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Reelect SWOP
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Is A
Winter springs
Great Place To Live .
Let's Keep It That
For Further Information, Or If You'd Like To Help Out, You Can Contact
Mayor John F. Bush
21 Tarpon Circle
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Phone: (407) 365-8101
` Fax: (407) 977-7921
E-mail: MayorWSpg @aol.com
Pd. Pol Ad by the Campaign of John F. Bush
Mayor Bush Is Upbeat As Winter
Springs P For The Future
According to Mayor Bush, the 434 Visioning Project
already underway is critical to how Winter Springs will look
in the future. He encourages residents to become more in-
A' volved and share their ideas regarding this and other city
projects. "Together,we can lay the groundwork that will take
Winter Springs into the 21st Century. I believe that we have
made a great start.
--► "I also believe city government should concentrate on
its major purposes of providing police and fire protection,
Mayor John F. Bush and his wife:Kay. Winter me r Springs i s o n th e
ver g e of
by Linda Humphrey
John F. Bush, the Mayor of Winter Springs, says he .
wants another three years to continue his good track record. good roads, good drinking water, storm water management,
And he is going door-to-door to ask voters to give him that economic development, and a parks and recreation depart-
opportunity. ment As Mayor, I am pleased to see our city taking an ac-
"I've been walking the precincts and so far I've tive role in providing opportunities for parents, grandpar-
knocked on more than 1,000 doors. The response has been ents, and children. Without everyone's active participation,
good. People usually say it is nice to finally put a face with our city is no more than just another spot on the Florida road
the name," Bush said. map," he said.
The Mayor is working diligently to make residents Mayor Bush believes active participation in a corn-
aware of his accomplishments in office as well as his plat- munity is necessary for citizens and elected officials alike.
form for the next term.
He serves as chair of the Missing Children's Center Board
Under Mayor Bush's leadership, the city has lowered of Directors, is a member of the Safehouse of Seminole, and
the millage tax rate for three consecutive years, hired a pro- the Winter Springs Rotary Club.
fessional city manager, begun providing emergency medical Employed as the Registrar of the University of Cen-
transport through the fire department, and privatized some tral Florida, Mayor Bush has also been recognized for his
city functions. outstanding service in his professional arena. He holds a Doc-
In other areas, Mayor Bush initiated the Senior tor of Philosophy Degree in Counseling and Psychological
Citizens Award, which recognizes outstanding seniors who Services, and a Master of Science Degree in Mathematics
from Indiana State University. He is married to Kay Bush,
who is assistant principal at Lyman High School. They have
Together, we can lay the lived in Winter Springs 14 years and have five children and
two grandchildren.
groundwork that will take Mayor Bush is predicting that 8,000 of 14,000 regis-
tered voters in Winter Springs will decide in November who
Winter Springs into the 21st will serve the city. He encourages everyone to show up at
the polls and take part in the important process of choosing
Century." our city's leaders.
"Winter Springs is on the verge of greatness. We have
before us a great many opportunities to develop a place to
have contributed to the city through volunteer service. He live that will be the envy of all of Central Florida. The chal-
has also taken an active role on the Commerce and Industry lenge for me as Mayor is to understand the people's wishes
Development Board. His America Online and Microsoft and then provide the leadership to address these goals," he
Network Internet communications have been recognized by explained.
the Orlando Sentinel and others as a unique and innovative Having served only three years in public service,
method of keeping more citizens informed about city gov- Mayor Bush recalls the reasons for entering the sometimes
ernment. volatile area of city government. "It was a way to do some-
When asked about his goals for the next three years, thing positive. I like being able to help address the concerns
Mayor Bush responded, "I would like to see us aggressively of citizens and getting their problems solved. I don't play
pursue the Rails to Trails Bike Path Program, enhance Cen- golf—except for fund-raisers—so working on city business
tral Winds Park, and sponsor an annual Fourth of July event. is how I spend my spare time. I went into public service
I believe that we can do all of these things and keep our because I wanted to have a positive impact on this terrific
taxes low and our growth under control." city....I think I have."
Mayor Bush's First Here 's What Your
Term Resulted
Neighbors SayAbout
n. . .
Mayor Bush:
A More Efficient and Cost Effective
Emergency Medical Transport System Phil Kulbes, Former Winter Springs Mayor:
Provided by Our Own Fire Department "John is the most qualified person to continue the
work he has started. I like what he has done with the city
• Lower Property Taxes for Three Con- so far. He uses innovative ideas to get things done—some
of which I ad-
secutive Years vocated such
as building a s
• Continued Personal Involvement with community "±
Civic Organizations such as Winter swimming �o
pool, more 4', ~ : _ &:.7 -
Springs Rotary, Missing Children's small parks, a
Center, and the Safehouse of Seminole place for little
County league
practice...he ''s " ,, I
the one to get
• Straightforward Communications with these things Current Winter Springs Mayor John Bush with
Citizens on the Internet and as a Guest a c c o m -
former Mayors John Torcasa and Phil Kulhes
Editorialist in The Orlando Sentinel and plished.
The Winter Springs News Gladys Zahand, President, Winter Springs Senior Cen-
"Mayor Bush is a warm,friendly person. He has a
lot of things going for him. I trust him. When he says some-
thing he means it. He looks for the good in everybody. I
In Mayor Bush s hope he wins. "
Second Term, He Dr. Craig Culbreth, Pastor, First Baptist Church of Win-
ter Springs:
Wi " F o c u S On . . . "Mayor Bush has represented our city well. We need
to make sure he is reelected so he can continue to lead
our city in the right direction. "
Jan Romano, Oak Forest resident and Little League
• Continuing His Unwavering Support
"I appreciate what he 's done for our children such
For Safe Neighborhoods as the dugouts in Central Winds Park. He 's one of the few
elected officials that you see often at the park. He sup-
• Aggressively Pursuing the Development ports our young people and looks out for their Interest. "
of Trails and Bikeways Program Bernie Brown, Tuscawilla resident:
"Even though we don 'always agree, I'm convinced
• Expanding the Community and Recre- he has the long term goals of the community at heart. He
ational Facilities of Central Winds Park will listen and can put together a complete plan for the
community. He has a vision. He's a balancer when it comes
to the commission. "
• Inaugurating an Annual Fourth of July
Celebration for the Entire City Marty Trencher, former City Commissioner:
"John took on a challenging position as mayor dur-
ing a real period of growth and transition. He has met
• Thoughtful and Conservative "Leader- those challenges, and has been up to the task. He has
ship That Listens" proven to he an excellent leader "
Jean Hovey, West Side resident:
• Controlled Growth of Business and "John cares about all residents and businesses in
Population Winter Springs and he is a nice family man. During his
first term as mayor, he 's worked for the good of the entire
city—and he 's worked hard. "
I ,
These Civic
Have EndorsHave Endorsed Mayor
Bush Reelection:
Gladys Zahand Hon. John Mica
President Winter Springs Senior Center U.S. House of Representatives
Leanne Grove Jean Hovey
Former Winter Springs Mayor Lyman High School PTA
John Govoruhk Phil Kulbes
Former Winter Springs City Manager Former Winter Springs Mayor
Dr. Craig Culbreth Marty Trencher
Pastor, First Baptist Church of Winter Former Winter Springs City Commis-
Springs sioner
John Torcaso John and Joan Baker
Former Winter Springs Mayor and City Winter Springs Historical Society
ssBut the endorsement
want mosmost is .
• l OP 4 .
Reelection on Nov. 5th
Winter Springs Is A
Great Place To Live.
f 7.
Let's Keep It That Way.
Reelect Mayor John F. Bush
Paid Political Advertisement by the Campaign of John F.Bush
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These community leaders
endorse Mayor Bush:
Gladys Zahand Jean Hovey
President Winter Springs Lyman High School PTA
Senior Center
Joan Thompson
Leanne Grove Director, Missing
Former Winter Springs Children's Center
Phil Kulbes
John Govoruhk Former Winter Springs
Former Winter Springs Mayor
City Manager
Marty Trencher
David McLeod Former Winter Springs
Winter Springs City City Commissioner
Pat Warren
John Torcaso Seminole County
Former Winter Springs
Mayor and City
Commissioner John and Joan
Hon. John Mica Winter Springs
U.S. House of Historical Society
But the endorsement we
want most is . YOURS!
Support Mayor Bush for
Reelection on Nov. 5th