HomeMy WebLinkAboutMonthly Report-November 1976 j/_
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MONTH : November 1976
Traffic Investigations. . . . 125 Dog/Cat Complaints . . . ._15
8 1 Fatalities_ 0__
No. of Accidents . .,. . . . ._ Personal InJury. .__
Vehicle Damage $ 1,010 .00 Property Damage _
78 Others . . 1 Warnings 46
ARRESTS: Traffic _ — - -
Property Found/Confiscated $ 145.00
Cases opened this month 33
Cases Closed this Month 16
-- -
14 D1lsdemeanors 13
Misdemeanors -
0 Others 0---
Others _.— - - -- -- -
10 Felony 3 - -
Felony Investigations_ _ - -- - - --
Juveniles 9 Juveniles -__ 9.
Value of Property Stolen $ 1 ,929100 Value,of Property Recovered $__ 145 .00
Miscellaneous Investigations 2_ Assisted Other Police Agencies 6 _
Polygraph Examinations 0 Warrants Obtained 0
------ - -
1381 Investi ators 362 Reserves 88_5
Regular Hours g -
Time Ti
Overtime 196 Support Personnel __ 965- ------ -
Number of Complaints . _ _342 Radio Calls . . . 3420 phone Calls . . . 1385
Business Checks Made. . . 10 House Checks . . . 23 Open Doors . . . , 61
Miles Travel
10,472 Prior Month 12,523
_ - -
Gal./Gas 1298. 2 _ Prior Month 1,391.4 ..-
SUBMITTED BY: DATE: 12-2-76 ——
No Valid Drivers License 9
November 16,1976
C.A. Benedict, P.E.
Fla. Dept . of Transportation
District Engineer
Deland, Florida 32720
P.O. Box 4-D
Dear ltr. Benedict :
After reading different sections of the Florida State Statutes
and the Florida Uniform Traffic Control Laws , we have a few questions
and hope that you can provide us with the answers to these questions .
We have, in the past , ran into problems with vandalism to our
street signs and marking . `7e have thought of the possibility
of errecting concrete si?hs for this purpose. Kowever, according
to the manuel, we would be in direct violation, so Low do we
coabat the problem and what are the consequences for the city if
these concrete sins are errected?
One question concerns Title 23 U.S . Code , that requires all
signs on public roads and streets under our jurisdiction to
conform with the 1971 ::anuel on Uniform Traffic Control Devices .
Does this state flately that all signs must conform by size ,
color and reflective quality? Enclosed you will see street signs
made of wood or other materials, are these legal at this time?
(photos enclosed) .
Also I would like to ask if a municipality has the power to
errect informational signs that do not conform with the regulations
set forth in the manuel , on Municipal Right of ways , pictures
Another question has to do with the distance and height re-
quirements of Stop Signs, etc . , within the city limits . What is
the required height to bottom of Stop Sign and distance from
curb in a residential area?
Must all other signs , informative , ebb . , conform with Title
23 U.S. Code, as of this date?
As you can see, we are in need of some answers and would
appreciate your immediate attention to this matter.
Very truly yours,
John Govoruhk
Chief of Police
Florida r. Department of Transportation
P. 0. Box 47
DeLand, Florida
November 23, 1976
Mr. John Govoruhk
Chief of Police
City of Winter Springs
102 North Moss Road
Winter Springs, Florida
RE: Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
Dear Chief Govoruhk:
This is to acknowledge your letter of November 16, 1976 that you hand delivered
to our Traffic Operations Section. Your letter raises some questions on roadside
sign conformance to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices on municipally
controlled streets and roads.
Chapter 316.131 of Florida Statutes requires the Florida Department of Trans-
portation to adopt a uniform system of traffic control devices for use on streets
and highways of the State. To comply with this law the Department did officially
adopt the 1971 edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Sub-
section (3) of Chapter 316.131 states that any traffic control device installed
by any public body or official shall conform to the MUTCD.
We believe that this chapter of Florida law and the MUTCD will answer the questions
you posed but we would suggest you consult with the City Attorney for assistance
in this matter.
The basis of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices is to promote a higher
degree of motorists' safety and efficiency by uniformly applying traffic control
devices. In this regard the motorist knows what to expect and this helps them to
react in a better manner.
Ue trust that this information is helpful to you and if we can provide any additional
information please let us know.
Sincerely, J
C. A. Benedict, P.E.
District Engineer
cc: Mr. L. A. Griffin SUNSHINE STATE
AI 316.006 - 316.006 UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL LAW 316.008
facilities from the proper exercise of those powers by the pi
,ER.--Any per- placement and maintenance of traffic control devices which g-
wors for the conform to the manual and specfications of the department �i-
a workers ss or of transportation on streets and highways located within
. than a tafaes-migrant farm municipal boundaries.
family. (3) COUNTIES.--Counties shall have original jurisdiction
over all streets and highways located within their boundaries,
n by which any except all state roads and those streets and highways speci-
or drawn upon a fled in subsection (2), and may place and maintain such traf-
power or used fie control devices which conform to the manual and specifi-
cations of the department of transport aton upon all streets F -
and highways under their original juris diction as they shall
.01. deem necessary to indicate and to carry out the provisions
ction over traffic of this chapter or to regulate, warn, or guide traffic. (Ch. 71-
982, § 1)
316.007 Prop isions uniform throughout shalc.-
The provisions of this chapter shall be applicable and uni-
s follows: form throughout this state and in all political subdivisions
,ortatiun shall have
and municipalities therein, and no local authority shall enact (--
or enforce any ordinance on a matter covered by this chapter
1s throughout this unless expressly authorized. Harsecer, this section shall not
If all state nd may prevent any local authority from enacting an ordinance when t
ices parks, and may such enactment is necessary to vest jurisdiction of violation
ate ices whicw conform of this chapter in the local court. (Ch. 71-982, § 2)
uch highways as it
arty out the provi- 316.00S Pot ersof local authorities.—
or guide traffic. (1) 'pbe provisions of this chapter shall not be deemed
nu highways shall to prevent local authorities, with respect to streets and high-
nd highways located w ways under their jurisdiction and within the reasonable exer-
,d and may place rise of the police power, from:
s which conform m to (a) Regulating or prohibiting stopping, standing, or park-
vrlmcnt of tran spot- � ing;
Inder their original •
y to indicate and to (b) Regulating traffic by means of police officers or offi-
ar to regulate, warn, cial traffic control devices; $
limit those counties (c) Regulating or prohibiting processions or assemblages
1e and regulate ogle- on the streets or highways, including all state or •
onsets, and related federal highways lying within their boundaries; •
n ?
— -, _-
particular highways or roadways for use
(d) Designating p
by traffic moving in one direction;
(e) Establishing speed limits for vehicles in public parks;
(f) Designating any street as a through street or designat-
ing any intersection as a stop or yield intersection;
(g) Restricting the use of streets;
(h) Regulating the operation of bicycles;
(i) Regulating or prohibiting the turning of vehicles or
• specified types of vehicles;
(j) Altering or establishing speed limits within the pro-
- visions of this chapter;
(k) Requiring written accident reports;
(I) Designating no-passing zones;
(m) Prohibiting or regulating the use of controlled access
roadways by any class or kind of traffic;of
(n) Prohibiting ee aryrclass atorgkind of traffic found t traveled
incompatible with the normal and safe movement of
(o) orm con-
formity Designating to crriiiteria promulgated by the department of
(p) Designating and regulating traffic on play streets;
(q) Prohibiting pedestrians from crossing a roadway in a
business district or any designated highway except on
a crosswalk;
(r) Regulating pedestrian crossings at unmarked cross- ,
- - (s) Regulating persons upon skates, coasters, and other
• toy vehicles;
(t) Adopting and enforcing such temporary xperi-
, mental regulations as may be necessary.ro core
gencies or special conditions.
• (2) The municipality, through its duly authorized officers,
shall have nonexclusive jurisdiction over the prosecution,
trial, adjudication, and punishment of violations of this chap-
. ter when a violation occurs within the municipality and the
F l✓ I I"
other vehicular t raffle along the emergency route by conformance prior to sale_Any manufacturer ornt
an audible sit-ma!, siren, exhaust whistle, or other dor who sells any traffic control signal, guide, @
'adequate US-ice. While en route to such emergency, directional sign or device without such certificatioc.
the emergency vehicle shall otherwise proceed in a shall be ineligible to bid or furnish traffic co=;,. .
manner consistent with the laws regulating vehicu- devices to any public body or official for such perm4
lar traffic upon the highways of this state- of time as may be established by the Departmec:ce
(4) Nothing herein contained shall diminish or Transportation; however, such period of time 51.„1.1
enlarge any rules of evidence or liability in any case be for not less than 1 year from the date ofnotifea.
involving the operation of an emergency vehicle. tion of such ineligibility.
151 This section shall not operate to relieve the (5) Any system of traffic control devices try
driver of an authorized emergency vehicle from the trolled and operated from a remote location by e::v,
duty to drive with due regard for the safety of all tronic computers or similar devices shall meet c
persons using the highway. requirements established for the uniform sp_,_
xc<iom—.2.;-1 r:133 and where such systems affect the movement oft:
fie on stale roads the design of the system shat;•
316.127 Motorcycles.--Any person operating a reviewed and approved by the Department ofTr_g
motorcycle shall be granted all of the rights and portation.
shall be subject to all of the duties applicable to the (6) The Department of Transportation is au•t r
driver of any other vehicle under this chapter, ex- ized, after hearing pursuant to 19 days' notit. •-
cept as to special regulations in this chapter and direct the remo'al of any purported traffic c000-zi,
except as to those provisions of this chapter which by de.ice wherever located which fails to meet :ht,T,
their nat ure can have no application. quirements of this section. The public agency err.:
nnlou.� 1.m.n-tea. ing or installing the same shall immediately m—e
said device or signal upon the direction of the !1
316.131 Uniform signals and devices.- partment of Transportation and may not fars p_.
111 The Department of Transportation shall rid of5 years, install any replacement or new try^t
adopt a uniform system of traffic control devices for control devices paid for in part or in full with fir.,,
use on the streets and highways of the state. The noes raised by the state unless written priorappr."-
uniform system shall, insofar as is practicable, con- al is received from the "Depart mint d
form to the system adopted by the American Associ- Transportat ion.Any additional violation by a p_."r
at ion of State Highway Officials and shall be revised body or official shall be cause for the withhold—:
from time to time to include changes necessary to stale funds for traffic control purposes until ._k
conform to a uniform national system or to meet public body or official demonstrates to the D. ,
local and state needs. The Department of Tran spar- meet of Transportation that it is complying.. :h:( :
lotion niav call upon representa tives of local author- section.
ties to as-ist in the preparation or revision of the (7) The Department of Transportation is au'!_-
uniform system of traffic control devices. ized to permit traffic control devices not inc,_r(2) The Department ofTraxporl al ion shall corn- ty with the uniform system upon showing ofy.4
pile and publish a manual of unifoiin traffic control cause_
devices which defines the uniform system adopted xt_io,re -,. 1,,73.71135.. L,n -^-159.. I.(9 73 310
pursuant to subsection (1), and shall compile and
publish minimum specifications for traffic control 316.132 Pedestrian control signals.-Nl..- .
signals and devices certified by it as conforming with Cr special pedestrian control signals e. hibiti-; • e
the uniform system and shall make copies of such words"walk" or"don't walk"are in place,s.:::.•;
manual and specifications available to all counties, nals shall indicate as follows:
fiction of itirets and highs public open to the having
public tic in oc R'ALg—Pedestrians in sires inn:.' r-.
diction of streets or highways open to the public in signal across the given the fie the direct )a ✓--'^
this stale. signal and any shall be given the e iglu
731 .co official Ices p r control signals or lied in driver D any WALK except an str shy v.
traffic control by al d public hod) and installed in oss DOoad'roadway in the-No pedestrian ssh, r.1
this state by manual pod specifications published the cross the striae who the has ialy coma ;vl '
Depart the ua lradpartationionu odbythe any pedestrian than dal has al may pomp9,a. '
Depart ment traffic icaontrol devices es otr pursuant than subsec-
traffic walk crossing a the"walk"signal may proved tea •.:-a
tion rol All signals pu control devices other thou traffic walk or safety zone while the"don't walk' - •
control s gnals purchased prior to July 1, 1972, not showing.
conforming to said system may continue inces until u:,ar>.-. t.m.71335
Januay 1, 1975,after which time such devices must
comply with the uniform system. All traffic control 316-133 Flashing signals.—sShenev er
signals purchased prior to January 1, 1972 not con- urinated flashing red or yellow signal is '
forming to said system may continue in use until traffic sign or signal it shall require d_..'.F^' t'
January 1, 1977, after which time such signals must vehicular traffic as follows:
comply with the uniform system. (1) FLASHING RED (STOP SIGNAL:-17--' a
(4) It shall be unlawful for any public body or red lens is illuminated with rapid intelmi:rc
official to purchase,or for anyone to sell any traffic es,drivers of vehicles shall stop ata dear, r'
control signal or device unless it conforms with the stop line,but if none, before entering the.
manual and specifications published by the Depart- on the near side of the intersection,or die
ment of Transportation and is certified to be of such at the point nearest the intersect;r ma—”: •
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