HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015 03 30 City Commission Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 004 �,NTER S ~ * Ll V tq • Incorporated • / CITY COMMISSION MINUTES WORKSHOP MONDAY, MARCH 30, `1015 - 5:15 P.M. CITY HALL — COMMISSION CHAMBERS 1126 EAST STATE ROAD. 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA Mayor Charles Lacey Deputy Mayor Joanne M. Krebs - Seat Five Commissioner Jean Hovey - Seat One Commissioner Kevin Cannon - Seat Two Commissioner Pam Carroll - Seat Three Commissioner Cade Resnick - Seat Four CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP - MARCH 30, 2015 PAGE 2 OF 6 The Workshop of Monday, March 30, 2015 of the City Commission was called to Order by Mayor Charles Lacey at 5:16 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Mayor Charles Lacey, present Deputy Mayor Joanne M. Krebs, present Commissioner Jean Hovey, present Commissioner Kevin Cannon, present Commissioner Pam Carroll, present Commissioner Cade Resnick, present City Manager Kevin L. Smith, present City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, present City Clerk Andrea Lorenzo - Luaces, present A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC INPUT Mayor Lacey opened "Public Input ". No one spoke. Mayor Lacey closed "Public Input ". REGULAR AGENDA REGULAR. 600. Office Of The City Manager And Finance And Community Development Department REQUEST: The office of the City Manager and Community Development Department are requesting the City Commission receive a presentation from Staff on Citywide development activities, Town Center development and multi - family development criteria, and continuing economic development efforts. Mr. Randy Stevenson, ASLA, AICP, Director, Community Development Department began with an overview for the City Commission of some well -known businesses the City would like to have here and what traffic and demographics criteria such businesses require. Continuing, Mr. Stevenson spoke of building a community, taxes, previous developmental processes the City has gone through, the Town Center District Code, the Winter Springs Town Center, distance standards related to walkability, and Euclidian Zoning. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP — MARCH 30, 2015 PAGE 3 OF 6 Related to the land area in the Town Center, Mr. Stevenson stated that it was "Nine percent (9 %) of the land area of the City." Commissioner Kevin Cannon inquired further, "Is that developable land in the City..." Mr. Stevenson added, "...Total land." Commissioner Cannon then said, "So, it is probably a little higher than that when you take out the wetlands and the non - developable..." Mr. Stevenson responded, "...Could be and I can calculate that for you." With continued discussion on development, density, costs, Transect based Codes, and other communities, Mr. Stevenson pointed out, "As your Staff, we do constantly look at other places and how they are doing." Parking and parking garage costs were addressed next, and responding to comments by Commissioner Cannon, Mr. Stevenson noted, "I don't have that market study to show when it becomes viable to put a parking garage in. Those are some things that we'll be looking into obviously. Again, that is market driven." Discussion. Referencing the IBEW (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers) parcel and parking demands, Mr. Stevenson said they were trying to think ahead on such issues, to which Commissioner Cannon suggested Mr. Stevenson keep their concerns in mind for additional consideration. Parking options were further addressed and whether a Development Agreement was recorded with the land. City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese explained that when new developments were built, new Development Agreements were then layered over the original Development Agreement. Commissioner Cannon asked if perhaps some strategy could be considered going forward, to which Deputy Mayor Joanne M. Krebs agreed. Signage options and locations were next referred to and City Manager Kevin L. Smith said the City was not involved in this, except to let the Town Center handle it as should be the case. Mayor Lacey added, "The signage you are referring to really should be done by the property owners..." Mr. Stevenson stated, "...Exactly." Commissioner Pam Carroll suggested "We may have opportunities working with FDOT (Florida Department of Transportation) to be between the Town Center and State Road 417 - `Winter Springs Town Center this way - x number of miles', and coming from [U.S. Highway] 17192, Winter Springs Town Center'. So that people are alerted — it's a whole Town Center, it's not just the building I can see on the face of State Road 434..." Mr. Stevenson noted, "...That would be a part of our Wayfinding Signage program." Continuing, Commissioner Cannon hoped that the "beautiful curbside appeal" of the Winter Springs Town Center is maintained. Tape I /Side B Remarks followed on the Sign Code being more business friendly, signage restrictions, changes, and that the Winter Springs Town Center is a privately owned business. Deputy Mayor Krebs thought that there must be some kind of visual that is available to advertise businesses in the Town Center. Mr. Stevenson mentioned a visual that Staff is planning to bring to the City Commission for an Aesthetic Review and noted, "I would anticipate that coming back to you fairly shortly." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP --- MARCH 30, 2015 PAGE 4 OF 6 Mr. Stevenson pointed out that "What we're trying to do is to allow again, a place for static signage as well as incorporating the LED (Light - Emitting Diode) within the parameters that we set forth for electronic messages so that we can get more of a presence on (State Road) 434." Much discussion ensued on parking, Town Center standards, walkability in Florida and in other regions. Commissioner Cannon asked whether anyone in Central Florida had done a study of the real walkability in the area. Walkability was determined to be approximately a quarter mile in distance, and was further addressed, along with the success of the City's Dog .Park. Referring to a plan, Mr. Stevenson spoke of commercial districts and stated, "Sometime back, the Commission in an effort to spur some interest in the Town Center, decided to open up all the commercial districts to a Conditional Use for apartments or multi- family. I want to take that and re -do that and not allow that anymore and keep our commercial properties." It was clarified that multi- family included townhouses and condominiums. Furthermore, Mr. Stevenson explained, "Right now, multi- family is allowed as a Conditional Use in the `C -1', `C- 2', and 'C-3'. I want to do a Text Amendment that does not allow multi- family in commercial districts at all." Discussion followed on the Town Center environment, density, Report findings, parking and walkability. multi- family, policy considerations, and office space. Tape 2 /Side A Commissioner Carroll noted working with a Winter Springs Incubator business and thought that Winter Springs needs more office /retail space to help the tax base. Discussion followed that Winter Springs is a different community that other Seminole County cities, that we have the GreeneWay Interchange District (GID) and the City could possibly help with signage. Commissioner Cannon suggested that Mr. Stevenson check with his colleagues around the country to see if for daytime offices that are a mile and a half (1 1/2) to two (2) miles away, would there still be enough daytime traffic for our Town Center. Further comments ensued on the Waterford Lakes Town Center, Avalon Park, Baldwin Park and other communities, tax bills, that apartment complexes are some of the highest taxpaying entities in Winter Springs, and homesteaded properties. A chart showing revenues was displayed and discussion followed with Mr. Shawn Boyle, Director, Finance and Administrative Services. Next, Winter Springs and other Seminole County cities were addressed, and it was noted that Winter Springs was a different community than the others. Commissioner Cannon mentioned some growth he had noticed in neighboring cities and thought it was important that we review our Strategic Plan, consider ways to grow our City, and perhaps look into hiring an Economic Development Director or firm, to handle Economic Development. Discussion. Mr. Stevenson noted that we are improving our connection with area Economic Development organizations. Relationships with the University of Central Florida were mentioned, along with the University of Central Florida (UCF) Incubator. Tape 2 /Side B CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP - MARCH 30, 2015 PAGE 5 OF 6 Deputy Mayor Krebs further commented on apartments and potential revenues from residents living in apartments and hoped the proposed Pollack Shores project would have a different name. Discussion. Previous Workshops related to Visioning were discussed next and whether we should consider doing another such Visioning Workshop with residents and also businesses. Commissioner Cannon further commented that we should consider a Strategic Plan Workshop; and discussion followed on Economic Development initiatives, State Road 417, being prepared when an Economic Development opportunity does comes along, and that Mr. Stevenson works with Economic Development organizations and initiatives. Next, Commissioner Cade Resnick suggested that the progress we have made be considered. Building relationships was further addressed, along with the City's Strategic Plan. Deputy Mayor Krebs asked Commissioner Cannon if he thought another Workshop related to the City's Strategic Plan would be helpful, and Commissioner Cannon said he thought it should be done on an annual basis. Further comments followed on whether another such Workshop should be held, and Manager Smith addressed the previous Strategic Plan process and said if the City Commission wished to hold another Workshop, Staff would be glad to put this together for them, similar to what was done before. Commissioner Carroll commented on the Winter Springs Incubator and maintaining relationships with the businesses, and mentioned a pamphlet entitled "City of Winter Springs Economic Development Goals and Objectives" that a previous staff member had generated. Commissioner Carroll offered to provide the pamphlet to the City Manager or the City Clerk to be shared with the Mayor and other Commissioners. Remarks followed on what Commissioner Cannon had in mind, along with what other Commissioners thought, and whether these suggestions could be put together in a document. Comments followed on SeminoleWay and demographics that need to be updated. With further discussion, Commissioner Jean Hovey agreed that it would be helpful if Commissioner Cannon could share his ideas and Commissioner Cannon hoped the others would do the same. In concluding the discussion on this Agenda Item, remarks followed on businesses and quality of life. PUBLIC INPUT Mayor Lacey opened "Public Input ". Mr. Chris Bettinger, 716 Fanning Drive, Winter Springs, Florida: mentioned he was representing the Winter Springs Village Homeowner's Association, and noted that some of the residents of Winter Springs Village had sent their concerns in to Mr. Stevenson. Mr. Bettinnger thought this Workshop would have been more helpful if it had been held before the proposed Pollack Shores project was Voted on; and noted their major suggestions for the proposed Pollack Shores project included continuity of design, integrity of Tuskawilla Road, traffic patterns, and landscape buffers. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION 'WORKSHOP — MARCH 30, 2015 PAGE 6 OF 6 Speaking from a personal standpoint, Mr. Bettinger commented on apartments and that he thought balance was very important as well as work/leisure aspects, that business development is being looked at differently in recent years, and suggested the City might want to consider putting in some seed money to assist with advertising. A4a' yor Lacey closed "Public Input ". ADJOURNMENT Mayor Lacey adjourned the Workshop at 8:19 p.m. RESPECTFULL Y SUBMITTED: .ANb- A LORENZO -LU ACES, MMC CITY CLERK APPR.0 VED: VA NOTE: These Minutes were Approved at the April 27, 2015 City Commission Regular Meeting.