HomeMy WebLinkAboutNorth Orlando Volunteer Fire Department lo � �� � � Lunee�, rrry� !rase tv(fri* yrv, � A PRESENTATION FOR THE COUNCIL OF NORTH ORLANDO, FLORIDA NORTH ORLANDO , LIKE MANY OTHER VILLAGES THROUGH-OUT FLORIDA AND THE UNITED STATES NEEDS A WELL EQUIPPED AND EFFICENT FIRE DE- PARTMENT TO PE ABLE TO MEET THE FUTURE GROWTH IN THIS AREA . NORTH ORLANDO LIES APPROXIMATLY IN THE CENTER OF SEMINOLE COUNTY AND BECAUSE OF THIS FACT COULD SOME DAY BECOME ONE OF THE LARGER CITYS IN THE COUNTY . SEE PAGE# 3 FOR MAP . THE 1950 CENSUS FOR SEMINOLE COUNTY , SHOWED 26 , 883 PEOPLE , AND INDICATES A STEADY GROWTH TO ABOUT 150,000 PEOPLE BY 1970 . BECAUSE OF THIS , WE OF THE DEPARTMENT WOULD LIKE TO TRY TO BUILD A BIG AND BETTER DEPARTMENT AND MOPE THIS REPORT WILL SHOW WHAT WE NEED IN THE WAY OF HELP FROM THE COUNCIL AND PEOPLE OF THE VILLAGE , AS WELL AS WHAT THE DEPARTMENT PLANS TO DO TO IN- CREASE THE EFFICENCY OF THE DEPARTMENT FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE VILL- AGE . / WE OF THE DEPARTMENT BELIEVE THAT IF THE COUNCIL SEES FIT TO 7 LET US GO OUT ON OUR OWN, WE WILL BE ABLE TO GIVE YOU ALL MUCH BETTER SERVICE AS WELL AS BUILD IN MAN POWER . WE ALSO FOR SEE A LOWERING OF THE FIRE INSURANCE RATES . BY GOING OUT ON OUR OWN, WE ONLY ASK THAT THE COUNCIL LET THE DEPARTMENT ELEZT TTIE-I ROWN FIRE CHIEF YEARLY, TURN OVER ALt EXISTING FIRE EQUIPMENT TO THE DEPARTMENT , AND GI7 I E-THE DEPARTMENT , OF THE TAX INCOME COMING IN- TO THE VILLAGE TO HELP BN NEW AND BETTER EQUIPMENT . WE OF THE DEPARTMENT ALSO PLAN TO RAISE MONEY ON OUR OWN WITH DIFFERENT MONEY RAISING PROJECTS , SUCH AS FISH FRIES OR BAR-B-QS EVERY SO OFTEN . THIS IS WERE THE PEOPLE OF THE VILLAGE COULD HELP OUT A GREAT DEAL BY ATTENDING SUCH FUNCTIONS . WITH THE MONEY RAISE) BY THE DEPARTMENT AND WHAT IS RECIEVED TO BE ABLE TO KEEP THE EQUIPMENT OPERATING PROPERLY AND BUY MONEY NEW EQUIPMENT AS NEEDED . RIGHT NOW THIS DEPARTMENT NEEDS A FIRE HOUSE VERY BADLY . THE TRUCK AND EQUIPMENT IS DETERIORATING BECAUSE THEY MUST STAND OUT IN THE WEATHER FROM YEAR TO YEAR . WE OF THE DEPARTMENT WOULD LIKE TO BE ABLE TO FIND A PIECE OF PROPERTY WITH- IN THE VILLAGE LIMITS AND START MAKING PLANS TO BUILD A FIRE HOUSE . THE FIRE HOUSE WOULD HAVE TO BE BUILT IN DIFFERENT STAGES AS MONEY IS ACQUIRED TO DO THE JOB . SEE PAGE NO. 4 FOR PLANNED STAGES . STAGE ONE IS RECOMMENDED AS MINIMUM BUILDING PROGRAM AND WILL CON- ' SIST OF PART# 1 AND 2 . PART# 1 WOULD BE A TWO BAY GARAGE TO HOUSE TWO TRUCKS AND ROOM FOR A HOSE DRYING RACK ON ONE SIDE OF THE ROOM. THE TOTAL AREA OF THE GARAGE WOULD BE 1200 SQUARE FEET . PARTY 2 WOULD BE AN EQUIPMENT AND PARTS ROOM WITH A TOTAL AREA OF 128 SQUARE FEET . INCLUDED IN STAGE ONE SHOULD BE A POLE WITH A CALL SIREN MOUNTED AT THE TOP. THIS POLE SHOULD BE LOCATED AS NEAR THE BUILD- ING AS POSSIBLE . STAGE TWO WILL CONSIST OF PARTS# 3 THROUGH # 11 WITH A TOTAL AREA OF 928 SQUARE FEET . PART# 3 WILL BE A RECEPTION DESK WERE THE RADIO WILL BE LOCATED. IT IS PLANNED THAT THERE WILL BE ONE MAN AT THE DESK EVERY NIGHT . 1 PART# 4 WILL BE A OFFICE FOR THE FIRE CHIEF. PART# 5 WILL BE A FILE ROOM, WERE ALL RECORDS OF THE DEPARTMENT WELL BE SECURED. PART# 6 WILL BE A SMALL TOILET ROOM OFF OF THE CHIEF ' S OFFICE . THIS ROOM WILL ONLY HAVE ONE WATER CLOSET AND LAVATORY WITH STAND- ARD EQUIPMENT . PART# 7 WILL BE THE MENS REST ROOM WHICH WILL HAVE ONE WATER CLOSET , LAVATORY AND URNIAL WITH STANDARD EQUIPMENT. PART# 8 WILL BE THE WOMENS REST ROOM WITH ONE WATER CLOSET AND LAV- ATORY WITH STANDARD EQUIPMENT. PART# 9 WILL BE A MENCHANICAL EQUIP- MENT ROOM, WHERE THE HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING EQUIPMENT FOR THE BUILDING WILL BE HOUSED. PART# 10 WILL BE A CLASS ROOM WERE IN- STRUCTION WILL BE GIVEN TO THE MEN OF THE DEPARTMENT . PART# 11 WILL BE A KITCHEN WERE SMALL MEALS AND COFFEE CAN BE PREPARED FOR THE MEN DURING A FIRE OR AFTER THEY RETURN FROM A FIRE . STAGE THREE WILL CONSIST OF PART# 12 WHICH WILL BE AN ADDITIONAL GARAGE AND PART# 13 WILL BE A COMMUNITY ROOM WHERE CLUBS AND OR- GANIZATIONS WILL HAVE A PLACE TO MEET . PART#14 WILL BE A COVER- ED PATIO WHERE PATIO PARTIES AND DANCES CAN BE HELD AND BE ABLE TO USE THE KITCHEN. THE TOTAL AREA OF THESE THREE PARTS IS 1124 SQUARE FEET . WHEN ALL THREE STAGES ARE COMPLETED THE BUILDING WILL HAVE A TOTAL AREA OF 3 , 380 SQUARE FEET. WE OF THE DEPARTMENT BELIVE THE PEOPLE OF THE VILLAGE WILL THEN HAVE A DEPARTMENT THAT THEY CAN DEPEND ON AND BE PROUD OF . IN CONCLUSION, WE OF THE DEPARTMENT HOPE TO HAVE THE FULL SUPPORT OF THE COUNCIL AND PEOPLE OF THE VILLAGE , SO WE WILL BE ABLE TO BRING TO YOU BETTER FIRE PROTECTION. NORTH ORLANDO VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT 2 JN7Y x- JS ■ A c ° E-, litre - Z o I U a c, lite, > t O a. ,- ' _r c z Z z d 0 0 DJ u 1 P 0- ;C w El u . 0 Y ,too. 0r1 a �a� B h, o a a Q o °gyp -�• a L,, o a, 0 {pro o d 0o . 3hv1 A1Nnpa // 1 sa ! a J A'> a0 • 3 L 751 _0" - �: •. I ,13 1 14 OI 10 1 II ►v 1 mu O Oij 1 ED 1, , 1. l: II :, O I! .Ler 40 , PROPOSED FIRE HOUSE PLAN SCALE: 1/16"-1 ' -0" • 4 L. . FLORIDA LEAGUE OE MUNICIPALITIES "c o p 34l A SURVEY OF MUNICIPAL Pt. T-CIPATION NTH VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMT T`' IN SELECTED 1'tL IDA CITIES A questionnaire was sent out to 35 Florida cities with populations less than 5,000, to which 41 answered. Of this 41, 21 cities had populations under 1,000. The questionnaire specifically requested data on any agreements that Tm y exist between municipalities and volunteer fire departments. Also, it requested any additional information available, such as services, costs and any volunteer firemen's benefits. This survey has been broken down into two parts, representing cities weth populations over 1,000 (and under 5,000) and those cities under 1,000. SELECTED CITIES cv: R 1,000 pOPUTATIUN Of the 85 selected cities contacted, 20 of the 34_cities with pop- ulations over 1,000 reported. Each of the responding cities possessed fire depertments supported by the city or manned by volunteers. 11 cities had contractual agreements with their volunteer departments or ones in the surrounding area. The majority of these agreements were in the form of ordinances or other legal commitments. 9 cities had provisions for financial support of the volunteer fire departments. budget provisions ranked frcn 44,0455 to e]$6 for the year. Like the smaller populated cities, the remaining 11 cities strongly supported a]1 volunteer fire department donation drives. 3 cities reported salary scales for their volunteer firemen. the chief of the department receives an average of $50.00 per month. Firemen's salaries were from 42 to 3.25 per drill attended and $5.00 to $6.00 p©r fire. to cities reported insurance and dis- ability coverage for their volunteer firemen. Some of these protections were workman's compensation, liability, death and weekly disability policies. 7 cities provided equipment and housing of volunteer fire apparatus. SELECTED CITIES UNDER 1,000 population Of the a cities with populations under 1,000 that were c ontacted, 21 cities answered. There are 3 cities possessing volunteer fire departments, Il otter cities receiving fire assistance from surrounding sources, and 2 cities replied they had no fire protection. Of the reporting cities, 12 had either written or oral agreements with nearby cities. Provisions for volunteer fire department in city budgets were reported by 6 cities. Budgeted amount ranged from a high of ;!3,750 to :;x100 a year. 5 cities made regular contributions or donations for the support of their volunteer fire department. The remaining cities had no specific financial commitment in support of the volunteer fire department, but all strongly endorsed and supported the public contri- bution drives of the departments. Only 1 city under 1,000 population reported pro- visions for volunteer firemen's salaries. Volunteer firemen's insurance coverage was reported by only 1 city. Of the 21 reporting cities under 1,000 population, 3 provided financial assistance in the form of purchasing, maintenance of equipment or housing of volunteer fire apparatus. The majority of the selected cities contacted reported some fire protection for their citizenry. Also, they strongly supported their departments' annual public contribution drives.