HomeMy WebLinkAboutUCF Triathlon - 1988 ILI Thursday,March 31. 1988
Chuluota Area 33i
Community Notes
By John Horner & Loris Boutwell UCF hosts
A communitywide Easter egg hunt will commence proceedings follow- Wellness
will be held Saturday for all area ed by the hunt and ending with the
children sponsored by the First Bap- serving of refreshments in the form triathlon
list Church on the field adjacent to of hot dogs and soft dnnks Parents
the building. The 10 a.m. affair is are urged to bring their children as
being chaired by Mrs Juanita Lane. well as a dozen colored eggs BY JOHN HORNER
She reports that a comic puppet show *** Corretpmden:
_ The newly organized 4-1I club WINTER SPRINGS—The biggest
f with Cindy Cox as leader has chosen sporting event in town will be the se-
Talent show its name It is the Chuluota cond annual Wellness Scholarship
Challengers,aptly describing its ac- triathlon to be swum,cycled and run
held by FFA twines which are centered around early Saturday morning on the cam-
rocketry and wildlife During spring pus of the University of Central
OVIEDO—The talent show with break the members will hold a pic- Florida. There may be as many as
Shawn Mc—Th as mistress th me at Lake Mills where they will 11,000 entrants, according to Dean of hawn sponsored by str stare pick up aluminum cans to clean up Geraghty, of the College of
Farmers ceremonies. Amsored ylt ed to a the environment and to sell same for Health.of
packed p y g purchase of club T-shirts. Any and 1.000 id there will ib the e 500
a ked house in the Oviedo High voung people from 8-I8 who would
School auditorium Tuesday like to join may call Mrs Cox at sios of the triathlon, which is be-
Sixteen acts paraded before 365-1111 ing run by the Central Flonda
parents and friends, with winners ** Triathlon Association on the campus
declared in each of four categories The annual Spring Fling recently Saturday from 8 a m. to noon.
Winning vocal act was Marcie King, held by the Southeast Seminole He said the "open" division,
who sang "Where Do Broken County Voters Association Inc ,ac- which starts at 8 a m. with the one-
Hearts Goo" Derek Bates and Mark cording to its general chairman Fran third-mile swim in chilly Lake
Richards teamed up to win the com- Freeman,was a tremendous success Claire,is open to anyone who wants
edy category, imitating the popular due to the full cooperation of peo- to compete—youngsters, oldsters,
Blues Brothers ple in the community and county. alike, in both individual (head-to-
A beguiling troupe called"Private She thanked Barbara Wedge of head)or relay races Then comes the
Dancers" won the dancing entry, Chuluota for singing and extended national collegiate competition start-
while the "Steel Breeze." a band special thanks to the news media for ing the same course at 9 a.m He said
group,grabbed grand prize for band broadcasting the event so well, in- that the collegiate event has receiv-
competition All won inscribed eluding a picture in last week's ed nationwide publicity in track and
trophies, plus $25 cash to each Outlook Proceeds will aid their field publications and will draw
category winner various charity projects some of the top tnahlon competitors
Judges included Connie Clark, in the country.
Winter Park High School teacher, a Awards will be given to winners
Susanne Barnett, drama instructor. in both events as soon as they are
and Melody Heath,data processor, finished All will be staged on the
both from OHS Proceeds will UCF campus, which he reported is
benefit sponsoring FFA projects. all decked out for the gala event
Ron Priest, president of the
' Tuscawilla Rotary Club, one of the
sponsors—along with a number of
businesses including Publix,Church
Street Station, Freedom Savings,
Ronlee Mobile Homes—said club
members on the committee include
Mark Stansbury,Leo Cooper,Steve
Norton and Roger Owen Other na-
tional sponsors are the Triathlon
Federation,CFT Sports, Clermont,
Fla , Fleet Feet, Burger King.
Crystal Water,Exceed Sports Nutri-
tional System and the National List
Last year Tuscawilla Rotary
donated $2,000 to UCF for the
Wellness Scholarship Fund of the
UCF College of Health Priest said
he expected that amount would be
much larger this year
Seminole Outlook Thursday,April 7, 1988
Mks to \ 1 Triathlon
-• - winners
iracle—I'm sure you
h announced
1111,7.-,,4:44:, .
seedling becomes a tree --7- '� - ,�,�' - By JOHN HORNER
branches—you and me. �* Correspondent
;a better place to live,It, WINTER SPRINGS—Tuscawilla
that we can give, " a'' ^� " Rotary's own Ron Priest, the
;reen against the blue, `r a �,� '"`• organizer of the Wellness Triathlon
>ur dreams and make " � . fund raiser conducted at Saturday at
ome true. +' •°" ti the University of Central Florida,
s to stand as one k ' ,� not only participated but also won
; tree second place in his event.Priest join-
sun. ;� - .. ed fellow Rotarian Steve Norden and
«, overall winner Jim Calhoun of
s a better place to live ` , , Altamonte Springs to swim one-third
that we can give, .41* ;, t of a mile, bike 12 miles and run
ogreen against the blue, - \ three miles in Saturday morning's
ur dreams and mak � a: ° r sunshine on the UCF campus off
;ome true. Alafaya Tr. at University Blvd.
seedling becomes a - In the USA National Collegiate
;branches—you and me p championship Florida State carried
seedling becomes a tr:• ; off both the individual and team vic-
e branches—you and m ' i; t. tories with Kip Karnes taking it all
branches—you and me. • in 56 minutes, 3 seconds. Linda
are copyrighted and ar-
Tuition of Indiana won the women's
,y Hatton's own coin collegiate competition.
i and Sky Music Pub- # Other universities represented
, BMI, P.O. Box 4157, were North Carolina,second overall
k, 32793. rater in the second annual Wellness Scholarship Triathlon winner, followed by FSU, third;
mposer is to submit at last Saturday morning. This was the start of the open divi- Emory, fourth, and Rutgers, fifth.
e to the publishing comp for the one-third-mile swim. After the swim they jumped Men's team winners were Colorado,
winner will be picked thi for three more miles. (Ray Lucas photo) first,and Rutgers,second.Colorado
coeds won the women's team event,
• •t followed by Purdue.
,,_:'', ' Calhoun posted a respectable
'` *`; T� - 56:52 for men in the overall with
` Brooke Messerole, second, with a
i}'"d" `;
it masters overall time of 59:29. In the
a it ... ,� -- ,Q', .r! i . • 80-and-over age category Ed Root
d ,,# k* : amazed the hundreds of spectators as
mow, '' he posted a fine time of 1:47.52. His•' r 3 ki time bettered 70-year-old Ralph
1s = Smith by over three minutes.Entries
competed in all age classes, from
e l 14-18 through 80 in the men's and
I 18 and under to 45 in the women's.
"' Laura Harrington won the
'i.;-'f-11 women's overall with a time of
..;••• 1 4.13, with Chris Runkle talking
the masters overall with 1:25.44.
Sponsored by the Rotary and other
•4.• ,A,— local and national firms,the triathlon
r•••- drew as many spectators as entrants
" in its second annual running. Accor-
- ding to Priest, Rotary chairman of
the event,he hoped they would raise
more than the$2,000 they donated
1 "= . . to UCF last year for the College of
• Health Wellness Scholarship fund.
He and UCF Dean Ron Gerughty
awarded trophies to the winners and
jj/ ' thanked the Rotarians who helped
with the food and other ar-
rangements. They were Mark
Stansburg, Tom Brown and Roger
- . Owen.
a Book •
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Beat Lf
,'` , From the Seminole
Crnintti 1 ihrar ,