HomeMy WebLinkAboutFlood Protection-1998 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FLODD PROTECTION INFOFAATICN 1998 The City of Winter Springs is providing the following information to three Sr need flood hazard and flood insurance information. The City's involvement in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is also explained in this intonation letter. The City of Winter Springs is situated on the south shore of Lake Jesup, in Seminole County. Topography ranges from 76 feet above sea level, in the undulating terrain of the southeast part of the City, to three (3) or four (4) feet above sea level at the shore of Lake Jesup. Stormwater runoff makes its way to the several creeks in the City, which all drain into Lake Jesup and then into the St. Johns River. Sane stormwater percolates into the ground in retention ponds and swal es. Most shallow flooding and standing water conditions occur at times when the groundwater table is near the surface, which is during the rainy season or after many rain events. The 100-year flood plains in the City are located along the creeks, along the shores of lakes and in sane landlocked low spots. Being outside of a 100-year flood zone does not guarantee you will not experience flooding. FE]A records indicate 30 percent of their claims are outside of the 100-year flood zone. Toucan experience localized flooding, even in the higher elevations away fran the 100-year flood zone. Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) determination information: Flood maps and flood protection references are available at City Hall , 1126 E. SR-434, Winter Springs, FL 32708, in the City Engineer's office. This office has the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), and the responsibility to provide flood zone and associated information to those who make such requests. Verbal, over-the- telephone, information is provided at no cost. A written determination, signed by the City Engineer, is ten (10) dollars. Checks should be made payable to "The City of Winter Springs." The information may be obtained by calling 327-8397. YOU CAN ALSO REACH PENA DIRECTLY AT THEIR WEB SITE ADDRESS: WWW.F24A.GOV Floodproofinu: There are many ways to protect a building from flood damage. Information on methods for floodproofing, elevating and retrofitting of structures to achieve this protection is available in the City Engineer's office at City Hall. Flood Insurance: If you do not have flood insurance, talk to your insurance agent. Standard haneowner insurance policies do not cover damage from floods. Because the City participates in the NFIP, you can purchase a separate flood insurance policy. It takes 30 days before flood insurance goes into effect. This insurance is backed by the Federal Government and is available to everyone. Make sure you ask your insurance agent about coverage for the contents of your hare. A flood insurance policy just covers the house itself, but you can get additional coverage for the contents of your hate. The City participates in the Canon pity Rating System (CRS) program of the NFIP. The CRS awards points to communities that undertake flood damage mitigation and public awareness activities beyond the NFIP minima requirements. As a result, flood insurance policies in the City receive a five (5) percent discount in their premium. Additional efforts are being expended to increase this discount. Flood Warnirx: The City of Winter Springs is fortunate to have generally good drainage of surface waters to creeks that flow to Lake Jesup. We don't usually have creeks or lakes rising and flooding a hare. Nuisance flooding of sane roadways and yards have occurred during tropical storms, hurricanes and severe weather. Flooding from any source is possible and should not be ignored. Localized flooding is also possible with heavy rain and saturated soil. Television channels 2, 6, 9 and 13 along with most local radio stations are the best source of local severe weather, tropical storm or hurricane warnings. Seminole County has an Emergency Operations Center which disseminates information to the Cities for emergency response. The National Weather Service also has a continuous broadcast of weather conditions on radio frequency 162.475 Mhz. •stoop;no sJii26 /eooxeyo pue mono;s 6utdueo 'itemxim8e pazamod auiiose6 's/o;eiaua6 as 'mum ;sneyxa eptxotmw tmgie3 -supra pue ssei6 ta(ozq 6utpniaui 'stigep ggTm pazanoo eq Aeu 520013 pue ptxsoz6 ay'; 'poor; a za;ri •de;s noA ago;eq Kooq 'Aam wog; azeos pue zano sum man; o; Kai;s zo aiod e esti •sznoA uT 2a;tags spas Aalu 'saint! iteq; ;o ;no pep00i; 'sraunse Ira s 'sasteus Atretaadsa - sputum 20; g0;eM ;g6i'I 4 2aaod epuoi3 'QTOT-6t9 (Odd) uoi;ezodaon aemod eptpold :A £tsedino9A;'008n( 8A 3. o; seem zaMOd pataop } odag •za;eM {6n0ag3 Tanta; ueo ;tazmo te0u30ai3 'spo 03 u? 2aijp 2oCau a Jamie sT tni;n00z ale .Salim IeoTagoaia put gout/ aeMOC W01; AVM* Ae;B ;no paysmM eq Lai a6pizq zo peoz egg :Alum aeg;oue o6 pue ptnone man; '2aizzeq peo2 t aa;tmooua noA ;I 'pepooi; sae speoz tagM pew a ;0 tni;eooi ;aexa lug; 10 st 2a4P0 atl; daaP M01.1 IIa; 0; aigiSS0a0T tt ;i 'asta eiatpiLue ueg; 5220 ztaq; vi umoip ardoed anon seam pepo0i; a Romig; ant1p ;0u 0Q •aa;EM 6uipue;s ;o east um gSnozg; n/ea noA eao;eq alaq; st ptno26 egg ants eau a; MDT;B 10 aiod t ass •;ae; anoA ;;o noX spots( UE0 201eM 6utnaw Atpidea ;o Bayou/ x18 •gtogeep pool; ;o ammo sin aequnu egg sC 6utumoan '2a;es ouppoi; ytnolg; Igem ;ou Jaa 'Pa;eltluaA taaq seq ea2e ay; pue ;;o peuin; tsaeg seq se6 egg mom( noA swum gamer; /ado 20 'sane;uei 'seipuea eSn ao exam ;ou 0Q •ssleaj seb 10; ;iete ag Tapp pue }cede uasp; taaq ameg Aay; ssejun ;em ua;;o6 aney ;eq; slog= 20 saouetrdde asn ;ou 0a •papoc l; gem asnoq /MA ;i 'sung u ngea noA taym sand ivoi2;0aie ;;o van/ :Ageoeg poo/A City of Winter Springs 1126 E. SR-434 Bulk Rate Winter Spgs, FL 32708 U.S. Postage PAID MID FLORIDA,FL PERMIT 0076 1.Atu¢'NI ?0 N IU)(iFMON A Vii