HomeMy WebLinkAboutNegotiations-1995 oF.r11NTERSpq . ` �� � ti, &street 4.. FEB 1 4 1995 y .n FIRE DEPARTMENT We BEY o rY Ot WINTER SPRINGS 102 NORTH MOSS ROAD City Manager •FIURtVP• WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 TELEPHONE (407) 327-2332 FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICES MEMORANDUM To: City Manager John Govoruhk From: Timothy J. Lallathin, Fire Chief j/. mv�/2 rc Date: February 14, 1995 Subject: Firefighter Union Negotiations Status Attached is a copy of the original submittals that were offered during the bargaining session on December 19, 1994. All items were rejected at this meeting and the next meeting was held on February 7, 1995. At this meeting the union reduced the Working out of Classification Article to$35 a shift for a Firefighter riding out of Class as a Lieutenant, and $50 a shift for a Lieutenant riding as a Battalion Chief. The salary Article was re-submitted as it was during the 1st session. All however was rejected by the City Attorney who said that he would submit the City's offer in writing which was 3% salary increase, and 0-2% increase on their anniversary depending on the evaluation. Also it was mentioned that we need to have an Executive Session with the City Commission on this above matter. Other items of interest that was discussed was: 1. Could the union reject a request for membership in the unit by a majority vote. 2. Could all officers who are a Lieutenant and above be placed in an Exempt salary status. 3. Can the City petition PERC to have the Lieutenants removed from the bargaining unit based on management status. If answers to the above could be determined as well as the bargaining status it would be appreciated. AFFILIATED WITH AFL CIO CLC ® Corey Green Henry Schneider PRESIDENT SECRETARY 1024 Manigan ave 217 Steward tern ADDRESS ADDRESS Local No. 3296 Oviedo Fla 32765 Deltona Fl 32779 CITY STATE CITY STATE May,26 1994 DATE Dear Sir, As Per Union Contract,Artical #41,Duration of Contract,Ye would Like to exercise our Provision for Modification of this Contract. The Articals we wish to Add,Alter,or Mend are as Wollows, 1.*,cages #39 2 'brking in or out of Class #12 3.Shifts Swaps #11 4.Fducation 013 5.Vacation #15 6.Bereavenent Leave #20 7.Prarutions #23 ^lease Accept this as a Official Notice,And Lets get together as soon as possible. RECEIVED Thank you i ',van.- nry Schneider Sec. JUN 0 1 1994 hIt4TER SPRINGS 055 tttiL DEPART/4EXE .. . .... . ........... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ....... EL1PSAL asTrams Brattier* AlawalhKepJYyes Annul Huody 5a May Newly Race 10441 Arvxul64bssat IHd u o [MYhew $800.00 I I $22.62804 I $73689 1 L $2322603 I Green ICorey $3.90000 52121651 f $9.4013 I L $3127661 on rare $66000 $21'/9801 I 57.1622 ( $22.38804I Seidman 1M4ohell .-t- $600001 I $2307856 'I $7.92531 $23.67856I Forrest Emward I $60000 I $30406 981 I $10.441611 $310059$ 1 Fan�m............ Donald ...$4.50300 $29.09123.. I $98822 I. $3339128 Cray Thomas.... $60000 $21 89755 '.':j $7.5641 .:$22587.56 Liaulord Michael $3.90000 I $2562285 _I $0.79911 I $29522861 Keeler_.._...__.Stephen $60000 I:.... $2303193 I $7.90931 I $23.831.80 Gu99e%nelo Keith $66800 L $3292967 I.... I $11.3083 I $33.52887 ....Schneider Henry $3.99000 I $2550142 I $8.7574 1 1 $2940142 1 Lazio _..... Stanlry M $60000 I $29.22728 I: I $10.0963 I $28.82128 f Tryon...._._ Daid _..... . $60000 $3002544..... I $10.3109 I $30.62544 Thompson Ronk .:.$60000 I $29008711 I $9.9811 $28.603.710 Meyer.._.._._... Warm 5003 d _... $31.70790 I I $10.8887 I I $3170780I Rivera.._._. Wiliam..... . $60000 $28718.57 _ $9.9621 I $29.319.571 ...HOIWwrst Michael $3.800.00 I $2051077 I: I $70136 I r $2441077 I Won Jeremy $60950 I $1999145 L.. I $8.5217 I I _...$1959t45 f Masson Shane $6®.°13 $1399145 I $852171 I $19691.45I .....Hmchey Edward $600.00 I $18 .991.451 I $6.5217.1 I $19$91451 Rely James $60000 I ...:. $20.93807 I .. I $7.19021 I 521538.071 Fortune....... Jetty...... .......$60000 r::.... $19.941.02.. I .....$8.84781 I $20.54102I Bordonam Joseph .....$3.90000 I $23.55937 I ' I $8.0904 I I $27459.37.1 Ra991e Wa$11 I9 $3.800001 I $211%0041 .. I $7.1944 1 $24.95004I Bergen! John .....$60000 I $18.991.46 I I $6.52171 I $18581451 Mervin..._.. Brian $1200.00 I $2286488'j- $7.8520 I I $24064.88 j Molnar Steven I $23561.54 j . $8.0912 $27,46154 f IOUinteros John $3.900110 I $21.33690 I $72772 I I $2323660 I Myers DaMd. .. I $9.8 A 4 5 $32567231 Baum9an Marc $3.60000 I $2260515 1 I $7.7628 I I $26506.15 I Bretiouwer JeEry $3,60000 I $22.010 11 I $7.5584 I I $2691011 I mor_a ..... Je$ny $9.90000 I ..:.'. $1994102 .. f $6.847811 $23.84102I _...Banes John (60000 I _ $44.93868 I I $].16021 I 521.638.071 iN • Proposed pay raises for the next two years : NAMES BASE 3% TOTAL 4% TOTAL F .S. I J. Myers 18 , 991 569.73 19,560 782 . 40 20 , 342 S . Massari 18, 991 569. 73 19, 560 782. 40 20 ,342 J. BERGER 18 , 991 569.73 19, 560 782 . 40 20 , 342 E. HINCHY 18, 991 569.73 19, 560 782 . 40 20 , 342 TOTAL 2278 . 92 TOTAL 3129 . 60 6% 8% F. S . II P. Anderson 21 ,788 1,307 .28 23 ,095 1, 847 . 62 24, 942 M. Honhorst 20 ,510 1, 230 . 60 21,740 1 , 739. 24 23 , 479 J . Fortune 19, 941 1,196. 46 21,137 1 , 690 . 99 22, 827 W. Riggle 20 , 950 1,257 .00 22 , 207 1,776. 56 23 , 983 J . Brethouwer 22 ,010 1,320 . 60 23 , 330 1,866. 44 25 ,196 J. McCall 19, 941 1,196. 46 21 ,137 1 , 690 . 99 22 ,827 TOTAL 7 ,508. 40 TOTAL 10 , 611. 84 8% 10% F. S . III M. Hool 22, 626 1,810 24, 436 2 , 443 26,879 T. Grey 21, 997 1,759 23 , 756 2, 375 26,131 M. Lundsford 25, 622 2,049 27 , 671 2 ,767 30 , 438 S. Keefer 23,031 1,842 24,873 2, 487 27 , 360 M. Reilly 20, 938 1,675 22 , 613 2, 261 24, 874 J . Bordonaro 23 , 559 1,884 25, 443 2 ,544 27 , 987 B. Mervin 22, 864 1,829 24, 693 2 , 469 27 ,162 S. Molnar 23 ,561 1,884 25, 445 2 , 544 27 , 989 J. Quinteros 21 ,336 1,706 23,042 2 ,304 25,346 M. Baumgart 22 , 605 1,808 24, 413 2 , 441 26 ,854 J . Bailes 20, 938 1, 675 22, 613 2 , 261 24 , 874 B. Meyers 31, 707 2 , 536 34, 243 3 , 424 37 , 667 R. Thompson 29,008 2 ,320 31 , 328 3 , 132 34 , 460 TOTAL 24,777 TOTAL 33 , 452 8% 10% F. S. IV H. Schneider 25, 501 2,040 27 , 541 2 , 754 30 , 292 D. Tryon 30 ,025 2,402 32 , 427 3 , 242 35 , 669 B. Rivera 28,718 2,297 31 , 015 3 , 101 34,116 TOTAL 6,739 TOTAL 9,097 8% 10% F. S.V C. Green 27 , 376 2 ,190 29 , 566 2 , 956 32 ,522 S. Lazio 29,227 2,338 31, 565 3 ,156 34,721 D. Farnum 29,097 2,327 31, 424 3 ,142 34, 566 TOTAL 6, 855 TOTAL 9 , 254 ARTICLE 11 Shift Swaps 11 . 1 Shift employees may voluntarily swap a shift for personal reasons with another employee subject to their shift commanders written approval ,provided there is no conflict with a pre-planned departmental activity. 11 . 2 The appropriate form (shift swap). shall be completed in full ,signed by each employee and their respective supervisor. 11.3 In no case shall a shift swap be made for a period of less than four (4) hours . 11. 4 Employees must shift swap with employees of the same job classification. 11 . 5 The completed shift swap form must be submitted for the second shift commanders approval at least 96 hours in advance. 11. 6 Shift swaps shall be paid back within twenty-one (21) calendar days . 11. 7 The appropriate form must be completed for each shift swap occurrence. 11. 8 Shift swaps may be used in lieu of , in conjunction wi th,immediately prior to, or immediately following vacation time,by either party. 11 . 9 Shift swaps shall not be granted in order that either party shall receive benefit due to approved holidays or other conditions that would otherwise be financially advantageous to either party . q T V ARTICLE 12 WORKING IN OR OUT OF CLASSIFICATION 12 .1 A firefighter temporarily serving in a position out of their classification assigned by the fire chief or his designee,shall be compensated at the rate of fifty dollars ($50 .00) per shift after completion of the first twenty-four hour (24) shift . 12 . 2 A firefighter serving in a position out of classi- fication assigned by the fire chief or his designee for completion of a twenty-four (24) hour shift shall be compensated. 12 . 3 No firefighter shall be entitled to a higher rate of pay as a result of assuming a position of a higher classification due to a shift swap. 01 ARTICLE 15 VACATION LEAVE 15 .1 Effective Oct .1 1994 ,all bargaining unit members will convert vacation and sick time accrued to Personal Time Off . 15 . 2 All bargaining unit members can use Personal Time Off for vacation time,sick time or Personal Time Off . 15 .3 Effective Oct . 1 1994,the following Personal Time Off (P.T.O. ) will be accrued as follows a) new hire to five (5) years employed will accrue twenty-eight (28) hours of Personal Time Off (P.T.O. ) a month. b) Six ( 6) years to ten (10) years employed will accrue thirty-four (34) hours of Personal Time Off (P.T.O. ) a month. c) eleven (11) years employed until retirement will accrue forty (40) hours of Personal Time Off (P.T.O. ) a month. ARTICLE 39 WAGES 39. 1 Effective Oct. 1 1994,all bargaining unit members shall receive the following percent (%) increases . a)Fire Fighter F. S I Shall receive a three Percent (3%) increase . b)Fire Fighter F. S. II Shall receive a six percent ( 6%) increase. c)Fire Fighter F. S. III Shall receive a eight percent (8%) increase. d)Lieutenant F.S. IV Shall receive a eight percent ( 8%) increase . e)Lieutenant F. S .V Shall receive a eight percent (8%) increase. 39 . 2 Effective 0ct .1 1995, all bargaining unit members shall receive the following percent (%) increases . a)Fire Fighter F.S . I Shall receive a four percent (4%) increase . b)Fire Fighter F. S . II Shall receive a eight percent (8%) increase. c)Fire Fighter F. S. III Shall receive a ten percent (10%) increase. d)Lieutenant F. S. IV Shall receive a ten percent (10%) increase. e)Lieutenant F. S. V Shall receive a ten. percent (10%) increase. 39 . 3 Effective 0ct . 1 1994, all Paramedics and Emergency medical Technicians incentives in effect,sha' l he converted into an hourly rate. ARTICLE 42 STEP INCREASES 42 .1 Step increases will be for the following categories of Fire Service Classification: A) Probationary Firefighter as per current department requirements. B) F. S . II as per current department requirements . C) F. S. III 1) Level 1 as per current department requirements 2) Level 2 to have completed the following classes, Hazardous Materials 1 and 2 and Tactics and Strategies , with a pay increase of two and a half (2 1/2 ) percent . 3) Level 3 to have completed all of the Fire Officers I classes with a pay increase of two and a half (2 1/2) percent. D) F. S. IV as per current department requirements with a seven and a half (7 1/2) percent increase. E) F.S.V as per current department requirements with a seven and a half (7 1/2) percent increase. OF $tNTEfts 4�e % 4-(,4 J FIRE DEPARTMENT ECO aIOP 102 NORTH MOSS ROAD WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 TELEPHONE (407) 327-2332 FIRE AN FAX RESCUE SERVICES DATE: 2 6 \Di.e /9q5 TO: FAX #: — 77 6 7 FROM: "71M /,c/4/ ,; NUMBER OF PAGES ( INCLUDING COVER SHEET ): REGARDING: 4 COMMENTS: •Frgr )7 'N "s Ary re - -)or/- I, 3/ Ff y EA,5 e / 0doLer /99Y r� o : 2• �zr,f Inc re,cse trran O� to 2% on, e✓.v/i., f?af Ri;n, Ver;Ar) "Ale, re-ltn �D / gel+ /1195! 3 4E., e 14n 0 I �� ��� / , s��� rig/ oaf r 1 �dy nn OO-(- of Ctrs s,c)cniIDN, - 'S/0 fir shi 139)4 a,nys -gq 7 %' , / ��� S �Y/7. 2 / I 6 . S. Con �vrA�,D.n Z �'Pi415 Tfdrn I (,c7, ����7 v�� � 3� S� �i PLEASE NOTIFY IMMEDIATELY IF NOT RECEIVED PROPERLY: Phone: (407) 327-2332 Fax: (407) 327-8514 6. r/wee, rz -4/XT/,� r� f.471' PS 'Grr° /*9�e /n ��r. ' �n pD/,cJ Jl, „,a,// r4/ /4/1--2/ � s 0 The City of Winter Springs and the Winter Springs Professional Firefighters Local 3296 agree to the following: Article 39: Waves Effective October, 1994 to September, 1995 the Union agree to the City's current pay raise. A 3% increase retroactive to October, 1994 AND a 0% to 2% performance based increase retroactive to each employees anniversary date. Effective October, 1995 the Union accepts the City's performance based evaluation system. article 12 • Firefighters eery+nQ o � of lase a a ion A firefighter serving in a position out of their classification as appointed by the Fire Chief or his designee shall be compensated at the rate of $10/shift beginning on the first shift in that capacity. The City and the Union agree to re-open negotiable articles which pertain to the City's personnel policy. The proposed personnel policy changes have not yet been adopted by the City at the time of this signing. The City agrees to negotiate these articles no later than January, 1996. a01 trq�( (7 // Union President Fire Chief City Manager 0 The following changes to the referenced Articles of Agreement between the City of Winter Springs and the Winter Springs Professional Firefighter's Association, Local 3296 should be made. ARTICLE 12 Working in or out of higher classification. An employee would be eligible to receive $10.00 per 24 hour shift beginning with the first shift serving out of classification. ARTICLE 39 Wages 39.1 Effective October 1, 1994, all bargaining unit employees shall receive a three percent (3%) increase or to the minimum salary of the adopted City of Winter Springs pay and classification plan whichever amount is greater. Those bargaining unit members whose salary would be over the maximum as established by the pay and classification plan would be paid a lump sum for the amount over the maximum. 39.2 Effective October 1, 1994 and continuing to September 30, 1995, all bargaining unit members would be eligible for a merit increase of 0% to 2% based upon their evaluation effective on their anniversary date during the outlined period. When the salary would exceed the maximum range for the employees classification the amount over the maximum would be paid in a lump sum and not included in the employees base salary. 39.3 Effective October 1, 1995, all bargaining unit employees shall receive salary increases based upon the City's established Personnel Evaluation System as approved by the City Commission on April 24, 1995. ARTICLE 41 Duration Change to reflect contract duration from October 1, 1994 through September 30, 1996. NEW ARTICLE Add an agreement to reopen negotiations on any change in the personnel policy that effects firefighters. Thank you for making these changes. If I can be of any assistance please notify. Sincerely, 7 / L /,27?, 2 /� / (d,47:-/S