HomeMy WebLinkAboutDog Show at Civic Center - 1988 Thursday.March 10,1988 c = " A Oviedo Area
C. m0pEac. a _Y ,°a ,
Dog Show Set d= v ° o 3
at civic center $=v - ° ' v` €3' 3 Notes
WINTER SPRINGS-The city is s °V,.s s $ g.. s e._ _
"goin' m the dogs"-or more ° -e e LI m v ' °c d
correctly-40 t or 50 dogs are corn- c S c mr v goo; E " E v Z 3 m
tog to the local civic center on Sun- a__ _- 3 e' ii o c° m 9 1'hc Oviedo Woman ,spring styles
a r i . .0 _ stage a Izshiam stow at spring styles
day for what Mrs. Sandy Guy calls ° v m,± A h v 2.2 v 57 nimm raw namnu.a o in a m m the
a Golden Retriever Fun Match t 3 v n- r o ° e"u o v a 3 `° $ clubhouse on King St Pon Wcd by
The city resident,who lives at 41 °s' c E i C'¢ the 3 Blind \LLe.d Golden'ud, the
cc N Cortez Ave , is match chairman - ° t 03 o n° vs-` ` - mlmhd parade al fashions will
of the event,sponsored by the Mid- v 3 s ° ° ' g' E b c -'a a a .. kemrc molds Ben} Jo M1f athneux,
Florida Golden Retriever Club. All I sans lendh Home, Ruby
Starting at 8 a,m.the retriever en-
1 anti S.wds Kenistras
tries,ranging from dog owners with s .,t - _ § 1 wtad luncheon,all he xncd at
just plain ° "'
J p pets to professional c L'';° w o °5s o w
noon President Barbara Shaffer
trainers, will compete in a confor- 3 c 3 a -a g 3 >3 d y "v g °o ienuuJs all pnispecti e members
motion and obedience fun match. $ °v o 3 a - '''^ 3 .°. ¢$ u 3
Open to all five American Kennel Y D °' 25°_rte`. fu s will be the last requirement U,meting
Club (AKC) breeds-golden, E ° n a5 1 ° fur them m fulfill Membership of at-
73- 600 .900,4- 00 1 ) golden, flat- eo $ '�' `o < tending Ncmhcnhi chairman
coated, . a- 2 - -° e r m e gone pc
Labrador, Chesapeake and c' . „ „E >, e o 5,c ° a w Home mac be udlcJ m 36s-31 RS for
curly-coated-the all-day show m ' $5 E S E=$ A r m
features different classes, all held r„f.°^,o E m ° ° S 3 &=R a details
outdoors at Sunshine Park, 400 N ° ° e `n 151)' 04`^-` La e - E fhe club allow s nor-profit organ-
Ave h v E iO g „anon,to use the Lluhhnu.e tar their
° : y °.8 C , 5 2.t business meetings free of charge
Day-of-match entries are$5, and W 5 rE ,-`- St.N - m w u N e° .' Fnr intnrmatinn call Maiy Henn at
additional entries of the same dog are c ef P: ` ° e, pp '� na " @ 365-6320
$1 50 Junior showmanship, with m` n v E S =v gg u E E v ara
the handler's abilities being judged E ° E c a S°u'°'n': „
The American Legion Post 243,
instead of the dog's appearance or 3 r c c E c n v o 9 u on Broadway,whose members have
behavior, costs $2. 3 A `e_ A been busy eret tmg a shed to cover
A special invitational match • °°rH i.¢�'U 3 ' n `
their barbecue stands,will initiate it
features champion entries or those -• t_ ` .,,t-c u '°° on M1farch 17 for their St Palnck's
dogs that have major wins toward /`/}��tt11 ti ` W a'o n . u v dinner m honor of the ladies The a their championship, according to `v _ 'c c 2 y i. E. °r m
'p men will barbecue steaks, bin the
Guy, who said she travels to shows Dz L 8,° o eT 9 c women will each hang a coveml
all over the country. For further in- 2'- e a o rs o doh The 7 p m event will feature
formation, call her at 327-0499, O = Zf E E-R E c ° °, ,„.' "weans' of the green " Cmdr
S ii O E �° 2 °a °a r 5 c - Wilbur Chancy reports that his wife
w °,a o o c , , 2 g °�; has crocheted an elegant afghan
c n i a 3 3 E j which will he given away after the
Tho in Q. :c u- o t°' 1 ° $ meal
ooyn,,,a,, °'3 °'o c° c c The Garden Club will hold its next
? as t T{,. }'� ='- _L g v'....':',. a e e_ meeting Tuesday at 2 p m m the
r' v . i v/ `m =:y Igo it, a d`3 home of Mrs George Means, 441
ter— - " eP ; m n _ o N Central Ave with her mother,
d •_ `v `6`�r? 'n = Mrs Mae Kmg,as hostess The pro-
y+, U • o c 3 c E e $ v o w gram will be presented by Bertha
ti 4 ,100 o� 24 gg q r e r o c. c t Eubanks and Mert Ward on[he crew-
6 a E a o E n L tion of fancy corsages for that special
E L. u = 3 occasion Dessert will ber served
sours I mO5 E - ■ 9 aa'_ ..+
'E P .° ,?m ' -5 a e m € The VFW Post 10139 and aux-
y °I -:55 i 'o e v� E diary will haul their trailer to the Ag
"04,3 S u ac ' fe 0 `� E ° Center,5 Points,Sanford,Saturday,
Voters association E.0 A E `'' ° r°u n g c the giant Flea Market from 10
c .e m 8 E `ai g a`,_z A „ a.m to 5 p.m Cmdr. Harley Jones
sets spring event
0 and auxiliary president Pat Snow
c o8 TY 3 8 willbeIncharge of ribs and chicken
CHULUOTA-The Southeast °° E o° , o m dinners as well as the pork and
Seminole Voters Association will U E---_.S s 3 °a' r -iy chicken sandwiches They also will
host a"Sprang Fling"on Saturday, ` °so f° 9 E ,9 v be dispensing hot dogs and soft
March 19, from 9 a.m to 4 p.m at o L'9e�. e °`o U u o $ drinks Proceeds will and their com-
the Chuluota Fire House/Civic O C c° 3 -v 0 5'o ya mutiny and patriotic projects in the
Center on Seventh SL Z O - n 0 E 0•U N a E a Oviedo area The 4-H'ers will hold
The event will be set up in Bea ` cc z 'Y° 3 2N as a ri 3 a car wash the same hours for their
market fashion and will feature �1 C y g r v u L i o a vaned needs oi crafts, baked goods, plants and (t3 z e o° 22.2 m fz' r- $ •••
more. For additional information, S € F- m e ,p The Rotary Club voted to spend a
call 365-5249 C e Z_E E c E`o o w 3 4 u work day to sand the walls at the
N Oviedo Mini Storage II
33 .. - 'vii5m66O ¢ q ii Lawton
accord rig to the president.
in Ed Rummell,
I McCollUft , ,. /7
holds town tir
hall event
.' 4
was packed Saturday morning as
U..S Congressman Bill McCollum
faced a barrage of w,de-ranging
. questions from an Interested
citizenry for over an hour and a half.
Using the familiar "town hall"
forum, McCollum, Fifth District
Republican, answered questions
covering everything from the Grove
`'City "civil rights" bill, which he
'promised to vote to sustain President
. Reagan's veto,to the privatizing of
4.the Postal Service.
Other questions his constituents
asked concerned:
• Social Security (the "notch" Retrievers compete
•Catastrophic health insurance(a
bill he opposed, but was passed). Approximately 40 dogs were entered in the Golden Retriever Fun
• Use of the polygraph for Match held recently at the Winter Springs Civic Center. Shown
employee screening (voted against here is Ritz competing in the show. He is owned by Sandy Guy
it) of Winter Springs. (Ray Lucas photo)
Please see McCollum on Page 13
Thursday.Mardi 24. 1988
ism, which she said "one day will
lead to socialism," Pat Ragusa of
Union Park gave an appreciative au-
dience a quick civics lesson After
stating that the U.S. Constitution
does not even mention the words
*ar,, 1 "separation of church and state,"
she read the establishment clause on Tuscawilla sets A.
4. religious freedom along with the let-
ter Thomas Jefferson wrote explain- an aI festival
,, , . ,�'" ing his position on the issue F 07' I
She cited the Supreme Court's INTER SPRINGS—Enter
study in 1892 of the supposed con tainment for the third annual Festival
nectern of Christianity and the in the Park on April 16, sponsored
it, government with their declaration by the Tuscawilla Homeowners As-
Christian"this is a ne"She people was sociation, will include the Wayne
Christian nation "She said this was Faith Jazz group, Oviedo High
by in 1931 and again in 1952 School Horizons Chorus and Sun-
by Justice William O. Douglas who shine Cloggers
Rr�. Bill McCo u said, "We are a religious people and
our institutions presuppose a Su- "It's gonna be a great day" in
�--- Growth preme Being." Tuscawilla Park is the way the art
Continue age 1 Al Wilson said he was "thankful and craft show is billed. It will also
clowns, face painting, moon
•True deficit reduction(will taxes for all the people who attended the walk and balloons, besides special
go up next year?). meeting"and told McCollum he was
• Prayer in school, pro-life, the doing a tremendous job and we ap- children's entertainer "Ralph E.,"
breakdown of the family (he sup- preciate it." Responding to this ac- magician and juggler, featured on
ports Reagan agenda). colade, McCollum said he was "Evening to spend the day in Tus
• Opposition to the INF Treaty "honored to serve." ca" lan to
says Louise Put kin,
• Soviet aggression. He then spoke of the "liberal homeowners newsletter er editor. She
• Communist sympathizers in think-tank-types" in congress who told the hers ne that the festival e
Congress. are sympathetic to communism To
It was a partisan audience who a question on the Iran-Contra hear- eludes the Parade of Homes and the
made speeches for their favorite ing in Showcase House on Winter Springs
causes, he referred to the Blvd, She said cutoff date for ex-
causes, including Lloyd Hauser, a article he wrote in the Sunday paper h lbdon She
apply for space in the
city resident who said he served on in which he called the indictments show is to apply 1.
the USS Enterprise,a World War II "frivolous " He concluded that"no
aircraft carrier,which was scrapped. charges warrant prosecution.' --
He asked McCollum to support his McCollum also spoke of a bill he
petition for a postage stamp com- sponsored to plug the leaks in Con-
memorating the Enterprise on the gress to the press of information that
50th anniversary of the bombing of is"highly sensitive"and that he has
Pearl Harbor in 1991 seen people die as a result of its