HomeMy WebLinkAboutGarden Club-1972 THE WINTER SPRINGS PDONEER GARDEN CLUB ORGANIZED -- NK?R'?ARY 16, 1972 OFFICERS : PRESIDENT : MADELEINE FAJBERT VICE-PRESIDENT and JANET BARNES PROGRAM CHAIRMAN : JANYEKARN SI�EHRING RECORDING SE.GRETARY: GROVES CORRES°^LADING SECRETARY-:uARBARA GROVES McGONIGAL TREASURER: COMMITTEES : _______n,ARTHA LUPO 671-0796 TE7.F PHONE- 71-0192 KATHY DEL' INL D7ADEhE INE FAUHF.RT 671-6143 T`]E telephone committee will call all members a few days prior to our meeting and inffiruct members as to the theme and necessary materials. join our club or needs further information Anyone call wishes anT ft the above numbers. please call anq SUNSHINE : ___ChAIR SLIGH 678-1439 The CHAIRMAN--------------- -- ----- ements, cards sunshin anyone ill or in the hospital. and flowers, andmvisitstforsanyoe of flower i th a then KATHY HL G71-0192 HOSTESS CHAIRMAN : THY nN DRIVE, Kathy will host our September v meeting at her home- 1088 S DIME : fpm Our meetings will be held each montY_, on the third Wednesday. Septembel^ 20 October 18 November 15 OUR "OWN THING" December 20 will have as theme LEARNING T^ D^ Our first detailed by our telephone committee. Necessary materials will be Garden Clubs. Our Garden Club has joined +be Florida Federation of We are on probation for a year, ending June , 1973. The object of our club is to stimulate a knowledge of gardening, horticulture, floral arranging etc. Most of us need a little help in landscaping our property, and we need toc lear learn t all2iaboutco dittoes in Florida, as to soil, caner wd and when. We have already had exellent sp setting Janet Karnes , ouPoam Chairman is busy to setting 15. up u this year' s program. year, from April Our dues are -?`.5.00 per 'MINTER SPRINGS DEV3LOPM3NT PIONE R GcRDEN CLUB October 1973 THANK YOU - Our thanks to Pat Lombardi who waa hostess essifor our Membership Coffee. It was n very enjoyable gathering; and it looks like future meetings promise to Chairman,of fun, according to the format outlined by Bowers. Also our thanks to Sharon Patrick and her committee for all the tasty goodies. "New buds" to come to the Garden Club Coffee were Mary Daniels, Jackie AmRhein, Elaine Goll, Joan Cectaro, Dorothy S,".cGonigal and Pat Benham. The pretty flower and plant displays everyone wasor-prim commenting on were made by Janet Karnes. The lucky winner was Jackie AmRhein, who won a Redwing azalea plant. It was donated by Lukas Nursery which is located at the end of Red Bug Road towards Oviedo. Everyone present received a small plant donated by Linda Letts and Sharon Patrick. NOVEP;;BER MEETING - The next meeting will be November 13th at 771- -m- at the home of Sharon Patrick, 1105 Lane. There will be coffee served from 9: 15 - 9: 3 0 before the meeting, which will start PROMPTLY iLclat 9:30. Our dprogramo ill be "Ideas for the Holidays" , etc. By the way - what' s your number? Be sure to come - everyone will need a number for our December brunch: ov. IT::PORTANT DATES - Nov. 13th, 10: 00ra.m. -3: 300dn.m. nndwNol 4t : .m a .- 2: 00 p.m. , present their annual "Christmas TreeOLane" , atTOrlandolGarden Club 3uilding, 710 E. Rollins Ave . , be Christmas decorations, gifts, and live plants for sale. They are also featuring a Christmas Boutique Room and Holiday Potpourri Table. Free Admission. Nov. 28th and 29th at 8:15 a.m. , the Orlando Garden Club will hold a "Flower Mow of 710 due ,before1Nov. 20th. Orlando. Registration ti you would like to get Call Linda Letts - 678-2572, if y together a car pool for any or all of the auove dates. HOLiEOrNEaS - Don' t forget - pick up your month-by-month gardening glide at the Nov. 9th Homeowners meeting. 'de will be sharing some good ideas for the Holidays , so be sure to attend. 3.?Zr„.R - +e are ousy, busy, busy, on Christmas projects for our November 17th bazaar. Come help us and learn too. Call Linda Letts at 678-2572 and pick an evening and a committee you would like to work on. Also time is running out for cutting donations. Please call Linda soon. Ei'TRANCE - The Garden Club will meet at Dyson entrance etc. ;fionday night following the monthly meeting, for weeding, Come about 6: 30 p.m. or when you can get there. The time will be changed according to the amount of day light. r arents please ask your children to stay out of the entrance gardens. The posts are easily broken and plants have been stepped on. The Club has put in a g r of hard work and time to make the entrance attractive for or everyones enjoyment, and we would appreciate your cooperation. NOTE - For soil testing or la, n and garden problems, you can call Seminole County Agricultural Center at 322-3233, U. 3. 17-92 between Sanford and Longwood. La l C C 1, WINTER SPRINGS DEVELOPMENT PIONEER GARDEN CLUB held at / On September 20, 1973 the Garden Club meeting I at which time new officers were elected. ! , the home of Linda Letts, The new slate of Garden Club officers is as follows: 678-2572) President - LINDA LETTS PEG 8-2572N - ANN BOWERS `.+ First Vice P President Program Chairman �� Second rres Vice g Secrete & - JANET KARNES ,/ Recording Sec Secretary- MARY ELLEN BUEHRING \ Recording Secretary Treasurer - CAROL MARTINO - LAURA ETZE / Treasurer Committee Chairman - PAT LOETZE Committee Women MARTHA LUPO \ - Publicity - GRETCHEN RICHARDSON ,'• Illi Membership - SHARON PATRICK / Sunshine - MADELINE FAUBERT Ways and Means - OLGA LOWMAN •I The October meeting will be a Membership Coffee at the home • 1108 Otter Lane, at 9:15 a.m. All newcomers fare the of Pam Lombardi, have a door prize and announce the program welcome. We L coming year. 63:,, %/ �• N The Garden Club will have a display table at the November 17 for this bazaar will be mat Gretchen loads charfson' s hozear. The workshop October 15, might offer. so mark home, 1109 easo a Lane, welcome any others you mig the date oneyoourn calendar and plan to come. the date on y The Garden Club plans to sell plants at the bazaar. Anyone wishing to donate cuttings or shrubbery no longer needed should call ickup. All cuttings should be donated no o later t one rh anoOe obof P potting and rooting. than October 15 5 for Po the Garden REMEMBER NOVEMBER 9: At the Homeowners' meeting Club is planning a display of Christmas s ideathand flower er_arranging displays to help you decorate your You will also be able to pick up a lot of information on the winter care of your garden and trees as well as a month-by- month calendar guide on Florida gardening. Be sure to attend--start the Holidays off with us: / •I 1� \ ' , ! • 2, • •; �• I. . .111.. rI..� N---. ;c a AL RTNTER SPRINGS DEVELOPMENT P70NEER GARDEN CLUB November - December, 1973 Of POINSETTIA POT PCURRT / 'is Burdines: Watch out: : : : : : : : : • Jordan Marsh: ■ SATURDAY - - DECEMBER 8TF3 0 P m. 1087 Dyson Drive * 10 : 30 a .m. to an The Garden Club of Winter Springs will have a K w•, SHOW" . Yes, Burdines, that' s the quality "REALLY BIG of our ^ POINSETTIA POT POURRI" "hand crafted" and all are just • • Most of the items are irresistable . . • • • . priced .O- ements (specially P -Miniature dried-flower arrangements for that " teacher' s gift" ) Flower(ours are prettier than as -Decorated P ain priced) Town ' s , and btrg ut those -Christmas Bas kets (finally a place to p greenery) Christmas cards) -,mc,n your g -Pine Cone Candle Holders (to cobweb dusters) really trsy.'., up to -Long stemmed Roses ( day has a candy �� -Candy Calendars (every Christmas) and en) -Ceramics (charming gifts for the g _ h the Red Nose Reindeer (clever and cute for -Rudolp / the ecology minded) -Memo Pads (these are new t a and c differt)was stirring - -Christmas Stockings ("not only our mouse" ) -Pair of Carolers (hard to resisted Mrs. Claus for -Pine Cone Christmas Trees , tree ornaments, and just the patio, pot holders, wait till you see our candy zoo: Our Raffle will be for a "Gourmet Basket" with Champagne, copper planter, two dried flower arrangements , a $10.00 , gift certificate from Jim Bryant, donations from Lukas 4 w: G Nursery, Cutco. some at our bake sale table--we may save Oh, sure to in you some last minute baking. Y' Ana there will be hot dogs - coffee - soda and popcorn-- because we just know you' ll want to linger on and visit with your neighbors . BUT SHOP EARLY - you ' ll agree when you see: (Sorry, Jordan Marsh, but our creative staff is booked solid for next year: ) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • * * * * * * * * • * * * CHRISTMAS PARTY - The Garden Club is having a Christmas Party for its members. A December brunch will be held Tuesday, December 11, at the home of Linda Letts, 1115 Oscelot Trail, at 9: 15 a.m. CENTERPIECE - Don ' t forget to bring your portion of the decoration for the centerpiece contest. If you missed the last meeting, be sure to call to make a reservation. If you will be unable to attend, please call Linda (678-2572) . RAFFLE BASKET - Gourmet items for the Raffle Basket must he in by December 1. Deliver to Jackie Amrhein, 1043 Deer Run. BAKE SALE - Items for the bake sale are to be brought to Madeline Faubert, 1080 Dyson Drive. DOOR CONTEST - The Garden Club is having its Annual Christmas Door Decorating Contest. Judging will take place on Dec. 16 and will be based on original ideas incorporating the use of natural materials (foil and plastic materials CANNOT be used) . The winner will receive a Holiday plant and local recognition. SURPRISE - HEY, BOYS AND GIRLS: The Garden Club has a very special Christmas surprise in store for you all : So mark your calendar for December 20. At 6: 30 p.m. "open your windows and pull back the sash' and wait for your surprise to pass: MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A VERY, VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL" " P.S. Happy Birthday to Peg O' Brien: December 28, 1972 WINTER SPRINGS PIONEER GARDEN CLUB NEWS CONGRATULATIONS to the winners of the Garden Club "Christmas Door Decoration" Contest: First Prize - Mr. and Mrs. William Cossick Second Prize - Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Woodrough January Garden Club Meeting: Tuesday, Jan. 16, at 1: 00 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Eleanore King, 1121 Black Acre Trail. Our guest speaker will be Mrs. Walter Rippe; topic--Landscaping the Dyson Street Entry: • * * * WINTER SPRINGS CIVIC ASSOCIATION NEWS Set aside the evening of February 15 before your New Year' s calendar gets too full: That' s the meeting of the Civic Association which will be held at 8:00 p.m. at the First Federal Savings & Loan Bank, 320 West Semoran Blvd. , Altamonte Springs. Annual dues of $5. 00 (per family) are due January 1, 1973, and may be paid to our Trea- surer, Mrs. Dot McGonigal at 1097 Black Acre Trail--or may be paid at the February meeting. Checks should be made payable to "Winter Springs Development Homeowners Association. " * * * * WINTER SPRINGS WOMEN' S CLUB NEWS The Women' s Club would like to thank all our wonderful neighbors who helped make our recent Bazaar a success : Mrs. Kathy Ahl - Cake sale Mrs. Vivian Henslee and Kay Hurst - Elephant table Fredric Lupo and Tony Lupo - Toy and raffle tables Joni Hurst - For making our signs Crafts - Madeleine Faubert, Lyne Howell, Peg O' Brien, June Arynhm, Edna Baska, Dot McGonigal, Nancy Griffin, Janet Karnes, Kathy Ahl, Claire Sligh and Kay Hurst Use of Garage - Mr. and Mrs. Gregorio Setting up bazaar items - Mr. Ben Lupo Conducting Raffle Drawing - John Baska And special thanks to all the ladies who helped in donating cakes and White Elephant items -- the response was great: Last but not least--definitely--all the young people who helped to sell our raffle tickets: Doug Baska, David Miles, Susan and Jeff Howell, James and Renee Faubert, Pam Hurst, Roseann Lupo, John Phillips, Kathy Arnyhm, Barry Martino and Liz Sudman. TOTAL OUTCOME OF THE BAZAAR ---- $224. 36: : : Our Raffle winners were: Mrs. Eileen Phillips - Turkey and Cutco hunting knife Mrs. Miles - Bottle of Scotch and a plant arrangement Grace Grumlich - Dimmer switch and a Publix gift certificate (Continued) Dave Baska - Book of 48 dinners Marge Williams - Publix gift certificate Mrs. Kersey - Dimmer switch Don Miller - Bag of Silver ($25.00) Jay Hurst - Publix gift certificate Joan Vainoris - Publix gift certificate Marilyn Caro - Oil Painting Again, our sincere thanks to everyone for their contributions and assistance -- without which the Bazaar could never have been the great success it was: : : J) Our thanks to Mr. Stephen Martino for chaperoning our recent If Teen Dance: HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Vivian and Richard Henslee - Renee Faubert - Jill Hurst - Susie Howell (all December) and James Faubert (January) CONGRATULATIONS: To Miss Catherine Ahl on her recent marriage to Mr. Oscar Adkins. To Vincent and Rose Gregoria, who are the proud parents of a baby boy born on December 11. WOMEN' S CLUB NOMINATION MEETING - THURSDAY, JANUARY 4 - 11:00 A.M. All ladies Welcome: Pot Luck Lunch - Bring your favorite dish to Mary Johnson' s home - 1129 Howell Creek Drive. See you then: * * * * * * HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL Martha Lupo, Vice President Joan Cestaro, Secretary S:ATJ,TNG ALL CRFATIVF TATNKFRS Put your thinking talents to work and help us name our Winter Springs Newsletter - Winner will be announced at the February meeting of the Civic Association. Please submit your entries for the contest to Mr. and Mrs. John Baska, 1087 Dyson Drive prior to January 31. Will yours be the winning name? Mary Ellen Buehring, PLS, CPS 12/28/72 Secretary, Pioneer Garden Club