HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971 • Accounting & Tax Service Aug.2,1971 Village of North Orlando North Orlando,Florida Gentlemen: The books have been nre?ared and closed for the fiscal year ending June 30,1971. The following financial statements are attached: Balance Sheet Inventory Statement of operations Reconciliation Road & Bridge Fund Summary Net Returns each year from 1963 All Bank Accounts have been reconcilled and are in correct balance. This past fiscal year road maintenance bills have been paid from both Gen'l Fund and Road Lc Bridge Fund. I would recommend that all bills be paid from Road G Bridge Fund and to transfer funds as needed from the General Fund. Respectfully submitted Robert L.Kramer Accountant 1612 EAST COLONIAL DRIVE • ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32003 a PHONE: 841-5226 VILLAGE OP NORTH ORLANDO BALANCE SHEET JULY 1,1970 THRU JUNE 30,1971 ASSETS Current Assets Bank - General Fund 2,980.94 Bank - Road & Bridge Fund 1,205.72 Certificate of Deposit 2,311.94 Petty Cash Fund 25.00 Prepaid Interest 259.97 Total Current Assets 6,783.57 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Notes Payable - Bank 1,840.41 Performance Bond Payable 250.00 Payroll Tar, Payable 89.90 Total Current Liabilities 2,180.31 SURPLUS Unappropriated Surplus 3 ,397.54 Appropriated Surplus 1,205.72 Total Surplus 4,603.26 6,733.57 INVENTORY Equipment - Fire Department 350.00 - Police Department 5,931.63 * " - General 2,445.00 - Office 403.40 Real Estate - Land 15,260.00 24,390.03 Tractor Grader Fence VILLAGE OF NORTH ORLANDO STATEtiuNT OF OPERATIONS JULY 1,1970 THRU JUNE 30,1971 APRIL,L AY YEAR END JUNE Revenue Permits & Licenses 2,674.50 8,868.25 Police Department 351.70 1,628.21 Cig.Tax Fund 2,027.37 5,349.76 Road & Bridge Fund 72.00 Utility Tax 2,513.47 8,936.27 P,iisc.& Interest 404.35 1,336.74 Franchise 2,830.62 Total Revenue 7,971.39 29,021.85 Expense Police Department 895.83 2,107.27 Fire Dept. 673.40 1,521.80 Utilities 377.45 1,364.31 Office 138.49 279.62 Insurance 971.50 1,571.00 Legal 507.00 1,803.75 Accounting 35.00 175.00 BSisc.Expense 357.78 882.58 Auto & Truck Rep. 63.75 Wages 2,893.00 10,096.50 Rent :75.00 300.00 Dues & Sub. 3.00 118.00 Election Expense 204.48 Interest 33.93 135.72 Convention 30.98 General Maintenance 22.00 640.97 Zoning 9.80 137.75 Inspection Fees 1,313.50 3,588.34 Engineering Exp. 568.80 568.80 Total Expense 8,875.48 25,590.62 Net '.Revenue (904.09) 3,431.23 Street & Hwy.Maint. 59.15 1,183 .69 Net to Surplus (963.24) 2,247.54 I • VILLAGE OF NORTH ORLANDO A SDL2IARY OF OPERATIONS. 1963 THRU 1971 TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL EXPENSES NTT 1971 29,021.85 26,774.31 2,247.54 1970 19,564.98 18,738.58 826.40 1969 17,875.87 17,017.52 858.35 1968 13 ,352.82 13,352.82 1,656.54 1967 12,913.88 10,578.53 2,340.35 1966 25,974.39 9,638.46 *16,335.93 1965 11,116.74 7,900.03 3 ,216.71 1964 7,527.00 3,174.41 4,352.59 1963 3 ,683.19 4,416.65 (733 .46) * Includes gift of .;315,430.19 RECONCILLIATION ROAD & B_RIDGE FUND Balance on Hand and In Bank 6-30-70 728.62 Revenue Received from Gen'l Fund 9 •31-70 3.00 " " " " 3-31-71 69.00 " " " 5-31-71 1,000.00 1,800.62 Yiaint. & Expense paid from fund to 6-30-71 594.90 Balance on Hand and In Bank 1,205.72 • July 2, 19 71 BUDGET ROAD AND t. D1IPARTM :NT Road Grading, once per month $200. each time 2, 00.00 1,000.00 Clay for filling holes Miscellaneous: 500.00 Sp-.ed Control Signs -I.—writ-42.00 I. t, , • =- _• � • - .,, , _ _ � 1,000.00 Pick-UP Truck or its equivalent 100.00 Miscellaneous Tools 500.00 Gael and Tires 250.00 Tool Shed 200.00 Repairing School Bus Sheltr rs 300.00 Widening Culvert on Hayes Road 600.00 Miscellaneous kxpenses Total Proposed Budget for Road & Bridge Dept. -7 1 Reap ctfully submitted, � o v ) . W. R. Hurt , Road & Bridge Commissioner PROPOSED BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1971-72 North Orlando Police Department • June 11, 1971 From : Chief, Walter J . Bachelor To : Police Commissioner , Chuck Rowell Dear Sir: The following is the proposed budget for1t e North Orlando Police Department for the fiscal year Police Chief ( includes Social Security and 6/,�oc . Hosp . Plan ) Patrolman - 1 full time , 1 part time ( includes Social Sec .& Police vehicle expenses (Gas & Maintenance ) 2,000. uniforms, �D<�.�o Equipment for Department (Ammunition, Rental or purchase ( on monthly basis) of ., • n / - 1 - - D+�L� equipment with extra spare /S-0, 0 `� Purchase of Oxygen �BtT tank Annual payments on p olice vehicle 960 . Total estimated expenses for Fiscaallyear Above submitted for the Village Council ' s consideration . Respectfully yours , --411KY lter J .,Bachelor ' Chief, N . : .P .D. VILLAGE OF NORTH ORLANDO, FLORIDA TELEPHONE: NORTH ORLANDO, FLORIDA ZIP CODE 32707 L 322-8133 June 17 , 19 71 To : Chuck Rowell, Police Commissioner Mayor and Village Council Dear Sirs: The following are the actual expenses incurred by the North Orlando Police Department for the fiscal year 1970-71 . SALARISS: Police Chief, Part-time Patrolmen 6,972.50 and Law Enforcement Expenses POLICE VEHICLE EXPENSES: 960 .00 Loan Payments 1,960 .00 Gas and Maintenance MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES: Uniforms, Radio Repairs, 856 .75 Ammunition,Physicals, school,etc. TOTAL EXPENSES FOR PAST FISCAL YEAR 10,050. 55 Above submitted for the Village Council' s consideration . Respectfully submitted, Walter er J Bachelo , Chief North Orlando Police Dept . 1-----.-ROBERT L. KRAMER Accounting & Tax Service O NORTH ORLANDO VILLAGE OF BALANCE SHEET' JULY 1 TTTRU DEC .31,1971. ASSETS 1 Current Assets • Bank - Gen'l e 1;314:47 Fund Bank - R & B Fund 1;577.78 Certificates of Deposit 4,868.54 Petty Cash Fund 25 :00 Prepaid Interest 283 .03 Total Current Assets 8,068.82 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Notes Payable - Bank 2,886:67 I Performance Bond Payable 250:00 Accrued Payroll Taxes (307.30) Total Current Liabilities 2,829.37 I SURPLUS Unappropriated Surplus 3 ;661:67 Appropriated Surplus 1,577.78 ( R & BFund) To Surplus 511311i:11 INVENTORY i Equipment - Fire Dept. 1;750:00 I " - Police Dept. 5 ;931:63 - General 4,405 :00 - Office ' 403 :40 Real 7state - Land 151260.60 Total Inventory 27,750.03 I .v- a J Oct. • To I.i:l1 ' �.a0`T.Dcc. ',,:o Du,1,e ..; :01censea ;170:25 10;221:15 ,,.):;_i 1;421:05 1;034:.018 5 r 2 .'98.65 5; 3 t �: �.;;_ ., ,u .0:1rj. illge Fund .,.. ,j_19:21 1'386:59 59 Utility Tax 4,186.76 6,649;26 Sasc.Revenue 14.00 '324.00 Trn.Y-,r1,-i "e• 2,556:60 3,418 :' 25.00 25.0U Total Revenue 15,791.52 28,993.38 0 Expense , . Of Budget Police Dept. Maint. 1,173 .56 2;222:82 12:7 Fire Dept. 230.98 1,134.36 29.8 Utilities 442.36 818:29 Office 247.27 '493:95 Insurance '746:98 1;500:55 Legal & Accounting 1,707:12 2,392.12 T!isc.Expense - (231:20) ' 521:00 Wages 6,453 :00 11,885:00 34.5 Rent 75.00 150:00 Dues & Sub. 135:00 Interest 57:58 190:51 Convention Costs 120:00 Genii Maintenance 253:00 545:81 Zoning Expense 69.85 77:55 Inspection Fees 154:00 Engineering 568.80 Equip. Repairs (411:87) ' 43:13 Councilmen Fees 1,050.00 1,050.00 Total Expense 11;983:63 23;973:89 Net Revenue - 3,807.89 5;019:49 Street & Hwy.Maint. ' 472.58 1;023:40 15 .3 Net to Surplus 3,335.31 3,996.09 All Other 33.1% 1612 EAST COLONIAL DRIVE • ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32803 • PHONE: 841-5226 r ' ,, 9:„,,;, 1 February 1971 VILLAGE OF NORTH CRLAND0 INSURANCE SPECIFICATIONS PUBLIC OFFICIAL BONDS City Clerk $ S,OOO.00 Police Chief WORT IrNuS COMPENSATION 3,600.00 Policeman 1,400.00 Clerical Office employees ,5500.00 Firemen (Volunteer 6 ©300.00) 1 1f 00. Street or Roa Construction GENERAL LIABILITY AND AUTO Limits 100/340/5 No Products Coverage Parks or Playgrounds 1.2 acres Buildings or premises q0 Streets, including sidewalks, 300 feet 25 mil bridges and culverts es Vacant Lard • • $1,2feet " � • Fir emen (Volunteer) 1,200.00 Policemen A) 0 oa,o a 1970 Ford --) Tractor Liability and Comprehensive A.C.V. $50.00 Collision $50.00-4*iae- /00/30 0 Medical Payments Uninsured Motorist if any Drive other Car Coverage if any Hired Car Coverage Loss Experience three years: $1,194.99 *Additional Insured-Seminole County, Fla. - County Dog Pounds SPECIFIED HAZARD, $10,000 ACCIDENTAL D :THH ON JOB ONLY. ,.POLICE OFFICERS: , or -a . D___:a T; Jordan Paddock II .Edgar Smart BIDS yzisT BE T*'• O!T'SCR BY 7:30 p.m. Mslreh 1 , 1971 • Eployeea: . 1) C3' War 3, Bachelor, Police Chie WilIiam,Morrio„ Patrolman James M. Palmer, Bui7ding Inspector Har17 J . Pitman, Humane Officer James E. Hansen, Maintenance Man Mary T. rorton„ Clerk Pant-time r‘ilnIov-p.- ---- EdgarE. Smart, Sr. , Part-time patrolman Jordan Paddock, Part-time patrolmar Equipment: • • 7970 Ford-Custom-Police Cruiser 1966 Chevrolet 3/i. ton Pick-Up truck Farm Tractor - Fergusor Diesel • Burge.cs Fogger 7942 Dodge Fire Truck 19118 Ford 500 Gal . Tank Truck 1956 International 2000 Gal. Tank Truck '7957 Ford FireTruck Policemen Insured for $20,000: Walter J. Bachelor, Sr. Willicm .Morris Edgar Smart, Sr. Policemen Ins,,Ired for $10,000: iliary) Walter J. Bachelor Jr. Jordan Paddock, II • Stephen Kenneth e-) Earry Brown Ro /77/ 1--- Fred esel Eunice Quakerbush Jeffrey Danjou George Bradshaw Bill Quakenbush . • • . • ! „ • . I • Accounting &. Tax Service VILLAGE OF NORTH ORLANDO STATEKENT OF OPERATIONS JULY 1 TERU IvAR.31,1971 Jan.Feb. Year To Revenue Larch ,Date Permits & Licenses 3,276;50 6;193 ;75 Police Dept. '396;51 1;276;51 Cig.Tax Fund 1,453;25 3,322 ;39 Road & Bridge ' 69;00 ' 72;00 Utility Tax 2,325;54 6,422;80 I;isc.Income ' 98.72 ' 932.39 Franchises 1,127.76 2,830.62 Total Revenue 8,747.28 21,050.46 Expenses _ Police Dept. 526;88 1,211;44 Fire Dept. 223 ;80 848;40 Utilities 371;31 986;86 Office 68;01 141;13 Insurance 15;00 ' 599;50 Legal & Acctg. 381;50 1,436;75 hisc.Exp. 204.22 524;80 Auto & Equip. ' 63;75 Wages 2,768;50 7,203;50 Rent 75.00 225;00 Dues & Sub. 115;00 Election Cost 111;28 204;48 Interest 33;93 101;79 Convention Cost 30;98 30;98 Gen'1 Laintenance 306.12 618;97 Zoning Cost ' 87;15 '127;95 Inspection Fees 1,263 .25 2,274.84 Total Expenses 6;466;93 16;715.14 Net Revenue • • 2,280;35 4;335;32 Street & Hwy. Maint. • 556;24 1;124;54 Net To Surplus 1,724.11 3,210.78 - 1612 EAST COLONIAL DRIVE • ORLANDO, FLORIOA 32803 • PHONE: 841-5226 - Accounting & Tax Service VILLAGE OF NORTH ORLANDO BALANCE SHEET ' JULY 1 THRU 1fiARCH 31,1971 ASSETS Bank - Gen'l Fund 5,630:60 Bank - Road & Bridge '214:37 Bank - Bldg. Fund 2,311:94 Prepaid Interest 293 .90 . Total Assets 8,465.81 LIABILITIES Notes Payable - Bank 2,080:41 Perf.Bond Payable 250:00 Accrued Payroll Tax 118.90 , Total Liabilities 2,449.31 SURPLUS Unappropriated Surplus 2,356:98 Appropriated Surplus 448.74 2,805.72 (Road & Bridge Fund) Net Surplus 3s210:78 8,465.81 1612 EAST COLONIAL DRIVE • ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32602 0 PHONE: 841-5226 ervice C 1 VILLAGE OP NORTH ORLANDO BALANCE SHEET JULY 1 THRU SEPT.30,1971 ASSETS Current Assets - Bank - General Fund 3,894.26 Bank - R & B Fund 927.30 Certificate of Deposit 2,311.94 Petty Cash Fund 25.00 Prepaid Interest 226.04 Total Current Assets 7,384.54 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Notes Payable - Bank 1,600.41 Performance Bond Payable 250.00 Accrued Payroll Taxes 574.99 Total Current Liabilities 2,425.40 SURPLUS Unappropriated Surplus 4,031.84 Appropriated Surplus 927.30 ( R & BPund) , To Surplus 42959.14 384 54 INVENTORY Equipment - Fire Dept. 350.00 - Police Dept. 5,931.63 - General 2,750.00 - CCffice 403.40 Real Estate -- Land 15,260.00 24,695.03 -G12 EAST COLONIAL DRIVE 0 ORLANDO, FLOR'.DA 32803 J PION° 8,11- 72A J .,—..nting a "Cox Service VILLAGE OF NORTH ORLA_?DO STATEI.:ENT OF 02ERATIONS JULY 1 TABU SEPT.30,1971 Revenue Permits & Licenses 6,051.00 Police Department 514.00 Cig.Tax Fund 2,735.53 Road & Bridge Fund 267.38 Utility Tax 2,462.50 Misc.Revenue 310.00 Franchise 861.55 Total Revenue 13,201.96 Expense of budget Police Dept.Maint 1,049.25 6. Fire Dept. 903.38 23.8 Utilities 375.93 Office 246.68 Insurance 753.57 Legal & Accounting 685.00 Jisc.Expense 752.20 Wages 5,432.00 34.5 Rent 75.00 Dues & Sub. 135.00 Interest 33,93 Convention Cost 70.00 General Maintenance 292.81 Zoning 7.70 Inspection Fees 154.00 Engineering 568.80 Auto,Trucic & Equip.Repairs 455.00 Total Expense 11,990.26 Net Revenue 1,211.70 Street & Hwy. Maint. _ 0.82 8.3 Net to Surplus 550,"'8 All nher .ct2 CCLONIA.L DRIVE e OR.ANDO, FLORIDA 32303 3 PHONE'. °l.•,_522€ -- )7'2". f.:,. E ROBERT L. KRAMER • Accounting & Tax Service li VILLAGE OF NORTH ORLANDO BALANCE SHEET JULY 1 TPRU LARCH 31,1972 ASSETS Current Assets Bank - Gen'l Fund 3 ;534:71 Bank - R u B Fund 2 ,265:33 Certificates of Deposit 4,868:54 Petty Cash Fund 25.00 Prepaid Interest 220.45 • Total Current Assets 10,914.03 LIABILIT_LS Current Liabilities Notes Payable - Bank 2,140:99 Performance Bond Payable 250;00 Accrued Payroll Taxes 299.09 • Total Current Liabilities 2,690.08 ICI SURPLUS Unappropriated Surplus 5;958:62 Appropriated Surplus 2,265.33 • To Surplus 8.223:95 10, 914.03 IT7VENTORY Equipment - Fire Dept. - 1;750 00 " - Police Dept. 5; 931 63 - General 4,405 00 - Office ' 403 40 Real Estate - Land 15,250 00 Total Inventory 27,750.03 cROBERT L. KRAMER i' Accounting & Tax Service 1 VILLAGE OF NORTH ORLANDO STATEL:ENT OF OPERATIONS JDLY 1 IHRU 2.:13.31,1972 Revenue Jan. Total Feb.L'•ar. TO Date Permits & Licenses 6 ;008:75 16;230:00 , olice Dent. 4;491:15 6 ;426:20 Ci3.Tax Fund 2,258.69 Road & Bridge Fund 2; 720 6:37 ,389:11 2;276:30 elasliga. _ Utility Tax 4329-:IO - 10978:36 `— - - __sc .Revenue 87;56 '411:56 Franchise' 306.39 3,724.54 Fire Dept. 25.00 Total Revenue 18,371.35 47,364.83 Bnense B , Of Bud. Police Dett. Maint 2 ,129:20 4;352:02 2 Fire Dept. 843 :39 1 25. Utilities ,374.38 52 215:50 1,374:38 Office 215:50 709:45 Recreation Dept. ' 15 00 ' 15:00 Insurance 1,422 30 2;922.85 Legal & Acctg. 700 00 3,092 12 Misc.Exp. —'323 40 '844 40 'gages 6,790 00 18,675 00 118. Rent 75 00 225 00 Dues & Sub. Election Exp. 117 40 135 00 Interest 62 58 117 40 154 09 Convention Cost 25 00 215 00 Gen'l Idaint. 545 81 • Zoning Exp. 5.95 83 50 - Inspection Fees - '154 00 Engineering 1,321.72 1,890 52 ‘ (-• (le Equip. Repairs 43 13 Councilmen Fees 525.00 1,575 00 Total Expense 15;127 -53 39;101 42 Net Revenue - 3,243 82 8;263 41 Street & Hviy.Maint. ' 258 32 1;281.72 19.2 Net To Surplus 2,985 50 6,981.69