HomeMy WebLinkAboutWomen's Club from the desk of the PRESInENT: behalf of the Winter prin.es Womens Club we would like to On be1'." to all residents of the beautiful Winter extend a warm welcome Sprin°s Development. hinter Springs Worsens Club was founded to c The re= -, a £rie .M coy .it. atmosphere b y encouraging each resident to participate it carious social activities thru out the year. y leading restaurants 1u- chec.�s members , they monthly e business-social y ew neighbors and sponsor "embers i which sir e h children , We in the area ico1._ husbands and i a ���hich in c7 ude Y. � cake saes , haying fal nisi ` e` functions by that '''` Plan acas its ru2a © a etc . r; `eel _ _ Prizes _tc . for these bazaar , e and ro ;eth and w _th other families .ayes Christmas craft _ . 3r Li i-ol_„ „O J,F o �oS-� :ears and r� �igt. boyhood _ c° the area, OG per to all - membership, ?c is per would it omen -even e wenld like '� much to ha-2 e r rills an interest in people . personal invitation and call one of our will see that you have a ride to the next 'germ.°. Please accept they as Fe are you? officers and t our neighbors . . Were ar,x ions to meet Olaira Slieh, Pres. Club ;linter Springs -,tom. . !J Winter Springs Women's Club meeting this Thursday. June 22nd , at 8:30 PM at the home of Mary Jo Cooke , 1058 Black Acre Trail . Agenda will include all female residents 21 years or older$2of .00 the FIRST ELECTION eligible OFFICERS ate n. busy building .00 Winter Springs are eligible to vote at this election. Dues will be . per year. We homes nse women of Winter but Springs committee ,bld for r Madeline maintaining note ss instead development. b The wnominaattonogecmittee recommended family a community not just o Dot McGonigal and Mary Jo Claire okegh, First - Pat following Martha Lupo, Free . V .P.. - Pat Lombardi , c SecoddtV . for Martha Lupo, Sec . - Joan Cestaro, Treas. Lombardi , Second V .P. Lariviere. The above have accepted the nominations for each office ,be given to any of the above Nominating Committee to ona- n be coitacl names may requirements are that the nomineehexceep call your be nomina- tion The only of with you al you next before the time nd ase them ton Thursday mto t evening. Y bike or drive over alone? Refreshments will be served . next door neighbors and ask them to come to the meeting won' t have to walk, is starting with a bang: RALLY - RALLY - RALLY AROUND THE BIKES KIDS - July One of biggest events the Women's Club has planned is set for JULY 8th - mark it on your supervision and assistance of the BIKE CASTLE, our calenders now. The BIKE RALLY will start off with hike care and inspection knowledge n with the sup from 9: 30 to 10: 30 A . TSheriff's v wipl,be followed on Ra bik in Casselberry the Seminole County (Beau) Taylor guidance and assistance a course followed by a bike rodeo supervised by (such as figure 8's ) . with be pest' Sheriff for Harold ( � certificates of award to the winners , 1st will be established for all riders to maneuver (- g bike decorations 2ndr Sheriff's department. u w will award e 3 SAFETY in mind when decorating their bikes ) and nhe 2nd and 3rd . Plus we will have awards for safety knowledge , (and PS make sure fr they keep Flag that is a sign another award for the omst e attractive an Body vie ( bikes thru Winter dentifs rider which is seen from conclude a parade ofso that he can be identified around, T30 rally D son to Black Acres back around tole Rally will around 1 Howe from Deer Rud up Y down to Howell Elk k Court which is in the new section. The children should ride doves Deer Run and take their first right T will take place there e street to Elk rtuof. ALL ABOVE e . FThe OF THE RALLY your husband and if he is swilling questions ur.till the start of the parade . The Sheriff' s department has requiste to hen to work with them so please. - F ask y YES - the rally estl help out please contact me. answer some questions •if y be me. tivee notes may type or class hikes. It isrnothanspeed re lymbuti rate for all ages , sex and toF be used by game . YES - one bike may be than one person ride person but the a skill portion. ,,C - at no time may tri- cycles in ewe YESeo P wheels are all owed YES small children on.iA - its cy one may£ . YES training ,.n RY ATLEAST ONE PARENT . YES cye lee maY come but they r,T1ST BP: A^�^C: IA�.` �, free for all residents of Winter sprinms . _ and their ages so that name , may Please tear off the that of this sheet and l write heirn your rodeo thati we your children' s name ehat asll be in the rally lute 1st. Pat in my mail box any time before advise the Sheriffs Dept. as to the number and size of This slip may be dropped Lombardi . 1108 Otter Lane on the corner of Black Acre Trail. OK kids - get ready to rally: : : : on left side of BUSINESS MEETING - NOMINATION OF OFFICERS FOR THE WINTER SPRINGS Aside CLUB -92 :just o JHiw y 6. 1 MeetingN will be VILLA, duriuge 4th to at a cos .loft 1 .50h of Hiway 3 lease before ' 1 with o 1 , 0 80 person if -am not P please rep Y at a cost of $ 5 P808 - if I am not at home p with us Pat Lombardi - c71-7 to set up for. please answering tthat If you plan to attend will know not me eating goals. women possible attend if we are to attain i children please state that also so the restaurant will know how man It is important that rushy want to - no matter how many hours Every ave can mater it whmuc if mpay get , no matter how many l hoe a they have , et matter ifr you can' t or don' t want to help run something likeiag, picnic ,work, day - if y - if its baking, P picnic , or day trip you can still do something typing or directing - we need bosses too. the women's club, O Am at Downey Park, *****Family activities sponsored by 28th at 10;3 Park, #*#* May goal of the day. Family Picnic will be held Sun agenda with fun the gq wheelbarrel , Games and prises are on mes a patch sew, ballon bash, ,good spirits , some as organized baseball hamo , patch bring your g potatoes races and much more k and look for the area marked off for Wind ad drink to Downey et to Downey for those who haven' t been there you turn Strings. go to the end of it and turn left onto turn l e to nu take youra1stgringht onto Dean Rd and continue on Dean to Ave A then take your Downey Park is on the far left corner Of Rt t50 and of Rt. 50. Downey COME NOW: questions call our chair- wo. 50 anc Dean Rd . chair- women Nancy Lariviere at 671-0332 • father-son fish contest, Others coming up - hike trip, bike rally, hay ride and sing-along. Sebastian-Diiner Sho�eea�age beach trip, boat trig�lus games of chance and dance) clskno night (a Plus we have ten but we list block dance and women's rummage°sale , mystery ride night get help from Joke haare parties , have to wait until we g got chairmen for them yet Winter they rings . some of our new comers to Wintei' Wp Griffith who ran a cake sale thanks to Nancy Mho ran and cake helpers toN help raise and many many her us a to help uabel mve r so we end run ogete us started . That will g would you offer raised over prises for our activities. chance to offer some nice prises but you have some ideas or Ir you for s toe help n any, area ate meeting all please call me and let me know - Pat Lombardi ( Pat willing thats me) . rv)NY -2i5�c ; / C , /I � Q See law /7 7�. s4 / I i /l ' n tc tie r WINTER SPRINGS WOMEN'S CLUB NEWSLETTER President - Patt 1st V.P. Lombardi 2nd V .P. - Martha Lupo Secretary - Joan Cestaro Treasurer - Nancy Lariviere F A S H I O N S H 0 W - The Women' s Club luncheon will be held 792 Wednesday, October 4th at the Three Nations directly across from the "Little 500". (The is printed in plastic flowers in the front of the buildin g Not only will we be enjoying a delicious nch, hutawenwillyalsodbe treated so to a fashion show at 12 Noon (Models their unique garden, antique shop, and art shop. The menu will include the following: beef with snow peas or chicken tahiti, salad or soup, coffee, homemade bread, dessert. The cost will tax and tip. For reservations, please e 83.00 a per of the including Madeleine call one 7f the following rtha numbers 671 by Monday, Ann Bowers 678-0153, or Faubert 671-6143, Martha Lupo 671-0796, Claire Sligh 678-1439. Everyone welcome! R E M I N D E R - Our Garden Club Workshop in Sanford dois this telephone October 5th. We will contact you by P transportation arrangements. Mr. John Kerr of Dove Lane is the leader of a Boy Scout troop for boys 11-18 years of age. He is in need of asuch eting place for his an laatety garage troop. If anyone has an 671-6160.e or a screened porch) , p lease The Women's Club has sponsored several successful events in recent months, and we wish to extend our thanks todallrthose persons who helped make them possible. Keep up the g W 0 nS C L U B April 12th at the Polynesian including Restas ant,luncheon will be held orldW at Noon. Lunch will cost $ taxt& tip, Walt Disney paid for in advance We will Lox & dip. Reservations Otr an must be by Saturday, April 8th, try se 1108 Otter Lane , 7 try to set up car pools for those interested . The purpose is partially social but mostly to set up a formal womens Springs to organize and sical , mental and social needs. club organization for the ladies of Winter P horse back riding, coordinate includei activities to things a our garden club, bowl- ing, would include such handcrafts ,at g hospitality and sunStable committees etc. bridge, sewing and rangeda win , P group We true already arranged with for Winter$ 0,0001 for 5 lessons . group instructions for our members £or only $ and Thanks to Paul Lariviere , Mgr. Fernpark E£coo Statioinon over 9 2 2 a ' #496 (also a resident of Winter Springs) last Saturday. To those candy and prizes for our Easter Egg mothers who already had paid the quarter may collect itat op pingl by°oTOn or if they are not attending may collect it from me by s sending one of the children over. To those who)turned thesmoney started had already paid back into the kitty to help g my sincere thanks. With summer coming we need to g et a move on if we can reach goal of f sponsoring one aeeaey a month. This include such plans as a family picnic , teenage block dance , derbyfather-son fish day, husband-wife dinner dance , beach day, hike etc. The Garden Club is already in swing with newly elected officers - Pres. - Madeline Faubert V.P. - Janet Karnes Trees - Dot Mc Gonigal Rec . Sec . - Mary Ellen Buehring Corr. Sec. - Barbara Groves - and CONGRADULATIONS ladies I know you have your work cut out for make- a you gals if you would take on the jot to be hospital- ized would like to ask Y g residents who should happ April 19th some Wome s C fb. any will be Wednesday. P ated AMr the Womens Club. n's next meeting will Acre horticulture C . N . in our area. Re lick at Margaret judge be talking on t. North. Mrs. Francis Rearick, flower show judo you should be over that way stop and help her peas some Ellie Kersey on Howell Creek Drive is is in the Winter Park Hospital , Room or if y why don't you?? time or drop her a card to cheer her up Y PS - DON'T FORGET TO MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS FOR LUNCH - why not do it today? Any questions , suggestions , and especially if you are willing to help out in any way at all please call me. Pat Lombardi 671_7808 Please excuse the typing - see how bad we need help ers: 'IMT Z S"BT^?GS ..NETS CLUB *a IUTT33 President - Claire Sligh V. P. - Martha Lupo Secretary - Joan Cestaiere Treasurer - Nancy - v The opinions expressed in the last newsletter of Oct. 30th are not those of the Winter Springs Women' s Club and should not be construed as such. The Board and members would like to ex- tend a formal apology and assure you that our future public- anians will be reoresentative of the Club and not of ney oc- _;elt v; dua.1. Claire Sligh, President le were sorry to hear that Susan Bossert was injured last A ,e in a lawnmower, et let' s cheer Susan is new card at from her Winter Acre "`rail-) , Sprin gs neighbors. SCOUTING - Brownies (2nd and 3rd grade girls) call Pat .silos at cell Lyn In ell -at 6. Jr. Girl Scouts (4th & 5th grade girls)m n willing ,�e;,,,.71. at 671.-01-96 or Carol Ball at 678-3279. to help set up a Boy Scout troop, please call John Kerr at 671-6160. We wish to thank Miss Darrelyn Sligh for donating prizes for our Halloween costume parade. We also wish to than` Zr. Fred St-in and his assistants for judging the costume parade, and Mrs. Banning Uvans for being parade chairwoman ".c should all. be proud of our junior citizens in that no Halloween damage was reported. Mrs. Joe Kersey (Elinore) of An 1099 ow-1] Crank Drivo '-or has raceatly been hospitalized. Hper ti ran o car. little note of cheer would be nice for I-;7.; - A Teen Club is in thedtemporary process being committee Tnmm.m l dd;_ngs is t' morary chairman members are Cathy !rnhym, Jeff Howell and John Phillips. 7-ectioas "rill be held in about 3 weeks. ,11* TD -. Piano teacher in Winter Springs. Please CO 'n 677-0122 - Mrs. Banning Evans. Finally, we would like to thank all the young peopl : who hel °ed deliver our recent newsletters: Martha 7ary Lupo, Judy Jones, Bonnie Martino, Pam Hurst, Fredric Lupo, °o earn Tutu, Iori. Uartino, Suzanne Howell , Abbe Henslee, and Suzanne Johnson. silt o -. 4 WINTER SPRINGS WOMEN'S CLUB A N N O U N C I N G Cricket Bazaar and Goodie Shoppe to be held Saturday, November 18, 1972 at 1063 Deer Run from 10 AM to 5 PM. We will need donations including knick knacks, toys, books, .!% plants, handicrafts, etc. Please do not donate clothing or oki stuffed animals. Donations are to be brought to the Bazaar on Saturday morning, November 18. If you need to drop off donations prior to this date, please bring them to Mrs. Martha Lupo's house at 1083 Dyson Drive or Mrs. Vivian Henslee's house at 1059 Deer Run. We will also need homemade cakes, pies, cupcakes, cookies, and candies for our Goodie Shoppe. ,w,,,,# Please tape a fair price on all articles to be donated. All proceeds of the bazaar to go to- the Women's Club to help defray the costs of future events. ,,s 4 Am Thank you and hope to see you on November 19th. L ; GARDEN CLUB Due to early dismissal of school, Garden Club meetings were voted upon to be ohanged to the third Tuesday of each month from the third Wednesday. The next meeting will be held at LOAM Tuesday, November 14 at Ann Bowers' home, 1114 Dove Lane (corner of Dove Lane and Black Acre Trail) . 678-0153. Floral arrangements will be discussed by Mrs. Woodruff, Sanford Garden Club. All future meetings will be held in the afternoon. Next Women's Club meeting will be a Tea Party on Thursday, December 7th at LOAM at Vivian Henslee's home, 1059 Deer Run. Please bring favorite holiday cookies or baked goods. We would like to take this opportunity to wish the following people a very Nappy Birthday: Ben Lupo, Sr. , Joan and George Cestaro, Lori Martino, Darrelyn Sligh, and Martha Mary Lupo. Congratulations to Donna and Wee Meyers on the birth of a baby boy on Oct. 30th. The little fellow is being welcomed home by two big sisters and very proud parents. JEC/Nov. 6, 1972 It Ai NEWSLETTER -- MAY 1973 WOMEN 'S CLUB OF WINTER SPRINGS ESTATES Pres. -- Marge Williams, 671-7791 V.P. -- June Arnhym, 671-7595 Treas.-- Pat Miles, 671-2181 Sec. -- Carol Ball, 678-3279 A MAY LUNCHEON & MEETING-- The Women's Club is having a Pot ,Luck Luncheon on Thursday, May 3, at the home of Dot McGonigal, 1097 Black Acre Trail. All newcomers are wel- come.' come. Check with Dot at 671-0777 by May 1st to see what dishes are needed, and don't forget to bring your recipe. 1111/1 If you would be interested in babysitting during our meet- 11. ings (1st Thurs. ) , please contact Marge williams, 671-7791. Dues are due -- deadline is May 31. ARTS & CRAFTS -- On May 1, this group will be having a water color session at New Smyrna Beach. If you would like to join them, call Peg O'Brien at 671-1047. SOD -- Through Sandy Shockley (678-0811) , sod is available to resi- dents of Winter Springs at $20.80 per pallet (400 square feet ) . If you are interested, call Sandy soon as prices are likely to go up. Plan on a 2-week delivery. FUN FAIR -- TNT thank Mr. Goodman's office and Mr. Lavender of County Roads for allowing use of the end of Dyson. The teens made S33 and thank all adults and teens who helped. Congratulations to Lori Martino who won 2 Super Chef tickets donated by Burger Chef in Casselberry, by guessing the exact number of jelly beans in the jar! EASTER EGG HUNT -- Chairman, Mary Kossick, would like to thank every- one for their help and donations, but particularly the Williams ' , Alice and Carol O'Barski, Judy Jones, Darrelyn Sligh and Ann Bassert. OPre-School Winners : Marti Richardson (golden egg) , Douglas Cook and Kimberly Kossick. 1-3 Gr. Winners : Dawn Miles (golden egg) , Brien French, Gregg Cestaro and Barry Sarkissian. Happy Birthday: Roseann Lupo, David Miles and Bonnie Martino Happy Anniversary: Rose & Vincent Gregorio, Madeleine & Lou Faubert, and Pat & Rodney Miles. _»»I««— HOMEOWNERS ' ASSOCIATION -- The next meeting of the Homeowners ' Association will be at 8 p.m. , June 1, at the First Federal Savings and Loan Bank in Altamonte Springs. Key speakers will be present to discuss Winter Springs Development through 1974, the country club and golf course and annexation of Section I. 9 NEWSLETTER -- APRIL 1973 WOMEN'S CLUB OF WINTER SYRINGS Jane Arnhum, •71-7595 ES 1 Pres. -- Marge Williams, • 1-7791 V.Y. Tress.-- Tat Miles 6 1-2181 Sec.-- Carol Ball 6 1-8- 5-- The c�ter Party on Aprild5 ,new 1973officers at 1 p.m. , at the home of Marge Williams, 1039 Elk Ct . N. All residents are welcome - bring a new neighbor: ANTS t Ct1AFTS MEETING -- April 3, 1 p.m. at the home of Peg roue will be using materials such fresh fish inter- ested in joininggs, call Peg fish, 'Brien. The g for a session in imprinting, sticks and cin at 671-1047. 3 P,ia. EASTE( SATE All children through 3rd grade invited. GOLDEN EGG - MYSTERY GUEST PRIZES - o (Anyone wishing to make egg Cdolations, )call Marge Williams.Williams• you have a bunny suit'. 1 - m, —lam FUNS 0 - Games -- Prizes Booths -- Food -- Horse Rides - Sponsored by TNT (Teens Need Togetherness) to raise mon- ey to get teen club started in Winter Springs. All age children from Winter Springs Development are invited. LOCATION -- End of Dyson Drive ******* GARDEN -- Tues . , April 10, Work Dal 10d Election.ad of a meeting of there will be a work say at the Entrance on April 10. Madeleine Faubert's the morning Work month, spare during this day. Work anytime you can sp` ****«** -- Madeleine Faubert, Edna Baska, Pam Hurst and Eileen CONGRA W-,nCharlierandyMary Ann Tingen on the birth of your baby girl, Wm. Bayne, Jack and Pat Lombardi on the birth of your baby boy, -- March 19. boy, Sean Scott, -- John and Cathi Adams on the birth of your baby February 23. 2- s CONGHATULATIOIVS Cont. New officers of Home Owners Association: Rolfe Arnhym, Margaret O'Brien, Steve Martino, Diana Wiener and Joan Cestaro. "Promises, Promises" Cast and Crew -- Kathy Arnhym, Pat Hardy, Keith Frederick, Marnie Schiabig, Jackie Adams,MDavidlBalPeter, e Adams, Denise Miner, Kathy Klingmeyer, Lea a job: Ahl and Kathy McCutcheon. You did a g rL THANK YOU The retiring Women's Club Board for a job well done in getting this club underway. Also, for the lovely installation dinner at the Langford, we thank the Installation Committee : Martha Lupo, Cheri Williams,' Mary Johnson, Vivien Hensley and Pat Miles. A special boquet to Cheri and Vivien for the beautiful flowers. -- Teens: Renee, James and Lynne Faubert and Tony ana Frederick Lupo for delivering the recent Newsletter. Jeff Howell and Carolyn Arnhym for helping to clear the Entrance -- sorry we omitted your names first time around. *wow** Glad to hear of the speedy recovery of Cathy Miner who recently underwent surgery. mw*** Tne Oviedo High School Band Boosters will be having a Plant Sale April 6, 7 and S at the Zares "shopping center" on 436. Watch for this sale when you are in that area: ***wow If you have an announcement, ad, birthday or anniversary you would like to put in the Newsletter, please submit it to any board mem- ber. (There will be a small fee for ads. ) ww*ww*w Again, your dates to remember: March 51 Fun Fair April 3 Arts and Crafts April 5 Women's Club Meeting April 6,7 & 8 Band Boosters Plant Sale April 10 Garden Club Election and Work Day April 21 Easter Egg Hunt WOMEN'S CLUB OF WINTER SPRINGS SEPTEMBER 1973 NEWSLETTER r V SEPTEM Hurst, 1075 Black mackAcre nTrail. be All members are t are the home urged to attend and bring friends from our area who might be interested in the Women's aren e Club.-- a time to middle Sept. 6, dues are reduced - good to 3 p.m. Group have theirsb on September few September4Y,a 10 a.m.and the be and and antiqueing picture frames as easily as baking a cake. For materials ana information, call Peg O'Brien, 671-1047• BAZAAR ^ P -- The first workshop for the Novemberabazaar will be Wednesday, September 12 at 7:50 p.m. I you call Martha Lupo, 671-0796. Also call Martha if you have rummage donations (no clothing records,used,stuffed animals, please) such as used books, toys, P MIDDL-"1SCHOOL BOWLING PARTY -- Lynn Howell would like to announce that this was called off due to lack of participation. ride COUPLYS MIDGE --and will having our afirste play this month. for month. Ifyouuares interested and haven't called yet, we can take your name on a sub list. Call Carol Ball, 678-5279. LADIES igBladies bridge group, call June Arnhym, 671-7595daytime or MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY CARNIVAL -- The carnival was a great success due to the efforts of the children and their parents. It cleared His 9687.65. Greg Howell won the peanut was closest closest to the children nd theirts mn ies uJ. David Howell, Doug and R O'B and their families : John no, D Ray O'Brien, Barry and Laurie Martino, David Gottschall and Cindy Lou Miller.. Many thankks to Martha Lupo, the bestuhothdog maker in Seminole County, donated the hot dogs and buns. Need a babysitter or mother's helper -- call Chris Bramlett, 671-2107 WSi.ETTER -- AUGUST 1973 WOMEN'S CLUB OF WINTER SPRINGS ESTATES 67 1-22181 V.P. -- June Arnhym, 671-7595 Pres. -- Marge Williams, .71-7791 Sec. -- Carol Ball 6 8- 2 Trees. -- Pat Miles 6 AUGUST MEETING Come to a coffee and a program on matting and framing: Thurs. , August 9, 10 a.m. -- Galleries International 401 B Park Avenue North Winter Park Texan Ivey will give a demonstration followed by a question and answer session. Parking is available in the rear of the gallery. lery. If you need transportation, call June Arnhym, 61 + + + MIDDLE SCHOOL BOWLING PARTY -- Thurs. , August 16, 10 a.m. Mrs. lines of 671-4533, for reservations coke -- August 15. Mrs. Hensley, MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY CARNIVAL -- Sat. , August 25, 1973, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. On cul-de-sac of Elk Ct . S. Watch for our banners and join us for fun, games and prizes. + + • COMING UP: If you are a camera buff, Sunday painter, craftsman, hobbyist or do needlework, keep the night of Nov. 9 in mind. We are planning a special Community Interest Program in conjunction with the Home Owners meeting on that date, and we would like to display your special talents along with those of the Garden Club and Women's Club. We will keep you posted. The Women's Club annual fund raising bazaar and rummage (this year to be called "Aunt Martha's Bazaar" ) will be on Nov. 17 and will also include a bake sale and raffle. Start saving craft materials, scraps and rummage. If you are interested in sewing or working, on crafts, call Martha Lupo at 671-0796. -2- Ip September, we plan i -with Soft Ball Game. Sign up (as a p ar r vdually) hVivian Hensley, 671-4533. • October 27th is a Women' s Club Masquerade Party at the Williams' (James ) . Watch for announcement. * * * ANNOUNCEMENTS If you are interested in a meeting to discuss the problem of babysitters during the upcoming Women's Club meetings, please call Carol Ball, 678-5279. • * * Anyone who woula like to play intermediate tennis, call Mary Johnson, 671-6659. * * * COUPES BRIDGE -- A regularly-scheduled, monthly bridge will start in September -- 4 and maximum.a If yo of second e call Carol Ball, 678-5279, give your Saturday, third Friday or whatever. * * * Many thanks to Lynn Howell for planningheemiddleschand Weiner roast. Mrs. Howell says the young people it was well supported. They were rained out toward the end, their wswim party on the 50th of June was rained out completely -- try the bowling now! • * Remember to call any board member if you have an announcement you would like in the Newsletter. * * * ***The teens are collecting aluminum cans anu returnable bottles , periodically. If you would like a pick up, please call Cathy Arnhym, 671-7595 . tWINTER SPRINGS COUNTRY CLUB WOMEN'S CLUB NEWSLETTER OCTOBER 1973 ,5 ' -- une • .ym, - Pres.--Marge 1 sia67, • 81 '1 Sec.--Carol Ball 6 8- 2 • Tress.--Pat Miles 671-2181 181 OCTOBER MEETING -- Come join the Women's Club in a covered dish lun- cheon- mo h. This will be held 1at jtt h the homeAof ROBe 1063 Deer Run, Thursday, October 4, wcoers5, by members are urged to attend -- just call June Arnhym, Oct. 1, and tell her the category dish you plan to bring. WELCOME -- Our membership tea last month was -- we jobnk�this. Williams re for heading job on this. We are very pleased to know and welcome nine new -Murray, Martha Tyler, Ellen Wiener, Marie Osborne, Olga Lowman, Y Joan Vainoris, Shirley Robbins, Jerry Barker and Jeannie Ireland. 27, HALLOWEEN Halloween be held on 8-12 r your own bottle. The Women's Club Please wear tacky clothes and bring y sponsored provide the hors d'oeuvre ig and untry Club Women'srClubsforlall adult dy the Winter Springs Y adult residents. If you plan to attend, please call Cherie at 678-1590 by Wednesday, October 24. the -- Our annual . This be held Parade for ones is in can planning. if you are willing you help? Please call Marge Williams, 671-7791, Y to spend some time on this -- the children really enjoy it: BAZAAR -- Call Martha Lupo, 671-0796, if you would like to work on -Crafts for bazaar. Also drop off at Martha's, 1083 Dyson or at Joan Cestaro's (her co-chairman) , 1075 Dyson, any items you would like to give for sale. Many thanks to Peg O'Brien for helping to get our craft workers started with her great know-how. Thanks too, to these great Busy Bee helpers: Kay Hurst, Joa wCestand,PRoseiGregorio, Gretchen Richardson, Linda Letts, Ann TO OUR GREEN THUMBS -- we would like cuttings of various plants for our p an table. be a combination oflacrylicss andapapere-- an experiment creativity abstract l and collage. Call Peg O'Brien, 671-1047, if you are interested. HOMEOWNERS -- The next meeting of the HomeownerstAssoc. wi11Dbeeon ri. , Nov. 9, at 8 p.m. Mark your Mills, Manager of the Better Business Dept. , Orlando Area Chamber of Commerce, speaking on consumer complaints and protection and area organizations and clubs. found in area? PUPPY -- Can you give a home to an adorable black puppy SeeJackie Vitulli, 1100 Dyson. WINTER SPRINGS SJCOUN CLUB baWOMEN'S CLUB NEWSLETTER NOVEMBER 1973 .71-7595 Tres.--Marge Williams, •7117791 Sec.--Carol Ball V.P.--June Arnhym, 6 8- 2 • Tress.--Pat Miles 6 1-2181 special treat in the garden room of NaVEMBE�ovembern1�,s 1973,a11:5O a.m: If you like, start with for Japanese Gardens, $1/glass. Then choose one of these interesting Japanese p entrees: 704.40 shrimp) • • , 44 .40 Light lunch--Tempura i (barbecued fried ue p . • ork) . • 705.30 Medium lunch-Yasak oSi cial (slid(sliced shrimp,p Heavy lunch--Yasaka Special (sliced beef, with soup, rice, salad and green tea. Deliver 1097 Dyson Drive (671-7595) , All y+entrees are served Mrs. son Drive a will pre- s ent and chOctober 3O. Following luncheon,of se Tuesday,Japanese ing program. sent a Japanese flower arranging OCTOBER 27TH_TOSI_LARSX ns? -- Have you called Cherie Williamsr(676_159O) Loth y you plan to attend. This is a a a_B.Y.mB, party our reservations? All residents are invited, around undw the away if l 1133 Howell Creek Drive, _ snacks and set-ups. Come your tackiest around the Williams p given; so try prizes for providing best man and best woman will soecgiven; son hardes Ser relt couple, hard: Several people have offered their wardrobes ; should be stiff. hk-41 wBEN COS'IUI1iE PARADE children will meet Halloween evening All elementary-age at 5 :30 p.m. on Elk Court North. prettiest costumes. Test, ugliest, scariest and p east on Toe cues parade west on Oscelote, 4 The children and down p (Moms come in costumes,too , i Lane can andnre Deer Run. camera. ) We support Ash too, if you can children to trick or treat Homeowners in requesting between 6 and 8: 50 p.m' 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m, 'S BAZAAR -- Sat. , Nov. 17, 1'973, year. AUNT l+iAkTHA primary money maker for the y It h Elk Court Nfor your is our p a beautiful It helps us pay for Martha po nde Joan Cestaro are doing e ai beauts so won't you nelp us out and plan to for the children. Plartha Lup We want to thank all who have job of putting this together; come an buy lots of raffle tickets. accepted) : donated raffle prizes so far (donations are still being Dining Room Carpet Cleaned (In Orlando area only) -- Mr. and mrs. Vincent Gregorio value ) -- Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lupo Galloping Gourmet Cookbook ($25 (Cont. ) -2- Cutco Fishing & Hunting Knife -- Lou Faubert Copperware (Ice bucket and tumblers - o38 value) -- June Rossmeissl (Your Friendly Copperware Manager) S10 Gift Certificate at Medalion Lanes -- Mr. and Mrs. Bob Williams Tree or Shrub -- Jim Bryant , Your Local Nurseryman Bottle of Scotch -- Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Miles Dried Flower Arrangement -- Mr. and Mrs. Jim Williams Cash Donation -- Herbert A. Ross Construction Company 4 Individual free Sampoo and Set Prizes -- Milady's Vanity Beauty Salon, 107 C Concord Drive, Casselberry, Florida Bake sale items for the bazaar may be taken to Lynn Howell on Friday, Nov. 16, after 6 p.m. , or brought directly to the bazaar on the morning of November 17. Martha would like to thank the craft workers who donated many hours of their time and use of their homes: Gretchen nicuardson, Linda Letts, Madeleine and Renee Faubert, Rose Gregorio, Joan Cestaro, Pat Miles, Kay Hurst, Edna Baska, Jackie. Amrhein, Dot McGonigal and Marge Williams. Please remember to bring bazaar items (crafts and "good" rummage) to Martha Lupo 's, 1083 Dyson, or Joan Cestaro 's, 1075 Dyson, or bring items directly to bazaar. ArtTS AND CRAFTS -- "Oil and water do not mix. " Quite true, but all morning,, Nov. 6, we will be turning that problem into a con- structive, interesting and personalized wrapping paper or gift box for your holiday giving. The afternoon is scheduled for an "unfinished projects workshop. " Bring in your dolls, frames, mushrooms, abstracts, etc. and plan on getting caught up. Any questions -- call Peg O'Brien, 671-1047. BH1DGE -- If you are interested in playing ladies daytime or evening bridge, call June Arnhym, 671-7595 . If you are interested in playing in a monthly Friday night couples bridge or a monthly Saturday night couples bridge, call Carol Ball, 678-5279. HOMED NJRS -- November 9, 8 p.m. , First Federal Savings and Loan, 520 W. Semoran Blvd. , Altamonte Springs . See you there! This tear-sheet is for Winter Springs Country Club residents who are not already listed in the community directory. If you wish to be included in the addendum to be published soon, please fill out whatever information you desire. Deliver to Dot McGonigal, 1097 Black Acre Trail. NAI€ CHILDREN'3 NAMES AND AGES ADDRESS TELEPHONE HOBBIES