HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeer Run Homeowners Hold Garage Sale - 1988 ' v e . Page17
_ N 2-o3\ 2-i t
!c 2$t7 p td td, services to help the association get non, being arranged with the IWS
m 3 :o C _ e °d ' off the ground " Ed Beckmann, firm,a welcome committee for new
o=2. o' E o 0 0 `'j 329 Ringwood Cu •agreed to serve residents, and the Neighborhood
c t °o d 5 o o as vice-president while Caroline Watch. Unfortunately, not enough
a g, - °o g „ Pearson,4776 Bakersfield Ct ,ask- support was offered to provide this
v o ° c ° 0 ed if she could serve as"assistant to crime prevention project, although
v u c$. -° - the treasurer," an offer Gary several members promised to ex-
c of 4
z N '3 , - E 9 0 3 o Harold,present treasurer,was quick plore ways to "get people active "
P8 -= v e g 80 to accept •The increased attendance at the
CDE N - r E p Daley, whose wife Gazelle is meeting--double that of last year's
C - W' .2 v secretary,explained how the Proper- annual meeting—was due to phone
s¢ 2 CI H. ,2 3 >. ty Owners Association was organiz- calls and reminders to members to
w1 ed, to take care of the entire Deer attend.
L e c c£ u > Run PUD, which he said encom- A concern expressed was the
m v ° 3 3 passes 15 homeowners groups and widely publicized efforts by
ac - '' o 81 w cove*$ as many as 15 lakes, green Casselberry to annex parts of Deer
co v i 2 E 2 areas and walls To maintain this Run, which reportedly were
'�rI o,Z° TE vast area, he said that the assess- originally part of Casselberry before
mil! 2u n o c L s ment, which rose over 10 percent a lawsuit with the county placed
V $ -rt °ae•4 0 this year, is made of each them into unincorporated Seminole
■ _ r s '81 homeowners association according County Sources indicated It may
° -p o to the number of homes Daley add- have even Included what is now
c H v
m-U a c o o ed that the presidents of all the known as Tian, several lla Forest After
0 X v E -g i$ g a the inboard of POA11t�He said pthat arose rover awhethe ''we might be in-
'`d='o a a m 7 POAII covers the "other half' of corporated into Casselberry or
2-p.c., t 8 c a P. Deer Run Winter Springs."When the consen-
t' In his treasurer's report Harold sus indicated a choke of the latter,
a. E . o c d said payments of the annual $94 Daley promised to look into the
CD ° 3. 0 9 dues,which includes both the 21-A long-range ramifications of annexa-
W E g - d dues of$66 and the$28 POAII pnr- Lion "
C . ; ° o r, c m " I non,have been received from only
SSSSS �q,c oo g c 30 members so far, but it was
Altamonte clinic
te ; 40 7 l w=_It,E 5 generally agreed that this situation plans TV show
4 :y ° reflects the need for better corn-
y c 9 v o munication and explanation, ALTAMONTE SPRINGS—Jerry
_ _ " v „o 2 3 E especially of the financial structure Eden, spokesman and director of
T - m E 2c°=° n and costs each homeowner assumed marketing for the Florida Eye
_ F. 0 m when he bought his home in Clinic, will host a one-hour televi-
' 0 O c z x - U c E Tuscawilla Forest.He said he hoped Ron special on March 30,from 8 to
aT 3 e ' 7 o ' E they wouldn't need to hire an at- 9 p.m on Channel 35.The special
..4 m = a' n=r E _ torney to collect the rest,as the legal will be titled, "Eye Care for the
cost is almost prohibitive. He said 80s "
that some 10-15 remain unpaid from The broadcast will have a live
1987, and cited foreclosures and studio audience which will par-
absentee owners as presenting real ticipate in a question-and-answer
obstacles tocolecting some of them. format with the climes six
Reporting on the activities the club ophthalmic surgeons as its panel
will conduct with the neighbors Participating on the panel will be Dr.
"across the lake—in the Commum- Mitchell Shapiro.a cataract and lens
ty Homes side of Tuscawdla Forest, Implant specialist,Dr John L Isler,
DRHOA, 23-A," Mrs Daley said a cataract/lens implant and corneal
that besides the joint garage sale on specialist:Dr Harry R Pappas.the
March 12 (rain date is Sunday, clinic's glaucoma specialist; Dr
March 13),other events include an Peter C Gruenberg, children's
Easter Egg Hunt on April 2.She said ophthalmologist and adult and
that she and another neighbor, children's muscle specialist, Dr.
Marian McCosh, 388 Ringwood Robert B Feldman, a retina and
Cir,attended the activities commit- vitreous specialist and diabetes eye
tee meeting of the 23-A club care authority, and Dr Ned D
Other joint activities discussed Gross, eye plastic surgeon and or-
were the consolidated trash collec- bit and lacrimal specialist