connections Beginning of year l26 9/4 . Added during year 1 Retired during year Close of year 116 9/5 Give full particulars concerning inactive connections For expansion COLLECTING. INTERCEPTOR AND FORCE MAINS 1.1111pNinnemeerIf ollim P , .R A N Size (Inches) fl 8" 8" 10" 12" 16" 18" 20" 24" Type of main CI, VCP, etc. lairWa a!L* ni C VCP 1 Length of pipe (nearest foot � j Beginning of year �n 411111' • I 1 - �. j. 1 Added during year tL����e11 �.i7e1�Ta Retired during year ---�- Close of year L7F]:JILy: FyJ�wnfn([.](glZglinnwit:iLsflmslillYCx! MANHOLES ..■�.[S-. Ot er si:• De•th te]Q91�1�IelQlll a TYpM •fR.. sn s fni IRinrn .nTn. a 1 fu / Number -_-_--- - Beginning of year =Fa=PM MIMI i1' S}I{i/E� Added during year -''MieiNnirain Retired during year ------- Cloee of year MILTS NM= iR3,t:��}�5���.�. Revised 11-1-76 • - $ A Pumping Equipment Lift Station No. 1 (Two Pumps) Pump No. 1: Make & Type - Flygt Submersible Pump Year Installed - 1974 Rated Capacity - 500 G.P.M. How Driven - Integral Electric Motor - 18 HP Pump No. 2: Same as Pump No. I Lift Station No. 2 (Two Pumps) Pump No. 1: Make & Type - Flygt Submersible Pump Year Installed - 1974 Rated Capacity - 200 G.P.M. Now Driven - Integral Electric Motor - 9.4 HP Pump No. 2— Same as Pump No. 1 Lift Station No. 3 (Three Pumps) Pump No. 1: Make & Type - E.M.U. Submersible Pump Year Installed - 1974 Rated Capacity - 620 G.P.M. How Driven - Integral Electric Motor - 18 HP Pump No. 2 & 3: Same as pump No. 1 Lift Station No. 4 (Two Pumps) Pump No. 1: Make & Type - E.M.U. Submersible Pump Year Installed - 1973 Rated Capacity - 360 G.P.M. • How Driven - Integral Electric Motor - 18 HP Pump No. 2: Same as Pump No. 1 s-E B Lift Station No. 5 (Two Pumps) Pump No. 1: Make S Type - Barns Centrifugal Year Installed - 1974 Rated Capacity - 80 G.P.M. How Driven - Electric Motor - 5 HP Pump No. 2: Same as Pump No. 1 Lift Station No. 6 (Two Pumps) Pump No. 1: Make & Type - Midland Submersible Pump Year Installed - 1974 Rated Capacity - 570 G.P.M. How Driven - 20 HP • Pump No. 2: Same as Pump No. 1 Lift Station No. 7 (Three Pumps) Pump No. 1: Make 6 Type - Smith & Loveless - Centrifugal Year Installed - 1975 Rated Capacity - 1,250 G.P.M. How Driven - 75 HP Variable Speed Electric Motor Pump No. 2: Same as Pump No. 1 Pump No. 3: Make 6 Type - Smith 6 Loveless - Centrifugal Year Installed - 1975 Rated Capacity - 500 G.P.M. How Driven - 60 HP Constant Speed Electric Motor • VERIFICATION OATH Slate of Florida }S t County of Q7;$n8,e J R. L. Cramer makes oath and says the assert hen, the name of m• d u rlen Y he is Comptroller Chinon here Ue official title of the .ffiantl of NORTH ORLANDO WATER AND SEWER CORPORATION (Inert here the enact lewd line or nene el the re.µmAent) that he has examined the foregoing report; that to the best of his knowledge, information, and belie, all statements of fact contained in the said report are true and the said report is a correct statemen of the business and affairs of the above-named respondent in respect to each and every matter se forth therein (luring the period from and including January 1, 19.2k, to and including December 31, 19 76 . /S/ R. L. CRAMER (SLn.Luro of ammo, Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary fo.. a I . in and for the State and county above named, this twenty-eighth day of ` r.":;11:1" March , 19 77. My commission expires December 17, 19 78 /S/ Margaret G. England • (Signature of ern,•e.auth.tl:.rl to a.IWnl.lrr withal._ _. ..