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Thursday,January 7,1988 keeps police
Year in review: data records
Winter Springs By JOHN O
reverses itself Christmas present ever"is how Police
Chief John Govoruhk described his
department's new computer system.
By JOHN HORNER Govoruhk and Lt.Jerry Justice,who
WINTER SPRINGS—Six months is in charge of the new computer and
its training program. ',aid five years of
ago, in a three-hour city co
meeting the city stood by its decision effort have finally "paid off."That's
to withdraw from CALNO—which how many years it took to get the city
recently changed its name to the Coun- support—and funds-to make it possi-
cil of Local Governments in Seminole ble. It cost$54,048.50, according to
County from its acronym which stood the chief.
for the original cities belonging to it— Describing the new modern records
Casselberry, Altamonte Springs, management system as providing the
Longwood and North Orlando, now police with "sapid accessibility to
Winter Springs. data,"Justice said it consists of a Na-
Interestingly, the city commis- tonal Cash Register(NCR)mainframe
sinners just reversed themselves in the computer, with a backup emergency
last meeting of the year, voting to power system and printer.Three per-
return to the council,as reported in the sonal computers are located in his of
Tice as well as those of the chief and
Dec. 17 Outlook front-page story.
Then, another council, comprising his secretary. He added that the coin
the mayors of seven cities,reorganiz puter's capability to search and
retrieve specific data,such as accident
ed and elected Lake Mary Mayor Dick
Fess to head the Council of Mayors at or type of injutty or crime statistics can
the last breakfast meeting the mayors be a "tremendous time saver."
held June 16 at Denny's Restaurant in Justice,who said he took a computer
Casselberry. course at college, but said he has a
desire t� learn more, related that the
Now, at their last meeting of the
year, in Sanford, the mayors software And training program,costing
nominated host mayor Bettye Smith to $14,000 of the total, was supplied
head the group in 1988. Elections will through NCR by Vision Technology
be held at the Jan. 27 meeting in of Reston, Va.
Casselberry City Hall. A recent newsletter issued by com-
In the June 25 issue we reported that munity relations,now under the direr
the city commissioners unanimously tion of Officer Wesley Dowell and
voted to invite the Seminole County assisted by Ed Schierholzer,describes
Board of Commissioners to a meeting the quantity of information required in
on July 29 to discuss and negotiate the police work as "staggering."
subject of impact fees. Some of the 14 categories in the
On July 12, Seminole County At- software include residential and per-
torney Nikki Clayton told the city that sonal crime incidents, traffic ac
she would have to file the lawsuit(over cidents,service calls,arrests,warrant
impact fee opposition) July I. information, traffic citations and
"The reality is that the impact fee known offender lists.
(ordinance)is going into effect,"add- Govoruhk said funds for purchase of
ed City Attorney Frank the system were secured both from the
Kruppenbacher, trust fund of the county drug task
force, now known as the county-city
The agreement would allow the
county to collect transportation impact investigation bureau, and the city,
fees within the municipality. In return, which has its own computer system,
the city would get certain guarantees mostly for financial controls.
with regard to specific road construe- He said that,although police officers
tion projects. still have to fill out incident reports and
On July 16, after the city commis- other forms manually, the dispatcher
sion meeting, this reporter stated that will make the data entry conversion in
the interlocal agreement is destined not the records department.
to be signed by Winter Springs—and �--'- - - -■
that's the way the year ended—with
the lawsuit, consolidated with the
other cities' suits by Kruppenbacher.
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