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Thursday,April 7,1988
Chuluota Area Park exhibits,
Community Notes entertainment
By John Homer & Loris Boutwell
set for event
The community hall will be the the John Young Science Center on WINTER SPRINGS—With more
scene Tuesday at 7 30 p m of the April 14 to earn "try-it" patches. than 100 exhibitors signed up by the
annual election of officer of Oviedo Some of them will return to the April I deadline,the Festival in the
Post 10139 and auxiliary Their center April 19 to complete their Park will be held Saturday,April 16,
mobile food unit which is stationed bridge patches Danuta Bock is troop from 10 a.m.to 5 p.m.in Tuscawilla
every Friday from 10 a m to 5 30 leader and Cindy Olson is chairman Park.
p m at the old Texaco station, of the program According to Beverly Fickling,
Broadway and Old Geneva Rd , first vice president of the Tuscawilla
Oviedo, dispenses barbecued The Retired Folks Club will hold Homeowners Association, which is
chicken and ribs plus pork and an important meeting April 21 in the sponsonng As third annual arts and
. dcken sandwiches Proceeds aid community hall It will commence at craft show, final arrangements are
their patriotic and community 6 p m with a potluck supper Ac- being made
projects cording to theft president,Virginia Included among the exhibits are
Members will be attending in a Brown, the guest speaker will be handcrafted Jewelry, needlework,
body the"roast and toast"in honor Santa Wells, gun shop owner who baskets, ceramics, stained glass,
of 18th District Cmdr.Harold Mur- will discuss the how and when to use watercolors, ml paintings and
h and district auxiliary president g protection Tuscawilla Park is
P Y Y P uni for ronvited All interested
Joe Bailey, Saturday starting at 6 seniors are invited to attend located at Trotwood Rd. and Nor
p m in Orlando's Edgewater Pm% ass them Way.
2093 Its theme will be "A P a Cub Pack 608, Den 3 traveled to Entertainment includes music by
in the Park"and all district posts s and McCoy Jetport with leader Paul the Wayne Faith Jazz group,Oviedo
xuxihartes will be in attendance Bock for a tour of the place, in- High School Horizons Chorus and
'"" eluding the control tower, flight the Sunshine Cloggers of
Chuluota's Girl Scout Camp operations and general workings so Longwood. Special entertainment
Mahkahwec will hold a counly tam- the members could earn patches for children of all ages includes
poree for Daisies and Brownies "Ralph E," magician and juggler.
Saturday, 1-4 p In sponsored by Clowns,face painting,a moon walk
the Sunrise Service Unit comprised and balloons galore will also be a
.n ,,It mentary school children (rum part of the third annual family day,
Red Bug,Keeth,Easibnok.English - which Pickling said attracted over
and Eastbrok area A get ac - 5,000 people last year.
/maimed"tune will be followed by She said the committees are work-
games.crafts and refreshments,tic Oviedo Area ing hard to make this a memorable
nailing to coordinators Bonnie Community Notes event,which includes the Parade of
Peterson and Bunny Sink Homes and the brand-new Showcase
"" Der & Loris Boutwell House on Winter Spnngs Blvd.
Bu wine 1 roop 510 will travel to Parking and admission are free.
The Oviedo Woman's Club will busy preparing for the third annual
hold an installation of new members Golf Tournament to be staged May
on Fnday at 9.30 a m. in the 13 at Wedgewood Country Club. Seminole Outlook
clubhouse on King St.President Bar- According to co-chairmen Harvey pie's efforts she said they will com-
bara Shaffer will be in charge. Winchester and Tom Buckley, unch pete again in the zone contest April
Health chairman Evelyn Alpaugh will be served from 1 130 a.m, to l7 with details forthcoming in the
has announced that a tentative date 12 45 p.m The tourney will corn-
has been set,April 20 at 9 a.m , for mence with a shotgun blast at 1 p.m. Judges for the Optimists' first at-
mammogram testing The cost is$45 Donation for each player will he$50 tempt at sponsoring an oratorical
and will be done by the Florida and sponsors for tee or green in- contest were Linda Sawyer, cur-
Mobile Imaging Inc of Sanford. eluding one player will be $140. riculum specialist for career
Their certified board of radiolo- Proceeds will benefit their scholar- development for Seminole County,
gists/technicians will examine the X- ship fund. - Arthur Hoffman, Winter Spnngs
rays.Ms Alpaugh should be called ••'
at 365-7360 for reservations Breast Amy Mann and Joshua Schendell Casey,commissioner. and Mrs Lawton
Casey,tasistSct principal at Lawton
self-examination will also be emerged the winners of the first Elementary School.
demonstrated Oratorical Contest held at Keeth
Elementary School last Wednesday event,praised all the chairman of the
The SAWTOC Republican Fed- by the Oviedo/East Orange Optimist event,exaisee ntl ape contestants for
erated.Woman's Club will hold its Club, their excellent ewho did preparation and
delivery,even those who didn't win,
first installation of officers April 17 Runners-up included Emily including Sharon Liptak, Jennifer
in the Oviedo home of Margaret Becker, Stacey karmid, Ryan Stover, Lynnsy Phillips,Bill Torrey
Ragsdale, 631 Forest Cove, at 3 Sagan and Justin n Wick and Mac Hoenicke.will take The next break-
p.m p.m Installing officer will be Pat Speaking on the subject, "Des- fast meeting will take place Wednes-
Barton of Naples, state president of tiny—Choice Not Chance," each day at 7 30 a.m in the No-Name
Florida Federation of Republican contestant spoke 4-5 minutes with Seafood Restaurant on Alafaya Tr.,
Women's Clubs Guest speaker will Janet Williams of Barnett Bank ser- according to the president, Jim
be U.S Congressman Bill McCol- ving as timekeeper. Speakers were Evans, who said the guest speaker
lum All interested women are in- awarded gold, silver and bronze will be Mike Shumaker, Fairways
cited to come and bring a friend medallions, for their respective ef- golf pro
Refreshments will he served fens, cording to Keeth fifth-grade
wok leacher r Elaine Oman.,who was the ----
The Rotary Club members are guiding force-behind the vouirnnen-