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Winter Springs Town Center
With the first phase of its town center nearly complete, the City of t
Winter Springs continues to move forward with a range of projects -
to improve the quality of life for its residents and visitors. '
is appropriate that the Central Florida School, the center is doing brisk business, .
I GreeneWay passes so close to Winter thanks to its Publix anchor store and the
Springs, because green is the city's plethora of other popular center-based shops,
predominant color. businesses and restaurants,including Wendy's, gg
Whether you drive into town via S.R 434, Tijuana Flats and others. ., ., !r'*+
C.R 419 or Tuskawilla Road,you'll see stands Of Winter Springs'many projects and goals, :` '
of oak,pine and other greenery stretching into city government views none as more important -- - • .j
the distance,byproducts of smart,environmen- than the town's focal point.'The development ___ - --- .
tally sensitive planning. of the town center certainly will be our major _ -- _
The foliage-friendly City of Winter Springs focus,"says John F Bush,who served as mayor _ --
lies between Longwood and Oviedo,just north from 1993 to 1996 and was reelected in 2003 for V
of the southwestern shores of Lake Jesup.With a four-year term."Rather than providing incen-
a current population of about 32,000,another fives to businesses,we invested several million
13,000 or so souls are expected to call the city dollars in the center's infrastructure. Interest _
home within a decade. has been good, although some prospective ""-"" -,._. -•
The city's slogan, "Progress and Vision businesses are waiting to see what the town ,.� -— ��_
With a Home-Town Touch,"is being realized center's traffic (the number of people going in ELI \
through major projects such as the ongoing and out of the center)is going to be." 'stl i t. 'V ;
construction of the tony Town Center, the Bush says that quality tenants continue to `'►��% .., L + '
pedestrian-friendly Cross Seminole Trail invest in the town center."We're excited about "` =per' ;q,•?,_Na,_11
bridge and expansion of its award-winning an upscale white-tablecloth restaurant coming
Central Winds Park. in, and we expect it to increase traffic to the Road. It will have shops on the ground floor
Town Center. The eye-catching Town town center in much the same way that and apartments above. "This isn't an overnight
Center - imagined and realized in what is Carrabba's and Outback attract traffic on the project,"says Bush.'The town center's going to
known as a neotraditional style-is the city's other side of town." take three to five years to mature. So,as we get
growing activity hub. Located at the inter- In early May, the center's developer more tenants,the traffic increases and that gener-
section of S.R 434 and Tuskawilla Road and a unveiled plans for a new four-story building ates more interest from other businesses."
pencil's throw from Winter Springs High that will be built across the street on Tuskawilla Cross Seminole Trail continuation and
bridge construction. One of the county's most
lauded and visible achievements is its paved trails.
MAYOR JOHN F. BUSH Within a very few years,many of these disparate
trails will be linked to form a unified trail system.
Chief among these is the Cross Seminole Trail
ANNEXATION ABOUT CONTROL ,(CST), which currently runs about 3.25 miles
_.- from downtown Oviedo to a quarter of a mile or so
"My feeling about annexation is this: if - from S.R 434 in Winter Springs. Sometime this
you don't control the land next to you, fall,work is scheduled to wrap on the bridge that
then you can't control what happens will allow the CST to span busy S.R 434 and
there. So, it's better for a city to annex _ continue through the town center area and north-
land and then zone it according to the t eastward towards Sanford/Lake Mary. However,i.
way it thinks it should be used. Oviedo + there is some disagreement
Marketplace is a classic example. It and City of Winter Springs between the county
abuts Winter Springs. Tuskawilla resi n' Springs as to where the trail
i should run. "Right now the county is telling us
dents who live in that area did not want that it's too expensive to run the trail through the
the mall within our city.But there wasn't a wetlands, and they want to run it through the
thing we could do about it, and the resi- industrial park," explains Bush. `The city coin
dents held Winter Springs responsible. If mission is unhappy with that decision,and we're
that land had been in our city, there working to get that changed.Evidentially,it's not
wouldn't be a mall. It'd be residential." ! the trail that's the problem, it's the equipment
that's brought in to build the trail. However, my
view is that environmental protection laws are for
18 Advertisers'Direct Link:www.specedpub.corn SUCCESS IN SEMINOLE•June 2004
believe it would increase the general traffic into
the town center."
The commission is looking into constructing
deceleration lanes-which allow right-turning
traffic to use its own dedicated lane, thereby
r•` improving traffic flow-at two locations on S.R
;` 434."We had a study done by a consulting firm
to tell us where the greatest need for decelera-
tion lanes is.The two that are the most needed
are at the intersection of Hayes Road and S.R
434 and at Vistawilla by the Hess station on S.R
434.Bush says he's hoping the commission will
:7::-i ��\�\�\\\\\`, authorize the budget for at least one decelera
A�� ' \ bon lane construction in the coming year.
T' ' Construction would be covered by monies
generated through the one-cent gas tax. 1
' -_. John Bush provides some insight into why
—-- Winter Springs enjoys a first-rate reputation."I
,.~ - " •°. -- -- —— was at a Seminole County prayer breakfast a
i -• - - few months ago,sitting next to a banker from
r }t Orlando.The banker asked me,What are the
issues in Winter Springs'?And I couldn't come
.... „s---__- -.� up with anything. We really don't have any
serious problems."
_ In Summary.Bush says the way to make a
''"•51111111 city attractive to residents and businesses is to 1
�.__. provide quality police, fire protection, streets,
water and sewer-that,and keep taxes as low as
�.,..,. - ...� possible."We have the second lowest tax rate in
the county, and that's why people live here,"
the people of the state of Florida, and this isn't Springs had been selected as the site of the next says Bush. "The people who live in Winter
for homes or businesses...it's a trail. And it public library.Unfortunately,the county ran out Springs are educated, upper-income people...
would be a beautiful part of the trail right along of money,and the project was put on hold. The they understand and support the value of
the lake there.Visitors would see Florida as it was city is currently working towards putting a education. We also have a good commission
years ago,because it's pretty much untouched in referendum before the voters to create dedi- and work well together.I think the city manager
that area." cated funding for the library. 'We sorely need does a good job. The staff we have are very
Parks and recreation expansion. Two this,"says John Bush."and not only for us,but competent,very user friendly. Our parks have
years ago,the city's Parks and Recreation depart- the county as well. None of the Seminole won all kinds of awards. Our Fourth of July
ment completed a $3 million revamp of 11 County libraries are adequate for the amount fireworks display last year drew about 10,000
neighborhood parks totaling 255 acres.Some of of traffic they have. Having a public library spectators.On top of everything else,we have
the added amenities include athletic complexes, close to Winter Springs High School would the most beautiful baseball diamonds I've ever
an amphitheater, pavilions, playgrounds, nature be a great help to the students, because the seen in my life."
trails and, more recently, even a splash park. school library closes at 4 p.m., which forces For more information on the City of Winter
The city is continuing to work on an addition to kids who are doing research to go to public Springs,visit www.winterspringsfl.org
Central Winds Park that was the result of a voter libraries after hours. Another benefit is that I —by Mary Murky
referendum about three years ago.The addition
includes a just-opened (albeit temporary) dog w,
park within barking distance of the lake.Last year,
the city purchased an additional nine acres
adjacent to the park that runs all the way to Lake
Jesup, further expanding the park's boundaries. If schedules remain on track, later this
Work will continue throughout 2004 on various Year, pedestrians, in line skaters, cyclists .
Central Winds-based projects. Bush says that and other users of the Cross Seminole C
Trail(CST)can m look forward to beating the ' ' ��I �.
pending a nod from the commission,the city may t'
often heavy S.R. 434 traffic the easy way:
ultimately build a reclaimed water facility on the -
newly acquired parcel. going over it. The county expects to put
Wint:erSprings library. The city is working the finishing touches on Seminole's
aggressively with the county to locate a public newest trail bridge - a.ka. a "flyover -
sometime this fall. " -
rary in the town center.Based on the results of w ---�•.
a study the county did a few years ago, Winter
SUCCESS IN SEMINOLE•June 2004 Advertisers'Direct Link:www.specedpub.com 19
The City of Winter Springs continues to move forward with a range
of projects to improve the quality of life for its residents and visitors.
W inter Springs, conveniently center's appealing shop and office space.
tucked between the cities of Restaurant offerings range from sandwich
Longwood and Oviedo,is a fast shops to Italian and Chinese cuisine. Doctors'
growing city with small-town offices,salons,insurance offices and banks fill
appeal.The city's slogan,"Progress and Vision many of the other spaces while a Publix :'';.e.
with a Home-Town Touch",is realized through grocery anchors the center. •
its neotraditional Town Center,attractive parks "The superlative benefits of Dover Kohl and
and a strong sense of community. Partners intricate and complex design of the --�'`
Town Center Winter Springs Town Center Plan,recognized -
as one of the best new urbanism designs in the y--.
The new Town Center is still maturing but Country,will be readily apparent to residents, __
enjoying growth.This delightful center is the visitors,and critics of new urbanism projects," ,�
-......:1111■i■rr.i a,: `-
result of a vision shared by Winter Springs' says Bush.
citizens and officials—a vision of a traditional Although the Town Center is designed for -_ ....-41111111111111111-1111-ii I w
town centerpiece meeting the needs of the local dense, mixed-use, and intensive development, ,
populace while defining the true"heart"of the it is nothing like the"strip mall"developments 111111111 - -
city. seen in some other suburbs.A main street links "'` -
"Residents and visitors to the Town Center two "squares" and connected to these are
will work,shop,and play in 100,000 square feet mixed-use neighborhoods including office,
of new office and retail space, an expanded retail and residential space.Pedestrian and bike .
park system, and system of greenways and paths will lead into the heart of the Town
trails,"says Winter Springs Mayor John Bush. Center and equestrian/hiking trails will line the
"Residents will witness the unfolding of a new periphery. The trails will feature views of contains numerous playing fields for soccer,
four and five story skyline over what will clearly pristine wetland preserve areas. softball and baseball teams along with
become Downtown Winter Springs. New Parks and Recreation playgrounds,a nature trail,sand volleyball courts
restaurants and entertainment activities will and horseshoe pits.The park also offers a 10-acre
create a new urban nightlife unknown to the Another centerpiece of the city is the amphitheater, pavilions and concession stands. 1
city today." Central Winds Park,located along State Road More sporting fields, including football/lacrosse
Already, tenants are beginning to fill the 434. The award-winning, 72-acre complex fields are under construction and will eventually
expand the complex to 100 acres.
RONALD W. M cC L E M O R E meeting pointt for the a tires jewel
with thousands of sporting events each year,the
WINTER SPRINGS CITY MANAGER complex serves as a central location for special
events and holiday celebrations. Because it is
"Winter Springs demands financial con adjacent to Winter Springs High School,it is also
servation and accountability," says used by student teams for games and sports.
McLemore."The City has an A+bond rat- - Nine other parks add to the greenscape and
ing. is an annual recipient of the Award of recreational offerings in Winter Springs. Bear
Certification of Achievement for Excel- Creek Nature Trail,for example,is a popular spot
lence in Financial Reporting, and delivers _}
for weekend picnics with its nature trail and
excellence in all County Services with one 1 bridges. Several neighborhood parks provide- , Al of the lowest municipal tax rates in Central `' �'.}.4 !# more than the usual choice of activities.Torcaso
Florida." Park is outfitted with a fishing huig pier and a"splash"
McLemore says the city is truly becoming
pad where the young and young-at-heart can play
•ss•, amongst shooting fountains of water and Sam
known as one of the great addresses in Smith Memorial Park offers a large pavilion that is
Florida. "Everywhere I go people are - . perfect for family reunions.
acknowledging our superb quality of life I_ The incredible Cross Seminole Trail systen-
and the city's commitment to excellence in that will eventually link the entire county has it
all facets of city government." place in Winter Springs,as well,and constructic
is well underway on an attractive pedestri•
10 Advertisers'Direct Link:www.specedpub.com SUCCESS MAGAZINE•June 2005
j: a I /•,._ ?"•� offering an excellent golf course,tennis courts,
'I 1 ,i ,, I'. , new pool and elegant, i po gant clubhouse.
�I � ' .;.� �,��'� 1"; I ',I'� ' ‘'I 4', ` " Public Safety
�4 I , a k: Along with its many other attractions, the
,„,„.77,-= `1,i , Kl +n :t�31,�i a f/ �\} city of Winter Springs appeals I, ii1 tY prings a als to residents
because of its low taxes, quality water and
sewer service and top-notch police and fire
"The Winter Springs Police Department is a
State Accredited Law Enforcement Agency in
Florida. The city has completed all creden-
tialing for certifications as a Nationally
, ; � Associated Law enforcement agency and
expects national accreditation this year," says
-- Winter Springs City Manager Ron McLemore.
—-- ^-- _ . _ _- _ — The department has a strong community
e, Aj I •�, _ �., focus with an emphasis on working coopera-
tively with all citizens to preserve the peace,
enforce the law,reduce the perception of fear,
__ ` j ! and provide for a safe and caring environment.•
—_. ,r The Community Service Bureau,for example,
'` `_ has a high visibility in the community partici-
pating in special events and programs such as
G.RE.A.T., RAD., the Community Youth
Organization, and DARE. This bureau also
The-new Winter Springs Town Center handles coordinating interaction between the
brings shoppfn, dining and office space police department and our citizens though a
,-. together in aquaint, village like setting. Citizen Advisory Board.
. The mission of the fire department is
simple—"Be nice , Help people, Do good
bridge making travel by foot,bicycle or even on Neighborhoods things".The two fire stations are manned 24
horseback a viable transportation option. hours a day with fire fighters and paramedics.
The ever-active Parks and Recreation depart- Winter Springs'many excellent residential Each fire station has a fire engine and a trans-
ment adds to the sense of local community by neighborhoods are a testament to the city's port Rescue unit. In addition,Station 24 has a
featuring year-long special programs and popular focus on family and community.Developments Battalion Chief available 24 hours a day to
special events. Notable is the annual Scottish range from the well-established to new respond to alarms requiring a higher level of
Highland Games. For nearly 30 years, the construction and many properties can still be supervision. All members of the fire
community has gathered to enjoy games, enter- found at a reasonable price. Department are also state certified firefighters
tainment, athletics, piping and drumming Notable are the Tuscawilla-area neighbor- and state certified emergency medical techni-
competitions, Scottish Merchants, Clan Tents, hoods with thousands of acres of parks, bike clan's or paramedics and they respond to more
dancing and heritage foods. last year, an paths and trails. Many of these homes are set than 3,000 calls for help a year.
estimated crowd of 8,000 people visited the on mature,leafy lots surrounded by large oaks. For more information on the city of Winter
increasingly popular event. At the center is the Tuscawilla Country Club Springs,Arings,visit wwwwinterspringsfl.org.
Seminole County AWARD-WINNING PARK ` ' ,'"
ty is well-known for its excel- NOME or•
lent schools and the educational offerings in Central Winds Park, along State Road 0 "=
Winter Springs are no exception.Winter Springs 434 in Winter Springs, is a recreation .
High, Indian Trails Middle and Keeth and showpiece. The park contains numerous wrT > p
Rainbow Elementary are some of the best schools playing fields for soccer,softball and base
in the area.Winter Springs High School,which is ball teams along with playgrounds, a eP,,«<A �,««'«
relatively new,has a true campus-like atmosphere nature trail, sand volleyball courts and –
with an open student courtyard. Indian Trails horseshoe pits. _ - __ _ _ _
Middle School is one of the highest rated schools
in the area and Keeth and Rainbow Elementary Even more sporting fields are under con-
' Schools are known for their academic excellence. struction and will eventually expand the - - -
In addition,the four-year public University of complex to 100 acres.Also included in the
Central Florida and two-year Seminole park are pavilions,concession stands and
Community College are within easy driving an outdoor amphitheater.
distance of Winter Springs.
SUCCESS MAGAZINE•June 2005 Advertisers'Direct Link:www.specedpub.com 11
Balancing progress with a rich quality of life. v w
Winter Springs is a premier city in which and cultural opportunities. The.Town Center is ;t : ��
to raise a family and locate your next the result of a vision shared by Winter Springs' .�- : - -Elmki
business venture. Located along citizens and public officials-a vision of a tradi- , 1 I //I
the south shoreline of Lake Jesup in Seminole tional downtown meeting the needs of the local r!!°
County,Winter Springs is an up-scale,full-service t ,, `
populace while defining the true"heart"of 11
city of 34,000 residents that is actively diversi- the city. ? -
fying its tax base while maintaining its reputation It emphasizes traditional neighbor- -- - 1
for an extraordinary quality of life,exceptional, hood design for mixed-use development at a
award-winning public services and facilities and pedestrian scale-in sharp contrast to automo- `.. - - `
fiscal integrity bile-dependent,big box retail,strip shopping *-'r 1,.. ;f"�.
There is little wonder that Winter Springs is centers and isolated subdivisions. Numerous
rapidly becoming one of the best known residen- Town Center components have been built ''`t'
tial and business addresses in Florida. In 2007, and additional commercial,multi-family and --- 'N' -;
Winter Springs was rated the 31st best place to mixed use projects are in development review - ,. _-
live in the country by Money Magazine and was Condominium and mixed use buildings are �'
ranked the second best place to live in Florida. nearing completion,providing some of the first '4 P -'
The City's strategic location along US 17- residential units within the main core of the ,4S .4-#. ..' v?•
92,SR 417 and SR 434 provides quick access Town Center. A 160-unit luxury apartment devel
to the Orlando International Airport,Orlando opment is due to start construction in mid-2008 been continuously fostered by internationally
Sanford International Airport and Daytona offering additional options for residential living
Beach International wng in renowned neo-traditional development consul-
Airport. Other economic, the Town Center.Another 103-unit development, tants Dover Kohl and Partners. About one
educational,cultural and recreational assets currently under review,will offer a number of half of the available Town Center land is either
throughout central Florida are also easily acces- live-work units for professionals who desire to under construction or is undergoing develop-
sible. Downtown Orlando is 20 minutes away. work from a first floor office/studio below their ment review. For every dollar the city,county
Area attractions,including the Atlantic Ocean, living space. and state are
scenic waterways,nature preserves,Disney In addition,Blumberg Boulevard,a central Center development, o invest in the Town
World,Sea World,Universal Studios and Port vehicular and g private sector will
pedestrian corridor in the Town have invested$62. The Town Center is quickly
Canaveral cruise ships are less than an hour Center has been completed. This combined defining downtown Winter Springs.
away. St.Augustine and Tampa/St.Petersburg linear park and trail has attracted requests for The Greeneway Interchange District(GID),
are two hours away. weddings as well as being used for high school adjacent to the SR 417 Greeneway,minutes
class meetings.The boulevard is a great place from either the Orlando or Sanford airport,is
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT to meet,walk or just sit and enjoy. Phase One of
planned to become the premier employment
The continued development of the City's the West End Office Center has been completed center and regional business hub of the city.
Town Center is contributing to the diversifica- in the Town Center,offering almost 25,000 This area is planned to host hotels,convention
don of the city's tax base as well as creating square-feet of class A office space. centers,professional office parks,professional
employment,dining,entertainment,commercial From its inception,the Town Center has training centers,restaurants and educational
and research centers. There are an estimated
RONALD cL Ei1CaIR 240 developable acres within this district. The
GID(and Town Center)will provide not only
WINTER SPRINGS CITY MANAGER .jt'A employment,a quality residential environment
We are very proud that Money Magazine ranked
Winter Springs the second best city in Florida and
the 31st best city in the nation in which to live.This
1 . '144 , Itikl.•
ranking in conjunction with MSN Advisory Service's I ' k'44--.
number"1"ranking in previous years demonstrates V.y
the unique relationship our City enjoys with
our residents. " �a' ��
�1v r
Our residents'expectations for excellence in all _ = y '` t'_�
municipal services,financial accountability and an - \; ? • �.:
extraordinary quality of life is what drives us to be
one of the great addresses in Florida and the nation. Tk
Blumberg Boulevard
City of Winter Springs
` -' the Cross-Seminole Trail. Along with the trail-
*4 • + ! ! head,the park is planned to include four baseball
i ', '� a fields,four multi-purpose fields,an open playing
.. '' 3' Gc„ field and an equestrian area.
, ` �l ; The Cross-Seminole Trail,which will
�' eventually link the entire county,traverses the
`;�y, , .44-5r;.= City and the Town Center. It also provides a
large area of existing�C`� i,_ ;ry turg residential development
\ -_— _._-ti-__ with a multi-purpose trail to both the proposed
• Jetta Point Park and the existing Central Winds
i I ' -1 c Park. The trail accommodates hiking,bicycling,
I I , . tt ?' # ; jogging and horseback riding.
�f '' Ala ' 3
t ff 'r
, F f _ �+<� SCHOOLS
Seminole County Public Schools,and
particularly the schools within Winter Springs,
have an excellent reputation. Three of the four
elementary schools within the City received
an"A"rating in 2007. The one middle school,
Indian Trails Middle School,has maintained an
"A"rating since 2002.
Winter Springs'many excellent residential
neighborhoods are a testament to the City's
Winter Springs Town Center Multi-family Community focus on family and community. Developments
and cultural center,but will also serve as host range from the well established to new
baseball teams along with la construction. Notable are the Tuscawillla-area
to numerous civic,cultural and business related trail,sand volleyball courts and horseshoe pure peighbndhoads with large areas homes parks,bike
activities and meetings. The park also offers a 10-acre amphitheater, arehse on ample lots surround omen a this area
Phase One of the Vistawilla Office Center pavilions and concession stands. Because surrounded by large tryde
was completed in 2007 and represents almost of its location adjacent to the Winter Springs trees' fe the a championship the hip golf course,a Country
40,000 square-feet of Class A office space at the High School,it is also used by student eeaans Club offering a char ionlub
western P P golf c tennis
edge of the GID. In 2007,through a for games and sports. Several neighborhood courts,pool and elegant clubhouse.
cooperative effort with the University of Central parks provide more than the usual choice of `�O�with its many other attractions,the
Florida,Seminole County and the City,the UCF activities including a fishing because of Winter Springs appeals award-winning
ro w nni residents
Incubator was expanded to a location in the � Ivng Pier and a very because of it low taxes and award-wiruung
Incub tla was expanded pander. The goal of the UCF popular ar"splash"playground where the young municipal services and facilities.
Incubator Program t young-at-heart can play among shooting For more information on the City of Winter
gram is to serve as a business fountains
development program for new and growing of water. Springs,visit www.winters
businesses in the Seminole County/Winter Pringsfi.org.
Springs area. To meet the needs of our City's senior
citizens,the Winter Springs Senior Center West End Office Center
PUBLIC SAFETY underwent a major renovation and expansion
State and nationally accredited public safety heated with of a state-of-the-art
services receive top billing in Winter Springs, similar public facilities in Seminole County two • , ,Mks
The City's police,fire,emergency medical and
expansion was made possible with the help from I V V ' •
building safety services are coordinated to
deliver fast and efficient responses to all a Seminole County Community Development /f �` ..
types of Block Grant. The pool features a handicap ,
individual,family and community wide emergen- accessibility ramp and pool entry chair and
cies and situations. The Winter Springs Police accommodates up to 30 people at a time for
Department is a state and nationally accredited aquatic classes and swim times.The Senior
law enforcement agency. All members of the Center
Fire Department are state certified firefighters foot Greexpansion t om with includes a a billiard square
and state certified emergency medical techni- stage and a billiard game
clans or paramedics, room. The Senior Center offers a wide variety c �I (�
of senior programs,including recreational,social E E E E i 111,
PARKS AND RECREATION and adult education. j 1
The City contains 10 existing active ci In a cooperative effort with the City, +�
parks,the ty Seminole County is planning a 45 acre active
largest being the 103-acre award recreation facility,to be known as Jetta Point U
winning Central Winds Park. This park contains Park,at the southwest corner of the Greeneway 'i
numerous playing fields for soccer,softball and
and SR 434 at an important existing railhead to Vistawilla Office Center
inter Springs is a premier city in which tunities. The Town CELEBRATING
to raise a family and locate your next Center is the result
business venture. Located along the of a vision shared
south shoreline of Lake Jesup in Seminole County, by Winter Springs'
Winter Springs is an up scale,full service city of citizens and public "
approximately 35,000 residents that is actively officials — a vision
diversifying its tax base while maintaining its of a traditional town
reputation for an extraordinary quality of life, centerpiece meeting YEARS
exceptional, award winning public services and the needs of the
facilities, and fiscal integrity. There is little local populace while INCORPORATED 1959
wonder that Winter Springs is rapidly becoming defining the true
one of the best known residential and business "heart" of the city. It emphasizes traditional '
addresses in the State of Florida. �°"'�°""° "
neighborhood design for mixed use develop ��.
The city's strategic location along US 17-92, ment at a pedestrian scale—in sharp contrast
"Will 7/11411.71
SR 417 and SR 434 provides quick access to the to automobile-dependent, strip retail centers
Orlando International
Airport as well as Sanford and isolated subdivisions. Numerous Town
International Airport. Other economic, educa- Center components have been built while
tional,cultural and recreational assets throughout other commercial, multi-family and mixed use residences, its are built,condominiums, and
central Florida are also easily accessible. projects are "shovel ready." Phase II of apartment units are built, approved, or under
Downtown Orlando is 20 minutes away. Area the Town Center is planned to include two review for the Town Center. For every dollar
attractions, including the Atlantic Ocean, scenic multi-story parking garages surrounded by the city,county,and state are expected to invest
waterways, nature preserves,Disney World, Sea residential units,integrated both vertically and in the Town Center development, the private
World, Universal Studios and Port Canaveral horizontally with retail and office space. sector will have invested$62.
cruise ships are less than an hour away. Live-work units as well as accessory
dwelling units and "granny flats" a GREENEWAY
TOWN CENTER " u " provide The Greeneway Interchange District (GID),an The continued development of the Town Town Center. About one-half the within
either the to the SR 417 anford Greeneway,minutes from
Center is contributing to the diversification of able Town Center land is either built, under either the Orlando or Sanford airport,is planned
the city's formerly residential character and tax construction, or has development entitle- to become the premiere employment center
base as well as creating employment, dining, ments in various stages of approval. and regional business hub of the city. This area
entertainment,commercial and cultural oppor- Currently, approximately 2,100 single-family is planned to host hotels, convention centers,
professional office parks, professional training
centers and restaurants as well as educational
.. �+v.�� and research centers. There are an estimated
MAYOR OF WINTER SPRINGS 240 developable acres within this district. The
GID (and Town Center) will provide not only
This year Winter Springs celebrates its At. employment, a quality residential environment
50th birthday! We are very proud that gib and cultural center, but will also serve as host
Money Magazine has ranked Winter Springs ilk ►, to numerous civic,cultural and business related
the second best city in Florida and the 31st
activities and meetings.
best city in the nation in which to live. Our
city has award-winning services and we ; `continue to follow our vision for positive I
growth and opportunity.
P1'..Whether it's a morning bike ride or jog WINTER SPRINGS ,'
on the Cross Seminole Trail, the opportu •� ■ ....
nity to experience the unique culture of the
Scottish Highland Games, the privilege of ``
P g fireworks, or just sitting at a sidewalk table
honoring the men and women who have along Main Street in the Town Center
served in the armed forces by visiting enjoying ' 9 '
1 Y g your favorite meal with friends;
the Veteran's Memorial, the excitement we invite you to experience all that is �` 1 t LA
in a child's eyes watching the 4th of July Winter Springs. "
City of Winter Springs
r ,, -- — sion of a state-of-the-art heated indoor therapy
- � _ pool, one of only two similar public facilities Aid ii
in Seminole County. A wide variety of senior
Ik` ` programs are provided to the estimated 1,400
;¢ - members including recreational,social,and adult
' education activities and classes.
The Seminole County public schools and
''- particularly the schools within Winter Springs,
- �,. it,VJ
"' .. .- i.- {~ have an excellent reputation. Three of the four
,M 1.
elementary schools within the City received
''.-.. an "A"rating in 2008. The one middle school,
,;_; �..., � Indian Trails, also has an "A" rating for 2008.
` The school board,the county,and the cities have
recognized the necessity of providing adequate
... 1, 1. � school facilities in a timely manner at the appro-
ti,,; _ priate locations and have cooperated to ensure
` ° s ` _ coordinated land use decisions and public school
— facilities planning.
"��' ""�" f `` �"' "' Winter Springs' man excellent residential
t ^a r Y + many
'` r neighborhoods are a testament to the City's 1
- er Springs Town C Centel
focus on family and community. Developments
- range from the well-established to the newly
PUBLIC SAFETY Florida premier event. For more than 30 years, constructed. Notable are the Tuscawilla-area
Public Safety is a primary concern in the City the community has gathered at these games to neighborhoods with large areas of parks, bike
and one of the benchmarks of the City platform. enjoy not only the games but the entertainment, paths and trails. In addition, the Highlands
In addition to neighborhood and business athletics, piping and drumming competitions neighborhoods offer many housing types in a
patrols, the nationally accredited police depart- along with dancing and heritage foods. traditional planned development setting. Many
ment incorporates crime prevention, safety and Several neighborhood parks provide more than neighborhoods benefit from the City's efforts to
awareness programs and code enforcement to the usual choice of activities including a fishing maintain and enlarge the existing urban canopy of
maximize services to City residents. The Police pier and a "splash" pad where the young and trees. The City has been awarded the Tree City
Department enjoys a spirit of cooperation with young-at-heart can play amid cascading fountains USA designation for the past 20 years and also
the citizens in many different efforts, contrib- of water. Opening in May,2009 is another inter- won the coveted Sterling Communities Award in
uting to making the City one of the premier cities active splash playground in Trotwood Park 2008 for outstanding achievements in the urban
in Seminole County in which to live and play. The Town Center will include a series of forestry y program.
small parks,a wetland park and an amphitheater For more information on the City of Winter
PARKS AND RECREATION scheduled to break ground in late 2009. This Springs,visit wwwwinterspringsfl.org.
The city contains 10 existing active city parks,the amphitheater will provide not only an entertain-
largest being the 103-acre award winning Central ment venue but will also serve as the centerpiece R V.;' '" "
Winds Park.This park contains numerous playing of a small, family-oriented park abutting the '=T
fields for soccer,softball,and baseball teams along Cross Seminole Trail system. j*+��.'�
with playgrounds,a nature trail,sand softball courts In a cooperative effort with the city,Seminole i 410
and horseshoe pits. The park also offers a 10- County is planning a 45-acre active recreation - +r � ,..n »...
acre amphitheater,pavilions and concession stands. facility, to be known as Jetta Point Park, at the .s �' p'� �
Because of its location adjacent to the Winter southwest corner of the Greeneway and SR 434 _ •x
Springs High School, it is also used by student at an important existing trail head to the Cross
teams for games and sports. In 2006, Central Seminole Trail. Hometown Harvest celebration
Winds Park,located within the Town Center,along The Cross Seminole Trail,which will eventu-
the southern shore of Lake Jesup, was awarded ally link the entire county,traverses the city and 1 a+'
the Grand Award from the Professional Grounds the Town Center. It also provides a large area ,I
Management Society-its highest award. of existing residential development with a multi- 4111-
Central Winds Park is the site of a year- purpose trail to both the proposed Jetta Point
long schedule of special programs and events. Park and the existing Central Winds Park. The
Back for 2009 is the massive Fourth of July trail accommodates hiking, bicycling, jogging
Celebration attracting almost 25,000 attractive
' : 1 1 i 4
g people to a and horseback riding and features an attractive
day of family fun, live music and a spectacular bridge over SR 434 at the eastern boundary of ''ia.
fireworks display choreographed to music. The the Town Center.
weekend-long Scottish Highland Games with an The city's Senior Center has undergone a
estimated 15,000 in attendance is another Central major renovation and expansion,with the inclu-
A,.ly Ruk neighborhood
, ...... ,
THENr '`"�"
Balancing progress with a rich quality of life.
inter Springs is a premier city in which for diversification of the city's formerly
raise a family and locate your next residential character and tax base as well as :-,.
business venture. Located along creating employment, dining, entertainment,
the south shoreline of Lake Jesup in Seminole commercial and cultural opportunities. The
County, Winter Springs is an up scale, full Town Center is the result of a vision shared by I 1 I%II1tifl
service city of approximately 35,000 residents Winter Springs'citizens and public officials-a
that is actively diversifying its tax base while vision of a traditional town centerpiece meeting
maintaining its reputation for an extraordinary the needs of the local populace while defining
quality of life,exceptional,award winning public the true "heart" of the city. It emphasizes _
services and facilities,and fiscal integrity. There traditional neighborhood design for mixed use
is little wonder that Winter Springs is rapidly development at a pedestrian scale - in sharp trr
becoming one of the best known residential and contrast to auto-centric strip retail centers
business addresses in the State of Florida. and isolated subdivisions. Numerous Town _., rl-
The city's strategic location along US 17- Center components have been built while other - _ ��
92, SR 417 and SR 434 provides quick access commercial,multi-family and mixed use projects , = -111
to the Orlando International Airport as well as are"shovel ready". Phase II of the Town Center / a 1
Sanford International planned /> �►
Airport. Other economic, is lanned to include structured parking and = _ .�
educational, cultural and recreational assets a variety of commercial and residential uses 3 — '�� - 1
throughout central Florida are also easily integrated both vertically and horizontally. = ��k
accessible. Downtown Orlando is 20 minutes Live-work units as well as accessory dwelling *i -- _
away. Area attractions, including the Atlantic units and "granny flats" provide a wide variety '—
Ocean, scenic waterways, nature preserves, of housing choices within the Town Center. �����--�'
Disney World, Sea World, Universal Studios About one-third of the available Town Center Seminole Trail and including a stage, dressing
and Port Canaveral cruise ships are less than an land is either built, under construction, or has rooms,an d restrooms,is scheduled to begin in
hour away. development entitlements in various stages of late 2010.
TOWN CENTER approval. For every dollar the city, county, and state
Various parcels within the Town Center are are expected to invest in the Town Center
There continues to be interest in the in different stages of development or redesign. development, the private sector will have
Town Center despite the economic downturn. These parcels represent both commercial, invested$62.
New ownership and property managers are mercantile, and residential space and units.
proving effective in the current economy. Construction of Magnolia Park, an outdoor GREENWAY
The Town Center remains a primary catalyst amphitheater located alongside the Cross The Greenway Interchange District (GID),
adjacent to the SR 417 Greenway, minutes
from either the Orlando or Sanford
airport, is
planned to become the premiere employment
MAYOR OF WINTER SPRINGS center and regional business hub of the city.
Planning efforts are currently underway on this
Last year Winter Springs celebrated its + property.The goal of these efforts is to create an
50th birthday! We are proud that a city as integrated campus plan that incorporates
young as ours has been ranked by Money t ahotels,
convention centers, professional office facilities,
Magazine as the second best city in Florida
and the 31st best city in the nation in which professional training centers and restaurants as
well as educational and research centers. The
to live. Our city has award winning services GID will be linked to the Town Center with
and we continue to strive in following our various modes of transportation as options to
vision for quality growth and expanding the automobile. There are an estimated 240
opportunity. developable acres within this district. The
Whether it's a morning bike ride or jog 1 GID (and Town Center) will provide not only
on the Cross Seminole Trail,the opportunity employment,
to experience the unique culture of the just sitting P yment, a quality residential environment
q Blumberg Boulevard, or ust sittin at a and cultural center, but will also serve as host
Scottish Highland Games, the privilege of sidewalk table along Main Street in the to numerous civic,cultural and business related
remembering and honoring the men and Town Center enjoying your favorite meal activities and meetings.
women in the Armed Forces by visiting the with friends;we invite you to experience all
Veteran's Memorial, a stroll along beautiful that is Winter Springs. PUBLIC SAFETY
Public Safety is a primary concern in the
City of Winter Springs
`} � , .,� I',` r�s y�'%< , •, i - ` the Town Center.
� } j f , i The city's Senior Center has undergone
�',% �) „ 'V! i ? 'I i ' a major renovation and expansion, with the
(����4','.1,�;Jl.Ad),k�l�h.i;':; :' ;11i!�a�r -;i inclusion of a state-of-the-art heated indoor
I•.. therapy pool, one of only two similar public
facilities in Seminole County. A wide variety of
senior programs are provided to the estimated
1,400 members including recreational, social,
and adult education activities and classes.
The Seminole County public schools and
• particularly the schools within Winter Springs,
MM■ \V. \ have an excellent reputation. The school board,
• the county, and the cities have recognized the
necessity of providing adequate school facilities
® in a timely manner at the appropriate locations
,1'_ __ " :°>.,_ ".1-:1461.
' r and have cooperated to ensure coordinated
land use decisions and public school facilities
t .,;4,4a"- tom--- ._,...� _ planning.
_ - .° Winter Springs'
., r r = prings many excellent residential
neighborhoods are a testament to the City's
w' 5- _ - -- focus on family and community Developments
_ 11`:�� range from the well-established to the newly
_AlhoK-' , .,,..•�" constructed. Notable are the Tuscawilla-area
"^ �- neighborhoods with large areas of parks, bike
i�' ' �" paths and trails. In addition, the Highlands
� neighborhoods offer many housing types in a
traditional lane
development ed
P opment se ' Many
City and one of the benchmarks of the City day of family fun,live music and a spectacular neighborhoods benefit from the City's efforts
platform. In addition to neighborhood and fireworks display choreographed to music. The to maintain and enlarge the existing urban
P business patrols,the nationally accredited police weekend-long Scottish Highland Games with canopy of trees. The City has been awarded
department incorporates crime prevention, an estimated 15,000 in attendance is another the Tree City USA designation for the past 21
safety and awareness programs, and code Central Florida premier event. For more than years and continues to be designated a Sterling
enforcement to maximize services to City 30 years, the community has gathered at these Community for outstanding achievements in the
residents.The Police Department enjoys a spirit games to enjoy not only the games but the urban forestry program.
of cooperation with the citizens in many different entertainment,athletics, piping and drumming For more information on the City of Winter
efforts, contributing to making the City one of competitions along with dancing and heritage Springs,visit wwwwinterspringsfl.org.
the premier cities in Seminole County in which foods.
to live and play. Several neighborhood parks provide more
than the usual choice of activities including a
PARKS AND RECREATION fishing pier and a"splash"pad where the young
The city contains 10 existing active city and young-at-heart can play amid c iscading
parks, the largest being the 103-acre award fountains of water. Another interactive splash
winning Central Winds Park.This park contains playground opened in Trotwood Park in 2009. sat i,
numerous playing fields for soccer,softball,and The Town Center will include a series of 1 L-
baseball teams along with playgrounds,a nature small parks,a wetland park,and the Magnolia
r si
trail, sand softball courts and horseshoe pits. Park Amphitheater which is scheduled to break _ .,
The park also offers a 10-acre amphitheater, ground in late 2010. This amphitheater will
pavilions, and concession stands. Because :' '=
provide not only an entertainment venue but will
of its location adjacent to the Winter Springs also serve as the centerpiece of a small,family- -
High School, it is also used by student teams oriented park abutting the Cross Seminole Trail
for games and sports. In 2006,Central Winds system.
Park,located within the Town Center,along the
g The Cross Seminole Trail, which will
southern shore of lake Jesup,was awarded the eventually link the entire county,traverses the
Grand Award from the Professional Grounds
city andtheTown
Management Society �' Center.It also provides a large
ag ty—its highest award. area of existing residential development with a
Central Winds Park is the site of a year- multi-purpose trail to Central Winds Park.. The
long schedule of special programs and events. trail accommodates hiking, bicycling, jogging
Back for 2009 is the massive Fourth of July and horseback riding and features an attractive
Celebration attracting almost 25,000 people to a bridge over SR 434 at the eastern boundary of
Balancing progress with a rich quality of life. .---1,,,
F4ORIOP' `1 ,
inter Springs is a premier city in which ships are less than an hour away.raise a family and locate your next \
business venture. Located along the TOWN CENTER — _
south shoreline of Lake Jesup in Seminole Coun- There continues to be interest in the Win-
ty,Winter Springs is an upscale,full-service city ter Springs Town Center despite the economic
of approximately 35,000 residents that is actively downturn.New ownership and property manag- !ff
diversifying its tax base while maintaining its ers are proving effective in the current economy. j
reputation for an extraordinary p T''
Y quality of life, The Town Center remains a primary catalyst for –1
exceptional,award-winning public services and diversification of the city's formerly residential
facilities,and fiscal integrity.There is little won- character and tax base,as well as creating em-
der that Winter Springs is rapidly becoming one ployment, dining, entertainment, commercial
of the best known residential and business ad- and cultural opportunities.The Town Center is
dresses in the state of Florida.Recently,Money the result of a vision shared by Winter Springs'
Magazine named Winter Springs one of the top citizens and public officials–a vision of a tradi-
100 best places to live in America.The city also tional town centerpiece meeting the needs of the
received this distinction in 2007. local populace while defining the true"heart"of
The city's strategic location along U.S.High- the city.It emphasizes traditional neighborhood
way 17-92, State Road 417 and State Road 434 design for mixed use development at a pedestri-
provides quick access to the Orlando Interna- an scale–in sharp contrast to auto-centric strip
tional Airport as well as Orlando Sanford Inter- retail centers and isolated subdivisions.
national Airport. Other economic, educational, Numerous Town Center components have dwelling and"granny flats,"provide a wide
cultural and recreational assets throughout Cen- been built while other commercial,multi-family variety of housing choices within the Town Cen
tral Florida are also easily accessible.Downtown and mixed use projects are"shovel ready"Phase ter.About one-third of the available Town Center
Orlando is 20 minutes away.Area attractions,in- II of the Town Center is planned to include struc land is either built, under construction, or has
eluding the Atlantic Ocean, scenic waterways, hired parking and a variety of commercial and development entitlements in various stages of
nature preserves, Disney World, Sea World, residential uses integrated both vertically and approval.Updates to the Town Center code are
Universal Studios and Port Canaveral cruise horizontally.Live-work units,as well as accessory underway,with the goal of providing even more
options for Town Center development.Various
parcels within the Town Center are in different
MAYOR OF WINTER SPRINGS stages of development or redesign.These par-
MAYOR represent both commercial, mercantile,
and residential space and units.Construction of
On behalf of the Winter Springs City Com-
mission, I want to thank you for your inter-
est in our City. A young,vibrant community M�oliaPark,an outdooramphitheaterlocated
with a rich history, Winter Springs is one of alongside the Cross Seminole Trail and includ-
Florida's premiere destinations. These at- ing a stage, dressing rooms,and restrooms,is
tributes have been recognized as Winter also scheduled to begin.
Springs was recently named one of the For every dollar the city,county,and state are
Top 100 Best Places to Live in America the expected to invest in the Town Center develop-
Money Magazine. The City offers a top-tier ment,the private sector will have invested$62.
educational system and excellent quality
of life. Situated on Central Florida's new- 6REENWAy
est technology corridor, Seminole Way, our The Greenway Interchange District (GID), '
pro business community's growth will be adjacent to the S.R 417 Greenway, minutes by technology industry clusters and nutes '
collaborative relationships with educational of life. Whether it's a morning bike ride or from either the Orlando or Sanford airport, is
and research leaders. The continued de- jog on the Cross Seminole Trail, the oppor planned to become the premiere employment
velopment of our Town Center will provide tunity to experience the unique culture of center and regional business hub of the city.
Planning efforts are currently opportunities for entertainment, the Scottish Highland Games, shoppincurrently underway on this
retail options, and cultural activities right at that perfect painting to go over the fireplace Property.The goal of these efforts is to create an
the heart of our City. during the annual Festival of the Arts on integrated campus plan that incorporates hotels,
The City Commission has established beautiful Blumberg Boulevard,or just sitting convention centers,professional office facilities,
strategic objectives that guide us as we at an outside table in the Town Center en-
as training centers and restaurants,
strive to follow our vision for targeted growth joying your favorite meal with friends;I invite as well as educational and research centers.
opportunities coupled with a relaxed quality you to experience all that is Winter Springs. The GID linked to the Town Center with
various modes of transportation as options to the
City of Winter Springs
:( , multi-purpose trail to Central Winds Park.The
. *„.. , trail accommodates hiking, bicycling, jogging
yand horseback riding,and features an attractive
r , > bridge over S.R 434 at the eastern boundary of
the Town Center.
n., , The city's senior center has undergone a ma-
li, jor renovation and expansion,with the inclusion
of a state-of-the-art heated indoor therapy pool,
one of only two similar public facilities in Semi
nole County.A wide variety of senior programs
\ J, are provided to the estimated 1,400 members,
jilt, .. - a I �_' including recreational, social, and adult educa-
�I I I I i J d eP .1__i lion activities and classes.
_.._. �I ,.. i — �, -�,I , .I - !ii . _j, 1 SCHOOLS.The Seminole County public schools,and par-
ticularly the schools within Winter Springs,have
an excellent reputation.The school board, the
t` county, and the cities have recognized the ne-
cessity of providing adequate school facilities in
' a timely manner at the appropriate locations,and
have cooperated to ensure coordinated land use
decisions and public school facilities planning.
Winter Springs' many excellent residential
neighborhoods are a testament to the city's fo-
I, cus on family and community. Developments
automobile.There are an estimated 240 devel- within the Town Center, along the southern c coonga from the well eanstructed. Notable arre eblished to the newly
the Tuscawilla-area
opable acres within this district.The GID (and shore of lake Jesup, was awarded the Grand neighborhoods,with large areas of parks,bike
Town Center)will provide not only employment, Award from the Professional Grounds Manage- paths and trails. In addition, The Highlands
a quality residential environment and cultural ment Society—its highest award. neighborhoods offer many housing types in a
center,but will also serve as host to numerous Central Winds Park is the site of a yearlong traditionally planned development setting.
civic,cultural and business related activities and schedule of special tradiany neighborhoods pedal programs and events.Back Many neighborhoods benefit from the city's
for 2012 is the massive Fourth of July celebra- efforts to maintain and enlarge the existing ur-
tion,SAFETY lion, attracting almost 25,000 people to a day ban canopy of trees.The city has been awarded
Public SAFETY of family fun,live music and a spectacular fire- the Tree City USA designation for the past 22
safety is a primary concern in Winter works display choreographed to music. The years,and continues to be designated a Sterling
Springs,and is one of the benchmarks of the city weekend-long Scottish Highland Games, with Community for outstanding achievements in the
platform.In addition to neighborhood and busi- an estimated 15,000 in attendance, is another urban forestry program.
ness patrols,the nationally accredited police de- Central Florida premier event For more than For more information on the city of Winter
partment incorporates crime prevention,safety 30 years,the community has gathered at these Springs,visit wwwwinterspringsfl.org.
and awareness programs,and code enforcement games to enjoy not only the sport but the enter-
to maximize services to city residents.The Po- tainment,dancing,piping and drumming corn-
lice Department enjoys a spirit of cooperation petitions and heritage foods.
with citizens in many different efforts,contribut- Several neighborhood parks provide more
ing to making Winter Springs one of the premier than the usual choice of activities, including a _
cities in Seminole County in which to live and fishing pier and a"splash"pad where the young
and young-at-heart can play amid cascading
fountains of water. Another interactive splash i�
The city contains 10 existing playground opened in Trotwood Park in 2009. Cr' , ,. -! +;��I1 __
tuig active city parks, The Town Center will also include a series of G {�
the largest being the 103-acre award-winning small parks,a wetland park,and the Magnolia Winds Park.This park contains numer- Park Amphitheater.This amphitheater will pro
ous playing fields for soccer,softball,and base- vide not only an entertainment venue but will
1 ball teams, along with playgrounds, a nature also serve as the centerpiece of a small,family- %'
trail, sand softball courts and horseshoe pits. oriented park abutting the Cross Seminole Trail _ 1
The park also offers a 10-acre amphitheater, system.
pavilions,and concession stands.Because of its The Cross Seminole Trail, which will even-
adjacent to Winter Springs High School, tually link the entire county, traverses the city
it is also used by student teams for games and and the Town Center. It also provides a large
sports. In 2006, Central Winds Park, located area of existing residential development with a