HomeMy WebLinkAboutNewsletter - 1964 05 29 6th Aditton k,+ NE"SETTS J May 29, 1964 Edttor - Bev Xreeek Published by the 322-7959 North Orlando Ctvtc Aesoctatton "Before man is Itfe +nd death, good and evt1: that which he snail choose shall be given him" (toolsetasttcus 15:18). . HOMEOwYERS CHARTER BOtAD Thts editor hes been queried by set) The elected ohorter board has held eral tndtvtduals as to "what is the three open forums and several Axe- ;homeowners Assoctattont" cuttve type work sesstone. Well now/ I'm not rtghtly sure, As To date thirteen items have been a charter member and a board direct given the Board. or early in the organtaattone devil The absence of a village clerk and opment, tt was my understanding the legal opinions are ham stringing organtaatton was formed to protect the efficiency of the board at the the rights of the village residents present time. during the time the majortty counotl Saturday, June 1, is the next ache- seats were held exclusively by North duled work session for the board. Orlando Co. employees. It's deltberattons wtll be forth It was believed the North Orlando coming. developers held too much governmsn- COUNCIL ta1 powers with the existing chart- Village Council will meet in re- er, pular session Tuesday, June 217:30- The purpose for its reactivatton 8t00P P.M. in the Civic Building. that I gather from an area news- Councilmen Dave Ttlson and Mona paper Gs to stand solidly behind Ortnstead will hold queatton and two elected offtctcle on the charge answer sessions after all council es made against them at the May meetings for any resident who would Council meeting. Aocordtng to Vice like to avail upon them. Mayor Rhodes who Issued the state- Proaeedtngs of the May Village ment to the Sanford Herald May 8, Council will appecr later in this 1964 the Association members agreed publication. to accept the ftncnctal responst- PETITION btlLty necessary to clear Mayor Van I take this opportunity to tnform taped and Arthur Ferrtn and also the residents of the vtllage that pledged their moral support to the the afore-said petttton to no ru- matter and are retatntng legal ad- mars Any resident who wishes to vice. sign this petttton may do so by It is a well established fact that stooping by my home, Mra. Van Eepoel and Mr. Ferrtn are Bevery Xreeek elected offtotals who accepted the SUPPORT YOUTH respective oaths of public offtoe )iuy your lawn food from So.Semtnole as set forth in our charter. ,/tsntor High and Athletic Assectatton Our oherter also proutdes a section members on Saturday May 30th. by which any cttizen can cause to Students will be sta.ttoned in ver- brtng about methods for protecting taus shopvtng centers, as well as their village rights, which W. M. eell door to door. Anderson invoked at the laet council 'iguana Fertilizer" will be priced session, at $1.60 per box. What the Homeowners group is today Persons mtsstng salesmen may con- and Lf tt is now chartered as an tact the School on Monday. Association or Corporation or "what- *`'*******r*** ever its purpose, I do not know, Mayor Van Eepoel was asked to issue a statement rs to the charges made S. O.S. Polio Vaccine Sunday June 7th against her and the future of this ****i;***4********* community. None hos been received. 4 What YOU can do to ,right COMMUNISM LITTLE LE,:CUS :.HD CIVIC ASSOCIATION: and preserve I would ltke to take this opportu- A lert yourself--learn the true ntty to express my thanks for the nature and taottos of oommuntem. wonderful job the Ltttle League and N ake ctatc programs for social Ctutc Assoctatton have done to clean Improvement your bustness. ftx-ropatr and matntatn the North E xerotse your right to vote:elect Orlando Recreattonal Arec. representattves of tntegrtty. The butldtng and Recreattonal Area R espect human dtgntty--communtsm are sttll owned by the North Or- and tndtvtdual rtghts cannot lando Company but are for the use coextst of the enttre Village. The Otutc I nfarm yourself;know your country Assoctatton now leases the butldtng tts htstory, tradtttons, and from the North Orlando Company for heritage. $1.00 per year. I wtsh to thank C ombat publtc apathy toward Comm- them for repotrtng the roof, patnt- untsm--tndifferenoe can be fatal tng the butldtng, addtng a refresh- when nattonal survival ts at ment booth, Janttortal servtoe etc. stake. I wtsh to thank the Ltttle League A ttack bigotry and prejudtce whereand their parents for repartng the ever they appear;justice for all water Itne, repatrtng and matntatn- Is the bulwark of democracy. tng the ball dtcmond, cutting the weeds in the onttre Recreattonal J. Edgar Hoover area and for the all-around wonder- PATRIOTISM IS EVERYBODY'S JOB ful job betng done by both Organ- L1711 LEAGUE izattons. Parents should attend hullo League My sincere thanks. games and support the league 's act- tvtttes. Youngsters who play Ltttle THE NORTN ORL. NDO CO. League are at an impresetonable age and sonatttue to, parental re- Frank Fasula cotton. VOLUNTEER FIREMEN Indtfference on the port of the par-The local deportment has completed Ant ts almost certatn to be reflect 4 of the 11 phases of the current ed in the boy 's attttude towards traintng program. Classes are held the game. Presence of parents in the 4th Wednesday night of each the stands during a game is a soutcemonth. Regular volunetter meettngs of encouragement and sttmulatton are always held the 2nd Wednesday for the Little Leaguer. Ltkewtse, in the Ctvte Butldtng. Ae is necess- tt tndtectes support for the pro- try to acquire cny skill, one must gram by the conzuntty. become thouroughly familiar with Parent Auxtlltary to North Orlando the special tools and equipment he Little Lecgue wtll be held Sunday must use. A few hints on how to May 31 at 4:00 P.M. In the Ctvto perform may not be a miss, and a Butldtng. knowledge of fire fighting and gen- You sport fans may see Baseball eral behavtor In the presence of a every night except Sunday in the fire will be helpful. South Semtnole Little League Ball Persons having donations for the Park. Major Little League games auction to be held on July 4th are begtn at 6:00 P.M. Seniors play asked to call Malvin Campbell at at 8:00 P.M. 322-7613 and your cantributtons No charge for admission to this will be picked up. Any Item, small sporting event. Donations are kind-or lrrge will be most helpful,Clean ly accepted. up any fire hazards you may have, "The strength of a nation rests to but before oc.rrytng anything away the character of her men. And char- offer it to the deportment. Support actor comes from boyhood. Thus the department in this activity for every boy is a challenge to his the 4th of July. elders." 4 • GARDEN CLUB CIVIC ASSOC TION The Gorden of the Month award was Vtrgtnta DelVtllaggto was elected won by X.C. and Betty Fehi of 2 Vtce Prestdent at the May meettng. Sherry Avenue to Coronado Homes Her duties are to preside in the for the month of May. absence of the President and to MEETING serve as chatrman of the member- Mrs. Helen Berrte was elected as ship commtttee. tresurer to replace Maureen Rtddley Molly Salter accepted avpotntment who has gone back to her native to the telephone commtttee along England for a year due to her hue- with Jackie Ttlson. band 's transfer orders with the A big "thank you" goes to the whole Navy. She was presented a travel- sale distributors who donated add- ing bag as a going away gift from tttonal vtpe and fttttngs for the the club. water Itne to the recreation area, A dinner for members and their hus- to the plumber Mr. Wilcox who su- bands was planned for May 30th tO perutsed the installation, to Mr. be held at the Capri Restaurant in Smart for the weed rnd grass cutttng Sanford to place of the Annual Ban- and to the paint dealer for the do- quet. nation of paint for the etvte bldg. A report was heard on the "project Our sincere thanks to all who help- of the year", to place street atgns ed with these project. Roof repair- along the Ovtedo-Longwood road. ing, tnstde plumbtng and finishing Mary Rowell and Vera Anderson will painting along with the completion co-host the June 11th meeting after of the concession stand are upeom- which the local group will recess tng projects for the House and Bldg until October. Committee. JULY 4th The newsette staff reports .66.00 Carntval, food end good times for has been received as donations for all are being planned for Indepen- advertising. All news items to be dance Day by your Community Comm. pubitshed in any edition should be Tickets for .100. raffle are being given to Mrs. Xrecek by the 25th circulated by members of the Dar- of each month. Letters to the edit- tons organtzattona which comprise or are most welcomed. the Committee. Many thanks go to the members for June 8th has been set for the next their contribution of trading stamps meeting of this group. Persons which enabled the Association to still wishing to partieepate by pro-sport a 40 cup coffee maker. vtdtng an activity may attend the The Association will sponsor the moottng to be held at the home of cold drink sales and fish pond for Mr. and Mrs. William Hahn. the July 4th celebratton. BEAUTY CONTEST July 4th, 1964. The next meeting will be held Mon- For "Little Miss North Orlando" day June 1 at 8:00 P.M. All rest- Girls, 6-9 years of age eligible, dents are encouraged to attend and First place winner and three runner are reminded that dues are only ups - Impartial judges - prizes a- $1.00 per year. warded. Ellen Marts Campbell "Little Miss North Orlando for 1963 Our thanks go to the American Can- wi11 crown this years' winner. cer Society, Inc. for bringing A11 contestants must be registered their latest film, "Millions Club" no later than 5:00 P.M. Saturday, to North Orlando last week. June 27th. No entrys will be accent Also, our thanks go to the people ed pest this deadline, who attended this educational film. For registration contact Mrs, Mary A11 three of them! Campbell 322-7613 or Mrs, Virginia DelVtllagto 322-7436 or Mrs.Sydney SUPPORT YOUR Bass 322-6018. COMMUNITY WHO WILL SHE BE CON.nITTEE c . 1' COUNCIL HIGHLIGHTS V Counntl, cohi . . . After readtng end olartftcatton of drive the poltcc err alone unless past minutes, each council member requested to do so by Mr. Brewer, as well as the Mayor was asked if the town marshal/. C complaint they knew who was "The Informer". from a citizen against a volunteer All restdents were also asked. No policemen's interference was recd. one knew and Mayor Van L peel stet The old fire truck will be given ed she did not consider this matt- to the Volunteer Firemen for re- er city business. The mayors 'rules constructL:' . The Forestry Ser- of procedure were then read which vice has offered a 4 wheel drive in port tmplted no business of any truck and the two trucks will be kind could be placed upon the a- Combined which will give the village Benda unless submitted three days a second fire fighting vehtchle. in advcnce. Finance report - Mr. Ferrtn reports No person shall be allowed to speak $1,543.00 in Road & Bridge fund unless given recontzatton by the $2,405.22 in Vtllcge fund. Chair. Several bills were presented for A law enforcement officer will pro- police radio and equipment end in- bably serve as Sgt. of Arms at each surance. However, none were ap- session. "I will not hesitate to proved for payment at this time. use his services be you fr' td or Health,'Wclfcre & Recreation by foe". Ortnstead - C, -plaints of improper Rules of council as set forth in disposal of gc:; bage and trash. Re- our charter were read by both the quested council to consider a sal-- Mayor and councilmen Mona Ortn- utton to the dangerous open ditch stead. on the south side of the village. Mr. Tilson objected to rules being Strted a recreation committee is act forth by only the Mayor and preparing a summer recreation pro- stressed full council shall decide gram. such procedures. Charles R. McIntosh, local resident Mr. W. W. Anderson asked council read an insurance survey of the to reconsider the queetton of the village. It will be considered by Informer as city business. the council later. Henry Ward and Mr. Anderson questioned the council Donald Wilcox received the oath of as to the issuance of villages Auxtlltary Police officers. funds. Two checks spec tally, one J. T. Wadsworth, speaking in behalf to Scone Painting, the other to a of Mr. and Mrs. Cronke, tnfonded ortvate citizen. Dectding who was the council as to future recourse at fault caused much discussion if there was any more council inter- during which d.W.Andcrson charged prance with plans to their proper- formclly the Mayor and Mr. Ferran ty. Mr. Wadsworth requested a copy with misabrogatton of offtce by a of the entire minutes and offered vetttton beertng several stgnatures to pay for them. Hearing was set for next council Space does not permit the reprint meeting June 2. of the last village council minutes Mr. Tilson stated the council has but you can be sure much was re- full authority over the policemen corded when nearly .100 persons not he alone. A contingency fund attend such a meeting. . for tangtblc presstng city bust- I would like to encourage each re- noes was arranged to be dispersed std„nt to register with the village with the cons.:nt of a resolution and read the history of the village bearing all ftve council stgnatures mainly to become better acquainted or an open me;ttng, with ourselves. ed. Volunteer policemen will be re- oicoed by cuxilliary policemen S. O.S. since the v;.1.2cge has a town mar- POLIO VACCINE shall. Auxtlltcry policemen will SU.NDA' JUNE 7th, 1964 not wear badges, corn/ arms or V ECRU LOVEhS CIVIL ..TR PATROL hergcrct Cosby of 35 S. Cortez, La Tits dcdns< t.:d young croup can use offartng lessons to c'ty nknn ^' dult help. Mrny •snd vcrted to horses. Ccre, rtdtno; horsc.m ,tsnto the sroyrcm of Civil Atr Pc trol. or cnythtny ( bout horses c t all Co; ,zr,ider .7c oh O'donncll cad Publte wtll be srovtdod. Rclt.ttons offtcer D ye TLison may Semtprtue.to n tes ere 02.00 an hour bo corm oted if you ( re one of those You racy h ye prty, to fscons t who wtll off„r your service to the 03.00 cn hour. devcioThient of tomorrow. You o. n c 11 hrs. Cosby c t 322-6795 The South Sc;attol • ,rued meets ccoh or stop by her home. Mond y ntciht here to the Ctutc Younpstcrs ,;;trht like to < rr nre 8uildin�.. e progrcn wtth hors,a for the summ- or vacation. CH RLES B. MoiWiOSH • for Comslete Ft ?lily Sacur< noc Servtcc Ftra, Ltfc, Harlth, Auto nd orccttcclly every hint of TNSUR1JCc' Chick Auto la Scfe-T-Rate Plan 322-4528 838-3771 oltnter P- rk eve tLncis do ys Special Council neattnp Friday May 29th Counctlmen Ortnatead and Ttlson celled the Snectcl meeting for the purpose of hiring a new vtllcge clerk to revicce Libby Rtchens.en who resigned from vtllege offtce. Also for tmmedtate cttentton is to secure Police protection as hr. Brewer hcs resigned cs Town Hare-hell. However, city bustness could not be conducted, c.s none of the rematntng three eounctic=en would not attend thte spectal meeting. `• .1. OP87V LETTER TO THE VILLAGE COUNCIL We voted for each member of thts Council and we would like to stop kicking ourselves for what appears to be a gross over-estimatton of the good judgement and wisdom of come of you. We arc, therefore, exercising our right to acquatnt you with our dissatisfaction with your somewhct superctltous behcutor in refusing to co- operate with each other in worktng for the real benefit of those of us who live here. We most certainly take issue with some of your dtsparrgtng remrrks, to public and press, reflecting on the people of thts little community, - both to their discredit and yours. We are not happy with your apparent lack of concern for the will or the welfare of the people who elected you. We voted for you to the hope that you would bring rattonal stability, reasonable integrity and untty to the council. This, even you must admit, you hove not done. Instead, you have only erected even greeter dtssenaton, thereby mahtng your useful- ness to the community, as members of this council, questionable. Some of ynu seem much too concerned with per. sons] animosities. Others are so preoccupied with Roberts Rules of Order Procedure and what they construe to be their rtghts as City Ceremonial 0fftctale that you seem unable to subjudgate your own ambitions in order that the council may really accomplish any worthwhile objective whatsoever. The City Council to not the place to indulge in personal antmostttes. The rules of procedure have their place, of course, but not to the point where you place so much emphasis on the way a mcn says somethtng that you close your mind to what he has to say. It is possible thateach of you can be big enough to open your minds, wh' t, to you, may scam to be standing by what you beli.'ve to be right he s, in fret, long since pcssed tn„c the realm of nirtn bull -herded refusal to comer rcee your own ck c ads fc .° the over—c11 god of the _u„.'Laity. Cr tering to the crcfleted egos of council members is a luxury thta town cannot afford. J Page 2 - Open Letter I� We do not ask that all members of the counctl parttcularly ltke each other but we do expect you to hrve the good judgement to work together. If you ere not prepared to do this, then you con be of no use to the people of the village and have no real rtght or reason to hold offtce. Thts adolescent nonsense of charge, counter-charge, wtth one group putttng out some journaltatte effort full of name calltng cnd so on, - only to be followed by cnether publtcetton of defense and more charges must stop tf thts village ts ever to become a place one tsn 't embarrassed to mentton. Is St so tmpoastblc to ftnd five ocople who °en work together that the whole area must be kept to c sti to of constant confuston cnd up- heaval? Surely the ftve of you can work together c few hours a week to real cooperatton, If you ftve would work together, then attacks by careless known agttatora would get nowhere. Not one of you ts etther stuptd or tlltterate but all of thts btckertng makes all of you and the people you represent look like a mass of petty, tmmature, stmple-mtnded, sclftsh, trresponstble tlltterates, tneapcble of governtng themselves. You must be aware thrt thts ts the tmage the area now has. It can be changed by you tf you wt11 make the effort to do everythtng posstbie to work together. We elected each of you on the platform that you would cooperate and work together for the beneftt of the communtty. Some of you have adopted the poltey of "etther it 's my way or the heck wtth all of you. " If you must follow thts poltey, do have the grace to restgn and save yourself and the oommuntty further with rressment. If, however, you oan bring yourselves to btte .back bitter remarks cnd save your energy for conetructtue projects whtoh will be a crcdtt to yourselves and the area then we can stop ktoktng ourselves for our bad judgement and con start patt- tng ourselves on the back for putttng the rtght people to offtce. We recltze that, to all probcbtltty, thts letter wtil aecompltsh nothtng. However, after much deltber- atton, we felt tt ts sttll worth a try. A large per- centage of the people who ltue here have wanted to sey just what we have wrttten but have felt that St is useless to try to reason wtth some of you. 7hts may well be true. We are wrtttng tilts to the hope that tt ts not useless. We don 't expect to make frtends but we wrnt to make vacate before all thts goes any further. Stncerely, Earl end Jean Achord 4 ' all 4•00 OUR CALENDLR JUNE 1964 SUNDAY i2Ol/DAY TU2'SI ,Y .✓EDNESDJ.Y TNURSD. I FRIDAY SATUirv,Y 31 1 z 3 4 5 6 Ltttic Ctatc Vtllcac Or rd2n School Ch rtcr Lu: Oue ..c>n. Counctl Club is out Board Aux.4PAr 8:00 Pi. 7030F Bd-7:30 7 Pl! 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Polto July 4 Rs0u1r r C. rdcn Bcscbcll V. cctnc CC 7:30 Ftrcn n Club Doublc 8:00 , 7:30 Bittar 14 15 15 17 18 19 2 i 21 2-, T3 I 24 25 26 27 Ftra,ncn CO rc- Tr( trt tan oort 8:00 FN duo 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 Ctatc Ftroworks ED 8PPi I todr y KOIN KLEAN L.UTDRY a DRY CLEANER'S Sc ltnol.: flat- - Rtghux y 17 c€ 92 & 433 Cc._»olbcrry., F10 rtdc SAVE 40`0 2 Ledte: r Drc- US of r,.culr,r Luto(acttc 1 Hrn 's 5utt 1, undry costs wtth th.: 1 L .dta, 1 Sutt�tG1/ GI.z'.'T I 20 peu-td lo d I 2 S._c' tors w' shor i , 35G I 2 Blouses Spectr. 1 Snvtznc Convant;ncc I 2 Sktrts / l , 50 POUND 1111 1 DRYERS or any 100 canbtnc tto:2 ,for 10 �ninut.is I tot( Itnc / 1 8 pounds For Fr_.. Convti_nt P .rktnn, All the r.bovo d riv.; rr 'un: b ck of Publtx for only i/ORMR ORL..I;D0 OOLPON SP%CIAL I Kotn K1,.on Lyt,ndry & Dry Ci„cnors , * c•Zccn now ** 1 * War exptreo June c,M, ' I. 4 `.. J �._;.n ' �I / .:tY 17&9z / �\ _ ' J `" � HIGH � , . across from • 4-� ?V\� Lonawood Plc za lyti , • • , I Complete Ltne ompla of I - , SHRUBS 7 ;� \ \ •\ Fast Growing Freeze / proof � / Ohtneso Tallow cf �▪, 1 ; ■ ,„ ///��� Chtneso Elms '' �// ` $3. 95 to • .. ,ti =F- I ; pj $15.00 Complete Line of SCOTT'S FERTILIZER ,TEED CONTROL CHINCH BUG XILLER