HomeMy WebLinkAboutCitizen's Crime Watch CITIZEN'S CRIME WATCH WINTER SPRINGS POLICE DEPARTMENT 102 NORTH MOSS ROAD WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA - 32708 PHONE: 327-1000 Citizens' Crime Watch is not a branch of the Police or the Local Government. It is a network of concerned citizens dedicated to reducing crime and ach- ieving safer residential and business communities. It works in cooperation with local Police in an exchange of information which has proved effective in lowering crime rates. Crime Watchers are trained in home and self protection, suspect identification and how to serve effectively as additional eyes and ears of the Police in their communities. Each neighborhood, business area, apartment complex or condominium will set up a telephone chain. Through the telephone chain neighbors will keep in- formed of criminal activity in their area and will receive information from the Police relating descriptions, if possible, of the persons or vehicles involved. When Citizens ' Crime Watchers see a suspiciuos person or vehicle or one that meets the description given through the telephone chain, they call the " Hot Line " to report. But DO NOT attempt to apprehend a suspect! These calls have resulted in a large number of arrests. We are not just " Watching " but caring, as in days past, for our families , our property, and our neighbors. • Wesley Dowell John Govoruhk Crime Watch Officer Chief of Police CITIZEN'S CRIME WATCH MANUAL HOW TO START A NEIGHBORHOOD CRIME WATCH 1 . Work out boundaries of your neighborhood with your Chairman. Make arrangements to have a map available for your meeting. 2. Set up a date and place for a meeting of your neighborhood. It can be at a meeting place convenient to your neighborhood, such as a school , church, government building, etc. 3. Give the date and an alternate date to the Neighborhood Chairman, who will make arrangements with the Crime Prevention Officer and a Crime Watch Representative to attend. Meetings can be held in the daytime, or evening when working men and women can attend. 4. Before the meeting is held, select one person from each block, on as many blocks as possible, to be Block Captains. Ask those to recommend others on blocks where you have no contacts. You may have to recruit remaining Block Captains at the Neighborhood meeting. 5. Hold a preliminary meeting (at a location you chose) with the Block Captains to explain Crime Watch with them. Be sure to get their names, addresses, and phone numbers. Ask for their help in planning the meet- ing and inviting neighbors on their blocks. Have enough Telephone Chain pamphlets for each Block Captain attending. 6. Block Captains can visit each home and explain Crime Watch briefly and leave an invitation to the meeting. An alternate method is to fill in the sample invitation, duplicate enough for your neighbors and leave one at each door. If you have no means of duplicating your invitations contact your neighborhood Chairman.Remember to EXCLUDE any neighbors who have engaged in illegal activity. 7. At the Neighborhood meeting, appoint an assistant to sit at the door and take the name, address, and phone number of each person who attends, and hand each one a Telephone Chain pamphlet if he does not have one. 8. When you begin your meeting, introduce yourself as the Neighborhood Chairman for Citizens' Crime Watch and introduce the speakers who will explain the program. Have the Crime Watch Representative speak first. 9. Ask if there are any questions and reintroduce the Crime Prevention Officer. 10. Be sure the Crime Prevention Officer covers: Home Protection Terminolgy Identification Training How to report a Crime After a reasonable number of questions, and answers, adjourn your meeting. If it is late and questions are still forthcoming, tell your neighbors they can talk futher with the Crime Prevention Officer after the meeting. Adjourn at a reasonalbe time. (Two hours should be a reasonable time) 11 . Arrange a training session for any Block Captains who were recruited at the meeting. • 12. If Block Captains did not explain Crime Watch to each household prior to the meeting, they should do so within seven (7) days afterwards. Be sure there are enough Telephone Chain pamphlets for each household. 13. A follow up meeting should be scheduled within three (3) months to continue training and discuss the effectiveness of the Telephone Chain. Materials including visual aids will be available through the Crime Prevention Officer or Neighborhood Chairman. HOW THE TELEPHONE CHAIN WORKS Your Part in the Chain : * Keep pen and special phone pad near phone at all times to write down information given to you. * Be brief and precise in all calls. * This is not a sicial call ! Discuss only the issue at hand, and quickly. * Relay information exactly as it is given to you. Do not delete from or add to the information given to you. * Repeat it to the person calling for your accuracy. * Information from the Police is Confidential and is to be shared only with Crime Watchers. * Make your calls as soon as possible. * If you have been victimized or have seen a suspect or vehicle reported in the chain, call the HOT LINE immediately. Then call your Neighborhood Chairman. The " links" in the chain from the Crime Prevention Officer to the Block Watcher keep you informed of crime in your area so you will know what to watch for and what to guard against. If you are the victim of a crime or observe a situation which requires a call to the " HOT LINE " , a follow up call to your Neighborhood Chairman will start the information up the chain and it will go in reverse order. PROCEDURE FOR REPORTING TO POLICE: It is extremely important that you become thoroughly familiar with all instructions on this page so that if the time comes that you must function as a Crime Watcher to report suspicious activities, a crime in progress or an emergency - you will be prepared. 1 . Identify yourself - Say " I 'am a Crime Watcher " 2. Type of Crime: (Burglary, assault, Suspicious person or vehicle, etc) 3. Crime in Progress - ( or when it occured) 4. Where - (Name of building or landmark if no specific address can be given) 5. Suspect Armed?? With - ( Gun, knife, Mace, etc) 6. Description - ( Height, weight, age, race, clothing, hair, male,female,etc) 7. Vehicle - ( Color, make , the last three (3) numbers of license plate are the most important, doors, etc) 8. Direction in which Suspect was traveling. 9. What was taken. 10. How entry was gained - ( door, window, etc) HOW THE TELEPONE CHAIN WORKS GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 1 . Determine from neighbors best time to call to relay the chain. Ask whether they wish to be called during the night in emergency situations. Example: (Burglar running in general direction of neighbor's homes or adjoining blocks) 2. When you are going to be away, notify your Neighborhood Chairman and Block Captain. 3. Report anything suspicious to Police. They would prefer to spend 10 minutes checking out a report, than 10 days following up a crime already committed. 4. Do not call victims just to learn more about a case or to sympathize. Call only if you need more information to substantiate your observations of suspicious activity. Report these observations to the Police. 5. When call originates from Police investigating a crime rather than from neighbors, give information to Police ONLY and do not call victim. 6. When you learn that your report had led to the arrest of a suspect, obtain as much information as possible and inform your Neighborhood Chairman. 7. NEVER confront a suspect! ! ! ! This is dangerousHHIII 8. WE ARE NOT THE POLICE. WE WORK WITH THE POLICE. 9. As a Crime Watcher you are the Eyes and Ears of the Police. Your importance as a Crime Watcher cannot be overemphasized. Remember this as you serve your community. CITIZEN'S CRIME WATCH GENERAL INFORMATION 1 . Incident in progress in neighborhood: A. Block Captian should be notified as soon as possible in case the suspect is still in the area. Captain sets up a " visual fence " around the area by calling others in the chain. This could aid Police in tracing the suspect as he attempts to flee the scene. B. Block Captain should notify Neighborhood Chairman as soon as possible after setting up the visual perimeter. This would be helpful , should the area of search need to be broadened. Neighborhood Chairman alerts other Block Captains in the immediate vicinity, should it become necessary. 2. Incident in neighborhood Not in progress: A. Should you receive information from a victim that a crime has been committed in your area, obtain as much information as possible, including a Case Number if one has been assigned, and immediately pass the information to your Chairman. 3. Suspicious Vehicle/Suspicious Persons calls: A. These situations should be handled with care and common sense. Many times the " suspicious " label is applied because the vehicle or - person is out of his apparent environment, ie: a beaten up van in an upper class residential area. B. Keep in mind that there are no laws or ordinances specifying where or when any vehicle or person may travel on public roadways. C. If a vehicle is parked in your area an extensive period of time or is observed cruising repeatedly thriugh the area, or if a person is loitering in the area: get a license number, description, note what appeared to be suspicious and Call Police. A large percentage of these calls do assist in the apprehension of criminals. D. Block Captains should be informed of sightings of these vehicles or persons to be passed to the Neighborhood Chairman when the next " Crime Watch " call is made. The KEY is Communications and Information. We naturally are NOT expected to solve the crimes, nor are we to interfere with an investigation. But we are in a position to gather and provide information to the Police through our Crime Watch Telephone Chain. 4 I DUTIES OF BLOCK CAPTAINS 1 . Block Captains shall compile a list of all those on his block who wish to participate, as well as their addresses and phone numbers. 2. Block Captains shall relay telephone calls from Neighborhood Chairman to the three (3) persons next in the chain. If one of the persons is not at home, Block Captain shall assume responsibility for making that persons calls. 3. Block Captains shall distribute literature to Crime Watchers when necessary. 4. Block Captain shall assist Neighborhood Chairman with Neighborhood Meetings. 5. Block Captain should maintain a list of names , addresses, and phone numbers of other Block Captains in the Neighborhood. 6. Report to Neighborhood Chairman any arrest resulting from information from Block Watchers and any reports of suspicious vehicles or persons. DUTIES OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD CHAIRMAN 1 . Set up the initial meeting to explain CITIZENS' CRIME WATCH and train the Neighborhood. This can be done with the assistance of any available Block Captain. A Crime Prevention Officer will make arrangements for the speakers. Follow the same procedure for any subsequent meetings, utilizing the Telephone Chain where possible. 2. Select Block Captains from each block in the neighborhood and set up a file including names, addresses, and phone numbers. 3. Receive Telephone Chain (list) with complate names, addresses and phone numbers of those participating in the prder of calling. This is provided by the Block Captains. Add to above file. 4. Provide Block Watchers with all necessary materials for their Crime Watchers. 5. Call Block Captains to relay Chain unless a Telephone Chairman or Relay Team is appointed to assume this responsibility. An Alternate Chairman (Neighborhood or Telephone/Relay) should be appointed. 6. Relay all following information from your Neighborhood to the Crime Watch Officer: Crimes Suspicious Persons or Vehicles Arrests aided by information from Crime Watchers in Neighborhood • . ::' :1 . • 1 )/1 i i 1 33 • . ...:. 1 , • i cluinc.q.uofriii 1 -1- ----ar • Mr T.----n L. 1 - • ' I - -1___:-! .1 s.-------:-\ *•1,,;,..z_i --- . - 111:11 -1-- - '— ----11-„- ,„__. I; ??1 IN -- ---1 1 ' 1 i ;IT 111 --.../ , II -) — Wi -I--,— 1 , II I if • A/, r L ' • • / • U ,----7. iv — .,... -, 1 • i 7..-E 1,== . 0 I _4_, , • -- • \--,—• ..s. „.•-• „,..-------„, .....-3-,- - -1,ki\- ----. • • . 1 - • . : ..- ...../ • • \:-'7,- -•-f•i'3,:: X ....... • . _ _.....-.- • ---- ..- I We need your help as a Crimewatcher Learn how to protect your home ,your valuables , your children,yourslf. Have your own Hot-Line to the police . L .:ARN HO,/ AT- Time Date Address Home of Telephone : 1 1 1 -., WINTER SPRINGS NEIGHBORHOOD CRIME WATCH 1 1 61-1;) Police' - . . r_t•'tG=.oci r .it. "HOT LINE" • ,`� �z 1'- Neighborhood Chairman L 1 Alt. - Block Captaku . C .o �� llt. �•.�. / N..�..�) Block Watchers . g:7,--N-3=1 67.2.7 . . 1-I t_ 1. Police assigned officer to city. 2 2.Neighborhood chairman. • 3.Block Captain. 4.Block Watchers. • • • i j { H o 1 d 0 N; 0I i 1 cc) • (Yl S cn i En U] 1 co •• x C./ 4/ x 13 a)>, ° 0 0 Z w 3 z Z x w Z DVic. . ,. 0 .._,_. •i w U W Lill r 1 e :off W M1 O t f ---i , ) 1 ri1 ( ._ •• E"4 [I . r: Cf) et, I 4-) •• .. •• t. fa ; (). a x 3 z 2 z i W_.,. k I t ttkc.....3) - :: I !ur: li j 1 [I ,--1 1.0 u gl .. .. .. .. .. .. G1 `L I C7 CJ ° g' C' ^L t E y.t i t .r] ..+ 1 ��. S+ ' L. c° :--r—' F i z - s i z v 1 . . ,t4, RIERG'" ' THRIOOD / , . ,„ it 04 ti.. .1` - •' ki ,, : -,, 1V4Vire ag S tSds ,�::,. • s NIMMMOIMMIMINO \,, ,zasaingligilaiNgiffigv. HOME SECURITY CHECKLIST YES NO • 1 . Are all outside doors made of solid wood or metal construction? 2 . Are door frames strong enough and tight enough to prevent forcing or spreading? 3 . Are door hinges protected from removal from outside? 4 . Are there windows in any door within 40 inches of locks? 5 . Are all door locks adequate and in good condition? 6 . Is there a screen or storm door with an adequate lock? 7 . Are all entrances lighted with at least a 40 watt light? 8. Can front entrance and street number be observed from street or public areas ? 9 . Are sliding glass door panels secured from being lifted out of track? 10. Is there an auxiliary lock used on sliding glass doors? 11 . Do all windows have adequate locks in operating condition? 12 . Are exterior window areas free from concealing structure or landscaping? 13 . Is exterior adequately lighted at all window areas? 14. Are trees and shrubbery kept YES NO trimmed back from upper floor windows? 15 . Are ladders stored where they are inaccessible to burglars? 16 . Is garage door kept closed and locked at all times? 17 . Are garage windows secured adequately for ground floor windows ? • 18. Are tools and ladders kept inside garage? 19 . Do you know the emergency numbers for your police and fire departments? 20. Do you contact your Police and tell them the dates of your vacation? 21 . Do you stop all deliveries (mail , newspaper , etc . ) while on vacation? 22. Do you have a neighbor park in your driveway and use your garbage can while you are away? 23. Do you have someone take care of your yard while your away? 24. Do you turn the bell down on your phone? 25 . Do you have timers on your lights or have a neighbor turn on lights in your house while you are away to give your home a lived in look? 26 . Do you lock your doors every time you leave your house no matter how long you plan to be gone? 27. Do you know how to report a crime? 28 Are all your valuables marked with your Drivers lincense number for easy identification in case of theft? 29. Have you written down the serial numbers of all your valuables ?