HomeMy WebLinkAboutCivic Association-1961 NORTH ORLANDO CIVIC ASSOCIATION BY-LAMS ARTICLE 1 Section 1 . The name of this organization shall be known as "The North Orlando Civic Association," g crrporation chartered and In- corporated under the laws of The State of Florida. Section 2. The purpose and aim sf this association shall be to promote the civic interest and welfare of the Community of North Orlando. ARTICLE 11 Section 1. All property owners or residents of North Orlando shall be eli- gible for membership in this association according to the charter. Section 2. The annual dues of one dollar ($1.00) per adult shall be due and payable on or before the January meeting. Section 3. Any member who is delinquent in the payment of dues for a period of ninety (90) days shall be so notified and if said dues are not paid within ten (10) days , shall be dropped from the member- ship roll of this association. Section 4. Any member charged with misconduct , shall be notified by mail stating the nature of said charges , and shall be granted an ample opportunity to present their defense before the membership com- mittee , ane if such charges are sustained , shall be expelled from membership by a two-thirds vote of the membership committee ,with the right ;f appeal to the Executive Board, ARTICLE 111 MANAGEMENT Section 1. The affairs of this association shall be administered by an Exe- cutive Committee , consisting of the elected officers , the Chair- man of the standing committees . Section 2. The Executive Committee as constituted herein shall meet one (1) week prior to regular meeting. ARTICLE IV OFFICnRS Section 1. The elected officers of this Association shall consist of a President, Vice-President , Treasurer and Secretary. Section 2. The Chaplain and the Sentinel (Sarreant-at-arms) shall be appoint- Cd by the President. Section 3. To be eligible for the office of President or Vice-president a member must be in rood standing for a period of one year prior to the election of said office, all other offices for a period of six months. .Page -2- Section 4. Vacanies of any office shall be filled by election at the next regu- lar meeting, for the unexpired terms of office , with the exception of the office , who shall be succeeded in office by the Vice-President ARTICLE V Duties Section 1 . The duties of the President shall be to preside at all regular meet- ings and conduct same in an orderly manner in conformity with parli- mentary usage , and in the event of a tie vote, may cast the deciding ballot. He (or she) shall appoint all committees during his (or her) term of office, with the sole exception of the nominating committee. The members of this committee shall be nominated and elected to serve on this committee by the members of the association.All other commit- tees shall report the progress of their duties each regular meeting. He (or she) shall permit no two or more members to speak from the at the same time and shall take whatever action he (or she) deems nec- essary to preserve decorum. v floc Officer of the Corporation. le (or she) shall also be! the Executive Section 2 . The Vice-president shall perform the duties :;f the President during his (or her) absence. Shall appoint membership committee and serve as Chairman. Section 3 . The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all the funds of this Asso- ciation , as received, and shall make all disbursements as approved by the Executive Board. All checks for disbursements shall be coun tersigned by the President or Vice-president. Section 4. The Secretary shall keep a clear and accurate record of all meetings of this association and shall render a report at each regular shall conduct all correspondence of the custodian of the gular meet- ing; to Article membership roll and notify association ; shall be 11 Section 3. Y delinquent member accord- ing 5. The Chaplain shall perform all duties assigned to him (or her) b� President. � the Section 6 . The Sentinel (Sarreant-at-Arms) shall assist the President in main- taining order during meetings and shall be custodian of the flag. Section 7. Annual Reports must be submitted in writing by the President and the Treasurer and all standing committee chairmen at the annual meeting in January, except the year 1964 , when reports will be read in May. ARTICLE V1 ORDER OF BUSINESS Section 1 . 1. Meeting called to order by the President. 2. Invocation 3. Salute to the Flag 4. Roll call of members 5. Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting by the Secretary. 6. Report of the Secretary 7. Report of the Treasurer 8. Communications and bills 9. Report of Standing and Special Committees 10 . Unfinished business (Nominations and elections when due) 11. Mew business ,also filling vacanies of officers when same occur during the year. Page -3- Section 1 . cont. 12 , Good and Uelfare of the Association 13. Adjournment, Section 2 . All matters submitted to the Association must be presented in proper category as stated in Section 1 of this Article. ARTICLE V11 AI"IUAL MEETRJG Section 1. Effective 1365 , the annual meeting for the election of officers shall be the regular meeting in January. The terms of office for all officers shall be for one (1) year. Section 2 . Effective at the ';ovember 1954 meeting, a Nomination Committee shall be elected , who shall in turn prepare a list of at least two candidates for each of the several offices and shall present same to the membership for their consideration at the December meeting Nominations from the floor may also be made at the inuar` ,tiny. ARTICLE ' 111 MEETINGS Section 1 . Regular monthly meeting shall be hold the first ?'ond:av of each month , unless said data should fill upon a .holiday, in which event the meeting shall beheld ron the cogn Monday evening or at such ; date ship, as approved by the mamber- Section 2 . Spacial meetings for essential specific purpose may be called by the President. Special meetings presentation of a petition to the President , se requested by the than ten (10) members in good standing, signed by not less must ba called within ten (10 ) days e Such spacial aofi the petition and must be clu of thy:: presentation of the confined exclusively othery uo the subject matter designated in the e Pali meet, and no other businc=5s shall be trans- acted nt said special meeting. ARTICLE 1X STAIJDI;'G COMHITTEES Section 1. All standing committ2os shall be appointed by the President , and they shall make a report of their activities to the membership, through the chair, at each regular meeting. Each of the Standing Committees appointed by the President shall meet as soon after their appointment as possible ,> and shall elect Chairman n. im- mediately notify the President of the name of said Chairman.. Section 2 . The Standing Committees shall 1. !Jays and Means Committee be °'s follows : 2 . '.'elfare and 'Je 3. Guildin House Cr mittee g e=nd . mouse Committer; 4. Public Relations Committee 5. Social Activities Committee 6 . Telephone Commit-toe Pale -4_ Section 3 . All natters relating to civic improvements a.nd kindred matters be referred by the President members c present and di voting, to the 'Jaya and Meant Conmitte for the committee shall follow all matters refer- ral to t:ren through to their ultimate conclusion , m=aking a r3- pert of their progress !t each monthly meeting of the Association. Section 4 . The Building Committee shall act and shall allot such ti s requested Custodian of the Building when same duties do not conflict dthe business,.of i thelA.ss-- cietiOn, ARTICLE X FI;J/r.Ccc Section 1. The revenue of this association shall be derived from the pay- memberof and such other sources as may be approved by the Section 2. The President shall app>int an auditing committee of two (2 ) members whose duty it shall be to audit the books of this Asso- ciation , ennually, before the election of officers. ARTICLE X1 QUORUM Section 1 . Twenty-five per cent (25% ) of members in good financial standing shell ooh t tut., a quorum for the transaction of business at any noting of the Assccintien. ARTICLE X11 . MEI(DMENTS Section 1. Pr posed: arendmants to these By-Laws shall be made in writing, signed by twenty (29 ) member„ in p.. -.d financial standing upon the book„ of this Association , and be presented mt any regular nesting, The same must then be read et the next and '.t the llawinr meeting regular 11 tom-, bars shall have b e n notified shall n it as td upon , ,star rdl mem- bers notified by d up n. to the exact wording nt of proposed amendment to be voted anon. Any proposed amendment to these By Laws must receive 7 two-thirds vote of the members present and voting to become effective . Section 2. These By-Laws may also be revised by a two-thirds vote of the members present and entitled to vote provided notice of proposed amendments were given at = previous meeting. Section 3 . These By-Laws ere subject ityerts Rules -f Order mss the re- cognized parliamentary authority. These Sy-Lams were duly adopted b� re- gular eetin held on June 5 ,1961 tThis�Yis the Association at the e-- vis.i..,n of the original 9 Laws first (r ) is incorporeti' n in 1961, y- of this Association after it' s DATED 6„ „,r '� �� / CIVIC A`. .SOCIATIO ACCO. L=LIB EtITS FIRST MEETING OF THE A': CCIATIOL S Aj HELD LARCH 20, 1961 // SENT A DELEGATION; TO THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO TRY AND PREVENT ESTABLISHMENT OF A SECOND ASPHALT PLANT ON STATE ROAD #419 02 ,PETITIONED FOR DIRECT DIALING TELEPHOWE SERVICE AND FOR COMPLETE METRO SERVICE BET:EEL SANFORD AND WINTER PARK. FOR•1ED A:-;D SUF,2ORTED THE FIRST BOYS BASEBALL TEAM IN NORTH ORLANDO, BEFORE LITTLE LEAGUE, ITH 62 BOYS-FOUR TEAMS. T, BEGA.': !; ORK ON TFE FIRST BASEBALL DIAY1O •,D HERE, FAIRFAX. AND FIRST STREET , OBTAINED ETU IPTE T FOR SOFTBALL AND T'-ARDEALL, HAD AREA GRADED AND (MAILED <II == FOR THE BACKSTOP. S, CPO'�SOWED A ' E.''2 K.BALL TEA . 6 , PLACED FILL DI__T BY THE '-US S S, _'�; F`OUi.DATIO�::S. '1 D =.,�i A� a AGRE DED TO TAKE THE UPKEEP OF .TEE BUS STOPS AS A PROJECT. BEGAN THE IEI AL LOLL TO DEVELOP THE RECREATION AREA, AND TO HAVE IT D ED.ED TC THE TOWN: BY THE NO. ORLANDO CO iPALY. P ASSISTED A GIRL SC 'U'' TROOP. 7. ASSISTED T%i:: FILE DETALT "E<:T ',:'ITI FUNDS. /G , 7-2,I,TTIONTI THE UTILITY CONPA2-Y FOL COl RECTI"-_. OF .,ATER PRESSURE, OR OF SEE AB�.)U'. ,-S<, S ALSO TO LA'" 0.. T_,- , A;D �`- SEE AN ADJ-.,�1%�'EI' `. I'; HIGH RATES. ENT ALL ERS FOR cut . /7, OBTAINED THE I!ASTERBUILDEI S SALES OFFICE FOR THE RECREATIO;•, AREA. HAD THE BUILD' O _ ,. .LACED Oh A GOOD FOUNDATION . HAD A CONCESSION STAND ADDED, A PATIO BUILT, AND N TH ROOS L:STALJED. HAD ELECTRICITY I ALT: C A .IA, AND FIFES Ai.D BLUED L u I STALLED CC A A. S. . 0 . . ._ A 2 AzA A . A ti . / 3 • ACTIVELY PETITIONED FOR THE ESTA LISri1•..::'NT OF POLICE PROTECTION . 1L/ 'COLLECTED "TOYS FOR TOTS" AT' CHSIST':AS. ASSISTED NEEDY FAMILIES P THE CO hE T'' Y '.,ITH FOOD BASKETS A- D GASH WHEN NEEDED AND NECESSARY. -/S, SPONSORED FILM SHOWINGS ON SUBJECTS OF CURAPI INTEREST. /6 - CI=O CORED SA.TA ¶ E CHILDREN AT CHRISTMAS, WITH ALL CHILDREN GIVEN FRUIT AND CANDY AND A SMALL TOY. 7/SPONSORED THE CHRISTMAS LIGHTING CONTEST. /' ASSISTED THE GARDEN CLUB WITH BEAUTIFICATION PROJECTS. / f CaV:- ITTEES TO ENCOURAGE PEOPLE TO RGISTER Al D VOTE, TAKING "" r]."1:E .;) e .1 . : A • . • A' A , • • • • . ITT 1 . OF A l'0T CAD A TI::71'0.F.ARY COST OF-1:1IC`I-] iiQLIDAYS 31() TOCCD C;OTEi1C TC STI CS, CARL TjlES k .D DAb.CES, k-D A SCUL,E DA, -2 6 ' 5UIICCTED Lil. k..1) AD A CULL CIT .1.::CARD I -.31.12L1,1.:D 201: . CC . FL CAiIC A 0'2 . 9. ICocCLD L . AI C CC . LLD A .LIJ • IC 10. . 1 . AL FL-. , -,..."C"WliC A D CALL C. Dear Heuer _ Vacati-n time is over and You. Civic , . ' :ciat ion has recon- vened ter emper ruaess . Sete Df t .e things we did tae past year may seem small :.l tnpugh h t we put work into '. Com,canity Christmas `Ar:; 2 . Children' s raster ih Hurt 3, north It ` ,y• , _.... for t Civic Building :l . Purchased a ,ire the he,.Cent's home. whi ah has d lrc .-d. h t=;i a - one the H 4sette 5 . Installed 1led levee edition::-.ns' =' xture_, in the Civic Building 5 . Znst.=.lied nar...cnent wata• 7 . Sponsored a Cancor o E1¼ i Little Teague 2. Ccntributec sup _ - Cle All natters re lacing to civic ir.prrveeseut are undeinterest n by this :.nsccIa'Lion and to further crcte the rcivic and ste the ;In, t + welfare reed y: ur ac participation. need ur active R,.nch '.anda de Y" D attune: the a«. imps' •.v'..1-i oh ... 1p .,•ir :: �.::avity y " � 5 ,1B54 at 8 .. click The tC . r,.;s n �•i1'. be held on Octab in the Civic Buiidi^. iCRSH ORLANDO CIVIC ASH)Cli,TZ_,