HomeMy WebLinkAboutMailboxes and Other Regulations-1992 TO: RICHARD ROZANSEY, CITY MANAGER
DATE: AUGUST 18, 1992
Attached herewith is the report from Lieutenant Robert Pieper with
regard to the Mail Boxes built within the Right-Of-Way on South
Edgemon Avenue. Also attached with the report are copies of City
Codes, U.S. Postal Regulations pertaining to the construction of
mailboxes, and suggestions/recommendations for a City Code to regu-
late the construction of mailboxes within the Right-Of-Way within
the City. - /1,
y ohn Go• .i hk
' of Police
TO: Chief Govoruhk
FROM: Lt . R. Pieper
REF : Mailboxes/ So . Edgemon Ave .
DATE : 00/17/92
As per your instructions , I spoke with Al White , Dave Alamina
and G .D. Archer in an attempt to determine the origins of the
mailbox complaint on So. Edgemon Ave . Unfortunately , I am
unable to come to a precise conclusion .
Mr . White advised me that at some time in early April he had
gone over to City Hall and was talking with Dave Alamina on
an unrelated matter (which he does not recall at this time)
and states that Dave Alamina advised him that there were
three concrete mailboxes on So . Edgemon Ave. in front of new
houses. White states that Alamina advised him that these
mailboxes have no permits . During this conversation , White
states that either Mr. Archer walked into the room , or that
he and Al amine walked into Archers office (White does not
recall which is correct) and that Alamina stated to Archer
words to the effect of "Remember those three mailboxes we
were talking about?" . White further states that Archer re-
plied with words to the effect of " they have no permits , I
can 't allow it" (the mailboxes) . Mr . White states that at
that time the understanding he derived from this comment was
that he was to handle the problem , but he does not recall
whether this was implied , or if he was directed to take act-
ion in this matter .
Mr . Alamina's recollection of this incident is slightly dif-
ferent than Mr. White's . Mr . Alamina states that White came
over to his office one day , and specifically asked him about
the three masonry mailboxes on So. Edgemon . Mr . Alamina
states that he had no knowledge of these mailboxes before
White brought it to his attention . Alamina states that dur-
ing his conversation with White, Mr . Archer walked into the
office. As White and Alamina were discussing what to do
about these mailboxes, Alamina states that Archer made a com-
ment that permits are not issued for them , and they are in
violation . I asked Alamina if he or Archer specifically dir-
ected White to take action on this matter , and he stated that
they did not . It was simply put that this was a Code
Enforcement problem .
Mr . Archer states that at the time this issue came about , he
walked into Alamina' s office , at which time Alamina and White
were engaged in a conversation about stone mailboxes. Archer
states that at that time he stated that the city does not
allow them in the right of way , and made a general statement
to Mr . White along the lines of " If you've got violations,
you need to handle them. You don 't need to come ask me about
them" . Archer states that this was not a specific instruc-
tion to take action in this particular situation , Just a gen-
eral statement that code violations are White's responsibil -
ity . Archer could not advise whether it was Alamina or White
who brought up the matter in the conversation since he came
in on the middle of it . (Archer further advised that recent-
ly when he was asked about this situation by a citizen , he
was mistakenly thinking of a different set of mailbox viol -
ations , and provided information which was relevant to that
situation , but not this one) . Archer did state that this
incident happened in the same time frame as when he had sent
White into the are of So. Edgemon to check into a reported
violation of stopped up drainage ditch or creek .
As previously stated , it is difficult to come to a precise
conclusion in this matter . If the situation were such that
there was one "true" account , and the other accounts were
"lies" , perhaps it would be easier . However, I do not feel
anyone involved in this matter is "lying" , or covering up .
Rather , the similarities and differences in the accounts seem
to me to be a matter of "perceived memory" where different
individuals remember the same incident from differing
perspectives . Other factors that come into play here are
"faulty memory" and break-downs in effective communication .
The similarities in this incident are that :
1 . Alamina and White were engaged in a conversation about
mailboxes . Whether White observed the violations himself and
initiated action as a result of his previous experience in
dealing with this type of incident , or Alamina brought them
to the attention of White in order for him to take action on
them, cannot be determined through discussion . Both men are
firm in their individual recollections of how this event took
place .
2 . Archer entered into the conversation and made a general
comment that masonry mailboxes in the right of way are not
permitted and are a code enforcement problem. From the
interviews with all three men , it is consistent that Mr.
Archer was not a party to the beginning of this conversation ,
and was not making specific comments regarding the three
mailboxes on So. Edgemon .
3 . White states that it was his "understanding" that he was
supposed to take action in this matter , even thought he does
not recall being specifically directed . Both Archer and
Al amina state that they did not instruct , direct , or tell
White to take action in this matter , or what action should be
taken „ simply that it was a code enforcement problem . The
possibility exists here that certain aspects of "non-verbal
communication" were mis-interpreted , or wrongly projected .
In summation , I feel that Mr . White firmly believes that the
action he took was what was expected of him , even though no
specific command or directive to do so can be e er ned .
Lt . Robert A. Pieper
Management Support
The City of Winter Springs currently regulates street right-of-ways by
the following ordinances:
ARBOR Chapter 5
Regulates the size, species, and placement of trees that can
be planted in street right-of-ways [ 5-4 ]
BUILDING Chapter 6
Prohibits fencing right-of-ways without special exception
being granted [6-192(b)]
SIGNS Chapter 16
Prohibits the placement of signs in the right-of-ways
[16-56(b) and 16-761
Prohibits obstruction or placing anything in or on streets
without s permit [17-1] (NOTE: Chapter 12 ROTOR VEHICLE
defines "street" as the entire distance between boundaries,
which would include right-of-ways.)
Requires permits to plant trees, shrubbery, and other plants
in street right-of-ways [17-28(c)]
In addition, Building Codes require a permit for any structure, addition,
or improvement to real property. [6-46]
The regulation of the type, size, and construciton of mailboxes contained
within a right-of-way only seems to be a natural progression of the City's
exercise of control over street right-of-ways.
Any mailbox erected within the right-of-way of any street shall consist
of a postal service approved manufactured box, or a custom built box
approved by the postmaster in accordance with Domestic Mail Service
DMM 156.516. Mailbox supports must be of adequate size and strength
to support the box, and shall be constructed of material designed to
minimize damage to a vehicle which may strike it, by breaking away or
falling away from such vehicle.
(1) Mailbox supports, stands, or enclosures constructed of heavy metal
posts; farm, automotive, or similar equipment or machinery; concrete
block, rock, stone, brick or similar masonry structures is prohibited.
(2) Mailbox enclosures constructed of stucco or simulated brick/stone
applied over foam, or a hollow lath sub-structure is permitted as
an exception to (1).
(3) Any existing, non-complying mailbox supports, stands, or enclosures
shall be removed
(by , 199_.)
FROM: John Govoruhk, Chief of Police
DATE: AUGUST 28, 1992
Contact was made with Mr. Chuck Doyl, with Florida League of Cities
(Our Insurance Carrier) in regards to coverage to concrete, brick,
and or solid type mailboxes in the city right-of-way. In addition
we discussed railroad ties, blocks, chain, rails, etc., being allowed
and/or in right-of-ways at present time.
He advised: If the City has a claim - we will be covered - we are
protected under our current policy.
Further conversation, and checking with others, the best suggestions
made is the City Attorney - should advise/handle this as it is a legal
responsibility for the City.
Best thing to do is pass an Ordinance to comply - put in Ordinance what
is allowed and what is not allowed (need to spell it out clearly).
Put Homeowner on notice of non-compliance - Certified Letter, this will
relieve City as they can't say they were not notified. Then if not
corrected - take appropriate action via Code Board. /
717777 .‘ AOF
R : . o 2, �/
J. .voruhk
Chief of Police
AUG 27 1992
JG/eds CITY of It' i�inct RINGS e'O1 elt S&P ilitgz.
obstruct the light from any streetlight or estry, this list may be revised with approval
so that such branches obstruct the view of from the commission.
any street intersection and create a hazard
small!'rc Medium Trees Large Tnv,
to vehicular or pedestrian traffic. (All limbs uahuom Hulls Dogwood 9:,Id ci p'=s
will be removed following standard urbori' lisp Hornbeam Cabbage Papa Winced Phu
cultural standards). (acresWcm Thorn Redbud Ilackhwty
(Ord. Nu. 451, § 1, 3-27-87) Chickasaw Plum Gulden Rain Tree died M.nle
Pindu Palm American Nulty 'Laurel O..k
tcherry Laurel Bay Loblolly 'Live Oak
Sec. 5-4. Official green plan for public prop- Pumpkin Ash -W.mhingw.. Pal,,,
arty. s.r ,e,.
(a) Iniliut p(an. 'the city forester under the guid- s.eac Pguu,
tale eita
ante of the director of public works, shall develop .n L.;;nnli:r
an official Winter Springs Green Plan which pro- (2) Spacing*. Trees shall be spaced at least at
vides to the city commission the following infor-
mation: the distance specified: Small trees, thirty
(30) feat; medium trees, forty (40) feet; and
(1) Documentation on the current nature of large trees, fifty (50)feet.
the city forest consisting of parks, rigltts-
of-tvuY, rnsemenls, and public fhcilitics, (3) Distance from curb and sidewalk.The min-
of- ay, distance trees may be planted from
(2) Proposals ibr the care, preservation, replace- curbs or curblines and sidewalks shall be:
cent, and new planting of trees and plants Small trees, two(2)feet; medium trees, three
on city land; (3)feet; large trees, four 11) feet.
(3) Projected budgetary data fur at least the (4) Distance from street corners and fireplugs.
subsequcnt five (5)yeas. No street tree shall be planted nearer than
lb) Annual report. Each year the city forester twenty (20) feet to any. street corner, well-
lb) from the point of nearest intersect,
shall submit to the city manager a written report ing curbs or curblines. No street too shall
on the progress toward impleineumlion of the green be planted within ten(10)feet of any fireplug.
plan, including suggestions for additions and re-
visions to the plan. When ratified by the city (5) Proximity of street trees to utilities. No
conuuiss ion, these modifications shall become in- street toes other than Grose species desig-
corpor:dad into the official plan. Bated small trees shall be planted under ur
(c) Interior reports. Whenever requested by the within ten(10) lateral feet of any overhead
city manager, the city forester shall investigate wire, or over or within five (5) lat.-
or analyze a site or concern and file a report on sash ice[ of any underground water lieu,
sewer line, transmission line, or other util-
lindings on the 'natter.
ity installation.
(d) Implementation of city green plus. '!'Ire city
forester shall cause the official green plan to be (u) Protection of city forest:
implemented to adhere to the following guidelines. (1) Tree topping. It shall be unlawful as a nor
(1) Street tree species to be planted. The offi- mtd practice For cry pmsoil liana, or city
department to top any street tree, park tree,
ciul street tree species for Winter Springs, or other true on public property. 'Popping is
Florida, is presented below. No species other defined as the severe cutting back of limbs
than those included in these lists shun be
planted us street trees without written per to stubs larger than three (3) inches in di-
mission of the city forester. Upon recom- mneLCr within the tree's mown to such a
emendation from the State Division of For-
SON". No. t
as well as fabric fences with fabric of less than a fencing, in whole or in part, of a public right-of.
minimum of eleven-gauge galvanized or other way is necessary to protect the health,safety, and
noncurrodible metal. welfare of the citizens of the city as a whole, the
(Code 1974, § 5-124) hoard may authorize a special exception to permit
a private citizen to erect a fence on a dedicated
See. 6-189. When barbed wire permissible. right-of-way contiguous to that citizen's property.
In areas where security fences are permitted, Requests for such special exceptions to this sec-
barbed wire may be used above six (6) feet with Lion shall be decided pursuant to the criteria of
approval of the building officials. section 20-82(1)b, and to the procedures of sec-
(Code 1971, § 5-125) tions 20-83 and 20-84.
(c) Any fencing approved by special exception
Sec. 6-190. Height limitations generally. to be erected on a dedicated right-of-way shall he
All walls or knees hereafter located, erected, constructed according to plans approved by the
constructed, reconstructed, or altered outside of city stuff, with gates adequate to allow access Lu
the established building lines shall adhere to the maintenance vehicles. All costs incurred in fene-
following heights; If front of the front building tog the right-ofway shall be borne by the contig-
line, no more than four(-A)feet in height; if to the emus property owner to whom the special excep-
rear of the front building line, provided the provi- Lion may be Lo-anted.The fence shall be maintained
siuns of section 6-191 are met fur corner lots, no to safe condition by the property owner who in-
tnore than eight (8)feet in height. stalled it, and the fencing when removed may be
(Code 1974, § 5-126) reclaimed by that property owner.
(d) Such fences erected privately by special ox-
See. 6-191. limitations when adjacent to street, ception on a dedicated right-of-way shall not pre-
intersection. elude access to or use of such public land by any
To avoid the obstruction of clear vision around citizen of the city.
or through corners on corner lots, no fence, wall (Code 1971, § 5-129)
or hedge shall be erected, planted or grown within Cross referents—Utilities,Ch. 19.
twenty-five (25) feet of the intersecting property Sec. 6-109. Distance from property line.
line corner adjacent to the street intersection corners.
(Code 1974, § 5-127) Fences or hedges must be at least three (3)
Cross references—Streets,sidewalks and other public plot- inches from property lines.
es, Ch. 17;streets, t 17-26 et seq.;motor vehicles and traffic, (Code 1974, § 5-130)
Ch. 12;zoning,Ch.20. Crows references—Land development, Ch. 0; Lonin0, Ch.
Sec. 6-192. Utility easements.
(a) It shall be lawful for any person to enclose Sec. 6-194. Article provisions not controlling;
or fence any utility easements; provided, howev- exception.
er, that adequate access must be provided thereto Provisions of this article do not supersede or
by the fence owner. If it becomes necessary to cut control deed restrictions running with the land
a fence or remove walls for the purpose of instal- unless the provisions therein are more stringent
lotion of new utilities or repairing or maintaining than in the deed restriction.
installed utilities, the utility company involved (Code 1974, § 5-131)
shall be responsible to repair or replace the fence
or wall to the condition existing previous to the Secs. 6-196-6-209. Reserved.
installation, repair or maintenance.
(b) A dedicated right-of-way shall not be fenced
by any private citizen.However, and only when it
is determined by the board of adjustment that
Trailer sign is any sign mounted on a vehicle (1) Bulletin boards and identification signs for
normally licensed by the state as a trailer and public, charitable, or religious institutions
used for advertising or promotional purposes. located on the premises of such institution
(Code 1974, 1 5-112) and not exceeding twelve (12) square feet
Cross refereucu—Dahnitiuns and rules of cunstruCLien gen. in total area.
smutty, § i-2.
(2) Occupational signs denoting only the name,
Sec. 16.52. Purpose and intent. street, number and business of an occupa-
(a) The regulations and requirements herein Lion, a commercial building, public institu-
set froth shall be the minimum requirements to lion, building or dwelling, which do nut
promote the public health, safety and general wel- exceed two(2)square feet.
fare, and to protect the character of residential, (3) Ivlemm-h l signs or tablets, names of build-
business and industrial areas throughout the city. ings and date of erection when cut into a
(b) With respect to signs advertising business masonry surface or when constructed of
uses, it is specifically intended, among other things, bronze or other incombustible materials.
to avoid excessive competition and clutter among (4) Traffic or other municipal, county, state or
sign displays in the demand for public attention. federal signs, legal notices, railroad cross-
Therefore, the display of signs should be appro- ing signs, danger signs and such temporary,
priate to the land, building or use to which they emergency, or nonadvertising signs as may
are appurtenant and be adequate, but not execs- be approved by the city commission.
sive, or the intended purpose of identification or
advertisement. (5) One (1) For Sale" or For Rent" sign per
(Code 1974, § 5-111) parcel of property when such sign has an
area per face of not more than six(6)square
See. 16-53. Building permit required. feet.
No person shall erect, alter, repair or relocate (6) ldentification signs at the entrance drive
any sign, except us noted below, without first of residences, estates, and ranches, which
obtaining a building permit for such work from do not exceed two(2)square feet.
the building department. No permit shall be is.
sued until the building department determines (7) Nonadvertising directional signs or symbols
that such work is in accordance with the require-
Trespassing,""'Exit,' "Slow," "Caution "No
meats contained in this article and the building
Trespassing," etc.) located on and pertain-
department determines such work will nut vio-
late Lhe building or electrical codes of the city. A to exceed four(4) square feet.
sticker, provided by the building department, slww- (Code 1974, § 5-120)
ing the date of expiration of the permit shall be
displayed on each permitted sign. See. 16-56. Nonconforming signs.
(Code 1974, )) 5-118) (a) Any sign which, when erected, conformed
to the existing zoning regulations and subsequently
Sec. 16-54. Permit loos' is declared nonconforming due to the enactment
A permit fee schedule shall be established by of this division or any amendment to the zoning
resolution of the city coin mission, ordinance may remain, subject to the following
(Code 1974, § 5.119) provisions:
Sec. 16-55. Exemptions from (1) No sign may be moved,structurally altered,
P permit re or repaired in a manner that would require
qu ire me ilk.
replacement of more than fifty (561 percent
The following signs may be erected without a of any one (1) sign's supporting members,
permit, subject, however, to all remaining require- without complying with all provisions of
ments of these regulations: this article.
(2) Within two(2)years of the effective date of (c) Decisions 'nude by the staff review may be
this division, all nonconforming outdoor ad. appealed pursuant to section 20-355 of the City
vertising signs and their supporting meat. Code.
Leis shall be removed. (Code 1974, 3 5-117)
(3) Any nonconforming identification signs may Secs. 16-59-16-75. Reserved.
be allowed to continue, provided the busi-
ness or use it advertises remains in opera- DIVISION 2. STANDARDS*
tion. When the business or use is discon-
tinued, the sign must be removed, and any Sec. 1646. Generally.
replacement sign must conform to all ex-
All signs shall be maintained in original cundi-
isting regulations.
tion. No sign shall be placed in a city-controlled
(b) Signs placed on public right-of-way without right-Of-way with the exception of directional signs.
authorization shall be subject to immediate re. Any sign erected on private property that exceeds
moval by the department of public works of the six(6)square feet in area requires the payment of
city. a fee to and a permit from the building depart-
(Code 197-1, § 5-114) ment, and shall display an official city sticker
showing the date of expiration. No sign shall ob-
Sec. 16-57. Prohibited signs. struct the sight of any roadway or driveway in-
tersection or approach between two (2) feet and
The following signs are hereby prohibited: five (5)feet from ground level.
(1) Snipe signs; (Code 1974, § 5-113(a))
(2) Freestanding signs; Sec. 16-77. Outdoor display/billboards—Off-
(3) Obscene signs; premises signs.
(4) Hazardous signs; (a) Any outdoor advertising display/billboard
off-premises sign shall be set back a minimum of
(5) Flashing, running or revolving illuminated twenty-five (25) feet from the right-of-way on all
signs; state,county, and municipal roads.
(6) Bus stop shelter signs; b) Such signs shall not be located nearer than
(7) Any sign placed on public right-of way for five hundred (500) feet to the nearest residential
more than twenty-four(2.1)hour which does district.
not comply with this regulation; (c) On all state, county and municipal roads,
(8) Balloon displays; such signs shall be placed a minimum distance of
two thousand(2,000)feet apart. No new such sign •
(9) Spot or search lights, shall obstruct the sight of an existing permitted
(Code 1974, § 5-115) • sign.
(d) Such signs shall not exceed one hundred
Sec. 16-56. Variances. sixty (160) square feet of copy area, or project
(a) Variances to this article, except for those more than twenty-five (25) feet above the crown
decisions made by the site plan review board of the road which the sign is designated primarily or
to both
staff review, may be granted by the city board of si serve. The copy area limit allowed on 320)
adjustment pursuant to sections 20-82 and 20-83 sdes is a total of three hundred twenty (3201
6.l' the City Coda. square feet. "V" signs are permitted, provided
they are constructed with an inner angle not to
(b) Decisions made by the site plan review board exceed thirty (30) degrees.
may be appealed to the city cum mission pursuant
•Cross rcierence—Buildings and building Legal:Mom,Cll.
to section 9-343 of the City Code. 6,
ARTICLE 1. 1N GENERAL ceiving a permit from the city commission or all
official who has been designated by the city coin-
sec. 17-1. Obstructing streets and sidewalks; mission, which permit shall describe the exact
'permit required. boundaries and grade of such roadway or street.
(Code 1974, 3 13-7)
It shall be unlawful I'or any person to place or Cross reference—City Perth tI are yeti abed for utlldy u..
deposit, or cause or allow to be placed or deposit- road c u
crossings and drnowgo C nstrucon its public I iljaa.,t-
ed, on any street, avenue, alley or sidewalk, park way awt Live been previ ouely accepted or ,n.,l,uenance ly
or other public space within the limits of the city, the city, 4 U 1?eu'
any building material whatsoever,or any articles Sec. 17-27. Vacating and abandoning streets
or things which may obstruct or hinder the traffic and alleys.
thereon, without a special permit from the city
commission or official who has been designated The city commission is hereby authorized to
b the city commission to issue such lel]lllt. Such vacate, abandon, discontinue, or close any exist-
Y b,. a. ) 1 ing roadway, street ur alley, and to renounce and
permit shall state clearly what space may be used
and what materials may be placed thereon, the disclaim any right of the city and public in and to
length of time the permit shall remain in force, any land, delineated on any recorded map or plot
and the terms and conditions upon which the au. as a roadway, street or alley.The procedure to be
tlhm izutian Co r placing materials on public prop-
ch. shall comply with the provisions of P.S.
erty is granted. When, ill the discretion of the city ch.335 and F.S.§ 336 10,as nearly as is practicable.
commission ur an official who has been designated (Code 1971, 13-8)
by the city commission, it becomes necessary fur
the protection of motorists or pedestrians, the per Sac. 17-28- prohibiting the littering of streets,
sou issued the permit shall provide adequate pro- street 1jj[I)tWOf-wayr sidewalks;pro-
tective devices to include,but not limited to, sheds, hibiting removal of trees and
walls, and guardrails to protect persons in the hrubbery.
area. Such protective devices shall be constructed (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to throw,
in accordance with plans approved by the city or cause to be placed or thrown, d tulip, or deposit
commission, or an official who has been desig- any paper, bottles or pieces thereof, tin cans, gar-
rimed by the city commission, and shall be main- bage, glassware, refuse, debris or any other olien-
tained thereafter during the construction or re- sive, unwholesome or unsightly matter whatever
pair, but under no conditions shall the streets or in or on any street, road, sidewalk, alley, play-
sidewalks be obstructed to such an extent to not ground, vacant property or any other public gnowads
allow passage of pedestrian and vehicular traffic within the city.
(Code 1974, 3 13-6) (b) It shall be unlawful for any person to re-
move,cut, ear, deface, or destroy any trees, plants
Secs. 17-2-17-25. Reserved. or shrubbery which are either planted or natural
growths within the rights-of-way of the streets in
the city.
,(c) Any person desiring to plant trees,plants or
shrubbery in the city street rights-ovay shall
Sec. 17-26. New streets; permit required. obtpinpnpnfailenteetnihe7ity commission or an
It shall be unlawful for any person to lay out on official who has been designated by the city com-
th a ground and establish the boundaries or grade mission prior to planting.
of any public roadway or street without first re- (Code 1974, a 13-9)
•Crn references—Limitutwns on obetructlun al'clear vi. Sec. 17-29. Access control.
when:Adjacent to street,i ntmacelbi,,eft.,46.191 a seq.;
and develapumnt,Ch.9; vehicular weed oh public sweets, 4 In order to promote the safety of motorists and
pedestrians and to minimize traffic congestion and
ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL Irian and which is protected or is so marked or
indicated by adequate signs as to be plainly visi-
Sec. 12-1. Definitions. ble at all times while set apart as a safety zone.
The following words, terms and phrases, when
Standing. Any stopping of a vehicle, whether
used in this chapter, shall have the meanings occupied or not.
ascribed to them in this section, except where the
context clearly indicates a different meaning: Stop. When required, means a complete cessa-
Abondwmd vehicle. Any vehicle, regardless of ciao of movement.
size, which is left unattended for a period exceed- Street or highway. The entire width between
ing forty-eight(48)hours. the un
�o d *, of avarf way or poke of whatever
Disabled vehicle. Any vehicle, regardless of size, nature when any part thereof is open to the use of
which is incapable of being propelled upon the the public for the purpose of vehicular traffic.
public streets of the city, or which dues not meet
the requireInmds for operation upon the public Traffic. Pedestrians, ridden or herded animals,
streets of the city, including a current vehicle vehicles, streetcars,and other conveyances either
license. singly or together while using any street far the
purpose of travel.
Motor vehicle. A vehicle which is self-propelled
and every vehicle which is propelled by electric Tro//ic-control device. Any device indicating rug
power obtained from overhead trolley wires, but ulations of traffic of whatsoever nature within
not operated upon rails. the city.
Owner. The person who holds legal title to a Trailcr. Every vehicle with or without motive
vehicle.(In the event a vehicle is the subject of an power designed for carrying persons or property
agreement for the conditional sale or lease there- and for being drawn by a motor vehicle.
of with the right of purchase upon performance
of the conditions stated in the agreement and Truck. Every motor vehicle designed, used or
with an immediate right of possession vested in maintained primarily for transportation of property.
the conditional vendee or lessee or mortgagor,the
latter shall he deemed the owner for the purposes Vehicle. Every device in, upon,or by which any
of this chapter.) person or property is or may be transported or
drawn upon a street or highway, except devices
Park. To cause a vehicle to stand, whether oc- moved by human power or used exclusively upon
cupied or not, otherwise than temporarily for the stationary rails or tracks.
purpose of and while actually engaged in loading (Code 1974, § 11-1)
or unloading. „�.. ,nun
Cross rere, —Derma a and rules of construction yen
Police officer. Every officer of the police depart-
ment n'vuy��} 13. .r
of the city or any officer authorized to direct
or regulate traffic or to Make arrests fur violation See. 1 2-2. Adoption of state law.
of traffic regulations. P.S. Chs. 316, 318, 320, and 322 are hereby
Private road or driveway. Every road or drive- adopted as the Traffic Code of the city. The mat-
way not open to the use of the public for purposes tars and contents therein are made a part of this
of vehicular travel. chapter by reference in haec ve'ba, as fully and
completely as if set forth herein. Copies of such
Roadway. That portion of a highway improved, laws shall remain on file in the office of the city
designed, or ordinarily used for vehicular travel clerk and shall be available for public inspection.
exclusive of the shoulder or berm. (Code 1074, § 11-2)
Safely zone. The area of space officially set apart
within a roadway fur the exclusive use of a pedes- Secs. 12-3-12-25. Reserved.
ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL thin of a provision or requirement of this chapter,
the continuance of a building operation is con-
Sec. 6-1. Purpose. Crary to the public welfare, he may order in writ-
The purpose of this chapter is to provide Cer- ing that all further work be stopped and nay
Lain minimums standards and requirements in all require suspension of work until the condition in
matters relating to buildings and structures and violation has been remedied.
the uses thereof. (Code 1974, (4 5-6)
(Code 1974, § 5-1)
See. 6-6. Energy efficiency code adopted.
Sec. 6-2. Compliance with chapter. (a) The Florida Energy Efficiency Code for Build
(a) No building or structure shall hereafter be ing Construction is hereby adopted by reference
constructed, altered,repaired or removed, nor shall as the Winter Springs Energy Efficiency Build-
the equipment of a building, structure or prem. ing Code for use within the city.
ises be constructed, installed, altered,repaired or
removed, except in conformity with the provisions lb) The energy efficiency building code may be
of this chapter. amended by the city commission by the adoption
of resolutions.
(b) No building or structure shall be altered in
any manner that would be in violation of the (e) The energy efficiency building code is on
provisions et' this chapter or uuy authorized rule We and available for public inspection in the Luild-
or approval of the building inspector made and ing department of the city.
issued pursuant to this chapter. (Code 1974, 4 5-8)
(Code 1974, 4 5-4) State law reference—Flm9du Energy Efficiency Code fw
Building Construction,F.S. §558.955 es seq.
Sec. 6-3. Use of building erected or altered
in violation of chapter. Secs. 67—G-3D. Reserved.
It shall be unlawful for any pesun to maintain,
occupy or use a building or structure, or part ARTICLE II. ADMINISTRATION
thereof, that has been erected or altered in viola-
tion of the provisions of this chapter. DIVISION 1. GENERALLY
(Cede 1974, § 5-5)
Sec. 6-0. Violations. Secs. 6-31-6-45. Reserved.
Any person who shall violate a provision of this DIVISION 2.PERMITS AND
chapter or fail to comply herewith or with any of k INSPECTIONS-
the requirements hereof, or who shall sect, con-
struct, alter ur repair,or has erected, constructed, Sec. 646. Required.
altered or repaired a building or structure in vio-
lation of a detailed statement or plan submitted IL shall be unlawful for any person to construct,
and approved hereunder, or of a permit e' certifi-
cate issued hereunder, shall be guilty of a viola, the construction, alteration, repair, removal or
lion of this Code and shall be punished in accord- demolition of a building r structure in the city
ance with section 1-15. without first obtaining a formal permit from the
(Code 1974, § 5-71 building inspector.
(Code 1974, § 5-24)
Sec. 6-5. Authority of building inspector to
stop work if contrary to public Sea 6-47. Exemption for general maintenance
welfare. by local industries.
Whenever in the opinion of the building inspec- No permit shall be required for alterations or
tor,by reason of defective or illegal work in viola- repairs by or for any local industry or industrial
Whenever possible, boxes must be located so that carrier's vehicle
is off pavement when serving them.
Box numbe- r n . mlls not less than one
Post must be neat and of adequate strength and size.
StApn proach to box should be a hard level SliridLC'Tginel;cinders,
Boxes must be placed to conform with state laws and highway
Suggested installation Suggested in tallai whin amw removal
of a s:nyle box. is a rnobluma
n— O 155 Tcr_cii 155
Extend box beyond end of post. Attach board holding hex to post
with screws or doublehead nails, permitting easy' removal if necessary
to adjust box height.
PS Form 4056, Sep. 1987 (Re veor) a U.S.GPOII 9 -241-SHVOS3
Your Mailbox Needs �+
Attention !�':: , ,,,
q,uul ' y WHICH ONE
I i
\ //I YOUR
♦. .. ll BOX?
Postal regulitlions require eustolners to provide and erect at their own expense,.
rural nail boxes which meet official standards. A recent inspection disclosed ..
the following faults. 'y
1- roar.Wtt i.hot.,tp.o+prp.ad w. _I• _— lo—ana:ivnal 11.9 MARL attention
'. .._. .
Z.. The door needs attention 11. Your buy is mo near the Lean r.
3 sex maxi be mcaled so , 12. Your box n too tar trout the rood
• serve n without lee rho Career
16 Your box should Lace the road
A. Your box is plot waterproof
II. Your box should be securely
5. Your box sbuula rased Ias4uud to its LuPPort
15 Your box should be made level. and
6 Your be Would he lowered Ne post IimrlY planted
inches 16 A 11111. pest Iur your box should pc
7. Your box should be located 011 Mu provided
t-hand side of the Wad in Ow
e rrer s dnee Lon of travel 17. The box number t be pm and n
B. The ape uclrt yuur boy should be walkway pl s Won e n loyh
Idled W u properly waded E. kept the side uol the box one to the
unobstructed at all hubs they approach the
box doer II We boxes ate yiouped
9. The approach to yuur box should be
kept clear of snow vedrems, acrd ether lb. Your box should be pammd to wevetIt
Obstacles. rus Inv
'19. Other Faults
Please help your carrier provide you with better service by correcting these
faults by
After this date, delivery service will be suspended until the faults are
corrected. Your cooperation in the interest of improved postal service is
If you have any questions please see your carrier or contact inc.
PS Form 4056, Sep. 1987
Domestic Mall Services 156.511 •
final decision and notifies the postmaster and the MSC 156.4 Payment of Postage
q manager.
jillilar 156.173 Restotatimt of Existing Service. If a customer no 156.01 Acceptance of Mail
longer requires a type of rural service that is different
• than the normal service that has been established for a •
particular area. the postmaster must restore the mail i,.
service to the mode of delivery currently in effect for
156.411 A rural carrier must accept any mailable
that area. matter,provided postage is fully prepaid or money equal
to the required postage is furnished, unless the purpose
156.3 Carrier Service of handing mail to the carrier for deposit into one office
is to "boycott" another office or deprive it of legitimate
vr 156.31 Availability revenue. During December, customers are required to .;
affix stamps to all greeting cards and letter mail. P
156.311 Rural carrier service is provided to persons
who erect approved boxes on the line of travel of the .
rural carrier. and to persons for whom approved 156.4/2 When a rural carrier finds unstamped mail in i. :
neighborhood delivery and collection boxes and parcel a customer's box and the required amount of money for sr
lockers are erected and maintained by the Postal Service postage. he normally collects the mail and money and I x
on the carrier's line of travel, but no rural carrier affixes the necessary postage. The carrier has stamps,
service shall he provided to persons residing within city stamped envelopes, and postal cards for sale. For 'Si
t 4 delivery limits. convenience and safety, customers who leave mail and ti
money in rural boxes to he collected by the carrier si
> 156.311 Normally, rural carriers provide delivery to should either wrap the money,place it in a coin-holding ! 1
Ili c approved boxes as outlined in 156.54. However, in receptacle, or attach it to the mail by means of clip or a:
apartment houses and other multiple dwellings which other fastener. Money left in rural boxes is left at the j^
use or qualify to use apartment house receptacles as customer's risk.
provided in 155.6. carriers dismount to serve those °,
156.42 Postage Uncertain. When mail is given to a
156.32 To Residence. Rural carriers deliver registered, rural carrier for mailing and he is unable to determine
certified, numbered insured, COD, Express Ex Mail, and
P the postage. he accepts from the sender an amount ai
special delivery mail to customer's residence if it is not sufficient to ensure full pay me al of postage. On the next
more than a 1/2 mile from the route and the road trip, the carrier must return any excess money to the i.
leading to it is passable. Unnumbered insured mail is sender. t�
delivered in the same manner as ordinary mail. This
same service is accorded customers of rural stations and
branches and rural non personnel units.
156.43 Insufficient Postage. When mailable matter is
156.33 Parcel Delivery. When an ordinary parcel too deposited in a box and the required postage has not been
large to he delivered into the customer's box is received.
paid'nor sufficient money left to purchase stamps, the
'F the carrier leaves a nmice on Form 3849 in the box rural carrier, when the identity of the sender is known,
requesting the customer to indicate the date on which places in the box a notice that such matter cannot he '
he can meet the carrier to receive the parcel. If the •dispatched until the necessary postage is pail. If the
addressee has filed a written order that the Postal Service identity of the sender is unknown.the matter is taken to j'
k and carriers are relieved of all responsibility in case of the post office and treated as unpaid mail.
loss or depredation when large parcels are placed •
i' outside boxes, the carrier delivers large parcels outside '
n the box. If a customer lives within hailing distance of a 156.44 Mailable Matter Not Bearing Postage Found in or
route, the carrier must make a reasonable effort to hail on Rural Mailboxes. When mailable matter not bearing
• ��I'. the customer so he may come to the box to receive the postage is found in.placed upon.attached to,supported
parcel before it is left outside the box, by, or hung from rural mailboxes, the procedures in
• 146.2 must be followed. '
Il , 156.34 Contagious Disease. A rural carrier delivers .
• n•'. mail to the box of a customer if a quarantined disease • -
exists. when this can be done without exposure to 156.5 Rural Boxes
I contagion. No mail is collected from such box while the
quarantine is in force. •
156.35 Withdrawal of Service. Service must not be 156.51 Specifications •
withdrawn from any box without specific authority
from the regional postmaster general, except that
156.511 Dimensions and Styles
postmasters may withdraw service if a customer ty
continues to provide a nonconforming box after a. Three approved standard sizes and two styles of l_
notification. boxes are approved for use on rural routes: •
DMM Issue 39,8.16.91 289
Mk t
Domestic Mall Sense ,F 1 466
Traditional and Contemporary Box Styles decal. The address of the supplier may be included
Size Length' Width' Height' desired. k
1 19 6.1/2 8-1/2
1-A 21 8 10-1/22 t
2 23-1/2 11-1/2 13-1/2 @�
156.515 List of Approved Manufacturers. Following 15
1 Dimensions given in approximate inches. list of manufacturers of traditional and contemporary.. 3 '?I
2 Optional lotterslot. rural mailboxes whose samples have been approved by°'-- 1
the Postal Service: . 'a
b. In general,boxes may be constructed in any size Approved Manufacturers T .
between the maximum and minimum outside dimen- D _YPe o/Mellbox ,3 ",
lions specified on approved Drawings provided the ADD ON'S BY FISCHER 1 . I
height, width. and length proportions and the general PO HUNTLEY IL
shape are maintained. F;
156.517 Drawings. Construction standards and PO BOX 1060 s II
drawings for guidance in the manufacture of rural L1060 Cl its
mailboxes may be obtained by writing to:
BACOVA VA 24 BACOVA VA 24 1222-2-
9999 Ct
WASHINGTON DC 20250 7151 SCHOOLCRAFT MI 49087-9769 Cl
156.513 Approval. To secure approval of rural boxes, 6065A 1117TH STTREET EAST }
submit the following to: BRADENTON FL 34203-5002 C. IA k- 'l( '.
14408 LEE HIGHWAY CARMEL CA 939238343 Cl ii.,-' i •
ERRIFIELD VA 220828151
a. not less than two complete boxes of each style 94 104 EAST 22ND STREET
made of exact materials, construction, coating, paint, CHICAGO HEIGHTS IL 604114263 1 lA 2
etc.,to be identical in every way with the boxes intended DECOR HOUSE
to he marketed; PO BOX 1108
b. the identification of all parts of the box, by
TEMPLE T% )65034 108 Cl
material, alloy, heat treatment, and (for nonmetallic EZ MAIL CORPORATION � '
[farts)physical properties: 62 CARROLL AVENUE
"f l';
PO BOX 4038
c. the complete composition, formula, and trade BRIDGEPORT CT 06607-4038
name and designation of all paints and nonmetallics; ' C1 ' �:
1. a sample 'hawing the markings required by 400 ROUTE 303
156.51); ORANGEBURG NY 109621395 IA r5
e. a copy of the instructions equ red by section THE JANZER CORPORATION 1'.s S-I2 of the standards; 5898 TIBBY PA 19
BENSALEM PA 19020-1122 Cl I))
f color samples showing all color schemes LEIGH A HARROW COMPANY s p_r
expected to he used;and 411 64TH AVENUE
g. the boxes wrapped in the packaging proposed COOPERSVILLE MI 49804-1234 01 <
for shipping them. MACKLANBURG DUNCAN 17 I I
Note: Written notification of approval PO BOX 25188
pproval Or disapproval, including OKLAHOMA CITY OK 73125-0188 1 Cl
reasons for disapproval, must be issued. All boxes submitted are
returned. inclutling those damaged during testing, unless the NORTHWEST METAL PRODUCTS ',. ^L.
Postal Service is authorized,in writing,to retain them. DIVISION OF NOLL MANUFACTURING COMPANY
PO BOX 10 L%
156.514 Marking. All boxes must have the following KENT WA 98035-0010 1 r;
inscription legibly embossed into the dour of the box NOR WELL MANUFACTURING COMPANY INC
(after approval of the box): 'U.S. MAIL" and 02 STEVENS STREET - m
T he name of the supplier and the month and year of PARKER MAILBOXES COMPANY
manufacture must also be noted on the box, either by 9571 HOND VA 232 ROAD if
embossing In small letters on the rear of the box or by a RICHMOND VA 23231-9)44 Cl
permanent conspicuous marking on one inside wall of SAFE T BOX CORPORATION
the box. This marking may be accomplished by ROUTE 1 BOX 404
embossing, stenciling, stamping, or a permanent-type WASHINGTON WV 26181-9743 Cl '; ;
DMM Issue 39,8-16-91 't
'.I Domestic Mall Services - 156.57 I
r ' Approved Manufacturers Type of Mailbox 156.53 Posts and Supports •
11,4 PO BOX 30011
INDIANAPOLIS IN 46230-0011 I 156.571 Construction, Posts or other supports for rural
boxes must he neat and of adequate strength and size. l:
STEEL CITY CORPORATION They may not be designed to represent effigies or "
PO BOX 1227 caricatures which would tend to disparage or ridicule
YOUNGSTOWN OH 44501.1227 1, IA,2. C 'i
any person. The box may be attached to a fixed or
PO BOX 18 i',
ORCHARD PARK NY 14127-0018 CI .
{ THE SOLAR GROUP 156532 Newspaper Receptacles. A receptacle for the ii
SOUTHERN GEMINI delivery of newspapers may be attached to the post of p fI
I. PO BOX 525 letterbox which is used by the Postal Service, provided:
TAYLORSVILLE MS 391680525. . . . 1, 1A,2, CIA no part of the receptacle touches or is attached lu or is
TIMELY INDUSTRIES INC supported by any part of the mailbox,interferes with the
701 MONTROSE AVENUE delivery of mmL ohstruue the view of the flog, hoer
SOUTH PLAINFIELD NJ 0]080-188]. . . 1, 1A, CIA presents a hazard hr the earner or his vehicle '!
I'' receptacle must not extend beyond the front of the box
TRAILSIUE MAILBOX INC when the box door is closed. No advertising is permitted
LAFAYETTE CO 80026-9115 o be displayed on the outside of the receptacle, except 1.
Cl CI that the name of a publication may be shown.
PO BOX 720
CARLISLE PA I]p130]20 Ct
156.54 Location, Rural boxes must be placed so that
I they may be safely and conveniently served h carriers
PO BOX 42048
without leaving their conveyances,and must be located
i CINCINNATI OH 452420048 1 to on the right-hand side of the road in the direction of i .r
� travel of the carriers in all cases where traffic conditions
7914 RIDGEW000 DRIVE are such that it would order dangerous for the carriers to '
.IENISON MI 49428-7923 drive to the left in order to reach the boxes, or where 'I1
C1 their doing so would constitute a violation of traffic laws j
1-Traditional Rural Box Size No. 1 and regulations. (Exception: See 156.312.) On new rural
1A—Traditional Rural Box Size No. IA routes,all boxes must be located on the right side of the 1
2-Traditional Rural Box Size No. 2 road in the direction of travel of the carrier. Boxes must ii
. C--Contemporary Rural Boxes be placed to conform with state laws and highway +I
regulations. Rural carriers are subject to the same traffic it
laws and regulations as are other motorists. Customers II
must remove obstructions, including vehicles, trash ..
cans, and snow, which make delivery difficult.
I '1 156.516 Custom-Built Rural Mailboxes, Postmasters are Generally, customers should install boxes with the 1 �,
• authorized to approve rural mailboxes constructed by bottom of the box at a vertical height of between 3-1/2 ij,
individuals who, for esthetic or other reasons, do not and 4 feet from the road surface. However, because of i
wish to use an approved manufactured box. The varying road and curb conditions and other factors, the 1R
custom-built box must conform generally to the same USPS recommends that customers contact the post- ' ,31
requirements as approved manufactured boxes relative master or carrier before erecting or replacing their z'
I to the Bag,size,strength,and quality of construction. mailboxes and supports, d!
I i �I
11 156.55 Grouping. Boxes should be grouped wherever 11
� ' possible, especially at or near crossroads, at service `�
-� 156.52 Painting and Identification. The Postal Service turnouts. or at other places where a considerable II
prefers that rural boxes and posts or supports be painted number of boxes are presently located. ,! 1
while. although other colors may be used. Where box lii
j 9, numbers are used, they must be inscribed in contrasting 156.56 More Than One Family. More than one family, II
color in neat letters and numerals not less than I-inch but not more Than live families, may use the same box, lI"
high on the side of the hox visible to the carrier as he provided a written notice of agreement, signed by the t
lit- regularly approaches, or on the door, if boxes are heads of the families.or by the individuals who desire to li
grouped. Where street names and house numbers have join in the use of such box,is filed with the postmaster at
'� ; been assigned by local authorities, and the postmaster the distributing office. •
1 has authorized use of a street name and house numbers
i as a postal address,the house number must be shown on 156.57 Locks. the use of locks on boxes is not
1 ' the box. If the hox is located on a different street from required. If. however,a box is equipped with a lock,the •
I the customer's residence, the street name and house box must have a slot large enough to accommodate the f 1'
number must he inscribed on the box. Placement of the customer's normal daily mail volume. The Postal 1 1
owner's name on the box is optional Advertising on Service does not open boxes which are locked and does E4.
boxes or supports is prohibited. not accept keys for this purpose.
I'-- DMM Issue 39,6.16-91
I' I:. 291 l
` �(
111': ,,.i
n • p -o[ '- a - -.PW
Page 4, 4-13-89, 21720 POSTAL BULLETIN
All Offices With City Motorized, Rural, or Contra([ Drente)). Routes
Each year the Postal Service designates a wcck size, strength, and quality of en¢tniriuu. AA lint til
during May to encourage customers on rural. lily approved urn ufacturers of traditional Lull i)1 sub-
motorized, contract delivery routes 10 rxauline w ban-type boxes appears in flows] e MAD.
and, where necessary, improve the appearance of Abwunl.WAIN!) 156.515.
their mailboxes. Mailbox Improvement Week, May When customers have assigned box ruwbcrs,
15-20, calls attention to the need for providing the numbers mull appear on the side of single
I oc l races that re'
boxes or ou the door of grouped boxes, vi+blt to
1. Designed to protect mail from r wca ier, the approaching carrier. kneal I 011ie uvo us
2. Neat in uppeaa°tt, should be cutout aged to group boxes mbeuvhor
3. Conveniently located, and practical, especially at or near crossrwds, scrvitc
4. Safe to USU. turnouts, or other places with a considerable
Neat, attractive mailboxes make a significant number of boxes.
runtribuuon to the appearance of the countryside In cocas whine SHOW renrurd is :r problem, 'be
and m streets in subm ban areas.
Postal Service suggests using a semiai ch r cs-
Alailb xes Ihu1 net IL se liter 'lupin tam re- tended at support (st e Exhibit Can page ge 51,
quit mnets rant amic, to the entire enure. 'fhc
whit a allows snowplows to sweep near in undo'
Postal Set vire approves two styles of boxes: (Oulu-
boxes without damaging
clitional design (see Exhibit A) in duet standard supports'r ' and provides
easy act ess to the boxes by rn
sizes,and (2) contemporary design (see Exhibit 0),
Nos and Cost nutrs.
also in three sizes. If the post office audio'ices the use of Sired
nooses and Louse nuniben, the box should display
that number Oil the side or on the door it the box is
Exhibit A Exhibit B in a group. If the box is on a street other Wall the
one OH wbitla tilt tustumer resides, the suer' name
i. i. and house nuns h rat be on the box. In all in-
_ stant es. placing the nner's o u r m rbe I s is
S. IL)tgtW T rteus t
A1FIl, Generally, customers should install boxes site
otmn of fee br x at a vet d h pie, l 1 eSrn6 to 4 (cu Gow de roe l u ace. 11 err e ne of var yi ag road :n d curb condo ns them factors the USPS retomm hds th t t s-
� Contact d e I osmmst e r r carrier h f c
ing or replacing their mailboxes and supports.
City MotoHred Routes ^,-Z,: [�g
Notice 209 'I
Notice 209, I)S/'S Notice to Rural Route Canton(, is On the city motorized routes with cw'bline deliv-
available by submitting Toren 7380, Supple Center cry, the I1S1'S recommends that aasmmen have die
Requisition, to the supply centers. Postmasters
approved traditional rural-type box or an approved
should send the notice to all rural route customers suburban box of Conte
the week berme Mailbox Improvement Week to Boxes designed primarily for use by auWnaers
alert them to the event. receiving dour delivery are difficult to serve CIE
eie dy Boni a vehkle, and the USI'S does nart co-
Rural Routes courage their use as cm'hliuc recrptatles Dee Ex-
hibit I) Oil page 5). I Iowever, any box that gives
Customers should use only approved traditional Iii(ttclion to the mail and allows sale, touvenieut
Or contemporary mailboxes for 11(2W iuswll:nions or delivery from the city delivery carrier's 'chide N
to replace an unsuitable receptacle. Iimwever, cos- acceptable. Customers should install boxes with
touters may use custom-built rural mailboxes il'the the bottom of the box at a vertical height of be-
postmaster gives prior approval and the box con- tveea 31/2 to 4 feet from the road surface. Where
generally to the same requirements as np- boxes are not directly in from of the custumcrs
proved manufactured boxes, relative to the Ilag, residence, the box 'oust display the house number.
POSTAL BULLETIN 21720, 4-13-89, Page 5
Exhibit C Exhibit D the Federal highway Administration (El IWA)
has determined that mailbox supports no larger •
.1 101111 xoox t than 4 inches by 1 inches or a 41/2-inch diameter
'11 _ 'p wood post or a 2-inch diameter standard steel or
alumm11un, pipe b wed 110 more than 24 inch -s.
should safely break away if sb uck by a vehicle. The
mailbox must also be securely attached to its post
�� to prevent separation when so tick. Exhibits F and F
Me ou page 7 are detailed examples of suggcstcJ mail-
box mountings null supports Gnu tic FIIWA.
Boxes and supports should also be painted and
Gee from rust.
NDCBUs and All-Weather Parcel Lockers
Contract Delivery Routes Duting Mailbox improvement Week, postunas-
tcrs/managers or their designees should also
Contract delivery route customers must use an review Nei gb Ixu l 0od Delivery and Collection 1%ox
approved traditional rural-type ur contemporary Units (NDClU.$) and All-Weather Pilled lockers
design box as new or replacement boxes. in their delivery area to identify any hazards or ir-
General Requirements regularities. Exhibit G on pugs 8 is a suggested
lot mat for use in conducting the review. Results of
The placement of mailboxes on both rural and the review should be recorded.
contract routes must be safe and convenient for Employees conducting the review must complete
carriers.The boxes must be on the right-liand side Form 1624, Delivery and Collection Equipment Work
of the road in the carrier's travel direction so they Request, for any equipment that poses a safety
ran deliver mail without leaving their conveyance. hazard to postal customers or employees. Use
l his rule especially applies where traffic conditions perm 7380, Supply Center Requisition, to request
make it dangerous for the can icr to drive to the left Form 1624 from the materiel distribution centers.
in order to reach the boxes, or when doing so
‘ would constitute a violation of traffic laws and reg- Equipment Review Procedure
-- nlat lour (apartment house or other multiple dwell- Employees should use the NDCISU and parcel
gs can be exempted from this rule as described in Ie
,hMhl 156.312). locker Equipment Checklist and examining Review
Procedure, Exhibit G, when examining the coudi-
On new rural mules• all boxes must be on the thou of NDCISU tut' parcel locker equipment.They
I ight-ha nd side of the road in the direction of the should:
rope line of travel. Box placement must conjoin I. list die (lint location, type, and mauulttclurer
with state laws and highway regulations. Rural car- in the left-hand eolannaal (omit ntaoul:auar• if all
i lets are subject to the same tiallic laws and regula- items;are in order)_
buns as other motorists. Cusmmhers mull remove 2. Assign each checklist item one of the followio
obstructions, including vehicles, trash guns, and g
sunw, that impede efficient delivery. Except when a
box is temporarily blocked. carriers must have UK—Equipment does not need attention for
access to the box w leaving tie vehicle unless Ibis item. .
amens to th to box without it nag
X.—Equipment needs attention for this item.
NA—Item does not apply for this pal tic
Mailbox Supports piece of equipment.
Supports for mailboxes should be of adequate 3. beau to examine
a. Equipment shld bight, vertical, and
sength and size to support the box properly. should be straight,
however, customers should avoid using massive Finds, ununted. Attempt to shake the unit: it
mailbox supports that, when struck, could damage sioulJ not move. If equipment
is ail hem is not Grady nmunt-
vehicles and cause serious injury to vehicle occu-
level"ate whether it is the councgauu at ground
pants. I Itavy metal punts, concrete posts. and min- level than is loose or the pedestal to customer com-
celLuneuus items of Guth equipment such as milk
pannheuls nnuu'etiun that needs attention.
cans filled with concrete,are examples of potential- b. Check visible welds. Make note of cracked,
ly dangerous supports. The ideal support is an as- broken,or rusted welds.
sembly that bends or falls away from a striking veil- c. Observe whether the carrier access door is
de. OMM sections 156.531, 156.54, 157.32c, and locked and secure. Open it and observe that it is
157.1 specify postal regulations rc•gardiug con- not bowed or warped and that the Jour and tucking
,.truction and placement of mailboxes and supports bar operate smoothly. With carrier access clouds)
mull and highway contract routes. open, notice if Test raining devices prevent the door
Page 6, 4-13-89, 21720 POSTAL BULLETIN
from blowing closed. These devices which inay m r Moelee fur items that pose am immediate
have to be set manually,should be serviceable. threat to safety Stub as an insecure u1 Imiii -
d. Ensure dial the Arrow lock operates suoolhly NUCISD.
and that the mounting screws are tight. The device The postmaster or supervisor must immediately
that protects the Arrow luck from customer tam- notify maintenance control of reported haeards by
pet tug must also be serviceable. telephone and Billow up in writing with copies of
e. Ensure that all customer access doors are Form 1767 (completion instructions ate Oil the
closed and locked and than there is no visible back of the form). Supervisors must also follow up
damage or signs of forced entry. to ensure that the work is satisfactorily completed
I Is the exterior surface of the unit free From rout and documented. Maintenance control should inn
and graffiti? mediately dispatch the appropriate repair pet sin
If repair by costal maintenance employees is xllul
g. Does the unit Does re defective or open postal in 1 Y I
any ether way? Does it reflect a proper postal trailing postmasters
purl past as m use their c
nn u,u-
iuge? uecting audio] to accomplish sh the repairs.
h. Does the unit and/or any protecting structure
appear watertight and in good repair? Are there Publicity
any noticeable watermarks inside the unit or any
wet mail? Postmasters should give these guidelines and
i. Note any other conditions important to report. suggestions maximum local publicity. Rural mo-
il. Record the results of the inspection on the « t r.e I city. and contract 10111C -teeters should (I C
checklist. openne m cuvoe the success of this endeavor :toil
5. Subunit completed Futon 162-1 to maintenance later report the results to the postmaster- '1-he)
for each unit rated. should use the most up-to-date list of al/nowt'
Carriers must note equipment deficiencies and manulacturers and mailbox suppliers when pt ovid-
report them to the postmaster, supervisor, or des- jog rural or highway contract route aisloui is will
ignee. The postmaster or designee must then information about what type of box to install-This
subunit Forum 1624 to maintenance reporting the list is its DAIM section 156.515.
equipment defects. In addition, Canners should —IleLen)'. Dolt /uliuu
complete rot 1 l 7117, Report ty llu:ad, I pnnii•(: 111- and 7Yuaspoilallna My., I- 3-5Y
False Representation. Enforced by postmasters at cities listed.
Sane/tiny Names covered Pt d"c
VA. Spnnglield 22160-01:27_. Cl edit Cold Audenaliuns Cm., (C.C.A.C), The sale of credit cards.
P.O. Box 627.
MD, II:mover 21076-0000 A.S.C.Ltd., P.O. Box 001 'I he sale of aedlt curds.
MU. I lanove.21076-1989 Ce edit Card Authorizations Ctn. (C.C.A.I:. le sale of credit cards.
P.O. Box I0tl9.
MD, Bowie 20715-0120 Credit Card AnnanPotions Cm, (C.C.A C.). lite sole of c edit ends.
P.O. Box 1200.
Mn.Jessup 20794-201.2 Credit C ird Aut otizations Cir., (C.C.A.C.). the sale of credit cords.
P.O. Box 2012.
0C.Washington 20066-1989Credit Card Aunhulizations Cir., (C.C.A.C.), the sale of ante eu JS.
P.O. Box 9(1581.
Mn, Annapolis 214111-0001 N.C.C.A.Services Co.,P.O. Box 1 The sale or credit ands.
-� Judicial Officer, -/-17-6 .
Safety is in the ey 's °of those who see it C ^\ .
. . . accidents are` rngde by those who don't Ink)
21720, 4-17-89, Page 7
Exhibl E
Cantilever Mailbox Supports
SCnon .
r_tr r-t,
.4t4/;S,.. Pip. k... . /;
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tek IC—I I t44.•2 344.-1:641 • 54 Math
Suu 0.p '-4P fno.,qP •
u •
S n Pipe 4t 4.4.,55/4 w0.I Poll rip-
-I I/4"en CpnNry
tee L.ned Slant
Exhibit F
Single and Double Mailbox Installations
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