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Monthly Report-September 1983
I,}o:ppii: September ].983 ., ROAD PATROL • Traffic Investigations: 649 Accidents: 7 Personal In,7ury: 3 Fatalities: 0 Vehicle Damage 13,000.00 Property De^age: 0 ARRESTS: Traffic: 245 Others: 18 Warnings: 78 MISCELLANEOUS 221874 3641 , Number of Complaints: 1484 Radio Calls: Phone Calls: . Business Checks Made: 2548 House Checks: 50 Open Doors: 97 Animal Complaints: 18 Property Found/Confiscated: 10,752.01 MONTHLY INVESTIGATIVE SUMMARY Cases Opened this Month: 134 Cases Closed this Month: 109 Misdemeanors: 85 Others: 26 Juveniles: 61 Felony Investigations: 21 Miscellaneous Investigations: 6 Polygraph Examinations: Cases Sent to Court: 250 Warrants Obtained/Request ed: 4 Cases Gones to Court: 187 Total Arrests: 16 - Amount Paid by Court:2,991.75 HOURS WORKED Regular Hours: 3,104 Investigator{s) 336 Reserves: 39 I /2 Overtime: 12 Support Personnel: 1,136 Sick Time: 72 TOTAL HOURS PERSONNEL WORKED: 4,627 1/2 • VEHICT.FS Miles traveled: 25132 Prior Month: 23296 - - Gallons Gas: 2337 Prior Month: 2298 SUEMT11HD BY: ' ;f/ % DATE: October 5,1983 79o'in Govoruhk C7hiefLorFOlice •