HomeMy WebLinkAboutRecreation Center - 1988 —_ '- ]hundm',lumen 21 1988 __.-
Winter Springs Continued From Page IA
He added quickly, Of course we alluding to their application for non-
would have to replace these funds in profit status and their plans to solicit
the hudget" and said it would cost over 100 foundations He remarked
about a 75 mill May to du this that"so many people are Just waiting
On the sticky question of getting the to he asked "
county to approve a request for the
federal grant funds,despite City Plan- —
ner Jackie Koch's assertion that
"we're qualified to receive some of
the funds this year - the hoard was
generally pessimistic Winter Springs eyes ii
Commissioner Cindy Koehler was 'Frp9
more specific, staling that it isn't fair IY
for the county to deprive the city of recreation problems
lands it should get because of pro-
blems the county laded to address over '
the years such as Midway and other By JOHN HORNER sites contained in the Recreational
pinerty-ley el areas near Sanford WINTER SPRINGS—It was clear Land Study Committee report tothe
Koch reported that Sanford might be that the city commissioners were ready city manager of Jan. 14 were discuss-
making its ow n application apart from to"bite the bullet"—even to consider ed. The Most promising appeared to
the other cures, which would Improve a tax increase—to provide expanded be a 2O-acre site in an area bounded
the other cules' chances to get grant facilities for the senior citizens and by Alton Rd. to the north and No
'mule,. children's recreation programs in their Name Creek to the west.
Tienc her added that our chances workshop Monday night at City Hall The report stated that this could
are none to never' to get funds from Then, with City Manager Dick "easily accommodate for ball fields
the county EA en with Coo missioner Rozansky's assurance that he can have and other amenities''and also was at-
Au Holtman's statement that the the staff work ready for approval at the tractive for potential use by children
county needs us more than we need li regular meeting scheduled for Mon- who live south of SR 434 and west of
them' as tar as the block grant funds day,the commissioners reached a eon- this site.A hearing to rezone this pm-
s ere concerned it was agreed the ci- sensus to pursue the following opt ions, petty by its owners,Euro-American,
ty would proceed as it it would have whether or not the city gets approved is scheduled for Feb. 10 and the grot-
to Lund these willow a menty itself, but by the county for federal block grant ing of the 20 acres to the city is inuni-
to make app]Kato on to the county and funds' nent, the report concluded.
yigoruusly seek these funds As Hort- I Relocate the summer youth Another site, at Indian Ridge. is
man said than even 0-hough lands were recreation program to the Winter desenbed as"30 acres between Sherry
denied two Scars in a row. btne still Springs for other l Elementary School Ave.and Edgerton Ave.,"except that
ger three strikes so lets go for it " to allow the senior citizens continued assessments and taxes are owed for
l hese options were summ,uved by use of the civic center If none is this property. Commisssioner Phil
Kulbes, senior co vcn advocate, who available, the plan would be for the Kulbes said he"walked the acreage"
said that " yen though we hoe the seniors to "share' the facility with the and met the treasurer of the
lowest lay LICK in Florida we don't youngsters, which City Recreation homeowners association who invited
,dway s hoc the tends to do what we Director Glenn Whitselt explored in him into the clubhouse and showed
has e to do so maybe we has c to his suggested rescheduling of both ac- him the pool and facilities.
consider 'aping our tales to provide tonics Explaining that the youngsters 3. Consider whatever immediate
these sers ices pit our resident, " would be outside most of morning, repairs or improvements M the preseM
Holtman quickly added that set ice from 0 a m to 12 30 p m , and on senior center meeting place.including
tees on utility hills would I,e fairer to hrld tripe Friday afternoons, he said furnishing a dishwasher in the kitchen,
lessen the hurden mit ',using taacs Just Cher shouldn't be any conflict with which Genova said were more impor-
on property coy nets, should May sewn!,meeting inside, from 1230 to tent than adding a few interior rooms.
become necessity Then, referring In c 30 p i ' live days a week Seniors When asked by Commissioner Bill
the different options available,he eau- Chu-Ian. •e Genova mined that they Jacobs how the city could pay for
Cloned that "it we charge up the hill, voold c sop'r,.'^w di'hc sharing eon- such expansion, Rozansky reminded
let s nuke sure its the right hill " oept ,`no stli,r,-range mcnls can he the commission that he had talked to
Once the city manager's staff review fount: the financial community about"bond-
was presented by Laid Deaclopment 2 Ma. ' a , vr,-iii. di`9i I♦ find ing franchise fees," which he
Coordinator Don LeBlanc each corn- suitable 1 rota is to 92r. t'Ian estimated would produce $2.735
oussioner gate his or her comments, Commis ) :Ia.'''. i t Icily I million,orabout$2.3 million in con-
mostly in accord with staff recommen- described as e 'super a•rn' to tcu,- struction fees, after financing costs. .
datinns. which ads ised against a senior city rec-°atmn programs `•e gcstc i Please sae Winter Stings on Page 7A
center being constructed at the Sun-
shine Park site "and that the park re-
main a small local park for all area/ci-
ty residents "
V.hen Mayor Leanne Grove asked
I lo' public comment,Genus a, wad
patiently in the w rags for his 'urn,
quoted an unnamed politician ,stair-
merit "Lead—or follow or y t au
of the was ' Then the senior, chair-
man and furrier New \ark•rate dune
complimented the board for the icu m
it way taking
He said he understood the pr ohlemc
the city was try ing to resolm , that 9
lal mg care of the needs of 130 seri/7
Ititoutte%pointer. 0-.,,i0