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Site chosen for Goldenrod post office •
U.S. Postal Service officials have se- is zoned residential and the property -I
tested a site for a new post office in may need rezoning before the post of- I
Goldenrod at the northwest corner of flee can be built. The Postal Service
Citrus Street and Goldenrod Place. - . _ has an option to buy the property. �1
The site is about two blocks east Getting the necessary zoning ,-{
and one block north of the existing change,if any, will be the RI' responsibil-
ma Ave., east 0 of the property owner, said Pat
post office, 7409 Alo
Winter Park _. Ferrari of the Postal Service's real es l
tate office in Tampa It is across the street from a United Once any zoning questions are re-
• ' - Telephone building and vehicle corn- solved, the Postal Service will adver-
pound, and next to the entrance of a tise for a builder to buy the land and
small subdivision. Two small frame construct the building.The Postal Ser- .i
houses occupy the site_ - vice then will lease the structure from. -• I
The Postal Service began searching the owner, which is standard proce-
• for a new site in March because the dure for a post office building of this
community has outgrown the office size, said Max Cook,of the Postal Ser- \-
that has served the area since 1972. vice's office management branch in
Postal officials said the chosen site Tampa. - _ -
se-nted a letter to the council wd
in regards to his efforts in wn
trying to get the U.S. Postal foil
Service to give Winter ft
Springs a post office of its
"Realignment of the
delivery area which ea
encompasses the City of 'vl
Winter Springs was r�`1
accomplished to provide
proper delivery of mail to all
residents within the affected
area.The Z(P Code"32708"
was assigned to this -
realigned area,notjust to the
City of Winter Springs. and
the ZIP Code area was xg
. P^'-
designated as an area of t-''t
Casselberrv. Florida_ All
residents using this ZIP Code {
would therefore be required
to use.Casselberry as their
city of address. Mail
addressed to Winter Springs
could become undeliverable ;
because it is not a proper
address for mail'delivery.
We appreciate the fact that {p;_
many of the residents of the
City of Winter Springs desire
to be identified with that city
but it is necessary toexercise
controls over the use of
processing and delivery of i
mail"Excerpts from a letter -
to Senator Lawton Chiles
• from L.A. Bryant, Jr. 1,
- Postmaster.
One citizen remarked that 1,‘
he could not understand how
the postal department could
spend so much money on r
promoting the benefits of the
ZIP Code system that was to
speed the mail even when
cities were unreadable an the
addresses and now the post
office says they MUSTcontrol
the addressing of letters!
Councilman Arnold re-
POST OFFICE where are quested that the council and -
you? Why can't Winter citizens make a united effort '
Springs have a post office? to get a Post Office in Winter
Councilman- Arnold pre- Springs
WYinfer Springs wasn't sure what the resolution would
suff1ers from started The ZIP flap srted July 1, when
Y the post office consolidated the two
�,,] Z!Ps it was using in Winter Springs-
71.1" ro1.ie Maitland's and Ceaselberry's— into a -
third one intended to serve the Winter
} y Springs area.
identity crisis Winter Springs residents were over-
' joyed because they thought it meant.
Sy SCOTT'7 ABRAHAMtlS - one small step toward solving the
a u
- i s.,m, . m .,a.w. identity problem of the city, which is
WINTER SPRINGS — The federal served by three water and sewer corn-
government giveth and the federal panics and two telephone companies.
government taketh away. .
Sorry,said the post office. Officially,
A case in point: Does this city in the new ZIP area was designated as an
south central Seminole County have area of Cicselberry with delivery out
its own ZIP code or doesn't it? of the appreciate post office.
' "Yes" said the city council which "We appreciate [he fact that many -
governs the city where the U.S. Can- of the residents of the city of Winter
sus Bureau reports that some 10,104 Springs desire to ce identified to with
residents reside and use the mail, an that city but it is necessary to asses to I
increase of some 770 percent in popu controls over the use of addresses to
lation in 10 years_ - aid of the proper processing and deliv--
"Not officially," says the U.S. Postal ery of mail," Orlando Postmaster L.A.
- -Service, again and again and again,in- Bryant told Chiles in a letter Aug.20.
sisting that the ZIP code everyone is bir. (Robert) Kelly, the postmaster
Winter Springs is claiming for their to Casseiberry, is of Casselberry el his insis--
own is actually a Casselberry ZIP Lance in the use of Casselberry and i
code. - the ZIP code 32708 as the proper ad- 1
The dispute has received the attea- dress on all mailings sent by the real- I
tion of U.S. Sen. Lawton Chiles,who dents 122 the new 32108 area," Bryant
- told Winter Springs officials there's said. - -
not a whole lot he can do about the Perhaps, said one observer, Winter I
post office's stand. - Springs-resitlents who want their e
ZIP code should move to the Seminolnote-
That angered the city council so County hamlets of Geneva, Chuluora .
. much this week that it decided to or Lake Monroe. -
write an official resolution of They may be smaller than Winter
opposition. Springs, they may be isolated and
Deputy Mayor Wilfred Arnold, who they may not have some of the local '
complained to Chiles and suggested amenities, but they do have one thing
the resolution, said Wednesday he —their own ZIP code.
9 me hole sentnel.Friday.May 15.1981 ,S:
seminole to .
Post officeffinaliy replies to plea:
Yes •Winter Springs, you ' re official
WINTER SPRINGS —After years of trying, rest-1'
dents of this city finally can use Winter Springs as
their mailing address—and be correct.
That's the word from Casselberry Postmaster Rob-
. ert Kelly, who has received confirmation from the
postmaster general's office in Washington.- _The change-had to go through Orlando,Tampa;
Memphis and Washington before receiving approval
City officials began their most recent efforts to se-
cuie a Winter Springs mailing address shortly after
the city acquired a new ZIP code in July 1980.Before-
then, the city shared ZIP codes.with Maitland and
Casselberry, a split that caused a sort of identity cri-
sis among residents.. . -
- Though they may have lived in Winter Springs, in-
the eyes of the post office they had either a Maitland
mailing address, with a 32751 ZIP code, or a Cassel-- -
berry address,with a 32707 ZIP code
The situation was even more confusing insections
of the city, such as Tuscawilia, a sprawling 3,400- -
acre development where some residents are linked to
the Winter Park Telephone Co. and others are tied to
- -Southern Bell Telephone -
Building official Ray Bradshaw a 8s
_ said in the past he received -phone calls from Tuscawilla resi ' •
dents asking him where-they real- 8 �.. ,
ly lived because they were an !".'�
swenng to different cities for mail Z28 y and phone service: •
"I tell then, Ma'am, you live in 8. f:ii q> r•
Winter Springs. Put Winter 1 ,
Springs with the proper ZIP code §and your mail will come."'
City officials had hoped the Ray Bradshaw
changed ZIP code would mean
that Winter Springs, Ffa. 32708 could be used as a
legal mailing address.
But that wasn't the case; the postal tango just
• changed step.
The postal service created the new ZIP code by
realigning delivery areas, Kelly said. It kept the Cas-
selberry designation because the new area encom-
passed more than just the city of Winter Springs, he
But city officials wanted to be able to use Winter
Springs instead of Casselberry.
In September 1980 they adopted a resolution ob-
jectirg to the Orlando regional postmaster's required
• pairing of the new ZIP code with a Casselberry
A month before, Councilman Wilfred Arnold began
writing a series of letters to U.S. senators and repre-
sentatives concerning the mailing address.
• Though the responses arrived before the postmas-
ter's decision, they all were addressed to Winter
Springs, Fla. 32708.
Winter Springs gets
new postal station
By Kirsten Gallagher _-
WINTER SPRINGS — The city's new postal con-
tract station will be in the Winter Springs Profes-
sional Centre. It is scheduled to open by Nov. 1,
said a U.S. Postal Service representative.
Matthew Schuman has been awarded the contract
to operate the station from a card shop he is plan-
' ping to open at 156 State Road 434, between Moss
Road and North Fairfax Avenue, Charles Jacobsen,
retail sales manager for the postal service in Orlan-
do, said Wednesday.
Jacobsen said Schuman met all of the postal ser-
fvice's requirements, including securing a bond,
providing space in the shop for post office boxes and
adequate parking near the premises.
With the exception of offering special delivery
services and sending packages overseas, the con-
tract station provides the services of a full-scale post
After the proprietors of Big Q Printing on Edge-
mon Avenue did not renew their contract in July,
the postal service had no plans to locate a contract
station in the western part of the city.
I However, after protests from city officials and a
U.S. senator, the postal service began soliciting bids
to locate a station near the Moss Road and S.R.
1 434 intersection. It took more than two months to
review the applications.
The city's eastern portion is serviced by the con-
tract station in Yvonne's Card Shop in the Willa
Springs Village Shopping Center on Red Bug Lake
Road in unincorporated Seminole County.