HomeMy WebLinkAboutNorth Orlando Newsette-1964 ." THT rORTH CRL rDO r71SrTTE p r • Sponsored by the CIVIC ASSOCIATION Editor - Bev Krocek 322-7950 ' Pc1�IO CLINIC Residents, � County Jaycees - Sanford Scrircl Mra. Beverly Krecck has volunteered Sanford County Vedic-.1 Society - Semircle County Health Department oieArmil no set as Editor o l of the tother�.nd any is news items should beg s onscrira a Polio Drive Surt a5 O.m. As cowo work t will Ncwsette aseEditor 12th isc6hf rsm 12:0 p Polio. time to work wi or otherwise. This Ever. is you have had the ir3ecti rs, n �^ an �tcly have covered by t..kirg The Civic Association Mont has y newsletter be corpl ic effort through this monthly of the Or�_,1,�_._s. A 5C� Ago ?.unit is 6 weeks cn upf vcu carrot to advise residents community. oetivities asked but if the communhty. of cu during donation will b. will be timed away. While visitir.o with many e newsctto t afford 504`, no er my campaign, I fo�?rd +hat the � I The^location nearest you will be Winn- Dixie at Ior.�rocd Oviedo RoaduT�d.,�73rot in appreciated e ies b'readingoitthe ;rfoz•tnati-n "Be e ,rd odd ycur Road one receives by sf Please cr.couragc VI's. Krecck with Polio." your co-oper<:_ticr.. Call her when you WE'LL ��ISS YOU have news of a corm!unity i to your stit;hbors You want to read about It is regrctablc that we are losing your neighbors want to read about you. the Presic�ert of the Civic Association Mona Grinstead the, to Sarford. CHARTER BOARD Roy and rarg.ret B' rkc have e been active i all the organizations it North Orlando The Charter Board wishes to thank durtrg these past five years. hc friends and neighbors wish them much give them a ' happiness it the future tand the Civic cvcrvone who cast their vote for them. vc' Assccir_ticr would They will dc their rest to gi .mark this f all they have done to help here. charter that wdo. m^.kc them proud to li while living a in North Orlando. by the ; bet cr corurity This can ho brought about only their co' ' YAM people cf North Orlando thiv rgrthe Board 11SSIST,Ar'T CLERK r= operc.tior b�� attending �,,� meetings and offering constructive sup. Mrs. Gl^ar.. Atchison. of 3c! North•Certcz ., e� or additions to the Avenue was appointed ry Mayor W.Char er the charges as temporary a siyor W village Charter that they would like tc see ! Andershr. P adopted. other clerk last Friday r.inht :�t. the first All meetings will b7 held c8:c p.m. from 7:f'O to •r' ! Citizens Charter Board meeting held r Saturday cvcr.irg from , the Ci��ic Building• by lttcrrey Orville The first the CommE will bi hind April u ge I She was sworn it y 1064 at the Cor-unity Building• en ect- : Jchr.scr of Fern Park. all residents to attend these °p ri Mrs. Atchison recorded rirutes at the ir.�s. Charter Board r`-ct4nh hpT�libth,assist lo64•nt i rectir.rs held throug Robert Dean c• - April 6. Chairman Rccrg^.rizatica Council Moctir.._, • Regular Council Necti.r.•a - April•7 DO YOUR DUTY i M SE Ar1TTEVD . . .. ... .. . . . . .. . .. ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . HUNT` CORNING WARE WINNER ` EASTER I GC', sponsored a draw-' All children under twelve are invited pieces ed. The local Garden Club r to hunt for eggs cn Saturday, ing of five pieeces of corning ware• hunt, will be staged near the N°• Mrs• Rose Kennedy of Longwood was the , The egg will, CcmpanY office and vacant areas winner. The proceeds of this drawing along the I,ongwcod Oviedo Road starting for street signs for our city. Bake sales are also being held once a at 8:30 a.m.8 Special prizes �rlll. be awarded for the with this project. P s Also month for funds Club help finders of the gold and silver egg • The Garden Cl toe henwomenmoftthis- to receive awards will be the finder of cored invitation cf the eggs. � village to come and join their group. most These will three age g rcu P s set up The club meets on the second Thursday consisting of children under five, five to night The ; eight, and eight to twelve. 11 the child- next ht nd each innth. Those milding. are parking lot pn and hnld it the hevdc nuiprilg9th ren are tc meet in the p`' et tletr fn- t which will be held gn April 9th, rocs and laundromat to g at which time shell arrangements will be structicns from the supervisors cf the in- presented by Ruth Clark. hunt. s will FASHION SHOW Forty dozen rainbow colored egg be hidden by men of the fire department. Beeline on April will 1964 presented p.m.in All gifts and supplies are being given 1864 at 7:30 P•m• thru the children's fun�i�hithcyc opc�vic at area on April 1, Association has set up Grove 120 Committee. Nt the home ve Mrs. She ' ation rf the Community invitation on Avenue. She is extending f The Garden Club and the Catholic Cile dies of the vag to all interested e and friends of the committee are preparing the eggs and serving as supervisors for the village to see the Beeline fashions being presented by Jean Huse, Beeline the Hunt. representative. So let's go gather Easter Eggs at 8:30 Saturday. CIRCIE NEWS s Catholic Circle of North LITTLE LEAGUE Events to benefit Our Lady's Eight Harness Racing nt race prof were n pal cd March 6t month N eriodCers Seminole Little League• Full raczy,pro- They They installed shad mar a Mrs.month n to start at 2:00 p.m.They were chairman, N'rs• Helen Beam; Se- , gran Treasurer, Yrs.. 28th at Seminole Raceway. for adults and Rosemary Grove.Mary Harden; Admission will be 50¢ Rosemary Grove. Their next meeting will ' fir children. All proceeds from the p.m. rier to the Fash-;25¢ go to the Semi- cordially April 1 Al 7:15 p P e are incn-parih)tual event will g ion show. All ladies of the village iol° Little League, Inc. cordially invited to attend. ATTttTION.: Our local team is busyttle of will hold its' training for the start of the 64 Chun chj The Catholic Women's Club of the � April lath. All. eight in all ti nvdin Lake Mary 7:30 ,Icagu.e season on • P . will play on at the Trade dinner a April into at el 'teams in the Seminole 'League at the Trade Winds Cafeteria in4,2.25.SemncFor the Longwood field at 11:00 a.m. and at Price of the dinner is Plaza. '1s30 P•m• reservations, please contact Mfrs. Helen A Little League parade thru Longwood Beam 322-0728. ;starting at 10:30 a.m. will start the • days' activities. Style Bar B Quo Chicken will be 1 Family �.+-�` �. `\E trtvailabl from noon until 5:00 at 41.00 _ 1 \,•, \\ \per adult and 75¢ per child. Proceeds �'' ' �'r . �: ifrcm dinner will go tc the Seminole Little /- e Auxiliary. fit: t � a pport y young baseball players by '� �"'~� c our Y Let us fill all K.... =�k` 1attending these events. the vacant seats in the grand stands. <:N,...2- 7:-;:it- "- i SHOW THEM WE DO CARF N 1 ' I VOL•WTE'R FZRF DEP.,RTNrEP`T FI.CE UPLIFT c Building in the Recreation of the Volunteer Your Civi Buildi gotten a new n facet Thanks to "What is the duty area has g Fireman? H n? He is dedicated to protect life i the C.A.P. members and men cf the villag© You will note that his anizati me for the fine clean up and and property." erg duty is net tc fight fire alone. A fire ie our best friend and also our , pa int job now under way. youth This building is available t��y all worst enemy. A fire under our fur- our life ccm- organizations free crent charge. facility for fishes the Uncontrolled that makes ; person cr gs_ P Y fcrtcble. Unecntrolled fire is one of �2.00• man's worst enemies in that in the space Your teeth Orlando Civic Association of a very few minutes it can erase the town cr village. They i holds a yearly lease for the use of the are the work of a life time. building. Repairs and upkeep A fire department is a very important � r� sp„nsititlity of the ahcuse ccmittee" arg^nizaticn in any of the Association. play on important part in many ways net The ssociation cf the entisefl'�p rent with fighting v the fires but helping cut each of cur responsibility. with many civic organizations. you should supervise your own children The truth is that when ever a person Y when they are in that area. is in trouble, he or she looks tc the fire Much dearruinion has eaken place department for elp. • in cur village. You are responsible: The fireman is the town's handy ran, helping his neighbors and friends where- i VILLAG'. COUI�?CIL ever he can and when ever he is called. Oath of office to be adt^inistered tc res laboring over simulated problems newly he may save his own cr save one elses life Grinstead and David Tilscn Monday night. He spends many more hours training for an Reorganization cf the ccuncil five seats Ay eme or fire. l will also be held at which time a nember As is necessarry in acquiring any shell ill bo nat�ed cur Mayor• e a fire fighter must become thouroughly w the name ou M for villag whether familiar with the special tools and ; registered voters or not, are encouraged Afirre e school willl be held the 4th equip mi he must e. to attend all council sessions. Wednesday night of each north in the Civic The regular council meeting wi11 be held on Tuesday, April 7th at 7:30 in tea Building for cur local nt3UineFir Firemen. Fightir Civic Building. All council r�eetin�occur on the 1st in The latest techniques the on the 1s equipment and techniques will be presented Tuesday night following Size u Special he 1st are try,elrvsn different phases. P, in each month. Sp try, rescue, handling of ladders, using s,.,r,etiries needed and they too are open hose and ropes, ventilating, easy^gang, council meetings.overhauling, extinguishers and first aide will be presented by Chief Bill Hahn. net PEOPLE YOU SHOTID MOW... Each phase is very carport-.ft; Y' - Vice President Civic Assn. think so, but when the real thing comes Chuck Rowell Thing ,you will see how important these Myra Stodden - President Garden Club things are. Gill Hahn - Fire Chief Chief Hahn is preparing a budget tc Andy Ferri- - Police Chief summit to the Village Council at their Miss Myrtle Wilson - Chi Leader Firemen's rooting April are 7th. Volunteer Miss Myrtle - Brownie -a Let Firemen's meetings are the second Wednes- Tony ICrecck - Little Longue M . day of each month in the Civic Building.niza- '�Helen Bean - Ch^irrtln C:�thclic Circle Support ����' local firemen's rg� Daarie.bean - Herald Reporter tic- by being present at council footings, � - Sentinel Reporter Merin Dorcas firemen's meetings and fire training school. FIRF'VEN'S NI'sETINGS JOIN YOUR CIVIC ASSOCIATION 2nd Wednesday 4th Wednesday.. ' � G:'�RDEN CLUB MEMBERSHIP DRIVE The North Orlando Garden Club held its The Civic Association's new year is monthly meeting Parch 12th at the Civic here and dues are due. was guest The Association is not just for a few Building. Mr. Ernie Lundberg ken. His topic for the evening was people or families, 'tat is for everyone." ; spe-,.oisonious plants. Some of the mdst com- The membership committee cannot contact mon are: every family personnally to ask them to Toad Stools join, butyouu do not need a personal in- It is your privilene . 1 Ligustrum - The berries are the poison vitation to join. -- part, and your duty to join to make this commun 1 Oleandra - The juice part and the fama better place to live and rear your ; smoke when it is burned. family. � Yellow Allaumanda - The Association is a non-profit or- i elloW Al Susan - One pea will kill an ganization and every dollar goes to the '' adult. betterment of our community. Won't you now with the people that are members tieffenbechi - Will cause loss of speec�i join n � Gloriosa Lilly - Very beautiful but all to help make this a growing organization? � parts are deadly poison - The dues are '"1.00 a year per person. will cause death in 4 hrs. This is not much to ask from anyone. � Angel Trumpet - All parts are poison. next Civic meeting will be April � T.an o - The leaves 6, 1964 at the Civic Building and we are Castor beans - The beans and there is hoping to see you there. no known antidote. For information call Chuck Rowell 322-1049 or Beverly Krecek 322-7959. See you at the next meeting April <-th, ° SPRUCF. UP., CLEAN UP: YOUR YAIRDS NOW. 1:00 at the Civic Building. Garden of the Month to be selected early Chuck Rowell in April. Vice President and ' SOoocooeoc0000 r'embership Chairman LET'S GET BUSY; flR1CITOSH for Crrplete Family Secur^_nee Service thrrugh LIFE, HEALTH, AUTOS FIRE and practially every I kind of INSURANCE. 1 CALL 322-4525 138-3771 '-]inter Park evenings days i _ .. ,.._1, • C... ... ' ; l I ( , •! ;,,,,- . .; „.,,•„... •.. „.-- • r,.• •• i , % .• ......• „.. .k , ..;..- .../\,.....,..1......:) \-- , , ../ . . . ' • . . . . , - ,--s•.-. :::---- •• ,-- il . '. ., ..-) •-• , !.. i.. 1 .. r 1 ( A j - :., ---- ...I:..t, '''.. "-) .......J ..- -- A . , • _ . . • .' '.•„: i. •• •• . 4... ,- __.,.-_.1 i -. / 'r; ,')'' .f• ) -7_:! „, • . ..r: , . V ., ...., :',',.."...;: (I ( 7:") 1:..,N, - ..1 ,:•. '. U.' ,....'.,,,_sr/ c.=--;--- ' LJ.. K) t...--•••• 1.\-.... 'f s\..../ li ---:1 r H) E,i-; \A//.1 \,/ —+-- I ..-,... ."1. i—.... I 1 .L .'l C I. ..) S7.7._.1, i f, /' 1,') i.,, 0,V& IA/ ) 0 C.) r'i., 6 409 A/A/u h iv. s — p; PA16.-r" ..Fxe A 50 .._•.......•- . .,.......... 1hi-5-r c:- Pt. to m/6- ,, ii, Necc ,E. i /7/ _.- 7-,/i- E es — u P Th / 1 o pl-i Nu/-,7 I g (I- re. 7, LC S (2.-oT`r FR k 4,-)1., o er,s s PA)f-14 DE Z to VI IT 17 P u echgs-c- c 1c /--E42-77//_z-E,(' :( e-c7). ILY:= r•v:S.,- A) LA tAl.•if.:' ■,..1 U Y VII,I' -%■1-7:1-41°11\''..) 11,.;15b" CA tee- wirm_us- FoR ... /3 E,-.-;7-- 52E;2 el TPI': T'CRT11 (iRI iiNDO r 'iSFTT1 4 Sponsored by the CTVIC ASSCCIATICE lr,f,L 13-/ /Y6 5 F'1itor - Bev Krecck Ctr+RTrR ECJ.RD 322-7059 crntinved: C1►_':RTFR EC'^,RD Dean announced ar exer. .tive meeting of Charter Ecard rerbers will be held en The first open public rooting of our elect-Satur:'^.v, AT tl 1Qa X11 newspapers re-" er1 Charter Beard was held Saturday, April porters are invitee to attend." Dean e:c- 11 1064 with ch-irman Robert Dean pre- terded a retitiest fcr the authors of the siding. "ft'rforrer" to attftrd this an(1 all other In his cper.irg staterert, Dean stressed reetir.gs. that any changes in the Charter could The nett open rublic reetirg cf the Char, only take place with a vote cf the people. er Board will be held at the Civic P.". could emphasized that the Charter Board ink~ en Saturday, April 25th, could not change the Charter; they could only study and offer their reeermendnd. CIVIC A 330CI ITICE tiers tc the voters. Dean sf!nounced the Ch:a.rter Board has 90 days to work and & It has been pointed out that rany Civic days following this tc pr+epare and pre- AssoCiaticn membetS are serving as elect- sent their recorrznerdations to the voters. ec': mer^bers of cur Village Charter roam'. Village attorney Crville Johnson will Also pointed cut was the fact that some work with the Charter Beard and other of these who campaigned for a Charter attorneys will be consulted as well. Board were how or hnr1 been Civic Assccia Residents su.raested the following points tier rorbers. for study by the Charter Board: Tr-e Civic Association can be justly proud 1. A. change in the method of electing of its merbers who have in the past, or a Yeller; to make this office an will, in the future seek elective office. election b- the recple, instead Yet all have hoer v4ctcrious, but there of or appointment by the 5 Ccuncil are sore that have. rrer'bers. ftaoeriaticn T'errbers who have sought elect- 2. A prcvi sicr. be provided fcr a re- ive office are: call election. SCU?TT' SIDE- 3. A chi nue in the Charter so the Wocdrew W. Anderson - Civic t ssccia icu Council cannot plod;-q) the city to founder area past Yayor of D'erth Crl a: a. long r-nee indehter'ness. Robert Stephenson - Civic Association 4. A" ch^noe in Article 111, Section 2nd Vice President 1061; former Cou;,ci"i-- 17, so nc orein^no's can be passed ran. in ore setting*. r,.T CT1FS- 5. E0 taxes or asse ss..,ents without a Frank Fasula - Former I', -, ._,: referendum of 75'', ' f the voters Association member. approving. ECRTH SIDE-- 6. Election of CcuncilTMen for con- Robert Dean - Former Civic Asscciatien secutive terms rather than alter- r^erher; elected to Charter Board. nate terms so city governirert is Robert Derum - Ferrer Civic Association not changed every year. Vice President 1062; elected to Charts: 7. Clarification of a clause which Beard. could r' an the Chbrtor surercedes David Tilson - Civic Association r^e^ncor; Florida State Statures. elected to Ccurcil. rt. Cl• rif_cation of those who can vote Arthur Ferrin - Civic Association r-err- for the Charter Boards recorr^enda- ber 1c'61; elected to Council. tiers. O. Pcssibil'ty (.f changing the Citys: cortirmed cn T'"r e• rn ce 2 10. Determine the legality of write-in care id,ates. • CITIFTS CF NCRTI' CRIAP;DC , The follcwinp is e reproduction of n letter sent tom• several citizens of this corrunity. We feel teat all citizens of this Co—Tr.unity should be inforr+ed of this letter. • THE INFORMER April 10,, l°64 Fellow Citizens, This is the first in a series of letters you will receive keeping you posted on various community activities and projects. We will bring you facts that c :I be sub- stantiated by your friends and neighbors. We shall praise those who deserve praise, and criticise those who deserve criticism. Your comments are invited--whether in praise or criticism. Write to our box number. We feel that you, as intelligent people, deserve to be made aware of facts that only a few dozen people already know to he true. Th -xpenses involved in printing and distributing this material are being met by some of your neighbors who are tired of a small group who take every good intention, rip it apart, and twist it out of all proportion to suit themselves, all in the guiso of being CIVIC MINDED!1! The Informers Box Number 93 Casselberry, .Florida THE CASE CF THE CHARTER BOARD or Who's Playing Footsie with Who? DID YOU KNOW??? that our charter board is supposed to be conducted ONLY in OPEN meetings, but one of the members of this board, while "listening: o a resolution being read by Mayor Van Eepoel, was overheard to make this comment, "That will all be changed soon:" DID YOU KNOW??? that ex-Mayor Anderson went to Mayor Van Eepoel on April 7th before her first conducted meeting and warned her. . ."don't let the people get you angry.. .after the charter board. ..there's going to be a mayor's election in June and you obviously want to be a candidate..,'J Don't the intelligent people of this community wonder how statements such as these can be made when the Charter Board will not have it's first PUBLIC meeting until Saturday, April 11, between 7 and $ P.M. according to the last issue of the Newsette, and the recommendations submitted by the board have not yet been voted on by the people? By what right does Mr. Anderson make these statements when he wasn't elected to the Charter Board...or IS MR. ANDERSON THE CHARTER BOARD??? PAGE 2 (Editor's Note: We are inclinded to believe that the charter charges were made before the charter board was elected.) STUDY THIS LIST AND MAKE YOUR OWN EVALUATIONS!!! These are the people who took the Charter Board petitions from house to house to be signed: W, Anderson: Civic Club founder and Mayor of North Orlando at the time. Mona Grinstead: Civic Club member and at present Councilwoman Roy Burke: President of the Civic Club who has since moves. Can he really be interested in our charter? William Hahn: Civic Club member. Virginia DelVillagio: Civic Club member. And this is your „ED Charter Boards Mary Rowell: Civic Club Member Etta Harville: Civic Club Member Robert Derum: Civic Club Member Robert Dean: Civic Club Member Charles Tressler: Civic Club Member (Editor's Note: We all know a set up when we see one, don't we? We notice the glaring absence of representation from the South Side of the village. Three of the board members live in the same city block. Of course, before the election, few were aware of this,) Can we thank Ex-Mayor W. W. Anderson for this fiasco since this was his "baby" from the start? And may we ask how this can possibly benefit him in any way since he has remarked on several occasions that he is moving sometime in the near future? We ask all of you ---THINK!: THINK!: THINK!. ***************** WATCH FOR THE NEXT EXPOSE OF YOUR INFORMER SUNDAY T MONDAY ITUESDl,Y ,WEDNESDAY 'THURSDAY ( FRIDAY I SATURDAY I 1 1 15 I 16 I 17 I 18 SUPPORT 1 1 'Baseball 'Sem. LL !Special I p Minors o; 1THE LI'P??� 1 there-5 PM Civic Bldg 'Council I at Alta Sps Ivs Sunland18:00 PM (Meeting??I Majors-2 PM 1 LEAGUE'' 'Community 17:30 PM I at Bear Lk. 1 'PROGRAM (Committee ' ' I Chart. Bd. I ,7:30 I ' Meeting 19 ' 20 ' � - - - - -F SOS Polio 1 Ch.of Nati- i� 41IBC Bd. I 22 � 23 1 24 1 25 Pick-up ' vity Install Sanford (Vol. Fire ISem. LL 1 LL Baseball 1 � (men 7:30 'Aux. i I Minors 9;30 ation dinner , (Speaker Casselberryl 1 vs Lon Trade of 1 1 Baseball 1 Rec. Center' I Good Winds Cafe. 1 15 PM-Lake 18:0 PM 1 i here.Major I ,y 1 I 2 PM here vs i 1 I Casselberry 26 ' 27 ' -a - - - - 4 N.0.L.L. i 28 � 20 I 30 1 I Civic Bd. 1 Longwood INo o Aux. 2 PM ' Meeting 1 game tot I I Minors 9:30 Aux. BPM PM g School PTOlday-Fish- I 1 1 7:30 lion Show 1 1 1 Double e San. ' I 17:30-120 NI I Double Header 1 1 Major 2 PM L I IEdgemon I 1 I here vs Alta. CHARLES B. McINTOSH for Complete Family Securance Service through LIFE, HEALTH, AUTO FIRE and practically every kind of INSURANCE CALL 322-4528 838-3771 Winter Park evenings days . THE NORTH ORL%YDO NE,vSET1'E Snorsored by the Civic Assoetatton V'ILLf GE COUNCIL Bev Krecek of Special Council Meeting Editor Minutes 1964. 322-7959 April 17, During this Sncctc�l COVanLEepoel,ng EDITOR COMMENTS village, our state end called by Mayor Irene is our I urge and every Finance Commiscione reArthur Ferran This I ur each an gave the following March 3 adult country• to pc rtici- hand report: of thi eo.ly Balance on $ 26r h1 adult of 566. 66 pate in the et development r yur of our atton Deposits Whether your pr rttctp - 216.88 Vill( ge. e Council sessions by Paid Out April 6 be in Village Ger- Balance as of p a.en Club,e, or the Civic Assn. , $3618. 59 Pen Clue Meader o Firemen or Policemen, H, C.A.P.,youth Report from Police and FiresComr-- Po1lc , H C• • Little League issloner David Tilson cct- Like the 4- , arttci- quested Council to allocate a sp Comm- Girl and Boy Scouts, -Tease p money for the Fire Dept. Yost: is sum of fire truck Fire pDe Dept.but f Tilson Yes, we ore a smell count y, and like and noted the f coman�untty, "one should be painted. paint for everc� ht a good one he believed the p eaerathing else in this world announced the can end will spoil d citi- the police car would be onatedubd zenry apple a cittzen, and the police car. whole barrel", politteiC.ns and spray Many nyy alike• volunteer to Arthur y the Rhodes end e n ,e here ere led so o i believe oe Motion made by M p seconded by Arthur Ferran, was al- one thing, but the records ndtne out giving Tilson authority to another. Do join l and become proved, g lice r1y have the car painted on this basis. active in at least one already es- o,ctivtty. Support a pro- In other discussion, Tilson said ject tshe man- to a Volunteer r Pol ice pose hours,;s, or at l cot mor he was opposed "hasn 't work- or at least moral sup- De pa, rt;;.ent because it fu- to power hours, a full ee in r the pbst because itn won 't sn the port. Rally to the yea of your the suggested hiring f loom who are already helping ture ". netg a better village. ti,2e Marshall. Councilman Arthur T develop Rhodes stated the budget does Ahur Civic nAssn. is sunourtnewspaper. a obldgt "the ctr- send permit hiring p warning Civic Assn. and is your may Mayor Van hiring , ,� spelled All neinfo ationng me at 140 Edge- left Oe , O ningo t their information to sus has 1o11owing rules of proce- man Ave.d will be placed in this news-out the f cd- darer Henceforth, all business to Want for a fee. Outside e: Heneef Council paper fora small f sold be brought before the torttrnis to are and being household must be presented to one member to furnish each a.nd eve !your paper. This is your of the Council at least newsette. days prior to the Not Mine: I only edit it: lag. anyone wish-- 2. It was stressed, c rpm the meet- CANCER SOCIETY MOVIE zng to be recognized from seek recognition May 11, 1964 floor, 2 a hand signal, from the through not rel, from 8:00 ?• �• Mayor, and if may not sneak at all. CIVIC BUILDING .m3, A Sgt. of Arms will be ap- EVERYONE IS ,,SliEZ► TO fZ'2•EIID pointed for ec ch Council meeting. . • VOLUNTEER FIRE/IEN VOLUNTEER FIRE. J, continued Safety of Firemen is Threat to Hahn by attendingr the rregular fire- The following fro foolonet is a neaon release men 's meeting in the Civic night of each from Coronet Magazine o in the November 1959 Issue entitled month. Attend the Volunteer Fire "Your Fire Department". men 's training p g NEW YORK, N.Y. The shocking short- in the North Wed Co. off iceeaeh age of firemen may cost us our lives and our homes if we don't do ponte the calendar on the back of something about it quickly. Writes author Don Murrayi "When this newspaper in a place where that terrifying unexpected moment you till look ot at iVooften, so as comes and you grab the phone to Department. rt,ment. call the fire department you may Items are n being collected for an learn, too late, a staggering .f Auction to be held July 4th by the there is a critical shortage of fire fighters on duty in your town: fire department.furniture Appliare ncees, any There will be more than 500, 000 clothing, , fires in private homes this year-- other items will be accepted. and 11, 000 men, women and children Please contact Malvin Campbell, will perish in flames, estimates 51 North 3rd Street or phone the National Fire Protection Assn; 7613 and your items will be picked and engineering and educational up. organization. Fires will also damage several IPayorh COUNCIL 4-30 Bred thousand stores, fact reliminai�ies to hear the one and and other buildings. Total pro- p party damage will be almost double Session,reason thatobei� �theihiring of that of c desarle agorabout $1, 300, 000, 000i a Town Marshall at a $75 monthly Yet most of these lives and much salary. Many misunderstandings of this property could be saved, were aired with Councilmen Tilson says Coronet, if there were enough and Grinsted, both voting against trained fire fighters on the job. the motion to hire a Town Marshall. With the exception of a handful of Rhodes and Ferrtn both voted in our largest cities, not one city power as Mayor broke the tie in y or favor. Mayor Van Eepoel using town fire department in the U.S. is adequately manned -- and it 's favor of the motion. Mr. Tilson & steadily getting worse. The aver- Mrs. Grinsted state to the citi- age city is starved for fire fight- tens & Council they are not opposed ers. It 's time the public knew the to hiring a qualified police mar- facts of life regarding its fire shall "but are strongly opposed to departments. the methods" by which the other The critical shortage of firemen is council members used in reaching far from a hidden civic scandal, the end results. says the Coronet article. It is Mayor Van Eepoel administered the right in front of your eyes. Count oath of Town Marshall to E. Brewer. the men on the engines as they rocs r Mr. Brewer will be available dur- by, and if there aren't enough fire ing day time hours and on Emergency fighters aboard, start doing some- Calls. thing about it. It 's your town-- Mr. Wilcox & Henry Ward were appoint- and, unless you act, it may be your Gdevolunteerspoliceven. Harveylice- �ZO.me and your life. " **4i*****�K3�3'c�`''.�£ her Village Charter gives the Coun- man•you are one of those people who it "the power to raise money by If e ..xation for the support and main- likes to spread the dirt, watt un- wcnce of a fire dept. and �poltce til the lweek-end cnd do it in your ,t. Have they.' Are they. , y1 e • RESIDENTS OF NORTH ORLANDO, At the second a the North Orlando Civic At the second Public Meeting of In behalf wish to express my our Charter Board, the Village ' nrtion to all the Attorney opinions on questions and thanks ana pr ecic�citizens who th suggestions given the Board by re- public spirited dents were presented as follows: worked so hard to Tonallbt�seowhomuch 1. a Mayor to our community. help - changed On the Election of paint the Civic Bldg.,it nae advised the Charter th t can de edlob p to install it so water cannged to the effect that residen�ed obaboredatnt, who donated pipe can elect a Mayor and we can so could be available for our residents stipulate his or her duties. to those 2. On passing an ordinance at one uhongor�edrtor�utit7zeaballffield in meeting; it was advised this can who for our boys, who picked up be changed to read an ordinance shape and disposed of it, to the be read in full at one meeting graciously cut by title only at a second meeting gentleman the entire recreation area and a sbepwlation put on a time grass nd to all who have donated their 3. noon between 5,a.dergs. 3. On of long range eindebtednessl- and extend an invita- can oa long ore council I would like to it was row od yhan an ated tion to all residents t attend acnd and can borrow money on an apricot property tax, there must be a re- Civic all per- 4. planning 4. On the yearly reorganization andstonpromotedthe general and mu- af Council: advised that appoint- welfare of its members. ;rents were �dooat��ecouldsbeemaee tual welf Charles E. Rowell for Council",n North for any time period. president of 5. No opinion as yet on our Charter Orlando Civic orth. Superseding Florida. Statures Arti- cle VLLL, Sect. 2. 6. No opinion as yet on legclity COMMUNITY r f OM I2HEZhn heads this pe- o of a write-in candidate. promote worthwhile q. Changing of the towns ' name- actei.v�ties for the young people of advised this can be done. - advised this Village. Garden Club, Volunteer 8. On a retell election P. mem- it was his opinion Article LLL, mthzcsifar comprise and theAgeneral Sect. 13 of our Charter was as good bers Committee. covers a recall e ground and an it cial Communtty time, this Committee coueds more ground amd aficefunder is busy readying affairs f could be removed from office Celebration. All persons this, just as well as with a recall w l`T July to share in the planning eeecdeon. Residents in attendance requested are rc�u�nt thetCiU��eB�dg.e May 6th the Re ate the meeting will be of Charter Board investig All groups participating following: one able to raise monies for their own A. When the City goes to buy have a item at more than $1, 000, it be put charities.Any ewho may have to money making project out for three eomvetative bids. its to a charitable B. A further check into a recall donate any prof election and Article LLL, Sect. 13. orgaani at inization will be given C. Dissolving the Village. space to promote their projects. Help make this an "Independance JOIN YOUR Day" longed to be remembe red. CIVIC ASSOCIATION TODAY 4t' #3P4,4**.:$t**4ti'c *# • e GARDEN CLUB GARDEN OF THE MONTH The Garden Club held their month- The home of Mr. and Mrs Joseph P. T 3 Algiers Avenue, 1y meeting at Jane hest house with Scoh��Orlando, received the April Hilda Sommers as co-hostess. the Garden of the Month award plaque After a brief business meeting, from the North Orlando Garden Club club had a work shop. Each lady which also presented Mrs. Scheutzow brought shells, glue and a plaque• with a certificate as an award. Lots Wallace and Mae Doque t to he1P- The garden was judged on gene rc 1 ed each lady in turn to mate a shell appearance, both front and back; arrangement (plaque for the wall)• alaeement of flowers and shrubs in the. eeain had demonstrate how proportion to the house and on lookedo mee. ting to de overall neatness in relation to lo ordered the edging and trimming. The Club has a1 ready o street signs and they should be LITZLE LEAGUE here soon and reedy for use. The Little street signs will be put on the The world widelem movement o L ideals e League road and ood citizenship and sportsman- booths Garden Club will sponsor three of ship with fair play among all young- booths at the 4th of July celebra- P tion; a cake walk, food booth and a stehere in South Seminolet u t�- country store. If you ladies are very � rt of doing your spring cleaning and have are a ver small p Little League far- anything useful but that you do not reaching program. t Myra program in the South Seminole area want anymore, p lease contact has me de much progress. There are Stodden 322-3947 or Mary Rowell now over 500 boys participating 322-1 949 and we will be happy to pick it up. We need things such as inle this ireprogramail the South thaSemi- p pictures, books of the that plaques, p Any- Little League is one of all kinds, jewelry and etc. most youth movements in this area. fore- thing at all except clothing. This is to notify you that matters The Garden Club holds their meeting of great concern, such as our cen- except second Thursday of each month h field,lighted f' , g rowth, etc. except July, August and September; are to be discussed at a meeting to these are the vacation months. Each be held at Lyman High School, Long- as every one is invited to attend wood on Tuesday May 5, 1964 at as a guest and join our Club. 7:30 PM. is a community club. We wish to All participants of Little League ask everyone to join some club and activities in our community, in- help make this a better place to eluding spectators are invited. A live and raise our children.Rowell 30 minute movie, entitled This is Myra Stodden,Pres. and Lots Wallace Little League will be shown at this Program Chr. attended the President'soutare.urged to be present. Take Conference at Orlando Garden Club. our son. The success of our Little Florida-Medelat Garden Garden for lubs,�Leag'ue program rests with you. Flord Federation of Our North Orlando Parent Auxiliary Inc. Little League will hold a covered Since North Orlando Garden Club is dish dinner Sunday May 3 at 1:00 one of the newest clubs in the Federation of District at the recreation area. Everyone VLL the, is asked to bring their own table President of the local club was service along with a delicious asked to lead the group in the • covered dish. A group of reservists Pledge of A11igirnce. All will be here all day to work in the recreation area. Come join the April 28th.day meeting with luncheon was workers -- at least for dinner. TELEPHONE SERVICE Some four local citizens are S ont tSeminothe reque t for Metropo- litan telephone service for Any resident interested in hel ping thisomatter, may contact- FA Mrs. Ralph Johnson, 415 David Drive, A letter is available for signing, expressing a desire for this service, which will, following advice, be sent to the Chamber of Commerce and the Southern Bell Telephone Company. x_ * ** ** #3E****c3:�,c3c:i-�E�c*** ,c.. .c�Yc VOTE for RUDY SLO:AN for TAX COLLECTOR of SEMINOLE COUNTY „ MAY 5, 1964 I will establish a permanent branch office in the South end of the County and free telephone service direct to the office. (The preceding was a paid political advertisement. ) 'lay 1, 1964 Dear Residents, I would like to let you know why I voted against hiring Mr. Brewer of Lake Mary as Village Marshall at a meeting held Thursday evening in the Village office. This was not officially discussed with me by the Council before the meeting. I did not know all the details in advance. My main reason for not voting to hire him was because I felt that village residents should have an opportunity to apply for the job, though the salary is small. I feel we should keep as much of our tax money inside our town as possible. After Mr. Brewer was sworn in, I explained to him why I voted against him and offered to help him in any way I could to make his job easier. If there are any questions I can answer pertain- ing to my job, please call me at 322-2291. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. H. Wilks for his congratulations after winning over him in the March election. He has offered to help me when he is needed and I am sure I shall be calling on him. Councilwoman Mona Grinsted . - OW? CAL&'i):R ,Zllh%D I i:ONDAY 7'i%is"'C'1)/Y 1.'flJ/c'.S7)47 _Trim.4/) V k-hT,'J V .,', 1URlL y 1 2 3 . 5 6 .7 8 9 Mcrtnes Civic A.5',371. Council Co..i.Co -°4 Cc•rden GB LL Pot ii eettnc- 8:00 7:30 2:30 Chi•rte r luck 8:00 LL dovtc G rde,?, Ear..rd 1:00 Civic B1dri Vote to- Judotn;' 7-8 .i'!d do r; _ .10 11 1-'2 13 34 15 16 Cancer So.Sem. Firemen Garden Executive • Movie P.T. O. Club Charter 8:00 PM Board Ct v.Bl d q 7:30 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Lymon's Charter High Board PTA 7-8 PM 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Civic Loner od Firemen Sem LL Meeting PTO Training Aux.8 PM . I NO Host- ess-Civic Bldg. Cli,.RLl S B. gcINTOSH for Complete Family Securance Service Fire, Life, Health, Auto and practically every kind of INSURANCE Check Auto 1s Safe-.T-.Rate Plan 3,22--4528 838-3771 Winter Park evenings • days • (y THE NORTH ORLANDO F WSBrTI . Sponsored by the CIVIC ASSCCIA'DIcV Editor - Bev Krecek 322-705° LADY SEIFCTED MAYOR CHARTER BOARD Irene Van Eepoel was chosen on the second Charter Board at ballot at rondays reorganizational B I the goer addcnn. session. Art Rhodes was elected Vice Only veur suggestions, ide^.ls and quest- Mayor and Libby Atchison appointed new ions can be examined by this board. Village Clerk. Village Judge Orville You elected these Charter Members. Johnson administered the respective oath Let them hear your voice. of offices. SATURDAY NTGHT - CIVIC BUILDING - 7:0o PM Charter Board meetings are open forum and COUF!CII• HIGHLIGHTS will be held on alternate Sat'rdays. North Orlando's franchise with Suburban COUNCII F4IGHIIOHTS contirued----- Propane Neter Gas Company was the subiect of much discussion this month. It was Resident Charles McIntosh offered his { made known this franchise prohibits only services free, at no obligation, to the the Village of North Orlando from selling Village for the purpose of conducting gas in competition with Sulurhen Propane. a comprehensive insur-nce survey. To do In answer to a residents' inquiry, Council this, explained Mr. McIntosh, a Letter stated this was an individual choice. Any I of Authority is needed to determine appli- resident may purchase acs from any company cable rates. After some discussion, willing to supply them. Any legal action + Council agreed to issue the letter. Our must be taken by the franchise holder. ► thanks to Charles McIntosh for volunteer- Council granted ar occupational license i ing, his time and talent for this service. to Florida Gas Company, entitling them tc do business in the Village. Other I Permission was granted to Mr. and Mrs Gas Companies doing business here are Albert Croak to park a trailer or their Therm-CTane, mid-Florida and Suburban. ranch property while they beild their home. The Crork's presented their house William Hahn was re-appointed Village 1 plans to Council, saving their new here Fire Chief at Aprils' Council Meeting. i would be 3200 sq. ft. pies pool. Forth In hi- report, Chief Hahn requested that Orlando extends e. welcome to the Crorks, Council allot the Department a definite who will add much to Forth Orlando's amount of money for use in the depart- improvement. meat's budget. He gave a report of train- ing the firemen have received and request- NIW APPOINTmENTS er' Council to consider construction of a beilding to house the Fire Engine and David Tilson - Commissioner of Fire Felice Police Car. Chief Hahn also requested Mona Grinstead - Commissioner of Health, Council give him a key to the gas tank Recreation and Welfare. so he can put gas in the fire truck with. Arthur Rhodes - Commissioner of Roads and out first finding out who has the key. Bridge's. This, said Chief Hahn, could be serious Arthur Ferri.n - Commissioner of Legal time wasted in the event of a fire. , Affairs) Finance erd Franchises. Council agree' to let him have a key. Mrs. Elizabeth Atchison - Village Clerk, Chief Hahn requested all Village men to Treasurer, Tex Collector and Assessor. join the Fire Department, even on an in- Bill Wilcox - B'ilding'Ynspector and Zon- active basis. This, explained Chief Hahn, ins' Bo^rd. would give all citizens willing to assist Village Office Hours 327- 133 at fires, irs»rance protection since all 0:c0-12:0C halo Office e Hours 1;00-5:CC -T-F. Fire Department members are insured. LITTLE LEAGUE tL•ITTLE L,GT'E, continued--- `These boys are proud young hen and very Ar'NCUNCE€NT! North Orlando Little League pager to compete against all corers. They Auxiliary meeting Sunday - 2:rO p.m. in splay for a district championship which in the Civic Building. Election of now offi- turns places them in contortion for state cers for the current season. All parents and onto national championship. Quite a of players and friends of Baseball are challenge-------- asked to attend. The senior tear gathers young mon between 13 and 15, who also compete in the manner I wish to thank, in behalf of all the s the major tear, only in their class. Little Leaguers, the following people for These giants of the field have learned re- their efforts towards raking this year a spect and know the value of competition grand season for our young men of North to win. Orlando. Again I wish to thank the many and extend 1. Mary Rowell - acquiring physicals. a cordual invitation tc all to participate 2. Mrs. Kelly, Smart, Hahn, Rhodes and 1.s spectators at all games Krefek - transportation 4'cr our boys ' Manager Major Team and assistance as needed. Anton J. Kreoek 3. Chuck Rowell - acquiring monies, uni- forms for our new Senior Team and his CEFIRAI. BAIL PARK volunteered services toward the now . lighted field. Your Serino` Leaaie is now promoting a 4. Mr. Bill Hahn - services toward help- lighted ball field, which is anticipated ing to maintain ball field and filling' o be completed at the end cf April. All in at games. ta.ior and senior teams from the following 5. W. Art Rhodes - services toward rain-fright teams taming ball field and acquiring need-I 1. Cassellbcrry ed articles. 2. Altamonte Twins 6. Mr, Art Ferrin - in assistance to pro- 3. Altamonte Senators mote a fin- major team. : 4. Lengwecd 7. Mr. Robert Stepheson - accepting re- 5. Bear Lake sponsibility as manager of fare team. ; 6. Lake Mary 0. Yr. Merle Brown and Fr. Bencke - i 7. Sunland accepting responsibility of Senior 1 0. North Orlando League. !These games will be pltyed in the evening 9. North Orlando Corpany - providing !under lights to avoid the het sun and give water for facilitica to our field. `advantage for parents to attend. We in 1f. City Council - co-operation with !Forth Orlando are responsible to have rc- mcnies tc help finance these boys. presontati'n at meetings dedicated to pro- 11. The many residents who chipped in withijocts to promote means of raintr.ining this ironies on our door to door collection. tccntral field, being located in Cassell- For those unaware of what exist in this !berry. This in turn will eliminate hay- Village with Little League, I wish to re— ;i,nn to raise individual monies for equip- la+e the following: We maintain three tear rent, etc. The Farr Tram enchants ,rcung men between i the ages of 0 to 12, who reed assistance :VOLTTh1TE 'R FIREMEN in preparing themselves for the major and iItrms are being collected for an Auction senior teams. The major team will draw to be held July 4th by the fire depart- from the farm tear as replacements should :rent. Appliances, clothing, toys, furr.i- occur. A worderful group with great de- iture or any other items will be accepted. sire and enemy. This tram compotes a- Please contact Malvin Campbell, 51 North gainst the sever remaining farm teams in 3rd Street cr phone 322-7613 and your iters this district. jwill be picked up. The major tear Is corrrised of young men between the ages of 9 to 12, who have •DCN'T FORGET ----- SABIN ORAL VACCINr graduated from the fare^ team. :Suneay, April 12, 1064 ---- 12 P.M. - 5 PM a CHARTER BOARD MEETING HI NEIGHBOR: THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO HELP THE CHARTER BOARD EVALUATE ALL THE ARTICLES , AMLNDMENJTS AND RESOLUTIONS IN THE CHARTER OF NORTH ORLANDO. THE CHARTER BOARD WISHES YOUR ATTENDANCE AND !)ILL WELCOME YOUR SUGGESTIONS IN HELPIIG US MAKE THIS A BETTER COMMUNITY. WE WILL BE LOOKING FOR YOU ON APRIL 11 , 1964 AT 7 :00 O' CLOCK AT THE CIVIC BUILDING. COME O1JE COME ALL THE CHARTER BOARD