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Geneva area briefs
By JOHN HORNER Knickerbocker.currently running for
and LORIS BOLTWELL county commissioner,has promised to
The Homeowners Association attend, according to Brogdon
Board of Directors of Seminole Woods Community spokesman,Jim Alford,
has voted to help 'Save the St is intensely interested in protecting the
John's project headed by Estelle welfare and environment of not only
Brogdon Ginger Henry will he their the Geneva area but all of Seminole
rep]esentatn e at all future meetings, County He said. "Orange County
the next to he held Feb lb at 7 p m flushes their toilets in Seminole."He
in the Geneva Community Hall David also pointed out that about 70 trucks
carrying sludge from the Iron Bridge
Plant travel through Oviedo daily
enroute to depositing their foul con-
tents onto the Geneva area,even into
T/wrsdav, February 41988 Volusia County
The trucks also tear up the newly
paved streets and highways and
Senior s plan j distribute dust,among other nuisances
along the way, according to Alford,
who hopes that much can be ac-
Valen ,Valentine complished through cooperation of the
tine two groups Seminole Woods also
voted to assist financially in the
event Feb. 12 endeavor
The Rev Donald Crabtree, pastor
By JOHN HORNER of Geneva's Church of God, was
WINTER SPRINGS—The Senior honored at the Golden Corral
Citizens Club will stage a Valentine Restaurant, Winter Park. upon his
Ball on Feb 12 at 6 p m starting with retirement from Union Park Elenien-
a catered dinner in the civic center tary School He and wife Patty were
meeting place treated to dinner by principal Dr
According to program chairman Robert Williams,37 faculty members.
Maude Paulson,entertainment will be three staff members, a former prin-
provided by popular Beau Taylor with cipal and three former teachers The
his unique party music It is open to beautifully decorated two-layer white
members only, reservations should be cake, resplendent in green and red
made early by calling Paulson at flowers, declared "Congratulations to
327-2961 or any of the following. Don Crabtree'" He was then
Mary Ellem Peterson at 327-1284 or presented with a gold watch Besides
Ruthann Kulbes at 699-4730 or his 18 years at Union Park, Rev Crab-
Gladys Zahand at 695-1307. Donation tree taught I I years at Lake Orion.
is $5.50 and the dancing will be Auburn Hills Traverse City and
highlighted by the choosing of a King Clarkston, all in Mnhigan
and Queen of the Ball
Zahand, club activities chairman, *
Church of God member Shelley
announced that Tuesday, Feb 9 will Rucker, a graduate of Oviedo High
again feature Spanish lessons taught by School, is rnaloring in the field of mis-
Emilia Herrera at 10 a m Medicare lions at Venard College, Union Park.
assistance by John Langelotti of the Iowa, her goal being to work in
Sanford office will be offered at II Hispanic missions
a.m., lunch at noon and travel agent
Bill Sawyer will lay out various trips James Keith, Church of Nazarene
at I p.m , also bringing two surprise member, is a student at Trcvecca Col-
guests for a special showing lege, Nashville. Tenn , majoring in
Wednesday, health advocate • music for a future in that type of
Virginia Moody will instruct an exer- ministry
else and proper breathing class at IC
am There will be a brown hag lunch
at noon followed by the Phyllis Dale
Show at 130 p m
Thursday at 10 e m will be crake
followed at I I by line dancing in
structed by Grace Mirficld,brown bag
lunch at noon and ballroom dancing
- instruction with Ralph and Rose Im-
f bimbo at 1.30 p m All seniors are in-
vited to join this fast growing club by
- attending any or all veekly activities