HomeMy WebLinkAboutTuscawilla Rotary Club - 1988 i
Tuscawilla club Luncheon New church
,13 plans triathlo slated for building
businessmen dedicated ,
for scholarship WINTER SPRINGS—The local
field representative for Campus CASSELBERRY—A dedication
WINTER SPRINGS—The Crusade for Christ, Jack McGill, service was held in the newly omr
Tuscawilla Rotary Club is busy mak- 3725 N.St. Lucie Dr.,has announc- Ple sb sanctuary Church of Westminster R d B g
ing plans for its second annual ed that a special luncheon for Cen- Presbyterian Church od Red Bug
Triathlon in conjunction with the tral Florida businessmen will be held Rd. John n B l 21, minister.
to the
University of Central Florida for its A March 17 at the Radisson Plaza Rev John Brgly,with him.
Wellness Scholarship program on Hotel, Orlando, from noon to 1:30 Participating with him in the
April 2, according to Ron Priest, � p.m. service—which included symbolic
chairman of the event. Special guest speaker will be moo an and acceptance s and reading di keys con-
Sponsors are needed for the club's Adolph Coors IV,who quit the farm monandry letters—were and reading of con-
fund-raiser, which raised$2,000 for ly brewery business when he became Lyles, executive Livers—were Dr John
the UCF Athletic Fund last year and a Christian His talk will center Lyles,Florida,aand the of Cer
drew 300-400 contestants, Priest around "Christian Principles in Rodriguez ig eof, El the Rev Hector Joe
reported. He said the contests in- Business" and include his personal Connolly,clerk of tenses.Also Joe
elude a nine-mile bike ride, a one- testimony. Connolly,clerk of the session,Jack
quarter-mile swim and a five Tickets are $12 per person and Schuder, building committee chair-
kilometer run.Special guest this year reservations should be made early by man, Pam Alwine, director of
will be the National Relay Triathlon calling Karen Overly at 843-3294. music, and Rick Swett, minister of
champion.To participate,call Priest Proceeds will aid their various music Church,the Powers Drive Bth-
at 273-4010 Christian outreach programs both in celebration,Church, participated in the
The club welcomed its newest Central Florida and the Caribbean conbmtion,which filled the to e. seat
member at its last meeting, Richard Islands.
ben contemporary style structure.
Smith, who moved here recently Accompaniment was provided by
from Long Island, N.Y., with his the brass ensemble of Powers Drive
wife, Kathleen, and sons Richard, ����''/Z Baptist and Enita Perez sang "Or-
Keith and Ryan.They reside at 1051 Binary People." Following the the
Elk Ct. Smith recently started "My vice a reception was held in the
3 Sons Lawn Service,"much to the fellowship hall, the former sane
surprise of his customers,as his sons under The interior of the building,
are 11, 6 and 4 years old! under construction since August
1987, is arranged in a semicircle
with the choir loft nearest the nar-
thex behind oak pews facing the
Rick Mendez, superintendent of
construction, told of the accident-
free construction and the surprising
conversion to Christianity of one of
Thursday,March 3, 1988 117 i the employees while working on the
building, which he said is truly
blest"^. +i. ,
Chuluota Area -
Community Notes ail •Ministry
By John Horner
y & Loris Boutwell 699-6028 Banquet set
The Southeast Seminole County goods,and articles for car,home or SANFORD—The Sanford Civic
Voters Association Inc. will sponsor office. Center will be the scene Friday at 7
its second annual Spring Fling on The committee is comprised of
p.m.ue the fifth annual Jail Ministry
March 19 from 9 a.m to 4 p.m. in Fran Freeman, Peggy Beck, Banquet, sponsored by the Good
and outside of the community hall. Margaret Estis and Sally McCoy. News Mission with Harry Greene,
Spaces are still available for the$10 For details,call 365-8103. Proceeds president in charge
fee, with no rain checks. will aid community projects. Speakers featured will be
Available will be garage sale *** Seminole County Jail Chapl '
items, flea market products, baked The SAWTOC Republican Charles Petroff and Rev. Fre
Federation Women's Club will hold pastor of the Sanford Ce
Flea market slated •mith;
a fist Church, Sheriff John
its next meeting March 10 at 7 p.m. P
in the Community Hall,according to and an ex offender, who will
OVIEDO—A flea market will be his testimony
held Saturday,March 5,from 9 a.m. President Margaret Wimberly. All The public is welcome to come
to 4 p.m in front of Oviedo High interested women throughout P i-
southeast Seminole County are urg and hear of the intensive county jail
School to raise funds for various ro ram, which has been attended.
OHS clubs Food and beverages will ed to attend and join this growing b more than 500-700 people ov
also be sold. organization Y Pe P
the years. Although the tickets.
the banquet are free,an offering
be taken to cover costs and al .
support the Good News minist ,